Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 27+28

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#119 of Scales and Honor

In which Lyndis and Infinity launch a one person, one dragon assault on the uniter!

Emperor's Light: Chapter 27

Even through her leather armor and gear, Lyndis' couldn't ignore the icy teeth of the sky upon her. Fingers chilled to the bone held fast the dragoness below her as they rose and fell through the sky. Days had been spent on their desperate pursuit, melding in with the countryside as to conceal their approach, not wishing to give their enemy even the slightest hint of their presence.

Infinity's determination was admirable, ignoring the weariness that she must have been building beneath her scales. She said little, emerald pools locked onto the mountainous horizon, searching for the tiny blot in the sky that was her prey. When asked to rest the response had always been the same, how could she, when her son rested in that city? No, she was going to follow till death had taken her and nothing would stop her from seeing him again.

The queen's concern eventually won as the sun set; the uniter ever closer than it was before. Its walls looming overhead, challenging them, consuming their thoughts, sending shivers down their spines. She warned the dragoness that getting to the castle would help Axton little, for what could she do when she was exhausted beyond reason? That had earned her a heavy snort and a piercing glare before Infinity had set her sights for a forest down below.

Shelter was found among the frost dusted trees, below a network of snake-like branches. They were propped up against a tiny alcove of dirt, shielded from most of the winter's wind. Long shadows painted the forest floor, the only light from the twin moons above. Lyndis didn't dare build or light a fire in case their enemy might be drawn in by its presence. Instead, she found warmth in Infinity's scales. With a paw wrapped around her and joined by a wing as a blanket, it was more than acceptable.

"I could have kept going, we're wasting time. Every moment we linger is another they grow further away." Infinity gave a grumbling growl, eyeing the darkened trees beyond their safe haven.

"Are you going to bitch the entire time because I was right?" Lyndis countered, though she knew the dragoness only spoke such a way out of fear, that her son might be snatched away from her again. "Now stop your groaning and get some sleep, or I'll have to smack you upside the head. I'd rather not have to do that." Her hands fell across the black scaled snout, brushing the dragoness' cheek as she used to do to Cordenth. It brought the same result, a grumbling rumble, "Trust me, it will be alright."

"You don't know that." She hissed. "And if you're trying to butter me up it won't work."

"I was trying to make you bloody feel better."

"By threatening to smack me upside the head."

"You very well know it won't do anything but wound your pride. Now sleep." Lyndis laid back, eyes drifting closed, "Already set a ward, so if anyone comes sniffing, we'll be alerted."

Infinity kneaded the ground, searching across the dim forest floor, her harsh snort lingered upon the air. "Fine, but I won't be sleeping for long."

"Is that the best I'm going to get?"

"That it is." She grumbled, resting her head at Lyndis' boots. "If you want to protest, you're free to stay behind."

"You fucking know that isn't happening."

"Sounds like we're in agreement." Infinity rumbled; a victory achieved. She rested for a few moments, before satisfaction soured, her next words coming with a wounded whine, "We _are_gaining on it aren't we?"

"You have better eyes than me, you tell me." Lyndis opened an eye, catching a tiny glimpse of the castle that tormented them beyond the forest's canopy, luminated by the passing moons.

"Do you think he's still alive? Lyyreth, I mean. I keep telling myself that he is but...I can't shake the feeling that when we get there, it will all be for nothing."

That was the risk, wasn't it? She hadn't the heart to tell the dragoness that it might be so, not when she was the way they were going to even get to the uniter. The rogue sighed, putting on a brave face, "Tiamat, or whatever the ruddy bastard wants to be called, will keep him alive I bet. You don't just discard something like that, I figure he keeps Lyyreth as a trophy, try to bend him to his side."

"You think?" Her ears perked up.

"It's a guess."

"Oh." She drooped.

"But a better one than you'd think. Cordenth, he had his moments being influenced by the golden twat. I got a pretty fair guess on what he wants, loves to hear himself talk, be praised. I imagine killing his family isn't beneath him, but he'd try to win him over first. Probably a feather he can stick in his scales or something. What I wouldn't give to see the surprised look on his face when he finds out we're still alive."

This seemed to tide her over, Infinity's next breath coming stronger than the last. Her head tilted, meeting Lyndis' eye, concern winking in the moonlight. "And Cordenth...do you think he can be saved? That he's still in there?"

Gods how she hoped so, that somewhere in that jumbled mess that was the Emperor, a tether existed in which she could tug. One where that with all her might could allow her to prevail and not be forced to use the dragon slaying arrow within her pack. Her gaze focused upon her pack, sensing the wicked weapon's presence within. Her heart stretched as she pictured his pained expression, holding his paw as he gave his last breath. She wanted to run, hide from that, but she knew she couldn't, not with everything on the line.

"It doesn't matter what I want does it?" She replied with a shaky breath, "We must do what we must."

She took the first watch, letting the dragoness sleep. Amber eyes swept across the snow dusted floor, vigilant for any sign of movement. Hundreds of times she'd done this in her travels, but never with this much ache within her soul. Often, she found herself gazing at the cloud filled sky, focusing on the stars that tormented her. The Uniter was close, that much was certain, tomorrow they would overtake the blighted creation. The rogue shook, eyeing her pack, it would then be the day she slew the dragon she loved.

Absentmindedly she massaged Infinity's paws for comfort, not only lingering on Cordenth's fate, but that of all the people that had found themselves under Tiamat's control. Could they be saved, their minds returned to them? Or would they just be more claimed victims of the ancient beast's plan?

"It's hard to sleep with you massaging my paws." Growled the dragoness.

"Apologies." She retracted her hands.

"I didn't say stop."

She returned to tracing around the black scales, beating back the dread that lurked within. "Sorry, just...thinking of things."

"About Cordenth."

She nodded.

"And if you have the strength to..."

"Kill him." The word stung, made her wince. "Yes."

Infinity flicked her ears, peering back as she took a deep breath, "I can do it for you."

"No...it's my responsibly. You needn't have to dirty your paws over it. It's only fitting- "

"Lyndis, I've already killed people before, been forced to live with it, just leave it to me." The dragoness flopped her head with a heavy, defeated sigh, "Might as well add a friend to the list. I don't know if you're aware, but some people call me a monster."

"How can you take the life of a friend so casually?"

"I'm not, but it seems to be the fate that I play." Her tail thumped, "My father, innocent gryphons, old ladies, I've taken so many innocent lives now...I'll spare you the pain."

She shook her head, "I can't let you do that. Both of us know it should be me. If he's truly gone, let me do it, should be the one that loves him anyway."

"You love him?" Infinity perked up with wide eyes, "I knew you liked him...but love?"

There it was, in the open air, someone else knew. "I know, surprised me too. Know how many idiots I've fancied over the years? Most come and go, say the wrong thing, but...not him. Gods, why did it have to be the one who gets himself possessed by and ancient evil?"

"The gods be cruel I suppose."

"And now I won't even get the chance to tell him."

To that Infinity curled, giving the rogue a tender, sloppy lick across the face.


Her ears pinned, tail thumping, "That's a rather strange way of responding to a comforting gesture."

