Randall and Jenna: Adolescence

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Randall and Jenna (Part 1): Adolesence

NOTE: This mini-series is a commission I paid for and was done by C-Prime and posted with permission from him.

It was late September at Pinewood Middle School and the students were just starting to get back into the routine of getting up early in the morning, going to class, having homework and going to bed early once again. Being that it was a middle school, a lot of the students at Pinewood were also beginning to undergo changes in their appearance and personalities as puberty was either setting in or had already set in for most of the 12 and 13 year old students. Among those who was experiencing the change from child to young adult was a 12-year old male raccoon named Randall. He had started to undergo puberty over the summer and had grown about six inches in height since the beginning of the year. Over the summer, he also began to notice girls a little bit more as strange new feelings were beginning to fill his mind and he found himself getting erections every so often for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Though it was perfectly normal, he felt a bit embarrassed about it and tried to keep it hidden whenever he could.

At that point, Randall had yet to learn about sex and reproduction, so he was still quite timid around the girls. However, there was one girl in particular that he had secretly admired. In his P.E./Health class, he shared it with a 12-year old female husky named Jenna. She had entered puberty about a year ago and was now nearly sexually mature. Jenna had sky blue and white fluffy husky fur along with sapphire blue eyes. Her breasts were a "B"-cup and she was physically fit. She had a playful personality and would sometimes flirt a little with the boys. However, she always seemed to be the nicest when she was around him. Randall and Jenna had first met on the first day of school and quickly became friends when he offered to help her with some of her books that same day. His feelings for Jenna rapidly turned to a secret love for her...but he was too shy to admit it to her...at least not at that time.

On the other end of the spectrum, Jenna looked at Randall with admiration as well...she secretly had a crush on him as he had been kind and helpful to her since the day they first met. Much like Randall though, Jenna was afraid to admit it as she didn't know how he would react to her having a crush on him since he seemed to be a bit younger than she was. For a while, both Randall and Jenna kept their feelings for each other a secret, not to be shared with anyone until the time was right. However, towards the end of September, when the first part of the Health course began, things would slowly start to change for the two youngsters.

One afternoon, during the Health class, the teacher began to hand out paper booklets to all the students in the class, making sure each of the students got a booklet before he could begin to teach the lesson. The class was kept together with both males and females in the same classroom at the same time. Some of the other schools in the area separated the students with males in one room and females in another, but this wasn't the case here. When Randall received his booklet, he glanced at it for a moment, looking at the title which read "Getting to know yourself: The basics of puberty and sex education". Naturally, he was curious and took a peek inside, seeing lots of text inside of it, which he didn't seem to care about all that much. However, the book also had illustrations, showing how both male and female reproductive anatomy worked in various species, since while all males and females had the same important reproductive parts, there were differences in outer appearance as well as inner workings based on what species a male or female was. For example, in Jenna's case, she had the typical canine vulva that swelled in size whenever she was in heat, and her vaginal walls were designed to be strong and grip onto a male firmly.

Also inside the guide were illustrations of how sex was performed, including various species-specific positions such as how the canine copulatory tie worked and other things along those lines. Naturally, like most young males, the illustrations of naked female and female reproductive parts were enough to pique Randall's interest and give him yet another erection that caused him to feel embarrassed in class. Although if he would've known that half of all the other males in the classroom were also getting unexplained boners, he might not have felt so bad about it. Meanwhile, Jenna looked through the book with more interest as she went over the parts referring to pregnancy. Her mother had already given her some sexual education prior to this, so she knew some of what was discussed in the guide already...though the guide went into greater detail about the subject.

Once all the guides were passed out to the students, the teacher wheeled in the TV/DVD cart and placed a disc into the DVD player. "Before we begin going through the manual, there is a video that is shown to all middle school age students called "The Miracle of Life". Most of you have already turned in your permission slips from your parents to see the movie, but if you haven't done so, please get them into me now...if not, then you are free to go to the library for the next half-hour until the video is over", the teacher told his students as most of the students did get permission to see the movie (especially since their parents saw this very same movie when they were in middle school). There were a couple students whose parents decided that the movie was "too graphic" for their kids and did not agree to let them watch, so they left the room. However, both Randall and Jenna had permission and would stay.

