Under the Mistletoe (1/2)

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Kevin and Serathin are attempting to avoid the dreaded office holiday party, but unfortunately they find themselves ensnared in the insidious reindeer's machinations. As the two suffer through tacky music and bad party games both guys attempt to find something else to do, and as Serathin manages to find an out he finds himself under a very particular piece of mistletoe that kicks off a very merry Christmas for the city.

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It was time for the holiday season, and with it all the joy and merrymaking that came with it. There were all manner of traditions that people kept during these weeks before the new year; some preferred to observe the more religious aspects of the time, while others had family or friend activities that they did every year. For some though they had to partake of a tradition that was neither of these things; often times this particular observation of the year was not only not well received but sometimes even mandatory for those who would fall under its clutches. Only those that have participated in such a ritual know the horrors that come...

...from the annual holiday office party.

There was nothing that inspired more dread than hearing that a day of the weekend was going to have to be wasted on mingling with people that were already seen more often then most saw their families, but as two such workers diligently attempted to keep their heads down and their schedules open. It was a longshot, but as the white-furred wolf continued to look over the cubicle wall they attempted to get out without getting the usual invite to this year's train wreck of a party. With it being their busy season they could potentially get away with saying that it got buried among all the other things, but that was exactly why the cheery reindeer that was the head of the party planning committee made sure to personally deliver invites as well. Fortunately for them in order to get in the spirit he often wore outfits with sleigh bells on them which meant that he could be heard clomping up and down the office from a mile away.

"Anything yet?" a whisper came from the other side of the cubicle as the blue eyes of the wolf continued to look about just in case.

"No, he still hasn't made the rounds," the lupine replied as he scanned the hallways that the cubicles made before ducking back down and looking at his monitor. "This is the last day before the party, we already dodged him three times... if we can just make it another hour we're out of here. Do you have toner in case we need to make an emergency run to the bathroom?"

As the wolf looked over at his co-worker and cubicle buddy the draconic sabrewolf nodded and held up the cracked ink cartridge, which had already stained the blue scales of his arm where they were touching it. They had planned everything out and as the two hunkered down they tried to get the last of their work done early so they could zip out before the reindeer managed to catch them. "Alright, all my reports are in for the day," the hybrid said as he typed out the last sentences of his spreadsheet before sending them off. "You have your data compiled, we already took the timesheets in, so just need to compile one last bit of program and we are ready for the weekend."

"I'm done on this end," the wolf stated as his screen went black from him shutting it down. "I'll give one more scan to make sure the coast is clear, I'm sure he'll be looking for us if we're the last on his list-"

"The last on who's list?" a third voice suddenly said, the two jumping at the reindeer that had suddenly appeared at their cubicle opening as a cloud of black rose up from where the toner had been dropped on the desk. The reindeer looked at the plume of toner in question before glancing back at the wolf who sat there with his hand on his forehead. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Oh... no, you're fine Jack," the wolf said as he attempted to stifle a sigh. "We were just talking about... fantasy football... stuff..."

"I see, how interesting," the reindeer said. "Did you know that I actually run an office pool? If you would like I could bring you in, we meet for the draft at the bar down the street and... oh, before I forget, I have something that I need to give you both."

"Oh, you don't need to give me anything," the draconic sabrewolf said as he tried to get up as he rubbed the toner off his black and purple furred face. "I should get to the bathroom and wipe this off, don't want it to stain."

"It'll only take a second, I have yours right here Serathin," Jack said as he handed an envelope to the dejected hybrid before turning to the wolf with another one. "This one is for you Kevin, this is everything you need to know for our holiday office party this weekend. Good thing I caught you guys before you left for the day otherwise you might have missed out!"

"What a tragedy..." Kevin muttered as he took the envelope, slumping forward before the thick tail of the other man smacking against his chair caused him to sit up straight again. "...that would have been! To miss it, I mean, you always throw the best parties. I can't wait to be there tomorrow."

"Yeah, same here," Serathin replied between coughs. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Wonderful," Jack said with a beaming smile. "I look forward to seeing you here tomorrow."

Once again both men in the cubicle tried to stifle their groans as they watched the reindeer walk off, though as Serathin was about to sit down he instead poked his toner-smeared face out. "Hey, what happened to the sleigh bell sweater?" Serathin asked, prompting Jack to turn around. "It uh... looked good on you."

"Oh, I was told to stop wearing them," Jack replied. "HR said they were causing a disturbance in the workplace. Anyway, see you tomorrow!"

About an hour later both Kevin and Serathin were walking towards the subway station that the two shared, both of them holding a drink they had gotten from the nearby vending machine with Serathin using the water to finish cleaning himself off. "You don't think I could get out of this if I told them I had toner lung?" Serathin asked after using the water to rinse his mouth out and spit. "I feel like that should be a thing."

