Bramble's Search

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This is a story commission I've done for

Description: A lonely male pine marten heads out into what appears to be a usual day, only to come face to face with its life-changing potential just moments after.

***Bramble's Search***

Bramble awoke to the faint call of dawn, his small heart stirring into throbbing tune with the rhythmic chirping of birds. He blinked his eyes open, hissing and tearing at the radiance creeping into his burrow. So late already?! What if...what if others got to his berry shrubs by now? Their fruit almost reached the apex of ripeness by now!

Then again, it didn't matter all that much. With no mate to impress and pamper, the lassitude of the past weeks hit him in full force, slumping his head back into his furs. The warmth of the emerging sun attempted to soothe him with its tender touch, an invitation to leave his soft bed of pelts and leaves and moss and venture into the day. Yawning widely, he drew upon all his depleting trickles of motivation to emerge from his nest, his fur as disorderly as his thoughts.

Stretching his limbs, Bramble took a moment to appreciate the subtle details of the world around him. His burrow was located at the heart of the woods, nestled among the roots of an ancient oak. The towering trees provided a comforting shelter, their wide leaves filtering the morning light and casting a dappled shadow on the forest floor.

Unwilling to brave the woods with a shaggy coat, he proceeded with his daily grooming ritual, meticulously tidying his fur. His nimble paws combed through his coat, shaking off specks of dirt and rearranging his fur to its natural, dark brown sleekness. Satisfied with his appearance, Bramble began his quest for breakfast, his mind already awash with luscious pictures of berries and succulent grubs ripe for unearthing.

Midway through his trek, his senses caught wind of a curious scent. It was sweet and alluring, intertwined with a boldness that spoke of confidence and vivacity. His heart responded with an excited beat, the previous encounter with this familiar scent triggering a vague recollection. Though different, he knew its tones and by extension, who it belonged to.

Bramble had crossed paths with Willow now and again in the heart of the forest. She was a fellow pine marten, albeit older and more experienced. The overlap of their territories forced their paths to cross at times, incidents that saw the panicked Bramble scurry back into the bush at the mere sight of the attractive marten. She had always intrigued him with her liveliness and warmth, her sparkling eyes a testament to her joyous nature.

How could he ever find his words--let alone his courage--to approach her? Him, a timid virgin whose only real ability was hunting and foraging! A relationship required more than that, a daunting truth that always weighed down on Bramble's heart and mind.

Today, however, her scent carried an additional note, one that was ripe and fertile. It was a call to the males of her kind, an announcement of her readiness to bear young. It was a scent Bramble had smelled now and again.

The allure of a female in heat.

This new element to her scent intrigued him, drawing him in with an intensity he hadn't anticipated. He found himself following the scent trail, his paws leading him towards Willow as if carried by an invisible and irresistible force.

Upon spotting her, his breath hitched. She was standing at the edge of a meadow, her rich cream fur glowing under the morning sun. Her coat, dappled with patches of dark chocolate, contrasted sharply with his own uniform, a modest brown. He watched as she turned to look at him, her eyes filled with warmth and liveliness.

As Bramble locked eyes with Willow, something within him stirred. Her warmth, her vivacity, the bright sparkle in her eyes--it all resonated with him in a way that nothing else ever had. He'd admired her from a distance before, but today, under the influence of her heat, his feelings intensified. His heartbeat thrummed a frantic rhythm, matching the thrill coursing through him.

"Bramble," she greeted, her voice as smooth as the languid rhythm of water from the brook beside her. The sound of his name sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. "You're looking particularly well-groomed today. Expecting someone special?" She teased, her tail playfully swishing behind her.

Caught off-guard by her comment, Bramble felt a blush creeping into his cheeks. He quickly dipped his head, trying to hide his blush under his tail. He mumbled an embarrassed, "I... um... just passing by. On my way to um...berries. I wasn't following your scent or anything!"

His awkward denial was met with soft, playful laughter. Willow began to approach him, her stride confident and poised in spite of the harness she wore, the baskets flanking her conspicuously empty. "Well, whether you were following my scent or not," she started, her voice dropping to a playful whisper, "I can use the company. This heat is growing increasingly bothersome, so I'd like to stock up on supplies before the need completely melts away my thoughts."

"I can help!" Bramble squeaked, his enthusiasm getting the better of him. "I'm...good at it, as you know. Better than the other martens!"

"Depends how well that nose can still work while distracted," Willow narrowed her eyes, almost seductively.

