Five-Star Review

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A sequel to Recommended Product, the fully merged rubber salamander decides to have a little fun with her new form.


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The rubber salamander let out a soft moan of pure pleasure as she continued to slide the rubber dildo into her pussy, though in her mind's eye she imagined that it was something else entirely. It was less than an hour ago that she had become the amalgamation of several creatures, two of which she was imagining were sliding inside of her new slick mouth and pussy. One was the shark Alphonse and the other was Rubine, the two of them sliding their impressive cocks into the creature that they had become. Even though they were technically inside her body as part of the merging process she was unaware of it and in her mind's eye these were just two masculine, muscular creatures that she was fantasizing about.

As her back arched while swearing she could feel the shark's maleness in her maw while pretending the dildo inside of her was the frog the gemstones on the collar she wore flashed once more. They had long since turned from their colorations to the clear diamonds that studded the band, and though the identities that had been inside them started to manifest once more it was quickly drowned out again by an intense wave of pleasure. The two men were overly eager to fill the creature but as the salamander squirmed on the bed eventually she reached another orgasm as her pussy clamped down against the toy inside of her. She used her incredibly flexible legs to keep the dildo inside of her while her hands went up to her breasts to mimic the webbed hands of the shark in her mind.

Eventually the rubber salamander came down from her orgasm and as she pulled herself back up she took her own webbed feet and allowed the dildo to slide out of her. She couldn't even remember how many times she had climaxed at this point and as she brushed her fingers against the collar she wore she found herself relishing the sensations that came with it. For some reason the men and women that she imagined while trying to satisfy her libido were more vivid with the collar on. But that was just for her personal time, as she got up and stretched her form while taking it off and looking at the diamonds that were on the side of it.

Something about seeing the stones put a smile on her face as the rubber salamander sat up and finally got out of the bed that she had been using. She took the dildo and set it aside before sliding out of the bed and looking for something that she could wear for a night out. After putting down the collar on the nearby nightstand she went to look for something that she could wear and while there was some attire for a woman it was rather ill-fitting. Her breasts were bigger than the one that owned these clothes, though for some reason she knew that they actually belonged to her in some fashion, and after a while she decided that a change of clothing was in order. She wore the closest thing that she could find that would fit her without being too indecent, after all she needed to save that for later, and then went out in the search for something that not only fit but was a bit more fun.

As she made her way out of the apartment the rubber salamander woman noticed that there were an awfully large amount of clothing that was scattered about, most of it belonging to men or the like. Must have been some party, she thought to herself, though it seems that her guests had absconded from her domicile without taking their clothing with them. While that was a bit strange she also realized that when she tried to think of who she could have possibly invited over she only got vague impressions as her webbed fingers went up to her shiny bare throat. More pressing though was that she didn't seem to remember her own name, though as she made her way to the door she found herself thinking one up that matched this body of hers without even realizing.

Selene... that seemed like a good enough fit, and she once more found herself smiling as she went out of the building and into the bustling street of the city. She hadn't realized it but she had spent most of the night and day slaking her lusts and the sun was already starting to set, but that was perfect for her as that meant that she had an entire night of being out on the town. For the moment though her sole focus was something that she could wear and after looking through several pairs of the pants before she had left she was armed with enough cash from the various wallets she found to do so. It would be just in time too, she mused to herself as she adjusted the tight bra against her chest, even being made of rubber there was only so much compression she could do as she used the phone she had also taken and used it to get a rideshare.

About twenty minutes later Selene found herself at the mall just as night began to fall on the city. Even though there were a few hours left before it closed there weren't many people there as she looked around to see where she could go in order to get some new clothing. While the lingerie store was tempting she needed something that she could actually go out in first and after a bit of walking found a clothing store that was for everyday wear. As she walked inside she could see that there were a number of people that were giving her a look and it caused her to lick her lips in anticipation before reminding herself to keep her priorities straight for the time being.

The clothing store was one of those big box establishments that were for both men and women, and even with the sizable amount of knowledge she seemed to have at her fingertips none of it was where to go in this store. Her eyes looked about until she found someone that could help, walking up to the rabbit that was restocking graphic t-shirts and tapping him on the shoulder. "Excuse me," Selene asked. "Do you think you could help me find women's dresswear?"

"Oh, yeah, it's just over... there..." the rabbit replied as he turned around, nearly dropping the box of clothing that he had been holding at seeing the shiny beauty that was standing there next to him. Selene could almost see the blush on his cheeks as the rather muscular rabbit gave her a sheepish grin, realizing at that moment that he had blatantly checked her out before putting the remaining t-shirts aside. "I can guide you over there if you want."

"I would like that very much," Selene replied as she touched the bicep of the man, which as her fingers wrapped around the short brown fur she could see that the contact was not only accepted but appreciated. "My name is Selene."

"Sirocco," the rabbit replied. "Here, it's just over in this section." The rabbit quickly brought the rubber salamander over to the women's section of the store, and continued to remain nearby despite Selene not even asking him to do so. Since she was only looking for something she could walk around in until she could find another place with more club-worthy attire.

