Death Dash 23 (Part 3)

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#7 of D-Gen Cafe

Part 3 of the Death Dash. A lot more fighting, fucking, and dying. This time with bigger groups! And we find who our final dashers will be.

Death Dash '23

Part 3: Clusterfucks

By XP Author

The camera pulled into the map once more, again to a familiar sight. This time, it was the dyed leg of Dani running past. Trevor chimed up. "Seems that sneaky puppy is up to her tricks again."

A moment later, the toned leg of the elk went dashing past the camera. "This time, it seems Carl, aka, GreenBit118 is after her."

Dani was still playing her scared, innocent role as she ran. "Please! Don't hurt me!"

Carl just shook his head as he followed at a brisk stride. "Girl, if you didn't want to be hurt, you shouldn't have signed up for this. What, did you think this would just be some fun run for charity?"

The canine 'tripped' over a root again and tumbled to the ground. She rolled and scurried back away. "I-I didn't know what it was! I-I'm sorry! Please!"

The elk scoffed. "I find that hard to bel-" He stopped suddenly, his foot almost about to set off the trap. He cautiously took a step back. "Oh... Oh, that's good. Very clever." He kicked the branch holding the rope down. With a snap, the thing was sprung, but missed its mark, the would-be noose hanging limply between the two of them.

Trevor let out a short laugh. "Yeah, that kind of gimmick wouldn't work out there. Maybe in the city or against people that aren't from D-Gen."

"Well, it worked on the panda, didn't it?" Jake pointed out.

The horse countered. "Yeah, but he was a fucking idiot, wasn't he? Totally called that."

"Fair enough." Jake conceded the point. "Well, without her rope trick, I wonder if Dani's got anything else."

Dani frowned, getting herself up to her feet and dropping the ditzy act. "Fine, whatever. Good job figuring it out, or whatever. But how do you know that's my only trick?" She glanced behind the man, then took a very purposeful step back over a small pile of leaves. "Care to test it?"

Carl looked at the pile, then back at the dog. "Yes, I do." He took a large step forward. Dani let out a yelp in surprise, stumbling back a step. "Tells me all I need to know." He kicked the pile, showing there was nothing under it. "You're all out of tricks, mutt."

She took another step back as he started to close in. "W-wait!" She looked behind him again, this time with a panicked expression.

"What does she keep looking at?" Jake mused. "Maybe she does have another trick?"

"Well, I don't think it's working, whatever it is." Mike said as the elk closed the distance and grabbed Dani by the throat, slamming her back against the nearest tree. "If she does have another trick, she should probably spring it soon."

Carl smacked the dog's head against the tree again, dazing her and letting her sick to her knees. "That's a good spot." He gripped her jaw and forced her mouth open, only to shove his massive 11-inch rock into her mouth and down her throat before she could make any noise to protest. He crammed the entire length down her throat, a visible bulge showing in her neck as he mashed her nose against his crotch. "Ah... yeah, struggle for me, cunt! I love it when you sluts struggle!"

Trevor grunted. "I like the way he thinks. Gotta agree with him. It is more fun when they struggle." He grunted slightly, presumably as he jammed himself into another hole of the dead cat as he said "Though it's just fine if they're cold and limp, too. This pussy's pussy is still nice, after all."

Carl gripped Dani's head tight as the dog started to really struggle against him, shoving against his legs and trying to claw at him. Though her claws were not particularly sharp, so they did little to get her free. "Yeah... just like that." he grunted as he shoved his hips forward, smacking the back of her head against the tree in the process. "Throat's getting nice and tight!" He looked down to see her eyes getting bloodshot as she started to thrash more aimlessly. "Getting close to blacking out? Here, I'll help!" he thrust his hips forward again, moaning a little. His cock pulsed within her throat, visible through the bulge in her neck.

A moment later, he was letting out a loud moan as he came. "Yeah!" He poured his seed down the girl's throat, flooding it with his seed. "Drown in my cum, bitch!" He laughed as he pumped several more times. The dog's grip against his legs slipped, her arms going limp. Her body still twitched and shivered, but it was clear she lost all the fight she had left in her.

