Waiting Room

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#8 of One Shots

Well I wanted to try more second person POV and decided to stick to the theme of 'evil Splicer' for it. Welcome to the more in depth look of my pet clinic, unfortunately you probably won't remember much once the tour is over. Enjoy the ride~

Rattling chains snaps you to attention, how long has it been? Five hours or so? You look down and pull at the cuffs locked tight around your wrists, keeping you sitting in your chair. Your ankle cuffs are uncomfortable but still. Looking towards the door you were dragged through, low muffled grunts just managed to reach your ears.

A wolf is violently pushed through, landing hard on the white tile floor in front of you. His muzzled maw is a mix of low whines and muffled complaints, despite their hands being tied behind their back they struggle to their knees. The tiger that pushed him quickly grabs him again, roughly jerking him to his feet and shoving him into a chair across the room, locking his restraints in place before taking the muzzle off.

"Uppity little bitch aren't you?" The lion muttered, rubbing his arm which was covered in fresh bite marks.

"FUCK YOU!" The wolf screamed in return, drawing his head back and spitting directly up, narrowly missing the lion's eye.

The lion let out a light chuckle before punching the wolf's gut hard enough to make you recoil from just seeing it.

"Can't wait to see what you look like when the vet is done with you..." The lion said before walking back out the door.

The wolf was doubled over, wheezing, trying to find his air again. A few minutes pass before he recovers enough to look you in the eye.

"You know what's going on here?" He asked, grey fur disheveled, with visible bruises spattered around his body.

"No-no clue." You reply, you really had no clue what happened, you closed your eyes in your bed, and woke up under this harsh florescent light. No matter how much you cried and screamed no one had come from either of the two doors in the room. Well, until just now.

"Yeah that asshole came up from behind me and gave me a good one from behind, I tried fighting back, but I already had my arms tied up..." The wolf recounted the scuffle he had, eyes ablaze with anger and pride. "Gave him some real fucking good bites though!"

You weren't sure how to reply to the wolf, but for some reason just having someone there made you feel a little more at ease despite the current predicament. Before he came you were just wondering if you were in some kind of weird, kinky purgatory.

"Yeah, I saw!" You reply with a chuckle, recalling the worry stat of the lion's arm. "But I mean, seems you took more than a few hits..."

"Oh this? This isn't anything, I've had worse, a lot worse." The wolf took an experimental tug on his binds, not even bothering to look at his battered body. He was already looking for his way out. He gave you a warm smile.

"Don't worry I think this is loose enough to slip out of. When the time is right, I'll break free and get you out too." He reassured you and suddenly, things weren't seeming so grim.

You squirmed at your own restrains with a renewed vigour, but whoever had brought you here too no chances, the cuffs were so tight they were almost threatening to cut off your circulation.

Suddenly the other door crashed open, another wolf entering the room. He was the same grey shade as the other, but he came wrapped in an oversized white coat and wearing a wide smile across his muzzle.

He had the front of the lab coat open, letting his large sheath hang out for any to see. It served to remind you of your current lack of clothing and you squirmed in you seat under the analytical gaze of the wolf.

"I got an emergency call for a wolf, but I wasn't told you would be here..." He muttered. "Who dropped you off here? How long have you been waiting? I apologize for not realizing sooner..."

The wolf's questions left you stunned, all you could do was your best to stammer out answers to each one, getting an earnest nod with every question answered.

"Well, I'm not really sure what to do with you as it stands, I'll just have to deal with Mr wolf over there first." The lab coat clad wolf rubbed under his chin as he turned to look over his other patient, showing you his rapidly wagging tail.

"Now you're the one who was causing all that fuss? Ah well! Some wolves just don't play well with others. We can fix you up."

"I don't need fixing you fucking domesticate, I'm not some fucking pet." The chained wolf grumbled; their ears flattened to their skull. They almost seemed scared of the other wolf, as if there was some sort of connection you couldn't quite see between the two.

In a practiced paw, the wolf was unchained from the chair and brought to their feet, the wolf's reason for unease now apparent. The difference between the two was apparent. Despite being just a head taller, if even that, one wolf had clear dominion. The lab coat's never ending tail wagging was contrasted by the dead tail of the naked wolf.

