Vee: A Summer Acquaintance

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Successful and happy, with plenty of friends, Mark nevertheless feels something missing in his life since breaking up with his girlfriend months ago. He has taken to a habit of daily walks in the large park near his home, heading off the beaten trail to spend time in the relative solitude of the deeper bush. One hot, sweltering summer day, Mark is surprised to find he is not alone, joined at his favourite spot by an alluring, beautiful, and strange young woman.

Vee is a woman (if she can be called a "woman" at all) who knows what she wants, and what she wants is Mark Harper. Before she takes him she will work profound and magical changes upon his body, drawing out the beast inside him. There is more to this encounter than a simple supernatural dalliance in the park, as Mark and Vee embark on a relationship that will irrevocably alter both their lives.

Vee: A Summer Acquaintance is a short story featuring human-to-furry transformation, muscle growth, a mysterious, magical fox woman, and detailed depictions of sex and foreplay. A slow burn with character development, it is intended to be the first in a series of stories about the supernatural Vee and her "special friend" Mark.

This story has been re-written as The Passion of Vee, Pt 1: The Lone Shepherd

11,600 words.


Chapter One

A Summer Acquaintance


The day Mark met Vee started like any other Saturday. He woke up earlier than he intended, as he always did on Saturdays. Unable to get back to sleep, as usual, he pulled himself out of bed and moved blurry-eyed through his morning routine. Shower, small breakfast of jam on toast, brush teeth, check the internet "just for a minute" to catch up on what's happening online.

And, as happened every Saturday, by the time he was done with the internet and ready to head out for his morning walk, it was a good hour later than he had originally planned to depart. By the time he left his little one-bedroom apartment - dressed in roomy cargo shorts and an old t-shirt, bottle of water hanging at his hip, and brand new sneakers on his feet - it was already getting into the hotter part of the day.

It was the middle of July, and absolutely sweltering when Mark stepped out into the street. He could feel himself sweating already. Mark had never done well in the heat, and this was going to be a real hot one. A record-setter, according to the weather app on his phone.

A smarter man might have turned around and gone back inside, enjoyed a cool drink, and settled down in the air conditioning to binge watch streaming 80's cartoons. But Mark had his routine, and he would stick to it as he had for the last six months. As he had since Heather left.

Wiping the first sheen of sweat from his forehead, Mark crossed the street, and made his way into the park. He would follow the paved path along the lake for a while, as he always did, before setting off the well-worn trails and exploring the wilder, less-developed areas of the park. Somewhere he could be alone with his thoughts for a while, away from the weekend crowd that was already forming in the park.

First, though, there were park regulars he needed to visit. Fellow users of the space he saw every day, or at least every weekend. Though Mark appreciated his alone time, he was not an anti-social man. If anything, he had been yearning for more human contact since breaking up with Heather.

Katie was sitting in her usual place, atop a big sandstone boulder in the shade of an old maple tree, legs crossed under her and a book in her lap. "Katie! Hello! Good morning!" Mark called, waving as he approached.

Katie looked up from her book, smiling uneasily, and closing the paperback with one finger keeping her place, turning the cover down and away where Mark couldn't see it. She brushed a lock of severely-trimmed brown hair behind her ear, and adjusted the angular-framed glasses that did nothing to compliment her face. "Hi Mark," she said in a small, shy voice.

"I don't know how you manage in sweaters when the weather is like this," Mark said, coming up next to her, getting himself under the shade of the big tree. No matter how warm the weather, Mark never saw Katie in anything but long sleeves, loose-fitting slacks, and form-concealing sweaters. She couldn't be any older than him, he thought, maybe even younger, but she dressed like someone from an old black-and-white movie.

"It's... fine," Katie said, looking down at herself. "I'm usually too cold anyway. I'm just sitting here in the shade, not going off on a big hike or anything, like you." She looked back up at him, then down again. She never did seem to keep eye contact for long. "We can't all pull off shorts as well as you, either."

"Well thank you for the compliment," Mark chuckled. "But c'mon, I'm not one of these jogger guys. I'm just a big doofus in cargo shorts."

Mark wasn't an unattractive man, he knew that much. He was tall, and solidly built, though not ripped like the conspicuously shirtless gym-bros who would go jogging along the path this time of year (where did they disappear to in winter?). Not fit like the cyclists who sped by. He was what people would call 'husky', big but not muscular, but also not exactly fat, though he did carry a little more of his weight around the middle than he would prefer. With a carefully-maintained brown beard and stubbornly shaggy hair, he figured he passed as a 'normal' human being well enough, but he was nothing special.

On the other hand, all the walking had been doing pretty amazing things to his calves, so maybe Katie had a point. "Hey, check it out," he said, lifting one foot. "New shoes! Breaking them in today."

"That's good," Katie said, staring intently at his brand new white sneaker rather than looking him in the face. "They look really... comfortable?"

"Sure," Mark said, putting his foot back down. "Alright, well... I should get going, I guess."

"Right," Katie said quietly. Then, after a second's hesitation, she added "It was nice seeing you, Mark."

"Hey, same to you. I'll see you later," Mark said, and started on his way again. He knew he made Katie uncomfortable, in some way. Not in a bad way, necessarily, but she was very obviously a quiet, shy person, and he didn't like to impose on her for too long. Still, there was also something about her that seemed to yearn for company, a sort of general sense of loneliness, so he always made sure to say hello. To let her know that she wasn't entirely alone.

He also knew full-well that those paperbacks she was always hiding from him were romance novels. He didn't see any reason she should be ashamed of that, but he wasn't about to tease her about it. The poor woman would probably never stop blushing if he did.

Mark carried on his way, saying hello to a few other weekend park regulars, and petting some dogs he knew, before reaching the big grass field at Parker Street. This time of day on a Saturday, the field was filled with picnickers, laughing children, and young people tossing footballs or flying discs.

On the other side of the field, however, the park became wilder, more natural, less meticulously maintained. Thick brush and plenty of trees concealed old dirt paths along a broad peninsula reaching out into the lake. There was more land out there than people thought, plenty of space to explore and wander, frequented mostly by bird-watchers, serious hikers, and other oddballs like Mark. As well as coyotes, foxes, and the occasional deer.

It was a good place to get away and enjoy the wilderness without actually leaving the city. Mark glanced left and right, darted across the dedicated bike lane when it was safe to do so, and started making his way across the field, towards the quiet semi-wilderness beyond.


Mark's favourite spot in the park was an ancient, long-forgotten wooden bench, sitting atop a little grassy rise at the far end of the peninsular, overlooking the vast expanse of the lake. South-facing, it didn't have any shade from the summer sun, but it did have a slight breeze off the water, and it was far away from the sounds and noise of the city, isolated and lonely. Mark could sit out there for hours, watching the lake, without seeing another human being aside from the distant boats out on the water.

On this particular hot summer day, by the time he reached his favourite bench, Mark felt like he was going to die. He had badly underestimated just how hot it was going to get, and it wasn't even noon yet! He collapsed into the old wooden bench, panting and sweaty, and leaned back with a groan, stretching his aching feet out before him.