"I doubt that they'll see it that way," Kevin replied as they walked down into the station itself, hearing the sounds of the trains going by whisking people home from the commercial downtown area. While the two had the same station they were on different routes, and with their hurry to leave work unnecessary they had meandered about lamenting on their foul luck while Kevin also helped his co-worker get the last of the powder out of his fur. "I guess we're just going to have to grin and bear this one, I'll see you here tomorrow..."

The draconic sabrewolf just nodded and gave him a wave before heading to his platform while the wolf stayed where he was. As he waited the remaining few minutes for the train to come in he took out the already opened envelope and stared at what was inside. Aside from the invitation that looked suspiciously hand-crafted despite Jack having to make a hundred of these for their office there was also two drink tickets and some sort of raffle entry. While normally most would just go in, spend the drink tickets, and duck out as fast as they could the reindeer was not only a pain in the ass but also the cousin of the company director... and with Jack being a whiny little bitch it was guaranteed that anyone who missed one of his grand parties would be told on and despite attendance not being mandatory it may as well have been to avoid the director's wrath.

When Kevin's train did come and take him home the only thing he could think about the entire time was how to potentially get out of it. There was no way around it though, short of getting some sort of debilitating injury he was going to go into work tomorrow in order to stroke the ego of the reindeer and make sure that he would get his bonus. It wasn't something to look forward to but at least Serathin and a few others would be there, last time they managed to sneak out for a few hours to play games in the company lobby but were almost caught by security. As the wolf got his suit ready to wear the next day perhaps they could find something else to occupy themselves during an otherwise dull affair...

The next day Kevin woke up with the brief joy that it was the weekend before the reality of his engagement crashed down around him. While the party was in the late afternoon he knew with the way the weekend schedule ran for the trains he would have to get there early as well as get dressed for the affair as well. Though the invitation stated business casual for the party most people just showed up in their usual suits and the wolf was no exception. As he finished up eating breakfast and getting everything ready to go he found himself scowling at the clock.

It's like going to work without getting paid for the day, Kevin thought to himself as he left to get to the train station. With the fare he would have to pay he was even losing money on the exchange except for the fact that it was sucking up to Jack to make sure that they wouldn't end up on the director's naughty list. To add insult to injury as the train pulled into the station he could hear snippets of the weather and heard that there was a potential storm front moving in, which meant that he would be probably walking home in a blizzard as he trudged to work. By the time he reached the lobby of the mostly empty building he had to shake himself in order to get the flakes of snow off of him as he could feel them melting into his fur.

As Kevin waited for the elevator while in the lobby he soon found that he wasn't alone as several others came in, one of them being the draconic sabrewolf that gave him a small nod. Everyone there looked to be in a bad mood as they waited with the white-furred wolf and as he looked down at his watch he saw that they were all pretty much on time but still a few minutes late. Most tended to filter in during this time, attempting to look like they had come on time while trying not to be the first ones to arrive. No doubt Jack would have been there early in order to regulate all the decorators and caterers, which meant that anyone that would be there before the scheduled time would have to talk to him.

Though it was only twenty minutes Kevin knew from previous experiences that they were actually cutting it close as the elevator finally came down and opened for them. The mood coming up to their floor was extraordinarily somber and it felt to him like he was just going to work, especially with the hybrid in the car with him, though as he looked over at Serathin he noticed that there was a small smirk on his face. "I'm guessing you might have figured out a way for us to get out of this early?" Kevin asked as he looked over at Serathin.

"Well... I may have something that will help me enjoy this party a little more," Serathin replied as the sheepish grin on his muzzle widened, prompting the wolf to look at him. "I can't really tell you much more about it in current company, so let's just leave it at that. How about you, got any escape plans that don't involve us parachuting out of this place?"

Kevin just shook his head and together the two just dejectedly watched as the elevator rose up to their floor before stopping. Even before the doors opened they could hear the sounds of Christmas music playing over the office speakers, the intercom normally only used for emergencies being hijacked and used to play Jack's personal holiday playlist. As soon as they got off the elevator car and into the small lobby area of their floor they saw that once again the reindeer had gone all out on the decorations as they made their way through the artificial snow that was blowing from a nearby fan. One thing that the two looked forward to was the after-holiday memo that came out which would have a fresh list of decorations that were banned from being used in the building, the one last year being bales of hay.

The holiday party was mostly held in the conference room of the building, though it was spread out through the entire office since the entire floor was there. No one would dare miss one of the reindeer's parties, especially if they were looking for upwards advancement, and as Kevin wandered towards the refreshment table with Serathin he looked around for anyone that might be missing. The wolf wanted to know if he could spot the lack of anyone's presence just to see what would happen to them as he got the admittedly well-catered event. Having access to company funds at least had one perk, Kevin thought to himself as he loaded up his plate, knowing that at least he would get a decent meal out of it.

As the minutes wore on Jack was his usual insufferable self and both Kevin and Serathin tried to blend into the crowd whenever the reindeer wanted to play one of his stupid holiday games. Some that had snuck alcohol in, Jack refraining from having a bar since he wanted everyone to be on their best behavior, were already several sheets to the wind and were more than eager to belt out some sort of holiday carol in karaoke or attempt to build a snowman from the parts provided to them. While the two made sure that Jack was aware of their presence they tried to remain as low key as possible while eating out of sheer boredom. As night fell outside the building Kevin had just come back from the bathroom in order to avoid a round of office charades when he saw several people heading towards the elevator bank.