Shortly thereafter, the teacher started up the disc as the lights in the room were turned off while the students started to watch as the video began. At the beginning of the movie, there was a disclaimer which explained how reproductive sex should only be practiced by couples in a stable relationship and that contraception should be used at all times. When this part of the video came on, Randall felt a bit confused, not knowing what the disclaimer was all about. Jenna had more of an idea about what it meant and was able to get the basic point of the message fairly quickly.

Following the disclaimer, the video began as an actor (portraying the role of a doctor) came on and began to talk about the differences in the sexes while the students in the class watched the video intentively. The DVD came in two parts, the first part of the movie, which would be shown this day would talk more about the differences between males and females, both in general as well as certain species-specific traits that certain individuals would have. Basically, the first part of the movie would talk about things that would be described in greater detail in the handbooks each of them received. Still, the students continued to watch the video as they sat at there desks while Jenna seemed to pay the most attention to the portion of the movie that talked about canine penises. She knew that if she were mated by another of her kind that she could feel his knot enter her and they would be tied together for quite a while and it made her a bit curious to know what it was like.

Meanwhile, at that same time, Randall was at his desk while watching the movie, hearing about female reproductive anatomy when the section came up as he slowly felt more at ease with the subject, though he continued to feel a raging bulge inside his pants. Naturally, he couldn't help getting turned on to female reproductive parts, it was perfectly natural for any male to do so. He didn't resist feeling aroused, but he did try to hide his boner from the rest of his classmates and the teacher, not knowing what would happen to him if anyone found out he got an erection from watching the movie.

The video continued for about a half-hour until the words "End of Part 1" displayed on the screen, signalling the end of the preliminary teaching portion as the instructor turned the lights back on and shut the TV off. "We'll be watching Part 2 tomorrow...in the meantime, do any of you have any questions you would like to have answered while we still have time?", the instructor asked his students as a number of hands quickly came up all across the room, including those of both Randall and Jenna. One-by-one, the instructor picked students at random to ask questions as other students put their hands back down after hearing the answers to the same question that they were going to ask.

Randall and Jenna both kept their hands raised, since they both had questions they wanted to ask that had not been answered as of yet. After a few minutes, the instructor finally noticed Jenna and chose her to ask the question she had in mind. Jenna's question was a species-specific curiousity she had after watching the movie. "What does it feel like to be tied?", she asked coyly as the instructor began to blush and stammer a little, feeling beads of sweat running down his neck. Since the instructor was a male rabbit, he had no clue what a canine tie would actually feel like.

"I uh...really don't know Jenna...I think you'll have to ask someone else about that", he suggested to the young husky fem as her ears and hand dropped down as she sighed a bit as the instructor noticed that there were still a few hands still raised as Randall and a couple other males still had questions to ask. The instructor happened to notice the hand of a young male fox first and chose him to ask a question.

"Yeah...um...while I was...watching the movie...I...um...uhh...couldn't help feeling excited for some reason. Is this normal?", the young male fox asked the instructor as Randall put his head down and grumbled a little since this was the exact same question he was going to ask.

"There's no need to feel ashamed about it son...it's only natural for a young male such as yourself to feel sexually attracted to the opposite sex", the instructor told the young fox as Randall did overhear the answer and felt some sense of relief in knowing the truth, though he wished that he could've asked the question himself.

Following this question, the instructor finally turned towards Randall as he was going to choose him next, but since his question was already answered, he put his hand away. Finally, the instructor turned to the last student, a male wolf, who had a question for the instructor as he felt a bit embarrassed about something. "Um...yeah...while I watched the movie...I couldn't help feeling attraction to both female and male body parts...is this normal?", he asked the instructor as some of the students reacted to his comment. Being young and innocent, they had no idea what to think of this...though one human student immediately began with the obscene jokes and comments, which got the instructor angry.