"Bad day for new shoes," he complained to himself. He pulled his water bottle from his belt, giving it a little shake. There was not much left, and he wasn't sure if he should drink it or just empty it on his head. He finally decided to drink it, and though it had long gone terribly warm in the hot sun, it was a welcoming refreshment. He was not looking forward to the walk back, but at least once he was back in the city he could stop and get a Gatorade somewhere. Or a Coke, more likely.

His shirt was soaked through with sweat, clinging to him uncomfortably. He pulled it away from his skin a few times, but it was little use. He wondered if he might not be okay to take it off, at least long enough to dry out in the sun.

Mark sat up a little, glancing around to make sure - absolutely sure - there was no one around. There was not, of course. He almost never ran into anyone this far out. The occasional bird watcher during migration season, but that was it.

Mark wasn't a particularly self-conscious person, but he always felt a bit strange about taking his shirt off in public. It seemed to him the only people you ever saw doing that were egotistical gym-bros showing off, and very old men. Mark wasn't built like the gym-bros, so he didn't like the implication he might be part of the other group, so many years before his time.

But there was no one else here, and odds were very good there would not be any time soon, so Mark reached around himself and peeled his soaking t-shirt up and over his head. Immediately he could feel the gentle breeze cooling his sweat-slicked skin, and he sighed in relief. He gave his shirt a quick whip to straighten it out, then laid it down over the back of the bench to dry in the hot sun.

Mark settled back, spreading his arms along the back of the bench, and closed his eyes, turning his face upwards to the sky. Relaxed and content, he warned himself not to doze off if he didn't want a terrible sunburn... though he could already feel the cozy warmth of the summer carrying him away.

Before he could quite nod off, though, Mark was disturbed by an inexplicable sensation. The intuitive, haunting feeling that he was being watched. He lifted his head, looking around his surroundings again, craning his neck to peer behind him.

He had felt this feeling before while sitting on his bench. More and more often the last few weeks. He found it hard to shake, but there was never anyone around when he looked, and he had always put it down to some sort of odd paranoia.

"Cracking up," Mark muttered to himself, laying his head back again, trying to relax. "Too much time alone. They warned you..."

Mark's thought was cut off by the sudden SNAP of a branch breaking nearby. He started up, wide eyed, staring into the bushes at his right, where the sound had come from.

"Hello?" he called out. There was only silence in reply. Mark couldn't help feel that the sensation of being watched was more intense, now. More intense than it had ever been before.

His head was swimming with the heat, though. "Too much sun," he said to himself, a little louder than he intended. "I'd better head back." He turned to his left to retrieve his shirt, only to be confronted with a pair of intense, staring eyes!

Mark's heart leapt into his chest! He yelped, started in his seat, and clutched his damp t-shirt to his chest as if to cover his shame. It was only after this embarrassing display that his brain finished processing the eyes that were staring at him. "Oh, for goodness sake," he chuckled.

Sitting at the edge of the bushes, quite some distance away from him, was a little fox, its coat bright red and shining in the sunlight. It sat there calmly, despite his yelping and jumping, staring intently with those strange yellow fox eyes, long bushy tail swishing casually behind it.

"Hey there," Mark said to the fox, gently. He had seen foxes out here before, though they usually kept themselves pretty elusive, avoiding humans. He had never had as good and long a look at one as this, before. He draped his shirt back over the bench, chuckling. "Oh, you gave me a start there, buddy. You must be the one that's been spying on me, right?"

The fox tilted its head suddenly, and the strangest feeling came over Mark. A sort of ripple in the world, like something was changing in a way he couldn't quite notice. There seemed to be some kind of change in the light, in the thickness of the air. Something like how the world feels seconds before a thunderstorm.

Can I pet your dog? asked a strange voice. Mark didn't hear the question so much as feel it, echoing strangely inside his own head. Like a dozen voices all at once, or just one voice that hadn't yet decided what it wanted to sound like. It was disorienting, confusing.

"My... what?" Mark asked, blinking bleary eyes. He could feel the weight of something in his hand suddenly, and looked down to see he was holding the end-loop of a nylon leash. He followed it along to his right, and found himself meeting the intense, staring gaze of a massive German Shepherd. It reminded him immediately of Wilson, a dog his family owned when he was kid. "What's happening?" Mark asked, his voice sounding far away in his ears.

"I said that looks like a nice dog," a voice said to his left, suddenly, cutting through his unnatural stupor. "Is it okay if I pet your dog?"

Mark jumped, suddenly very much awake, and turned to the mystery speaker. He nearly jumped again when he saw her. A young woman, athletically built and terribly attractive - in fact Mark immediately thought she might be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in person. She was dressed for running, in tight-fitting black lycra shorts and a slate gray sports-bra, and what looked like brand-new white running shoes, the same as his. She was tall and slender, with the firm, well-muscled build of a proper runner, fit and sleek but not bulky, like the gym-bros. She had a shock of the reddest red hair Mark had ever seen, surely a dye-job, styled short and combed up into a crest down the middle of her head, not quite a Mohawk. She had the bluest blue eyes, glimmering in amusement, and was wearing a strange, crooked smile on her face.

Mark realised he was staring. "My... My dog?" he asked. "I don't... I don't have a dog." He looked back to his right, and started again. There was no sign of the huge German Shepherd. No leash in his hand, though he swore he could still feel it there a second ago.

"Oh," the woman said, sounding disappointed. "That's too bad."

"I... I'm sorry," Mark said, confused. "I think I've... maybe had a little too much sun." He turned back to the woman, only to see that she'd stepped much closer, closer than you really should to a complete stranger, in his opinion.

Without asking, the gorgeous woman sat down next to him. Right next to him, practically hip-to-hip. His shirt, still draped over the back of the bench, was pinned behind her. Mark reached for it. "Ah... sorry, my shirt..."

"It's okay," the woman said pleasantly. "I don't mind."

Mark blinked at that. "I... Okay..." What exactly was going on here? Had he fallen asleep? Had he dreamed the dog? Was he still dreaming now? Is this what happened when you got heatstroke?

"You need a drink," the woman said, suddenly producing a pink plastic water bottle. Mark hadn't noticed her carrying anything at first, he wasn't sure where the water bottle had come from. "Here. Go on, take it."

"Thanks," Mark said, gingerly taking the bottle from the woman's hand. He noticed her fingernails were painted completely black, and filed to sharp points, like claws. He unscrewed the lid of the bottle, and drank eagerly. To his surprise, the water was ice cold, and he nearly coughed it right back out into the bottle. "Thanks," he said again, taking a larger gulp. "That's really good."

"Thank you!" the woman said cheerfully. A bit of an odd response, Mark thought. The woman crossed one long, slender leg over the other and leaned back in the bench, idly looking around, watching a sparrow flit by overhead.

Mark pulled his eyes off her with some effort. She was odd, but he didn't want to be rude. He drank more of the water, feeling much better with each sip. He busied himself watching the boats out on the lake, trying to ignore how close this strange woman was sitting to him.

"Thanks again," Mark said, embarrassed to see he'd already drank more than half the previously-full bottle. "Sorry, I didn't mean to drink so much."

Mark turned to hand the bottle back, only to find the woman staring directly at him. For a second, her eyes looked huge to him, golden yellow with narrow black pupils, framed in heavy black eyeliner. But she blinked and her eyes were deep blue again.

"That's fine," she said cheerfully. "I don't need it. See?" She held her arms up. "Not even sweating."