Iaisa smiled. "Well, I think that's black widow down. Choked out on the big stag's cock." She reached up to grab at the ribbon keeping her hair up in a ponytail and pulled it free, shaking her head a little to let her wavy, snow-white hair spill free and loose. "I know it's not much, but that's another piece of clothing rem-"

"WHOA!" Both Mike and Jake echoed their surprise at the same time.

"Holy shit!" Trevor added. They weren't reacting to the tiger removing the ribbon, but instead to the sudden twist on the video. The front of Carl's chest exploded outwards in a bloody mess as a stake was rammed through him. The camera shifted to show the owner was Crimsonia, having sharpened the branch she picked up earlier to a lethal point. She shoved the branch deeper, and the man opened his mouth to scream, a burst of blood splashing out at the same time.

Sonia ripped the stake free in one solid yank, the man suddenly collapsing to the ground, taking Dani with him as his cock was still lodged down her throat. He sputtered and trembled on the ground, grasping at the hole in his chest, which still gushed blood. "You people need to watch your surroundings more." She looked at the dog. "Sorry, puppy. I wasn't about to save the competition."

"So THAT'S what Dani was looking at!" Jake said. "Man, that was one hell of a sneak attack!"

Sonia raised the branch up, smashing it down upon Carl's head, making him jerk. When the branch was brought down again, he jerked once more, and the wood splintered. On the third strike, the branch shattered entirely, but there was no reaction from the man, his head a mess of blood where she had caved his skull in. She looked at the broken thing in her hand, then tossed it to the side. "The double tap. Best to be sure." She crouched down and put her hand on Carl's neck, then on Dani's. "Yup."

"She's a smart one. And brutal!" Mike added.

Trevor laughed. "Fucking hell! I love this fluffy-tailed bitch more and more!"

Iaisa nodded slowly. "Well. Make that TWO more runners down. I think that one deserves something special." She lifted her hips up a little as she opened the waist of her pants. A moment later, she was shimmying her way out of them, revealing her stocking-clad legs and a lacy set of panties. She sat back down with a big smile. "6 runners and 4 pieces of clothing left."

On the screen, Crimsonia looked at the rope, gave it a tug, then just shook her head and turned to dash off. A moment later, the view returned to the map. "I guess she thought it would be too much trouble to try and get it down. Well, after a clusterfuck like that, I can't wait to see what's going to happen next!"

* * *

The clock on the map view showed a half an hour had passed before it zoomed in. "Alright. Let's see who's next. Oh! Ringtail Lyntail!" The view shifted to show the raccoon standing in the trees. "Seems she found the rope that Crimsonia had left." The view showed Lyn cautiously but quickly pulling the rope up and untying it from the branches.

Jake mused. "That's a pretty risky place to be. There's still two bodies down there. I wonder who's still around?"

After she was finished untying the rope, Lyn coiled it up around herself like a sash, then started off along the treetops again. The camera zoomed back out to the map view once more. Mike grunted. "Huh... I... guess no one. Well, we now know that Lyn has the rope, so I'm sure that will come into play later."

Iaisa giggled. "It's like a game of Clue. Lyn, with the rope, in the forest!" Everyone gave a little chuckle.

After the clock ticked away another hour, the view finally zoomed back in. Mike spoke up. "Ah, finally. A lot of those dots were starting to get close. I was wondering when they would finally meet. Oh, looks like we're joining Decapybara again." The camera focused in on the skinny rodent moving low and slow. "Seems she's stalking someone."

"I'm not sure if she's stalking or hiding." Jake pointed out. "She's looking around a lot."

"Musta heard someone. Who?" Trevor asked. "Not a lotta runners left at this point." The low-angled camera caught some movement high above the woman, and a set of eyes catching the light to shine for a moment. "Oh! It's that cat dude!"

"Juicetin." Mike informed. "Seems the panther is the one doing the stalking this time."

"I was wondering when we'd finally get to see him." Iaisa chimed in. "He's quite the brutal killer. Likes to torture his victims. Though we've seen already how taking your time can be someone's outdoing out here."

