Fallout - Life and Limb(s)

Story by SrA havenofimage on SoFurry

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#3 of Fallout

I passed the bus ride back to Fairchild in silent contemplation watching the familiar scenery pass by the window. Out the corner of my eye I noticed a hare in black sunglasses who appeared to be watching me. When I turned to look at him though, he had his nose buried in a news paper. It must have been my befuddled brain playing tricks on me. I had gone to Dr. Hall for reassurance and instead been given even more to think about and trouble my current mental quandary. On the bright side, I would be with Jaimie again soon.

Dr. Hall and I had talked for over two hours. It seemed that she had stumbled upon a possible way to return movement to my paralyzed legs. It was all rather technical and confusing but I believed that I understood the gist. While researching new concussion treatments for an injured snowboarder, she had come across an obscure paper on the treatment of patients who had been immobilized from Border Syndrome. Apparently the disease caused a protean compound to form over parts of the brain, blocking signals from reaching areas of the body.

The article had caught Dr. Hall's eye because, during scans taken of me to look for possible brain damage, a similar compound had been located. She hadn't known what to make of it at the time, Border Syndrome being extremely rare, and it didn't seem to be harming anything, so it was simply overlooked. Now however, it appeared that this may be the cause of my paralysis. The only difference being, the substance on my brain had formed due to a reaction with an anomalous chemical presence rather than from a non-synergy of human and primary genes.

The operation would involve physically cutting open a portion of my skull, inserting an arthroscopic probe, and manually removing the foreign substance. Sounded good in all, but in Border Syndrome patients it only had a forty percent success rate and fifteen percent of the subject's condition worsened afterward. On top of that, with my conditioning developing differently, there was no knowing whether or not the protein would reform later, or if this would even fix the problem at all. There were a lot of risks involved, and a lot of money.

I didn't know if it was worth it. I was in fine condition right now, minus my legs of course. I could cope, adapt, and live happily, just as I had been doing for the last two months. Being in a wheel chair wasn't that bad, and it was only my legs. According to Dr. Hall there was a chance the procedure could backfire and I'd end up with even more of me being paralyzed.

Then again, being able to walk, run, climb, etcetera... It was very appealing. I had no idea what to think. My mind had been in swing mode ever since Dr. Hall had first suggested that I might be able to someday use my legs. I did know one thing though, Jaimie would have something to say that would make me feel better about all this, and I'd be seeing her at home very soon.

At the condo, I ate dinner in similar silence, consenting to simply listening to Jaimie rather than contribute to the conversation. When the meal was finished I backed away from the table and turned to begin cleaning up. Something stopped the motion however. I turned to see Jaimie standing behind me, holding the wheel chair in place.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked.

I motioned to the dishwasher, "Put my dishes away?"

"I think we need to talk first. You haven't said a word all evening. What's wrong?"

I leaned my head back until it rested against her stomach, closed my eyes and let out a huge sigh. "I don't know what to do."

"About what?"

"This could take a while, we'd better head to the living room.

Jaimie and I talked long into the night about everything Dr. Hall had told me today. Surprisingly, she took it pretty well. Unlike me it seemed, Jaimie looked at the situation with a level head and reason, of course, it wasn't here body we were talking about. I knew that see was only thinking of what was best for me though.

"Look," she said as the discussion was coming to an end, "in the time I've known you, I don't see Xavier Snow as the type of person who would back down from any challenge or risk if he felt there was a worthwhile reward at the end. You need to follow what your heart tells you. I know, if you do that, you'll make the right decision."

"How can you know that?"

"Because I know you and your heart is true, and your body is strong, and your mind is determined to do good."

Jaimie stood up, walked over, kissed me on the forehead and nuzzled my ear. I remained in the living room for a long time after she left and it was well after midnight before I finally went to bed, careful not to wake her.


"Good morning Mr. Snow. I'm going to be your anesthesiologist for this operation. How are you today?"

A female ground squirrel was talking to me while I lay in a special operating bed being prepped for the surgery. Jaimie was on my right, holding my paw. I had requested that she be with me for this and it was permitted. During the actual procedure though, she would have to stand back along the wall, in a space usually reserved for interns. Dr. Hall herself was going to be operating on me. I had been surprised to learn that, among countless other things, she was certified in both neuro and brain surgery. In my opinion, I couldn't be in better paws.

"I'm fine, I guess," I replied with a nervous laugh, and a glance to Jaimie who squeezed my arm gently.

"I'm sure everything will go perfectly. Now, just so you know how this is going to work, let me go over the procedure with you. The initial sedative will be an inhalant, you may know it as laughing gas, and then I will keep you sedated using the I.V. Once the operation is complete and we are sure that you are stable, I cut off the formula, and, if necessary, give you a very mild stimulant. To you, it will seem as if no time passed what so ever. What are your questions?"