Her words were like a balm to Bramble's jumbled nerves. He wasn't intruding, he wasn't unwelcome.

He did not make a fool of himself.

On the contrary, Willow needed him; wanted him to be there with her! His anxiety began to ebb away, replaced by newfound excitement to be of use to someone in need.

Bramble rushed to catch up to Willow, meeting the playful sparkle of her eyes head-on. The warmth in her gaze never seemed to fade; not even when challenged by this particular condition of her gender. "I...I'm sure I'll manage! It's...a very pleasant scent. Never smelled anything like it."

"Nor have you ever been this close to a female," Willow noted, bumping her left basket into his side as she sought to cover the small distance separating their lithe bodies. "As far I know, at least."

"I..." Bramble gulped down his pang of apprehension; the very same one that had set him back all his life. "I never mated. But I'd like to! With a mate I love and cherish, of course!"

Willow's smile broadened into a grin, amplified by his youthful enthusiasm. "The day is young. Who knows where it may lead?"

The following hour passed like a blissful dream. The two discussed the advantages of their respective territories, the difficulties the changing of seasons posed, as well as their individual homes. Willow's seemed bigger and far better organized compared to his, an advantage he attributed to her older age and experience in finding proper ground to nest.

Slowly but certainly, the talk acquired more personal tones. Bramble found himself sharing thoughts he'd never voiced before, Willow's warmth and openness goading him on.

"Oh..." Willow's eyes flooded with sympathy upon hearing of what happened to lonely, virgin males when swept away by erotic dreams. "I...was not aware desire can grow so strong that know...."

She looked away for a brief moment. She did that for his sake, no doubt, to avoid embarrassing him.

Only, he didn't feel that way. Not one tiny bit. Unlike him, she had had actual mates, and now that heat afflicted her senses, she made for the best partner to share the pains of solitude with her.

"It's actually not that bad!" Bramble chuckled awkwardly, sharing a guilty smile with her. "Feels surprisingly good, actually. Just...I wish I could actual female..."

Willow leaned closer; close enough that her breath intertwined with his. "All the more reason to expand your foraging area during this season, Bramble."

Her wink completely disarmed him. With each passing moment after that, Bramble became more aware of Willow's scent, a sweet, alluring fragrance that was uniquely her. Her playful demeanor, her inviting touches, the scent that was driving him to the brink of distraction--he didn't know how much longer he'd be able to keep composed!

Walking next to her was terrifying, but also thrilling. He, Bramble, the quiet observer, was being given a chance. An invitation! A day that started as usual had taken a turn, leading him down a path he had only dreamed of in the past!

But as he looked at Willow, her warm eyes holding his, he found his trepidation ebbing away. There was anticipation, excitement, and a hint of something more profound in his heart. Willow's proposition was unexpected, but Bramble found himself wanting to accept it, to see where a little boldness would take him.

And so, he nodded, a soft determination in his voice. "I think you are right!" he immediately corrected himself as his gaze descended to his paws, "and not because I want to mate a female, but because I'm ready to--"

"Be with someone," she completed with a sly smirk.

As the sun continued its ascent, Bramble found himself treading by Willow's side, their tails occasionally brushing. They moved together, the forest humming in harmony around them. Bramble listened attentively to Willow's knowledge of various herbs and plants.

"See, Bramble," she'd say, pointing to a low-lying shrub, "that's wild thyme. It helps with digestion."

He'd nod, appreciating her wisdom, his eyes trailing after her as she flitted from one plant to another with a graceful ease that he envied. They foraged together according to her needs and instructions, their small pile of food growing at every stop.

They paused in a sunny clearing, the grass warm beneath them. Bramble found himself surprisingly relaxed given the circumstances, the presence of Willow a comforting constant at his side.

Try as he might to avoid gawking for too long at her, his gaze kept trailing back to Willow, her fur glowing under the sun's rays, her eyes filled with an unspoken joy that stirred an intense flutter in his heart. He found himself staring at her for increasingly awkward periods of time, struck by how beautiful she looked in the gentle morning light.

He shook his head, trying to dispel the unruly thoughts sprouting in his mind. Her scent made that impossibly difficult, however, stirring up feelings he had long suppressed.

"I don't mind if you lean closer, Bramble. Females in heat do love the occasional nuzzle and lick, don't they?" Willow's voice broke through his reverie, her question bringing him back to the present.

"Y-yes," he replied, his voice coming out as a squeak. "They do, right? But only from a proper partner."

She chuckled, an understanding smile playing on her lips. "Yes. It is preferable to choose a mate, but affection can also be shared between friends, and licks are ever so innocent."

