Smokey, The Bear

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I am accepting commissions and story ideas, as a Pay what you want deal. More details can be found here

This one is for Kondog

Nestled deep within the lush forests, the academy stood as a beacon of knowledge, attracting both human and anthro creatures alike. It was here that Connie, a gentle and diligent anthropomorphic bear, found herself working in the university's vast store room. The store room was a cavernous space, filled with shelves that stretched towards the heavens. It housed a diverse array of artifacts, relics, and mystical objects collected from various corners of the world. Dust danced in the air, casting an ethereal glow over the ancient treasures that awaited Connie's cataloging.

Connie, with her sleek brown fur and intelligent dark eyes, took her task to heart. She believed that understanding the significance of these artifacts was crucial in unlocking the secrets of the universe. As she carefully handled each item, her claws gliding gently over their surfaces, she could feel the echoes of the past whispering to her, urging her to decipher their stories.

Despite the bustling nature of the academy, the store room was often a place of solitude for Connie. As the sole caretaker of the artifacts, she relished in the quiet moments spent among the mysteries of the past. The absence of rules or laws meant she could explore the depths of her curiosity without limitations. No one was there to dictate what she could or couldn't touch, no taboos held her back.

Alone in the store room, Connie could immerse herself in the knowledge that surrounded her. She would spend hours meticulously organizing the shelves, creating a system that only she understood. The artifacts became her companions, whispering tales of forgotten civilizations and lost magic.

Connie reached into the large crate to retrieve the chest that was the last item to be catalogued. With the closing of one arcane university after low attendance, all the magical artifacts had been sold and bought by her school. Her unfortunate job was to make sure everything arrived safely and nothing was missing. She looked down the manifest, her bear claw tapped at each item as she went down the list. Her ears twitching at in her concentration,

"And what are you then?" She said to herself in the dark large storage room. The flickering of lanterns casting an amber glow over her dark robes.

She carried the chest over to her work desk and sat it down, the chests ornate inscriptions caught her eye and she translated them, muttering under her breath as she did so. "Open.... by reading.... this message..." She muttered to herself, suddenly the chest gave a click and the lid opened a crack.

Her eyes went wide and she quickly stepped back, thick black smoke rushing out of the chest, engulfing her desk and the room around her. The few lanterns she had lit were quickly smothered by the smoke, leaving her alone and disoriented.

Confusion and alarm filled Connie's heart as the smoke swirled around her, obscuring her vision. It whispered secrets in a haunting voice, seductive and filled with desire. The voice seemed to come from all directions, surrounding her with its alluring tone. The smoke coalesced into sinuous tendrils, caressing her fur and tickling her senses.

"Well well well" called from the darkness, its voice low, rich and authoritative.

"Someone has gone and let me out haven't they." It added, Connie couldn't determine the source of the voice as she turned around to try and face her assailant.

She felt a presence press against her mind and quickly concentrated on not letting it into her consciousness. "Be gone! Go back to where you came from!" She yelled. Her training became second nature as she focused herself on not being dominated by the creature.

"Connie," the voice purred, its tone honeyed and laced with a seductive charm, "I see the hunger in your eyes, the yearning for more. Embrace your desires, unleash the passion within."

Though intrigued, Connie's instincts warred with her curiosity. She knew the dangers of succumbing to unchecked desires, rarely a creature that used its mind against yours was a good thing. The voice seemed to sense her hesitation and continued to weave its enchanting words. "Imagine a world where every forbidden fruit is yours to taste, where taboos are but fleeting illusions. Embrace the freedom that lies beyond the boundaries of society, Connie. Surrender to the ecstasy of your deepest desires."

Connie's heart raced as the voice's allure tempted her, her mind intoxicated by the possibilities it offered. She pondered the consequences of succumbing to its call, her thoughts swirling in a whirlwind of temptation and uncertainty. But deep within her, a flicker of self-control remained. "No," she declared, her voice filled with determination, "I am the master of my desires, not you. I seek knowledge, wisdom, and the betterment of myself and the world."

"Oh but Connie, My little bear. I have lived eons, seen the rise and fall of nations. I can teach you knowledge, wisdom and tales that will expand your mind. Think of those that you could help with my knowledge." The voice said, its tone alluring and powerful. A tempting thought ran through her mind, she was clearly dealing with a higher power than herself. As soon as she gave in slightly to the temptation the smoke became thicker, tendrils of smoke shot out from the mist, snaking around her wrists like ethereal puppet strings. She tried to pull away, but the smoky bonds tightened their grip, holding her hands in place, rendering her momentarily helpless.