When she had picked out a few things that she believed would look pretty cute on her the last task was to head to the fitting rooms in order to try them on. She grabbed the armful of clothing and asked Sirocco where the dressing rooms were, and after he guided her there he said that he would be right outside if there was anything she might need. "Actually... do you think perhaps you could give me a hand?" Selene asked, the grin on her muzzle growing as she could see the hare becoming increasingly flustered.

"You want me... to go in there... with you?" Sirocco replied in both shock and hope before looking around. "It's not really in the store's policy, could get in a lot of trouble if anyone found out."

"Well, there aren't any cameras in there, right?" Selene asked, the rabbit shaking his head. "And as far as I could see the only other person that is in this place is the cashier up front, plus you could consider it to be excellent customer service if you would help me out. Of course if you don't want to I can always get changed myself and you can go back to restocking the shelves."

Though the rabbit seemed torn on what to do it was a gentle caress of her hand against the small of his back that prompted him to nod his head and follow the salamander into the dressing room. While most of the stalls were clearly only made for one person the last one was bigger in order larger clients and was perfect for what she had in mind. Once more though she reminded herself that she needed to take care of what she came here for first, though that didn't stop her from grinning and making eye contact with the rabbit as she took off the ill-fitting clothes that she had been wearing. Though she was taller than most women she still had to look up in order to look into the eyes of Sirocco, who looked away when she started to strip down only for her to tell her that it wasn't necessary.

Selene could hear the rabbit swallowing hard and comment that these clothes definitely didn't fit her after coming up behind her to undo the bra that she asked him to unclasp. She replied that they didn't quite belong to her and when the rabbit asked if they were her roommate or something the salamander found herself at a loss for words. Once more her fingers went up to her neck and she realized that she had forgotten her collar back at the apartment... but as she felt the fingers of the rabbit press up against her shoulders to help slide the bra off she found her mind more focused on other things at the moment, like being half-naked with a rather handsome rabbit man that was clearly into her. She decided that for the moment though she would tease him a bit and thanked Sirocco for his help before trying on one of the sets that she had brought in.

After about twenty minutes she had found an outfit that she could live with for the time being and put the rest to the side. "I think I'm going to wear this out," Selene said as she looked at herself in the mirror, the light blue dress working well with the dark blue rubber of her body. "What do you think?"

"I think you look stunning," Sirocco replied, his eyes widening slightly as she began to take it off. "Wait, I thought that you were going to wear it out of the store?"

"I am," Selene replied with a wink as she let the dress fall away to expose her body once more as she worked off her new, much better fitting bra. "But I thought that before I do I could thank you for going above and beyond. That's going to require you stripping down yourself, unless you did just come in to help a girl out with her wardrobe."

Given that the rabbit had been shifting around to hide the tent in his pants every time she got naked it was clear he had come in for the former as he pulled off his shirt. Selene had already gotten completely naked by this point and was already rubbing her fingers along the shiny white skin of her flat stomach as her other hand squeezed the growing bulge in his pants. She let out a murr of approval as she found that he was quite well-hung, which was definitely a bonus in her book since she had just been pleasuring herself with rather average sex toys for the last day or so. It wasn't long before he was just as naked as she was and even though they were in a department store changing room Sirocco had grown far more bold as their lips met in a kiss.

With any lingering anxiety or doubt about what the two had come to the dressing room to do Selene found herself being gently pushed up against the wall as the muscular rabbit man pressed against her. She found herself letting out a soft moan as his hands slid up her body and kneaded against her large breasts, each squeeze causing a tremor of pleasure to cascade through her body. It was strange, like she was being groped for the first time yet not, but she let those thoughts get pushed back in her mind as she could feel his maleness pressing against her leg. He was already half-hard and the feel of her synthetic skin against his fur made him even harder as she could feel her own pussy getting wet from the excitement.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing and feeling up one another's bodies Selene felt herself get pushed up further on the wall by the rabbit. It allowed her to wrap her legs around his waist as she could feel his cock pressing up against her groin. Both were practically panting in anticipation as the tip began to press up inside of her glistening snatch, her grip tightening as he began to slowly push up into her. The feeling was ten times better than anything she had ever experienced before and with their muzzles still connected she found herself kissing even more deeply and even pushing her tongue into his lapine maw. The feel of that thick cock stretching her open, the muscles pressing against her, this guy was a real stallion as her entire body shivered from the penetration.

If either of them looked down at that moment they would have seen that the rubber of her pussy was starting to transfer onto his cock, but not just for lubrication. Selene could feel something happening inside of her as Sirocco started to thrust in even deeper but with the high of getting stretched open like that all she could do was roll her head back and gasp. With their lustful embrace neither noticed that it was taking more for the rabbit to pull out of her and that he was getting thicker by the second the more his cock was enveloped. The synthetic liquid was also starting to drip down his thighs and as it got to his feet it began to coalesce and spread over his bare toes.

