Part III: Warm

Story by Vir Blackwulv on SoFurry

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#3 of The City

Part III: Warm


There was the silence, which seemed to surround and press inward as a singular entity against the space upon the couch they occupied. And within that space, just the smallest sounds; the breathing, the heart beats, the tiny movements of fingers and claws through fur in a stasis of few motions... yet, it had felt so loud minutes before. When one actually stopped to pay attention to the passage of time and the sequence of events within a certain frame it was rather interesting to play back a scene in one's head and realize the transitional points from something to something were just so abrupt. Or, at least... Yuri thought so. The world really did move at a strange pace. He didn't think one could pin point it as either too fast or too slow. It simply was its own construct of differentials.

He was brought back from his thoughts when the pressure atop him shifted. Kuras moved, paws pressing against the couch to act as some form of leverage for her to drag herself further up his body. There was a small tug, a minor protest... but it was ignored with the sliver of effort it took for her to pull herself up. The exhumation of his member from within her, partially limp; falling against his abdomen. She smiled down at him and bent to lick at a tuft of that black fur atop his head. "I had almost forgotten how great it felt to do that..." Kuras breathed out finally as she slid her body from atop his, standing from the couch with a minute staggering hop to catch her balance from the sudden erect stance of her body.

Yuri felt the dampness of his lower half now that the cooler temperature of the apartment licked across the matted fur of his thighs. He eased himself up and swung his body around; foot paws brushing across the carpet. "Heh... So I'm forgettable, hm?"

She frowned down at him for a second before frantically messing with the top of his head - a frustrated fluttering of paws. "I didn't say that!"

"You almost did!" Yuri chuckled and grabbed her wrists as he stood with a huff. With a tug, she was pulled toward him and he nipped at the side of her muzzle just before giving her a soft kiss. "But, you know..." He let go of her wrists as he moved away from the couch, tapping the claw of a foot paw against the fabric of her skirt. "...When it's this cold out, you really should wear more. No silky undergarments? Tsk, tsk... don't you have work tomorrow?"

Kuras' maw parted to speak, but she hesitated and ended up playfully glowering at him. "I was in a hurry! Besides! ...Uh," She folded her arms over her breasts with a pause between her words, apparently at a lack of vowels. Ok, ok... so she didn't exactly throw the fact she had work tomorrow into her expedition to his place that night - plan B? "You... yeah. You're coming home with me!" She nodded her head then in a definite manner; as if she had only ever spoken the purest of truth for as long as her lungs churned to draw in air for her to survive.

"Am I?" The apartment was almost one giant room. From the entry way there was the living room, then an island jutting out from the side of the wall that boxed in most of the kitchen. Yuri headed for the dark little hallway to the side of the kitchen where the island met the wall. He paused; tossing his head back to give her a look that questioned the significance of the variable in her oh-so-flawless equation - if his expression, seconds later had not flinched and let itself be marred with an odd grin. "I guess I should've marked that down on my schedule planner. Tch... man... I am so mentally incapable! What would I do without you to coordinate my sense of direction?" His tone came across exceedingly drenched in sarcasm; but the humor beautifully undermining it all smoothed out its brash décor. "Fine with me, though..." He added, "Shower first?"

She huffed at him, but was unable to keep from smiling. "Mhm!" And almost as soon as he'd mentioned it she'd skittered across the room and leapt onto his back; arms thrown around his neck as legs encompassed his waist. "You still have my favorite towel?"

Yuri stumbled forward slightly as she'd latched herself onto his back. "Of course. It's not like it went anywhere while I was gone. And I don't think I would even consider throwing it out. If I did, you'd probably try to use the phone cord to strangle me... like that one time." He reassured her and recalled a past moment in life where he thought he might've died; legs adjusting to the added weight before movement was started again - destination; bathroom.

"Oh! Don't even!" Kuras scolded, nipping at the tip of his right ear. "That was your fault! You're the one who chased Synthia's poor little dog around threatening to stuff it down my garbage disposal!"

"My fault!? Last time I checked, phone cords were stationary objects - unless manipulated by another physical body. You tried to kill me!" Yuri tried to make his point valid, but it wasn't like he hadn't chased that small yipping dog around the house while Kuras had been taking care of it for the few weeks Synthia had been out of town.

"I did not try to kill you! You were the one having problems breathing." Kuras felt along the wall as Yuri turned in the near pitch black hallway, entering another void space of black. With the flick of a digit the bathroom light stuttered to life and ushered the darkness from the small room. She had always been amazed... his room had never ceased to appear as though a tornado had just swept through it; but the bathroom was one of the cleanest rooms in his apartment. And for a male, well; he got points for that.