"Not when it gets my hair all covered in your drool."

"I don't drool. I think you have me mistaken for some sort of cat creature."

"It's dogs that drool."

"Ah, then one of those."

"I just don't know what I'm to do with myself after I kill him. I can picture myself there, loosing the arrow, watching it plunge through his scales." She trembled, "His steps faltering, his breaths coming pained and ragged, finally collapsing. He speaks to me as he used to, I hold his snout as he drifts to the great beyond. I think it's going to kill me."

"It gets easier." Infinity stated flatly, "There will be days it eats at you, nibbling at away at your strength. It will follow you like a shadow, never truly gone, but there when you look." She pressed the rogue tight against her grey, scared underscales, "It will hurt at times, so much you think it will break you, but it will pass all the same."

"That doesn't sound too comforting. You're not good at this."

"Wasn't trying to be," She sniffed, "I'm still holding out hope that Lyyreth and Axton are alive and well when we see them."

"We talked about this."

"Yes, but the thought is _still_there. I just want all of this to be over. The schemes, the suffering, my pain." She relaxed, "I just want to feel the sun on my scales, relaxing without a care in the world. No tests, running for my life, wondering when the next calamity will take it's hold of me."

"I think we all have that. Infinity?" She massaged the dragoness' paw, picturing her life beyond these days, in an empty castle devoid of Cordenth.


"When this mess is over, you can visit whenever you want. Fly around, cling to walls, sing to your heart's content, I'll make focking sure you and your kid are never bothered again. Besides, place can always use more dragons."

She smiled at such a lofty dream. "That I think would be nice. Though you think I sing?"

"Don't all dragons sing?"

"I'm more...into dancing."

"You dance?"

"Not...yet, but I saw Lyyreth's father do it while we were staying at the forest of despair?"

"Don't tell me it was a mating dance." Lyndis laughed.

"Oh, no it wasn't...Well, maybe? No, I don't think it was. Regardless, I think it would be nice to actually get to be a dragon. And you're sure your people won't bother us?"

"I'm the bloody queen. I could assign a dozen knights to ensure it happens."

Infinity sighed at such an image, "Who knows, maybe then have some wrymlings of my own."

"You so soon?"

"Or we'll adopt them." She chortled, "Axton can't be my only child." She closed her eyes thoughts swimming with a peaceful life.

There it was, the brief reprieve of the terrible cloud that hung over them. It might not have been the greatest, but it was more than enough to still the aching of her heart. Lyndis relaxed into the warm scales of the dragoness, letting the beast return to her slumber. Tomorrow might be terrible, but she was to have the courage that Cordenth needed of her. As she took her next breath, that of course when she heard the gentle crack of a twig, the sound of her alarm spell. Someone, or something was approaching.

Lightning in her veins, Lyndis slipped free of her scaley prison, drawing her blade in the blink of an eye. She poised herself ready to strike, other hand raised to cast what spells she had. "Did you hear them?" Whispered Lyndis as Infinity rose to all four paws, shaking herself awake, "How many?"

Infinity padded a few paces, head raised as she sniffed the air. She growled, "Least a dozen of them, blundering around like a pack of howling blink dogs. Friends of yours?"

"Are they humanoids?"

Her ears flicked, "They're whispering, can't precisely make it out."

"So yes. Question now is if they work for the Emperor, or we stumbled on a bunch of bandits."

"If they're bandits, they're going to get a nasty surprise."

"Wandering into a dragon I imagine always would be." She chortled, pressing herself against a frigid tree, the bark digging into her glove. "Suppose we shouldn't take any chances."

"They're wearing armor, I can hear it shift occasionally." Infinity joined her, "If it is the bunch of knights he's brainwashed, what do we do?"

She bit her lip; they were as much victims as Cordenth was. If they were out to get them it wasn't their fault, could they kill them? "Try to disarm and disable."

"You're alright with me killing them?"

"Do we have any other options? I'm not letting them kill us either."

"Well, I have a way to figure out if they're guardians or not."

"What would that be?"

Infinity pulled back with a deep breath, lashing her tail as she pumped her wings and gave a mighty roar that seemed to shake the trees. "Alright you brainwashed peoples, listen up! If you're bandits, you're approaching a dragon, yes that's right, a rather angry_dragon. So, if you know what's good for you, you'll turn your tail and scamper away like a good pack of humans. If you don't, know my teeth and claws are exceptionally sharp and my breath can literally melt steel. I don't _want_to kill you, but I _have been given permission to do so."

"What are you doing?" Lyndis hissed, careful to not raise her voice, "You don't just give away our position like that!"

"Now they know what they're getting into." Growled the dragoness, "If they continue, we'll know they're his guardians."

"Or a bunch of hunters looking to make a good haul."

Her answer came from the trees, as a voice announced itself out of the darkness. It was far off, clearly from a confident man, "Queen Lynalla! The great Emperor of dragonkind insists upon your presence! Tell your dragon that we wish you no harm, come quietly so we can avoid any sort of bloodshed!"

"Well, there, we got our answer." Infinity hissed.

Lyndis belted out a laugh, "That's not really an option guy, ask your Emperor, I never come quietly for anything!" The rogue peered from around the tree, plucking a dagger from her belt. At the first sign of movement, she let it fly, hitting some poor soul in an unguarded part of his thigh.

"My leg!" The man shouted, collapsing into a pile of chain upon the ground. "She stuck my bloody leg!"

"See? Next one gets a blade to the knee, friend of mine showed me that's a swift way to bring about retirement!"

No response as the guardians were rethinking their options, no doubt they imagined she would simply surrender and skip off to join their Emperor for tea. She chuckled under her breath, already the invisibility spell on her lips, they hadn't the power to stop them from escaping. She gestured to the dragoness to approach, she could shield them both and sprint on away.

"And don't try your invisibility Lynalla, we came prepared for that! We have you surrounded!" Shouted the guardian, "There is no escape for you or your dragon."

"He's bluffing." Infinity growled, flicking her ears as she gazed around, lingering on the shadow swept trees, "Unless they're being exceptionally quiet."

"They could be." Lyndis growled, "Make sense too. Emperor knows everything Cordenth did, more than enough information about us."

"Worth trying anyway." The dragoness wove an invisibility spell around herself and the rogue with a grunt, blending perfectly in with their surroundings.

She was still able to see Infinity despite the spell, the dragoness appearing translucent. With a grit of her teeth she followed, very much aware that they would leave a trail of prints that their enemy might follow.

Together they maneuvered around trees and rocks, careful not to catch a stray brush should it alert their pursuers. They only made it a few hundred feet until they caught sight of the guardians. True to their word, the two dozen or so humanoids had formed a perimeter. They were armed with bladed weapons, spears, and dragonfire rifles. A wolven of grey fur with glowing eyes gestured, calling out their position as they slipped from the next group of trees to the next.

"Not so fast your majesty!" Bellowed the leader from before, it belonged to a dark-skinned human, his armor gilded with various plates. There was a cloud of honor about him, if not for their current predicament, he might have been heralded as a hero. "We don't want to hurt you!"