"Oh... Yeah." Mark nodded, and went ahead and drank more. He didn't want to leave this kind stranger without anything to drink, but he really did need it, as well. "I guess you're more cut out for the heat than I am."

"Mm," she said. A moment passed in silence, and then she spoke again. "It's beautiful here."

"Yeah," Mark said, glad she had spoken. He was usually great at small talk, but something about this woman, something about this whole situation, had thrown him off. He was a bit embarrassed, really. He wasn't normally this way around anyone, certainly not women, even beautiful ones. He hadn't felt this shy and silly since he was a teenager. "Yeah, I come here a lot."

"Me too," the woman said.

"Oh yeah?" Mark said. "I don't think I've ever seen you around before."

"You haven't, no," the woman said. She turned to face him again, smiling a strange, crooked smile. "I've seen you, though."

"Oh," Mark said, not sure what to make of that. "I'm Mark, by the way." He held out a hand to shake.

The woman looked down at it a moment, as if suddenly unsure of something... Then she reached out, taking his hand. Mark thought he felt the slightest tingle, like a little buzz of static electricity or something. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mark," she said, shaking his hand gently.

"Right," Mark chuckled. The woman was odd, but in an amusing way, and she seemed harmless enough. And if Mark was being perfectly honest with himself, he felt like he would do just about anything to spend more time with her. "Ah... And you are?"

The woman flashed a sudden grin. "No one important," she said, then shrugged. "You can call me Vee."

"Vee?" Mark asked. "Alright, that's quite unique. Shouldn't be hard to remember." He smiled, and realized they were still holding hands. He pulled his hand away, and for a second - just a second - she didn't let his hand go, releasing him only after a gentle tug. "It's nice to meet you, too, Vee." He said. Very nice.

"I'm sorry you don't have a dog," Vee said, nodding. "That was my mistake."

Mark blinked in confusion. "Okay? I'm... sorry I don't have a dog, too. I guess." He paused a moment, then added, idiotically "My place doesn't allow pets."

Vee snorted a tiny laugh, showing that crooked smile again, just for a moment. She glanced out at the lake again, then back to Mark, and down at the bench. "If you don't have a dog," she said, seeming to choose her words carefully. "Would it be okay if I pet you, instead?"

Mark blinked. He was quite sure he couldn't possibly have heard that correctly. "I'm sorry?"

"It... doesn't have to be weird," the woman said, leaning her elbow on the back of the bench and her head against her hand, rolling her eyes carefully away from Mark's face. She seemed strangely self-conscious for someone making such a bizarre request. "Just a little... pet on the head." She nudged his leg with her raised foot, turning her eyes back to him. "You look like you could use a little pet."

Mark became keenly aware of his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He stared at the woman, Vee, baffled and confused but... excited, as well. Her eyes were so blue, and so strangely deep, the darkness of her pupils somehow darker and deeper than he had seen before. His eyes flitted down from her face, along the smooth, fit lines of her body, resting a moment on her bust, tightly held in place by the elastic grey fabric of her sports-bra. Down across her taut stomach, her black lycra shorts and her long, powerful legs as she nudged him, once again, with her foot.

"Hey," she said, softly, as he turned his eyes back to her sharp, flawless face. "It doesn't have to be weird."

Mark found himself taking a long, shaky breath, and blowing it slowly back out again. "Okay," he said, nervously.

Vee grinned, sitting up straighter on the bench, and reached one hand up. She pushed his hair back, gently, with just the palm of her hand at first. "See? That's nothing weird, right?" she asked.

"No," Mark chuckled, relaxing a little. "That's... That's fine."

Vee dipped her fingers down, running them through his shaggy hair, lightly and gently tracing along his scalp. Mark shuddered, surprised that it felt so good. "You like that?" Vee asked softly.

"Uh... Yeah," Mark said quietly. "That's... That's actually really nice."

Vee smiled, and Mark felt himself leaning into the petting, the soft stroking of fingers through his hair. It was pleasant. Relaxing. Strangely intimate. Vee scootched closer to him on the bench, raising her other hand to his beard, running her slender, black-clawed fingers through the thick silky hair on his neck.

Mark sighed, breathing slowly and relaxed, and quietly closed his eyes, just enjoying this strange moment.

"Good boy," Vee cooed.

Mark snorted in laughter. "Okay, that's a bit weird."

Vee chuckled. "That's nothing. You haven't seen weird," she said. "Not yet."

"Okay, what's 'weird', then?" Mark said, opening his eyes. He was surprised to see Vee's face right up next to his, and she seemed surprised, too, immediately pulling back a few inches and glancing away, almost guilty in her mannerisms.

"You want to see weird?" she asked, carefully, lowering her hands from his head.

Mark hesitated, suddenly unsure. How weird could 'weird' be?

"It's okay if you don't," Vee said suddenly, talking quickly.

"No, no," Mark said. "I, uh... I can probably handle a little weird." He smiled nervously, and got another one of those quizzical crooked smiles back from her in return.

"Alright," Vee said softly. She pulled herself up, turning to place one knee on the bench beside Mark, and crossing her other leg over his body.

"Whoa, I..." Mark lifted his hands as Vee sat herself straddled across his lap, but he wasn't sure what to do with them. His heart was racing again, and he was keenly aware of how his body was reacting to this situation. If she shifted her position in his lap just a little, she'd be aware of it as well.

"It's okay," Vee said gently.

"What... What are you going to do, exactly?" Mark asked.

"Nothing that you don't want me to," Vee said, smiling softly. She gently took him by the wrists, guiding his hands to rest them on her hips.

Mark felt that he couldn't keep his eyes off her, but in the corner of his eye he kept seeing movement. Something large and red, tipped with white, moving back and forth behind Vee, just outside his direct field of vision. "What... What is that?" he asked.

"Something weird," Vee said gently, reaching up to his head again. She ran her fingers through his thick hair, lightly along his scalp. Mark could feel a tingling warmth passing through his skin, down his neck and across his shoulders. He leaned his head back, into her touch, his eyes sliding closed again. "There you go," Vee said. "Relax."

"That feels... really good," Mark said.

"Mmhmm," Vee said. "Good." She moved her hands slowly to the sides of Mark's head, tracing long, lazy circles across his scalp. She closed her hands gently around his ears. Her touch felt silky, cool... and somehow like... soft velvet?

Gently, carefully, she stroked his ears, drawing her hands up along them with just the slightest pressure.

"Oh... Oh wow..." Mark wouldn't have thought ear-stroking would feel so good. Heather had never done it. None of his exes had. And he had certainly never thought of it himself. "That's... That's amazing." He arched his back a little, stretching into the feeling as it tingled down his spine. He stretched out his legs, feeling his right leg quiver and shake, then jerk in small, involuntary kicks.

"Good boy," Vee said softly, stroking his ears over and over. Each stroke seemed to take longer, seemed to pull his ears up higher.

Mark felt like his ears themselves were moving up the sides of his head, higher and higher, longer and larger. He could feel his left ear flick under her touch, an odd sensation he couldn't really make and sense of. "That feels..."

"Good?" Vee asked, a little amusement in her voice.

"Yeah," Mark said. "But also sort of..."