"And there he goes!" Mike called out just as the man dropped down out of the trees. He caught his target by surprise as he tackled her from above. The woman let out a startled yelp as she was suddenly bashed to the ground, pinned under the larger man's weight. Her weapon went skittering away a little.

Juicetin leaned down, purring loud enough to be heard by the camera. "Hello, little rodent." His voice was deep and rumbling. "You smell like blood and lust. I'm guessing that was your handiwork with the mouse back there?" Decapybara just nodded quickly. "Were you also the one that gutted the cute bunny?"

She shook her head this time. "N-no... she was like that when I got there."

He huffed. "All you cute girls are already dying. I haven't had a chance to break anyone yet." He glanced over at the machete. "I think I'll break you." The woman gasped slightly, making him raise an eyebrow. "You want me to break you?" She just whimpered, but he laughed. "I can smell it. You're turned on by the thought, aren't you?"

Iaisa giggled softly. "So one girl who likes the idea of dying killed another? Oh, the irony."

The cat got off of the woman, only to kick her in the side. "Get up, snuffslut!" He reached down to pick up the machete. "Go on. On your feet!" The woman obeyed, rising to her feet slowly. "You want this back?" He held the blade up in front of him tauntingly.

Decapybara hesitated, then nodded. "Kinda, yeah..." She tilted her head, a slight smirk coming to her lips. "You just going to give it to me?"

He smiled. "I might... if you beg for it like a good little girl."

Trevor laughed. "Ah, he's just going to stab her with it."

Still, the capybara took a breath, holding one hand out. "Please, Mr. Panther. I'd really like the machete back..." She was also not expecting him to give it back, but there was no way she would pass up the chance if he was going to be that full of himself.

Juicetin seemed to think for a moment. "Hmmm... Nah, not good enough." He suddenly swiped with the blade, bringing it down across the extended hand, cutting it off at the wrist. Decapybara shrieked in pain, stumbling back and grabbing at the stump, clutching it to her chest and bleeding all over herself as she backed into a tree. "Haha! That's more like it!"

Trevor chuckled. "Or he'll do that. Right, forgot. Torturer."

The panther stepped closer. "Now, I'd love to play with you longer, but you're making an awful lot of noise. So I'm just going to have to kill you now."

Just as he was bringing the blade up, she looked up at him. "H-head..."

He paused. "What?"

"M-my head..." She panted, her legs trembling. By how much arousal her pussy was leaking, it was obvious it wasn't just in pain or fear. "T-take... my head... please... I-I want... to die that way... please!"

He grinned wider, flashing a row of sharp teeth. "See? That's proper begging." He shifted how he held the blade. The woman lifted her chin up, presenting her neck to him as a clear target. He swung hard with both hands. A moment later, the blade thunked against the tree amid a wash of blood. Decapybara's head rolled away as her body suddenly flopped to the ground, blood gushing from the stump of her neck as she twitched and writhed. The camera got a great view of not only her tits jiggling about, but her pussy suddenly spraying as she pissed herself, or came just that hard, it was hard to tell.

"Well, the bro's at least nice enough to kill a bitch how she wants. I'll give him that."

Mike added. "Guess Decapybara lived up to her name. Or in this case, died to it."

Iaisa rolled her eyes. "Oh, that was awful. Also, you stole my line." She grinned. "Another runner down. You know what that means." The tiger shifted her hips again, this time slipping the stockings down her long legs, revealing the white fur and black stripes along her thighs and calves. Once they were off, she propped her now totally bare feet up on her desk, once more wiggling her toes a little. "Only 5 runners left. And only 3 pieces of clothing. Both gloves and my panties." She winked at the camera.

Juicetin picked up the severed head, rubbing his cock against the open mouth. "Such a lovely expression. Died happy, huh?" He was about to stuff his rod into her mouth when he looked up, hearing something. "Hrm... maybe not..." He dropped the head on top of her still shivering body. "Sorry, snuffslut. Maybe I'll come back for you later." He instead pulled the machete out of the tree. "Thanks for this, though." He dashed away into the trees.

"Huh, wonder what he heard." Jake asked. "Guess we'll find out soon?"

"Let's hope!" Mike said as the camera panned back to the map view.