Well, she wasn't going to give them a choice. Without hesitation she readied herself and sprung to the next batch of trees. His command hardly registered as the air came alive with thunder, bullets flying through the air. Bark exploded, snow flared up, chasing the adventurer in her wake. She cursed as she slid behind a rock, they could see her as they said.

"I hope that you realize how serious that we are! That was only a warning volley my queen, should we have to fire a second time, restraint will not be had! I beg of thee to see reason, the Emperor only wishes to see you at his side. Don't you wish to be reunited with your love?"

"You think that bloated scaled freak is my love?" She belted out a laugh, "Look, you got me cornered, I'm flattered, but why don't we just call it even and you let us go? How say you?"

"Sorry my queen, but we can't do that."

"Right, course, silly of me."

If invisibility was out, then she had just the right thing to sow discourse in their ranks. The rogue drew a rune upon the air, whispering the word of power required. With a snarl she let loose an illusion of herself running in the opposite direction she intended. As bullets came to put an end to its life, she dashed further away from the brain washed masses. It only bought her a few precious seconds as the illusion flickered out of existence, but it was enough time for her to make it to the next set of trees.

"You know, I'm quite annoyed they taught you to shoot so well! Shame it's being used against me instead of the Lumarians or undead, eh?"

"Thank you mum, we pride ourselves on training every day! Can't you see this is foolish? You're tired, weary, there is no way out from this."

"Yes, but I've always been fond of a hopeless fight, look at my choice of friends!" She grabbed hold of another dagger, gripping it tight, there was no sense in trying to get them to surrender, they would never give up; not while the command of their Emperor was in their heads. "Look, go tell your boss that I'll come visit when I'm all ready and dolled up, no other options and so drunk I can hardly stand. Tell me what he says!"

No reply came as Infinity's roar pierced through the tension like a blade.

"It's a dragon, it's a dragon!" Cried the guardian commander, "Where did it come from?"

Infinity surged through their ranks like a rampaging beast, swatting them aside with her paws and tail. They fell to the ground with pained groans, others found themselves slammed up against bark, slumping forward in their armor. Nets that were tossed upon her were shredded, rifles barked and loosed their deadly payload into her scales. To their collective horror however, the bullets were tossed right back out into the snow thanks to her regenerative abilities.

"What sort of ruddy monster is this?" Shouted one wolven, jabbing a spear into Infinity's shoulder, only to be swatted aside like a gnat.

"All beasts have a weakness, go for the eyes!" Shouted the commander, regaining control as he directed his troops to spread out. "She's like a troll, get the fire out, see if that puts a stop to it!"

With the distraction underway, Lyndis sprinted from her hiding spot. The sooner that she helped Infinity dispatch them, the more that would survive. Thankfully, with the rampaging dragon, the half-elf was nothing more than a shadow to the group of knights, easy to pass between them. Joints were struck, throats slammed with the hilt of her blade, balls were kicked so hard that their owners collapsed with pained whines. Blood spilled from her steel, using great finesse to disable and incapacitate not kill. Howls of pain came with every passing, but they would live. She grimaced as Infinity was struck with several glass vials with flame, ensuring that the next volley of bullets broke through her flesh, painting the ground crimson.

"That's the way, force her back!" Three wolven shouted, jabbing Infinity in the chest with their spears.

The dragoness snarled as her blood spilled upon the ground. To those so brave to skewer her she bathed them with her beautiful, cerulean flames. Flesh and fur burned, blackened all to a chorus of their screams. To those that stood firing rifle rounds into her, she too graced them the embrace of her fire. She left them a cacophony of misery to crumble and wither away at her fury. Their efforts were for naught as her regeneration had been given a reprieve, their weapons and bullets falling uselessly to the ground.

They fought until the last, it was admirable to say the least. Lyndis stood over the unconscious forms of her kin, people that had sworn lives to protect both her and the kingdom they loved. Though they won and their lives still their own, it left a bitter chill, this was not victory, it was a defeat. She sheathed her blade as Infinity approached, her scales riddled with dried blood, she hadn't the heart to ask her if it was her own or the guardians.

"I'm...sorry." Infinity said softly, peering at the charred corpses of her victims.

"Not your fault." She replied, "Just another thing to pay back Tiamat for."

"Think we can go back to sleep?"

"I don't think these were the only people he sent after us. I doubt they'll let us rest, not if we want to keep pressing forward."

Infinity snorted, searching the canopy, "It sounds like we have to move out."

"Yes, but if they're aware of our tricks and looking for us, then invisibility won't help us if you race after the uniter."

"I'm not just going to give up. If we can't rest, then I'm going straight for their throat." Infinity slipped away, Lyndis right behind her.

"Now wait one moment, that's not going to do us any good."

She flicked her ears, "I already listened to you and look where it got us...We're going."

Why did dragons have to be so stubborn? "Alright, I'll admit, I can't stop you if I tried."

"Glad you see that."

"But let me offer a small tweak to your plan?"

The dragon paused, peering back, "And what do you have in mind?"

"They can see through invisibility, I imagine big green is ready for illusions and charms, but I spy a whole bunch of uniforms back there. Have you seen a pegasai before?"

"I've never seen one." She growled.

Lyndis cast a final look back to the carnage they'd wrought, "It's your lucky day. This group didn't just _walk_here. Bet they have a whole flock of the winged horses."

** ** ** ** ** ** *

Chapter 28

The pegasai were not that far from their positions, tied to trees and guarded only by a handful of guardians left behind. The feathered, multicolored creatures were adorned with banners of various colors, knightly households that their riders belonged to. They were only startled for a moment as Lyndis and Infinity dispatched the riders in short order.

"Why did we go about knocking them out?" Infinity grumbled, flicking some snow over the unconscious form of a female wolven in chainmail, "I just needed to see the stupid feathery horses."

"Pegasai." Lyndis brushed off her attire, having taken one of the guardians' uniforms for herself. With a tabard of royal blue, she was the spitting image of the knights that had hounded them, minus the chainmail of course. She completed the image with a furred cloak and rounded helm. "What do you think?" She did a quick spin.

"Just like one of them, the illusion is complete."

"Couldn't you have taken one of those from the guardians in the forest?"

"Yes, but we needed to make sure we were not followed."

Infinity grumbled and pressed her paw to her snout, getting enveloped in a cloud of lavender smoke. What emerged was a snow white pegasai with wings of black and clay. The emerald equine snorted, gesturing to the adventurer to get on her back.

"You don't look quite thrilled."

The pegasai gave a flare of the nostrils and flick of her lion like tail.

"Yea, yea, I get it. Cordenth didn't enjoy horses either." She clambered onto Infinity's back, years of training taking hold. Thankfully this time, the beast she rode would have a mind of it's own. "Now remember, fly casual when we get close. We don't need them suspecting a thing."

With a flare of her feathery wings, Infinity surged forth to the sky. Powerful beats carried them ever higher, battering the pair in the cold embrace of the wintery winds. It wasn't until they were lost along the clouds did the shapeshifted dragoness level out, setting her sights for the looming Uniter on the horizon.