Her words hit him hard, making him consider the path he had chosen. Had he been missing out on something beautiful by being so shy and distant? His gaze met Willow's, his heart pounding in his chest. Without dwelling on repercussions, his tongue darted out and rolled over her cheek, a swift lick that stunned the wide-eyed female.

"I'm sorry!" Bramble immediately drew back. "It...was awkward, wasn't it?"

"Rrrr..." Willow's paw pads brushed over that spot of slick fur. "Not awkward. Lovely. Here," she returned the favor, her tongue stroke slower and more deliberate. "This is how it is done. Keep it in mind for when we rest over in my burrow!"

Side by side, they ventured under the canopies to resume their quest of filling up Willow's baskets. Together they foraged, slowly accumulating a small pile of berries, fruits, and insects. Bramble focused his attention on the smaller details, searching under leaves and inside tree holes. His efforts were rewarded with a clutch of insects, their legs still kicking for a short while after biting off their heads to turn them still. Proudly, he presented them to Willow, adding to the growing collection.

Eager to impress, Bramble continued his foraging efforts even as his partner began to slow down. He managed to find a stash of ripe berries tucked beneath an overhanging rock, their sweet aroma wafting enticingly. Excited, he helped to gather as many as he could, his paws working swiftly and efficiently.

"You're...quite good at this. Far better than me?" Willow's slightly envious tone pulled him out of his reverie. Her voice was as soothing as a gentle stream, coaxing him back to reality.

"Y-yes, it''s what I've practiced the most. Not much to do when you're alone." His voice squeaked, nervousness creeping into his words.

Willow gave him a soft smile. "There's a certain beauty in solitude, but there's also joy in sharing experiences," she said.

Her words motivated Bramble to keep at it, his lithe body darting back and forth with practiced grace. It was when Willow groaned under the weight of the bulging baskets that his high finally began to die down, her discomfort heart-wrenching.

"Bramble, it's enough," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "You've done wonderfully. We have plenty now."

Bramble watched as Willow removed her harness, her ease and fluidity eliciting a soft gasp from him. Seeing the burden she'd been carrying, he felt a sudden urge to share the load. "I... I can carry that," he offered, his voice steady.

Willow chuckled softly at his suggestion, her eyes sparkling with mischievousness. "You think so? You are definitely welcome to try!"

With a determined nod, Bramble invited Willow to help tie the basket harness to his body, only to stagger under the combined weight of both baskets. His valiant efforts elicited a soft, throaty laugh from Willow.

"Here, let me help," Willow said, stepping forward. She undid the fastenings on the harness, adjusting them so that it could be worn by two martens plodding side by side. Her paws were deft and precise, making the task look far easier than it was.

With the harness now adjusted and each of them bearing the weight of a single basket, Bramble found himself walking closely beside Willow, their bodies brushing against each other as they carried their shared load on their left and right side respectively. The proximity unnerved him at first, but her vibrant personality slowly washed his anxieties away. He could feel the heat of her body nudge his flank now and then, the distinct scent of her heat flaring up whenever their hindquarters touched.

Willow's gaze lingered on Bramble longer than it used to, the playful glint in her eyes slowly replaced by a soft, disarming intensity. Bramble, feeling the weight of her attention, fidgeted under her watchful gaze. He cleared his throat, his tail swishing against the forest floor.

"Should we um...take a break?" His wavering words betrayed his unease.

The corners of her mouth twitched, her tail curling around her daintily. "It's not that..."

She stopped, forcing the two of them to halt.

Bramble's pulse immediately spiked. Anxiety attacked him from every dark corner of his mind, stoking his panic to the point where he felt ready to bolt home.

She would never choose someone like him. He was useless. Always was. Every second spent alongside her just served to reaffirm how much of a failure he turned out to be.

Escape. Flee, before she--

"No, Bramble! Don't think that!" She quickly unfastened her harness so that the embrace of her persistent arms kept him from scurrying away. "You've done nothing wrong! In fact, I...I feel ready to ask you something, being a male without a partner and all...."

"Oh..." Bramble's fears seemed to leave him all at once along with that heavy yet liberating sigh. He found himself nodding in response as his mind began to race, trying to gauge where this conversation was headed.

Upon noticing his palpable anxiety, Willow seemed to gather herself, eyes softening. "Today was... exhilarating. You've shown me a side of you I hadn't seen before," she began, her tone careful. "Your kindness, your dedication, your..." She paused, her gaze trailing off as if searching for the right words, "...your gentle spirit."