* * *

The next time the camera zoomed in, it was to an unexpected area. "Wait, isn't that the end goal?" Jake asked.

"It is indeed!" The camera showed a large, steel fence, topped with barbed wire. A massive door stood in the middle, sealed shut with several lights above, thirteen in total. 5 of the lights were red, the other 8 darkened. "This is the end gate, leading into the final zone. As you may guess, the lights represent the individual runners. For the gates to open, all the lights must be either green, or off."

"When do they turn green?"

"I suspect you're about to find out." The camera angle changed to show one of the dashers exiting the treeline and stepping into the clearing in front of the gate. "It seems Crimsonia is our first dasher to reach the finish line." The squirrel looked around at the fence, then up at the top, sizing it up if she could hop over it. As she got closer, one of the red lights turned green, with a loud enough clack as it did that the woman jumped slightly in surprise. "Now that she has reached this zone, she is safe, at least for the moment. Any killing that happens in this zone disqualifies the killer instantly. The runners have all been informed of this, of course."

Trevor grunted. "So, what... she just has to sit there and wait for everyone else to kill each other or get there? Sounds boring."

"Yes, that is the risk, of course. While she is safe, she cannot leave that spot if she wants to remain so." Mike informed. "She can, of course, leave and head back into the forest, but she would no longer be safe."

Iaisa smiled a little, playing with her hair. "And unlike us, she doesn't get to have the event fast-forwarded to the fun parts. So she's either going to be safe and bored and possibly antsy knowing there are so many pretty people out there just waiting to be killed and try to kill her... or risk going back out for the fun."

"Well, I know what I'd pick!" Trevor interjected. "I'd be back out in an instant to kill some more of those bitches! No way I could stand sitting around with my thumb up my ass for who knows how long."

Sonia let out a heavy sigh, sitting on the grass and crossing her arms and legs, tail twitching with impatient annoyance. As the camera zoomed back out to the map view, Mike spoke. "Well, we'll just have to see if she can manage to wait. As for us, the action continues!" On the map, Sonia's red dot had turned to a green one. The other four red dots all seemed to be moving around and heading toward the heart of the jungle.

As the timer showed nearly 40 minutes had passed, Jake pointed something out. "I think they're all going to end up meeting each other in the middle. We might be in for another clusterfuck!"

"We're about to find out." As Mike spoke, the camera zoomed back in. This time, it was clear who it was following quickly. The black scales of Ally ran past, followed closely by another set of black scales, though ones with vibrant pink standing out against them.

Trevor laughed excitedly. "Oh! It's that big brick shithouse snake woman! What was her name? Nice-something?"

"Nysteria. AKA Slitherod14." Iaisa informed.

"Yeah, Slither, that was her! Man, I can't wait to see what she's got!"

It was Jake's turn to laugh. "I don't think I've ever seen you this excited before. Didn't you know you were so into the big girls like that."

"How can I not!? Look at her, bro! She's a BEAST!"

The woman in question was indeed the largest person on the field, standing at over 7 feet tall. While the shorter dragon was running at a full pelt to try and get some distance, the snake woman was able to keep up with long, powerful strides. She also had a massive grin on her face, her massive tits bouncing about with every step. "Come back here, draggy! You can't keep running forever!"

Ally called back. "Watch m- FUCK!" She tripped over a branch and fell face first to the ground, her momentum sending her tumbling over herself. Thankfully, her scales protected her from any minor cuts. She quickly scrambled to her feet, trying to resume her mad dash to what she hoped was the safe zone. Even if it would only provide a temporary respite, she knew it was her only hope.

Just as she was starting forward, she yelped as a massive set of hands gripped her tail. "Gotcha!" Nysteria yanked the woman back and spun, twirling her around so hard the dragon was lifted off of her feet. The spin did not last long, as Ally's body crashed into the trunk of a tree hard. There was an audible CRUNCH as something broke, and the dragon flumped to the ground.

Trevor laughed again. "Damn! Hope it was just her arm that broke there and not her neck. Don't want such good stuff ending so quickly again."

Mike cleared his throat. "Uh... y-yes. It does seem like that blow has broken Ally's arm and dazed her quite a bit. But she is still moving, so I don't think this is done just yet."

