Modern Times in Durik: The Easter Egg Birthday Gift

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#1 of Modern Times in Durik

Heya! This is another story me had in my backlog! Hope you enjoy!

And for those confused because I didn't say this before, Durik stories are largely episodic in nature. They are perfectly capable of benig read out of order. It is just a bunch of short stories in the end of it all. With all that being said...

Welcome to the House of Durik! This magical house is home to a group of +20-year-old idiots who either just started their careers or are in college starting to do so. Protected by Manik, a "benevolent" cat-like demon the size of an imp, this story is one of many in a series of short stories detailing the groups antics and encounters with the esoteric and weird.

Description: Today is Collin's birthday! Like with all birthdays, there must always be a party set up for Durik tenant, even if they planned a party somewhere else. This year, Basil the rabbit is the one organizing and decorating things. However, when he hits a snag, he requests help from Manik, who's supposed to be taking a pseudo-day off due to the holiday. In the demon's bitterness, he would give the rabbit exactly what he wanted while also making him get what he deserves...

Characters in Story:

Basil - A 22-year-old male rabbit with teal fur and a dark green tail. Is an

up-and-coming indie singer and party enthusiast. Lives in D-06.

Erwin - A 22-year-old male otter with gray fur and blue outlines. A writer

and music composing hobbyist. Lives in D-07.

Manik - A small male cat-like demon with red and black fur and piercing

yellow eyes. Acts as Durik's caretaker when none of its inhabitants are

present and is commonly requested for his magic. Lives wherever he wants

so long as it's within the house.

Other Characters:

Riddick - A 24-year-old male fox with red fur. Works a simple office job

that pays the bills and likes to DM tabletop games as a hobby. Lives in D03 with Collin.

Collin - A 22-year-old male bat with brown fur and tufts of silver. Plays

guitar for Basil's indie band and volunteers at the local National Park. Lives

in D-03 with Riddick.

Modern Times in Durik

Story #1: The Easter Egg Birthday Gift

Characters in Story:

Basil - A 22-year-old male rabbit with teal fur and a dark green tail. Is an up-and-coming indie singer and party enthusiast. Lives in D-06.

Erwin - A 22-year-old male otter with gray fur and blue outlines. A writer and music composing hobbyist. Lives in D-07.

Manik - A small male cat-like demon with red and black fur and piercing yellow eyes. Acts as Durik's caretaker when none of its inhabitants are present and is commonly requested for his magic. Lives wherever he wants so long as it's within the house.

Other Characters:

Riddick - A 24-year-old male fox with red fur. Works a simple office job that pays the bills and likes to DM tabletop games as a hobby. Lives in D-03 with Collin.

Collin - A 22-year-old male bat with brown fur and tufts of silver. Plays guitar for Basil's indie band and volunteers at the local National Park. Lives in D-03 with Riddick.

Basil waved goodbye as his roommates got in their cars. A red fox, Riddick, would pop his head out of the driver's seat one last time. "You sure you got this Basil?"

"Yep! Don't worry about me guys!" The put on a reassuring smile for everyone leaving.

The fox merely nodded and stuck his head back in the car. It and another holding the other partygoers backed out of the house's driveway and disappeared down the corner. Basil waited until he was certain the cars couldn't be heard again before returning inside.

He sighed as he closed the door and began to giggle at the sound of silence. "Hahhh, finally! Time to enact my plan!"

He strutted cockily to the kitchen, within, sat the ingredients for a cake. Not just any cake, but a special cake for a special bat!

The rabbit busied himself for the next few minutes with prepping the cake. He would freeze while pouring the batter into the mold when a clear sound of footsteps was heard.

Wait what!? There should be no one else here besides Erwin! Every car left! Basil scrambled to hide the batter, frantically clanging pots as things were badly hidden away.

"...Wow I didn't realize you were that bad at surprises."

Basil's worried face softened as he turned to see a small cat-like creature with a bored face staring at him. A sigh of relief escaped him. "Oh, thank goodness. It's just you Manik."

The demon raised an eyebrow. "Who else did you expect it to be?"

"W-Well... Erwin likes to sleep in and everyone else left to an Easter Egg party so... When I just heard someone walking into the kitchen, I panicked?" The rabbit finished with a shrug.

Manik's face remained unchanged. "... Do you really think my footsteps sound like anyone else that lives here?"

Basil stared at the demon awkwardly. It did look like he was waiting for a response, but he just sighed instead. "*_sighs*_Never mind... Go back to finishing Collin's birthday cake."