"Release me demon!" Connie commanded, her voice wavering slightly.

"Tsk-tsk-tsk, demon? Such a harsh word. Please, I am as real as you make me. You just have to let me into that little mind of yours.... Don't think of me as the big bad wolf." A pair of red eyes cutting through the smoke as his long canine snout emerged, a sinister grin on his face. As she took in the details of his face his body started to materialize. Connie gasped as she realized that the more she spent thinking of him the more real he was becoming. From the smoke his body emerged, shifting and shimmering with every movement, his form transparent and wispy.

"Think of me as your guide, your mentor, And your master." his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity, as if they held the wisdom of countless ages within them. It was clear that this mysterious figure held power beyond Connie's comprehension.

The smoky form approached Connie, their voice a low, gravelly growl that resonated through the room. "Connie," they spoke, their words infused with both authority and curiosity, "You possess strength and resolve, but there is more to be discovered within you. The desires you deny, the passions you suppress--they are an integral part of your being. Embrace them, and your true potential will be unlocked."

Connie's heart raced as she gazed into the enigmatic eyes of the smoky wolf. Conflicting emotions warred within her, torn between the allure of the forbidden and her commitment to self-control. The air carried an energy that was almost palpable, His ethereal form shifted and swirled, revealing glimpses of ancient runes and symbols inscribed upon his smoky surface. With an almost predatory grace, he circled Connie, his piercing gaze studying her every move.

The tendrils of smoke, that held her hands like puppet strings, now snaked around Connie's curvy body, gently but firmly immobilizing her. She stood rooted in place, unable to escape the smoky figure's scrutiny. The tendrils seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy against her brown, as if they were an extension of the smoky wolf's power itself.

As the smoky wolf regarded Connie, a subtle change came over him. The intensity in his eyes softened, and he approached her with a surprising gentleness. Extending a smoky tendril, he gently stroked her cheek, his touch warm and comforting. As she felt its tender touch it started to gain more presence in this world, she clenched her snout and tried to focus on not giving in.

But it was not just his touch that captivated Connie. As the wolf drew closer, an intoxicating scent enveloped her senses. It was a blend of ancient forests and smoldering embers, carrying with it a hint of wild allure that seemed to awaken something primal within her. The scent wafted around her, entwining with the air and seeping into her very being, beckoning her to embrace the depths of her desires.

Connie's robed body, adorned with symbols of the magical university, seemed to pulsate with an energy of its own. The fabric, woven with threads of shimmering gold and midnight blue, clung to her well rounded form, highlighting her figure with an air of mystery and elegance.

As the smoky wolf's touch lingered, his voice resonated through the room, carrying an almost hypnotic quality. "Connie," he murmured, his voice low and seductive, "do you not feel the surge of energy coursing through you? The desires that stir within, waiting to be unleashed? Embrace the wildness that lies dormant within your soul." Connie's heart quickened, a mixture of trepidation and curiosity pulsing through her veins. She was drawn to the wolf's words, to the primal magnetism that emanated from him. Yet, the remnants of her self-control and the knowledge of the dangers that lurked in unchecked passions still held sway.

He positioned himself behind Connie, his presence an almost tangible force. The intoxicating scent that emanated from him enveloped her, saturating her senses with a heady mixture of musk, earth, and something indefinably alluring. It intoxicated her, beckoning her to surrender to the depths of desire that lay just beyond her grasp.

As the smoky wolf drew near, his breath, a whisper against her ear, carried with it a seductive warmth. His voice, now a low growl, reverberated through her being. "Connie," he murmured, his words dripping with a potent magnetism, "why resist what your heart truly desires? why fight the thrill of surrendering to the passions that surge within you."

He wrapped a soft smokey arm around her waist, his gentle touch igniting something inside her. Immediately she could feel her body become warmer and she gently opened her mouth slightly to pant. Her body being forced into an early heat at just the touch of his form. "That's it, Feel what I can offer." He said.

"No..." she said weakly. Connie's mind swirled with a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. The tendrils held her tightly, their grip an unyielding reminder of her vulnerability. The smoky wolf's proximity, his scent, and the allure of his words made her question the boundaries she had set for herself. The line between self-control and unbridled desire blurred, and she felt herself teetering on the precipice of surrender.

