Meet Silo: Part II: Here We Go... Again?

Story by Novus Mutt on SoFurry

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It was a couple days after the strange incidences occurred. After many consultations with his inner spirit, he'd come to realize something went wrong. Horribly wrong.

"Dukie? Something wrong?" Farran spoke, his arm around his mate, in a soft voice. Dukie was staring blankly into space. The sound of his mate's voice brought him back to consciousness in one quick turn of the head.

"Huh? What? What did you say?" Dukie replied with a dazed look.

"Thanks," Farran said with a smirk, "that says it all. Dukie, what's on your mind?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Just... Stuff."


"I'll explain another time. For now let's just watch the news." They both turned their heads back to the TV, Dukie nuzzling into Farran's embrace, and saw a lovely fox come onto the screen.

The woman started, "A strange phenomenon has been occurring throughout the Anthropomorphic race. In three days we will be having a lunar eclipse, which is causing some of our local residents to experience some odd changes in both physical, and psychological aspects of their daily lives. Like Anya Solestier, a local lioness. We'll now go to Charlotte on scene with Anya, interviewing her about her changes. Charlotte?"

A black and white husky transitioned into view, "Thanks Sharon. So Anya, please explain the details of your changes."

The camera shifted to Anya, who had a discomforted look on her face.

"Well, a couple days ago, I was walking down the street, and I saw a fire hydrant. Suddenly I got the strangest urge to use the restroom. And it's happened every time I see a hydrant."

"That is very strange. Anything else?" Charlotte replied with nominal interest.

"Yes. That same day, after I'd gotten home after work, and many rest stops, I awaited the mail. When the mail-cat arrived, instead a greeting her with a 'hello' like I'd intended, instead what came out of my mouth shocked me, and scared her. I barked!"

The reporter, with sudden interest, looked at Anya in a state of mild shock, "You did what?"

"Yes, I barked! I don't know why!"

"My goodness."

"It gets even worse."

"What's odder than a barking cat?"

"Today, before this interview, I saw that same hydrant, but instead of just needing to use the restroom, I walked up to and lifted my leg! As if I were... marking." Anya had a disgusted look on her face, "And all the while, it felt as if something were jabbing at my groin, trying to get out, and low and behold, I couldn't feel any sign of having female genitalia. All I felt, was something pressing against the front of my pants. But, as soon as it came, it was gone!"

The reporter was in a state of pure shock, "My God. That must have been so traumatic for you."

"Surprising, yes. Traumatic, no. It helps knowing that I'm not the only one."

"Well, that's certainly true," Charlotte turned toward, "Stories like this are popping up all around the area. It seem furs have been undergoing changes of not only species, but gender in rare cases. Astrologists believe this to be caused by the upcoming lunar eclipse, and also believe the effects may be permanent. While nothing is sure, we have no other leads as to the cause of these strange events. Thank you for being with us today Anya. Back to you Sharon."

Back in the news room, "Thanks, Charlotte. Captivating stories. We'll be back after the break."

Farran turned the TV off, and turned his focus to his mate, who was staring, still, at the blank screen with a fascinated, and slightly confused look. Farran snapped his fingers in front of the glazed eyes of his partner and spoke, "Duke. Wake up, come on."

Once again with a bit of shock Dukie awoke to Farran giving him a strange look.

"Okay Duke, now I know something's up." Dukie was silent, "Come on. Please tell me. You're worrying me."

"The woman... On the TV. That... Anya woman. Her story really isn't that odd."

"Dukie, what are you saying?"

"I'm going through those same types of changes."

"What do you mean?"

"A couple days ago... I woke up sweating after having a bad dream. Not that odd right? So, I went to take a shower. While I was in there, as soon as I stepped in, I jumped out and almost fell. I don't know why. Then after that, when I was done and walked out and you noticed my..." He mumbled and gestured toward his crotch, "Well, after that I couldn't get it soft. All of sudden I felt something poke my hand. When I looked, there was a spine on it!"

"What?!" Farran replied with shock, "Like a--"

"Like a cat!" The room was silent. The words hung in the air, echoing through both of their minds.

"Dukie..." Farran spoke quietly, "Do you think?"

"I know. It's the eclipse. It's messing with the timeline of lives. It's causing people to change into their past lives. That girl on the news: Anya. I know what she was. And I know what I am. I have to go find her! I need to tell her what's going on."

"Why? Why her?" Farran questioned.

"As Dukie flung on his coat and headed out the door, he turned his head, "Because... 'He's my mate..." The door closed. Leaving Farran in silent disbelief and wonder.

'What the Hell just happened?'

To Be Continued...

(Part II)