"Oh? So I suppose it was the phone cords fault for miraculously deciding to get in my way and wrap itself around my neck? And it's my fault because the cord just happened to constrict in such a way that it vastly limited my ability to intake oxygen? So really it's my lungs fault for not being able to handle that sort of stress?" Yuri babbled on; awkwardly maneuvering about the bathroom with Kuras still clinging to his back. He slid the shower door to one side and reached into fiddle with the farthest knob firth; turning it about halfway, then the closer one - doing the same. The shower head began with a small spit of water before it actually let loose a heavier torrent.

"Stop trying to worm your way out of it!" Kuras tugged at his ears as if they were the reigns of a horse; Yuri's sudden squirming motions telling her that he didn't exactly enjoy it - but he knew if he told her to stop she would probably continue to do it regardless. "You logic is running a flawed loop. It's was your fault. Done deal!" With a push that sent him stumbling into the barrage of cold water, she hopped off of his back and snickered as he yelped and cringed back into the far corner of the shower where only a few sprinkles of the yet-to-be-warmed-up liquid could reach him.

"Fah!" He glared at her from where he stood; shaking lightly and wrapping his arms about his torso. "As if you loved that damn dog! I say it's Synthia's fault! Any way you look at it, everything stems back to her leaving the dog with you. Try to pick the meat from that bone!" Yuri stuck his tongue out at her in a childish manner... which really wasn't a smart thing to do because a moment later she had stepped into the shower; disengaged the knob controlling the hot water and reached up, tilting the shower head so that it rained down on him nothing but cold, spiteful water. She cackled and refrained from making an off handed comment about picking the meat from a certain bone.

"Nnrr! I hate you!" He managed to squeal as he fought with the uncompromising temperature of the water. It was a short battle though; as he moved forward to escape the angle of the stream. Yuri didn't give her time to adjust the shower head again - by the time she reacted to his movement, he had his arms wrapped around her waist and was pulling her back, toward the cold. It was purely for the sake of revenge - and the fact that he was already cold and wet - that he put himself back under the icy droplets of discomfort.

"No, no, no!!" Kuras was only able to squirm and make a vague attempt to get away from him; but the small space prevented much fighting. The only thing she could do was shut her eyes tight and shout as the frigid water was suddenly spilling down her back. She dug her claws hard into his back as she clung to him; pressing her body so harshly up against his it was as if she was trying to go through him to get away from the bitter sensation. "You ass!" She mumbled between then clenched teeth - before maw parted, and body sagged; allowing her to clamp said teeth firmly about his side and stomach, arms wrapping in a death grip about his waist.

Yuri had that momentary feeling of victory, which always felt nice... until it was brutally stripped away by the dreadfully sharp incisors that dove past his fur and made an extravagant attempt to pierce through his skin. "Hah, hah! ..Hrrk!" Arms were given the signal to flail wildly through a series of synapses that also which told his legs to move him forward; thus removing the both of them as quickly as possible from the stream of biting cold - (Hah; biting! Non-amusing, ironic connection!) - and to the opposite end of the shower to where he tried to make sense of the two knobs that changed the temperature of the water, through the discouragingly loud signal of thriving pain being sent to his brain.

Small whimpers and whines jived in his throat; claws trying to grip the flat, vertical surface of the shower wall - a failing attempt for muscles to tense so he could focus on something other than the vibrant stinging impression at his side. The air within the shower slowly began to shift as steam billowed up from where the now heated water came in contact with the stout enclosure of the bathing area. And slowly, very slowly; Kuras retracted her teeth from his side. It almost felt like she was pulling them away one at a time, but such an act was near physically impossible. "Aaah..." Yuri drew in a sharp breath when she finally released him; her body still remaining where it was, arms still wrapped about him. He reached up to tilt the metal head that transferred the water from pipe lines to spaciously lacking precinct. When Yuri stepped backward into the warm stream, Kuras moved on her knees with him; softly licking at where she had bitten as the hot water cascaded down his stomach. She half sat there and pressed the side of her face against him - and for a time both wolves maintained a state of stillness and silence; simply basking in the welcomed wash of warmth.


[x_x; Cut short! My thoughts have paraded off an edge and spiraled into somewhere, waving good-bye. There's the possibility I'll edit this later to add more... but, most likely I'll just end up picking this up at a slightly forwarded point in the next Part.]