Basil nodded to the demon and pulled the cake back out to put in the oven. However, as he did so, another problem came to his mind... "Shit!"

"...What happened?" Manik said nonchalantly.

"I didn't buy decorations! Fuck!"

"Why not just go buy some then?"

Basil looked at the imp-sized demon confused. "Huh!? It's not that simple Manik! Today is Easter! Everything's pretty much sold out at this point!"

The rabbit racked his head for a solution. He began hurriedly looking around the kitchen for inspiration, his eyes stopping back on the turned away demon.

Manik was busy attempting to refill his drink from the filter. He stopped when he felt a twinge in the back of his mind. He glanced at the rabbit as a look he hated to see appeared.

"Basil, bro... What have I told you and everyone about making that face at me?"

The rabbit's smug smile only widened. "Manik...?"

The demon immediately put his cup down and raised an annoyed finger at Basil. "NO!"

"I have a request to make..."


"An exchange, if you will~..."

"NO, NO, NO!"

"I humbly request~..."


The rabbit sauntered up to the short demon and knelt down. "... for some colored egg decorations."

Manik looked redder than usual and fed up with the rabbit. "You do realize this is quite possibly the worst day you could ever invoke my powers, right?"

Basil laughed unapologetically. "Indeed. But you have to! I said the lines correctly~"

The cat-like imp grumbled to himself in demonic for a bit before an idea popped into his mind. His angered face turned into a smug smile. "...Ok then Basil~ I'll take the exchange... You'll have your "decorations" ..."

Basil burst out laughing at the demon's terrible attempt at being ominous. "BAHAHA! Thank Manik!"

Manik's ears flattened in annoyance as his eyes began to glow and his 3rd eye opened. He began to draw a symbol in midair.

To Basil, the sigil looked intricate, but he knew from the demon's bored face he'd usually have while drawing it that it was very simplistic to him.

Once finished, the sigil opened itself, forming a small ring Manik's and Basil's hands could fit through. Manik kept a neutral face as he said, "Do you accept the Contract?"

His face would turn into a smile as the giggling rabbit also put his hand through the sigil and shook his.

As their hands made contact to shake, the sigil collapsed, forming a wristband-like tattoo on their arms.

"Deal set!" Manik kept his smug look as he broke the handshake and went to grab his cup.

Basil admired the mark wrapped around his wrist. He may not have been able to read it, but it was sick as fuck!

"Alright rabbit... Need anything else from me?"

Basil shook himself out of his awe as he remembered the one question he forgot to ask. "... So, umm. What did you do fulfill my request?"

Manik's smug look turned devilish at the question. "Hehehe... Would you like to know?"

All Basil needed to hear was a finger snap. His clothes and junk became too hot on his body. He threw off his undershirt and shorts and paused on the large bulge in his underwear.

"Heh. Come on Basil, show me that cock I gave you..."

Basil moaned as he slid his underwear down, revealing a nice 13-inch uncut cock. Merely seeing it made the rabbit's ego swell with pride. Memories of the many bottoms he's satisfied with it came to mind. It was one of the rabbit's first requests from the demon upon moving into Durik.

"There you go~" Manik began sauntering towards the naked rabbit.

"Ahhh~ hahhn~ What... What now?"

"Down you go... On all fours..."

The demon's command boomed in his mind. Why wouldn't obey such a domineering voice like his? Basil slowly lowered himself to the ground and instinctively presented his ass for him.

Manik approached the sexy ass in front of him, giving it a firm spank. "Mmmh~ You're a top right Basil?"

"Y-Yeah? What about it?"

"Heh. Why do tops always have the cutest, breedable butts?"

Basil blushed at the comment. Was his butt really that cute? "I-I don't know..."

The rabbit heard the imp make a stretching noise before he felt something slick near his anus. The feeling was enough to pull him out of his lust-drunk state. He looked back at Manik with a concerned look. "W-Wait, you're not planning to- "

Manik smirked as the rabbit's voice screamed in surprise as his prostate was penetrated. The rabbit shivered and shuddered at the intrusive feeling. "Ahh~ There we go. If you want your decorations, your gonna have to fulfill your end of the deal."

Basil groaned at the size of the imp's cock inside of him. His unstretched ass wasn't ready for such a size and neither was he. However, the pain of it would eventually turn into pleasure as Manik entered a good rhythm with his thrusts.

