The Gnoll's Pet - Chapter 5

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#5 of The Gnoll's Pet

DISCLAIMER - This work of fiction contains non-consensual and abusive scenarios. I do not endorse such things in real life in any way, shape or form. If this kind of content triggers you, this is not the story for you. There will also be much bondage and paw-related content in later chapters.

Artwork is by Adraes

Originally posted to FA as Chapter 6 on May 23, 2021 and Chapter 7 on November 11 2021, I've done a fair amount of editing and combined these two chapters as the original chapter 6 felt short to me.

Hack is, predictably, in trouble - but how much?

Hack frantically scrubbed at the bedsheets with the washboard. His paws were covered with soap and the water all over his fur felt very uncomfortable. Dammit, why didn't I set an alarm? _H_e whined to himself as he squeezed it clean then tossed it haphazardly over a line to dry. He'd spent too much time designing a water processing center based on what the sensors on his terminal deck had detected and knew Gerra would be angry when she got back. He sniffed, ears twitching as he noticed a burning smell, "oh shit!" He rushed into the kitchen area, nearly smashing into the stove as he covered his paws, pulling the roast out. Fortunately it was only slightly blackened, causing him to sigh in relief as he sat it on the table.

"I asked ya to clean up, pet, not make a mess."

Hack yipped in surprise as the turned around to find Gerra glaring over him. "Ahh, I-I'm sorry mistress, I got distracted and-" he stammered as she leaned forward, teeth bared. "Distracted. By. What!?!" She demanded as the folf shrunk back with his tail between his legs. "I... I w-was trying to design an improved water system like we - aaack!" He stammered, before she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck dragging him off to the bed.

"I TOLD YA TO CLEAN THE SHEETS AND HAVE EVERYTHING READY BEFORE I GOT HOME!!!" She yelled, practically at the top of her lungs as she tossed him down on the bed, starting to get rope before noticing the terminal deck sitting out. Hack's breath caught in his throat as she dropped him on the pillows unceremoniously. It felt like his heart was about to jump up his throat and out his maw as he turned to watch her walk over to the table where his most prized possession sat. "Oh, so that's what ya were using." He winced as she picked it up, then sighed in relief as she put it back in another drawer, which she locked with what looked like a thin, ancient style of metal key.

"No more distractions now, we'll talk about yer hobbies later, boy!" She growled as she stomped back over to him, and immediately began tightly binding his ankles crossed together, then his wrists behind his back and to the ankles in a hogtied position. "Ya did prepare a meal and were not being outright defiant, I'll be gentle... this time."

He whimpered and whined at the uncomfortable position, made worse as she carried him by the bindings to the table, then shoved him under it. What is she going to do to me? He whined softly to himself from under the table, his ears hearing her walking into the kitchen and getting the food.

"Looks downright pitiful," he heard her growl, "but edible enough. I'll have ta have one of the other males teach ya how to cook properly." He opened his mouth to say something in response ... only to find her footpaw pressed against his maw. "No, no licking!" she snarled slightly, giving his nose a rough shove, but not enough to hurt him. "Ya have to earn that."

For several minutes Hack laid there, his joints already a combination aching and numb from the restraints, whimpering as he listened to Gerra munch on the food and grumble under her breath. Suddenly he noticed she was holding a fork under the table, with a half nibbled sliver of meat on it. "I'm not gonna wait furever pet, eat or I'll assume ya ain't hungry!"

He blushed but let instinct take over, taking the morsel off the fork with his teeth and munching it. Ack, tough and rubbery, no wonder she's still grumbling, he whimpered to himself, then noticed she has another held out, with fresh teeth marks in it.

"That's right, yer cooking sucks, whelp. Ya get the worst of it fer being cute with me... but I'm not about ta let a pet starve." The next bite was so full of gristle he coughed and gagged as he swallowed it down, not even noticing as the Gnoll took a small, chipped bowl and filled it with water, only noticing as it was almost dropped in front of him, splashing his muzzle. "Don't ya dare choke ta death on me."

He greedily lapped at the water bowl, sputtering a bit more. "I'm sorry" he panted, "I'll do better... mmfh!" His eyes went wide as she shoved another bite into his maw mid speech.

"Not even Gnolls talk with full mouths, most of the time, what would yer momma think?"

He sat there stunned with the meat in his maw at that last remark. "I... never knew mine." he finally whimpered in response after swallowing, even though he soon realized she was trying to shut him up before. He braced for a strike, another particularly hard to eat bite of food, a demeaning remark, or something else unpleasant... but nothing came for what felt like a near eternity.

Eventually, he felt one of her paw-hands stroking his muzzle gently, callused as her pads were it was very pleasant. "No one should ever lose their mother." She spoke softly and haltingly as she gave him another slice, but this one was more tender, and one she'd not tried to munch on herself. "Much less never know 'em. No wonder yer so weak... who raised ya?"

The folf shivered at that question. Why is she suddenly interested in that?

"Answer. Me." She growled slightly after a minute had passed.

"I-it was my adoptive father," he blurted out, "an older Yotan, but... why do you even care, uh, mistress?"

She sighed, giving him another nice bite to eat and more soft strokes to his face. "If yer good, I'll tell ya later, 'k pet?"

Some time later...

The ropes came free effortlessly as Gerra untied Hack, giving his arms and legs a bit of a massage as the folf stretched. "Ya were raised much differently than Gnolls it seems;" she noted with a sigh, giving him a nuzzle as she led him to the bed, "which is a big problem fer us."

He blinked in response, looking up at her with confusion. "I... ok, I get that your culture is different but... why is that a problem exactly?"

