A New Life: Part 7

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A lonely human girl named Miranda has been having some strange dreams lately. Strange, but not bad.


Miranda Hunt's heart did a happy little skip when she looked at the clock above the oven from behind a haze of cigarette smoke. Outside, the sun turned the sky orange as it eased its way down toward the horizon.

Yeah, that's late enough, she thought, putting away the book she'd been pretending to read for the last hour or so. Out loud, she said, "I'm going to bed."

Her mother tore her pinched, sour face from the tv to glare at her. "Why? It's not even eight!"

Miranda shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "I'm just tired. We were short staffed at work, so I had to--"

"Oh, give it a rest already!" her mom snapped, rolling her eyes. "God! If you put half as much energy into your job as you put into _complaining_about your job, we'd be rich! Did you do the dishes?"

Miranda blinked. "N- No, but..."

"Selfish, lazy whore." Her mom blew a spiteful cloud of smoke at her.

Miranda opened her mouth to argue, then thought better of it and headed for the kitchen to scrub the plates. Had Elmira Hunt cooked dinner for them? No. Had she been forced to stay two hours late at work because her good for nothing coworker hadn't bothered to show up for the fourth day in a row? Of course not, she didn't even have a job. Did she do anything besides sit around the house, day after day, smoking cigarettes and bitching about her daughter? Not when that might irritate her broken leg. The doctor had pronounced that injury fully healed almost three years ago now, but what did a medical professional know about how fragile a woman like her could be?

She would starve if I wasn't here to babysit her, she thought, angrily stacking the dishes in the dishwasher. Finally, with a sigh of relief, she--

"And did you mow the yard like I told you?"

Miranda glared at the back of her head. "You told me to do it tomorrow since I came home late! Remember? You didn't want to wait for me to do that before I could make you dinner."

"Dinner's done."

"It's too dark now," Miranda insisted. "I'll do it tomorrow."

Her mom's lip curled in disgust. "All I ever get from you is excuses. You're even more selfish than your worthless father was."

Miranda went rigid with indignation. She forced herself to bite her tongue, or else they would both have regretted what came out of her mouth next. Not that anything could have been worse than what her mom had just said, but of course Mother Dearest wouldn't see it that way.

"I'm going to bed," Miranda announced again.

"Did you--"

"I'll do it in the morning!"

She climbed the stairs to the second floor and locked her bedroom door behind her. For a moment, she wondered if she should take a shower before getting in bed. She was a little grimy after her long day at work. But she decided against it.

It wasn't like she would notice, or even care.

Her heart racing with excitement, Miranda undressed, tossing her clothes into a pile in the corner, and laid down in her bed. No covers. Those would only get in the way when...

A tingle of excitement ran down her spine, making her nipples stiffen in anticipation.

I'm coming, Troy, she thought, and closed her eyes.

For a few minutes, she just laid there, waiting to fall asleep. She could feel her body relaxing, letting go of the stresses that had accumulated throughout the day. It was difficult to tell the moment when it actually happened, but eventually she opened her eyes--and gasped!

She didn't know why this continued to surprise her, seeing how it had long since become normal for her. Her bed, as well as the rest of her bedroom, was gone, leaving her floating in a white, empty void. Her shoulder length brown hair rose up into the air in limp tendrils, like she was submerged in water, and swayed in a breeze she couldn't feel.

"Troy?" she asked.

"Over here, honey," came the voice that filled her heart with joy.

Miranda beamed and turned around to see the gray furred cat woman standing behind her. As soon as she saw her feet--paws, whatever--standing on a solid surface, Miranda went from floating to standing as well. The cat creature returned her smile, and the two of them embraced.

Troy's soft, silky fur felt amazing against Miranda's bare skin.

"How was your day, beautiful?" Troy asked, rubbing her cold, wet nose against the curve of Miranda's neck.

"Shitty beyond belief," Miranda said, leaning her head back to give Troy better access. "Steve played hooky so I had to cover him until the night shift got there. I came home two hours late and made dinner, but Mom still bitched at me for not mowing the lawn."

"Oh, sweetie." Troy pulled away to look at her sadly. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's all right. I'm used to it," Miranda said with a sigh. Then she smiled. "It's all worth it as long as I get to see you at the end of the day, Troy."

Troy smiled and made a vague gesture with her hand. A plush sofa appeared out of nowhere, sliding across the nonexistent floor and stopping a few feet away from them. Miranda felt her feet rise from the ground, and the two of them floated over before settling down gently on its cushions. It was so insanely deep and soft that it felt like Miranda was sitting in quicksand. She sighed again, happily this time, and looked fondly at the cat woman.