Manik saw the conflicted look in the rabbit's eyes as he pounded his ass. "Hehehe~ Enjoying the ride "top"?"

Basil tried badly to stifle his moaning. "Ahh mmmnah~ I'm-I'm still a top!"

The imp could only laugh. "Heh, we'll see by the end of this!"

Basil braced as he felt the demon become rougher with his thrusts. It was so strange. He never thought having another person's cock inside him would feel so good. He didn't want to admit it, but he was beginning to enjoy this more and more.

The rabbit couldn't hold back as he felt a tingling sensation creep over his cock. The demon was rutting him so hard he couldn't help but let out a moan as he came from the stimulation. Basil instinctively began pushing into the imp to prolong the feeling for a few more seconds. "AHH-hahhhh~"

While Basil was tired and panting, Manik thrusted harder into him, feeling the magic do its work.

The rabbit continued moaning as he felt Manik's cock spear into him deeper, the sheer size and girth felt even bigger than what the rabbit had initially felt. That just made things hotter to him.

Manik finished with a final thrust into the rabbit, sighing as he basked in his release.

Basil shuddered as the warm seed flowed into his body. It felt so foreign and wrong but so right at the same time. What the rabbit wasn't prepared for however was a particularly thick pulse to be felt from the demon's cock.

Manik only smiled as Basil gasped and groaned with each egg deposited into his insides. The feeling of the eggs leaving him felt so good too. The way it pushed stretched out of his urethra was nothing short of pleasurable. He felt like cumming again from the stimulation.

Basil shivered as his body felt heavier with every egg. "Hahh~ H-How did you- mmph~"

Manik only smiled at the horny, confused rabbit. "Magic works in mysterious ways huh?"

The two would soon grow quiet, the silence only being interrupted by Basil as his stomach bloated with another egg.

Manik would pan his eye over to a nearby clock and shrugged when he saw the time. "Alrighty, I think that's enough for you."

Basil moaned loudly as the imp pulled out of him with a loud \ **POP* *. Cum poured out of the stretched hole as Manik went to retrieve his drink.

The rabbit collapsed on the floor, a bit uncaring about the small puddle of his own cum he was lying in. Wait what? Why am I only laying in a small amount? I produce more cum than this!

Manik began smirking as he heard a confused gasp behind him.

"AHH! W-What happened to my cock!?"

Manik turned to see the rabbit's panicked face as he grabbed his organ. It looked much smaller and less girthy than it originally was. "Well, well, well, feeling smaller now Basil?"

Basil glared daggers at the smug demon. "What's the meaning of this Manik!?

The imp acted nonchalantly to the anger, choosing to sip his drink instead of acting "... You got what you wanted and got what you get."

Basil widened his eyes. "W-What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, for the next 24 hours you get to have all the "decorations" you could ever want. In turn, you get to be the submissive bottom you deserve to be."

"B-But what does my dick shrinking do with any of this?"

Manik laughed. "Your dick's not shrinking Basil..." The imp brought his hand to his own dick, pointing it at the rabbit.

Basil couldn't believe what he saw. The demon's cock was now much bigger and girthier than it used to be. His eyes widened as the truth dawned on him "W-Why are you stealing from me!?"

Manik shook his head. "Tch, tch, tch. It's not stealing Basil. Better to think of it as giving someone a gift. I consider this my gift to Collin. I'm sure that endowed bat will enjoy some of your size being added to him."

"B-But! It's MY gift! I requested it from you!"

The imp shrugged. "I'm sure you'll survive. It's only for 1 day after all. Who knows? You may even like being a bottom at the end of it..."

"Hey! I-ahhh haaahnh mmm~" Basil's coming complaint fizzled out and was replaced by a moan as a hot feeling began in his ass and stomach.

Manik smiled as his cue finally bloomed in the rabbit. He gave himself a relaxing stretch as the rabbit shakily tried to stand up. "... Heh. Seems like your decorations are ready. You should probably go find a place to put them. Meanwhile..." The demon walked over to the living room and made a portal appear within it. "Since it's Easter, this cat demon as got a date with some other sexy demons."

"B-But- "

"Don't worry though these inches you let me borrow will be a nice gift to satisfy them as well..."

Basil frantically limped over to the cat-like imp. The heaviness and heat the eggs within him were giving off wasn't helping either. "W-Wait! M-Manik!"