The instructor first turned his attention to the heckler and slapped a referral slip down on his desk. "I will have none of that bigotry in my classroom, there is no place for it here, or anywhere for that matter", he scolded the human student as he stood by his desk pointing to the door. "Now...march your butt down to the principal's office...maybe she'll be able to teach you a little respect", he added as the student reluctantly got out of his seat and walked out of class before the instructor turned his attention towards the male wolf and the rest of his class. "Anyway...in answer to your question...no, there is nothing wrong with it. While most males prefer females and vice-versa, there are some males that like other males and females who like other females. There are also some males and females that like both. The most important thing is not to let anyone put you down or offend you about it, whatever you decide is completely up to you", the instructor explained just before the bell rang as class came to an end and everyone started to get up and leave to go to their next class. "Oh...remember class, tomorrow we'll be watching Part 2 of the video, so you may want to take a look in your manuals tonight before class tomorrow", the instructor concluded as Randall, Jenna, and the rest of the class got their stuff together and began to file out of class.

On his way out the door, Randall stopped by the bathroom for a second as he needed a moment to think about what the instructor told him. As he sat on the toilet seat with his pants on, visions of female body parts came back into his mind along with a powerful erection. Soon afterwards, he saw a familiar face and heard a familiar voice in his head. It appeared to be Jenna, and in his thoughts she appeared before him totally naked. Unable to help himself, he daydreamed about Jenna for several minutes as his stiff raccoon cock throbbed inside his pants. He couldn't help himself, thinking about Jenna made him feel really good and he didn't want to stop. Eventually, Randall's sexual fantasy about Jenna got the better of him and he ended up shooting his cream inside his pants, leaving a wet spot on them. He immediately snapped out of his dream and felt totally embarrased, blushing bright red as he felt his warm cream on his crotch. To make matters worse, the 2-minute warning bell had just sounded and he panicked, stuffing in wads of toilet paper to soak up his cream before he suddenly dashed out of the bathroom with his books down by his crotch, not wanting anyone to see the wet spot that was there.

Once the school day had ended, Randall got on the bus as he usually did and went home for the day. Fortunately for him, no one noticed how excitable he was after he had watched the video in class, though he still felt nervous about it. At the same time, he was also sexually excited and had been that way most of the afternoon ever since he had watched the movie. Even though he tried to hide it, he was constantly getting an erection every time he even thought about girls. It also didn't help that he was surrounded by girls on the bus, sitting in front of, behind, and even next to him. During the entire bus ride home, he had a raging erection inside his pants as his cock pointed upward, pressing into his jeans as he began to sweat and shake nervously as the mousette next to him noticed his odd behavior and figured something was up with him. From the way he was acting, she could tell that he was not only in love with someone, but also probably hot for them as well. Since she was sitting beside him, the mousette figured that he was doing it for her and immediately acted upon her natural playfulness, placing her head on his shoulder and her hand on one of his legs. "If you like me, all you had to do was tell me", she told him as the bus was approaching his house as Randall immediately responded to the unwanted attention by running from the bus towards his house screaming as many of the students looked out the window. "Hmm...what's wrong with him...it's as if he's never been touched by a girl before", she thought curiously as he ran towards his house while his body was continuing to send mixed messages. While his mind was telling him to "run away" his still hard cock was telling him to "go back". Regardless, he ran straight home, walking through the front door and slamming it shut as he panted nervously for a second while he tried to recompose himself.

From the kitchen, Randall's mother heard her son slamming the front door and immediately ran to where he was, seeing Randall standing by the door as he panted nervously. "Randall, what happened to you? Why did you slam the door like that?", she asked her son as he slowly started to calm down as he noticed his mother was standing nearby, trying to cover his "shame" as he still had a powerful erection. His mom knew exactly what was going on when she noticed him trying to hide his crotch. "Oh...I see...come with me sweetie...momma needs to have a little talk with you", she explained to her son as he followed her into the living room, having a seat on the couch as his mother sat next to him.

When the two of them were in the living room, Randall's mother looked over at her son as he sat there, blushing intensely as his erection remained strong all this time, not softening one little bit as the young male raccoon still felt a bit shy. His mother knew he would be taking sex ed this semester, she had even signed his permission slip. So, there was little doubt in her mind what was causing her son's odd behavior. "So...tell me what happened today, why are you acting the way you are. You don't have to worry about telling me, I won't tell anyone...not even your father", she explained to him while Randall took a deep breath and started to speak hysterically. Randall's mouth and words moved so fast that his mother couldn't understand anything. At that point, she placed her hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Now sweetie...relax...there's no need to respond like that to me", she told him softly as Randall slowly began to calm down. "Alright...want to try telling me what happened again?", she asked him once she saw he was more relaxed.