"Well! You have quite the mouth! Don't worry I won't muzzle you, I love listening to their words when they break." The wolf was practically singing his words and he spun the struggling wolf around with little effort. "Ah, hold up, should probably readjust that arm bind, looks like someone did a poor job there!"

Then they were gone, leaving you alone again. But you could hear the two voices, arguing and fighting about something. The occasional crash rung through from beyond the doors.


"Now come on, just relax and it will be over before you know it!"

"Get that off me! I won't!"

The voices grew too quiet for anything else to be heard, diminished to whimpers and whines, then the silence surrounded you. You weren't sure how long it was before you finally heard shuffling feet coming back, when the door opened you felt your heart sink into your chest. The once defiant wolf was walked out on a leash, he was on all fours. Drool ran down the side of his muzzle. His fire was extinguished, replaced with an empty, glassy stare ahead.

Your breathing quickened at the sick display of the wolf. He passed by you and you caught a flash of steel surrounding their sheath.

"Say bye to your friend!" The leading wolf urged the trailing wolf who looked back to you, almost showing some sign of life in his eyes as he gave you a light yap, gently swishing their tail back and forth. "Now that's a good boy! Gooooooood boy! Now I'll leave you out this door here and you just sit and wait for your owner ok?"

The wolf nodded, showing that there was at least something still left in their head, however twisted it was. The door swung closed, giving you small glimpses of the waiting wolf, sitting up on his knees holding his own leash. The door came to a dead rest, the wolf was gone, probably in more ways than one, for good.

"Sooooo what did you think of that?" Your attention is snapped back to the source of the voice, the lab coat wearing wolf was beaming, satisfied at a job well done you figured. The thought turned your stomach, you could feel your jaw open and close a few times but nothing more than a squeak came out.

"I suppose seeing something like that for the first time might get that reaction. I promise you he'll be perfectly happy with his new home! That lion is, rough around the edges, but that's only if you don't do what he wants. And..." The wolf let out a sinister chuckle. "I don't see that being an issue anymore. Enough about him though, I'm still curious about you. You say you have no idea who brought you here? Or even how for that matter?"

You try speaking, still stunned by the chipper demeanour of the wolf, despite every word coming from his muzzle made every strand of fur you had want to stand on end. How could he be so casual?

"I suppose I can't just let you go, especially after seeing that... Unlucky for you I suppose." The wolf unchained you in the same practiced motion as he had earlier, pulling you up to your feet and leading you towards that unknown door.

You enter the long hallway, knowing that no matter how much you struggle there'd be no chance of escape. The wolf hadn't had one and he looked he knew how to handle himself in a fight.

"Ah where are my manners I swear!" The wolf paused for a moment, giving you time to peer into the viewing window of the door closest to you on the left. A rabbit was sitting on a bed pressed up against the way, arms held tight to their body by a straight jacket. You two make eye contact and their eyes spark to life with hope. They try rising to their feet but the chain on their collar pulls them back down to the bed, faint hope already gone.

"Please no!" You cry out as words finally find their way back to your throat.

"Oh him? Don't worry about him, where was I? Ah right, introductions! My name is Splicer and I run this vet clinic. We cater to specialized clients who need more help than they can realistically manage on their own.

"Vet?" None of the words the wolf spoke made sense.

"Yes we help their pets realize that they are pets! Sometimes they get the silly little idea that they're not, we set that right as rain here."

You make an attempt, unable to stand to listen to the insane ramblings of this Splicer anymore. It's quickly ended when a rough paw clutches you by the back of the neck, ripping you back next to the wolf who slings his arm over your side.

"Nah, nope, not that way." He tuts, clicking his tongue as he walks you towards the end of the hallway to two double doors which he gently taps open with his foot. Before you even realize it, tight bindings are holding you to another chair and you're staring up at a blinding white light.

"Let me go?" You weakly ask, near tears, praying it would reach the wolf who was fumbling around with something behind your head.

"Hm? Oh no, far too late for that, don't worry though. Since you didn't come with specific instructions we'll just go with the normal method. You'll be just like the little wolf friend of yours in a minute. Won't even hurt a bit either." Splicer was talking to you like he was reassuring some kid about to get a shot.