"I don't think I have any."

"Alright then, let's get started."

Jaimie gave me a quick kiss on the nose before a mask was placed over my face.

"Please breathe normally."

After three breaths or so the mask was removed, and I was feeling very light headed. For some reason, I couldn't make anything out beyond the two females by my bed. I was talking to Jaimie about, something, and didn't even notice when a syringe was stuck in my arm, or when the I.V. was inserted. And then...

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Dr. Hall's voice echoed in my head.

I glanced to my right and left where four other individuals sat. I immediately stood, volunteering myself before any of them could put themselves to the risk.

"Ma'am!" I replied confidently.

"I thought you might Kirian."

With the unknown factors, I would go first, for the safety of my squad. Besides, Dr. Hall said it would be fine. She was always right

...I was awake.

"Xavier. Xavier! Xavier? Xavier can you hear me?"

I blinked several times, clearing my blurry vision to see Dr. Hall sitting to my right. The technician had been right; the whole thing had seemed instantaneous. That wasn't correct though, hadn't there been a dream or something. I thought on this, but, if there had been, it was long past the point where I could ever remember it.

"Welcome back, how do you feel?"

"Fine, a bit disoriented, but fine."

"That should wear off shortly. You're probably getting tired of waking up in hospital beds with me next to you by now."

I looked around my surroundings to find that I was no longer in the operating room, but in a standard hospital room. This time I had a window though, a great improvement over my last time spent here.

"How'd everything go?"

"The operation went smoothly. Still waiting on a few test results to ensure there was no brain damage, but I predict no negative side effects at this point."

I looked down at my legs, which were covered in a sheet. I tried to wiggle by toes and was dismayed to find that they still didn't move. I then realized, I didn't know how to move my toes. I closed my eyes and focused on that one motion. A sensation rushed through my feet. The feeling of fabric moving across fur. Upon opening my eyes, I saw and felt my toes and feet moving from beneath the sheets.

"Wooooo Hooooo!" I shouted as loud as I could, elated with the small motion.

Dr. Hall laughed, "Very good, but let's take it slow for now."

A nurse looked in from the door, "Is everything alright Doctor?"

"We're fine."

I continued to explore this new part of my body, rolling my legs from side to side and rubbing my feet together. Extending and retracting my claws. Then Dr. Hall got my attention then.

"Xavier, let's take it slow."

"Okay," I replied, slightly embarrassed at my childish delight and ceased the movement.

"You're going to need a lot of physical therapy before you're walking again. For now, take it easy, focus on recovering, and get some rest. I know it all seems simple right now, but your body and mind are going to need time to get used to the new muscles and movements. I do know, from the muscle development in your legs, and from the tissue regeneration behind the scars on your thigh, that at some point before your accident you could walk. That will help the recovery, but not make it instantaneous. The knowledge may still be locked up with the rest of your memory."

I listened to all this and took in what it meant. None of the information Dr. Hall was telling me was shocking. I had expected a lot of physical therapy and had not planned on jumping out of bed on day one.

"Well, unless you have any more questions for me, I'm sure there's someone who will want to see you, then you need to get some sleep."

I nodded and Dr. Hall left the room. Moments later, Jaimie was rushing in. I had just enough time to notice she had brought a package with her before she threw her arms around me.

"Akk!" I choked out.

"What was that Xander?"

"You're suffocating me."

"Oh sorry," she said, straitening herself and looking slightly embarrassed.

She covered the awkward moment by turning and pulling a chair up to my bed. When she turned back, a smile lit her face. I grinned back, happy to see her.

"Have fun watching the procedure?" I asked.

"It was... different."

"Check out what I can do now though," I said excitedly and wiggled my toes again. It was such a unusual and wonderful feeling.

Jaimie giggled and kissed my nose. I gestured to the package she had brought.

"What's in the box?"

Jaimie grinned and handed it to me.

"Just a little something I got for you, when you recover that is. I promise if you will."

I began unwrapping whatever it was, a small feeling of trepidation as I did. Jaimie continued to speak however.

"I promise to take you up in my helicopter if you promise," she pause until I was about to lift the lid off the box, "to take me dancing!"

I looked inside the box to see a pair of black shoes. Laughing, I gave her big hug.

"I promise, as soon as I get done with my therapy."

We talked for a while, mostly about nothing important. I was just happy to be done with surgery. I had Jaimie at my side, and soon I'd be able to walk again. A whole world of possibilities seemed to open before my eyes. Life was really starting to look up for me now.