A Helpful Paw - The Battle

Story by Silv Valens on SoFurry

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#2 of A Helpful Paw

Liz let out a soft whimper as she saw her abusive boyfriend approach. "Oh jeez ..."

"I'm sorry, what did you call her?" Silv snarled softly and stood up, glaring at the male feline.

"A bitch. That's exactly what she is and she knows it. Now get over here."

Liz whimpered as she got up, tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't help herself, she had been with him for so long that she was trained to respond to such things.

"Liz." That single word was enough to stop the female cat. Cautiously, she turned and looked at Silv, his features which she had found so handsome and gentle before were clouded over with anger. "Don't let him talk to you that way. You're not a bitch, you're a wonderful, beautiful woman."

"I-I am?" It had been so long since Liz had heard such compliments that she was caught off guard.

"Hey, she's my bitch and I -"

The male feline stumbled back, grabbing his cheek. Silv hadn't allowed him to finish such an abusive sentence, and so he'd silenced the male with a swift punch to the face.

"What the hell? Oh, you wanna fight eh?"

The male spat softly, out of both disrespect and to clear some of the blood from his mouth, before rushing at Silv. With an almost otherworldly grace, the wolf slipped out of the way, following up with a swift kick to the ankle. As the male feline stumbled, Silv simultaneously brought a knee up into the feline's chest and an elbow down onto his back with enough force to knock the air from his lungs and daze him. With a slightly smug look on his face, the wolf looked down over his prone opponent.

"That's enough of all that. You need to learn how to properly treat a woman and how to behave correctly yourself. If you change, there is a chance that Liz may talk to you again someday. If not, next time I'll think about using my blades instead of my paws."

The male laid there for a few moments, before weakly getting up and heading off, not even saying a word to the wolf or the female. Liz looked over at Silv carefully.

"S-So ... now what?"

"Well, I don't think you're ready to be on your own right now, so you should come home with me. I don't live that far away, and it's a rather nice place."

Liz hesitated as she looked at the male wolf. He was handsome, kind and had helped her ... but that didn't mean he didn't have an ulterior motive. A few minutes of thinking later, Liz nodded slowly.

"Well, okay ... but I'm still unsure of your intentions, so keep your paws where I can see them and if I feel even the least bit uncomfortable, I'm leaving."

Silv grinned softly. "That's fair to me. Now then, let us be off."