Endless Struggle: Chapter 2

Story by Hakuzo NightFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Endless Struggle

SatAm Fanfic Series: The Endless Struggle.

Ver: 1.0

By: Hakuzo NightFox

Legal: This is a just for fun Fan-fic, I do not own any of the Characters belonging to Sega as they are copyrighted to Sega. I only own Hakuzo NightFox, and Bayne DayFox. Ivy MistFox Belongs to herself.

Chapter 2: The Missing One.

Sonic looks a bit faint. "So.... how did this come about?" Sonic asks Lazar trying to make sense of all that is happening.

Lazar put his hand to his beard and deliberates the best way to tell Sonic what is going to happen. "The cause of this is Nagaus. He figured a way to escape the void, but in doing so, he unleashed a chain of events that enabled magic to return to Mobius."

Sonic jumps up from his seat. "You mean that if Nagaus can escape the void, King Maximilian will also be able to escape as well?"

"Yes... It is quite possible for our noble king to return once again." Lazar ponders on how much more he should tell the hedgehog, but he mustn't tell him everything just yet. "In time the rest will make it's self apparent. For now your friends need your help, Go to them at once." Lazar pushes a button on his belt, and Sonic is teleported somewhere else.

* * *

Elsewhere, in the Great Plains, there is a vixen of white fur roaming, searching for something. She has special blue markings above her eyes, and her cloths are slightly torn and ragged. She has no home and has been living off of the land as best as she could.

She is sitting down Indian style on a patch of grass, resting after a long day's travel. The wind blows through the field, ruffling a bit of her fur, causing a soothing effect on the vixen. She reflects on her life, why she has been on the run for so many years. Her thoughts are drawn back to one person, a person she only seen once before her life was turned into a living nightmare.

That nightmare was caused by the tyrant Robotnik. Ever since his robots started tearing up her home, she had no choice but to flee. At the time, she was barely 15 years old. For 3 long years she has been alone in these struggles. She taught her self how to fight and use the what ever scraps of technology she could scavenge from Robotroplis.

The vixen idly plays around with a chakram like, crescent shaped blade. The blades where given to her by the one she is looking for. They where a present from him a very long time ago, before all the chaos started. They have shaved her life a few times, and she is grateful for them.

She lets out a sigh, and gets to her feet. The vixen then heads toward Robotroplis for a night time raid. As she enters the city, an explosion rocks the air. She runs off to the source of the explosion hoping to raid something in the chaos.

* * *

Sonic arrives in time to hear, "BY ORDER OF ROBOTNIK YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" Sonic quickly jumps into action and spin kicks one of the robots.

"Not today bucket brains, you can tell your master to find a new hobby for me." Sonic dodges a laser beam so quickly he could have ate a chilly dog before he moved. "Too slow, have this on me!" Sonic then axel kicks another Swatbot, while dodging another laser beam. Sonic dodges two more Swatbots as they blast each other and falling over from the damage. Sonic laughs and then he looks onto who he rescued. His heart suddenly drops, as he sees it was Hakuzo and Tails. Sonic notices Tail's bandaged arm and rushes over to him. "Are you ok little buddy?" Sonic asks.

"yeah....I got hit by a piece of shrapnel.... Hakuzo bandaged it up for me." Tails said quietly.

Sonic turns to Hakuzo, "I'm.... sorry Hakuzo... I didn't mean any of what I said. I don't know what came over me...I'll be proud to have you help my little bud." Sonic says in a sincere voice.

"It's ok Sonic.... I know you didn't mean any of it." Hakuzo replies. He trusts his friend and knows that a lot has happened to all of them. Hakuzo doesn't want everyone to be fighting with each other... they all should be working together.

The group gather up what part where still salvageable from the Swatbots and the three head to the designated clearing near the edge of Robotroplis. Bunny and Rotor were already waiting. "Why shuga hog, when did you show up?" Bunny asks in her southern accent.

"I sort of dropped in to make sure everyone was ok. I also got a few new toys for you to play with too Rotor." Sonic talks to his friends as if nothing strange has happened. Inside, he knows that things are going to become much worse for all of them, but Sonic doesn't have the heart to bring his friends any more depressing news.

