Chapter 34: Broken

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#34 of The Mating Season 5

Chapter 34: Broken

Kilyan and Keeno ran wild through the trees, their minds dizzy with fear, their breath stolen by the sheer speed at which they were running. The pygmies had spread out, and only a select few were chasing Kilyan and Keeno. Kilyan realized as they ran that the pygmies seemed more concerned with capturing Wynn, the princess of the shemales, and Inden, who had flown off with their princess. Kilyan and Keeno? They were a bonus. Were they captured, they would probably be toys in the gloom of some torture chamber.

"You can't run foreeeeeever!" sang a pygmy.

Another laughed nastily and added, "But we can!"

"Okay," panted Keeno as he ran at Kilyan's side, "we need a plan. Cuz I am not jumping into any rivers again."

Kilyan didn't have time to think let alone answer: it was then that the pygmies started firing darts. The darts zipped through the air, ruffling their fur they came so close. A dart sped past Kilyan's face and he caught the scent of something pungent on it. Poisoned darts? Shit. They were done for.

Kilyan was right. Another spray of darts and one caught him in the neck. He tripped sluggishly, then sank hard to the leaves and mud until he had fallen on his face. His body was going numb, but the pain in his neck blared. Somewhere beside him, he could hear Keeno staggering around and cursing before he also fell. As they lay in the mud going numb and necks bleeding, their pursuers drew close, their wicked laughter high shrieks against the sky.

Kilyan didn't know how much time had passed when he later awoke. His lashes blinked as the drugging effect of the dart wore off. He felt at his neck and was startled to find a rope there. He pulled on the rope, his paws growing rapid in their touch as he realized: he was tethered to something. But where was he, and what was he tethered to?

It was silent in this musky place and very dark. Candles lit the room but were very dim in their glow, as if they were drowning by now in the steady rise of liquidy wax. A large group of candles were glowing behind a curtain directly across from where Kilyan was tethered. The curtain seemed to shield the corner, as if something almost sacred was there, as if the candles glowing behind it were to some effigy.

Peering through the gloom as he pulled himself upright, Kilyan could just make out a closet, cabinets, shelves on the walls, and a veil of flowers that barred the doorway. The smell of the flowers was strong on the air, as was the smell of the extensive collection of powders and oils on the shelf. It was a female's bedroom. Oh, god . . . it was Finivive's bedroom.

Kilyan twisted around. He was tied to her bed. Ah, so this would be his torture chamber. He groaned to imagine himself locked in the grasp of that round body. Of course she was going to rape him, play with him, and do whatever she pleased on pain of death. But Kilyan found it hard to think about himself: if it had been so easy to capture to him, then certainly, the pygmies had Wynn! God, let it not be true. Let Sylas have Wynn off in some safe place, let the boy at that very moment be in the act of freeing them all!

As these desperate thoughts passed through Kilyan's mind, the soft rattle of chains made his ears prick forward. The sound had come from the curtain across from him: he was not alone! He drank in the scents around him a second time and his heart beat hard when he recognized a scent that had been muted by the others and was, as a result, very hard to catch.

Kilyan's eyes fixed in horror on the curtain, behind which Avi was surely bound. It was a mystery to him, Avi's enslavement. She was the queen of the shemales! She possessed their super strength and stubborn will to endure the most intense pain. So how had it happened? But he knew it was Avi behind that curtain. He knew for certain now: it was her smell, and he did not like what scent he inhaled. Blood. Sweat. Spit. Dirt. He heard a weak groan and hissed Avi's name.

There was a pause, and Kilyan was on the brink of calling to Avi again when he heard her voice come very hoarse and low, ". . . Kilyan should not have come."

"Avi, you knew this day would come, you knew I'd have to see you again," Kilyan returned, his ears pricked forward as he listened on tenterhooks for that low voice. To his surprise, when Avi replied she sounded angry. Her voice was a growl when she suddenly snapped out,

"Just the same - Kilyan should not have come! Kilyan bring Wynn and friends! Kilyan get everyone raped and killed --!" Avi's voice broke off, and with a hiss of pain, she shifted behind the curtain. Kilyan could hear clearly now the undeniable rattle of chains. So rope had not been enough to tame the shemale queen. Of course it hadn't: Avi would have ripped a rope to shreds. It was a wonder she hadn't broken those chains.