Sensing potential shenanigans happening Kevin quickly made his way over in order to see what was going on. He found several of his co-workers were heading towards another section of the office that was mostly for those in accounting where people were no doubt sheltering from the terrible music and forced party games while splitting a bucket of alcohol between them. It was going to likely at least be better than the alternative but before he wanted to join in he looked around to see if he could find his cubicle buddy to also spare him from the forced holiday cheer. As he looked around a few of the halls he finally found Serathin as he looked to be heading towards the elevator banks.

"Hey, Joe is about to make his famous holiday punch," Kevin said after he had gotten the draconic sabrewolf's attention. "I already asked and he said that we could hunker down in their little anti-party and wait for the festivities to blow over. What do you think, going to join us or are you putting in more time to make sure that the reindeer notices you?"

"Actually I was thinking of getting in a little more face time," Serathin replied. "I think I might have a lead on finally getting into the promotion track that I'm looking for and with half the staff liquored up I think I'm going to see if I can take advantage. You have fun though, if I can I'll try and drop that I saw you around the party in case he goes on the war path for people skipping his reindeer games."

Though the wolf was slightly surprised that the hybrid was going to miss an opportunity for drinking in the workplace he saw that Serathin seemed to be rather resolute in his actions to either suck up or find dirt that he could use to get ahead. "Alright, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow then," Kevin said as the two parted ways, the wolf suddenly finding a drink in his hands as he turned back around to see the hybrid walking back to the party. "Are you sure you don't want to join us?"

"Yeah, busy night," Serathin replied. "I'll see you tomorrow."

As Serathin turned the corner and walked down the hallway the smile he had been hiding from Kevin was finally allowed to creep over his muzzle. While his original plan had been to take the special gift in his pocket and bring it up to the roof to give himself a little extra holiday cheer he managed to find someone that was actually looking to score himself. In exchange for his packet the guy would make sure that he let Jack know that he had just saw him right before the night would be over. It was the perfect way to get home early and all it cost him was something he had been meaning to use to help get through the night anyway, and with the snow coming down even harder he hoped he could get to the station before they closed down the train lines and roads.

As he navigated his way through the maze of hallways that connected the various offices to the cubicle farms that he worked he noticed something that caused his head to tilt, looking up to see that there was some sort of orange gooey ball that was on the ceiling with what looked to be something hanging from it. "Hmm? Is that mistletoe?" Serathin said out loud, his eyes widening in slight suprirse as he found that it was indeed what he thought it was. "Thought we weren't allowed to have these in the office."

The draconic sabrewolf found himself shuddering as he recalled the events that led to the banning of the decoration office-wide, something so huge that even Jack didn't dare defy the mandate. Someone must have hid this up here as a prank or to get someone in trouble... and though he didn't have to do it he knew that he probably should do something about it. If anything someone could put the blame on the party that was going on in the accounting office and that meant that Kevin would be on the hook along with anyone else that was there. It would at least make up for a little bit of telling him a little lie about what he was planning on doing at the party as he reached up in order to try and grab the ball from the ceiling.

Even though he was rather tall Serathin still found it just slightly out of his reach, especially since it wasn't a very large decoration. When trying to use the wall didn't help he just stood directly underneath and attempted to jump in order to grab it, but just as he was about to make the leap it suddenly detached from the ceiling and landed right on his face with a large splat!

"Gah, what the fuck!?" Serathin yelled as he almost immediately the hybrid stumbled backwards as he brought up his hands to try and claw the substance off of his face, but it stuck to his fur like glue and the more he attempted to remove it the more it seemed to cling to him. After a while of pulling on it he found himself gagging slightly as some of it had managed to get into his mouth and along with the nausea that it caused he could feel the entire room starting to spin as more of it seemed to creep into his maw.

As Serathin continued to stagger about the goo on his face wasn't the only thing he felt happening to him. He let out a soft gurgle as he had attempted to try and keep his tongue away from touching the substance, only to feel himself heave forward as he could feel the muscle starting to twitch. As the goo continued to cling to his face he could feel it running down his throat, causing him to continue to gag slightly, but as he looked down and saw his shiny orange muzzle he could see his tongue stretching out into the air. It wasn't anything he was doing and as he grabbed onto it he was shocked to find it slither around his wrist like it had a mind of its own, though it was growing increasingly hard to focus on anything as he could feel the goo continuing to spread up his face.

What's... happening... even the thoughts that were going through his own head were starting to become sluggish as he found himself tugging on this new tongue of his in disbelief. This goo... it was changing him, but s he tried to figure out what to do he was finding it harder and harder to think of what it was. His green eyes began to swirl as he could feel something crawling into the recesses of his mind as he brought up a hand to his muzzle to find that the goo had coated it like a layer of rubber. He knew he should be doing something about this but as he managed to get back up to his feet he heard a voice that caused him to turn his head.