"Why don't you tell me what happened?" Troy prompted her. Her hand gently alighted on Miranda's shoulder, and Miranda put her own hand on top of it. As she talked, grateful just to have someone to vent to, she shivered with pleasure when she felt Troy's tail snake around her leg and begin to caress her inner thigh.

It all felt so real. From the cushiness of the couch to the warmth of Troy's touch, if she hadn't remembered falling asleep in bed she would have thought that she was wide awake. Every night it was harder for Miranda to remember that this was just a dream. A lucid dream that felt realer than reality, but a dream nonetheless.

Had it really only been that three weeks since the gray furred feline had started appearing to her in her sleep? Miranda already felt as though they'd known each other all their lives. But then, given that Troy was a figment of her imagination, she supposed she had known Troy her whole life. She was just a part of Miranda that Miranda herself wasn't familiar with. She _did_wonder why her subconscious had given a woman a man's name, and why it had made her an anthropomorphic cat, but those questions always melted away in light of how wonderful it was just to be with Troy.

"...and then Mom said I was just as selfish as Dad was," she finished, her face turning red with anger. "I don't know how she can say that! After everything he did for her, and what she did to him!"

Troy leaned forward at this. "You've never told me about your dad. What's he like?"

The overwhelming sense of contentment Miranda had been feeling since the dream had started faded a bit as sadness crept in at the edges.

"He is...well, he was..." she began.

"Oh, God!" Troy's eyes widened in horror. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"

Miranda tilted her head. "You're a piece of my subconscious. How couldn't you know that?"

Troy shifted uncomfortably, the way she always did when Miranda brought up the fact that she wasn't real.

"Anyway, it's fine." She waved her hand dismissively. "It was almost four years ago now."

"Still, sweetie, if you don't want to talk about it, then--"

"He was a truck driver, so he was away from home a lot. But he made good money off of it, so Mom and I were well taken care of. Before that, he'd been with the military."

"He sounds like a good man."

"He..." Miranda paused, a surge of emotion making her choke up. "He was. I always wished he could be home more, but since he was out working I didn't hold it against him. Mom, though..."

Almost unconsciously, she reached out and put a hand on Troy's furry hip. The feline woman instinctively purred at the contact. Miranda stroked up and down for a few seconds, letting the soft gray hair pass beneath her palm. Troy never wore clothes, so Miranda didn't bother to either. It felt so freeing just to let herself be natural for a few hours. Plus, with no clothes to take off, it made it easier when they eventually...

Not really the time for that, she chided herself. Still, she couldn't ignore the arousal growing between her legs.

"I wasn't home when it happened," she went on, her spirits growing heavier with every word. "I was working late...kind of like today. But apparently Dad had come home from one of his trips early, and he found Mom in bed with another guy."

"God..." Troy whispered in sympathy.

"He was devastated. He left and spent the next couple days in a motel. Mom spent them getting shitfaced drunk. Then he called her. He said he was willing to talk things out for..." Miranda had to stop for a moment. "...for my sake. She didn't tell him she was drunk. He asked her to come pick him up. She did."

Tears were streaming down her cheeks now.

"They never made it home. Well, Mom did. Eventually. She swerved in front of a semi truck. All she got for her stupidity was a broken leg. Dad..."

Troy leaned in and gently wiped her tears away. "That's enough, honey. No more."

Miranda took a deep breath. "She's used that broken leg to shove all the work on me ever since. She gets unemployment, and she knows I'll never be able to afford my own place with what I make now, so I get to choose between sleeping on the streets and playing Cinderella for that sociopathic bitch."

Troy pulled Miranda to her, pressing her face into her chest in an almost motherly way.

"Stop. No hate here, Miranda. Whatever is happening out there, this is where you come to get away from it. Here it's just you and me. Okay?"

"I'm just so sick of it!" she cried. "I'm so fucking sick of everything!"

"I know, sweetie. I know."

"But it'll never stop, will it? I'll never be able to get away from her!"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. Someday you might. Maybe someday soon."

It took longer for Miranda to get her emotions under control than she expected, but she eventually took a deep breath and looked up at the feline beauty. The warmth inside her grew even hotter when she saw the kind, affectionate way Troy was looking down at her.

"Did I ever tell you how soft your boobs are?" Miranda asked with a little smile.

"Maybe a couple times," Troy replied with a loving smile.

Miranda nuzzled her face against them. "They're like big, beautiful pillows."

Troy let out a long, happy sigh. "Big, sensitive pillows."

Finding the crevice between them, Miranda stuck her face in it and breathed in deep through her nose. Even in a dream, the catgirl smelled musky and feral in all the right ways. Smelling it made the heat inside her burn even hotter.