"Avi," Kilyan whispered, leaning forward, "tell me what happened here. Why are you the slave of that - creature - and what chances do we have of escaping --?"

"Shut up, Kilyan!" Avi snapped over him, and she sounded so fierce that Kilyan stared in wonder at the curtain barring her from his eyes. He could hear her moving around, the rattle of the chains and her groans, and he suddenly realized she was dragging herself across the floor. Oh, god. Why was Avi dragging herself? He wanted to ask if she was hurt, what they had done to her, but anticipating another fierce command, Kilyan kept quiet as he listened with a sorrowful heart to the difficulty in her voice when she spoke again.

"Now . . . Kilyan will listen to Avi . . ." said the shemale queen, her voice breathless against the rattle of the chains. "And Kilyan will not interrupt. Kilyan knew there was danger here. Kilyan should have turned around, take Wynn and others back home to safety. But it too late: no point scolding Kilyan now. All Avi can do is make sure Kilyan and others escape with lives. Now, first things first. Where are Wynn and others?"

"I don't know," Kilyan admitted miserably. "Keeno and I were captured and brought back here. I think Wynn was captured too. I heard them talking about her as I was passing out. Inden and Elele are still missing."

"Then there is hope. Now Kilyan listen carefully: when Finivive return, Kilyan act as if he want her --"

Kilyan stiffened.

"--and Finivive will take Kilyan off rope. Finivive talk a lot. Use that to distract her! Then use rope to strangle Finivive into submission. Avi creep up and knock Finivive out. Kilyan escape and find others. Free them. Then go home and never come back here."

Kilyan knelt in amazement as Avi rolled out her plan. Did she really expect him to leave this place without her? To leave her in the possession of that slobbering pygmy creature?

"Avi," Kilyan said after a pause, "what have they done to you? Show me."

"Kilyan . . ."

"I said show me!" snapped Kilyan, and this time his voice was just as fierce as hers.

There was a long pause, and Avi was very still behind the curtain. Then he heard her heave a breath, and with her chains rattling, she pushed the curtain aside.

Kilyan drew a sharp breath. Avi had thrust the curtain aside with her tail and was sitting with her back to him. Her small body was silver, her ears alone were black, and her dark mane was pulled over her shoulder and down her front. Her knees were pulled to her chest and she was hugging them, as small and shapely as she had been at sixteen. All of this, Kilyan had expected to see. Except one horrible detail: her wings were gone. And in their place twitched two misshapen stumps. The stumps were twisted over with scars that blared through the fur. Still hugging her knees, Avi slowly turned her head, and her long mane of braids and bones swept aside to reveal her somber face and the large, sad, dark eyes that Kilyan remembered getting lost in so many times. She tried with trembling lips to smile as she said, "Kilyan still beautiful. But then . . . he always be beautiful to Avi."

Kilyan smiled. He crawled toward Avi as far as the rope would allow and reached out to her. Avi was free to move around as she pleased, but the chains on her wrists and ankles were heavy, so heavy that Kilyan could see they had already scraped her badly. She looked frightened at first. She gazed at Kilyan's open and waiting arms uncertainly.

"Avi," Kilyan said gently, "please. God, you know how long I've waited to hold you again?"

Without a word, Avi crawled to Kilyan and let him enfold her. He closed his eyes and held her as tightly as he dared. She was so small and warm, so frail after all that had happened to her. He kissed her mane and smoothed it down. She looked up at him, they smiled at each other, and after letting his eyes drifted to her lips, Kilyan kissed Avi tenderly. She yielded to the kiss, and when she suddenly sobbed against his lips, Kilyan knew it was for joy.

"Now tell me what happened," Kilyan whispered, stroking her cheek with the back of his finger. "And tell me quick before Finivive returns."