As Sirocco could feel her stomach bulging slightly from the amount of his cock inside her the rabbit finally managed to have his thoughts rise up above the haze of pleasure in order to feel that he was still getting bigger while inside the salamander. With her legs wrapped around his hips however there was little he could do without forcing the two apart and the feel of her insides pressing around the increasingly sensitive flesh of his member was making it hard for him to think. In fact all his thoughts were getting slower as he felt the rubber liquid that was coming from their coupling starting to spread over his rear. Soon he had forgotten why he had even paused and began to thrust up even more, his muscles bulging as they started to grow bigger while he let out a deep huff from his nostrils.

While Selene was also in the throes of rapturous euphoria however she was able to realize that the rabbit was somehow getting deeper inside of her while their groins were practically pressed against one another. She could feel it growing and changing, the head flaring out while her pussy became even more stretched from the increased girth that the rubber cock had. As she managed to look past their grinding forms she could see that his maleness wasn't the only thing that had changed as his feet were covered in black rubber and had started to morph into something else. As the digits merged together she realized that they were turning into hooves and as the salamander looked back up into the face of the rabbit his muzzle was starting to bloat and swell outwards while more of the black rubber dripped from his completely shiny mouth completely with long tongue.

Before the rubber salamander could say anything that same tongue snaked its way into her muzzle and quickly slid inside of her throat. It began to pump into her the same way that his cock was doing and eventually their mouths met in a kiss again as his nostrils flared from growing a more equine snout that was covered in rubber. She could start to feel herself sliding father up the wall as he grew bigger in more than just his maleness, the rabbit quivering as his ears drooped and shortened as the shiny substance crawled up and transformed them. At this point though Sirocco was completely lost in the throes of pleasure and as he once more started to thrust upwards all she could do was hold onto those thickly muscled rubber arms as their chests rubbed together and provided even more stimulation.

Eventually the new latex horse reached his orgasm and Selene's eyes practically bulged out of her head as she felt her insides get flooded. As jet after jet filled her it caused her shiny stomach to start to distend until she had a bit of a gut that was mainly the cum that the new horse had pumped into her. As she struggled to regain her composure from the waves of pleasure that were cascading through her body she found that the former rabbit had been completely replaced; while Sirocco had been pretty well-muscled before this creature was a powerhouse with shiny black skin and a cock so long and thick that it took more than a few seconds for it to eventually slide out of her still sensitive pussy. She let out a gasp as he finally pulled out what was probably about two feet of synthetic horse cock and as they both panted heavily he seemed to get a grasp of what just happened to him as he looked down at himself.

"Whoa... I'm a horse," Sirocco said rather bluntly as Selene watched him flex his new muscles, something that caused both delight and relief as she realized that he seemed to be alright with his predicament. "Did you do this to me?"

"It seems so," Selene replied as she once more looked him over, feeling her slaked lusts starting to rise once more in the presence of such a handsome rubber critter that she seemed to have created. "I'm not sure how that happened though, how do you feel?"

"I feel... awesome," Sirocco said as he also continued to examine his new equine form. "A little bare though, like, I could use um... those things that go around a horse's head." As Selene asked if he meant a bit and bridle Sirocco nodded and she found that while he seemed to have a slightly more simplistic mindset then when they first met. He could see him idly pressing his hands over his new muscular body and knew that he couldn't just leave him like that, but at the same time she wasn't even sure what had happened before she realized she had her hands up against her neck again.

The collar, did that have something to do with it? She remembered that it was important for her, but she couldn't quite figure out for what reason. In the back of her mind though she knew that it probably had something to do with her new friend's transformation... but it was all the way back in her apartment and he would definitely not fit in his clothing anymore. After asking if it would be fine for him to take off early she grabbed the clothing she had just picked out for herself and got dressed before finding something for him.

About a half an hour later Selene was back at the apartment building she had come from, this time with someone else in tow behind her as Sirocco seemed more than content to follow along for the moment. Luckily even with his growth spurt she managed to find something for him to wear and with his skin being rubber it sort of looked like he was wearing some sort of bodysuit. She still quickly ushered him into the building and up to her floor, pulling out the key she had taken for the apartment as soon as they got there. Before she could get inside however there was someone that was coming down the way and while she tried to keep a low profile the panther man seemed to gravitate towards her curiously.

"You a friend of Alphonse and Amy?" the panther asked before Selene had a chance to open the door.

"Yeah, you could say that," Selene replied as she looked up and gave the smirking feline a smile back. "What can I do for you Ritsu?"

"Oh, they told you about me, eh?" Ritsu replied as he leaned in before he suddenly seemed to notice the huge creature behind him. "Whoa, didn't realize that you had a friend. You both... really into the rubber scene it seems."

"Again, you could see that," Selene replied, chuckling slightly as she could see the look of both envy and admiration he was giving the horse behind him. "I've actually got to get going though and help my friend here with something, I hope you don't mind."

"Oh, not at all," Ritsu replied as he coughed, trying not to look embarrassed at the dismissal as he pointed a thumb to a nearby door. "If you need anything I'm right over there, you can knock on it at any time. I'll be happy to help you with anything, anything at all, hell your friend can come too if he wants."