"Weird," Vee finished for him. "I know." She slid her hands back down his face, away from his ears, and started stroking his beard, massaging along his jawline. Her touch was firm, but not painful, pulling forward along his jaw and cheeks. He had the strange sensation that she was somehow stretching him out. "It's going to get a bit weirder, you okay with that?"

"I think so," Mark said, but his words didn't seem to come out quite right, strangely muffled and distorted. He could feel his ears flick again, somehow. "Y-Yeah... Keep going."

She continued rubbing his face, firm fingers against his skin, pulling his jaw outwards, somehow. It wasn't painful, exactly, but there was a weird feeling of pressure to it all, a feeling like his flesh was being molded like clay. And he could smell something. A strange wild, musky odor, growing stronger and stronger. He realized he was panting, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, maybe even drooling a little.

He pulled his tongue back into his mouth, mortified, and tried to swallow the saliva pooling in his mouth. He found his tongue running along strangely sharp teeth. He could feel them growing, aching in his gums as they took form inside his mouth. The strange scent was almost overwhelming now. Not unpleasant, not unpleasant at all... but unusual. And exciting.

"What... What's that smell?" Mark asked. Then, much to his surprise, he licked his own nose.

His eyes popped open in surprise and confusion, while Vee giggled at his question. "That's probably me," she said, letting go of his face and leaning back from him a bit.

Mark stared and the creature kneeling across his lap. The athletic lines of her body, the soft curve of her hips, the swell of her breasts held beneath her sport-top, they were all the same. As were her eyes, deep blue and somehow sparkling. There was no doubt in his mind he was looking at the strange, sexy woman, Vee. But now her body was covered in short, silky fur. White, soft, and puffing at the corners of her clothing across her stomach, chest, and neck, and bright firey red over her arms and legs, up her well-toned sides, and across the top half of her face. Where she had once had the sharp, well-formed features of a human woman, now she had the slender muzzle of a red fox, sharp teeth showing when she smiled at him, a pair of ears backed with black sitting atop her head, wish a short ridge of red-hair running between them, over the crown of her head.

A great, bushy tail of red and white swayed slowly back and forth behind her. Seductive. Anticipatory. Or maybe... nervous?

"Am I asleep?" Mark asked, blinking.

"No," Vee said, shaking her vixen head from side to side.

"Am I hallucinating?"

"Not exactly," Vee said, tilting her head. "It's more complicated than that."

"How... How are you doing this?"

"That's even more complicated," Vee said, giving a little shrug.

"Right," Mark swallowed nervously, taking a deep breath through his nose, nearly overwhelmed by that wild, musky smell. His nose! Mark pulled his hands from Vee's furred him, reaching up to his face. His nose was flat and wet to the touch, on the end of a long, thick, furry muzzle. He pulled his hands away from his face, turning them over. The back of his hands were covered in peach-fuzz like fur, tan-brown, growing longer by the second. His fingernails were turning black, lengthening into short, blunt claws. He turns his hands over to see dark, fleshy pads pushing out from his palms.

"What's happening to me?" he asked, his voice rumbling in his chest, deeper than it should be.

"It's okay," Vee said. "You're safe, I promise."

Mark put his hands back to his nose, breathing in. The same scent that was filling his head was there, where he had been touching Vee. "I think... I think that smell is you," he said, taking another deep breath. He could practically _feel_it, like lightning in his long nose, electrifying and exciting.

"You should get used to that in a while," Vee said, her fox ears flattening on her head. "Sorry. Is it... bad?"

"No!" Mark said, practically barking. "I... No, it's... It's good actually. It's... very good." He took another deep breath from his hands, though the smell seemed to be getting weaker. He lowered his hands, nose quivering and sniffing, as he realized he could smell her scent on the air as well, so close to him. "I... I'm just not sure if it means I want to _eat_you, or... uh..." he trailed off, feeling a blush come to his face, and his own ears flattening back on his head.

Vee's ears popped back up on her head, and she smiled her strange, crooked smile. Unmistakable, even on this new, furry face. "Or what?"

"Or... ah..." Mark looked down and away from her, only to find himself looking at his own crotch, the fabric of his shorts noticeably tenting over his very erect, very aroused penis. He looked back up at Vee quickly, not wanting to draw her attention down there. "Ah... Or... Kiss you, I guess," he says, sheepishly.

Vee arched one eyebrow, still smiling that crooked smile. "Do you want to see yourself?" she asked.

"Uh... Yeah," Mark nodded, nervously. "I guess I'm... curious."

Vee reached behind her back, and produced a mirror in a silver frame, seemingly from nowhere, holding it up before him in her black-furred hands. Mark looked, peering closely at his reflected image. The eyes were still his, unmistakably, and somehow the whole face was familiar, recognizable as his own, but he was covered in thick, rich fur, tan and black, with thick, powerful canine muzzle, his ears huge and angular, standing at the top of his head. Where his beard used to be was now a tuft of thick, shaggy tan fur running down his thick, muscular neck, ending in a V shape just above his relatively hairless chest.

"Why a German shepherd?" he asked, turning back to Vee.

"That's from you," Vee said, slipping the mirror back behind her back, returning it to wherever it came from. "A little bit of memory, a little bit of fantasy," she says, reaching out and running her hands through the thick fur on his neck. He tensed as she touched him, and he realized just how thick and muscular his neck had become, all out of proportion with the rest of his body. No wonder his voice got so deep. "I think it suits you," Vee said softly, stroking his fur.

Mark craned his neck into Vee's touch, wanting more. "Is this too much for you?" she asked.

"No," Mark said. "I'm okay. If... If there's more, I don't want to stop." He placed his big, furry hands on her hips again.

"Alright," Vee said. She placed a hand on his chest, and leaned in close, very close. She brought her shoulder right up to his nose, and Mark found himself breathing in sharply. Quick, rapid sniffs inhaling the vixen's intoxicating scent as she leaned past him to whisper into his big ear. "Because it gets a little intense, now."

She pressed the heel of her hand hard into his chest, pushing the breath out of him. Tan fur sprang from his chest, growing rapidly around her fingers as she rubbed his flesh, firm and pressing. As he gasped for air, he could feel his body changing, the muscles in his chest tensing and swelling with new power, growing wider, deeper, bigger.

"That's right," Vee cooed in his ear, her breath hot against the side of his head. "Just try to relax. Don't fight it."

She eased her hand off his chest, drawing a single clawed finger down along his flesh, towards his stomach. There was a tickle as the tan fur followed, springing up and blossoming at her touch. She placed her hand against his soft stomach, rubbing gently, and Mark could feel a great warmth growing inside him. Suddenly his stomach tensed up, and he could feel the fat melting away, shrinking, reforming, and then bulging up as firm, fit muscle. A massive six-pack, the sort he could never dream of developing normally, forming under his increasingly shaggy pelt.

"Oh Christ," Mark groaned, feeling the power in his growing, swelling body. He could feel it spreading from his chest and stomach into his back, the muscles there flexing and swelling, his shoulders straining as new flesh pushed them apart, swelling into great round deltoids and thick, powerful traps.

"You're doing good," Vee said, leaning back a bit and lowering herself from his ears. She looked down at his body, swelling and bulging beneath her. "You're... doing really good." Her own breath was coming short now, Mark noticed, and she glanced up at his face, looking strangely uncertain of herself. Her tongue briefly flicked out, running pink over her black lips. Then she met his eyes, and seemed to shake something off.