Avi closed her eyes and swallowed hard. "They kill them all, Kilyan," she said in a tiny, broken voice. "All the shemales. Took no prisoners. Finivive and pygmies kill all. And when Avi return to her jungle, the pygmies have it."

Kilyan ground his teeth. "I never should have let you come back here. Shit!" He let Avi go, and in a sudden rush of anger, punched Finivive's frail bed frame. The wooden frame jumped against the wall and collapsed in a nest of blankets and splinters to the floor. The noise this caused was colossal as mattress and frame sank in. Kilyan and Avi stiffened as they listened to the distant shouts of alarm.

"Quick!" Kilyan hissed. "Back behind the curtain - go --!"

Avi dragged herself as fast as she could, and it broke Kilyan's heart to see her weighed down by those chains. With trembling breasts, she yanked the curtain around her just as Finivive waddled into the hut.

Enormous breasts jiggling, Finivive burst into the bedroom, smelling of fruit paste and mud. Two guards marched in the pygmy queen's wake, spears at the ready. The queen's beady gaze went from Kilyan and directly to Avi's curtain. She looked at Kilyan suspiciously, then to Kilyan's horror, she stomped across the room to the curtain and ripped it aside. Avi sat as before - almost as if she'd been trained to sit in that way, Kilyan thought - with her back to the room and her arms around her knees. But looking closer at Avi, Kilyan soon realized that the loop of chain between Avi's paws had been thrown taunt around her knees, as if to keep her from moving. Avi had managed to pull the loop free and was now only pretending to be restrained.

"Why has my bed broken? What were you doing in here?" Finivive demanded of Avi. She narrowed her eyes on the tiny queen, her fat fist tight on what appeared to be a folded whip.

Kilyan's heart pounded in his chest when he saw that whip. By god, Finivive would not live to see another day if he had to witness that whip across Avi's already-torn back! His entire body tensed, and he must've looked as if he was ready to draw blood, because Finivive regarded him with something close to fear. But she quickly covered her fear with another of her nasty smiles and gestured to her guards.

Kilyan's heart beat harder when the guards moved toward him, but they only pressed their spears to his throat, a silent indication that he should reconsider moving.

Finivive was studying Kilyan now, and his lips tightened when the pygmy queen said nastily, "So it's true: you are Avi's great love! Ha. Some love! You stumbled upon my jungle like one blindfolded, got yourself caught and the others as well. Oh, yes, we have your precious Wynn," she added when Kilyan's hard expression softened to alarm. "She's on her way here now, courtesy of my son."

Kilyan glared at Finivive, thinking how good her fat skull would look cracked open.

Finivive laughed at Kilyan's anger. "You have nothing to fear from me, Dark Lover. I have what I want: I have the jungle. And not only that, I have its fruits." So saying, she gently caressed the small of Avi's back with the folded whip.

Avi didn't move, just kept her head bowed until her forehead touched her arms. Looking at the shemale queen, Kilyan realized for the first time that Avi was a slave here by choice. There was no need to cut off Avi's wings if she could just break her chains: in despair, Avi had willingly succumbed! Gazing sadly at her twisted, torn back, he thought he understood all too well: what was she queen of now? It was so easy to give up fighting, especially when trying to gain Kilyan's help would only have endangered his life. So Avi had submitted, had probably lied and told Finivive that Wynn was dead, and in the course of six years, a queen was made a slave.

"You see, I have no intention of harming Wynn," went on Finivive in her husky voice. Kilyan watched with hard eyes as she went around the room, undressing her huge tits of the tight little cloth that had restrained them. She stretched her back and her pudgy body flexed. Kilyan averted his gaze when her great belly lifted in the stretch and her pussy was momentarily revealed. She laughed at Kilyan again, then licked her lips and touched the whip to her teeth, eying Kilyan and savoring his body like a tasty morsel.

"I don't care what you want with my daughter, you're not getting it!" Kilyan couldn't stop himself bursting.

The guards flinched as if they would silence him, but Finivive waved them back, the jewels on her plump fingers sparkling in the candlelight.

"He's quite harmless," she said. "Tie him down to the bed, and you can go."