Selene giggled at that and thanked Ritsu once more before getting into the apartment, watching the panther sneer slightly at Sirocco before heading back to his own door. It was clear what the feline was building up to and while normally that might have been a tempting offer she needed to figure out what was going on with her first acquaintance before once more indulging in her desires. After telling the horse to have a seat she went into the bedroom and found the collar right where she had left it, sighing slightly at having been so silly to leave it behind in the first place as she put it back on. As soon as the rubber clasped around her neck the information that she was looking for suddenly flooded into her mind.

The first thing she realized as she breathed a sigh of relief was that the transformation was temporary; she once more remembered that she was actually six people all wrapped up in one stunning feminine rubber salamander body and that the collars the others had wore were also absorbed into her as well. It seemed that she could give and take such a thing to others, which is what she had done to Sirocco without even realizing it. With the initial anxiety of potentially doing something like making a permanent rubber horse from a rabbit she had just met ebbing Selene realized that there was more she could do with the extra power from the other collars other than just conferring that power onto others. The one that made up the bulk of her new body called Rubine had a number of plans that he had made concerning them, ones that were now her own as a smile crept across her muzzle...

Meanwhile Ritsu had just gotten settled in to watch television when he heard a knock at the door. The panther looked on in slight surprise and was even more so when he opened it and saw the friend of his shark and jackal neighbor standing there. "Hey there neighbor," Selene said with a sultry expression on her face. "Was wondering if I could take you up on that help that you were offering?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely," Ritsu replied as his face lit up, and as he let the rubber salamander in and was about to close the door before another suddenly appeared and he saw the equally shiny stallion standing there as well that caused him to frown. "Don't believe I extended that offer to you boyo, why don't you go back into Al's place?"

"Actually the idea I had involved the two of you," Selene replied, and when Ritsu turned around his look of frustration turned to shock as he saw that the woman had laid down on his couch while completely naked. "I'm afraid that if he goes I'm going to have to go as well and find someone else interested."

"I... uh...." Ritsu found himself at a loss for words as he saw the naked salamander woman bearing it all for him, her shiny body causing him to lick his lips without even realizing it. "You know what, he can stay, long as he's not hogging you all to himself." As Selene saw the panther looking over the other man she could see that he found him just as enticing, as long as he wasn't a threat to him getting with her. When she said that they would all be sharing it made the last vestiges of envy that the panther had disappear and it didn't take much prompting to get him as naked as she was.

"Look at you," Selene said as she got back up from the couch, walking over to the panther now that he was on board and she didn't feel the need to put herself on display anymore and pressing her fingers against his muscular furry arms. "I can tell that you're going to be exactly what I'm looking for in order to have a little fun. Now why don't we head to your bedroom, it'll make the logistics of this a bit easier than if we're just trying to all cram on your couch or standing up."

"Oh yeah, happy to accommodate," Ritsu said as that cocky grin returned while leading the tow fo them towards the bedroom in his apartment. "You can call me Ro by the way, all my friends do. So... are we going to need protection or something with what you got going on?"

Selene giggled again and shook her head, then ran her hands down the muscular chest of the panther before slowly pushing him onto the bed on his back. She told him to get comfortable before giving a small nod to the horse, Sirocco already knowing what his part was in all this. While she wasn't entirely sure that the second part of her little surprise was going to work she already knew this first part would, at least to some extent as she climbed up onto the bed and slowly crawled over his body. She could practically feel him shivering in anticipation as she rubbed up and down his chest and stomach before finally getting into position with her legs straddling his hips.

The rubber salamander let out a slight gasp as she once more felt the tip of another's cock press against the folds of her pussy. While not as big as what her equine companion was packing he was rather sizable and girthy to boot, if she wasn't made out of rubber she might have had trouble taking it completely. Instead she quickly slid down his throbbing spire of flesh and caused him to groan and snarl in pure bliss while her own body trembled. As she continued to lower herself down Ritsu managed to lean up and massage his hands against her breasts, the furry fingers circling around her nipples that caused her to gasp even more than being penetrated by the feline.

Once she had gotten the cock inside her sufficiently enveloped she felt the muscled rubber body of Sirocco pressing against her back, feeling the bit and bridle that they had bought before coming back to the apartment pressing against her shoulder as he got into position. As soon as the salamander had gotten the collar back around her neck there was something that she had been meaning to try, and with a willing neighbor and her new friend she could make it happen. She paused the stimulation of the man beneath him as the flared head of the horsecock positioned underneath her tail began to ease her open.

Suddenly the breasts that Ro had been fondling were practically hanging in front of his face as Selene leaned forward in order to let Sirocco push his cock into her tailhole. With the panther still inside her pussy the feeling of a second penetration was causing her lust to nearly kick into overdrive, and as she looked down she could also see that the rubber was starting to spread from her to the feline already. But it wasn't enough, she was ready to put her plan into action and with her body already leaning forwards she continued to use her unnatural flexibility to press against him while still keeping his cock still deep inside her. With their bodies grinding together Ro had tilted his head back and was just thrusting upwards into her while his eyes were shut, which kept him from seeing that the rubber was no longer just on his maleness as the shiny substance also rubbed off and assimilated the fur of his chest.