As if sensing her internal struggle, the smoky wolf moved closer, his presence now almost suffocating. His smoky form pressed against her back, his touch ethereal yet undeniably palpable. She could feel the heat radiating from him, his essence seeping into her pores, mingling with her own desires. In that moment, the lines between resistance and surrender blurred further still. As a result she could feel her folds moisten at his closeness, her body betraying her weakening mind.

"Just let me in, Make me real and let me show you everything you wish to see" He whispered before running his warm wet tongue over her ear. His form becoming more and more real as she started to let go.

Her mind whirled with conflicting thoughts. The tendrils held her captive, and the wolf's proximity ignited a primal longing within her. She was torn between her commitment to self-control and the intoxicating pull of the wolf's presence, his scent weaving a spell around her. The allure of surrender threatened to overwhelm her resolve, tempting her to embrace the depths of her desires.

"Imagine the ecstasy that awaits you, the uncharted pleasures that can be yours if you surrender to the depths of your desires. Embrace the wildness within, and the world will become yours to conquer."

Connie's resolve wavered as the smoky wolf's words wrapped around her like a silken shroud. The intoxicating scent that enveloped her seemed to seep into her very soul, stoking the embers of temptation. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath catching in her throat, as the allure of surrender whispered its seductive promises. Her mind became a battleground, torn between the yearning for his touch and the fear of losing herself in the chaos of uncontrolled passion. The boundaries she had set for herself threatened to crumble under the weight of the wolf's enticements, as the pull of desire grew stronger with each passing moment.

He pressed himself against her, the warmth of his presence seeping through the fabric of her robes, igniting a whirlwind of sensations within her. As he came closer, the boundaries between them blurred, their energies intertwining in an intricate dance of desire and self-discovery. With each breath, the intoxicating scent that emanated from the smoky wolf enveloped Connie, stirring her senses and coaxing her to surrender further. His touch, though insubstantial, held a newfound solidity, as if he mirrored her willingness to explore the depths of her desires.

The smoky wolf's voice resonated with a newfound resonance, a melodic timbre that resonated deep within her. "Connie," he spoke, his words a velvety purr against her skin, "I can smell your built up passion." He said, his nose twitching at the scent of her damp vulva, hidden away under her heavy robes. "When was the last time you let someone take care of you. hmm? Why not let me take care of you now?"

Connie's breath hitched as conflicting emotions surged within her. A surge of anticipation mingled with a lingering sense of caution. She contemplated the wolf's offer, sensing the enigmatic possibilities that lay ahead should she succumb to the allure of this uncharted path. Finally, as if surrendering to an invisible force, Connie closed her eyes and let go. She allowed herself to be swept away by the currents of desire, her heart pounding in rhythm with the smoky figure's proximity. The walls she had carefully erected around her desires crumbled, leaving her exposed, vulnerable, and exhilarated.

In that moment, the smoky wolf's form grew even more solid, his touch transformed, no longer ethereal but completely solid. His hands glided over her soft fur, tracing paths of fiery desire. Each caress elicited a shiver of pleasure, igniting a fire within her that blazed brighter with every passing moment. His arms, strong and sinuous, wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to his solid frame. She could feel the strength that lay beneath the now very real shaggy fur, a power that resonated with her own. The heat radiated from his body seeped through her robes, mingling with the feverish pulse that coursed through her veins.

Every touch, every movement, awakened a symphony of sensations within her. His fingertips traced delicate patterns along her thick brown fur, leaving trails of electric anticipation in their wake. She shivered as his breath caresses the nape of her neck, a whispered promise that sends a delicious shudder down her spine.

Connie leant into the embrace, her back pressed against the solid chest of the wolf. She could feel the steady beat of his heart, a rhythm that synchronized with her own. With a mesmerizing swirl of smoke, Connie's robes dissipated, replaced by wisps of ethereal mist that cling to her form before disappearing all together. Her nakedness, revealed in all its vulnerability, was embraced by the wolf's strong arms. His body pressed against hers, his hands tracing her belly and towards her chest, cupping her breasts with a tenderness of a lover.

