Research Log [#005]

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== LOG #005 ==

Trying to pacify 372 at the moment.

He has been acting glitchy over the last few hours, head twitching and such, so we took him into the maintenance area. Funnily enough, when we went through his neural activity log we found that he had been trying to break free of what we call the 'Compliance Protocol'. This protocol essentially stops the Protogens from having harmful, negative or rebellious thoughts against the company. Obviously we can't prevent them feeling these ways, but we can stop them from taking any action. Anyway, 372 was trying to find a weakness in the protocol as to exploit and disable it. Due to this, we reset his recent neural connections and hoped for the best. I think we all know that this is only a temporary fix, so we are trying to figure out a way to completely irradiate these malicious thoughts.

Maurice is currently leading the research team tasked with fixing this flaw in 372. So far they have been experimenting with CPU replacement, but since the Protogen structure is still newly emerging technology, there are still too many unknowns about what and what won't work. We can't afford to lose 372, but we can't afford to let him stay the way he is either. If we replace his CPU and it doesn't fix the flaw or even kills him, we will surely lose all funding.

On another note...



I don't know whether I should put this in these logs, since it isn't really research...

Wait, I know! I CAN research this!


So, from this point on, I will also be conducting research on romantic emotions that I experience.

I think you see where this is going...

Ok, let me set the scene...

I... heh... met a new employee today. A girl. She's... well... adora- wait, scientific language. She is a perfect potential marriage partner. She appears highly attractive to me; a young, black and white cat, silky fur, elegant figure, soft paws, shining eyes... heh...

We talked for a while. She finds me funny. I do not know why that is, as I always viewed myself as uninteresting and dry. But she thinks I'm funny, and I'm happy about that. We agreed to talk later.

I look forward to continuing this research...