It didn't take long for Ro to feel a tingling in his chest near his nipples and at first he thought it was just the nice knockers that the salamander had pressing against him. The more that the amorous woman slid up and down his shaft however the stranger the sensation that their bodies rubbing together had, and with his chest getting increasingly sensitive by the second he opened his eyes and looked down. He let out a gasp as he saw that not only had his purple fur been turned to equally-tinted rubber but that the boobs of the salamander were pressed against ones that were growing on his own chest! Already they were decent A-cups by his estimation but it seemed like they weren't done growing yet as he could see them jiggle slightly while they continued to inflate.

Before Ro could say anything Selene was ready and darted forward, kissing the increasingly rubber panther on the lips and letting her tongue slide into his mouth. She could hear him continuing to try to say something and it caused her to smile, especially when it turned into a moan after she continued to rub her own latex tits to stimulate both of them. At the same time their bodies were pressed together even more by the rubber horse that pressed against her back as his huge cock continued to stretch open her tailhole. With both men inside her they started to sync up their thrusts and it made her wonder if they could feel each other sliding around in her pussy and tailhole as the panther beneath her continued to grow more feminine.

Well, more feminine in all but one way, Selene thought to herself as she could feel Ro's cock growing even bigger inside of her. The two plugging away between her legs and the three of them having incredibly smooth rubber skin had her pushing her hands up against the headboard to keep from sliding forward. Aside from the incredible amount of pleasure that she was getting from the two of them she wanted Ro to continue to grow increasingly distracted with his growing orgasm, which with the formation of her new sizable tits that shifted up and down from the movement of his body it was already happening. Even though she couldn't feel it Selene also knew that Ro was starting to grow a pussy of his own, something that was also happening to Sirocco as he could feel the power of the collar that she wore connecting with them both.

Though she could remain like this for as long as the two studs sandwiching her body could hold out Selene had a far more devious plan in mind, and as she pressed her butt up hard against the horse it signaled to Sirocco to try out the final part of their plan. With Ro moaning in a slightly higher pitch then before it was clear that he didn't realize that the hooved feet of the horse on top of them had pushed against his own, nor was the black and purple rubber starting to flow together and merge into one another until they had a single set of thick purple and black heavy rubber feline paws. It didn't stop there however and as Selene felt herself getting compressed even further she could see that Sirocco had started to flow into the legs of the panther and caused the merging limbs to bulk out even more.

As they got to the kneecaps Selene quickly reached back and took the rubber cock of the panther and pulled it out of her, causing Ro to nearly jump if he wasn't pinned down on the bed at the moment by the two on top of him. He didn't have to wait long for it to sink down into a warm rubber pussy again, except that it wasn't hers that was being stretched open. She could hear Sirocco huffing loudly as he was pushed into for the first time in the snatch that had formed between his legs, and once she had gotten Ro out of her he was next. With his cock being sizably bigger it was a little harder for her to make it happen but eventually she had slipped it out and slid it down, using the flexibility of their rubber forms to snake it around the panther's maleness and sack in order to have the flared head push open his new feminine folds.

Once she had gotten the two to start thrusting into each other the salamander pulled off of the kiss she was having with Ro and smiled at him as his fingers went up to his muzzle to find that it was completely sealed. She just gave him a wink and slid out from between the two, which with their thighs merging together next and causing their cocks to slide even deeper into the other's pussy was causing space there to be quite limited. She gave one of Ro's boobs a lick before completely extracting herself from the two, sliding to a nearby chair and rubbing herself as she watched the two men, although it would be hard to consider the panther as such given his curvy body and large boobs, have their legs merge into one.

Though their lower bodies had almost completely flowed into one another their groins were still separate enough that they could still hump into one another, Selene feeling the pleasure of their rubber cocks embedded in one another's pussies as Sirocco decided to do their chests next. The back of the panther arched as his chest pressed against the muscular horse, and when he tried to flop back down on the bed he found himself unable too. With the equine body being much bigger than his he was actually stuck around the washboard abs of the other rubber creature and Selene could see that it was the panther being pulled inside the horse instead of the other way around. Soon the two groins lost the space between them and as Sirocco let out a snort he reached behind Ro's head and pushed the feline's muzzle in between his pecs where it immediately sunk in.

Despite no longer being able to thrust into the pussy of the smaller man that was flowing into his body Sirocco continued to thrust his hips upwards, eventually his cock pushing up from the mass of purple rubber as the sensitive flesh was dyed the same. He let out a snort and a bellow as his tail also changed into something more feline, but as Selene saw the vague outline of the panther's face push out from the rubber of the horse's back before retracting in it seemed that their body would be mostly equine going forward. The tail and paws weren't the only thing that the purple and black body was retaining as a set of breasts that were once on Ro inflated out from the pecs of the horse that enveloped the last of the panther's head as a collar formed around his neck with two gemstones in it.