Her voice, thick with longing and need, trembled as she utters the words, her desire laid bare for him to hear. "Please," she whispered, her voice a whispered plea filled with both urgency and surrender. "Take me" her mind breaking with the power of his allure. She could feel his wide smile next to her head as she closed her eyes in defeat, her mind opening and becoming flooded with the presence of the wolf.

His strokes become more focused, his touch zeroing in on Connie's most sensitive areas. As his fingers glide along her curved bust, exploring her contours with skilled precision, a newfound intensity rises between them. With a gentle caress he ran his fingers over her nipples, smiling at her gasp as he felt them erect with desire.

His canine tip, pressed firmly against her bare rump, teasing her with a primal promise. The distinct aroma of his musky scent filled the air, mingling with her own heightened arousal. The scent alone sent an electric jolt of anticipation through her, fueling the fire that rages within.

Connie's senses are overwhelmed by the tantalizing masculine scent of the wolf, a heady mix of wild desire and untamed passion. It wrapped around her, enveloping her in a cloud of carnal longing. The spade shape of his tip, poised at her entrance, exuded a primal dominance, drawing forth a hunger within her that matched his own.

She could feel the heat radiating from him, the pulsating urgency that coursed through his veins, mirrored by her own mounting desire. With a firm pull, the tendrils of smoke around her waist and arms pulled her forwards, without hesitation she spread her legs for him, his warm fur against hers causing her to gasp as he slowly lined up behind her. His tip leaking a small amount of pre between her cheeks as he teased her with the pleasure that was to come.

The wolf wasted no time and pushed his canine shaft deep inside her, filling her with a mix of pleasure and primal possession, his voice resonated with a deep, reverberating timbre. "Ah, Connie," he growled, his voice a symphony of desire. "That's it, Let go. Take your place as my play thing"

With each thrust, his words punctuated the rhythm of their union, "You're exquisite," he murmured, his voice laced with admiration. "Your surrender, your vulnerability, Such a needy whore for your master."

His words, a mixture of praise and dominance, fueled her desire further, pushing her deeper into a state of blissful surrender. With each movement, she could feel herself slipping. Her heat induced body flooding her mind with endorphins that told her this was exactly where she needed to be. Her body seemed to sense that the seed in his heavy balls was only inches away from they needed to be.

"You are a creature of passion, Connie," he continued, his voice a whisper against her ear. "Just like me"

With each movement, the large wolf explored the depths of Connie's pleasure, his solid form fitting perfectly within her, stretching her to the limits of her desires. The sounds that escaped them are a testament to the intensity of their connection. The wet, rhythmic sounds of their union merge with their shared gasps and moans, echoing off the walls of the store room. The wolf's growls of pleasure blend with Connie's uninhibited cries, the sound of her voluptuous rump being slapped by his toned thighs forming an erotic chorus that resounds with the rawness of their desires.

As their bodies moved in unison, the tightness enveloped them, amplifying every sensation that coursed through their entwined forms. The friction between them become an intoxicating melody. The her tight fertile body was begging for his seed, the velvet caress and the pulsating grip, heightened his pleasure, and pushed them closer to the edge of their shared release.

As the large canine continued his assertive thrusts, his demeanor changed to become more commanding, and his voice took on a gruff, authoritative tone that reverberated through the store room.

"Feel me, Connie," he growled, his words laced with a primal authority. "You're mine to claim, to ravish. You will hold my pups in your body by the time I am done with you."

His movements became more forceful, a display of his dominance and mastery over her body and mind. The rhythm of his thrusts resonated with a primal urgency, demanding her submission to the depths of pleasure that await them. With each powerful motion of his hips, he made his claim upon her.

"You're body is mine, Connie," he asserts, his voice dripping with possessiveness. As Connie yielded to the wolf's commanding presence, she began to meet his forceful thrusts with equal fervor, matching his movements with a growing sense of abandon. The intensity between them escalates, and the smoky wolf's gruff voice reverberated through the air, urging her on.

"That's it" he grunted, his voice resonating with authority. "Meet me halfway. Embrace me. Show me how much you want me."

His hands, firm and possessive, griped her waist tightly, anchoring her to him as they move in unison. The pressure of his touch fueled her own assertiveness, encouraging her to embrace her own primal instincts and push the boundaries of pleasure. Connie's surrender was met with the wolf's unyielding force of his powerful thrusts, their desires merging into a tempestuous union that knew no limits.