Swifter than any dragon could fly, Infinity closed the distance between themselves and the Uniter within the hour, staying close to the rolling clouds around them. The urge to use spells to blend in grew with each passing minute, but Lyndis' firm words held the dragoness' instincts in check. They didn't need anything to give the game away to any onlookers, they were just another stray Guardian, returning home to their new master.

Light shown from the Uniter from it's numerous mana lanterns; they painted their golden light over the ancient walls, giving life to it's terrible, wicked form. The air around it pulsed with it's power, gave it weight, even Lyndis could feel the hair on the back of her neck standing tall. It's castle loomed over them, restored to it's terrible glory, taunting every breath they took. It was unnatural to say the least, to see a mountain sized thing moving in such a manner, devoid of any sign or evidence of it's presence, even the airships of Lumara had a hum or churn of their machinery, this was just un-nerving.

It was not long before they spied the guardians among the Uniter's walls, patrolling as though it was just another of their cities. Within the courtyard dwelled dozens more, sitting around fires and tending to their mounts, unphased of their change in loyalty.

"Set us down around the courtyard." Lyndis whispered, "Nothing to worry about lads, just another one of your friends."

She received a questioning glance from the dragoness, as if to say are you serious?

"Yes, I'm serious. If we fly over to one the windows, they're going to start mucking about looking for us. You want that going on while we're looking for your boyfriend?"

No response.

"If you got a better idea, I'm all ears."

She snorted, starting her descent, clearly nothing more to say on the matter. She did, however, surge forward with a great burst of speed, raising and falling hard enough to force Lyndis to clutch her neck for dear life. As the queen glared, the equine knickered, pleased with her little rebuttal.

They circled under the watchful eye of a dozen guardians, human, elf and wolven tracing their every movement. Some waved to them, beckoning them down, others remained stoic and as cold as Asterion himself. Lyndis offered a crisp salute, getting few in return. No one came to greet them as Infinity's hoofs clopped against the stone.

Her instincts were screaming as she slipped from Infinity's back, leading the pegasai past a group of guardians enjoying dinner around an open fire. Go through the front door? That was certainly a plan she'd never argued for, yet here she was going through with it. It smelled of something Arcturus would do. They still needed a clue to where Lyyreth was being held. Pulling her attention away from the giant door of the Uniter's castle, she gestured to Infinity to follow her to the dinner enjoying lads. Again she got the dragoness' judgement filled stare.

"Stop staring at me, we need to know where your hubby is." She hissed, pulling her snout close, "So act like one of the bleeding things and let me work, alright?"

A harsh snort was her reply.

"Hey there boys, how's it going? Catch any fun tonight?" Lyndis sauntered over to the fire's edge, joining the half dozen or so guardians nursing the night's spirits or a bowl of stew.

"Nothing but the usual." Muttered one, "Boring place this is."

"Who are you, we haven't seen you around have we?" Asked a fair skinned man with wrinkles over his face, he searched her uniform, "Bronzo your commander?"

Without skipping a beat, Lyndis slipped into character, "Sure he is."

"So how was dealing with the dragoness and the queen?"

She chuckled as everyone gasped, clearly not all knowing what had happened. "Had a problem with the pair, mighty capable they are. Forced us to tangle with em, knocked them out. Course, now you can guess the problem." She accepted an offered tankard of ale, taking a sip of the bitter stuff, "How do we get a dragon back home."

"Hopefully the queenie wasn't hurt?"

"Nah, she put up quite the fight. Stunning lady she is, flipped about, dodged our bullets, I can see why the big green guy wants her."

"Why come without her then?" The man chuckled, stroking his beard, "The dragon I get, but her?"

"Didn't have the number." Lyndis laughed, unphased at his skeptical look, "Went into killing the mounts, bastard she was. Rightful mess down there, figure it was best to wait until they can keep an eye on her. Send her alone with a single rider?" She scoffed, taking a sip, "Seems like an easy way to let her kick the rider off doesn't it?"

"And why not knock her out?" asked a wolven with black fur.

"Risk injuring the Emperor's prize?" The woman rolled her eyes, "None of the lads wanted that on them. I drew the straw to come back, request more mounts for the others."

Various nods and murmuring seemed to accept her story. The guardians gleamed with excitement as they wished for her to retell the tale how they'd bested a dragon and the _famed_adventurer Lynalla. Her heart skipped a beat as the same old man searched her face, still unphased by her act.

"What was your name lass, don't think we caught it."

"Vestra." Lyndis replied calmly, leaning on Infinity. "Vestra Nightblade."

"Vestra is that right? Don't recall a Vestra being part of his knights."

What should have been worrying was nothing but a minor trap to the adventurer, "Was a last-minute addition, Emerald lady, bless her soul, freed me back in Trost. You know how it is." She played it off cooly, while Infinity huffed, ears back. Clearly the dragoness was concerned.

"Aye, that must explain it. Can't be too careful. Lady Lynalla is a mistress of disguise; one can't be too careful."

"Is that right? Sounds like a crafty thing then." She grinned, only for the man to pull back with a gasp.

"I knew I saw your face before."

Her heart skipped a beat, she resisted the urge to grab her blade. It wasn't completely certain that he knew who she was.

"You're Lady Lynalla herself!"

She cursed under her breath as the guardians around her gasped in surprise, then immediately dropped to their knees.

"Apologies for not recognizing you at first mum." Said the old man, "But you were wearing all the attire, and the- "

"Wait a minute." The wolven guardian stood tall with a growl, "Aren't we supposed to bring her in for the Emperor?"

With a sudden blink, the guardians took their task like the dutiful knights they were. Blades sang as they were procured from their scabbards, thrust into the rogue's face as to threaten her.

"Apologies mum." Said the old man, "Though we're glad you're here, orders are order. Unless of course you were here to turn yourself in."

Lyndis didn't let the scores of blades to her quell her resolve, instead the experienced adventurer kept a straight face, laughed, and gently moved the closest blade away with a finger. "Alright you lads caught me. Honestly didn't think you had it in you." She padded around them, watching for any sign of movement, they were still dangerous after all. "But you got to be all hush about it, otherwise you'll ruin the surprise."

"Surprise?" He blinked, searching he others, "What sort of one?"

"Course it be one, why do you think I got this one?" She gestured to Infinity, "Tomorrow is big green's hatchday. I figure hey, sneak out, snag a dragoness for him to enjoy the day with. Don't give me that look, male dragons are just like any man, they always looking for two females to...share company with."

"Oh, my word." The wolven guardian gasped, "His hatchday is tomorrow?"

"That's what I said fur for brains, so keep your snout shut about it, otherwise it's your head when he gets cross. If it's the same to the lot of you, I'd rather have the stud of mine all pleased and relaxed when we get to Struport."

As she smirked the old man grabbed at her, eyes wide. "Course, course, I'd never want to make him cross." He was starting to sweat before her eyes, "To think it's his ruddy hatchday and I didn't get him nothing!"

"Best I told you then. Don't want to end up like the last ones to piss him off."