The group returns to knothole after accomplishing their mission. Everyone was quiet on the way back. Each lost in their own thoughts of the events that played out today. Each one having their own doubts of what happened, and each trying to hold onto the very reason for moving forward.

* * *

An metallic voice fills the air suddenly, announcing a building has exploded. "SNIVLEY!, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FACTORY?" Robotnik yells at his nephew.

"I.... Working on it sir!" Snivley squeaks out as his reply. He presses different buttons and all available Spybots converge on the area. An image of a white fox appears on the screen. "It appears that one they call Hakuzo is to blame for this sir."

Robotnik stands up and looks closer at the screen. "No, this one isn't Hakuzo, the are too short." Robotnik suddenly tells Snivley to pause the screen. "Look there... What are these marks?"

"I don't know sir." Snivley replied to the tyrant.

"THEN FIND OUT, While your at it, capture that fox and bring it to me!" Robotnik barked.

"On it sir." Snivley proceeds to tell orders into a microphone on the computer control system. He got a metallic response from one of the local Swatbots in the area.

* * *

The vixen makes it to the scene of the explosion. Smoke filled the air as everything inside of the building is still burning. "Shoot!, there too much damage here. I won't be able to scavenge anything." The vixen looks around for anything that could possibly be used later.

The sound of metal boots fills the air as Swatbots start filling the area. "BY ORDER OF ROBOTNIK YOU WILL COME WITH US FOX."

"Ugh, I don't think so you robotic freaks!" The vixen says as she draws out her crescent shaped chakrams. She throws both of them like a boomerang and takes out two the the Swatbots. The blades swing back around and strike two more bots before they could fire on the fox.

No matter how many Swatbots the vixen took out, more and more kept filling the area. "This isn't good. I'm getting out numbered I have to book it out of here." The vixen spins on her heals and bolts out toward the entrance of Robotroplis. Swatbots give chase on foot and also by flying chariots.

The flying chariots are controlled by normal Swatbots, and each craft has two lasers mounted on the front of them. The pair of Chariots gains quickly on the vixen as she continues to run. She ducks into an outcropping of a pipe, not knowing where it will lead. The flying chariots fly past going to fast and could not reverse their course quick enough to turn around. Once the Swatbots landed the craft and inspect the pipe, the soon realize they can't fit into it. The Swatbots report back to Robotnik that the fox got away.

* * *

The Vixen lands in with a splash into some unknown liquid. She is suddenly hit with a burst of the smell, and it took all her concentration not to throw up. "Merg..... A sewer of all places." The vixen says out loud while trying to look around. The sewer was far to dark to see anything. She fumbles around in her backpack trying to find a flashlight made from a modified Swatbot laser. She finally finds it and clicks it on.

A sweep of the flashlight reveals that she is indeed in a normal sewer. She thinks carefully about the direction she was heading, and tried to guess the right direction that should lead her away from the city. For a long time she walked in the silence, only a random hollow drip could be heard once in a while.

Suddenly she heard footsteps that were not her own. She quickly turns off her light and presses herself against the wall. Soon a reddish light fills the corridors of the sewer. As the light came closer and grew in intensity, the vixen could see the light came from a torch. The torch was carried by a rat with the tip of his tail cut off.

At that moment, the vixen wished for nothing more than to be invisible at that point and time. As the rat approached, he caught sight of the Vixen pressed against the wall. "What do we have here? A lost Freedom Fighter?" The rat says with a sneer.

The vixen was in fear of her life, but she looks closer at the rat, noticing him to be unarmed. She started to relax a bit. "What's a Freedom Fighter?" The vixen asks shyly.

"If you don't know about the Freedom Fighters, then you mustn't be from around here. My name is Wranz, what is your name lovely?" Wranz asks the vixen.

"I...I'm Ivy MistFox... and I'm kind of lost." Ivy replies still feeling very shy.

"Well you have nothing to fear then, Wranz can show you the way out of here." Wranz motioned for Ivy to follow him. "If your looking for an exit out of the city, you where heading in the opposite direction." Wranz explains the layout of the sewers a bit. Then he went on to explain the reasons for him living down in the sewers.

The sewers connect to various parts of Robotroplis, and can safely get someone back and forth without the fear of Spybots following you everywhere. Wranz further explained that he steals supplies from Robotnik and has lived very comfortably on the scraps and waste of the Tyrant.