"God, you're so beautiful, Troy," she moaned into her breasts. "I never thought I could be into women--much less furry women--before I started dreaming about you."

"You're beautiful too, Miranda," Troy said, stroking the top of Miranda's head. "You're everything I would ever want in a wife."

That gave Miranda pause. Hearing her subconscious say that she wanted to marry her struck her as a bit strange. Was it just Miranda flattering herself? Or was there something deeper that the unconscious part of her brain was trying to tell her?

As she sucked Troy's nipple into her mouth, she decided whatever it was could wait till later.

"Mmmmm!" Troy purred in appreciation as Miranda's tongue dragged across the nipple. "Ohhh, I love it when you do that!"

That was all the encouragement Miranda needed to continue. She wasn't looking, but she could feel the couch flatten out and stretch beneath her. Suddenly she was lying beside Troy in a double-king sized bed. It was every bit as soft as the couch, but far better suited for what was coming next.

Troy pressed Miranda's head harder against her breast with one hand, and with the other she trailed her fingers tantalizingly down Miranda's body. She started with Miranda's own breasts, twirling a finger around one nipple, then the other, and then giving one a gentle pinch. Miranda cooed in pleasure, her mouth still fastened around Troy's tit.

Then the hand went lower, her claws emerging to scrape delicately across the skin on Miranda's tummy. Miranda's heart was racing in her chest now, and she spread her legs before Troy's hand was anywhere near them in anticipation.

"Eager tonight, are we?" Troy asked with a warm chuckle.

She didn't make Miranda wait. Her hand went between the young woman's legs, sending a wonderful shiver down her spine. One finger stroked her from one end of her slit to the other, and a trace of Miranda's wetness leaked out to glisten on her thigh. Stroking back across the way she'd come, Troy skillfully found her clit and began to massage it.

"Yesss," Miranda hissed, releasing Troy's nipple. Her cheeks were bright red, burning. God, how had she never realized she could feel this way about another woman before meeting Troy? Even the lightest touch from her drove her crazy!

Troy stroked Miranda's cheek even as the other worked her clit, and Miranda looked up to gaze into her feline lover's eyes. Their lips met a moment later in a passionate kiss. Miranda's smooth human tongue wrestled with Troy's rougher catlike one. Each time Troy's finger passed over the sensitive nub of flesh between Miranda's legs, the fire inside her grew a little hotter. She could feel herself drawing closer by the second. She was gasping with pleasure, each breath going straight into Troy's mouth as they furiously made out until...

With a cry of ecstasy, Miranda came for the first time that night, spraying her wetness out onto the bed and Troy's hand. She had never been a squirter before she'd met Troy, but her feline lover always seemed to know exactly how she needed to be touched to give her the most toe-curling orgasms of her life.

"Ahhh," Miranda sighed, giving Troy a series of gentle kisses on her little pink nose. "You're so wonderful at that!"

"Only the sweetest of pleasures for the sweetest of women," Troy said, licking her from the nape of her neck, up her cheek, and to the tip of her ear. "But if you felt like you needed to repay me, I wouldn't mind..."

Miranda grinned at the implication and gave Troy another kiss. While their tongues intertwined, she brought both of her hands up and began to knead Troy's breasts. She knew that the catgirl liked being treated rough, so she mashed her palms against the furry, fleshy lumps as hard as she could. Up and down, around in circles, letting the heel of her palm press deep into them in the most intimate massage Miranda could give. She could tell how much Troy enjoyed it purely by how much it made her purr. Within seconds, her entire chest was rumbling with appreciation.

A finger touched Miranda between her legs again, and she immediately reached down to pull Troy's hand away. "Uh uh. You've already taken care of me. It's your turn now!"

Troy smiled at that. "That's one of the reasons I love you, Miranda. You're always thinking of others. But don't pretend like you don't want this!"

Miranda was already kissing her way down Troy's belly, toward the spot down below that smelled like musk and sex. She didn't touch that yet, though, and instead nestled her face between Troy's furry legs. Letting the smell fill her nose, Miranda grabbed Troy's knees and pushed them together so that her inner thighs were pressed against the sides of her face. Miranda raised and lowered her head, enjoying the heavenly softness as her fur rubbed against her cheeks.

"Oh, love, you can't tease me like that," Troy whimpered as Miranda's face drew closer to her cunny, only to retreat at the last second.