"You like my tail, right?" she asked, her voice smooth and confident again.

Through panting, strained breaths, Mark managed to answer "Yeah. Yeah, I... I do."

"Okay," Vee said with a smile, reaching behind him. "Before you get too big to get my arms around, then..." She pressed herself tight against him, soft breasts pressing up against his hard stomach while she watched him over the swelling mound of his chest.

Mark could feel her hands on his back, and he shuddered as she traced the line of his spine down to his belt, sliding her slender fingers just inside his shorts, and rubbing small, intense circles either side of his tailbone. He could feel something growing there, flesh and bone pushing out from the base of his back, guided by Vee's massaging hands.

It was tight, strained. There was no room for it on the bench. Mark arched his swelling back, trying to lift his butt from the ancient wood slats. With Vee's weight on him, he could only manage a second before falling back down.

"Ooh!" Vee giggled, grinning up at Mark. "You want to try that again?"

Mark took a couple deep breaths, then let go of Vee's hips, planting his big canine hands on the bench seat to either side of him. He planted his feet firmly on the ground, then arched his back again, pushing himself up as hard as he could. He could feel his legs straining, flexing, and then bulging and growing rapidly with new muscle, straining against the fabric of his shorts as his thighs grew thicker and heavier. There was a tickle as black and tan fur sprung up along his bulging thighs and straining calves.

He managed an inch, nearly, then fell back to the bench again. The lump of growing flesh at the base of his spine pressed tight against the bench, uncomfortable enough to make him wince. "I can't," he huffed.

"You can," Vee said firmly, squeezing the tender flesh at the base of his growing tail. She seemed to grow heavier in his lap, truly pinning him down. "One more time," she said, encouragingly. "You can do it."

Mark nodded, and took a deep breath. He grabbed tight to the bench, digging his claws right in to the old wood. He arched, strained, and pushed himself up, groaning with the effort, Vee unnaturally heavy in his lap. His legs contracted, bulged, and suddenly the seams of his shorts tore open, giving way under the pressure of his powerful, growing legs. He lifted his butt up, off the bench, even as he felt new muscle swelling and growing there as well, pressing against whatever fabric was still clinging to his body.

Vee pressed hard on his back, and there was a sudden feeling of release as a long, shaggy black tail erupted from Mark's flesh. "Oh God!" he yelped, his voice deep and booming.

He fell back to the bench, Vee landing heavily on top of him with a little "Oof!" She seemed her normal weight again... Or maybe Mark was just that much stronger. With his tail fully emerged now, he could sit comfortably, his belt and the waistband of his ruined shorts held down and out of the way from his tail, which he found was wagging slowly behind him.

Mark took a moment to catch his breath, reclining back against the bench, his legs stretched out so far that he was practically lying down with Vee on top of him. Absent-mindedly he reached up, placing a hand on Vee's red-furred back, and her fluffy red tail twitched and jumped back and forth in front of him.

"Oh... uh... Sorry," Mark said, looking down at her. He pulled his hand up, but only a little ways, hovering over her.

Vee pulled her arms out from behind Mark, crossing them over his big chest and propping her chin up on them. "No, it's okay," she said, grinning. "Go ahead."

He smiled, still panting, tongue hanging out of his big canine mouth, and rested his hand on her back again. Then he tensed up suddenly, gripping to Vee tightly as his feet curled in a pair of sudden, powerful cramps. He looked down to see his brand new running shoes swell up like balloons, then burst apart with a "Pop!", first one and then the other, sending bits of shoe material flying in all directions. He spread his new clawed toes, stretching out his huge, canine feet.

"Sorry," Vee said, pushing herself up a bit and giving Mark a concerned look. "Did that hurt?"

"No," Mark said. "I mean... yeah, a little. Don't... don't worry about it," he said, looking over the strange, beautiful creature sitting atop him. "It's worth it."

Vee smiled, then put her hands on his chest again. A much bigger, much more powerful chest than in had been before. She ran her fingers through the thick fur for a moment, seeming to take some time to just admire it.

"Hold onto me again," she said, and he reached his hands to her hips, gripping gently. She pressed her hands against his chest, and he could feel a warmth growing there again. Firmly, she spread her hands apart, as if pushing something to either side.

Mark tensed and strained, feeling the warmth and power flow out of his chest, over his already bulging shoulders, and into his arms. He could feel his biceps swelling with power, and watched, tense and flexing, as they grew beneath his shaggy fur, bulging huge and round. Involuntarily he tightened his grip on Vee as his arms swelled and expanded, his hands also becoming bigger, and he began to fear that he was going to crush her.

At last it stopped, and he relaxed his grip, feeling the power in his huge, bulky arms as he carefully pulled his hands away from her. "I'm sorry," he said. "Did I hurt you?"

Vee gave that crooked smile again, tilting her head a little. "I'm fine," she said. "Did you think you would hurt me?"

"I'm sorry," Mark apologized again. "I just... This size? This... power that I'm feeling? I guess I'm just worried I might not know my own strength."

Vee grinned. "That's sweet," she said. She pulled herself forwards to straddle Mark's muscular stomach, and he shuddered feeling her body slide against his. She reached up and stroked his furry face, leaning in very close, nose-to-nose, her scent filling and overwhelming his senses again. He stared into her eyes, noting the strange depth of her gaze again. He felt like if he fell in, he might never stop falling.

"Don't worry, Mark," Vee said, voice low and husky, her breath hot on his face. Hotter than the noon sun beating down. "You're strong," she said, gazing at him with half-lidded eyes. "But I'm still stronger."

Her dark lips parted a bit, and then she seemed to hesitate for a second. She pulled back just a little, briefly biting her lower lip, as if thinking, coming to some great and important decision.

Then she closed her eyes, leaned forward, and pressed her lips against his.

The kiss was gentle.

The kiss was brief.

The kiss struck Mark's brain like lightning.

It flooded over his senses, filling him with a sensation of power, of heat, of a deep and irresistible longing he could not fully comprehend. He had never felt anything like it before. He could feel his manhood swelling with overwhelming desire, tight and still trapped in the remaining fabric of his shredded shorts. He wanted to get it out, get it free.

Her. He wanted Her. He wanted to be inside Her. He needed to be inside Her.

"J-Jesus Christ!" he growled, low and guttural, as Vee broke off the brief, gentle kiss. He grabbed hold of her with both hands, his body shaking hard as he sat up straighter on the bench, nearly lunging for her, wild and consumed with desire...

Mark shut his eyes, tight. Forced that feeling back. As much as he didn't really want to, he forced it back. It was too much. It was dangerous. He couldn't...

"What... What was that?" Mark asked, gasping for breath as he opened his eyes again. He stared at her, wild-eyed, feeling the longing and lust rise up in him again. Her body, her scent, her whole self... Her.

He realized then that he was gripping her tighter than ever, her soft fur bulging around his tightly-gripping fingers, his blunt claws tight against the skin, showing pink under her fur. Shaking, he pried his grip open, releasing her, pulling his hands away from her. He looked up to her face, suddenly realizing just how closely she had been watching him.

"I... I'm sorry," he whimpered, pulling his hands away from her.

