Just pull the plug...(intro)

Story by Nate the tiger on SoFurry


POP! BAM! CRACK! Marshal was getting beat down by 3 wolves...marshal was a tiger he was usually pretty tough but tonight he was drunk...other wise he could have taken them he was a strong and had white hair to match his fur he does not know his real parents however......a few hours later he was lying on his couch his muscles aching and bruises all over his face it wouldnt be long before his boyfriend got home and started wondering...Marshal slowly went to his bathroom and checked the cylinder in his revolver but as he looked in the mirror his nose was bleeding his mouth was he had bruises everywhere...He was a sight...He heard a door slam his,his boyfriend was home and before he knew it asking what happend Marshal said with a strong southern accent "Nothin' hun just got in a little fight..." his boyfriend was a tiger as well but he was a bit smaller and his name was Tim but other than those reasons they were the same