His breath hitched at her words. He wasn't sure where she was going with this, but he held onto every word, onto every nuanced emotion that played on her face.

Then, in a voice that held a raw sincerity, she asked, "Would you consider being my mate for this season, Bramble?" The words seemed to echo in the confines of his mind, hanging in the air, casting a profound silence.

Bramble froze. His eyes widened, his heart pounded.

He looked at Willow, her soft features bathed in the dim light filtering through the canopies. He saw a quiet hope in her eyes, an openness that made him swallow hard.

A whirlwind of emotions spawned within him. Surprise, fear, elation... but most of all, an overwhelming sense of honor. The gravity of Willow's proposal wasn't lost on him. He was familiar with the silent adoration he held for her, the unspoken desires. Yet, he had never imagined that she might be the one to ask, of all things.

His gaze fell to his paws, a small sigh escaping his lips. This was what he had dreamt of, longed for! The possibility of being with Willow, sharing life's joys and hardships with her! Yet, the suddenness of the proposal had taken him by surprise.

Willow waited, her silence giving him the space he needed. His mind was a whirlpool of thoughts, but amidst all the chaos, one thing stood clear. This was his chance, his moment. He had waited for it long enough that letting it slip by him just wouldn't do!

Slowly, he lifted his gaze, his eyes meeting Willow's. He saw a spark of anticipation in them, a glimmer of hope. He took a deep breath, and with a newfound resolve said, "Yes, Willow. I'd... I'd like that very much."

Bramble's heart pounded in his chest as he let his greatest desire spill out. As his words hung in the air between them, he saw Willow's expression soften. Her gaze held a kindness and understanding that immediately put him at ease.

"You will be a wonderful mate, Bramble" Willow began gently, "If there is anything that troubles you, I'll teach you. If mating is what dwells on your mind, then fret not. All you have to do is enter me. Once that happens, your body will know what to do." Her voice was warm, patient, and calm.

Bramble looked at her, swallowing the lump in his throat. "But what if I... what if I don't... satisfy you?" he asked, his voice weighed down by the shame of his utter lack of experience in pleasuring a female.

Willow chuckled lightly at his concern, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Bramble," she said, her tongue reaching out to lick his nose, "Just the fact that you're worried about this shows me how much you care. And that alone makes you the sympathetic partner every female wishes to receive inside her."

The affirmation warmed Bramble's heart, the fear and apprehension slowly melting away. He looked into Willow's eyes, seeing nothing but affection and reassurance in them. It was a comfort he had never known; a connection he'd never thought he would experience.

Willow continued, her voice confident yet gentle. "Trust me, Bramble. When the time comes, you will instinctively know what to do, and it will feel beyond anything you've ever experienced."

Bramble could hardly believe his ears. Was it really possible that this could be his reality? Him, of all males?!

Completely lost for words, Bramble leaned into the downy fur of her neck. Her scent was intoxicating, her proximity electrifying. He wanted to experience what Willow spoke of. He wanted to be her mate, and to do whatever she required of him.

"I'll... I'll try, Willow," he murmured, his voice growing steadier. "Even if our first mating is...unfulfilling, I promise the next one will be better!"

"The only way to disappoint me is to take too long to get home." Willow's chitter was giddy with thinly-veiled impatience.

The two martens mounted their respective baskets back onto their bodies and resumed their journey. Willow distracted him from the topic of mating by initiating him into his new responsibilities as her mate, which barely varied from his usual schedule. Instead of doing everything by himself, he would have a loving female at his side, soon to be a mother if he performed his male duties adequately.

Once their steps became to falter and their backs began to ache, Bramble and Willow found a secluded nook amidst the trees. Gently, they removed the harness, setting aside their bounty. Bramble watched as Willow arched her back, a subtle grimace on her face. He hesitated for a moment before approaching her, asking softly if he could help ease her discomfort.

When she consented, Bramble found his paws moving to her back, gently working through her fur to massage her strained muscles. His touch was light, tentative, but Willow's appreciative purrs encouraged him to continue. He worked carefully, his paws soothing the knots of tension gripping her back.

Breaking the silence, Willow turned to look at him, her eyes reflecting the gentle light of the day, filled with a desire that made Bramble's heart flutter. A playful grin on her face, she leaned in, pressing a quick, teasing kiss to his muzzle. The unexpected affection left him stunned, his eyes wide and cheeks hot.

"What if we and now?" she teased, her words making Bramble's heart pound.