Vee snatched his wrists suddenly. Her hands were so much smaller than his, but her grip was like iron. "It's okay," she said, softly. "You're still in control. Well," she grinned suddenly. "Actually, _I_am in control. But what I mean is, you're still in control of yourself. Still in control of your urges... and whether you act on them."

Vee guided Mark's huge hands to her sides, guided him in stroking her slowly, gently, up and down, along her sleek muscles and gentle curves, across her silky soft fur.

"What I'm doing to you is powerful," Vee said, gently. "But you can control it. I know you can." She took her hands from his wrists, letting him continue stroking her on his own. Her tail lolled from side to side behind her, keeping time with his movements, her chest rising and falling with slow, deep breaths.

"You can trust yourself," Vee said, moving her hands to briefly stroke the soft, white fur on her own stomach. "You can trust me." She lifted her hands up her body, crossing them over, slipping her fingers under the hem of her tight sports-bra. "Because I want this," she said, voice deep and husky. Slowly, in one smooth motion, she pulled her sports-bra up and off, over her head, tossing it to one side. "I want you to pet me now."

Mark stared, big canine jaw hanging open, panting slowly as he gazed the pair of perfect round breasts released from Vee's tight top. He couldn't have imagined that they'd be so perfectly formed, large but firm, heaving with obvious weight with every slow, deep breath Vee took, as she watched him watching her. Each shapely orb covered in silky, soft white fur, with two erect, pink nipples just barely peeking out.

Vee lowered her arms, let them hang at her sides, watching with hooded eyes as the stunned and silent Mark studied her body. "Do you... want to pet me, Mark?" she asked.

"Oh... my God," Mark said breathily. "Yes. Yes please. I do, I really do."

She smiled her crooked smile again, and glanced away. Mark thought he saw something there he hadn't before, just the slightest hint of a blush under all that white fur. She took his left hand gently, guiding it up to her right breast. "Pet me, Mark," she purred. "Pet me like a good boy."

Tenderly, gently, he started to rub and stroke her breast, marvelling at the feel of it in his hand. He raised his right hand to her left breast, taking it as well, gently squeezing and massaging both breasts in long, slow circles. Carefully, he brought his thumbs to her pert, stiff nipples, rubbing them gently over the sensitive flesh.

Vee gasped as Mark stroked across her nipples. She tilted her head back, and her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned forward, into his touch. Balanced with her knees on the bench to either side of Mark's massive body, she started to roll her hips, pressing and rubbing the crotch of her lycra running shorts against the bulging abs and soft fur of his stomach. With each movement of her hips her round, tight ass rubbed against the bulge in his shredded shorts, and Mark could feel himself grow somehow even harder than before, his cock bursting to be let free.

"Patience," Vee said quietly, as if reading his mind. Though he wondered, then, rather she was saying it to him, or to herself.

He went on massaging Vee's big, beautiful breasts, pressing just a little firmer, squeezing just a little harder, enjoying how the soft flesh bulged between his fingers. Carefully, and very gently, he brought thumb and forefinger to each of her nipples. He traced the twin circles of her areolas with his soft touch before gently, ever-so-gently, giving each nipple a soft squeeze.

Vee's breath caught in her throat, and Mark could feel her press closer into his hands. "Harder?" she whispered, making it sound like a question.

Mark ran his hands along the curve of her breasts again, lifting them slightly, feeling their weight. Then he pinched his thumbs and forefingers to each nipple again, squeezing just a little harder this time, a little longer, pulling on them ever-so-slightly.

"Oh!" Vee gasped, suddenly reaching up to grab Mark's forearms. Not to guide him this time, he realized, but for something to hold onto. His strong arms easily supported the weight of her perfect little body.

She looked at him, opening her eyes just a little, mouth open and breathing deep. "Harder," she said. Not a request this time, but a command.

Mark found himself smiling as he watched her, cradling her breasts in his big hands. He complied, closing his fingers around her nipples once again, this time slowly - very slowly - increasing the pressure tighter and tighter.

"Oh!" Vee gasped, eyes popping wide open for a second, then closing again as she arched her neck back, pressing her chest tight into his grip. "Oohhh," she moaned as he squeezed her nipples harder and harder, pinching his fingers shut around the sensitive flesh. "Oh yes... Yes... That's right..."

Mark pulled on Vee's sensitive nipples, smoothly and slowly, pulling the sensitive skin away from her body. She let out a long, low moan as he stretched the pink mounds of flesh, rolling them ever-so-slightly between thumb and finger, before letting them slide slowly through his tight but gentle grasp. Never fully releasing his grip until the very tips slipped free of him.

"Oh,fuck," Vee said, lowering her head and blinking at Mark, impressed. "Oh fuck... Fuck you."

Mark grinned. "Patience," he said. He lowered his arms from her breasts, and she released her grip on his wrists, gently rubbing the fur on her stomach again.

Mark wrapped his huge arms around Vee, supporting her back, then hesitated, staring at her, his canine nose quivering.

"What is it?" Vee asked.

"Your scent," Mark said, and he could feel his ears fold back again, just a little embarrassed to admit it. "It's... everywhere. All around me. I can't get enough of it." Vee grinned at him.

"I just want to... bury myself in it for a moment," Mark said, and suddenly pushed his face forward, pressing his muzzle into the soft fur between Vee's breasts, pressing his nose tight up against her skin, sniffing wildly, deeply, drinking in her musky, sexy scent.

Vee yelped. "Cold nose! Cold wet nose!" she laughed, sliding her arms up and around his neck. He tilted her backwards, supporting her back while she hung around his thick, powerful neck, stroking her fingers through the fur at the back of his head. She made a contented sigh as he snuffled and snorted against her chest.

Mark took a final deep, deep breath of Vee's scent, then opened his mouth, and drew his long, wet tongue across her chest, up the line of her cleavage. He could feel her shudder against him. He turned his head to one side, pressing his nose deep into the soft flesh of her right breast, kissing and licking as he felt his way along the curve of her body.

He could feel Vee tense up, going still as she realized where he was going, and he could feel his own tail wagging happily, a stupid grin on his half-buried face.

He brushed his lips tenderly across Vee's nipple, and she shuddered, making a sharp intake of breath.

Mark opened his mouth, pressed his tongue gently against Vee's nipple. Slowly, firmly, drew his tongue across the sensitive flesh.

"Yes," Vee said breathily, gripping his neck tighter.

Carefully, Mark took her nipple between his lips, tugging gently, kissing and licking her again. Then he opened his mouth wide, and wrapped it around her soft flesh, gently sucking and nuzzling. "Yes," Vee moaned. "Oh, yes..."

He sucked and licked, ran his tongue gentle but firm across the length of her nipple. "Yes!" she cried.

He pressed his tongue firm against her nipple, pushing it in slow, small circles. "Ooohhh yes!" She moaned, gripping the back of his head, pressing her body hard against him, grabbing thick clumps of his fur in her hands.

He flicked at it with his tongue. Quick, sudden motions, feeling her whole body tense and shudder against him. "Yes!" she yelped with every short, sharp breath. "Yes! Yes!"