Shyly, Randall looked up at his mother and began speaking again, this time in a slower and more understandable pace. "Well, today there was a video in class that taught us about reproductive body parts and whenever I saw or thought of girls I felt strange down in my pants. At times it feels good, but I don't want anyone to see me like this, I don't know what they'll think of me. Then, there was this mouse girl on the bus who put her hand and head on me just before I got off...and that's why I ran home screaming", he explained to his mother nervously as she wrapped his arms around her son.

"Randall honey...it's perfectly normal to go through what you're going through. It's all a part of growing up...you're becoming a grown-up male raccoon and you're going to have feelings for females, there's no escaping it. You just have to live with it and control it the best you possibly can", she explained to her son as she kept him in her arms. "As for that mouse girl of yours...I think she's doing that because she likes you...maybe you should try asking her over for dinner", she added as Randall looked to his mother curiously.

"But momma...I don't want her...I want Jenna", he added as his heart was set on another female classmate and had been for quite a while. The mousette was cute and more sexually mature than Jenna currently was, but he still had strong feelings for Jenna and would not give up on her. Naturally, Randall's mother looked down to her son as she got a little curious.

"OK then, if that's what you want, you should invite Jenna over for dinner...whoever she is", she answered her son as she continued to keep him close to her. "By the way...when you think about girls, do you think about her in a sexual way?", she asked him curiously as Randall's face turned beet-red and he looked extremely shy. "It's alright...you don't have to tell me...I can tell just from your reaction. There is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking about a girl you're in love with in a sexual way...your father thought about me like that too when we were growing up. Right now, you're too young to have sex...I don't want you to even consider it until you're in high school at least, but maybe there is another way I can help you ease those tensions a little", she added.

When Randall heard his mother speak in this manner, the young male raccoon perked up his ears and got a little curious. He thought that his mother might know of a way to keep him from getting so horny on a regular basis. "How momma? How can you help me?", he asked his mother curiously as the older female raccoon caressed his cheek lightly.

"Well...for starters, you'll have to take off your pants and underwear for me, and I can show you a way to relieve yourself of these desires. However, you can't do this when your at school, you can only do it at home in your bedroom", she explained to Randall as the young male raccoon listened to his mother and removed his pants and underwear, revealing his stiff raccoon cock to his mother. "That's a good boy...now I want you to watch what momma does so you'll learn how to do it yourself", she added as she reached out towards Randall's stiffness and began to stroke it up and down lightly.

As his mother started to stroke his member, Randall could feel a gentle massaging on his shaft while he sat on the couch and looked down at his mother. He felt a little conflicted when she started this, on one hand he was still feeling timid, but on the other hand the massaging motion of her hand felt good on his maleness. "Ah...momma...what's going on? What are you doing to me?", he asked her curiously as his maleness started to twitch in her hand as she continued to stroke it.

"It's called a handjob honey...at least when someone other than you does it for you...otherwise, if you do it yourself, it's known as masturbation or "pawing off" if you will. Whenever you're alone and you start thinking about girls, you can always reach for your penis and stroke it until you climax as you think about Jenna or whoever you choose", she explained to Randall as her hand stopped moving for a moment as she looked to him. "If you'd like, I could stop and let you take over...or if you want me to continue, I could do that as well...just let me know what you want to do", she added as Randall quickly thought about what she told him.

Her touch on his young raccoon cock felt very good to him as he felt her stroke and massage it with her hand, making it tremble and leak with precum as she had her hand on it. Randall liked this touch and wanted his mother to give him more. "Please momma...keep going...I like how your hand feels on me", he answered excitedly as the female raccoon smiled and resumed stroking her son's throbbing maleness as she helped to show him how to relieve his sexual tensions.

His mother enjoyed hearing the soft moaning of her son as Randall was enjoying the handjob she was giving him. Seeing his cock twitch in her hand while she rubbed it back and forth made her realize just how desirable her son would be to any female that wanted him. Even she couldn't resist the temptation of her son's maleness as she watched precum drip from the tip of it as her hand rubbed up and down on his member repeatedly. She started to get ideas in her head for the future, thinking that she might possibly teach her son about sex personally by letting him feel what it would be like to do her. But this wouldn't be until he was a little bit older and more mature, in the meantime she kept these thoughts about it in private.