"H-hey, are you okay?" Kevin said as Serathin turned around to see that he had followed him from the party, potentially hearing his outcry after the goo had initially hit him in the face. For a few seconds the hybrid didn't even seem to realize him, though when he did he found himself taking a step closer. Kevin... what's happening to me? The thoughts never left his mouth and as he got closer something else was taking him over as the dizziness and fear gave way to something else.


It was a sensation unlike anything that Serathin had ever felt before and the more he advanced towards Kevin the stronger it got. He... he needed to kiss this man, more than anything he had ever felt before. While he had never had any feelings aside from their workplace friendship the urge for their muzzles to meet was unlike anything that he had ever experienced in his life. It felt like his body was moving of its own accord as he continued his approach to the confused wolf...

Kevin had been at the party waiting for Joe to start pouring out the shots of his alcoholic concoction that he was pretty sure could be lit on fire when he heard the sound of someone shouting in the hallway. Considering the party that they were at it was normally someone that had a bit too much eggnog and had stumbled into the hallway to avoid being seen, but it sounded a bit like Serathin as his ears twitched. While he had initially thought about ignoring it the wolf decided that a quick peek couldn't hurt and set his cup down on the nearby filing cabinet. As he made his way down the hall it started to sound more and more like what he thought it might be as it sounded like someone trying to throw up, but when he rounded the corner he was surprised to see that it was Serathin practically kneeling on the ground.

It wasn't a sight that he had ever seen before and given that he had just talked with the hybrid before this he seemed fine as he slowly approached. "H-hey, are you okay?" Kevin asked, his confusion increasing as he turned around and saw that there was some sort of orange goo that was slathered all over his face. More than that though it looked like his tongue had grown swollen to the point where it was twitching while hanging nearly a foot or more out of his muzzle like some sort of snake before it retracted back into his maw.

Soon the draconic sabrewolf was staggering towards him and Kevin wasn't sure whether to try and help figure out what was going on or run and get help. There was something definitely weird going on as he could see whatever orange substance on his face had started to slide up towards his ears, defying gravity as Serathin seemed to look at him with a questioning look. Was he suffering some sort of bizarre allergic reaction? Suddenly the eyes of the other man widened as he got closer before they became glassy, then he seemed to move with purpose to close the distance between them before Kevin suddenly found the other man practically pressed up against him.

The amorous move had taken Kevin by surprise; while he knew that his co-worker preferred men and women this was the first time any of those feelings seemed to have been shown towards him. The wolf didn't even have a chance to ask what was going on as he felt the strangely textured lips of the draconic sabrewolf press against his own, followed almost immediately by his tongue pushing inside his maw. Though he was still a bit confused he found himself unable to resist as he looked into the eyes of the hybrid, which had started to glow and be even greener than usual as the goo that had been still traveling up his head had started to push into his ears. It was the last bastion of Serathin's struggling psyche and as he looked into the eyes of the one that his large tentacular tongue was pushing into he found himself growing more fond of the sensation of pushing into the mouth of Kevin.

This feels go good... the words hardly left his mind as he felt his arousal begin to grow, feeling his tongue filling the muzzle of the wolf before pushing down deeper.

My tongue pressing against his... the words apparated into his psyche as the thoughts of pure pleasure were seeping into his mind. Serathin could already feel Kevin's tongue starting to wiggle around and thicken slightly as his own pushed in deeper, making sure that he would experience the same blissful pleasure. Everything about this kiss was pushing the draconic sabrewolf to want more, not even realizing that he was hardly in control of his own body anymore and that his more rational thoughts were shutting down. He could also feel his maleness starting to strain against his pants and a similar sensation coming from the wolf as Kevin's white-furred throat bulged from the tongue pushing into it.

Everything from the feeling of the squeeze of Kevin's throat muscles against his mutated tongue to the taste of his saliva was turning Serathin on, though with the goo pouring into his mind the creature that stood there was not the same as the one that had tried to get the mistletoe off in the first place. Thoughts of his work and the party and potentially getting home to play video games was replaced with this one desire, this one moment where he needed to keep making out like his life depended on it. Soon he could feel his muzzle touching with the one that was in front of him as the tip of his tongue wiggled deep in the chest of the wolf while the orange rubbery substance began to spread.

Kevin's eyes closed as the heavenly make-out session continued, his initial apprehension for making out dissolving away even as the tongue reached places that it definitely shouldn't have. He could feel his maleness starting to push out past the belt of his pants as he began to reflexively try to swallow the appendage that was inside of him, letting out a muffled gulping noise as he pulled back slightly and still had that thick tongue connecting their two maws. He could also feel something starting to spread over his fur, though it was hard to keep track of any sensations that were happening to him other than an intense pleasure as he began to feel the draconic sabrewolf start to pull back even more.