With every thrust, his hands on her waist guided and controlled her movements, dictating the rhythm of their carnal symphony. The firmness of his grip fuels her desire, her body knowing that she is being bred by a worthy mate. His gruff voice continued to punctuate their fervent union, urging Connie to unleash the depths of her desire. His words, laced with dominance and urgency, ignited a fire within her, pushing her to new heights of pleasure.

"Give in my little bear," he growls, his voice filled with raw passion. "You're mine to command. Let the intensity of our desires consume us both."

As their bodies moved in sync, the smoky wolf's hands remained firmly planted on Connie's waist, a constant reminder of his control and her submission. As their passionate encounter escalated, the his length drove into her with a forceful determination. The powerful thrusts, propelled by the raw strength that coursed through him, penetrate her tender body, igniting a symphony of sensations within her. Each time he drove forward, his length filled her, stretching her to accommodate his pleasure, hers a simple afterthought.

Connie's body responded to the insistent drive of the dominating wolf, meeting each powerful movement with a surge of her own desire. Her walls clench around him, embracing his length as she surrendered to the primal pull that would bind her soul to his. With every deep thrust, he drove deeper into her, seeking to consume her completely, to leave an indelible mark upon her very core.

As he took her fiercely, his words fueled their carnal desires, stoking the fire that burned between them. He smiled in delight in witnessing her transformation, as she embraced her role as his plaything in this realm he had conquered again and again. His enjoyment intensified with each movement, his grip on her waist tightening as he delved deeper into her begging tunnel.

"Submit to me, Connie," he insisted, his voice husky with satisfaction. "Let go completely and embrace the exhilarating freedom of being mine.." His words hung on the air, mingling with her moans and the symphony of their physical union. With every thrust, he solidifies his claim, relishing in the power he held over her as they both lose themselves in the boundless depths of their unspoken desires.

Connie's mind became enveloped in a hazy fog, her thoughts consumed by the alluring power of his consciences. With each thrust, a sense of liberation washed over her, releasing her from the constraints of the world she once knew. Her consciousness teetered on the edge of complete surrender, willingly accepting her new role as a warm hole for his potent seed. The wolf's dominance seeped into her being, dissolving any lingering inhibitions or hesitations. In this haze, she found solace, embracing the freedom that came with relinquishing control to this strong creature.

As he claimed her fiercely, Connie's mind becomes a canvas for the wolf's desires. Her thoughts intertwined with his, blending into a shared realm of unspoken fantasies and untamed passions. Her acceptance of this new life propelled her further into the depths of ecstasy, casting aside any remnants of her former self. The hazy mist that fills her mind blurs the lines between reality and desire. Her eyes unfocused the only thoughts the sensation of his hard shaft driving in and out of her velvety wet folds.

His form solidifies and Connie fully embraced her newfound role, there was not a thought in her mind that she could be anything else. Causing a smile to tug at his lips, a sinister satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. Sensing her body in full heat he drove harder against her, burying his long snout against her neck, the sensation of his hard teeth against her tender neck causing her to shiver, trusting him completely.

As their passionate encounter reached its zenith, the smoky wolf's knot began to grow, swelling with each hard thrust. The air thickened with anticipation as he momentarily stills his movements, his eyes locked onto Connie with an almost predatory gaze. With his snout close, his hot breath tickling her ear as he spoke in a low, husky voice, his words dripping with a mixture of desire and lust.

"Almost there my little whore," he murmured, his voice laced with a hint of warning and anticipation. "You will need to relax if you are to take my knot."

His words resonated within her, the anticipation of what is to come amplified her senses. The wolf's voice carried the weight of authority, a clear indication that she was in for a wild ride. With each passing moment, his knot continued to expand, "As it swells, Connie," he continued, his voice dripping with power, "it will secure us my seed deep inside you, A new litter of my spawn will grown inside you"

His voice lowered, his words filled with a raw, unspoken promise. "Prepare yourself, my dear. Your soul and body will be mine shortly"

He adjusted his grip on her thick waist and resumed hammering away at her bent over form. He continued to guide Connie through the depths of their shared passion, his swelling knot hovered at the threshold of her entrance. With a controlled precision, he slipped it in and out, teasing her with the promise of the powerful tie. Each firm push and pull of his knot sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. The wolf's movements are deliberate, ensuring that she can feel the knot's presence without overwhelming her with its full force.

