The Hunter

Story by Kaor on SoFurry

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What started as a character discription, turned into something so much more. I hope you enjoy

Paws, wide as grown man's hand supported a body of rippling fur and muscle. Its steps where silent, and light, always calculative, never wrong Approaching closer to the prey, the soon to be meal unaware of its fatal doom that near it. A crack of a twig, and it stops dead, unmoving, alert, and silent. Dark gold eyes held the prey in its gaze, waiting watching for a moment to make a killing move. Those paw tapped down, light tanned belly pressing into the ground as it crouched, eyes still holding the body of its prey. A spine like spring steel snapped from a tight coiled postition, sending a heavy body of 200lbs flying forwards like a arrow from a bow. Paws only hit the ground twice, once after the initial bound, and a second before the killing pounce. Larger hind paws sent the fur covered body flying forward, needle like fangs bared, claws unsheathed as it flew. One body collided with the other, the prey off balance as the predator sank canines, ivory needle into soft neck flesh. Claws sank through fur and like anchors clutched into thick hide, and muscle. Blood gushed into the gullet of the hunter, as the prey scream in fear and pain. With a thud the prey fell, its throat crushed, and gushing blood that whetted the mouth of the hunter. The antlered head of the prey turned, facing the east as the light of its life, faded from eyes of chocolate hue. Withdrawing teeth from flesh, the hunter licked its lips clean of blood, and sat back on its haunches. Head bowed, and paws together, the hunter gave thanks to his forest brother. Thanking the prey for its life, so that the hunter could continue to live on. The prey would continue to live on through the body of the hunter. Once thanks were given, the hunted opened its eyes and upon viewing the prey,dead and still, the hunter fed. Renewing the spent energies from the hunt, and taking the soul of the prey into its own, to join the souls of other prey that had all given their lives to feed, The Hunter.