Miranda grinned at her again. "What are you going to do ab--"

Troy grabbed her head and pulled her face into her crotch. The smell exploded in Miranda's nose, overwhelming her, and her eyes rolled back in her head. She couldn't resist anymore. Her tongue came out, pushing itself as far into Troy's pussy as it could reach. Troy cried in pleasure, throwing her head back as her nectar coated Miranda's tongue. The taste was even more powerful than the smell, and it immediately chased away all thoughts from Miranda's mind except to taste even more, make the beautiful feline goddess above her scream even harder.

It didn't take long for Troy to reach her first orgasm. After less than two minutes of her ministrations, Miranda found what felt like an entire gallon of cum being sprayed into her face, making her own orgasm earlier look puny by comparison. Troy's entire body shook, to the point that her orgasmic cry almost sounded like she was yodeling. But she wasn't done yet. Not even close. The burning hot, neverending sex drive in her feline lover never failed to shock Miranda, but what surprised her even more was how Troy was able to help Miranda keep up with her far beyond when she normally would have collapsed from exhaustion into a post-coital coma. Maybe it was because she was already asleep, and thus couldn't fall even more asleep, but Miranda had a feeling that it had more to do with Troy's amazing skills with her hands and tongue.

"Oh, oh, ohhhh!" Troy was moaning, already well on her way to a second orgasm. "Miranda, open your legs! Let me...hnnnng!"

Miranda obeyed, spreading her legs as Troy bent over with catlike flexibility. A groan immediately escaped Miranda's own lips when that wonderful tongue--like wet, hot sandpaper in the best possible way--dragged itself across her most intimate place. It was longer than Miranda's, so it could reach farther into her than she could ever hope to reach inside Troy. Still, the catgirl didn't seem to hold that against her, and happily began jilling her off with it.

"God, God, God, fucckkkkk!" she moaned, pulling her face away from Troy's pussy for just a moment. "I'll never get tired of how that feels!"

Troy's tongue slid out of her cunt with a wet slurp. "You'll never have to. We can do this together every night for the rest of our lives, my love!"

"I think--ahh!" she cried out as Troy thrust her tongue back into her. "I think I'd like that!"

Troy paused, raising her head from Miranda's sex again. "Would you?"

Miranda hesitated, confused, but then nodded.

Troy shifted on the bed, lying alongside Miranda, and then sat up. Gently, she pulled Miranda up with her.

"What would you think if I told you this wasn't a dream?" she asked.

"Wha...What do you..." Miranda tried to ask, but her mind was so clouded by lust that she could only think of the pleasures she should have been giving and receiving right then from the beautiful body sitting across from her.

Troy smiled. "You're right, this isn't the best time. We can talk about coming with me after you cum with me."

She spread her legs again, and Miranda followed suit. They scooted closer to each other, until their pussies, both swollen and throbbing with need, were pressed together.

"Now kiss me, my sweetest thing," Troy told her.

Miranda didn't need to be told twice. She pressed her lips against Troy's, even while Troy began to rub their lower lips together. Miranda moaned into her feline mouth, the friction sending a delicious wave of pleasure coursing up and down her body. She was already close, and she could tell that Troy was too. Not that that was surprising. Troy could cum three times for each orgasm Miranda had and still be ready for another.

But when they came together...that was something special. That was when their souls seemed to connect in a way even more intimate than sex. And that was clearly what Troy wanted right now, so Miranda joined her, rubbing her pussy against her lover's in opposite motions, letting their wet crevices slide up and down in the most evocative, electrifying way possible. Every few seconds, her clit would bump against Troy's, making them both gasp as an especially powerful jolt of pleasure would surge through them. Farther...closer...almost...

"Troy, I love you!" Miranda yelled, just as her orgasm swept over her.

"NYAAAAAAH!" Troy screamed in the most catlike sound Miranda had ever heard from her.

Their pleasure exploded from between their legs, Troy's spattering against Miranda's hot and sweaty skin, while Miranda's soaked every inch of fur from Troy's cunny to her belly button. Then, momentarily drained, they collapsed against each other, gasping for breath.

"I need...to tell you something," Troy said a minute later.

"Mmmm," Miranda said, kissing her. "Let it wait. We have all night, don't we?"

"No, listen to me!" Troy insisted, pushing her away. Something about her tone of voice caught Miranda's attention, and, as hard as it was, she forced herself to stop thinking about sex.

"Miranda," Troy said slowly, "this isn't a dream."

Miranda stared at her in shock.

Troy immediately shook her head. "No, damn it, that isn't right. Yes, you're asleep right now. Yes, everything around us right now is a dream. But I," she took Miranda's hand and pressed it against her chest, "am not."

Before Miranda could reply, the feline woman stood up on the bed and waved her hand again. Immediately, the void that surrounded them vanished, revealing the interior of what Miranda could only describe as a very cozy looking spaceship, like a mix between the Starship Enterprise and a charming bed and breakfast.