Randall continued to feel his mother's hand stroke his cock for several minutes until he felt the insides of his balls suddenly contract as he let out high-pitched and constant moans as jets of his young and fresh seed spurted from the tip of his raccoon cock, landing on the carpet beneath the couch. His mother was impressed by how far his seed went, launching a good 18" or so from where he was seated, almost hitting the coffee table. From her son's orgasm, she figured that she gave Randall exactly what he needed. "There...feel better now?", she asked him softly as Randall's maleness began to soften while he felt a warm and happy sensation throughout his young body.

"Yes momma...I feel much better...I feel so warm and tingly all over, like nothing else I ever experienced", he answered softly as she pulled her son in close and kissed his forehead while taking a towel to wipe off the leftovers from the tip of his softening cock.

"Mmm...that's my boy...and remember, whenever you're alone in your bedroom and you feel like that again, you can always do it yourself to feel better. You can also come to me if you want whenever your father isn't around and I could play with you some more that way too...if you'd like to feel me do it to you again", she told Randall as the young male raccoon quickly nodded and hugged his mother while she cleaned his shaft for him before she had other things to do. "Now, you be a good boy and go upstairs and wash up for dinner while I finish cleaning up in here", she added as her son immediately ran off to do as she asked. Now Randall knew exactly what to do whenever he felt an intense sexual urge again, but with that being said he could not do it in school, so whenever he thought of Jenna when he wasn't at home he'd still have to fight the erection.

The Next Day...

When Randall went to school the next morning, he felt a lot better whenever he was around females in general. After his mother had shown him how to masturbate and after doing it a couple of times while thinking about Jenna the night before, he felt like he had more control over his sexual desires and did not get any erections from just thinking about girls in general. However, as he was heading towards Health class later in the day, he happened to come across Jenna over by the locker as she had dropped something onto the floor. Naturally, she bent over to pick it up as Randall just happened to look over and see her tail raised while she was bent over. Although her tush was covered by her skirt, Randall's imagination began to run wild again as he once again felt sexually aroused towards her.

As his boner grew stronger inside his pants, he began to blush and covered it with his books, hoping that Jenna wouldn't notice it if she saw him. Sure enough, after she stood back up and got ready to walk to Health class, she noticed Randall and began to swish her tail excitedly as she came over to him. "Wanna walk to class with me?", she asked him softly as the young husky put her hand on one of his as Randall's cock began to throb inside his pants, becoming highly aroused by Jenna's touch. He blushed intensely and began to sweat, feeling Jenna's hand on his as it sat just a few inches away from the massive bulge inside his pants. He was worried about what would happen if Jenna somehow came into contact with his cock and immediately ran towards the classroom nervously. Despite how much he wanted to be with Jenna, he was still nervous whenever he got an erection from thinking about her and couldn't let Jenna find out the truth. However, Jenna saw how Randall reacted to her touch and knew that something was up with him, because he never acted like this around her in the past. Jenna was determined to find out what was with him, but it would have to wait until after class.

Once Randall and Jenna had arrived at Health class, along with the rest of the other students, the instructor got Part 2 of the DVD ready to be shown in the class. Like the previous day, those students that did not get permission to be taught sex ed left for the period while the majority of the students remained behind to watch Part 2 of the DVD and learn more about sex.

Part 2 was much different from Part 1, where Part 1 was designed to be a typical educational aid, Part 2 was more like a documentary that you would find on the Discovery Channel. Part 2 dealt with mating and reproduction, and instead of using graphics or illustrations, the DVD actually showed scenes of real-life feral animals of various type mating while the narration ocassionally explained what was going on. Naturally, most of the students, even those who had read their guides the previous night, were either clueless about what was happening or were a bit nauseated by it. However, Jenna didn't seem to be phased by it at all, she simply sat in her seat and watched as various feral mammalian couples passed on their genes. Randall on the other hand was a different story...for the first few scenes he seemed to act fine, but when it came to the scene with the two raccoons, beads of sweat began to form as he once again got a boner. This only intensified when the scene with the two domestic dogs (one of them being a female husky) appeared, that's when he began to think about Jenna as a warm spot began to appear in his pants. Randall knew it and could feel his cock unsheathing into his jeans, poking upward as thoughts of sex filled his young mind. It felt like he was going to have a climax right there and then, but fortunately for him the movie wasn't done yet.