"" He stammered, his mind racing. But before he could respond, Willow burst into laughter, her soft chuckles echoing all around. "I'm just teasing, Bramble. I wouldn't want your first time to be as crude."

Relief washed over him, but the lingering touch of her kiss made his heart flutter in anticipation. As he regained his composure, Willow moved to his side, her paws finding his own tired muscles. "Your turn," she murmured, beginning to massage him with a firm, skilled touch.

The sensation was beyond anything Bramble had ever experienced. Every stroke of Willow's paws sent waves of pleasure coursing through him, every nudge a jolt of electricity. As Willow continued, their bodies moved closer, their cheeks brushing against one another. The warmth of her body against his, the intoxicating scent of her in such proximity almost seemed too much. His heart hammered in his chest, the pounding echoing in his ears.

And yet, he did not break free from her affections, preferring to face the truth of this new relationship head-on.

"You have no idea how relieved I am to have found a mate," Willow mused as she sprawled on her side, dragging him down against her chest and belly. "It is not easy to fend off heat's whims while searching for a proper partner. One more day, and I would have been willing to let any male inside me, if only to soothe this maddening, itching, burning need."

They stayed like that for a while, lost in the comforting rhythm of their shared touch. As the tension seeped from his body, Bramble felt a sense of peace he'd never known. With Willow, everything felt right.

Taking his relaxation as a sign of consent, Willow nuzzled further into him. Her body, lithe and warm, pressed against his, her every breath a gentle whisper against his fur. Her affection, her warmth, it felt good, and it felt right. He found himself leaning into her touch, craving the closeness; the connection.

Willow's tail wrapped around him, the gentle pressure further dissipating his stiffness. His own tail responded in kind, intertwining with hers. A soft, satisfied sigh fled him, his body aglow with prickling and curious warmth.

"This is it, Bramble." Willow playfully nipped at his ear, the feel of her muzzle and whiskers brushing against his cheek intoxicating. "Your new life. How do you like it?"

His nose touched hers as their eyes bore into each other. "A bit too early to say," he added a teasing lick to make sure his teasing got across, an attempt that Willow made use of to join her tongue with his for a brief moment.

"We will have plenty of them, then."

Fully recovered and ready to continue, Bramble found himself studying the intricacies of the harness as he helped Willow readjust it. They worked in tandem, relishing the swish of brown fur rustling against her lighter colored coat. It sent an electric jolt through him, and he felt his heart pound in response.

They set off, their pace measured and synchronized. Bramble found himself drawn to Willow, captivated by her every move as she effortlessly navigated the forest, her tail flicking in delight.

Willow's burrow finally came into view, nestled snugly at the base of a grand oak tree.

"Wait until you see the inside of it," Willow smirked, forcing Bramble into motion due to their tethering harness.

The burrow was a haven of warmth, the air rich with the comforting scent of damp earth and pine. Soft moss covered the floor, a nature-made carpet that felt blissful to his paws. The walls were lined with tree roots, their intricate pattern a testament to the beauty of nature's design.

Small bundles of dried flowers hung from the ceiling, their faint fragrance mixing with the earthy scent of the burrow. He recognized lavender, chamomile, and rosemary, an arrangement that spoke of Willow's meticulousness and care.

A small alcove opened to one side, padded with dried leaves and soft grasses. Bramble figured it must be where Willow stored her food. On the other side, he spotted a pool of clear water fed by a small underground stream.

"Come along," she urged, leading him into the pantry to store the baskets and finally rid themselves of the harness. "Feels much better now, yes?"

Bramble shook his body to rid himself of the faltering remnants of numbness. Just as he began to relax, apprehension gripped his heart in its treacherous clutch. Willow did not even pause to refresh herself with a drink. As soon as she freed herself from the harness, the female went straight to her bed, lounging on her back to flash her soaked femininity at him.

"It doesn't have to happen now," she playfully rolled up on her paws to rub some of that heady scent into his coat. "But I would prefer that you mount me sooner than later."

As Willow went over to the stream to give her new partner room to gather up his courage and do his duty by his female, Bramble studied her carefully put together resting spot. The bed, made of soft ferns and padded with downy feathers, far surpassed his in terms of meticulousness. It was a comfortable nest, radiating an inviting warmth. Bramble could see why Willow had chosen this place as her home.

Upon reaching the bedding area, Willow darted in from behind to hug him, her eyes sparkling with anticipation and excitement. "It was always meant to be shared by two. The best way to praise my efforts is to settle down and...if you feel like...."