"What happened to them?" The man gulped, only for Lyndis to point to her throat.

"Bound and swallowed. Terrible way to go actually. Winding up in the belly of that beast. God that I told you!" She laughed, nudging the man as the color rapidly drained from his features. "Now if you lot could direct me to the smaller dragon?"

"Benevolent Scholar?" asked the wolf. "What you need with him?"

"Just where he's being held." She pat Infinity's snout, "I figure that's the best place to hide this one for the time being."

** * * * * * **

Hallways stretched out before them, lacking the debris and sense of emptiness that had been here before. Instead, they were left with pristine, carpeted hallways, reminiscent of Entis' castle. Gone were the blood stains, the bodies of the Drenedarians that came before. Dragon sized braziers lined the walls, crackling with magical fire that casting everything in a dominating red-orange glow. Heat licked and clawed at the air, taking away what bite the winter winds had, sinful, comforting, wishing to rob one of their faculties. The walls were decorated in carvings and paintings of draconic kind, issuing peace and prosperity to the mortals they held dominion over. It, just like everything else, was meant to sway one's thoughts, weaken the resolve, leave room for Tiamat to sneak inside and take his insidious hold. Lyndis would not be so easily dominated.

They had fooled those guards yes, but one success didn't always mean the next, her life had taught her that. She padded along tentatively with the black dragoness at her side, breath ever caught in her throat. At any moment, their emerald overlord could come sauntering around a corner, put a premature end to their scheme. Worse still, they had not seen any sign of the Queen of Eternal flame, she too would be lurking within these halls. It quickened their pace, made sure they were not to linger for long. Only one thing mattered, finding Lyyreth.

Several times they had to slip past more mesmerized guardians; each being fooled like the last. Though Lyndis laughed and played off her part with an air of confidence, within she was a hollowed shell. Every soul they met, bright eyed and cheery, was nothing more than a puppet for Tiamat's will. It caused her to swear under her breath after each encounter, blood burning as the idea of putting the monster to the sword grew ever more appealing. The only problem was that it would see to Cordenth's end as well.

"Can you stop telling them we're going to mate together?" Infinity finally growled after they fooled another batch of guardians. Her eyes burned upon the air when Lyndis turned.

"What shall I tell them miss sensitive? I'm all ears if you have a more attractive idea."

No answer at first as the dragoness pinned her ears and snapped away, tail lashing, "You're not even attractive." She grunted under her breath, "No scales, horns, not even a proper tail or haunches."

"Yea, that's what I thought." Lyndis rolled her eyes as they clung to the edge of an intersection, this one adorned with dragon sized statues. Each had a frozen expression of smugness, arrogance, gazing down upon the rogue with an inflated sense of importance. "Thing is sweet scales, most men go nuts for that sort of imagery. Especially if it includes two ladies such as ourselves. Just look at all the idiots that just nod along when I tell them. Trust me, it's perfect."

Infinity's snout wrinkled at the fact, "Doesn't mean I have to like it. I mean...the only one I'd even remotely allow under my tail is..."

"The one we're after." Lyndis finished, lending a reassuring hand to her side, "Lucky us that Tiamat takes his family seriously, decided to lock your lover up in a tower instead of killing him." She laughed at the idea that this time she was saving a dragon in a tower. "I'll give Tiamat this, he's awfully amusing with tropes."

"Yes, but what shape is he in?" She whined, scanning over the guardians as a half-dozen constructs joined their ranks. "I swear...If Cordenth has touched a scale on his head I'm going to- "She winced, "Oh Lyndis, I'm sorry."

She grit her teeth as the black arrow in her back burned in her mind, Cordenth's painful gasp haunting her ear. "No harm done, sides, that's not who we're here for now is it?" Sarcasm and a laugh hid the ache that dwelled within, "Don't worry, we'll both take a piece out of Tiamat, bet on that. First things first however...I don't think the whole, you being mounted thing is going to work on the metal boys."

"At least I can spare my dignity for this group, even if it's but a pawful that don't expect me to get _"_pounded till my voice carries off the walls."" Infinity growled at that one.

"Look, I sold it on them last time, should I tell them I'm bringing you to your boyfriend so he can do that to you?"

Eyes narrowed, with a growl, "Lets focus on tricking these fools before I end up forgetting we're supposed to be on the same side and bite you."

Constructs carried a sense of dread about them, their glowing, lifeless eyes scanning across the corridor. They stood without emotion, empty, dedicated to their orders, definitely wouldn't believe the silly story that Lyndis had concocted. The rogue peered out, hand on her chin, gently tapping.

"I got it."

"You do? So quick?" Infinity tilted her head.

"Plain sight."

"You got to be joking."

The rogue shook her head, "It got us this far, didn't it? I imagine it can take us a bit further."

"I just told you to not tell the story about how you're going to service me and Cordenth while he gets under my tail!"

The guardians and constructs suddenly turned, shouts soon asking who was there.

"Fuck, see what you've done?" Lyndis pressed Infinity back out of sight, "Now move while I fix this."

Thankfully, the only protest that came was a threatening hiss, reduced in sound so that the shouting humans would not hear it.

"Good, now watch and pay attention. We're going to lie our way through, just like last time. Only difference is we're going to have a friend with us."

"Are we going to go back and snag one of those brain washed men?"

"No, we're going to have an illusion of the big green man himself. No one will question him, if not for very long. Once we get to Lyyreth we can figure out a better plan."

She wrinkled her snout, "And what of the constructs?"

"Risk we're going to have to take." She shrugged, peering back to reveal the guardians with their weapons drawn. They were barking orders to the constructs, already insisting that they go find out what that sound was. They didn't have much time.

"I prefer we fight."

"You would, but I'd like to _limit_how many of my previous friends you kill alright?"

Infinity snarled, "I didn't _want_to kill them. Summon your trick."

So, she did, with a raise of a hand and words of power. From the weave she plucked an image from her memory, of Cordenth how she remembered him. His emerald form filled the hall, perfect in every regard. His charming snout, eyes gleaming with romantic intent, the way his scent filled the air and made her sigh, reminding her of days that might never come again. The green dragon before her fluffed his wings, dipping his head to her with a pleased warble. Her heart throbbed, ears watered, oh gods, how was she going to do this?

"You got it wrong." Infinity grimaced, gesturing to his underscales and horns. "They were all gold now, and that air of goofiness that he had? I imagine this Tiamat has a more _malevolent_look about him? One that screams better than you in every regard." The black dragoness froze in her criticism as Lyndis stifled a sob, what bite in her voice died, replaced with an empathic sigh, "There I go again...I forgot how hard this would be for you."

"It's alright, it's probably how it_should_ be." It was all she could do to not look to him, see the ghost that she fell for, knowing it might not exist. "But it's how I want to remember him. Charming, brave, sweet, the dragon that loved cute animals, songs, and trying to win my heart."

"That's how I want to remember him as well."

"Alright, find out what that was, I'll not have people sneaking about our Emperor's fortress!" Came a guardian's shout from down the hall.

"Roger roger." Replied one of the constructs in a robotic tone, "Attention, possible intruders, come out with your weapons stowed. Failure to do so may result in an over saturation of death."