Kilyan couldn't believe it when those words left Finivive's mouth. The bed was broken. There was nothing left to tie him down to, and if not for the heavy wooden plank weighing his rope down, he would have made a move as soon as Finivive waddled in the room. But the guards set to work as quickly and efficiently as if they did this sort of thing all the time. They gathered up the wooden bedposts and rammed them deep in the earthen floor so that each post was once again at each corner of the mattress. Then Kilyan was dragged roughly back onto the mattress, and using the rope that had lashed him to the bed, his ankles and wrists were quickly tied. He lay there like a five point star, watching in grim defeat as Finivive gestured the guards out and powdered herself at a table.

"Now about your daughter," she went on in a business-like tone, "I don't know if Avi told you between the time you were left in here and you broke my bed - it's an old bed, and I've broken it more times than I care to mention -- but Wynn is set to marry my son. Eleu is a good boy and has loved your daughter for years. He is honorable and my pygmies adore him. There's nothing to worry about where Wynn is concerned."

Kilyan's chest heaved. Did she really think this was supposed to put him at ease? "There's everything to worry about," he snapped from his taunt position on the bed. "Wynn will never submit to this marriage --!"

"If she doesn't, she'll die," said Finivive nonchalantly as she studied her reflection. She was holding a mirror in her paw and applying the powder with her other. Kilyan thought she seemed to be applying the powder for the sake of the smell, for it left a wafting scent on the air that suffocated him. When she noticed Kilyan staring at this heavy application, she said with a wave of her fat paw, "Makes the fur soft as flower petals. We pygmies, we tend to have a very hard texture of fur. Came with our diet. . . ." She flashed Avi a glare, then her eyes shifted back to her reflection. "Don't know if her highness has told you, but we pygmies used to live out behind the cliffs, starving our asses off. I was never this wonderfully big, my dark lover. Not until I took the jungle. Before that I was thin as a snake, living off nuts and shit and whatever I could find. We were all like that for decades, scrounging, thin, sickly. Roriana was content to leave us there, too. But then, Roriana was as cold as a fish."

Kilyan looked to Avi and waited for her to protest, to defend her mother and the shemales, but Avi remained crouched in the corner as before, her forehead touching her folded arms, her arms hugging her knees, the chains wrapped about her. She was like a small toy waiting to be unwrapped, a thing kept on the shelf for Finivive's obvious delight. It made Kilyan's heart burn. Good god, Avi really had become a slave! The Avi he used to know would have ripped Finivive's head off for that last remark.

But looking at Avi now, he knew such a thing would never happen. So Kilyan did it for her: "Shut the fuck up about Roriana."

Finivive went rigid, then snapped her little mirror shut. It had actually been a clam shell with two mirrors inside. She set the little compact mirror on the table, sucked the powder off her fingers, and glared at Kilyan. But there was something amused in her glare. There always was.

"Don't be a fool, Dark Lover," Finivive said. "I know what went on here so many years ago when Avi was a child. You hated Roriana. She hated you. Tried to kill you, in fact. Hit her precious lover instead. For years, she thought the tan one dead. Mourned him, wailed about him, howled her misery like a fool to the sky. The stupid bitch. Of course he wasn't dead. Just run home to his wife. Like all males." She gave Kilyan a meaningful look that sent a pang to his heart when he understood: she was, of course, alluding to his leaving Avi so many years ago.

Satisfied that she had further angered Kilyan, Finivive turned with a little smirk back to her table and opened the mirror again. Instead of applying more powder, however, she started pinching and stretching herself: her cheeks, her tits, her belly, even her thighs. Kilyan stared at her and realized she was trying to make herself look fatter.

"The more curvy a pygmy queen," said Finivive to her reflection, "the sexier." She smiled through the mirror at Kilyan as she licked her lips and said, "Good for bearing sons."

Kilyan's heart shrank. Surely, she did not intend to have children with him! He would die first. But contrary to coming to the bed, Finivive kept pinching and primping. She was the vainest little butterball he had ever seen - as vain as Ohana he thought, fondly imagining his wife with her silver mirror. And he had to admit it: though big females were definitely not his thing, Finivive was very attractive in her way. Then again, he supposed every female had her own special allure. That was the wonderful world of females.