"Yes, become my little servant..." the words echoed in both their minds as the creature that had overtaken Serathin started to slither its way into the mind of the wolf. As the hybrid pulled back the thick tongue that had been wiggling around in Kevin's maw came with it, yet he still felt like his maw was full even without it. As his eyes half-opened he became aware that he could see the tip of his own tongue wiggling around in the air, his lips being kept open by the thick appendage as the goo spread up over his face and started to creep towards his ears.

"Ohhh... what's happening to my mind?" Kevin asked, though as he tried not to let the wave of dizziness that was causing the room to spin he saw that Serathin just continued to stare at him. The draconic sabrewolf had a smile on his rubbery orange face as the last of his ears and horns were covered, the goo dripping just down past his neck as his shirt had become unbutton and his maleness pushed out past his opened pants. Kevin was having a lot of trouble focusing himself with his own member throbbing as the goo quickly spread to match, eventually the look of confusion turning to a smile as his tongue extended so far down that it was practically tickling the tip of his exposed shaft while Serathin watched.

"My little flower, go on and spread your seed..."


In the accounting office those that had decided to throw a little party of their own were sitting on uncomfortable chairs with the food that some had snuck out. The concoction that had been created in the spare punch bowl someone had found was already half-empty and people that were in attendance were more than happy to pass the time in a drunken haze until it was appropriate for everyone to start leaving. They also took turns in going back through to the main party to find out if the reindeer had gotten his fill of putting everyone through the holiday misery of corny games and awful karaoke. They had a few people go out every fifteen minutes or so in order to make sure they weren't missing anything, and after a lot of argument two canines found themselves muttering as they walked out into the hallways.

"Look, it's a good chance to make sure that they know we're still here and to grab some food," the coyote said to his wolf counterpart. "I don't know about you but after one cup of that punch I'm already starting to feel more than buzzed."

"What do you expect when he poured that Bacardi into it?" the wolf replied as they walked down the hall, stopping as their ears both perked up when they heard something coming from around the corner. "Ohhh... sounds like someone is getting a little hanky panky tonight. Who do you think it is?"

"I think I don't care," the coyote replied as he rolled his eyes. "Let's just go, if it's Jack or something I don't want to catch the flack for seeing him balls deep in someone."

"Unless... we use it for blackmail," the wolf said with a grin. "Think about it, if it really is Jack then we would never have to go to another one of these stupid office parties again. C'mon, what's the worst that could happen aside from seeing someone's junk?"

Though the coyote's face showed that he wasn't fond of the idea the thought of not having to be a part of this holiday party anymore had tempted the other man to just nod and pull out his own phone. Though the sounds that they had heard had gotten softer they still hoped that there was something left that they could potentially use to either blackmail or at least provide a humorous anecdote for the next business day. When they turned the corner though what they saw was not quite what they were expecting as the two looked at the two in confusion. While the two guys had their dicks out and one of them had their shirt open to reveal the purple fur of his muscular chest as they made out.

"What are you guys doing out here?" the coyote asked, which prompted the two to turn towards them as they both gasped slightly at seeing them part from one another. Their eyes widened when the two turned towards them and stared with glowing green eyes as the draconic sabrewolf grabbed onto the thick, prehensile tongue while the wolf continued to huff as his own wiggled in the air. Their two half-naked co-workers didn't speak as the rubbery orange substance that had completely covered Serathin's head and was doing the same for Kevin as a spring of mistletoe formed near his ear.

The coyote and wolf both looked at each other as the others continued to stare, unsure of what to do as he saw that Kevin had undid his pants to let his erect cock fully free. "Uhh... are you two alright?" the coyote asked the two began to walk towards them, both men still grinning as the coyote happened to see the wolf go over towards the draconic sabrewolf. "Serathin, is that you, what are you doing with that rubber on your- hurk!"

The wolf found himself suddenly pressed up against the wall and before he could react he found himself being kissed, taking both him and his coyote friend by surprise. Even though this was an after-work function they were still all expected to adhere to the code of the office that they were in and yet their amorous co-worker still slid a hand up the wolf's furry chest. It didn't take long before the captured lupine found his lips parting from the strange tongue that the draconic sabrewolf had seemed to adopt. The coyote found himself frozen in shock as he watched his cubicle mate squirm under the grasp of the other man until finally his eyes rolled back into his head and something began to bulge out his throat.

As the two began to make out more earnestly the coyote suddenly became aware that Kevin had quickly closed the distance between them and was picking up speed. After hearing his friend start to gurgle and gulp from the thick appendage being pushed down his throat and the almost inhuman expression on the one approaching he decided it was time for him to leave. Before Kevin could get his hands on him to deliver the same intoxicating kiss he bolted, which prompted the infected wolf to do the same. That just left Serathin and the other wolf in the hallway as the smile grew on his face, his new instincts giving him the reward of pure pleasure even in his tranced state as he could feel another seed being planted...