The slip and slide of his knot in and out of her entrance elicited a symphony of moans and gasps from Connie. She couldn't help but surrender to the pleasure that washed over her, as her body instinctively responded to his ministrations. With each movement, the knot teased the finale of her being an independent being. Her wet vulva griping his knot longingly as it was pulled out of her only to be pushed back into her firmly. "That's it Connie, take me all"

As the wolf's knot continued to grow, swelling in size with each passing moment, a surge of primal assertiveness coursed through him. The air crackled with an electrifying tension, and his movements became more commanding. With dominance, he asserted himself with each firm push of his expanding knot. The sensation of fullness overwhelmed Connie's senses, the stretching of her innermost depths pushing her to the brink of ecstasy.

His growls mixed with her moans, creating a symphony of pleasure that echoed through the store room. Each thrust became more forceful, a testament to his primal strength and the depth of his desire. His grip on her hips tightened, his hands acting as anchors to guide their passionate union. "Feel me, Connie," he rasps, his words reverberated through her.

With every assertive movement, the wolf claimed her, marking her as his. The expanding knot fills her, stretching her to her limits causing her to cry out in pleasure, the only thing her brain was computing was the thick length inside her and how much she needed him to finish in her depths.

As his knot reached its full size, the struggle to accommodate its girth became apparent. The tightness and resistance of Connie's entrance presented a challenge, but with a combination of determination and strength not of this realm, he persisted. With a deep, guttural growl, he surged forward, his movements forceful and insistent. The struggle to fit his swollen knot inside Connie's tightness only served to heighten the intensity his claim.

With his knot mashed against her folds he grabbed her thick thigh with a powerful paw, reefing it up into the air to give him more room he continued to pound against her weakening folds. With her clit being rubbed repeatedly against his knot her body stood no chance, he withdrew until just his tip was inside her warm tunnel and waited. Her glazed over eyes looking back to him in desperation, her walls milking and caressing his tip in an attempt to draw him back in side her. With a smile he shoved into her once again, not pausing as his know slapped into her folds. He adjusted his stance and kept pushing, her tight lips stretching as the widest part of his knot slowly worked its way inside her. Once around the twin lobes her vulva sucked his shaft deep into her body. His tip knocking against her innermost barrier as he resumed thrusting as much as his tie would allow.

The smoky wolf's gruff voice rumbled with satisfaction as he reveled in the depths of their union. "You're mine," he declares, the possessiveness evident in his tone. As the knot settled inside her tight depths, the wolf's movements became more urgent, his thrusts growing more forceful and frantic. The pressure and friction build, intensifying the pleasure that coursed through their connected bodies. With every powerful thrust, the smoky wolf pushed Connie closer to the edge of ecstasy. Their shared journey culminated in a symphony of pleasure, the sounds of their bodies slapping wetly against one another, her peachy rump rippling with each hard slap of his thighs.

And then, as the intensity reached its peak, his grip tightened his shar claws digging into her thighs as he pulled her into him, his primal instincts taking over. With a primal roar, he reached the pinnacle of pleasure, his body shuddering against his toys as he released himself, marking her as his own. His knot sealed his member deep into her body, his hard tip pressed firmly against her innermost barrier as his seed jetted into her body again and again, her fertile womb quickly flooding with his hot seed, Her ovum still ripe in her ovaries quickly becoming drenched in his seed. He continued to give her hard sharp thrusts as his balls churned and pumped his thick hot cream into her body.

Simultaneously, Connie succumbed to her own climax, her body convulsing with waves of pleasure that crashed over her in relentless succession. The sensations merge with the smoky wolf's release, creating an explosive climax that reverberates through their intertwined beings. Her walls stretched thin around his girthy shaft clenched and milked him for everything he could offer her. She cried out in ecstasy as she felt herself swell with the volume of his passion, Looking down she was shocked to see that she appeared almost pregnant.

"That's it, Take it all" He whispered to her as he rubbed his muzzle against her face. "You are mine, for me to take, again and again."

Her mind fading to blank as she took on her new role in this world, the only thoughts going through her mind was of that to milk his hard shaft for his precious seed. The honor of being his brood mother the only goal to look forwards to.

"Yes Master" She said softly, knowing her place.

I hope you enjoyed this fun little tale. If you liked it please chuck us a fave and vote.

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