The rabbit barely missed the demon as he stepped through the portal. He stumbled to the ground and whimpered. "D-Don't... Don't leave me like this... Mmmh~"

Basil's cock grew hard again as the weight of the eggs became too much for him. He... He needs to find a good place to lay them.

The rabbit stood himself up comfortably and looked around himself. Hmm... Where did I say I was going to set everything up? Ah! Right! The foyer!

Basil made sure to check on the cake before sauntering into the welcoming room. He looked around for a basket to put his precious decorations in and sat in the middle of the room.

It didn't take long for pressure to build up near the rabbit's rear. Basil moaned as he felt the 1st egg stretch his entrance. Pre began leaking from his member as he strained to worm bulbous orb out. "Ahhhah~ AGH!"

The rabbit panted heavily as Manik's cum dripped out of his ass. He slowly looked down to see his prize: An ornately decorated yellow and pink egg. Basil felt himself smile wickedly at the egg. Mmmmph~ More of those are inside me~

He wasted no time in squeezing out more. "Hagghh~ F-Fuck!"

Basil felt his drool slip out of his mouth as another precious egg slipped out of his hole. Who knew that such stimulation to his ass could feel so good! He moaned as he heard another egg plop itself into the basket, the air making his gaped hole tingle more.


By the fifth egg, the feeling became to much for the rabbit. He dry humped the air as his cum spurted all over the floor.

He still felt a bit disappointed at the mediocre amount of cum he produced but nothing compared to the joy he felt from the eggs he laid. They all looked so cute! They were all unique designs and beautiful color schemes! The perfect decorations for an Easter birthday party!

As the high of laying the eggs ended, Basil began to fail anxious and needy. More... I need more eggs!

The rabbit picked up his basket of eggs and carried it upstairs to the bedrooms. He passed by all of his roommate's empty rooms until he stopped on a room labelled "D-07".

About 15 minutes earlier...

Erwin was a night owl. And like most night owls, the gray otter liked to sleep in late. He wasn't much of a partygoer like the other neighbors he lived with, but he did enjoy a good, fun night.

He grumbled groggily as he heard a loud moan from the kitchen. The room was pretty moderate ways away from his room, so the fact he could hear a moan from there meant that someone was having some good, rough sex in kitchen. That was good and all for them but annoying for Erwin. Why can't everyone in this house just fuck quieter?

Erwin forced his eyes fully awake. He was definitely not going to get any more sleep than what he had gotten now. He stood up, put on his glasses, and stretched, his naked lean body tensing and relaxing. However, the otter's relaxing start to his morning would be interrupted by a tingling feeling in his sheath.

He felt confused as his morning wood overwhelmed him. He instinctively brought his hands down to the needy organ to satisfy this. Mmph~ W-Why am I getting morning wood? I rarely get this...

The otter's knotted cock went to full mast immediately. It felt so strange too. Hah hahh~ Did... Did I get bigger? B-But I didn't request anything from Manik!

Erwin stopped thinking as the heat in his body pushed him to stroke his cock faster. He his cock pulse and grow as he felt the magic flow through him. "Ung~ Damn~"

The otter closed his eyes as his climax came closer. He didn't even realize he was using both his hands to satisfy his now girthy organ. All he cared about was relieving his heat. "Grrrah~ HA AHhh~"

Erwin humped into his own hands as his stream of cum spilled all over his wall and floor. He grunted as his orgasm kept going longer than it should have, spraying more of his viscous seed all over his room.

In his glow, the otter would begin licking his cum covered paws. It tasted so thick and creamy and had a hint of... vanilla? Vanilla? B-But that's-

Erwin's pondering was abruptly ended when a stray drop of cum would drip on his head. He yelped in surprise and looked up. "Wow... Well, that's a first..."

The otter walked to his personal bathroom to get a towel. It was gonna take him a while to clean this mess up...

Present Times...

Basil hungrily banged on Erwin's door. It took a few harrowing moments but the internal shuffling within would cease and an otter similar in height to the rabbit would peak through the door.

"Morning Basil! What's up?"

The rabbit couldn't contain himself. The pheromones and scent of the otter's cum emanated through his room and into Basil's nose. He burst into Erwin's room and nearly tackled him.



The surprised otter went to adjust his glasses properly before speaking. "Wh-What?" The rabbit in front of him barely looked like his friend. He looked feral and sex starved.


"OKAY! OKAY! Calm down first! Please!"

Basil's eyes widened as he realized what he had done. "Holy shit!" The rabbit got off of his friend and gave him room to breathe. "I-I'm sorry Erwin. You probably just woke up and I barged at you like that..."