"Now then... that brings me to the part about the Freedom Fighters... They are an odd group that lives somewhere on the surface of the Great Forest. They also plunder from Robotnik, usually stealing the best scraps for themselves. I avoid those bigots at all costs. They clam they are trying to stop Robotnik, but it's been three long years since they started this brouhaha." Wranz leads Ivy to a grated section of the sewer. He gives it a twist counter clockwise and the grate pops out of place.

"Here we are, if you ever need to get into Robotroplis for anything, come to this grate and knock three times. I'll come here to help get you to anywhere you need... As long as you don't mind the smell that is." Wranz gave a small bow as Ivy left the sewers.

Once Ivy exited the sewers, she had only one thought on her mind. She needed to get clean and fast. She runs to a secluded pond she know of that has been untampered with by Robotnik's pollution. It was dark now, so she was certain she could clean herself in peace.

After freshening up, Ivy looks for some sort of shelter for the night. She has been a nomad ever since the coup, and she never stays in one spot for long. She wanders until she finds a small rotten and hollowed out tree of sorts. For the most part the tree is in one piece, but it is hollowed out with enough covering to hide her from most prying eyes. Soon she is falls into a deep sleep and dreams of a time of long ago.

* * *

Ivy wakes up in the courtyard of Acorn Castle. She was about five or six years old again. She runs round the castle gardens, laughing and chasing after butterflies. She is greeted by Eric. "Ivy... I don't know how to tell you this but... Your mother and I have decided to send you away to a private school away from Acorn castle. We want you to get a better education than you could here..." Eric explains this to his daughter. Not wanting to give her the real reasons for sending her away.

"Why is that daddy? Can't I stay here at the castle?" Ivy asks her nine tailed father.

Eric sighs, "Sorry hun, but you will be better off where we are sending you... You will be leaving tomorrow." Was all Eric could say about the situation.

Ivy stormed off mad, feeling like her opinion didn't matter to anyone. She runs out of the castle grounds and into the woods outside of the castle. She runs blindly not paying attention to where she is going. She ran for at least a half-hour before she began to get to tired to move any further.

Ivy plops down on the ground to rest. She hugs her knees and starts to cry, rivers of tears flowing down her cheeks. She was so wrapped up in her emotions she didn't notice that her father was standing next to her.

Eric followed her out of the castle and gave chase to her the whole time. He kept her in sight the whole time and once he caught up with her, he kneels down besides her and places a hand on her shoulder. "Ivy.... Things will be already... I promise you that."

"No it won't! I'll never get to meet my own brother now if you send me away." Ivy said in-between sobs.

Her dream then skips to a time where she is living at the private school. The school was an all girl's school ran by mostly contributions from Acorn Castle. Here the girls are taught many things like Literature, and other fine arts.

Every since Ivy started going to this school, she changed her last name to MistFox. She has felt betrayed ever since she was sent to this prison. Everyday she has been waiting and hoping that her brother would come and whisk her away, or at the very least visit her once in a while. Sadly he never came.

For years she went through her boring lesions, learning all about Mobius and the Great War. Ivy's dream takes up at the fateful night when the chaos started. Ivy was sitting in her room, bored as usual. She was reading an adventure book by candle light, she smuggled the book in from a nearby town.

It was a stormy night. Rain pounded against the roof of her room, sounding like an army was marching over her head. Soon, she hears an urgent tapping at her window. As she approaches, she sees white ears poking up from the window sill. Once she reaches the window, she sees who the ears belong to.

They belonged to her brother. Hakuzo climbs in the window quickly, and is breathing hard, as if he was running all night to get here. "Ivy... The castle is lost. Julian commanded his Guardbots to turn on everyone and he took over. The king is taken captive, and I came here to warn you that you have to leave this place immediately."

All of this hit Ivy suddenly. It felt like a lie... but the urgency and sincerity in his voice was all ivy needed to know that he was telling the truth. "Hakuzo..... Why.... Why didn't you come find me sooner? ", Ivy asks her soaked brother.

"I.... Tried... I though you where still living in the castle, but every time I went there, I never found you. Everyone said you where sent off somewhere else... but no one would tell me where." Hakuzo retells of his attempts to find her, but all led to dead ends. "Here, I've been holding onto these for a very long time... I was suppose to teach you how to use these... but I never got that chance."