"Best hurry up with changing it." Infinity growled, lashing her tail, "Otherwise we're going to be left with only the one option."

Trembling, she eyed the ghost of Cordenth, blowing the smirking snout he possessed a final kiss. She prayed this was not the last time she cast sight upon those scales. With a click of her fingers and focus upon the new, terrible form of his possessor, she will the illusion to change. Black scales changed to gold in the blink of an eye, so did his horns, and the kind, charming snout that he had was replaced with an air of malevolence. His golden eyes glared at them out of dominance, the desire to see them bowing at his paws. The form of Tiamat growled deep in his throat. Lyndis averted her gaze, almost collapsing.

"Are...you going to be alright?"

"Course I'm not fine." She growled, wiping away the fleeting tears as the constructs drew ever closer, "Just got a job to do, villain to stop, can't be tripping now because I've gone soft."

"I promise, if we get a moment to rest...I'll allow you to hug my snout and cry as much as you need."

"How generous of you."

"I've needed to do it once or twice." Her ears perked as the constructs barked their final command, "Think it's show time?"

At her command, the image of Tiamat emerged into the hall, towering and stunning those before him. The constructs froze, the guardians went slack jawed as their master growled deep in his throat. Lyndis padded along with Infinity at her side, playing the innocent guests.

"Our Emperor." The guardians all dropped to one knee, averting their gaze. "We did not know it was you."

"I wasn't aware that I needed to inform you of where I go." Tiamat spoke with a growl, Lyndis muttering under her breath what to say. "I am bringing my beloved Lyndis and this dragoness to Benevolent Scholar's quarters.

"Oh...you found her!" The man smiled, catching sight of the queen, "Good work my Emperor, we knew she would rightfully be returned to your paws."

"Indeed." Tiamat cocked his head to the constructs, who, despite their magical nature, had not seen through the illusion. "Would you kindly inform me of them? I seem to have gotten turned around."

"Turned around?" Infinity whispered, "They're not going to believe he got lost!"

She rolled her eyes, "I know it seems strange, but even I, an all-powerful dragon can get lost within these halls." The rogue had the dragon laugh, making all the guardians join in, albeit fraught with nervousness.

Directions were given without another thought, the guardians all too willing to be outside the gaze of their overlord. Several waved to them as they passed, all too pleased that their queen had apparently seen the light and joined them in their cause. Lyndis could only wave back, a pit ever formed in her gut. Could they be saved if Tiamat was beaten, or would their mental state be forever altered? All the more reason they couldn't fail, unless she wanted all of her kingdom to wind up like that, enslaved to a dragon that didn't care for them, and they'd _love_him.

"I can't believe that worked." Infinity grumbled as they began to ascent a great staircase towards Lyyreth's quarters. "I suppose you're more skilled than I thought."

"You doubted me?" Lyndis chuckled, "I had them pegged from the start. No one likes the boss being angry at them, nor cares enough about what they're doing to get their head bit off, mortal _or_dragon."

Lyyreth's great door was adorned with magical runes that trembled in the air, their power shining in great swaths of red, purple, and white light. Like bees they loomed overhead, waiting to sting any that might be unwary. Lyndis pondered for a moment if any traps were at foot, for surely their great dragon enemy would think of such things, lock his grandson within quarters so that he might not escape. Infinity was not one to wait or concern herself with Lyndis' sudden shout.

The black dragoness barreled into the doors with both paws, grunting and gritting her teeth as she pressed firmly against it's surface. Tail lashed as she grunted, the entrance giving way to the dragoness' demands. It cracked with a dull thump, black scales grinding up against stone as Infinity forced her way inside the moment there was barely enough space for her to fit. She announced their arrival with a great warble that caused Lyndis' heart to leap.

The green male was fine and well, spread out on a soft cushion, scrolls and books spread out around him. His snout was nearly pressed to the parchment, eyes traveling across the surface, tail twitching with interest. At his side was a human and kobold, both of which Lyndis knew. As Infinity surged forward without concern for her safety, the rogue's heart swooned.

"Gerald, Vishta!" She shouted in glee, following on Infinity's hinds.

"Lyndis, Infinity!" Lyyreth perked up, a moment of confusion passing across his eyes before delight invaded them. He only got a single warble to pass his lips before the black female had him dragged to the floor, nuzzling across his snout.

"You're alive, you're alive! I thought you might be dead...hurt beyond reason!" Infinity wailed, tears welling in her eyes, a paw found his cheek, caressing as she found his stumpy horns, "Your horns."

"My Queen!" Gerald kneeled before her, dressed in only a simple emerald loin cloth. "It is ever great to see you. Have you too been gifted to Lyyreth as his personal servant? Surprising, considering that our great Emperor has taken an interest to you."

His words stung at her more than she would have imagined. The rogue's heart stretched as Vishta added the same sentiment. These were not the friends she knew, but instead slaves to Tiamat's will. Though she'd passed the numerous guardians to get here and briefly suspected it, being confronted with it was no less painful.

"Good to see you two as well." She choked out the answer as she bid them to stand, "And no, I have not been _gifted_to anyone."

"Shame!" Vishta beamed, gesturing to the nuzzling dragons, "Lyyreth is the best dragon evers!"

"Oh Vishta, you only think that because they made you." When the kobold padded over for a hug, she of course gave it, "But it is good to see that both you still live, and haven't been turned into a snack."

"Oh Lynalla, master Emperor hasn't eaten anyone." Chuckled Gerald as he stood, "He's been quiet benevolent."

"I'm sure he is. Easier to win the hearts of people with honey than poison." She growled, "Just you wait, when he starts whatever blighted plan he has, you'll see the paint peel back, reveal the devil within, mark my bloody words."

"Oh Lynalla, you were always the suspicious one." He laughed, "Never change."

She rolled her eyes, "I know it's not your fault Gerald, but I'm in no mood to hear you suck the green bastard's bollocks."

"Lynalla, if my master demanded it I would, but in cast you don't know, dragons don't have bollocks in which to suck. They have very nice, ridged, and knotted cocks. Mas- I mean, handsome Lyyreth has a most beautiful one, isn't that right Lyyreth?"

There was a pause in the nuzzling, as Lyyreth pulled his head free, frills pinning to his snout. "Gerald, you don't have to tell everyone about that."

"Apologies, I wished to only praise you." He bowed his head as the green dragon's frills burned a dark green.

"You...had sex with him?" Infinity growled, unwinding herself from her scaled mate. "We spend all the days worrying about your safety and you're up here fucking with him? I thought you were going to be tortured!"

Lyyreth winced as she snapped her jaws to him, "It wasn't just him, but Vishta as well."

"Both of them! Lyyreth, they've been mind controlled by Tiamat, how could you?"

"Lyndis, back me up here, you understand."

She shook her head, glaring at the now retreating green as Infinity bared down on him. "No, I'm in agreement with her on this one. They were my friends, how could you."

"I had limited options, and at the time it seemed to be the kindest thing to do."