Looks like the collars do form around merged creatures, Selene thought to herself as she watched the new rubber creature pant heavily while still stroking his cock with one hand and rubbing against his boobs with the other. "Looks like you two had fun," Selene said as she watched hir continue to writhe about while pleasuring themselves, though as she laid down on the bed next to them she spread her legs and offered them an alternate solution than their hand. "Now let's see what that new body of yours can do... followed by another round of shopping it seems."

About an hour later after the two rubber creatures had finally finished exploring Sirocco's body, the two seemingly opting for the name since Ro's was so short, and after a quick stop for both of them at a local store they were ready to finally do what Selene had been planning on that entire night. She was ready to strut her stuff at the club and with her new gal pal she wouldn't even be alone as they got through the line and into the nightclub that she had heard about. While rubber creatures weren't exactly an unknown entity, there was an entire college that had a large group of them just a few cities away, they were still considered a fairly exotic species. While that meant that there would be no shortage of eyes staring at them they decided to go somewhere that they would fit in a little better, and just like everywhere else in the city the place was hopping as nearly everyone in the area had on some sort of rubber clothing or piece of gear.

It turned out that neither Selene nor Sirocco needed to even bother with shopping since they had attire for them as well, the salamander sitting in a booth with a pair of panties and a bra that shined like her skin while Sirocco had on a chest harness and jockstrap. Though she could have went completely naked if she wanted to Selene decided to test the waters first since this was technically her first time out like this now that she wore the collar around her neck out. As she started to get used to the music and waited for her drink though she noticed that while there were eyes that were looking at her it wasn't exactly at her exquisite form that they were gawking at, though that was part of it, and instead they were looking at her collar. Seems that the information on this little trinket isn't just relegated to her friend group, Selene thought to herself as she looked around and noticed that she wasn't the only one that donned such attire.

It wasn't until they had finished their first drink though that they had someone finally come up to them, the rubber raptoress sitting down in the booth opposite the two of them with a drink for each including herself. "I couldn't help but notice the count on your collar," the synthetic saurian said as she turned her own neck and showed off the four diamonds that were on display just like her own. "I used to think I was the daredevil around here until you come in sporting six on your neck."

"Rena!" Selene practically shouted, the raptoress smiling and nodding as they got up to share a hug before sitting back down. "I guess... one of those that I merged with remembers you, quite fondly in fact. Things are a bit jumbled though..."

"Understandable," Rena said with a laugh as she sipped her drink. "It's usually hard to keep track of things with four voices, you got six running around in that mind of yours. It was Rubine by the way, I was the one that told him about the collar you're wearing."

"For some reason that sounds appropriate," Selene replied. "You're right that it's strange to have all these voices in my head, but it's even weirder to have the collar off and not hear anything but my own thoughts. Shouldn't that not even be possible?"

"You'd be surprised how well several minds can blend together in order to get a cohesive shared consciousness," Rena explained as she reached up and took her collar off before setting it on the table. "Now when I talk I imagine that you're not going to hear anything different about my inflection or tone of voice, and that's because the four of us are working together. I used to not even remember that I came from multiple people but after multiple times merging we sort of... wished to stay this way on a semi-permanent basis, and after so long it just sort of stuck that I'm an amalgamation of consciousnesses all working together."

Selene listened with rapt fascination from the one that had given one of those inside of her the idea to do this in the first place. While it was unlikely that they would all agree to such a thing she found it an intriguing prospect; to no longer have the lives of six people but instead just share one body, even knowing that they used to be separate people. As Rena pointed out in the bar they weren't the only ones that had on such collars either though almost all of them had two or three stones on them. There were also a few people that Rena lent her spare collars out to, though as Selene had suspected the effect on them was only temporary even if they were merged with others.

By the time Rena and Selene had finished talking they were both several drinks in while Sirocco decided to go out on the dance floor and try to find someone to take home with them while they were still a rubber horse-panther. "Hey, I have to get going here," Rena said as she got up. "I'll pay the tab for the drinks."

"Thank you so much," Selene replied. "Not just for the drinks either, but telling me about this collar a little more. The fact that you can do so much with it just boggles my mind."

"Yeah, I definitely gave the company a five-star review myself," Rena said with a chuckle before she looked around. "Hey, I know that frog I talked to is really in there I found out something recently that it's a little on the extreme side but I think you might find interesting. Obviously do with this information what you will, I haven't tried it myself and I'm curious to hear if someone actually tries it out."

Selene looked at Rena in slight confusion before the raptoress leaned in and whispered something into her ear, the rubber salamander's eyes widening at what she was hearing. Once she was done Rena leaned back up and gave her a wink before heading to the bar to pay for their drinks. That was... certainly an interesting piece of information that she had just been given, she thought to herself as she finished up the contents of her glass, and while she wasn't sure if she was drunk enough to engage in such a thing it would definitely be in the back of her mind. Not only would she have to be willing to try it though but she would need to find someone else that was willing to be a bit adventurous as well...

As the night wore on Selene did find someone that fit the bill, or in this case beak as she walked into the apartment with the one who was willing and almost eager to try out what she had explained to him. "Nice place you have here," the black-feathered phoenix said as he shut the door behind him. "Or is it nice place that you all have here?"