Hakuzo hands Ivy a pair of crescent shaped chakrams. They have a blue iridescent color to them, and looked similar to boomerangs. "Ivy I want you to take these and use these to defend yourself... I can only give you a quick lesion of how to use them before I have to leave again."

For the next hour, Hakuzo showed his sister the proper way to hold the weapon, and how to throw them. He even showed her an effect way to block with them. This was the most enjoyment Ivy had had for years. She was happy for the first time in years.

"I must leave now.... You leave this place as fast as possible. I promises you I will find you again!" Hakuzo give his sister a hug and leaves out the same window he came in through. Ivy gathered up her things quickly, hoping to catch up with her brother again. Alas, she was too late to figure out which direction he went off to... so all she could do was leave on his advice.

* * *

Ivy wakes up with sunlight hitting her in the face. It takes her a few seconds to remember where she was after that dream. Why did she dream of her brother now of all times? She gets up and stretches. Since that night, she hasn't seen her brother for these long years. Suddenly she gets the idea to look for him.

"hmm... Wranz said something about a freedom fighter group? ... That sounds like something my brother would do." Ivy know she will regret it, but she decides to go pay Wranz a visit.

After a short trip she arrives at the sewer gate, noticing it is more light to see by during the day. The smell was also worse during the day too it. Ivy knocks on the grate three times as told by Wranz. She waits quietly, for the rat to show up again.

Ivy was surprised by the quick response from the rat. She figures he lives close to this grate. "Hello again Ivy, I knew you would be back." Wranz opens the grate for her, and she notices that it may be possible to open the grate from this side in the future.

"Yeah.... About that... You mentioned something about a group yesterday... I want to find more out about them." Ivy asks again a shy streak filling her.

Wranz sighs, "If that's what floats your boat, so be it." Wranz starts explaining about what he knows of the Freedom Fighter. He tells her they are lead by Sally Acorn of Acorn Castle, and also about some of the other member. "Now, they have a few members I've never seen before. So I don't keep track of them." Wranz said while leading Ivy though the sewers. He soon brings her to a latter that lead to the surface.

"Follow me up topside, this area is deserted during the day and I want to show you something." Wranz climbs up the ladder and opens the manhole that leads to the fresh air. Ivy follows hesitantly and keeps up the Rat's quick pace on the surface.

He leads her to a small warehouse that was unguarded. Wranz hands Ivy a small flexible wire. He explains the art of lock picking to her. With a few instructions and Wranz guidance, she was able to pick the lock fairly easily. She seems to have a natural talent for it.

Inside the warehouse was a lot of replacement parts for Swatbots and Spybots. Ivy goes inside the warehouse and starts looking around for anything she could use. Wranz enters into the warehouse as well, and the door closes behind him. He slowly walks up to Ivy and places his hands lightly on her shoulders.

"You know.... none of this is free. How about a little payment?" Wranz slowly moves his hands down her shoulders and starts trying to pull at Ivy's shirt.

"STOP IT YOU FREAK!" Ivy yells as she tries to get free from Wranz's grasp.

"Come on now, that isn't a way to treat someone that showed you his home and unique skills." Wranz tightens his grip on Ivy's arms.

Ivy gives a hard yank and breaks free of his grasp, the sleeves of her shirt ripping off in the process. Ivy backs to the door and draws out her chakrams. "Stay... Stay back you freak!" Ivy continues to back up taking up a defensive stance.

"Why are you playing so hard to get? It's common to return the favors given to you." Wranz slowly approaches Ivy with a look in his eyes of pure contempt. Ivy slashes Wranz across the cheek with one of her chakrams.

Wranz places a hand to his cheek, "You little B--," Ivy round-house kicks the pervert in his jaw before he could finish his sentence. Ivy uses this chance to try to get out of the door, but it was locked. She desperately looks around for a way to open the door, and she finds a control panel. As soon as Ivy was about to push a button, Wranz slams her to the ground.

"I...fink yo brok mi ja." Wranz tries to say as he tries to pin Ivy to the ground. Both of Ivy's chakrams where knocked out of her hand and went skiting across the ground.