Suddenly her grip loosened, and he felt her pulling away from him. He lifted his head, keeping her weight supported from behind while she looked up at him. She was breathing deeply, chest rising and falling, hands playing idly in the fur of his shoulders and watching him with half-lidded eyes.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

Vee smiled up at him, then straightened up, letting him lower his arms as she sat upright in his lap, pulling her hands down from his shoulders to play across his furry chest. Her tail lolled slowly back and forth behind her, and he could feel his wagging eagerly.

"Mark," she said slowly, smiling a coy smile. "Can I pet your dog, Mark?"

She lowered her right hand, reaching behind herself to stroke the bulge in his pants. Mark's heart was beating in his ears. "Y-yeah," he said, perhaps too eagerly. "Yes. Yes, you can... Please."

She smiled, straightening up further and lowering her feet to the ground, first one, then the other, taking a half-step back from the bench as she stood up. Then she kneeled down in front of him, running her hands over the line of his half-shredded shorts. "I bet it's a big dog," she purred, tugging briefly on his belt before she started unbuckling it.

"I mean... It sure feel like it," Mark said, ears pressing back on his head, and he was sure his blush must be visible even through all his fur.

Vee giggled. "I almost forgot that you haven't even seen it yourself, yet," she said, unfastening the buttons of his shorts, and pulling down the fly. There was a sudden bulging as the pressure of the shorts was released, with only the elastic of Matt's underwear holding anything in place.

"Holy... shit..." Mark gasped, staring as the bulge seemed to only grow ever larger.

"I... might have gotten a little carried away," Vee said teasingly, sliding a hand down into Mark's pants. "Don't worry," the beautiful vixen purred. "I'll be gentle."

Mark's eyes widened as he felt Vee's slender fingers tracing the length of his shaft, swelling ever harder at her touch, stretching and tenting his underwear as he somehow became even more erect. "Oh shit, Vee... I dunno."

"Shh," Vee hushed him. "You're safe." With one hand, she gently pulled down his shorts and underpants, down and away, towards his knees. With the other, she lovingly guided Mark's massive member into the sunlight.

"Oh yeah," she said. "I definitely got carried away." Mark's huge erection rose up between them, standing tall and proud in the noonday sun. Red and throbbing with arousal, it was as long as Vee's forearm, and nearly twice as thick. Pulled up against him, it would reach nearly halfway up Mark's massive new body. And at its base, a pair of huge, furry balls, certainly bigger than any Mark had ever seen.

"Oh... my God," Mark said, somehow both mortified and thrilled at the same time. The sight of his own huge, throbbing cock somehow increased his arousal even more. "What am I supposed to do with this?" he chuckled.

"Don't worry about that," Vee said, stepping back further and pulling Mark's ruined shorts the rest of the way down his legs. She struggled a bit to get them over his big feet, then tosses them off and away, into the nearby bushes. "I told you, I'm stronger than you." She stepped back up to him, hands on her hips, staring at his erection with an appraising look.

"Proud of your work, are you?" Mark asked after a moment.

She stuck her little pink tongue out at him. "That's not a sin." She smiled at him for a moment, then reached down to her own lycra shorts, pulling them down slowly, bending over at the waist as she drew them all the way to the ground. Mark's eyes drifted along the long, smooth curve of her back, to the round, tight ass sticking up in the air, and the great bushy tail waving above it. The massive cock in his lap twitched and quivered at the sight.

Vee stood back up, slowly, shorts in one hand, the other rubbing idly across her waist, near her crotch. Mark could plainly see her pussy, pink and swollen, standing out obviously against the snow-white fur of her abdomen. Her scent was stronger now than ever.

Vee smiled, tossing her shorts casually aside, and stepped slowly towards Mark, rolling her hips seductively as she approached. Mark realized he was gripping the edge of the bench tightly, digging his claws right into the old wood.

Vee stepped right up to Mark, watching his face as she gently took his huge, throbbing shaft in her black-furred hands, pulling it towards herself and pressing it into the soft white fur of her stomach.

"Vee, I..." Mark started, nervously.

"Hmm?" Vee asked, tilting her head and flicking one ear out to the side.

Mark blinked, suddenly unsure of what he wanted to say. He was at a loss for words. A rare thing for him, at least until today. Until he met her. "I guess," he said. "I guess, I just wanted to say... I don't know..." He shrugged his big shoulders. "Thank you, I guess? For all of this... Whatever this is, exactly. I've... uh... I've really been enjoying it."

She gave him that smile again. That strange, crooked smile, equal parts pleased and bemused. A special, secret smile he couldn't quite decode. She stroked her fingers slowly along his cock, gently petting him against her furry stomach.

"And also," Mark went on, ears fully back and flat against his head now. "You're... uh... You're very beautiful." There was no reason he should feel so bashful about saying it. It was simply the truth. "Very, very beautiful. I just... wanted to tell you that."

The crooked smile widened, just a little bit. Vee moved closer, and Mark could feel the heat of her wet pussy pressing against the shaft of his cock. She leaned in close, looking him in the eyes again. The deep dark void he sensed earlier was still there, but there was a warmth now, as well. A heat. A distant, sparkling light.

"I'm going to kiss you again, Mark," Vee said, softly but matter-of-factly. "And it's going to be a lot to handle, okay? More than last time." She reached up with one hand, cradling and stroking his face. "But there is nothing to be afraid of. You're still going to be in control of yourself, alright?"

Mark nodded, a little uncertain.

"You need to trust yourself, Mark," Vee said, leaning in close. "You're going to trust yourself. You're going to give yourself permission." Her voice was barely a whisper as she leaned in ever closer, her lips practically against his as she spoke. "Because you know... what I want you to do to me."

She slid her hand around the back of his neck, tilted her head, and pulled him into a long, deep kiss.

For Mark, the whole world exploded.

Pure desire burned through him, like blue fire along every nerve ending in his massive, enhanced body. His mind was consumed with a great and terrible hunger, an unmitigated hunger for this woman - this incredible creature - that has embraced him so. She is desire. She is need. The living, breathing avatar of unstoppable, carnal lust.

He had to have Her. He must. There was nothing else.

Mark tore his hands from the bench, sending great slivers of ripped timber flying through the air, and wrapped his enormous arms around the irresistible vixen, pulling her tight and close against his powerful body, pressing ever deeper into the kiss.

Vee wrapped her arms around him, too, pawing and grabbing at his muscular back, pressing her soft breasts and toned body tight against him. They broke the kiss, each gasping for breath, heaving and burning with desire. He kissed her along her jawline, down the curve of her neck and across her perfect, round shoulder. She moaned, head back, grinding her body against him, sliding her slick, hot pussy against his throbbing shaft.

For the first time, Mark realized that she feels this, too. The overwhelming desire. The hunger. The carnal need. Was she only reflecting his own lusts back at him? Or was this the way she always feels?

It didn't matter. Not now. All that mattered was the Feeling. The Need.

"Vee..." he growled, low and deep.

"Y-Yeah," she said, shakily, understanding. She pulled herself back from him, and he could feel her resentment at needing to break such close contact, even if only for a moment. He felt the same, panting and trembling as he watched her standing before him, staring deeply at her with undisguised lust and desire. There was no shame now, no bashfulness.

Vee smiled that crooked smile again, briefly running a hand through the short, spikey ridge of hair on her head.