The otter breathed in deeply and sat up. He gave the regretful rabbit a smile. "Heh. It's-It's no worries, Basil. I'm always happy to help."

Basil's eyes lit up. "R-Really?"

"Well duh! We're celebrating Collin's birthday and I've barely done anything to help! I wanna do something!"

Erwin blushed as the rabbit hugged him. "Ahh~ Thank you Erwin! You're the best friend ever bro!"

"You're welcome! Now..." The otter broke the hug and looked squarely at the rabbit. "What's this about me needing to fuck you?"

"Ahh! Right! I made a request with Manik for some Easter decorations and... well... Let's just say that I'm learning to be a bottom for a day to earn those decorations..."

Erwin laughed. "Hahaha! Aren't you a top bro?"

The rabbit looked away embarrassed. "Y-Yeah... I mean! I still am! It's just a part of Manik's deal!"

The otter gave Basil a skeptical smile. "Sure bro..."

Basil sighed in annoyance. "Look! It's only just for the day okay!? Now hurry up and put some eggs in me!"

Erwin gave the rabbit a confused look. "E-Eggs?"

Basil wasn't waiting anymore. He grinded his needy ass on the otter's sheath, earning a moan from him as the rabbit coaxed out his prize.

"Ahhh hhah~ W-Wait Basil... I-I..."

Basil placed one hand on the otter's growing, girthy cock and the other over said otter's mouth. Muffled moans echoed past his friend's covered mouth as his cock went to full mast.

Once it did, Basil turned around to see its full glory. The cock itself was much larger than it should have been and smelled similar to the rabbit. Ahh so Manik shared my inches with Erwin too~ Good...

The rabbit gave the rod a sensual lick, earning a shivering moan from the otter. Basil stood up and faced Erwin and his cock. "Mmmmh~"

Erwin attempted to voice his confusion again. "W-Wait Basil. H-How can I give you eggs?"

The two screamed in pleasure as Basil squeezed the cock through his tight entrance. The way the otter's tapered cock stretched his insides elated the rabbit to the highest degree. HOLY SHIT! THIS IS WHAT MY BOTTOMS FEEL FROM ME!? I'VE MISSED SO MUCH!

Erwin was surprised how much of his cock the rabbit could take. Basil was a top after all! He remembered his friend explicitly telling him while he was railing the otter's own ass that he never took anything up his ass and never planned to. But here he was with the otter's enhanced cock halfway in his ass.

Basil was determined to push himself farther. He would not fail this moment! He spread his legs wider, allowing Erwin a full view of the rabbit's noticeably smaller cock. It looked to have lost 3-4 whole inches and nearly half an inch of its girth.

The two would moan again as Basil managed to hilt the otter. Tears streamed from Basil's eyes as his ass was stretched to its limits. "Haghh~ F-FUCK! Mmm~"

"God your so tight~ Wh-What next?"


Basil lifted himself and began slamming down on the otter's cock. Erwin began a torrent of moans as the rabbit rode his rod.

Erwin's switch instincts kicked in, he opened his lustful eyes and grabbed his pet by their waist. He humped deep into the rabbit's rectum, causing the rabbit to moan in happiness.

Basil entered his personal heaven again. Pre leaked from his cock as his friend dominated his ass with his cock. The pre from Erwin's cock felt so good inside him. Being fucked by someone else felt so good to him. Being a bottom felt so good to him.

Erwin grunted as his pace instinctively increased. "Hnngh~ F-Fuck, I'm so close Basil..."

"AHhhh~ Do it bad boy~ Do it please!" Lust filled the rabbit's eyes, the anticipation of being filled overwhelming him.

Erwin obliged for his friend, slamming down harder on the rabbit until felt his knot enter the tight hole.

Basil screamed in pleasure as he felt the otter's knot spread his entrance the widest he's ever known. He felt his mouth water as the warm, sticky seed flooded his insides. "Hahhh~ Yessss~"

Erwin felt weird. He never had something put in his urethra before, but the feeling of something egg-like began materializing within his cock as he orgasmed. The first one felt odd, the second felt nice, the third one and every other one increased the pleasure of his orgasm.