Bramble chuckled nervously as he settled down beside her. The bed was as comfortable as it looked, the ferns providing a soft cushion while the feathers added a touch of luxury that not many martens paid attention to.

"Or we can rest," she added in a quieter, hushed tone. Her arms lovingly wrapped around him, hugging him close to help her natural warmth seep into him, a comforting heat that numbed his mind and tightened his member. "Whichever you prefer."

Her muzzle waded through his fur, her breath warm against his skin. He felt her lips graze his ear, her teeth gently nipping at it. The touch sent a shiver down his spine, a pleasurable sensation that made him let out a soft sigh.

Her chitters turned into soft purrs, a sound of contentment that resonated in the quiet of the burrow.

He...had never seen her so happy. So fulfilled! Her joy filled the burrow, the air pulsating with it. That genuine serenity immediately put the male at ease. He shared a glance with Willow, short and timid. Then another, and another, until he found it increasingly difficult to take his focus off her half-closed eyes, weighed down by sheer delight at housing a mate at last.

A spark of boldness ignited in him, prompting him to lean forward. His tongue peeked out, hesitating for a moment before gently swiping across her cheek. Her fur was soft, the taste of her skin sweet and earthy.

"Br..amble..." Willow whispered; a quiet sound reserved only for him.

Her purrs deepened, a soft sound of encouragement that spurred him on. He licked her other cheek, his movements growing more confident with each swipe.

Willow turned her head in unison with the movements of his tongue, guiding his affection to where she wished it most. It all stopped when their noses pressed together, gazes locked in heart-throbbing admiration. There was a gleam in her eyes, a playful challenge that made him chuckle. She nudged her nose against his, a silent invitation that he gladly accepted.

With a soft lick, he licked her lips, the tip of his tongue brushing against that most intimate area only mates shared with one another. Her purrs turned into soft chitters, a melodic sound that echoed in his ears. It was a sweet, intimate moment, one that made his heart flutter.

Willow then nudged him again, this time pushing against his chest. She slowly rolled onto her back, her belly exposed, a sign of trust, of submission. It was an invitation, one that Bramble understood all too well.

Hesitation gripped him. As before, his mind raced to all that could go wrong. But then, he saw her look at him, those playful orbs awash with unfathomable desire only he could quell. That was all it took for his fear to dissolve, replaced by a newfound courage and a determination to not let her down.

Slowly, he moved on top of her, his body aligning with hers. He could feel her heart pounding against his, its thrum as unique as the pleasure-filled prickles greeting his fully-erect member combing through her underbelly fur. His fear, his insecurities--they all seemed insignificant in the face of Willow's undeniable need for affection.

"You're my mate now, Bramble," Willow's paws hugged his cheeks, her breaths quick and hot against his muzzle. "What is the first thing mates do, in their home?"

He chuckled at that, finding it less awkward to align his hips with her in search for heightened warmth. The moment his tip kissed bare, sweltering flesh, his entire frame jolted. In the next second--and against his will--his hindquarters bucked instinctively, shoving his hardness straight through her pocket of soaked flesh and all the way into her sizzling depths.

"Khrrrr!" Bramble gritted his teeth, sinking his head into the embrace of his equally vocal mate. Her warmth, her slickness, her persistent shudders and clenches--they seemed far too much! Bramble's muscles quivered, spine arching. His senses dilated, then constricted, his entire world reduced to the blazing heat throbbing deep within his member. It all felt like a whirling in a maelstrom of previously unknown sensations. The warmth of her body beneath him, the scent of her filling his nostrils, the feel of her fur against his - it was a cacophonous symphony of stimuli that sent shockwaves of pleasure cascading down his spine.

Suddenly, like a dam that had long held back a torrential river, Bramble's passion overwhelmed him. It swept through him, potent and powerful, intensity of these foreign sensations dwarfing everything he had ever known. It was unexpected, powerful, ancient; a testament to the depth of his emerging feelings for Willow.

Robbed of breath, of sense, of wit, Bramble gave in to this primordial force. He divested himself of it, one desperate throb at a time, letting it course through him, out of him and into his equally shocked and numb lover. The grips and squeezes of her flesh felt maddening to his member, suckling him dry of all he had to give.

Then, as sudden as it came, the storm within him began to subside. Air returned to his aching lungs, followed by Willow's enchanted visage emerging through his tear-drenched eyes. He tried to speak; to ask what happened, but his mouth refused to budge. His teeth still clattered in the aftermath of orgasmic bliss, his throat and tongue a parched desert.