"This is where I really am," she said, letting Miranda take in the whole thing. She pointed, and Miranda's mouth fell open when she saw more Troys walking around. "And those are my friends...my people."

"What...What the hell is going on?" Miranda asked, unease beginning to kill her arousal.

"We're the Feln," Troy said. "Most of us...including me...used to be human like you. But then Myrr," she pointed at a male Feln who was sitting next to a female, lovingly stroking her obviously pregnant belly, "began to seek us out and change us. One Feln at a time, we're helping him to rebuild his race."

"And what does that have to do with me?" Miranda asked.

Troy sat back down, crossing her legs as she looked into Miranda's eyes. "Out of all the Feln we've created, everyone has a mate. Someone to love unconditionally and to...well," she glanced in the other direction, to where another male, this one with bright red hair, had his ear pressed against another female's pregnant belly, "to have children with."


"Everyone except me," Troy said, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"And you want me," Miranda said slowly, comprehension dawning on her, "to be yours?"

Troy nodded, her eyes lighting up with hope.

"And to do that, I'll have to become...like you?"

"A Feln, yes. But it's wonderful, Miranda. It's a whole new life, and every moment of it is worth it!"

Miranda was surprised by how much she wanted to say yes, but she held back. How could that really be what she wanted? How could anyone truthfully say that they wanted to become a cat monster and live in a spaceship?

"I've been looking for my mate for almost three months now," Troy went on. "Feln are psychic creatures, you see, but only in certain, very special cases. The fact that I can connect with you mentally like this, to the point where we can even share our dreams, means that we're compatible as mates."

Miranda's heart began to race again.

"But the choice is still yours," Troy finished. "I would never force you to do this. That's why I waited so long to tell you. Partly because I was so scared that you would say no, but also because I had to make sure that you were right for this."

"But you already said that we were compatible," Miranda said, her head spinning.

"We are. But you're not the first person I've been able to contact like this." Troy looked away, ashamed. "I spoke to them just like I did with you at first, letting them think I was just a dream. I got to know them, see who they are in the way you only can if you see them in their own dreams. Some of them turned out to be very different people than I had imagined. Others had connections here on earth. Husbands, wives, children of their own. I couldn't tear them away from that."

She reached out and took Miranda's hands. "But you...you're perfect! A terrible job, a hateful mother..."

Something about the nonchalant way she listed all the bad things in her life made Miranda giggle.

"...and nothing that you would feel bad about leaving behind." Troy leaned in close, her eyes sparkling. "For you, becoming a Feln would be the most wonderful blessing imaginable! But I still can't make the choice for you, Miranda."

Miranda stared at the feline woman...the Feln...and thought about everything she had just said. It defied all logic and reason. Aliens? Rebuilding their race by transforming humans? It was like something out of a crappy scifi novel. Every ounce of her common sense was telling her that this couldn't be real, that it was just her dream taking an extremely weird turn. But everything she had seen--and more importantly, what she had felt--told her that this was too real to be a dream. Too much detail. Too much structure.

Too much love.

Troy...hadn't Miranda just admitted that she loved her? She had convinced herself that Troy was nothing more than a figment of her imagination, a piece of her subconscious mind reflected back at her. And yet she had fallen in love with her anyway. There was no doubt in her mind that she did love Troy, and that Troy loved her back. But did she love her enough to give up everything, including her humanity?

No more working extra hours when fucking Steve doesn't show up, she thought. No more cooking and cleaning for Mom, only to get bitched and moaned at.

Oh God, Mom! What will she think if I just up and disappear like this? Would she call the police? Would she even care at all?

The words she had thought while doing the dishes came back to her. She would starve if I wasn't here to babysit her.

And just like that, her mind was made up.


Back on the ship, Troy sighed in relief as she pulled the cold metal helmet off her head. A dozen thick metal tubes ran from it and into the floor and ceiling, making it both incredibly cumbersome and incredibly heavy. But after wearing it all day for nearly three months, letting it amplify her psychic powers far beyond what she was capable of on her own, it had finally proven to be worth it.

A puddle of her own cum soaked the chair between her legs, but she barely noticed as she stood up. Once she was on her feet, another pair of gray furred hands reached out and took the helmet from her, setting it on a nearby pedestal.

"Well?" Vance asked, her eyes sparkling and hopeful.

Just like every time she looked at her, Troy couldn't stop her eyes from glancing down at Vance's swollen, kitten-filled belly. Normally that would be accompanied by a sharp, burning pang of jealousy.

But not today. This time, she grinned at her old friend.

"She's coming!"