Lyndis chortled in sarcasm, "Dicking down my mate is kind now?"

His frills pinned as he growled, bumping into one of many bookshelves, "We're all victims here, them included. They were to be punished if I didn't use them to their _full_duties. Does that make you feel better?"

Infinity didn't reply, merely whirling around and nearly smacking the male with her tail. She stomped her way to his cushion, flopping down with an exasperated growl.

"Wonderful. Infinity...I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Oh, were they mates?" Vishta tugged at Lyndis' hand, pulling the rogue's attention as the green male wisely gave his dragoness her space. "That is so sweet!" She was nearly bouncing on her paws.

But for how much longer? Lyndis hadn't heard of dragons particularly caring about sexual encounters, sex seemed to be just that for them. Just another way of enjoying pleasure, not to be just for their mates. However, Infinity wasn't like any of them, the looks she was giving Lyyreth right now could only be described as poison.

"She is mad. But I think give her some time and she'll get over it." She glanced around to Lyyreth's quarters, "Man Lyyreth, Tiamat really spoiled you. A bathtub, second floor and your own personal library? If I was going to be kidnapped and held hostage, this is how you do it."

"It's not as attractive as one might think. I'm not free to leave this place." Lyyreth slipped around Infinity, extending a paw to her, "May I?"

"This is for a hug and nothing lewd right?"

"Of course." His frills pinned as his nostrils wiggled, the dragon forced soon after to hide his snout as he sneezed, "There we are, sneezing again, wonderful."

Answering for him, Lyndis threw herself into his paw. The green held her close, pressing the queen into his black scaled chest. "It's good to see you Lyyreth. I also thought..."

"It's ok, I thought you were too." He trembled, locking her in with a lowered neck, "It's good to see that I was wrong...although your arrival brings...other troubles."

"Troubles...how?" She scoffed, unwilling to be removed from his gentle press. It was so much like Cordenth's. "This is a rescue you idiot; how can this be trouble?"

"Because...Tiamat knew you were coming...He told me himself."

There was silence, as his words rested upon the air. Deep they wove into Lyndis' flesh, trying to strip away what courage she had. No, this had to be wrong, there was a blind spot was there not? "He can't have known...He can't...Lyyreth, we fought guards before getting here, talked our way past them...There is no way that he knows we're coming."

"And yet he told me the other night." Lyyreth pulled back, "You mentioned fighting guards?"

"That has to be because we were seen...he couldn't have known." She turned to Infinity, seeing the same fear within her eyes as hers. The guards tonight were because the Emperor knew they were coming, this was all an elaborate trap to secure them within his fortress.

"I knew it." Infinity hissed, thumping her tail, "I knew it."

"You know nothing yet." Snapped Lyndis with a growl, rounding on the green dragon, "And you, there is no way your prick of a grandfather knew we were coming, your mother said he had a blind spot."

"She has been wrong before." Infinity growled.

"Lyndis, I know what my mother said." Whined Lyyreth, "But the way he described everything, predicted your arrival...he must have been fooling her in that as well. How else can you account for it, you're here just as he said you would be!"

"Now, the fantastic romance can begin!" Vishta cheered, clapping her claws, her eyes shimmering in the light, "Oh lady Lyndis, you are going to make the prettiest dragoness. I can't wait to care for your eggs!"

"And I will protect them as my own children." Gerald nodded, "Fear not my lady."

"Oh, to hell with both of you, I'm not having any bleeding eggs!" Lyndis snarled, "And especially not from _that_arsehole, so shove it. If you are not going to help, keep your lips shut."

"If you wish it my lady, it will be so."

She supposed that would have to do for now. "And you." Her ire returned for Lyyreth, pressing forward and pushing the green dragon back. It would have been more amusing to imagine herself as imposing as a dragoness if not for the dire situation he'd entailed. If the Emperor knew about all this, their plan was doomed. "Did he tell you _why_we would come back?"

"To kill him of course. What else could it be."

"Lucky guess." She growled, slinking away as the black arrow whispered to her ear, "Did he mention _how_we survived."

"A potion?" Lyyreth planted himself on his haunches, tail curling around his hinds, "The last time I saw you..." He eyed her side with a whimper, "I thought..."

"Yea, well it stings occasionally." She gently tapped the armor covered spot, feeling the bandages below, "Death tried to get me, but I looked it square in the eye and told it to get shafted, I still got shite to do."

Lyyreth gave a sad laugh, "You would."

"Bastard sent me back, said, Lyndis, fock, I'm not dealing with you." She mirrored his laugh, settling down, her back pressed against his chest. She grew silent for a time, content to lean against him, caress his paw when he rose it to hold her close. "How much is left of him do you wager?"

"Of Cordenth?"

She nodded, cold creeping into her flesh, "Is there even a tiny bit?"

"Having doubts?"

"I have to kill him, what you expect? So, tell me...I need to know."

Lyyreth whined, paw trembling against her, "I look upon him and see a stranger. There is a ghost wearing him like a skinsuit, using his voice as its own. Mother's thorn crown is there, a small glimmer of black remains but I don't think it has helped. Lyndis, if my brother is in there, he can't break free. Imagine being in his paws, unable to stop yourself as you do horrible acts of cruelty. He must be suffering."

Tears welled in her eyes as the weight of it rested on her. She squeezed the green paw on her belly, "Then I have to put him out of that misery; don't I?"

"I'm so sorry."

When he dipped his snout she shifted, pressing his forehead to hers. "I can do it for him...but it's going to kill me."

"Did you not hear what I said?" Lyyreth pulled away, "He planned for your arrival, your plan has already failed."

"I refuse to think that." She wiped her eyes, "And how can you? Tiamat took my dragon, your brother. Don't you think they deserve you to fight with your every breath?"

He tossed his head, "Do you think I didn't think of that? Lyndis, I thought we could beat him, but we can't. Look around you, see what he's done to your people? He's planned every bit of our lives, manipulated events and places so that we all fit where we are now. He had us beat before even you or I were even hatched." Whimpering, he followed the queen as she pulled away, nuzzling at her good side, "The best we can do is take what we can, make good on what is offered. There is no other way."

She shoved away his snout, "You're making me sick."

"It's the truth!"

"You do realize in this scenario; she winds up as his breeding slave right?" Infinity perked up with a growl, "A dragoness sure, but kept on a collar and leash. Lyyreth, I can't believe the drivel coming out of your maw."

The male protested, head raised, flare of his wings and a growl, "How were you going to kill him anyway, I don't think your puny sword is going to do much."

"A black arrow." Lyndis tossed off her pack, procuring the item with fire in her eyes. It was cold to the touch, innocent in appearance but burning in Lyndis' mind. "A weapon made to slay dragons. How about that for a puny weapon."

"Where did you get that?" His eyes widened, interest lingering despite the unease in his shifting paws.

"You want to add it to your collection don't you." Infinity scowled.

He snorted, "Just cause it can kill our kind, doesn't make it exceptionally valuable. Why there are only a pawful of those left around the world, do you know every dragon would kill to have one of those?"

"Not worried about people stealing it and using it against you?"