After several minutes of watching various animals mating, the video moved into the final part, which explained reproduction. For this, the makers of the movie had placed tiny cameras inside two feral foxes and let them mate. The cameras would then capture every moment of the process, from when the male penetrated his vixen, to the insertion of his knot and insemination, which resulted in the conception of several fox pups. This is when the first "Eww's" came from some of the students in the class. As for Randall, he didn't go "Eww" to this part...though it did kill his boner, which was actually a sigh of relief for him since if he saw any more mating, his cock might've gone off in class. Once the litter had been conceived, the camera continued to show the development of fox pups at various times during the pregnancy until finally it was time for the vixen to birth them. Naturally, the birth of the pups was also captured on camera which made just about everyone in the class (including Randall and Jenna) go "Eww". A couple of students even had to hold down their lunch after watching the birth. Of course, the instructor expected this reaction with the students, being that they were young and figured they would get used to it when they were a bit older.

Following the scene with the birth of the fox pups, the video had ended and the lights went back up all across the room as just about every student had their eyes wide open in disbelief over what they had just saw. Of course, the instructor knew that this type of reaction was normal for kids and didn't effect him. "I know it may all seem gross or strange to you, but you'll get used to it when you get older", he told them as he turned the TV off and went over to the desk. "Now, do any of you have questions about the movie?", he added as a few hands came up, including that of Randall.

First, the instructor chose a vixen in the back of the class as she sat there with a bit of a pale look on her face. "Is it really like that every time?", she asked him nervously as the male rabbit looked at the vixen and answered her question.

"More or less, whenever a male mates with a female when she is receptive she will have kids and give birth in pretty much the same way. It'll happen to you someday as well", he explained to the vixen as she suddenly felt nauseaous and threw up all over her desk, which stirred another "Eww" out of the rest of the class. The instructor immediately called down to the boiler room to get environmental control up to clean the mess before he went over to the vixen and helped her out of her seat, sending her off to the nurse's office for a while to recover as everyone around the desk inched away from it, not wanting to have anything to do with the barf that was covering the floor and desk.

Once this situation was under control, the instructor turned his attention back to the class. "Now, are there any other questions?", he asked as the instructor noticed Randall and pointed to him as the male raccoon felt a little nervous and a little bit sick from the smell of barf in the back of the room.

"Yeah...um...I was wondering...um...I noticed that in the movie they said that almost every different species has special traits when it came to mating...is that really true?", Randall asked curiously as he tried to withstand the scent that filled the room while the Janitor finally came in and had an "OMGWTF" moment when he saw barf all over the place.

"Well, in most cases it is...canine males have knots which grow inside females, rodent males have long penises and deliver very sticky semen into females, and certain aquatic males have flexible penises they can move around inside a female at will or even grasp items with. Regardless of whatever species the male is, they all have the same basic equipment, just with certain variations...sometimes the difference is merely cosmetic, but other times it does serve a purpose", he answered as Randall wondered what would be special about his maleness compared to other species. "I think there's time for one more question...who has something they'd like to ask", the instructor continued as the hand of a human girl went up.

"Yeah...I was wondering, what happens when you have sex but you're not ready to have kids yet. What can you do about that?", she asked the instructor as he nodded and went over to the whiteboard (this school had dry-erase boards instead of chalkboards).

"Ah...that's a very good question, and we will get into that in detail tomorrow. It is possible to have sex without having children, you just need to use contraception. There are many different types that will be discuss in class tomorrow. But in the meantime, I'd like everyone here to go through section 6 of their guides tonight and be ready for a discussion tomorrow, and if anyone goes by the nurse's office on their way to their next class, let Holly know too", he concluded as the bell rang and class ended while the students gathered their stuff and got ready to head off to their next class.