"Okay," she said, raising one foot up to the bench, planting it beside Mark. Mark reached out, placing his hands on Vee's waist, steadying and lifting her easily as she stepped the rest of the way up, onto the bench. He gazed up at her standing above him, heavy breasts dangling in his face. He lifted his nose, pressing in between those heaving tits once again, nuzzling and drinking in her gorgeous scent. She gasped, placing one hand on his shaggy head to steady herself, and giggled.

"Okay," she said again, reaching her free hand down to find his hard, throbbing cock. A thrill ran up Mark's spine at the sensation of her fingers playing along the sensitive head. He could barely contain himself. He would not be able to much longer, he was sure of that.

Gently, Vee guided Mark's penis to her, placing it gently against her pussy. The delicate pink flesh was hot against the head of his cock, and she held it there a moment, while he growled low and rumbling into her chest.

"Okay," she said yet again. "I'm ready..." Slowly, carefully, she lowered herself onto him, bending her knees and taking him inside her, one inch at a time. "Oh," she moaned. "Oh, Mark... Oohhh..."

As Vee drew lower and lower, Mark lifted his head from between her breasts, taking shuddering, gasping breaths and he felt her closing around him, tight and hot, deeper and deeper.

"Vee," he growled, gazing at her, panting, the heat of the day nothing compared to the heat of this beautiful creature. "Oh... Oh fuck... You're so..."

She gazed back at him, breasts rising and falling with every deep breath. Slowly, she rolled her hips forward, sliding her body along his engulfed cock. "Do it," she whispered, rolling her hips again, faster this time. Harder. "Do it, Mark. Fuck me."

Mark moaned, and thrust suddenly, hard into her, as if someone had just cut him free from a leash. He lifted his ass from the bench, bracing his back against the wooden slats behind him, digging his heels deep into the grassy ground and arching his back as he pushes hard up into her, desperate to be ever deeper inside her.

Vee yelped, grabbing Mark's arms for more support as he pulled her back down with him, still holding her by the hips. She clenched her sharp teeth, closed her eyes tight and rolled her hips against him again, matching his rhythm as he made another powerful, deep thrust.

"Oh fuck, Mark," Vee cried as he thrust into her again and again, hard and deep inside her, filling her tight pussy. "Don't stop! Please don't stop!"

Mark had no intention of stopping. He felt like he could go forever. He felt like he could explode at any moment. Exhilarated and wild, he bucked against her again and again, driving deeper and harder with every desperate, powerful thrust. The wood bench beneath him creaked and groaned in protest, ancient would cracking, but he didn't care. There was nothing in the world that mattered but Vee, riding on top of him, moaning and crying out, breasts bouncing with each thrust, faster and faster.

"Oh yes!" Vee cried, leaning back from Mark. She pulled her hands from his shoulders, crossing her arms over her chest and squeezing herself for a moment, then raising her arms up over her head, grabbing at her own short headfur, pressing her hands against the sides of her head. "Oh, oh yes! I want more! More! Fuck me!" She threw her head back, crying out to the sky. "Fuck me!"

There was a loud, thunderous cracking sound, and suddenly Mark was falling. Vee shrieked in surprised as she fell along with him. His back hit the warm grass as the shattered park bench fell to pieces around them, and she crashed down on top of him, flat against his chest, nose-to-nose.

They blinked at each other a moment, surprised.

"You... You okay?" Mark asked, heaving for breath, his massive chest raising Vee up and down on top of him.

"M-More than okay," Vee said, smiling. She wriggled her hips a little, teasing Mark, still deep inside her even after the fall.

Mark grinned wickedly. "Good," he growled, and suddenly rolled over with her, pinning her back to the ground, pressing her under the weight of his massive body for just a brief moment before propping himself up, setting his hands firm in the grassy ground.

Vee yelped, eyes wide in surprise and delight, and raised her legs to wrap around Mark's waist, holding him close, and throwing her arms around his thick neck. He thrust into her, his clawed feet digging deep gouges in the sod with the force of the motion. She felt so tight around his cock, almost as if he was somehow still swelling larger and larger inside her.

"Oh, yes! Yes!" Vee cried, clinging tight to Mark's body. "Faster!" she cried. "Harder!" she moaned. "More! More!" she screamed in desperate ecstacy.

He thrust into her again and again, faster and harder with the full power of his massive body, tail wagging maniacally behind him. She clung tight to him from below, pressed up to his firm, muscled form, arching her back and pressing her heaving breasts against him, her breath hot on his face. "More!" she cried, while he growled and moaned.

"Vee," Mark gasped in warning. "I... I'm gonna..."

"Me too," she moaned. "Oooh, me too. Don't... Don't stop. Come... Come inside... inside mmmeeeeeooohhh!"

She tightened suddenly around his cock, tighter than he thought possible, her whole body tensing against him, stiff and hard as a rock. Mark cried out with her, a rumbling roar from deep inside his chest as his balls bounce and contract, and he made one final, powerful thrust as he unleashed his seed, releasing what felt like an enormous load inside her with incredible force. And then another. And yet another.

"Oh fuck!" Vee squeaked, gripping onto Mark with crushing force, holding him close and tight inside her. "Oh... Oh fuck..."

Vee's body relaxed, and she loosened her grip on Mark's neck, letting herself gently fall back into the grass. She gazed up at him, her whole body quivering and shaking like a leaf. He stayed propped up above her a moment, gazing back down at her and panting for breath, long tongue dangling absurdly out of his mouth.

Vee gave Mark her crooked smile, huffing a tiny, satisfied chuckle. It seemed to Mark that she almost seemed to be glowing. Mark smiled back, and with careful, shuddering effort, slowly pulled his hips back, pulling his enormous length slowly out of Vee. Vee shuddered and gasped, eyes rolling back in her head, until he slipped fully out of her. She lowered her legs, releasing him, and he rolled down into the grass next to her, staring up at the bright blue sky.

The summer sun beat down on Mark's huge, furry body, but rather than overpowering or oppressive, it now felt pure and cleansing.


"Wow," Mark said, finally, not sure how long they had been lying next to each other in silence, watching the sky. "I never..."

"Oh no?" Vee asked, rolling and propping herself up on one elbow next to him. She slid one of her long legs over his own, wrapping it around him in an intimate embrace and cuddling up next to him. "Never?" she asked, teasingly.

"Well, not like that, I mean," he said, putting his ears back bashfully as Vee started tracing patterns in the fur of his broad chest. "Who are you? Really?" he asked. "What are you? How is any of this real?"

Vee smiled, but there was a look of sadness in her deep eyes. "Not now. Let's not spoil this," she said. "We... can talk about that another time."

Mark felt his big doggy ears prick right back up. "There will be another time?" he asked, too eagerly.

Vee giggled. "I hope so, yeah," she said, cuddling closer and resting her head on his massive shoulder. "If that's what you want."

Mark smiled, and reached over to stroke her face. Vee took his hand, holding it softly against her cheek. "Why me?" Mark asked.

Vee's smile twitched, and he could see that sadness in her eyes again. "You looked... lonely," she said with a small shrug. "And... you seemed kind."

They lay in silence a moment, then Vee took a deep breath, taking his hand away from her face and resting it on his chest. "So," she said, more casually now. "Do you have a place around here, or...?"

Mark's eyes opened wide. "Oh fuck!" he cried. "How am I going to get into my apartment looking like this?"

Vee just laughed.