"Oh, Bramble..." Willow somehow produced the strength to hug him with all her might. "Didn't it feel wonderful?"

"I..." he tried to gulp down this eerie, floating feeling blossoming within him. "Did I--I feel I barely...."

Willow drew back so that he could see the joy--the satisfaction--etched upon her lovestruck expression. It was a look of untarnished fulfillment, one that nourished the unspoken feelings they shared.

"Yes you did, my darling," her cheek sailed over his as her tongue reached inside one of his ears to jostle some sense into him. "You seeded your first female."

Bramble didn't know what to say, how to react. His body remained pressed against Willow, their fur mingling to share the residual warmth of their first mating act. He felt a soft wave of apprehension wash over him, the memory of his sudden burst of passion rushing warmth into his cheeks. He hoped Willow enjoyed it for what it offered; that she would interpret his lack of self-control as a burst of unbridled yearning to be with her.

As though she could read his thoughts, Willow's soft muzzle eased against his cheek, a comforting gesture that drew soft, fulfilled chirrs from him. She seemed at peace, her body language radiating a sense of bliss and satisfaction that made his heart flutter.

Her soft, soothing purrs resonated in the quiet burrow, echoing his own tangled emotions. Her eyes held his gaze, twinkling with warmth, understanding, and above all, love.

Bramble felt a wave of relief wash over him, soothing his worries and quieting his uncertainties. Her acceptance and happiness were more than he could have asked for. He found comfort in her understanding, in her affectionate gestures, in the affection-filled motions of her paws.

He was drawn to her, irresistibly so. Her presence was a beacon that guided him, his sanctuary, his home. And her scent, that intoxicating blend of pine and fern, hung above all, drawing him deeper into the embrace of their shared warmth. It was an anchor, grounding him into the reality of their bond, reminding him of the depth of their connection.

Willow's soft, playful nip at his ear brought a jolt of joy, an affirmation of their shared pleasure. It was a signal, a way of saying that this was not over. That, so long as their bodies remained tied together, bridged by their intimate bond, more pleasures would follow.

This reassurance--this vocal affirmation sailing upon Willow's subtle purr--sent a shiver of delight down Bramble's spine. He wasn't just accepted, but desired and most of all, loved. His heart swelled with adoration for the one who made it all possible, their paws cradling one another.

They remained like that for a while, trapped in a curious state halfway between reality and dream. It was when Willow's nether muscles clenched more insistently that Bramble's half-flaccid cock throbbed to awareness, reawakened by the promise of shared delights.

Bramble could feel his heart reacquiring its previous pounding, arousing excitement welling within him. "Willow," he murmured, his voice a soft whisper against her ear. "I know it is custom for new mates to share each other until the sun crests the horizon the next day, but...does that apply to us?"

There was a pause. The silence of the burrow seemed to stretch, punctuated only by the soft rustle of their breaths. Then, Willow's soft laugh rippled through his chest, a gentle and infatuating sound.

"It is not literal, of course," she began, her voice full of affection. "That would have us stay tied together for most of the day!" A gentle chuckle left her sweet muzzle. "Then again, it is quite beneficial for one such as you, given how quickly your seed left you."

Her words--her acceptance--filled Bramble with a sense of growing. He felt his chest swell, a grin spreading across his face. "That is how irresistible you are," he said, nuzzling against her cheek. "But I promise, I'll make up for my lack of experience. The day is long, after all."

Willow's eyes twinkled at his words. She brushed her muzzle against his, an affectionate gesture that set Bramble's heart alight.

"Show me, then," she murmured, her purrs vibrating against his chest. "How much do you want this? How much do you"

Willow's soft licks at his neck urged him on, a silent encouragement to once again put his hips into motion and rekindle the faltering embers of pleasure lying dormant within him. He leaned in, pressing his muzzle against hers, their whiskers intertwined. Willow's gaze was unwavering, her eyes full of ardor. She was ready, he could tell.

And this time, he was ready too.

Bramble pushed his forepaws against the ground, gaining a little elevation at his front while his hindquarters remained in a squatting position. This time, there was no hesitation to his thrusts; no confusion to interfere with the imposed rhythm of his love. It only took a few strokes of his rapidly hardening member plowing at her squelching vent to feel her body respond under his, a shiver of dispersing lust that mirrored his own. Her eyes, dark and inviting, held his gaze as he moved closer, drawn by an irresistible force.