As Randall was gathering his things, Jenna walked by him and stopped for a moment at his desk. "Meet me outside the bathrooms by the drinking fountain when you leave the classroom, I have something I need to ask you", she told him as Jenna walked out of the room while Randall remained behind and gulped nervously, wondering what Jenna could possibly want to tell him. Maybe she noticed his erection earlier and got suspicious about it. Whatever it was, Randall needed to find out, he couldn't just leave Jenna waiting there by the bathrooms. So, he gathered his things and went to meet Jenna as she had asked him to do.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, he walked down the hallway a little way, soon arriving by the drinking fountain in front of the bathrooms where Jenna was waiting for him. As soon as he arrived Jenna took a hold of his hands and looked into his eyes. "Why did you run away from me earlier...I thought you liked me...I don't have cooties or anything like that", she asked him curiously as the male raccoon quickly began to sweat a little while his eager young maleness began to grow once again in his pants. The only difference was Randall was not able to cover it with his books since his hands were in Jenna's grasp, so the young female husky was able to see what he had been hiding me. "Oh...I see it now...you do like me a lot...don't you", she asked him softly as Randall started to whimper a little and confessed.

"Yes it is true...I do like you...I've admired you ever since we met and I want to be your boyfriend. I can't stop thinking about you Jenna, both on the outside and on the inside", he confessed to Jenna as the husky fem wagged her tail a bit and looked around to make sure no one was watching them. Then, when she was sure no one was around, she reached out to Randall's clothed crotch and gave it a quick grasp.

"Mmm...why didn't you tell me before...because I like you a lot too sweetie. You've been very nice to me ever since we met and if I had a choice over who I wanted to have as a boyfriend, you would be on top of the list", Jenna answered as she gave the tip of his nose a quick lick with her warm tongue as Randall felt both excited and happy to hear and feel Jenna's response. "Tell me something...when you think about me, do you masturbate to the thought of me? Tell me the truth now Randall...I don't want you to hide the answer from me", Jenna continued as Randall nervously nodded.

"Yes...I do...and it feels so good when I do it, as if it was meant to be", he answered Jenna nervously as the husky fem brushed his bulge again with her hand when no one was looking as Randall enjoyed the touch, feeling his maleness throb within his pants to it before he remembered what Jenna asked in class the day before. "But what about what you asked about in class earlier...I don't have a knot like a canine boy would, so I can't tie you like one. I thought you said you wanted to feel that", he added curiously as Jenna looked to him with her blue eyes.

"Silly boy...it's true that I am curious about being tied to a canine male. But this is typical of all females of my kind. The truth is that I don't care if you have a knot on your penis, all I care about is that you think about me and care about me", Jenna answered him softly before slipping him another lick on his nose before she put her nuzzle at his ear. "If you want to see something really special, meet me in the girls bathroom after the bell rings and I'll show you something to make you happy. Just wait for me in the boys room and then come meet me in the girls bathroom once it's empty", Jenna added as Randall nervously wondered what Jenna had in mind as each of them went into the bathrooms while passing time continued. Both Randall and Jenna knew that if they got caught after the bell rang that they would get detention, but neither of them seemed to care as Randall sat in one of the stalls in the boys bathroom, wondering what Jenna possibly had in mind.

Eventually, both bathrooms emptied out as the final bell rang for the next class, leaving Randall and Jenna alone in the bathrooms as the husky fem waited in the girls room with a surprise for her sweetheart. Randall peeked his head out of the boys room, looking to see if there was an assistant principal in the hallway, looking for tardy students. However, he did not see anyone in the hall and was able to slip inside the girls bathroom undetected by anyone other than Jenna. When he got into the bathroom, he immediately began to look for Jenna, calling out for her as Jenna quickly told him to come into one of the stalls. Curiously, Randall walked into the stall and closed the door only to find Jenna completely naked in the bathroom. "So...what do you think of me now...do you think I'm sexy?", she asked him playfully as her tail wagged from side-to-side in anticipation of his answer.

If Randall's penis could talk, it would most definitely say "Do want" as Randall looked over the naked husky fem. Though her chest was merely beginning to blossom, she still looked pretty in his eyes and he was most certainly sexually attracted to her. "Yes...I do...I think you're very sexy", he answered excitedly as the bulge inside his pants began to throb eagerly as his maleness wanted to be released from it's prison. Jenna murred happily as her tail swished from side-to-side faster, hearing Randall's words made her feel wanted in her mind.