Meanwhile the coyote mentally debated on whether to go back to the small gang of people that were skipping the party or the party itself as he ran. In his intoxicated state it was hard for him to think of what to do even with the adrenaline pumping through his systema and the exposed wolf still giving chase. It didn't help that the office building was built like a maze and more than once he found himself at a locked door or finding himself in an empty office. When he finally could hear the sounds of drunken merriment that was the anti-party he let out a sigh of relief, only for it to be knocked out of his lungs as he was pounced upon and pushed down onto the floor.

The coyote hardly had a chance to register what was going on before he was turned around and saw the orange rubber face of the creature that had knocked him down. The goo had completely encapsulated Kevin's head and with the tongue already slithering out from his maw it gave him an almost predatory appearance. The coyote gasped in shock and that was all that was needed, in the next second his maw was filled with mutated wolf tongue. As he tried to look for a way out his eyes happened to see the mistletoe that was next to the ear of the wolf and for a brief moment he found it ironic as another few inches of tongue began to push into his maw from the creature above him.

Suddenly there was a loud crash that came from the party room and it caused the infected wolf to look up, which also seemed to break his concentration and allowed the coyote to squirm out of his grasp. Before Kevin could regain the hold the coyote was up and running with the taste of the strange saliva and tongue of the wolf still in his mouth. He managed to get all the way to the door to the accounting office before closing and locking it behind him. As he panted heavily he could see what caused the noise as his dramatic entrance was obscured by the group gathered around the broken punch bowl.

There were a number of people that lamented the loss of booze and didn't even seem to realize that the coyote had come back, and as he tried to warn them that there was something that was behind him a wave of dizziness suddenly overwhelmed him. He found himself using the wall in order to steady himself as he found himself wandering over towards a snake man that had managed to fill up on his drink before the tragedy happened. As the coyote locked eyes with him a strange sensation began to bubble up inside of him, one that he would normally need a few more drinks before he got properly in the mood. He... had to kiss this man, and just as the snake realized that there was someone coming right at him all he could do was let out a gasp of surprise before the lips of the other man were upon him.

The half-full cup that the snake had was dropped to the side as their make-out session continued, his hands sliding along the wall as he let out a gurgle. Since they were partially hidden by one of the cubicle walls no one was able to see the thickening tongue of the coyote pushing past the scaly lips of the other man, or that orange rubber was starting to leak out of his mouth and nose. It wasn't long before the snake man stopped squirming as well and started to push his serpentine snout against the increasingly shiny coyote one. When someone did look back at the two all they saw were two that had let their buzzed state translate to lusts, especially since their hands groping against the growing bulges of their pants and not the swell of the snake's scaly throat.

By this time the rest of the group that had been lamenting the loss of the rest of the booze and were drinking down what little they had left. One of them was a tiger man that hadn't actually been drinking; he was just looking for a means to avoid the party since his ex was one of those in attendance, and it was something that he didn't want to be reminded of since the wound was still rather fresh. With the booze gone though it was clear that the little anti-holiday party would probably break up rather soon, though as he glanced over at one corner of the office he could see that there were a few that have found something else to do. Several were snickering and filming two pairs of people making out in the corner, though as he shifted towards the door to potentially leave he noticed that the snake and coyote that made up one of the two sets had some sort of strange rubbery substance on their lips.

As he saw the snake had his cock pushing out of the hem of his pants and the coyote had his shirt open there was a rumbling on the door that caught his attention. At first no one even noticed, most of them still buzzing hard with some taking a hint from those that were in the corner and starting to get handsy with one another, but as several decided this wasn't their kind of party they went to the door to leave only to see it being pushed on that caused them to pause. For one leopard though he had a little too much of the punch and had decided to go and get himself some air, only to open the door and immediately be pushed back by the creature on the other side. Those that had been standing there let out a gasp as the one that pushed their coworker on the floor was a wolf with a orange rubber-covered face, mistletoe next to his ear, and a thick, long tongue that was being pushed into the mouth of the shocked feline.

Kevin wasn't sure when he had lost his pants or underwear in the hallway, the only thing he wore was the office shirt with the collar he hated framing the rubber that had gotten down to his neck, but he didn't care as he saw the eyes of the other man roll back into his head. All he could think about continuing to make out with the creature in front of him and spread the seed that his master had given him. Thoughts of the draconic sabrewolf that had given him such a gift still flooded his mind, at least the part that hadn't been enslaved by the will of this gooey substance that had completely spread over his head. Already he could see the rubber starting to spread over the feline muzzle as he could see the bulge of his tongue sliding down his throat, ensuring that there was another that would continue to spread as his glowing green eyes looked up at the others.

Those that had been closest to the door were frozen in shock at what they had seen as the bizarre make out session continued, though as they regained their composure the stallion that had been the one that made the punch snorted and was about to step over the two. He only made it about two steps before he felt something grab onto this shirt and cause the buttons to pop off in several places to expose his chest. At first he thought that some drunken idiot had grabbed him but when he turned his head he let out a gasp before the rubber-covered coyote muzzle pressed against his and shoved his tongue into his maw. The snake that the coyote had converted first grabbed the one next to the horse while those that they had just seeded were busy with two others that had gotten to close to their make out session.

