A Bun in Vulpineva: A Vore Adventure Game 0.0.1

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Find the latest WIP release here: https://www.patreon.com/Maplesburg

This is the first work in progress release of my text adventure game (or choose your own adventure story). Eventually, you will be able collect and use some items, but at the moment, you can run through a number of different story lines. There are more than 8 different endings you can currently achieve. I am more of a writer than a game developer, but I like writing different versions of my stories, and this is me putting that into a text adventure format. The game is incomplete as noted, and if you end up on a page where the story hasn't been written yet, it will redirect you to an appropriate alternate page.

This is an erotic vore adventure game. Some things about that:

  1. The game assumes you are a prey-type vorarephile. There are currently no opportunities to be the pred. There will be eventually, but the game will become more difficult if you take this route.

  2. The player takes the form of a female rabbit/doe. If you are uncomfortable being referred to by she/her pronouns by other characters or being described as having labia and a vagina, I am sorry and understand if you do not wish to play this game. Since this is basically a choose your own adventure story with some chance thrown in, I would need to make a completely different game to change this or avoid explicit content, which would also make this a different game.

  3. The game is highly explicit and not suitable for anyone under 18.

How to play the game:

The file can be downloaded for free from my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Maplesburg

To play the game you will need Quest installed, only available for Windows, sadly. Quest is free, and can be downloaded here: https://textadventures.co.uk/quest

If I figure out what is wrong with their website, I will upload the game so that you can play there without installing Quest. I currently cannot make an account.

The world of the game is loosely based on the one from my novels/short stories but should not be considered in canon with the overall Vulpinevan literary universe.