Nysteria reached down to grip the dragon's head, lifting it up. "You still awake, longtail?" Ally muttered something crass, then spat a gob of blood at the snake. "That's a good girl." She lifted the dragon up by her head, making her yelp in pain. "I'm still having fun!" She slammed the woman against the tree again, following it up with a heavy punch to her gut before allowing her to slump back to the ground. "Oh, come on! You're a pitiful excuse for a lizard! Get up!" She stamped her foot down, this time on the dragon's leg, and there was another audible crunch as the bone shattered. "Whoops... guess you won't be standing on that! HAHA!"

"She's making an awful lot of noise out there." Jake pointed out.

"Ah, who cares, bro! She's having a blast! Let the big bitch have her fun!" Jake just grunted at Trevor's flippancy.

After kicking Ally several more times, including delivering a stomp to her face, the snake reached down to pick the bloody and battered woman up by her head once again. This time, she only got a dim groan in response. "All tuckered out already? Peh. You girls break too easy." She dropped the woman down a little, bringing her to the height of her crotch. Her massive 14 inch cock had grown rock hard during the beatdown, and was now pointing threateningly at the dragon. "Still got a use for you though. Open wide!"

Ally's eyes raised slowly, only to go a little wider as she saw the monster aiming at her. She tried to struggle, but the snake grabbed her jaw and forced it open. "Nope! No struggling out of this one!" She shoved the tip into the woman's mouth, the jaw already being forced open too wide. "Don't worry. I'll make it fit. Just... takes a little... force!" She shoved forward, and the sound of Ally's jaw dislocating with a sickening pop echoed. "There you go!" She shoved forward, jamming the girthy rod down into the woman's throat. Her neck bulged almost comically as the thing slid deep. "Yeah! Tight little throat! Just... a little more..." With another hard shove, there were more crunches and snaps as something broke. "There we go!" Ally's arms fell away, going limp at her sides as more of the rod was shoved deep into her.

Trevor was panting heavily and grunting. "Ngh... yeah, that's it! Fuck that bitch's throat open!"

Jake cleared his throat. "Ah... well, while Tbro's having his fun... a lot of it..." There was a 'fuck yeah!' call from beside him. "...It seems like that's another runner down."

Iaisa could not help but giggle at all of this. "Yes. And quite the show she put on for us. So, another dasher down, another piece to remove." She held out her left hand, pulling the elbow-length glove off one finger at a time before finally slipping the whole thing off. She brushed her exposed breasts teasingly with her now uncovered hand. "Two left."

Back on camera, Nysteria managed to shove the entirety of her cock down the now dead dragon's bulged throat. "Yeah! Good girl! Take it all! Don't worry! I'll give you a nice heavy load!" She stuffed herself forward, bashing her dangling balls against the girl's chin. "Gonna empty these things into your gu~u...ahnpgh" Her words became a mangled jumble of nonsense as a blade suddenly slammed down atop her head.

"Oh fuck!" Jake cried out. "Wha- Is that Juicetin!?" The camera shifted to show it was indeed the panther. The man yanked the machete out of Nysteria's skull, only to slam it down a second time, splitting the snake's head amid a sudden wash of blood. "Holy shit! Where the hell did he come from?"

"He must have heard Nysteria or Ally running around after he killed Decapybara." Mike guessed. "Either way, that is clearly Slitherod14 done for out there!"

Juicetin pulled the blade up and slammed it down a third time, completely splitting the snake's head in half down to her neck. "Fucking bitch! Fall over already!" He shouted. The snake's body was trembling and quivering, yet she had not yet toppled over. Her cock twitched and jerked hard as she was blasting her final load into Ally's body. So much that the dragon's head was actually pushed off of the rod, her whole body tumbling away almost comically. Several more heavy blasts of snake jizz shot out, splashing onto the ground in large, sticky pools. Finally, the woman crumpled to the ground, flopping over while her cock still spewed the last few shots onto herself, much of it landing on her massive, jiggly tits.

Trevor let out a heavy sigh. "Ah well. Guess I won't be fighting her for the monster title after all. Shame. Kinda wanted to be the one to do her in."