Kilyan glanced sadly in Avi's direction: she hadn't moved an inch. He vowed to himself that this time, he would do things right. This time, he would get Avi home with him, he would get everyone out of this stupid mess, and in the process, he would have Finivive's fat head under his foot. The shemales were peaceful creatures. He couldn't imagine how they ever could have warranted such a merciless slaughter from the pygmies, who were obviously very warlike in nature.

What the hell had happened here? So many questions buzzed through Kilyan's head that he didn't have any clue where to begin their escape. But gazing at Avi as she huddled so small in the corner, he remembered what she had said to him: Finivive loved to talk, and he should use that.

"You must be mighty warriors," Kilyan said eventually, "to take down the shemales so easily."

Finivive smiled at her reflection. "You say that with a tone of respect. I'm suspicious."

"You should be."

Finivive laughed, her plump face brightened, and she turned to regard Kilyan like a delighted child. "Well," she said, turning back to her mirror, "you'll be an entertaining enough mate for a while, even if you are inclined to slit my throat in the night."

Kilyan laughed humorlessly.

"You laugh, Dark Lover, but I have kept many a hostile mate," said Finivive to her reflection, "three of them might have been the father of Eleu, five might have been the father of Elele, and out of all of them . . . notta one had a sense of humor."

"But tell me," Kilyan pressed, "the shemales were very strong - I don't understand how you overcame them --"

"Ha!" barked Finivive. She scowled through the mirror at Kilyan. "What is strength compared to cunning? Compared to precise militant action? Compared to the speed and the agility of the pygmy? Nothing. And that's what shemales are: nothing. Well . . . that's what they were. There aren't any shemales. Not anymore."

Kilyan noticed out of the corner of his eye that Avi's back flinched when Finivive spoke those last words. Maybe if he kept Finivive talking, he could get Avi mad enough to actually do something? No, he doubted it. Avi looked as worn down as if Finivive had literally walked on her.

"So for the past six years, what?" prompted Kilyan. "You took the jungle and that was it?"

"Don't be stupid," snorted Finivive. "The jungle holds many treasures. Food and water were but the surface of the matter. The shemales were sitting on an ancient cavern of gold and jewels and didn't even care. My mother knew it, and her father before her. She told me about the cavern when I was a child, and it became my life's pursuit to conquer the shemales and use the resources that they so blindly ignored! We dug all the treasure out, opened up a trading route with the sun village, and now we no longer depend on the jungle alone to sustain us. In a nutshell, I did a better job of caring for my tribe and the jungle than any stuck-up shemale in the history of the world! Hmph. Isn't that right, your highness?"

Avi's arms tightened around her knees, but besides that, she remained motionless in the corner.

"Doesn't she speak anymore?" Kilyan asked, feigning cluelessness.

Finivive didn't buy it. "And yet you pretend, Dark Lover. You were talking to Avi before I came. I put you in here with the purpose of eavesdropping. When she spoke to you," Finivive snapped her mirror shut and turned to look at Kilyan, "it was the first time she had spoken in six years."

Lying in the bed, Kilyan's throat went dry as he looked between his feet at Avi. So the life had really been drained out of her! And all these years, he had been living in the summer village with Wynn, blissfully unaware. God, how he hated himself in that moment. But he also reminded himself that it was Avi's choice to stay here as a slave, Avi's choice to succumb to defeat. He had expected better of her. How could she let her spirit be trampled by that smiling jackal?

"And now enough chatter," said Finivive, rising from the little table. The jewels around her throat glittered as she adjusted her bosom. "I have an itch to scratch." She smiled darkly and moved toward the bed.

Kilyan's heart sank. It was bad enough this was happening, but right in front of Avi too? And he had been trying in some roundabout way to bring up the matter of Elora. Where was his child? What had happened to his child? He had fucked Avi so much at the summer village that there'd been no question: she was going to get pregnant. He came inside her, on her, and in her mouth in his excitement, and Ohana had even playfully shoved his seed in Avi's pussy with her slender fingers, whispering wetly in Avi's ear as she did so, "Name her after me!"