Gerra rolled her eyes with a groan. "'Why is that a problem exactly,_ mistress _ ?' is the correct response... fer one," she held a claw tipped finger in front of his nose, then put up another. "two - males don't speak until spoken to, three..." at this she put up a third finger, poking him in the nose; "yer lookin' right in my eyes, pet. Acceptable with me in private, as yer mine, not acceptable in public or with anyone else!"

Dear Maker, he thought, barely keeping from groaning and rolling his eyes, s_he's serious; they clearly think of males as second class! How the fuck am I going to survive this long term?!?_

Gerra seemed to notice the fear in his body language, he had unknowingly began to tremble a bit, but she gave him a reassuring stroke between his ears and a smile that seemed genuine. "Don't worry boy, short term if ya have to leave the room I'll use a blindfold and a gag so ya can't misbehave. But... I'm going ta have ta train you I see. Fer starters... no eye contact. In fact, keep yer gaze well below that. If you can see above a Gnoll's breasts yer lookin' too high."

This felt almost absurd to Hack, especially since Yotan a** lways**made eye contact with whomever they were interacting with; anything less was, he had been taught, very rude. "Mistress, how will anyone know I'm paying attention, much less taking them seriously?" He finally asked, hoping this would not irritate her.

She looked at him as if he'd asked her why water was wet. "If this is yer idea of humor, don't bother telling me jokes... wait, yer serious? By the goddess..." She let out a deep, annoyed groan, shaking her head. "That behavior will get the crap beat out of ya by any Gnoll other than me, it's seen as disrespectful and a challenge ta authority. And around here, females always have authority."

"I..." Hack gulped in response after a few moments, "I'll try mistress, thank you for being understanding."

She chuckled, nuzzling him under her maw and over her breasts. "And thank you fer recognizing my authority and generosity. Now then, since ya have learned yer lesson... how shall I play with ya tonight?"

He froze, looking up at her like frightened prey, in spite of the excitement that made his tail wag without thinking. "You-you'll let me choose what I want, Mistress?"

Gerra snorted at that, barely keeping laughter out of her response. "No pet, I'll let ya suggest what you'd like, maybe I'll give it to ya if it sounds good ta me."

His eyes darted around nervously, "Uhhh, I... I'd l-like to lick your paws again, mistress."

Next thing he knew she'd pulled back, and a rough paw-pad was being forced to his nose. "Oh that was gonna happen regardless of what ya suggested~" she chuckled, wiggling the toes in front of him, "but before ya start, what shall we do after ya finish yer 'dessert'?"

The folf whimpered a bit, but started relaxing, sniffing deep, "I... uh... honestly, I don't know what I want mistress. This is all very new to me." Hack shivered, worrying he may have just made her angry, but she just smiled down gently, rubbing her pads against his nose.

"Then I'll train ya to enjoy and please me. Keep licking 'til I say ta stop, I expect ya to polish them well enough ta see yer own reflection!"

Hack blushed deeply as he began to lick, a little gingerly at first but before he knew it he was enthusiastically slurping. She laughed in response, spreading her toes wide.

"Aww, yer too cute, little pet; and very eager. Don't think I've seen one so eager as ya either, my prize."

He just kept going, barely registering the praise as he lapped between her toes.

"Ahahah! Hey!" She grabbed his scruff, holding him up. Even though it was a gentle grab, he froze, giving her a confused look. "Yer overdoing it, pet. I said clean 'em, not try and overwhelm me with tongue tickles. Go slower, savor it."

He nodded with a gulp as she sat him back down, pushing her other paw to his face. He could see her first was shimmering with his spit... before she moved it, pressing it against his sheath, eliciting a gasp as he forced himself to slowly lap at the new paw.

"Mmm, that's better, boy." She huffed, her slicked paw rubbing against his quickly hardening tip. "Yer doing very well, but I wonder... how well will ya handle what I've got planned next?"

Hack tried to just focus on the task at hand, but her words gave him mixed and unexpected feelings. She kidnapped me, took my virginity forcefully and now is making me perform more and more demeaning tasks but... I'm enjoying all of it? And I feel like she really cares about my well-being? How am I ever going to explain this to Sandra?

"Hey, I know there's a thick callus there but shouldn't ya be working my entire paw?" Asked Gerra, the mild annoyance in her voice snapping him back to reality, licking around a bit more before she withdrew it entirely. "What's on yer mind, pet?"

"I-I don't know how to explain it." Hack whined, his ears lowered as he shifted away slightly.

"Come here pet." She ordered, pointing at her lap, though there was a tenderness in her voice. He shivered, before hesitantly moving over, sitting in her lap somewhat rigidly.

"Yer thinking of Sandra again, aren't ya?" She asked, giving him soft strokes down his sides.

"Y-yes..." He admitted, feeling even more ashamed for a reason he couldn't figure out.

"Relax, pet. It doesn't bother me at all..." he gasped as she groped his half-hard shaft, and she spoke once more, "mostly 'cause yer mine now and that isn't going ta change. Tell ya what, if she ever winds up here, I'll make sure ta take her as my pet, so ya can be together."

"Sh-she'd absolutely hate that," whimpered Hack, imagining just how hard Sandra would fight back at all of this, "one of the instructors who got a bit too flirty with her wound up in Medical for almost a month, and well..." he gulped as he remembered what happened to the partner he'd swapped with during the training he'd mentioned before when roles were reversed; "remember how I said she swapped partners during training? Well, she also took the role of the one being interrogated next. Didn't take her long to get free and give him a kick in his jewels that required reconstructive surgery."

"She even sounds like a Gnoll!" Gerra rolled with laughter at that. "I guess we'll find out if that ever happens, but it's my turn now..."