Half of a Heritage Held By Our Thin Shared Line

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Wrote this not really a vent but more a reflective poem for the last day of Hispanic Heritage Month a while back. It's a more personal poem even if the details are a bit ambiguous overall. Originally posted this in October 2021.

Half of a Heritage Held By Our Thin Shared Line

By: A.X. Bueno

There's plenty of times I'll reflect on things had and lost or that were just never there

Among those things is the complicated relationship with a heritage that through blood we share

It's hard to know where to even begin but I suppose I should start with the fact I'm here

And you, you're in the country of our shared heritage with your own life over there

You used to live here once in times talked about but I can no longer remember

Still I have no shortage of things to remind me of you and those are just as present in October and September

It's nearly impossible to think of my roots, my heritage, culture and not think of you

I talk a lot about and love being Dominican but I'm Ecuadorian too

Yet I know so little about Ecuador and similarly very little about you

Of course I've spent time trying to learn more and I do have some knowledge I've managed to accrue

But it's been difficult to do that with you gone for so long and Ecuador just feeling and being so far

There's just such a disconnect from both it and you that finding out more makes me feel bizarre

Despite your best efforts and my own, circumstances have just created too wide a gap

Between what has become your family and my own and I'm picking up the scrap

The scraps of knowledge of you and your country from those who knew you when you were around

But that's the thing really there's a presence you've left that just surrounds

Surrounds whatever thing about you or Ecuador that I wish to know

It's made me hesitant to learn more when every fact feels like a potential blow

I shouldn't this fact and in a way I don't but in another way I do

I just wish circumstances were different

So this disconnect to you and our shared heritage didn't make me so blue

To be able to feel a little more whole and to myself true

But instead you're still there and I'm here living my life lacking some knowledge

I'd like to imagine there's some reality out there where I do know this stuff and you're there too

But in actuality all I can do is keep trying to learn I guess

And pretend like you're just close enough and it's been enough years that I'm not still a barely knowledgeable mess