Seeing nearly a dozen people, most in various states of undress as their transformation into servants of the mistletoe continued, start to spread through the small party had gotten the attention of the rest of the group. The accounting office only had one way out though and that was blocked by Kevin, the leopard, and the rather large stallion and coyote pair that had gotten pressed up against the nearby wall. With their exit blocked by those with the strange tentacular tongues that were quickly increasing in number there was little that those that were sober enough to see what was happening could do. Those that had been closest to the door attempted to back away only to have the four that were in the corner move towards them and kiss them deeply while Kevin slowly stood back up onto his feet.

As the wolf looked over the party the leopard he had finished making out with stood up as well, the feline's eyes glowing as he stroked down the lengthening tongue that had pushed out past his rubber-covered lips. They were quickly starting to multiply and with so many potential converts that were in the room the make-out sessions that would spread their seed were becoming brief but also intense. He began to stroke his maleness that was completely exposed as the one that was still sucking on the growing tongue of the stallion took off his shirt to reveal his muscular chest while goo spread up over his equine muzzle. For most the rubbery substance that had completely engulfed his own head was only on the lips or nose of those that were recently seeded as they went after those that were trying to get away.

Soon the number of infected outnumbered those that were left as they were corralled into the office of the lead accountant, shutting the door behind them and locking it. There were still a few that had been on the other side of the door but they were being grabbed by those that had moved towards them like zombies, and their cries to open up were quickly stifled and turned to gurgles and gulps. That had just left the five of them that managed to make it and as the ocelot that owned the office put a chair against the handle to try and keep them out the fox that was right behind him asked if he had a shirt while he clutched the half-torn one that covered his lean body. The lion and wolf that were also there tried to find away out from the office that didn't involve jumping out the window that was more than a few stories up.

"Great, now what the hell are we going to do?" the lizard man that was the last of the group said as he sat down behind the desk while the two at the door continued to try and barricade it.

"Call out and get emergency services," the ocelot said as he and the fox moved a small bookcase in order to make sure that those that were trying to get in couldn't even as they banged against it. "Tell them we have some sort of weird virus or something that's spreading through the office. Also see if you can get a hold of the other party and warn them that something is going on."

Just as the lion said he could do it and went over to the desk the lights that had been flickering overhead suddenly went completely out, plunging them into darkness. "Damn, the snowstorm must have knocked out the power," the lion said as he picked up the phone only to hear nothing on the other line. "Knocked out the phones too, I know that this building has terrible reception but does anyone have a cell phone that can get out?"

"I know I don't," the lizard man said as he took out his phone and turned on the flashlight while the others checked and sighed. "City services are probably not going to go out until the storm dies down, which means we're probably going to be in here for the long haul. I know this is going to sound really strange but considering that we're in the middle of essentially a zombie apocalypse scenario I have to ask if anyone here was... kissed?"

The others looked around the room and all of them shook their head, though as they looked at the half-naked fox the vulpine suddenly found all eyes on him. "Hey, don't look at me!" the fox shouted as the others gazed at him wearily. "One of them managed to grab onto me, but I can assure you that these lips are still virgin... at least when it comes to those strange creatures out there. Plus I could have sworn that I saw our wolf friend here making out with someone before we realized what was going on and made a run for it."

"Yeah, that was my boyfriend!" the wolf replied in a huff. "We had stopped long before this all started, he was going out to use the restroom and was next to the door when... that thing came in. For a brief second I was jealous before everyone started going crazy and in case you forgot I was the first one in the office before you all showed up."

The five continued to bicker on who might be infected with this strange creature that had taken over the rest of the office but a loud bang on the door caused them all to stop. The ocelot and fox quickly backed away as they saw their makeshift blockade vibrate from the force of their coworkers trying to get in, but after several tries it seemed that they had stopped their attempted intrusion. They could still hear them outside though and with everyone going silent it was clear that several had stayed close to the door and were engaging in making out with one another as well as more... carnal pursuits. While it made everyone in the office uncomfortable to listen to some were less so than others as both the wolf and the lizardman had to hide the tent in their pants.

As the minutes started to tick by the lizard man eventually shut off his light to conserve the battery and the five had to sit in the office in the darkness. Though it was rather spacious those that were trapped inside began to get a little stir crazy, particularly the lion who began to pace back and forth behind the desk. The wolf that had been sitting next to him had been watching the snow swirl around in the air before seeing him head towards the small private bathroom the office head, which prompted him to get up and follow him to make sure he was alright. Though it was hard to see in the darkness his eyes had gotten used to it enough to see the ocelot sitting in his chair with the fox on the desk while the lizard man had hunkered down in the nearby corner.