"I suppose you could say that we're in the middle of reorganizing," Selene replied as she could still feel her anxiety growing slightly. "You sure that you want to try this out Slypher? Even just explaining it to you I felt a little... self-conscious about it."

To her surprise the phoenix chuckled and nodded his head. "I assure you that I am both intrigued and adventurous enough to try this out," Slypher commented as he took off his shirt. "Plus it probably won't even be the strangest thing that I did this month to be honest. Now I would ask if you are fine with your part but it seems given the story you told me about this little collar of yours that you are rather into this sort of concept, or at least enough of your friends are to make this happen."

Selene found herself giggling at that and was finding herself at ease with the phoenix as they made their way to the bedroom, walking forward as she could feel the heat of the creature against her back. While what they were about to do was similar to what the six rubber creatures had experienced before this was something that the salamander herself was a new experience, but somehow that made it even more enticing as she took off the rest of her clothing and put it in one of the few areas that didn't have any. The phoenix was close behind and soon she found herself on the bed with the beak of the man pressed against her own amphibious muzzle while she was leaned back against the bed.

Even though she had been assured by the raptoress that this was an intensely pleasurable experience she still felt herself tremble slightly as the avian man slowly trailed down her synthetic body, eventually getting between her legs as they were spread apart. She let out a soft gasp as he wasted little time, feeling his hot breath against her snatch before he began to lick the synthetic folds. Her hands gripped the sheets as she could feel his beak practically pressing against her groin as he managed to push his tongue in deeper. She could feel the warm appendage sliding around against her inner walls and it was causing her to tremble more and more as that beak pressed more between her legs as he his tongue in deeper...

And deeper...

And deeper...

Until finally she let out a loud gasp as his entire beak popped inside of her pussy!

The feeling of her synthetic snatch getting stretched like that caused her back to arch and she reached down to grab the feathered head of the creature, but Slypher continued to slide in undeterred and as she continued to feel him pushing inside it was unlike anything that she had ever experienced before. At first she didn't even think that it was possible but soon she felt the entirety of his beak pushed inside of her pussy and beyond. Up until this point she hadn't thought about what her body was like internally either but the phoenix was quick to prove that there was either not much there or it was being shapeshifted out of the way as he teased her a bit more with his beak before pushing himself in even deeper. For a few seconds Selene thought that she was going cross-eyed from the sheer sensations and when they finally ceased for a few moments she looked down and gasped in shock at seeing that the phoenix had gotten his entire head inside of her.

Wow, this is way beyond the vore that they had practiced before, Selene thought to herself as she tentatively went down and felt the outline of the avian head that was stretching out her lower stomach. When she asked if he was doing alright she nearly kicked out her legs when she felt the phoenix nod his head in response before starting to push in even more. She wasn't quite sure how the shoulders were going to work with her pussy opening but it seemed that her body was more than stretchy enough to accommodate as the man shifted himself about in a manner that made her wonder if he had done this before. Eventually his shoulders popped in next and her legs were practically spread apart completely as she looked down and saw the torso and lower body sticking out of her pussy with his cock completely erect and jutting into the air.

At this point even though her anatomy was clearly different than when she wasn't a rubber creature Selene felt incredibly full, letting out a groan as Slypher seemed to be enjoying teasing her pussy while pushing deeper into her body. His arms had been pinned to the side in order to allow them to slide in easier and once he had gotten past his elbows he pulled them up and suddenly her stomach had a pair of hands pushing out of it. With her body pinned down by the weight of the creature half inside of her there was little that Selene could do was watch and stroke against the outline that the phoenix created in her chest as his beak began to nestle itself up just underneath her breasts. At this point he was practically clawing against the bed in order to get inside of her and as his hands slid out to where they could be seen pushing out her synthetic sides they eventually slipped up past his head and towards her shoulders.

When they got there Selene began to feel a tingling there that was more than just the heat of the body that was slowly being enveloped inside of her through her pussy. While she had been warned of such a feeling it was still incredibly strange to feel the hands of someone else push their way inside of your arms with their own from the inside. She was starting to feel less like a rubber salamander woman and more like some sort of living rubber suit, especially as she saw those clawed fingers make their way down her arms. As soon as they did she started to lose feeling in her own digits and even before they got to her wrists she could no longer move them on her own.

But that didn't stop them from moving, Selene shuddering as they began to curl of their own accord as soon as the phoenix slipped his own hands inside of them. There was nothing she could do to stop him with it at this point as the only things she could move was her legs and her head. For the moment the phoenix had stopped pushing up inside of her vagina so that he could maneuver his limbs into hers but with her arms fully possessed he began to push up even more. She let out another soft gasp as her entire body leaned forward in order to not only caress her stretched pussy lips but the creature that was causing them to be nearly overstimulated as her own hands pushed the man deeper into him.