"Let Go of me!" Ivy struggles under Wranz's weight, and suddenly gets an idea. Ivy kicks Wranz hard between the legs with enough force to send him flying over her and into the wall. Wranz impacts the wall and is knocked unconscious. "Serves you right prick!" Ivy kicks Wranz in the ribs and retrieves her weapons. She opens the door and destroys the control panel. She jumps out of the door right as it close again.

Ivy lets out a sigh, not sure if she can trust anyone anymore. She desperately wishes her brother was here now to take her away from this madness, but she has a lead now, and she won't give up. Ivy starts to feel a bit faint, realizing she hasn't ate anything since yesterday.

Ivy stumbles into the forest in search of some sort of food. It wasn't long before she couldn't find anything. She continues to desperately searches for food, but passes out.

* * *

"Sir, your double agent has news for you." Snivley tells his larger uncle.

"Put him on the screen Snivley." Robotnik commands. All of the different viewing screens switched to a single image of a rat. "What is your report Wranz?"

"wel... tht vixen yor look'n for is somewhr in the forst. Se brok my aw." Wranz tries to explain to Robotnik.

"I see... Snivley, Send out all patrols for that Fox, I want every square inch of Robotroplis watched at all times!"

"Very good sir," Snivley replies while adding under his breath, "maybe your roll over on her by accident and squish her."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY SNIVLEY?" Robotnik yells at his nephew.

Snivley squeaks, "Er... I said I'll get the Swatbots rolling on it right away Sir!"

"Make sure the find that Fox Snivley." Robotnik glares at Snivley with a look of pure evil.

Snivley squeaks again and starts giving commands to the Swatbots. Soon every square inch of Robotroplis is cover with twenty-four hour Swatbot patrols.

* * *

Lazar watches all that is going on with a magical viewer. He sees all the events that unfolded. He watches carefully over Ivy, and noting all the natural ability she has. He knows that her skills are unrefined and she need the rest of the Freedom Fighters to train her properly.

He also watches over Hakuzo, knowing that his abilities are untapped and need an accelerated approach to get them working. He devises a test for Hakuzo and Tails. Something that isn't life threating, but realistic enough to simulate danger.

Lazar stands up and presses a button on his belt and is transported to Knothole. This time he is going in person instead of using a magically projected image. The moment he appeared some of the residents of Knothole cried out in fear again, while others seem unphased by the appearance.

Sonic was the first to run up to Lazar asking, "What brings you here old man?"

"I'm here to train the foxes, It is of grate importance that I do this." Lazar states to Sonic.

"I'll gather them up for you the." Sonic speeds off in search of Tails and Hakuzo. Sonic finds Tails out in a clearing playing Dirt Hockey. "Hey bud, Lazar is here to see you and Hakuzo about something in person."

"Really? Is it safe?" Tails ask Sonic.

"I'm sure it is, Besides Lazar said it was urgent." Sonic then grabs hold of Tails and runs of in search of Hakuzo. Sonic finds Hakuzo at his personal shooting range. "Hey there Hakuzo, Lazar is looking for you and Tails."

"Hmm... I know this isn't going to be pleasant." Hakuzo says as he shakes his head. Sonic grabs onto Hakuzo's arm and starts running back to Lazar. The whole time Sonic was gone was ten seconds at most.

"Now that you the foxes are here, please follow me." Lazar motions for them to follow.

Lazar leads them into through part of the Great Forest. While explaining a few simple things about magic. "Magic is the manipulation of energy. You gather up that energy and make it bend to your will. You already know how to create FoxFire, but you do not yet know all that you can do with it. It can be used for more than a light show." Lazar continues to walk through the forest looking for a suitable place to begin the test.

"Each person has an affinity for a certain element. Sometimes one element, but generally each person has at least two element affinities. I will not tell you two any of your Affinities, but those are something you must find on your own." Lazar stops at a small clearing with a natural spring flowing.

Tails walks up to the stream and looks it over. "Wow, a natural spring unspoiled by Robotnik's pollution." Tails carefully sniffs at the water, "It even smells clean too!"

"That is why I chose this spot. Three of the Four elements are present here. Earth, Water and Wind. The last remaining element that is missing is Fire. All of these elements can co-exist in one environment, but some elements work against the other. Fire can not exist In a damp environment, so it is affected the most by outside sources." Lazar explains more about the elements while the whole time he secretly prepares the test he is about to administer.