"Dude, she would probably eat you for breakfast if you met her." Jake said.

The horse grunted. "Yeah... but it would have been a good way to go. Oh well. Instead, now her brains are all over the forest floor."

Juicetin tilted his head as he watched those brains slip out of the split skull to splat onto the ground. "Huh. Guess you did have something in that head. Oh well." He kicked one of her tits. "These look fun. Biggest ones I've ever seen..." He glanced around, then smiled. "Ah fuck it." After jamming the blade of the machete into Nysteria's thigh, he straddled the woman's belly, planting his cock right between her breasts. Grabbing one in each hand, he mashed them together and started to rub himself between them. "I do love you big lizards. Cold scales always feel so nice on a hot dick." He moaned as he pumped his hips.

"Well, at least the cat bro is enjoying her. Gotta agree. Those are probably the biggest set I've ever seen."

Iaisa giggled. "I know a pretty cute cow that might give her a run for her money. Well, that is another runner down." She started to remove the other glove. "So, that's another pie- OH COME ON! Let me at least finish!" As she pulled the glove off and angrily threw it to the side, the camera caught a rope suddenly flying down and wrapping around Juicetin's neck. The cat was suddenly hoisted up into the air as the raccoon, Lyn, descended to the ground holding the other end. She quickly tied the rope off around a nearby tree.

Jake laughed. "Well, I was right. This is another clusterfuck. Another ambush, this time on the ambusher!"

Iaisa sighed, then regained her composure. "Yes. Well, at least this time, they didn't have their neck snapped." On the screen, Juicetin was kicking and flailing quite a bit, grabbing at the rope and trying to free himself as he swung about several feet off the ground.

Lyn smiled as she watched. "Sorry, kitty. Hoped you would have finished yourself off first, but I couldn't risk you spotting me." She leaned against the tree the rope was tied around, a hand dropping between her legs to idly finger herself. "But I'll enjoy your last moments. Sound good?" She giggled as she didn't get a response.

"You okay?" Jake asked.

"Yeah... just not the ending I was hoping for, y'know?" Trevor let out a heavy sigh. "Well, at least that squirrel cunt is still in this, so there's still hope. And hey, I think this is the first time we've seen this little coon butt actually do something."

On the screen, the cat's struggling was starting to slow. Eventually, he went limp, arms falling to his sides. While his cock remained rock hard, unlike so many others, he didn't end up cumming himself as he died. Iaisa pointed this out. "No death-gasm? Even after rubbing himself between Slitherod's tits like that? Must be a pure killer type that never imagined he would go out, even in the dash. Cocky prick." She then turned to her own camera. "Well, that's another dasher down. And unless Crimsonia's suddenly gone back into this, I should have the chance to remove my last piece of clothing... but I'm going to watch for a sec to be sure..."

Lyn let out a cry of pleasure as she fingered herself to an orgasm watching Juicetin's death. "Ah... mmm I needed that. Not quite good enough, though." She stepped forward and grabbed the machete out of Nysteria's leg. "I'll take this. Maybe the next one will get me off a bit better." She gave a wave to the cat. "Thanks, kitty!" She dashed off into the woods and the camera zoomed back out to the map.

Iaisa nodded. "Alright. WELL! Two dashers left! And for that last piece of clothing." She winked, lifting her hips up as she hooked her thumbs into her panties. She tugged the frilly things down her long, slender legs, purposefully keeping the last bit of clothing in the center of the camera to block the view until they were fully removed. She dropped them to the floor, spreading her legs to drape one over the arm of her chair, the other resting on her desk, and leaving her pussy exposed for all to see. The lips glistened with arousal, and she slid a hand down to part the lips to show the pink insides. "There you go, everyone."

"Hot damn, Stripes!" Trevor shouted. "I need to stuff this monster between those lips someday!"

She giggled, winking at the camera again. "I might just let you." She started to slowly tease herself, showing the swollen clit at the top. "For now, you'll have to just enjoy watching me play with myself for a bit."

Mike spoke up. "Well, save that for now. With only two dashers left, it's only a matter of time before we get to our main event!"

* * *