Deft paws enclosed his head, wrapping him in a cocoon of intimacy. Soft whimpers broke through her lips, a plea for him to keep up his pace; to do whatever it took to soothe the burning need that had been plaguing her all along.

Bramble leaned in, his muzzle brushing against hers. He felt her lips part in a gasp, the sound swallowed by the wet squelch of a particularly intense thrust. His own breath hitched, the growing and hardening need of seeding his mate crashing into him in full force. Their scents mingled, with Willow's flaring up whenever Bramble retreated just enough for her flesh to expel heady vapors of heat into the air.

And then, he'd plug her back again, his shaft a perfect fit to her needy, twitching hole.

As Bramble's increased pace forced him to press closer to her, he felt Willow's body arch under his. Her whimpers turned into soft moans, broken by intense silence during which her muscles would seize and her hind legs would kick erratically. Erratic spasms shook her depths, gripping and squeezing at Bramble from every side, the stimulation so intense it almost made his mind spin.

He wished to stop. To recover.

But he couldn't. There was no slowing down. No backing out of this. Just like his building pleasure demanded that he humped harder and faster, so did Willow's heat-stricken body surrender to all that he had to offer. Though intense--and even terrifying due to their suddenness--Willow's short-lived orgasms bespoke of her great loneliness, one only he could fill. Desperate to be the one to do it, Bramble found himself plunging into the depths of maddened rutting, focusing on nothing else but the pressure welling within him and the effort it took to set it off.

Their world reduced to their bed; to the labored huffs and sharp noises they shared, to the strands of fluids spurting all around their genitals. Bramble could hear the sharp yelps of passion escaping Willow's lips; he felt the tremors of pleasure coursing through her body as clearly as he felt the prickle of claws sinking into his shoulders, begging him to go faster and harder.

Bramble's teeth gritted, his breath hitching as he succumbed to the highly addictive and intoxicating pleasure heralding his upcoming peak. Willow's whimpers grew louder, her body wiggling under his while joining his ascent. Soft, melodious moans echoed in his ears, begging for his seed to cascade forth and calm her raging need.

The climax hit them simultaneously, a potent and overwhelming wave that robbed them of voice, of breath. Bramble could feel Willow's haunches squeeze tight against his, an embrace as tight and insistent as that of her caving tunnel. Buried up to his bulging base within her, Bramble's keening cry filled their den. Spurts of pleasure, raw and burning, sped through his length, each more daunting and richer than the last. They eroded his consciousness bit by bit, their senses molding together through the persistent yet rhythmical milking motions of her insatiable depths.

In the aftermath of their shared pleasure, Bramble lay nestled against Willow. Their bodies were still intertwined, their breaths coming out in soft pants. He felt her body relax against his, an exhausted yet exhilarating exhale escaping her lips. Though keenly aware of it, none of the two paid attention to the area between their legs, where excess fluids trickled down and soaked into the feathered lining of the bed.

Willow's previous verve faltered, her kisses sluggish and drained of vitality. Bramble, too, found it difficult to think, to speak or to act, their fatigue too thick to pierce through.

"This is it, Bramble," Willow's voice, although ragged, still retained its charming tint. "This is how love feels."

He felt her draw him closer, her grip firm yet gentle. He nestled his head against her chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. It was a sound that calmed him, one that filled him with a sense of peace and contentment.

A soft gasp escaped Bramble as he felt Willow's paw cup his cheek, her muzzle brushing against his. She looked at him strangely, almost intently.

Her voice, soft and sweet, filled his ears. "I love you, Bramble," she whispered, her breath warm against his face. A surge of emotions washed over him, carrying a strange familiarity. He had felt them before, just moments ago, in the undulating rhythm of his efforts to satisfy her.

Speechless, he could only stare back at her, utterly lovestruck. He could see the sincerity in her eyes and feel the weight of truth in her words.

Driven by similar certainty, he pressed his muzzle against hers to share a longer, deeper, far more profound kiss than any that came before.

By the time it ended and he made his retreat, the only thing in his mind was a repeat of the same words, so meaningful in their simplicity.

"I love you too, Willow," he whispered, his voice barely audible. He watched as her eyes lit up, an infectious grin playing on her lips.

"Of course you do. That's what every male says after breeding."

"I loved you long before today. I just...didn't realize it until now," he continued, his voice soft yet filled with conviction. He saw her mirth grow, her eyes shining with joy and love.

"Then it's a good thing I made a move on you, otherwise you would have continued to breed me only in your dreams."

The soft sounds of their shared laughter filled the burrow, heralding the end of Bramble's search.

***The End***

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