When the wolf opened the door and looked inside it was even darker in there than the office, though with the faint light that came in he could see that the lion had taken off his pants and was starting to stroke his half-hard member when he walked inside. Though the feline let out a gasp of surprise the wolf had already brought his own phone up and turned on the flashlight to show himself putting a finger to his lips before coming inside and pulling the door behind him. "Couldn't help myself," the lion admitted in a whisper once the door was closed. "I'm still a little tipsy and that makes me horny, was hoping to pick someone up at the party and now with them going at it outside it was driving me crazy."

"Hey, that's alright," the wolf said as he set the phone down on the sink, then surprising the lion by reaching forward and stroking the throbbing member of the other man. "I'm in the same boat actually, been getting pretty horny hearing them out there and in reality I was about to sneak off with my boyfriend when all this happened. I'm willing to help you out if you don't mind."

"You sure about that?" the lion replied, though as he watched he saw the wolf pull down his pants to reveal his grey-furred thighs and his own half-hard cock. "I guess that is a yes, just as long as we're quiet." The lupine nodded his head and soon the two naked men were pressed up against one another, their cocks pressed against one another's stomachs as they tried to find a position to quickly do the deed. At first they were just going to have the wolf standing but as they did he found himself stumbling forward and having to be held onto to avoid falling over and making noise, so in the end the bigger lion man took the wolf and pressed him against the wall with the lupine's legs wrapped around his waist.

As the lion reached down to push his throbbing member into the tailhole of the other man he was about to lean in to kiss him, only to pull back as his mind flashed back to the others that were currently outside the office. The thought tempered his lusts and he could only imagine what would happen if the others got curious on where they were or if the lights turned on to reveal both of them missing. The wolf didn't seem to have such concerns though and soon he found a hand pressed against his shaft guiding it up to his pucker and urging the feline to push it into him. It didn't take much for the lion to oblige and soon he had gotten the entire head of his member to stretch out the hole of the other man pinned up against the wall.

"Oh... this feels so good," the wolf moaned, softening his voice after the lion reminded him of where they were. "Thank you..."

"I should be thanking you," the lion replied as he began to make short, shallow pushes of his hips upwards so that he could slowly sink deeper into the wolf. "Following me in here like that, very bold."

"I couldn't help it," the wolf said as his head pressed back against the wall, and while it was mostly from the pleasure that he was getting from slowly being pushed up against it there was something else that was starting to make it hard to think. "When I saw you going into the bathroom I knew I had to follow, something drove me here." Before the lion could respond the wolf wrapped his arms around his head and pulled him down, their panting breath felt by the other as he saw something happening to the normally amber irises as they became unfocused. "I need... to kiss those lips..."

With his cock buried deep inside the wolf the lion had let the pleasure wash away his previous thoughts, but as he was pulled in close and suddenly felt the lips of the other man press against his own he realized too late the situation he was in. No sooner had their muzzles met then the wolf began to push his tongue inside to kiss the lion, but as the feline found himself with a growing hunger to reciprocate he could already feel the appendage growing thicker in his mouth. With their bodies twined together there was little that the sunned lion could do, but as orange rubber began to drip from their lips he soon had his own tongue slipping in to the wolf's muzzle as it grew longer. The feeling of the warm maw of the other man, the taste of his saliva, the feeling of his tongue sliding over his own, it was all too much for the lion as the thick goo began to cover the wolf's muzzle.

Soon the thrusting into the wolf became secondary to the passion of their deep kiss, the lion no longer caring that he could feel the tip of it start to slide into his throat even as it caused him to gulp and gurgle. It didn't take long before his own was doing the same as the wolf's infection quickly spread to his impromptu lover. They were still so lost in the throes of their passion that it didn't take long before they were filled with a singular need and desire, one that was even greater than their lusts that they were feeling before. It was desire to spread, to have their seed be planted into others to make them into servants just like they had become as their tongues grew so thick it was practically causing their jaws to dislocate before the rubber swept over them.

As mistletoe formed on the muzzle of the wolf and in the mane of the lion the two eventually stopped their make-out session and looked at one another with glowing green eyes. Their tongues twitched as the throat of the other man that it was buried in continued to stroke it, but there was no more need for the two to seed each other as the rubber flooding their skulls took over their minds. Just like all those that were outside they had become hosts, slaves to the desire of plunging their tongues into other creatures as they pulled their shiny muzzles apart while the goo continued to creep up over their heads and seep into their ears. The two didn't bother with their clothes and after pulling apart they went to the door and opened it into the office.

When the two infected creatures opened the door they found that the wolf wasn't the only one that had been lying about being kissed during the initial invasion. The fox was cowering in horror as the lizard man was on top of the ocelot, practically sitting in his lap as his orange rubber head was adorned with a sprig of mistletoe on his cheek as his long, serpentine tongue was slowly pushing its way into the maw of the feline. The feline sitting in the chair had his head tilted upwards as it was pushed up against the chair while his maw continued to be stretched open and even in the darkness they could see him swallowing against the tongue that was lodged inside. With the infected lizard making out with the feline the fox looked like he was going for the door, only to stop and let out a gasp of horror as the two naked men came out of the bathroom with their own tongues wagging about in the air while staring straight at him with smiles on their faces...