"Mmm...thank you sweetie...I hope that this gives you a whole lot to think about now whenever you feel hot for me", Jenna answered softly as she looked down and saw his throbbing bulge. "Mmm...now it's your turn cutie...I would like to see what you've got underneath those pants of yours", Jenna added playfully, wanting him to return the favor to her by giving her a glimpse of his maleness.

Randall felt a little nervous when Jenna asked him to show off his cock to her, but at the same time he also felt excited and eager to let her see it. Slowly, he lowered his pants and then his underpants, revealing his hard, throbbing, and eager young raccoon penis to the female husky as it dripped excitedly with precum. When she saw it, Jenna giggled a little as she noticed how excited Randall was to see her. "Aww...I think it likes me", she cooed sweetly as she stepped in closer and looked into his eyes. "Can I touch it? You can touch me if you'd like while I touch you", she added softly as Randall eagerly nodded and moved his hands down to Jenna's outer folds while she touched the bottom part of his penis, rubbing her palm across it lightly. "Mmm...it feels so stiff and strong", she whispered softly as her hand caressed his member gently as Randall brushed his fingers across Jenna's outer folds.

Jenna's crotch felt warm and wet as he touched her, making his fingers a bit sticky from her sauce as a little of it dripped from her opening. Though the juices felt a bit sticky on his fingers, everything else about touching Jenna felt so right to him...and feeling her caress his maleness made it even better as it throbbed happily for the young husky female. "Ah...Jenna...you feel so good to me", Randall moaned softly as the husky female licked his nose in a loving and playful manner.

Then, without warning, Jenna pulled Randall close to her, placing her mouth on his as the two of them shared in their first true kiss while they each touched each other. When he was kissing Jenna, the combination of Jenna's mouth as well as her touching his shaft were too much for the young male to withstand. His maleness sent out spurts of milky cum over Jenna's belly, reacting to her affection.

When he came and they had stopped kissing, Randall pulled his hand away from Jenna's crotch as his maleness began to soften and blushed intensely. "Sorry about that...I couldn't help it...you just felt so good to me", Randall told Jenna softly as he was blushing while the husky fem simply smiled as she grabbed some toilet paper to wipe both her belly and his member clean.

"It's alright sweetie...I know you did it because you like me. I didn't mind it at all...in fact it feels nice and warm", she answered sweetly as she cleaned off the mess and then went over to whisper in Randall's ear. "Actually, if you really wanted to, I'd let you have sex with me after school at my house. My parents said it would be OK, as long as you wore a condom", Jenna whispered softly in Randall's ear as his maleness wanted to get stiff for Jenna again.

The offer of taking Jenna's virginity was very tempting and he was very curious to try sex with her. However, he also remembered what his mother asked of him and felt that he couldn't disobey her wishes. "I would like to, I really would...but momma doesn't want me to have sex until I'm a little older", he answered Jenna softly as she kissed his nose and ran her hand across his crotch once more.

"That's OK sweetie...I don't want to get you in trouble with your mother. We'll just wait until you are able to do it...I'll be sure to keep it nice and warm for you though...and no other male will have me besides you", Jenna answered sweetly as she hugged him lightly while Randall put his arms around Jenna while they were still exposed and hugged for a moment before they let go. "I guess we should get dressed before we get caught in here like this and get to class now", Jenna added as Randall immediately began to pull his pants up while Jenna got dressed again as both of them needed to get to class without getting caught in the hallway or in the bathroom.

Luckily for them, no one spotted them in the bathrooms or coming from the bathrooms, so no one would know exactly what happened in the bathroom a few minutes earlier. However, as they walked towards their next class together, they were spotted by one of the assistant principals and both given detention for not having hall passes. Though this was a minor setback for Randall and Jenna, it did not affect how they felt about each other in the least. When they left detention later that afternoon, Randall and Jenna left the school holding hands as they were now sweethearts as their parents were waiting to pick up their kids. It was hard for the parents to be mad at their children for "skipping class" seeing that they were together, so they wouldn't be too hard on them once they went home. In fact, shortly after this, Jenna's parents invited Randall and his mother over to their house for dinner. It seemed like this was the beginning of a happy relationship.

End of Part 1

Randall and Jenna are (C) to Randall Ranger