"That's why you keep it safe, under watch and spells."

"Lyyreth, focus." She tapped his snout, earning a growl and flare of the frills, "I have the means to kill Tiamat, I have two dragons at my side. I think we have a good chance of putting this bastard in the ground."

"Lyndis...you heard me." Lyyreth sighed, "Don't make me repeat it, I hate saying it."

"Then shut your maw and listen to her." Infinity glared, "If Tiamat knew we were here and was plotting for our arrival, how are we here right now? If he wanted us in this room, why is _he_not here gloating about his victory?" She grinned, showing all her pointed teeth, "Cause he's as blind as we are, he's just not going to tell you."

He appeared to be unconvinced, shifting from paw to paw as they stared him down. "Or he's wanting me to convince you to turn away from your foolish plan. That he means for me to save your lives, so you don't throw them away in a crazy plan to kill him. Lyndis, if you try to kill him, he will put you down. Look what he did to you last time!"

Her side ached, the pained grunt as she hit the bulkhead passing between her ears. The rogue grimaced, holding it, trying her best to keep a strong face, "And I'm not dead yet am I? I owe it to Cordenth and everyone to try, no way in the nine hells I'm just going to sit here on my hands and wait to be swept up to be that bastard's concubine."

"That sounds lovely." Muttered Vishta under her breath.

"And what did we say about keeping a closed snout? Lyyreth, do what you want, but I'm not going to sit here and be broken like you are. That's what he wants in the end, he wants everyone thinking they can't do anything, so they won't."

"Lyndis- "Lyyreth began.

"I don't give a flying fock what misguided plea you're going to make but stow it. Infinity, come on, lets leave him to stew in his misery, we'll figure something out." Lyndis turned, gesturing for the door.

"Now, you're being an idiot!" Infinity rose from her resting spot with a snarl, snapping to both of them, "Same as you, where is the dragon I loved? Where is the emerald beast that leaped to save me from those wyverns? Where is the dragon that helped me face down the demon possessing him?"

"Wait what happened to him?" Her brow rose.

Lyyreth fidgeted as Infinity pressed closer, jabbing each point home with a claw.

"And you, Lyndis, out there you know we have no plan, that you're grasping at straws. What are you going to do, just walk up to him and fire an arrow?"

"That was sort of where I was going with this yea." She crossed her arms as the dragoness hissed.

"So Lyyreth, you're going to sit down and help us figure out a way to stop this monster."

Even this did nothing to break through what hold the emperor had of him. Lyyreth made a final attempt for them to side with him, that Tiamat knew of the entire plan; this however was interrupted by Vishta with a raise of her hand and a chuckle.

"Actually Lyyreth, I was the one who told Master about Lyndis' coming. He was ever so surprised that she lived!"

"See?" Infinity growled, "Now are you going to be the dragon that I love or are you going to turn into a coward?"

He blinked, "Wait a moment you love me?"

"Not right now I don't. Especially if you can sit here, giving up while Tiamat puppets your brother around. I was where you are once, and sitting around, doing nothing didn't help me. You have to struggle, resist with every breath." She gestured to her multitude of scars, "Never let them beat you."

"You're awfully fired up."

"Axton is alive, and I'm not going to let you stop me from seeing him."

"He's alive?" Gasped Lyyreth as Infinity laid a paw upon his chest, "Infinity...I'm so....by the gods."

Her claws dug into his chest as the dragoness snarled, "So what is it going to be? Stand aside or help us?" Spiked tail flicked wickedly back and forth, "Be the dragon I know you to be?"

The green chuckled weakly, eyes traveling from one resolute female to the next. His frills fluttered, "I guess there is no choice is there? It would appear as though I'm being out voted."

With a huff, Infinity released him, nuzzling along his neck before slinking away. "I hate you sometimes."

"But don't you see what this means?" Lyndis crossed her arms with a proud smile.

Lyyreth glared, "That Vishta works more for Tiamat than me?"

"No, that he can't see everything! Just like we were telling you, he's putting on an act, a charade, all to maintain a semblance of control over you! I bet right now he's sweating in his scales, desperate to hold onto what his plan once was as it crumbles all around him. It means whatever plan we make will be right under his snout and he'll be no the wiser."

"What plan?" Vishta asked.

"The one that's going to wallop his ass so good that he's going to wish he'd stayed in that fockin crystal."

"You want to stop him?" Vishta wrinkled her snout, "Wait one hekkin moment, I thought this all-big joke. I love master, I won't let you hurt him!"

Between them all the kobold's snout did drift, her muscles tensing as it just occurred to them what she was going to. With a yelp she bolted to the door, frantic and screaming at the top of her lungs. They chased after her, but her escape was prevented by a demanding roar from Lyyreth.

"Where are you going my little slave?" Lyyreth thundered, sauntering to the kobold's side as she came a screeching halt.

"I was...going to see master...master Lyyreth." She whimpered, shifting her snout to avoid his gaze. "Lady Lyndis wanted to hurt him."

"And for that you wished to disobey me?" He snapped his teeth, making her leap back with a shriek, "Your master gave you to me to do with as I pleased. Remember Vishta, he is not your master anymore, I am. Do I need to punish you?"

"No, of course not master, I will be good." She dropped to her knees, bowing before Lyyreth's paws, "I will be good, honest, please no punish, I be good."

"Lucky for you, I'm in a more forgiving mood. That the arrival of my friends restrains my forceful paw."

"How about you Gerald?" Lyndis asked, the human rather silent, standing at attention as Lyyreth continued to reprimand the prostrate Kobold.

The man shrugged, "I serve Lyyreth in all things. What he wants I want, if he wants to stand against my Emperor, so be it. That is my duty."

"Suppose the Emperor couldn't take away your sense of loyalty."

"No mum."

It may have eaten away at her insides, to see such a proud, intelligent Kobold that Vishta was be reduced to a blathering slave, but she could stomach it for now. If she were to go scampering to her new master it would all be over, whatever hope they had started to build would die. If that meant listening to her grating praise and self-degradation, she could live with it.

"Know what you could do to make it up to your master?" Lyndis knelt at her side, hand on the whimpering kobold's shoulder.

"What?" She cried, unwilling to raise her head.

"Those schematics that you have of the Uniter, do you still have them by chance?"

"Yes, in my pack. Master didn't want them."

"Think you could be a dear and grab them for us? I'm sure something like that will make master Lyyreth _quite_happy." She grinned at Lyyreth, only to get a huff and growl in return.

"You think so?"

"It's certainly a place to start...for both of us."

Like a fire had been lit beneath the kobold's bottom, Vishta scampered off to collect her things. She wove her way through the dragon's limbs, desperation painted clear across her snout. Lyndis pat the still grumbling green.

"That looked painful for you."

"I don't like being her master."

"Just be glad she listened. Having to throw a knife in her back would have been more distasteful."

That's when a brassy voice resounded from beyond the entrance, one that all of them had come to know. It turned their heads, widened their eyes, filled the hall with a cloud of dread. It was the voice of Cordenth, confident and proud. It was Tiamat, and he had found them.*

* * * * * * * * *

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