There had been so many times when Avi's dick erupted and Kilyan had been so frantic to keep Avi's seed from Lea and Ohana. They had all laughed at Kilyan, these three females who owned him body and soul, but Lea and Avi were both trying to get pregnant at the time: the last thing he wanted was for Ohana to have a pup too.

Thoughts of those wet and wild nights spent trying to impregnate Lea and Avi vanished when Finivive's plump face came into view. She climbed on the bed and the broken frame shuddered with her weight, the mattress shifted. She brushed against Kilyan and the powder had worked: she was so soft he almost got hard. Soft and warm and shapely, her pretty eyes dark with desire, her great bosom pressing against him as the warm sheath of her pussy enfolded him. Kilyan closed his eyes and shuddered, trying and failing to ignore the wetness that washed over his cock so hot and so thick. She wasn't heavy on him at all, just soft. Everything about her was softness. And when she rode him, her tits jiggled atop her belly in the dim candlelight, the jewels tinkled. She leaned down and offered her tit to him, and he sucked it without even thinking. That was it. He got hard.

Finivive smiled as Kilyan's sudden hard-on filled her. She moaned and her eyes hooded, and Kilyan suddenly gave away to his desire, and thinking with a warm heart of that night years ago when he was last with Avi, he got so hard that Finivive was soon moaning her delight as she rode him. She suddenly stopped gyrating her hips, and bracing her paws on Kilyan's chest, she banged herself up and down so hard that her wetness squished over him, and it was all he could do not to come. He bit his lip and groaned and strained to hold back, but Finivive kept banging that curvaceous body, and he soon realized that she wasn't going to stop until he came.

Miserably red in the face, Kilyan gave in, and Finivive shuddered all over as his hot seed filled her. She slumped on top of him, her great bosom heaving against his fur, her jewels pinching him. She dropped her cheek against his chest, and after a pause, he realized she was drooling. Had it been that good for her? Then another pause, and he realized she was falling asleep. He blushed at his own vanity. No, it hadn't been that good for her, she was just tired: being tied down as he was, she had done all the work, and it had been an aerobics class for chubby little Finivive to ride him. He heard a snort and realized with a miserable pang that she would stay asleep on him.

Holding down a wave of disgust when he felt more cold drool sink in his fur, Kilyan strained to look past Finivive at Avi. He couldn't believe it: Avi was crouched still in the corner, her back to the room, hugging her knees! What happened to the plan? What happened to knocking Finivive out? While she was fucking Kilyan would have been the perfect time! But no. Avi had stayed in her corner. Avi had done nothing.

Kilyan was suddenly furious. "Avi, what the fuck?" he demanded. "Look at me! Look at me, goddamn it --!"

Avi shrugged her shoulders against his words but slowly looked around.

"Why didn't you --?"

"Now Kilyan see," Avi whispered. "Avi not the same. They break Avi when they take Raxa. Avi never speak again. Avi see no point in fighting after that . . ."

Kilyan frowned. "Raxa? Avi, what are you --?"

Kilyan fell silent when a guard suddenly burst in, addressing Finivive. The pygmy queen awoke with a start and grumpily demanded why the hell she'd been disturbed.

"Forgive me, your highness," fumbled the pygmy, a male, "but you said as soon as the princess was brought in --"

"The princess?" Finivive's ears pricked forward. "Which princess?"

"Both, your highness."

Finivive grinned nastily as she pulled herself up from the bed. "So both our daughters have come home, Avi," she said derisively to the shemale queen. She looked to the guard and added, "Send my daughter here to me!"

The guard muttered, "Yes, your highness," and hurried out, head bowed.

Kilyan watched Finivive gather her whip and move toward the curtain. He thought with some relief that at least she was leaving for now, but his relief was obliterated by a rush of anger and frustration when Finivive untangled Avi's chains and gestured for her prisoner to rise. Avi wretchedly rose to her feet and followed the waddling queen through the veil of flowers. Just before she disappeared from the room, she looked back over her shoulder at Kilyan, and behind the blood on her lip was a smile.