You pull against the restraints, your arms and legs are tied down too tight, you can feel leather straps on at least two spots, you try to look around to actually see what's going on down there, but tight straps around your neck and head make it an impossible task. A clear visor slips over your eyes and earbuds are gently slipped into your ears. It seemed so silly, hypnosis wasn't even real. Or so you thought, but the sight of that wolf made you second guess that very notion. The only thing you could really feel was rising fear as Splicer came into your field of view, giving you one final look over under the harsh light before turning it away and making an exaggerated three with his muzzle. He held up three fingers. You swallow hard. Two he mouths, dropping a finger. One, finger down.

Zero, you squeeze your eyes as tight as they can go, not wanting to see the final finger drop, or whatever thing that visor might be filled with now. Odd sounds played in your head, a mix of gentle off beat tones, coming together and forming an echoing orchestra of sound reverberating deep in your skull. You flinch, a finger is pulling at the area above your eye, trying to force it open. You squeeze it tighter, almost audibly hearing the wolf sigh. The pressure stops, a moment of triumph cutting through the terror.

How long has it been? Something about the music makes time impossible to tell. Your body feels numb, but you can feel each twitch of your muscle fibers. Where did the wolf go? Surely he was planning something?

The question is quickly answered when you feel light pressure below your tailhole. Something warm, and wet, was it the wolf's tongue? You try to tense up, but your body won't respond, You feel the invader push in, hard. Despite your best effort your eyes flutter open for just a second, before being squeezed shut. Nothing looked different in the head set from what you saw. You feel your eyes slowly opening them before you force them shut again. It had to be some kind of trick, there was nothing in the visor, but somehow looking through it for that one second made the music pause.

When the music came back you could hear a voice under the tones. It was so far off and faint. It was a familiar voice, warm and caring. You wanted, needed to hear what it was saying. You knew it was a bad idea, but as a finger slid inside you and pressed against your prostate, combined with those words, you let the voice telling you to keep your eyes shut die out. They open. The music goes quiet before coming back, words still too hard to understand but much louder. You squint through the visor, you can almost make something out. Splicer's voice rings out in your ears as it becomes clear.

"You are a pet. You've always been a pet."

His voice tells you, and the words form on the front of the visor, letting you easily read along. Hearing, seeing them they become true to you instantly. You always were a pet, right? Or was there something else, before? You think you can remember. As if Splicer can hear your thoughts the next set of instructions come through the earpieces.

"Don't worry about before, don't remember before. None of that will be important soon."

The words made you shiver, something about it was wrong, but it felt too good to listen to them. Let them carve your new reality deep into your brain. Each etching word making your body shiver, waves of bliss running through your spine.

"Relax, empty, forget."

The commands become faster, more erratic, simpler so you can still follow along as they wrack your ability to think. It's too hard to think, all you have to do is listen and obey now. You want to obey the words of the wolf. Warm, caring words, they begin slowly sinking back down beyond your understanding, words on the visor screen running around, scrambling into a mess. Your brain is a mess. You feel drool leak down the side of your cheek, even if you can't understand the commands, you can still feel them doing their work.

"Good boy, we're done now."

Your head tilts as your feel the headset pulled off and earphones pulled out. You didn't want to be taken out of that state, you craved being in that state. You let out a whine of protest. Splicer just grabs your muzzle and shines a light in your eyes, inspecting them before moving down to your teeth, fingering around in your mouth. He gets an odd smile on his face as he pushes his paw deep into your muzzle, claws lightly pressing the back of your throat, but you don't even show a hint of gagging, just like a good pet.

"Well you're all clear here. Clean bill of health! I told you it wouldn't be bad didn't I?" You can't fathom ever thinking that something as great as that would be bad. You let out a small yap in agreeance.

"Now all that's left to do is find out who brought you here. Then again..." He gives you a light scratch under the chin, which you nuzzle into. "I might just have to keep you myself; I am curious about checking out that gag reflex further after all..."

You didn't mind either way, but the idea of sucking the wolf down to his knot was enough to make your tip rise, letting out a small drop of pre. Saliva filled your muzzle. You were ready to be a good pet.