A Mutagenic Mishap (pdf version)

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A cursed adventurer across games known as Brimzy arrives to Anvil, Cyrodiil and befriends an argonian, but a slip in Brimzy's mutation abilities causes the argonian to beging evolving into Brimzy's weaver dragon species that is able to digest, mutate and grow with a belly full of goo.

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A Mutagenic Mishap

Slightly north of Anvil opened a tarp, like a flower that deepened into the ground, from which crawled a green fairy. Though when it comes to fairies this one was weeeeird. It wasn't even resembling a humanoid. It resembled a chameleon with weight problems, but its head had a strange iguana look, goat ears too. The size of the thing's gut left many boulders in jealousy and it had a satchel and a hat.

"Ah, shit...Fucking...Ah." Brimzy muttered to himself, once again stuck in an Elder Scrolls game. "Not again with...Ah, guess I need to pretend to be a Sload again..." Brimzy muttered.

Ever since his own adventure, Brimzy's been lost in many games after a mishap. The artisan clothier just wanted home. A playful gift from Mezrezzherasu ensured that the other weaver dragon was properly lost and missing from the campaign that was left unfinished. It is why these stories must be told. Brimzy needs to find his own world, after all.

The brown tarp into the void behind the pudgy dragon plopped from being a tarp on the ground into a brown hat that dragged along the ground as Brimzy ignored the headwear as usual, tethered to it anyways. Settling next to a tree, Brimzy examined how badly he had swollen, the tip of his tail leaking drops of the sweet pea soup-flavored goo. Brimzy didn't care how much of his mutagenic mush he was trailing behind. He knew it was mostly harmless outside his body.

Brimzy sampled the dollop that had formed to the tip and cursed how...pleasant it tasted like. Not only did it taste like cold, sweet peasoup, it healed. It healed anything and when nothing needed to be healed, it continued healing.

He had trouble with his tail, again. It had swollen, thanks to his mushy insides. Goo magic inside meant magic digestion, as Brimzy could decide what to digest and what to mutate.

Sloads do not usually have tails as long as his or tower eleven feet when they're full of magic mush. Most importantly, sloads do not slosh when they take steps. Most sloads don't struggle to stay on the ground, gravity usually pulls creatures down. A quick test showed Brimzy just how slow he fell now.

On best days, Brimzy was perhaps four feet tall and agile, but an eating contest with Munch, that weird hooded doll come alive, had made him digest so much into weightless, sloshing goo inside. He needs to release, somewhere private.

He got up and gave his wings a few flaps, all that was needed to compel his massive body weighing nothing but 5 grams to take off. This full of weightless goo, he dreaded the winds would pick him up and take him to Akavir. It's why he quickly stretched his tail around a branch, coiling himself around it before clenching the limb back to its original length.

He looked around, seeing the nearest city. Anvil was in worse shape ever since the Thalmor. But...there were hidden places there.

"Fourth Era. Fuck." Brimzy groaned, seeing Thalmor banners waving around the walls of the city. He's been to Elder Scrolls games about twenty-eight times now.

Floating down carefully, he reached into his satchel for a hooded cape to hide his wings. "They hate dragons here...Oh, right." Brimzy remembered and stuffed his satchel with pebbles. He could finally rely on gravity keeping him down.


At the gate, Brimzy nervously towered over both guards, his form wobbled as he took careful steps.

"A-argonian! Naked! Big one!" One of the guards yelled as Brimzy brought his tail under his right leg to hold where his fairy dragon anatomy was tucked in, modestly. "Eh, a sload. I'm a sload, here to sleep in an inn." Brimzy lied.

"Sloads? What are sl-" One of the guards began to ask as the other nudged her. "Thalmor stuff, just let him in or we get in trouble!" The other guard said.

The gate opened as Brimzy walked, tail between legs into Anvil and immediately to the nearest corner behind a bush with the emptiest barrel to squeeze into it the first few liters of overflowing goo from his tail. "Ah...s-sweet..." Brimzy blushed, feeling the two blunt, sensitive feelers at the tip of his tail caressed by goo flowing out.

He needed to slim down. His goo tasted a bit like sweet pea soup and was very delicious outside Brimzy's body. Inside Brimzy though, it was nothing sweet. It was mutagenic mush that could twist and turn life into however Brimzy pleased.

Though, he was so exhausted of it by now. Because he'd end up doing the same things to characters he'd meet, turning them into giant taurs with hyper equipment or more weaver dragons full of goo. He was careful not to mutate life into having his powers of mutating life though, since worlds had fallen to runaway weaver dragons making weaver dragons.

Take for example Izmuth, the original adventure Brimzy was created for by a human player. In this campaign, the big evil is eaten and changed into a helpless little fae, as Brimzy was. When the campaign was over though, the big evil, Mazalthra, ended up making more of itself with its new form, covering his kingdom of lava and turning it into a kingdom of green webs and pools of goo.

Brimzy had this same power. All weaver dragons can mutate life and even themselves into many things. And the guard's remark gave Brimzy an idea.

Why be a Sload?

As Brimzy was a bit smaller now, he made sure, completely sure that no-one could see...and stuck his tail inside his mouth and let goo cycle inside him.