With her body curled up the way it was the head of the phoenix didn't seem to make any more progress, but that seemed to be intentional as she felt her hands stroke his glowing blue cock a few times before pressing it against his stomach while his legs kicked up to get inside. Normally having such a throbbing maleness inside her would have caused her to start gasping and panting, but with his hips being pulled inside of her it was only the icing on the cake as her stomach swelled even further outward. The rubber salamander woman felt her hands pressing against the dome of her belly and if anyone had seen her they might have thought she was heavily pregnant... save for the occasional face or knee that stretched her taut rubber skin or the pair of scaly black avian legs that were still shifting about while continuing to heavily stimulate her pussy with the movement.

Once more she found herself leaning forward and this time her hands grabbed onto the feet that were still hanging out of her pussy, taking them and pushing them inside as she let out a loud series of cries. As the tail feathers of the creature slid into her she could feel them snake their way into the thick tail of hers and it started to wag without her realizing. The phoenix was taking over her body faster but all she could focus on was the intense pleasure as her snatch began to shrink with the legs sinking inside and leaving only his feet. It wasn't long until Slypher pushed those in after she had orgasmed she felt her entire body tighten against the one inside of her as her pussy clamped onto the fingers that had slid briefly inside before they were pulled out.

With the phoenix completely inside of her Selene felt her body fall back against the bed, though once more the only things that she could move were her legs and head as her stomach remained gravid with the creature inside of her. She still couldn't believe what she had seen... Slypher had actually pushed his way inside of her body and as she took a second to look at her arms she found that while they were a bit more muscular they seemed to retain their femininity. A sudden jolt of pleasurable sensation from below refocused her down to her lower body and as she looked she could see the taloned toes of the avian male stretching out her thighs from the inside before they lowered themselves further. Just like with her arms she felt the loss of movement from her toes long before he moved his feet into her webbed digits, and as he did her stomach rapidly seemed do deflate while her body was jostled about from the one inside.

Soon her body was wiggling and writhing but it was from the one inside of her, the only thing that was still hers was her head. It was quickly made apparent that it would soon change though as the beak of the phoenix disappeared slightly and moved passed her breasts, her breathing growing more rapid even though she didn't need to as he could feel her start to move into her neck. It wasn't just the physical sensations either; with the loss of control of her body she was starting to feel almost alien in her own rubber form, and the more she felt her limbs shift about without her saying the stronger that feeling got. By the time she felt he alien presence of the phoenix bulging out her neck she knew that this was no longer her body... and there was something strangely euphoric about it.

Selene's eyes rolled back into her head as the outline of the phoenix pushed up her neck, bulging out it out unnaturally as her hands went up to her head. For a few seconds things the salamander quivered and for a few moments her skull bulged and distorted as something moved around inside of it. After that there was a moment where a glowing black and blue beak could be seen inside the mouth of the rubber amphibian, but after her muzzle closed briefly it opened again and revealed the shiny inside of her maw once again. When her eyes rolled back however they were tinted with a bright blue and an uncharacteristic smirk formed on her face as the creature stretched and groaned.

"Now that was certainly fun," the creature said, and though it sounded like Selene it was actually the phoenix that spoke through it as the rubber salamander slowly got up out of the bed and went over to the mirror to examine her body. "Oh yes, this isn't bad at all. I am so glad that you trusted me to let me do this."

As the rubber creature continued to examine herself, running her hands up and down her body while squeezing her new breasts she found that there was one thing that was still... unresolved. The possessed Selene moved down to the bulge that had formed just above her pussy and slowly began to rub against it, coaxing out the member within as it pushed its way out with the help of the phoenix. It didn't take long until the feminine salamander sported a ten inch long glowing blue rubber cock, but with a little additional help Slypher created a slit that it could be pulled into so that she could easily pass as a full female without the additional surprise. While she could have just shapeshifted it away she found that it was fun to have a little something of her body within as she gave her new breasts a few soft squeezes before looking back into her own face once more.

As her fingers went up to the collar the creature possessing her smirked even more as she ran a hand along the six gemstones along it. "You know, I can sense all of you within this," the possessed Selene said with a chuckle as she slowly undid the clasp. "Plus Selene herself, it makes for quite the interesting conversation piece... especially since now you are all essentially trapped behind two layers of consciousness that is controlling your form. Now if I really wanted to have a little fun with you I suppose I would make sure that she couldn't hear any of you, just... like... this..."

The blue light in Selene's eyes glowed brighter as the collar was taken off, the white stones glowing with a blue tint to them as the possessed creature no longer had any anchor to those that she was before. That was just fine for the phoenix within, she was more than happy to show them just how adventurous she could be while in control of the one that was the amalgamation of their thoughts and desires. As she mused out loud where to put such an important item Selene turned back to the mirror before telling those that were likely watching that she knew exactly where she could put it. Even though the connection through the collar had been cut with Selene the phoenix could sense what all of them were thinking as she took the collar and held it up above her before tilting her head back...

...before dropping it into her mouth and swallowing it.

"There we go, safe and sound," the possessed Selene said as she couldn't help but laugh, though it was once more the phoenix before she licked her lips. "What an easy way to eat six souls, I'm going to have to remember this for next time." As she walked over to her clothing the rubber salamander rolled her eyes. "Oh shush all of you, I didn't actually do it... yet, but let's see how the rest of the night turns out, yes?"