A Big Animal Family

Story by Flowersthehorse on SoFurry

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A Big Animal Family

Chapter 1 - Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy

Yawn, boy am I tired. Oh gosh, where are my manners? Hi, I'm Slushie the cat. I am a

Ragdoll mix and I love touble. I have 2 sisters. You would think they were cats to.

But nope, they are actually dogs. One is named Freon and the other Igloo. Freeon is

a Border Collie, and Igloo is an American Eskimo. As you probably know Border Collies

are very smart,and Freon is. Igloo on the other hand is well, rather lets just say cute.

But don't get me rong I love both of them the same.

So anyways everyday we take long naps. we get tired very easily. Well can you blame

us? We are just puppies and kittens. Our naps are usally batween 1 or 3 hours long.

But though we nap we all love adventures. We have one everyday. Sometimse its chacing

chip munks or atacking peoples legs as they walk by. Oh I have the perfect story to

tell you about this one time I tried to pull a prank on my sisters and things did not

turn out alright!

Chapter 2 - Having Fun

It was a crystal clear day. The dogs were anoying the heck out of me while I tried

to take a nap. They kept on jumping on me and barking just to anoy me! And I think

I know why. I remember pulling a prank on them like last week. I took there chew

toy away or somthing like that. So I decided to let them get a little bit of fress

air. I rolld out there bouncey ball out there doggy door. Like most people know

they brought it back and back and back.

The last time that I rolled it I might have locked the doggy door right behind them.

Only how was I supposed to know that the gate door was open? I heard whining then

silence. I was so happy I slept for 2 hours. When my owner coudn't find the dogs she

started getting worried. And the thing that woke me up was a screem. I jumed up and

heard they're gone,they're gone,they're gone.

Chapter 3 - Looking for The Dogs

So all night nobody was home exept me sleeping. My entire family went out searching

for the dogs. I kept on waking up worried that we would never find them. I mean I

loved them and I didn't mean for it to go this far. Ok ok I felt bad that the dogs

were missing because of me. So I decided to stay up watching out the window for them

to come home.

My family came home with tears and sad faces. I could tell how sad they were and then

I had started crying. I new I had taken this too far and was going to fix this. The

next day while everybody was looking for the dogs I decided to go out and look for

dogs. I told a good friend who was a seagul to look out for them. He told all of the

other seaguls. So I went out for 20 minutes to look and a chip munk said he saw them

pass through last night.

Chapter 4 - We Found Them

On the third day we still had know dogs. by then my family started giving up. I had a

good feeling they were going to come back very soon. My family put out dog food and

hoped that they came back. We all waited and waited and then when my family had to go

somewhere I decided to go out agian. this time I found them and apoligised like crazy!

I told them why I locked them out and they fogave me.

We spent our 3 hours eating and playing intell our family came back home. During the

3 hours they told me there adventures and how they were planning on coming back in

a day. They said that they had met a black bear and a fox. The black bear told a lot

of jokes after it wanted to eat them. The fox was very sneakey and was a little strange.

Chapter 5 - Happy Animal Family

When our family got home they were so happy to see the dogs. All night they held us

and played with us. I loved my family and was so happy to be one agian. Withought

the dogs we wouldn't be comeplete. Oh and I defadently learned my lesson. I was so

exited about the next day.

So the next day me and my family all watched movies and ate junk food. Yes cats can

eat junk food. I new that we were one big happy animal loven family. I know we have

our fights but we love each other no matter what!