Lazar gathers up fallen limbs and branches and piles them up on the ground. He waves his hand over them, and they burst into flames. "Hakuzo, Deep inside of you lies much more knowledge than you realize. A great magical energy lies within you, and soon the lost ways of the magic will come back to you." Lazar then turns to Tails, "You also have a potential for magic too, but it is all raw, and unrefined. You will require the knowledge Hakuzo unlocks inside of himself to progress any."

Lazar gives a nod at the fire, "Also, Hakuzo's sister has that same amount of raw magical power too. She just doesn't realize it yet." Lazar double checks to make sure everything is ready before he begins. "The first task you two must do is meditate upon the four elements present, and find your affinities."

Lazar motions for the two to sit down near the fire and instructs them to close their eyes. He then tells them to reach out their senses and feel the element that they are most connected to. Both foxes do as they are told and try their hardest to connect to the different elements.

Soon dust and embers start to swirl around Hakuzo while Wind swirls around Tails. Lazar gives a nod noting what each symbol represents. Tails was the first to speak. "The wind... It feels so comfortable. It's... like an old friend. It makes me feel safe...."

Lazar nods again even though none of the foxes see it. Hakuzo told his answer next. "hrm.... The most comforting element to me is the Earth its self. No matter where you go, it is always under you. It is always a part of me. But.... there is Fire too... It doesn't have the same feeling as the Earth, but still has a mind of its own. It... has a passion to protect others, but not to cause harm.... It also appears to be searching for something....."

Lazar was practically ecstatic at this. "You two have done well. Hakuzo, your main element is Earth, it is your most driving feature. Fire is your secondary element, don't count it out though, as it will be just as useful to you." Lazar nods and turns his attention to Tails. "Tails your affinity lies with Wind, but not because it feels natural to you... No, your friend Sonic also has an affinity for Wind also. That is where his speed derives from, and is no accident."

"So.... as long as I can feel the Wind... It would be like Sonic is watching over me no matter what happens?" Tails ask Lazar with an eager look.

"In a way,... Yes. You two have a connection because of that affinity." Lazar looks the two foxes over. "Now it is time for the real test. You two have a mission. Each of you will have to use your new found powers to find something in these woods. I will not tell you what it is you need to find, but I will tell you that it is a very close to each of you. "

Lazar presses a button on his belt and he starts to fade away. "I will leave you to your task. I will be watching you the whole time." Once Lazar faded, Hakuzo and Tails begin their search.

gwe should split up. I have a feeling that it will be easier that way. " Hakuzo suggests to Tails. Tails nods and both go their separate ways. Tails starts walking near the stream, following it. He has no idea what direction to go, and he looks around for anything that looks familiar to him.

He closes his eyes, and he feels the winds blow over him. Tails thinks he is imagining it, but it feels like the wind is trying to push him in a direction. He opens his eyes and looks in the direction the wind was trying to push him.

He didn't see anything yet, but he started to walk into that direction, hoping to find some kind of clue as to what he is looking for. As he kept walking the wind suddenly shifted and started blowing another direction. Tails follows the direction the wind is blowing to and continue down the path.

Tails kept following the way the wind led him, always moving in different directions. The wind led him to another small clearing with an odd tree in it. Tails approaches the tree slowly, and spots a small wrapped up package of sorts. Tails carefully opens up the package and finds a new pair of gloves inside.

The gloves where made of a different material than his current ones, and seems to be made of up of a stronger material. The gloves have a slight iridescent blue color to them. On the back of the gloves is the Kanji for wind, and some other marks. Tails removes his old gloves and puts on these new ones. They fit much better than his other gloves and feel more natural. A few moments later, a new energy of sort fills Tails, and the wind picks up around him and starts swirling.

Lazar's voice fills the air. "Congratulations young one, you have passed your test. These gloves will help you focus your powers and will aid you against Robotnik."

* * *

Hakuzo things hard of how he can possibly find what he is supposed to. He removes the fingerless glove from his right hand and places his palm to the ground. He closes his eyes and concentrates. He starts to feel a familiar energy. Even though it was Familiar, it also felt forgotten. Hakuzo's eyes snap open and he runs off to the direction of the familiar feeling.

End of Chapter 2