Basil came from the feeling the 2ndegg invade his hole. His average cock spewed his cum onto his friend's face. "Mmmgh~ Sooo fucking GOOD~"

Erwin smiled at his friend's face. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head as the rabbit surrendered to the pleasure in his ass. The otter busied himself with lapping up the mess his friend had made on him. "Mmmh~ Your vanilla still tastes good~"

Basil didn't respond. Instead, he began to feel that lovely heat in his stomach again. The eggs were ready and so quick too! "Mmmph~ Egg laying time!"

Erwin's confused face turned into a moan of pleasure as the rabbit forcibly untied himself from the otter.

Basil shivered a bit he felt his friend's cum trickle from his gaped ass. He grabbed the egg basket and set it in front of the otter.

The gray otter watched in intrigue as his friend pushed out a colorful cum-covered egg from his ass. Hearing the rabbit moan as his entrance stretched to push out the egg was very hot to him. "Ohhh... I-I understand now..."

"Do ya?"

Erwin shrieked in surprise as Manik appeared, an empty cup in his hand. The cat-like imp gave the otter a smile.

"Oh! H-Hi Manik!" The otter finished his greeting with an awkward chuckle.

"What's up? You like the new Basil?"

Erwin looked back at the rabbit. He was completely lost in bliss and moaned as another egg stretched out of his hole and landed in the basket. He couldn't lie, the rabbit looked so hot and breedable. "Y-Yeah... I kinda do..."

The demon chuckled. "Hehe~ Well why don't you go and satisfy him for the next few hours huh? He's gonna need a lot more eggs to pull off the party decorations..."

Erwin blushed as he heard the rabbit groan in frustration when he had no more eggs to lay. "Y-Yeah... I think I will."

Erwin moved his webbed foot to tap his friend. All he had to do was point at his cock again for the rabbit to get excited again...

A few hours later...

Basil was rutted so hard by Erwin that he completely forgot about the birthday cake he was making. Thankfully, Manik was a good caretaker that knew all of his tenants very, very well. He pulled out and frosted the cake with Collin's favorite flavor and made sure to add extra sprinkles to it.

The demon hummed to himself as he placed the cake in a cake holder and brought it to the foyer table. A bunch of Easter eggs surrounded the "Happy Birthday Collin!" sign. It looked incredibly childish to Manik, but he knew this is what the bat unironically liked.

Erwin walked into the foyer dressed pretty causally in a black t-shirt and beige shorts. Basil, however, walked in wearing much less. He only wore a white tank top and was completely bottomless. The only other thing the rabbit had was an Easter egg he had laid during his rutting session with Erwin.

As the locks on the door were unlocked, stumbling in was a clearly drunk Riddick. He slurred his speech as he announced to all the other tenants following behind him and to the birthday party, "Annshd Behold! The greatesht bat to ewery grace thur world! Welcumn Collin!"

Collin stepped through the door, and as he did, everyone behind him and Erwin, Basil, and Manik all collectively yelled, "HAPPY 23RD!"

The brown bat smiled and chuckled. "Aww guys! You shouldn't have!"

Manik would teleport in front of him. "Nah! This is totally necessary! Every tenant of Durik gets a birthday celebration. The house demands it!"

Collin laughed as his eyes panned over to his cake. He was surprised by what he saw from Basil.

Basil laid bottomless on all-fours with an Easter Egg laid firmly in his ass.

Collin was at a loss for words. "I uuh... I thought you were a top Basil?"

Manik stifled a giggle while Basil gave the bat a sensual smile. "For just one night, can you let a friend lend you an extra hole to vent your frustration on?"

Collin matched the smile and unzipped his pants. "Heh... I can't say no to that."

Basil tensed as he felt the dominant bat's breath on his back.

"I hope you're ready for my flare bro..."

Basil's smile turned smug as he looked at an embarrassed Erwin. "Heh, trust me Collin... I can take you..."

The rabbit moaned as the bat removed the egg and began to fuck his present. Everyone else managed to corral into the foyer and watch, each one noting how Basil, the guy who never took cock from anyone, was now letting himself get fucked by one of the Durik's oldest tenants.

Collin's cock felt so good to Basil as it rutted his well-used hole. He let out a semi-embarrassed moan as he felt the bat hit a "good spot" he didn't even know he had. He felt his poor cock size be stolen by Collin with every thrust and it made him happy. He wasn't even mad anymore, not when he now knew how good cock was to take!

Out of the corner of the rabbit's eye, he saw Manik lying on a wall, staring smugly at him with those yellow eyes. It annoyed him at the possibility of the imp's words being true. But he did have to admit...

Being a bottom felt nice...

He wouldn't mind making it permanent...