Absorption of new mutations occurred through digesting material with dormant traits...And Brimzy's goo was full of features he needed to have to blend in better. First, spikes erected from Brimzy's tail, his mushy hide was hardening, his body tensing to hold a more humanoid shape, a ridged brow decorated his eyes with two horns protruding from a skull that hardened as Brimzy's insides adjusted to accommodate faux bones made of tough web inside him. His wings would flatten into two transparent flaps against a green hide that continued to roughen in bumps bruises and plates.

All these mutations were just Brimzy digesting selectively from his dormant pool of traits to choose from, cycling inside his own goo, until behind the bush laid an argonian, feeling how his argonian appearance had given him a very herculean build. Standing up, Brimzy was still a bit tall and having a penis again was a thing he struggled to hide. Seeing his reflection from the window, Brimzy even got aroused a bit.

"This won't do." He muttered and took off his satchel full of pebbles. Behind his back still fluttered his colorless butterfly wings that were eager to lift up Brimzy, but his bones made of web weighed a bit now. Brimzy put his finger inside his "belly button" as the spinnerets coated his finger with gooey green web.

Sitting down, Brimzy used his tail to spool web out like cable while using his saliva to make the web stick together. He liked making sleeves for his tail so, but the stretchy sleeves were going to cover something more important this time, as two sleeves were done. He chewed two holes into a beanie he spooled around the tip of his tail too and connected the holes to the sleeves with more spit.

"Pants! ...pants."Brimzy realized. Useless things when you needed to have more than two legs or no legs at all, to cover a body part Brimzy had taken all the pleasure from having before, growing bored of having one at all. Argonians, however had no abilities to mutate with absorbed features, not to mention mutate those who were absorbed, so he needed to mutate his body to exhibit genitalia. His goo filled the testes and filled the sausage, the end result was a resting length of eleven inches and four inches thick. He'd rather flaunt than not with it.

His wildest shapeshift had to have been to fit into the world of living juice creatures living in giant trees, he became just pure goo back then, it was hard to make gold for the hat. Akin to that was his attempts to hide in a human world, fully covered in green clothes. Brimzy had no control of his color, his color of silk. Best he could do was tap into all he had absorbed. If he had no suitable traits, he would have to digest them, being trapped on a planet full of giant underwater aliens required such situations. Though he dreaded when the hat would take him to a hostile world. A world without trade, currency.

Brimzy needed to find a way to earn gold. Two of any currency, through a fair transaction, to open his hat for the next world. What Brimzy sells was what came out of his belly button spinneret. Thread, which became fabric when glued with saliva or goo from his tail. It's how Brimzy traveled. Sell clothes and find another universe to bother. But like all of his insides, the thread was as beneficially mutagenic as the rest of his forms of goo, causing bodies to swell.

Should there be no-one to sell his clothes to...He was forced to jump into the hat and encounter Mezre. The hats are linked, but join their owners only when the hat isn't paid. Mezre left behind destruction, had her fun, made webs from all life. She was beyond powerful and knew it. When Brimzy was forced to join her, she would sense it, tear through all to find the green weaver dragon and tease him with escape as Mezre still was a "friend".

It's why there were serene years he'd stop gambling on the next world. It all depended on how long he could keep himself from causing too much chaos. Things usually ended up that way. Brimzy liked to swallow his friends to make them better, friends he really liked and trusted he made like himself, into weaver dragons.

Brimzy felt his stomach rumble. Food has never tasted as good. Everything was stretchy enough, even his tongue was just a foot of muscle that could stretch far longer. The taste of food was...even potato porridge tasted like the most incredible assortment of spices. And when food slid down his throat...When he could control the way it slid against the muscles...

It's why Brimzy knew he was about to relapse. He needs to keep eating, keep getting bigger, keep squeezing out goo, eat and change. Because that's what he had been "cursed" into.

The verdant forests of Placaria feel so far away...Brimzy forgot his name when he was cast inside Pathfinder and then forced to take this shape. He doesn't remember what was game and what was reality. Was he born in Pathfinder? He doesn't think the setting he changed in had cars, but remembers cars from his human childhood...

So much he wants to remember. All he remembers is a fading laugh, before he met Mezrezzherazu, a rogue Brimzy had gladly made into another weaver dragon, though she used shapeshifting and absorption to gain things, as Brimzy just wanted to make folks happier with how they were, unless they deserved otherwise.

The stupid hat. Brimzy put it on, paid two gold for it back then and it just keeps following him. It keeps sucking him into new troubles. Troubles he needs to run away with it still. He knows Mezre is somewhere, digesting a king's court and pantry, to have enough mass to mutate with her own goo into something even more dangerous. He should know, Mezre bought two hats and put the other one on.

Brimzy was careful not to let anyone to become weaver dragons, ever again.. So many worlds left covered in green, gooey web, with all life mutated into fae. The temptation was strong in those who received his gifts in goo. Few were trustworthy enough.


Brimzy emerged out from the corner near the wall wearing pants that still barely hid the banana-sized bulge. "Shit..." Brimzy whispered as all looked at the green argonian, nine feet tall, carefully testing his new feet. Usually, Brimzy had his tail tip coiled, as otherwise dollops of goo would ooze to form to its tip. He still worried if his argonian form was convincing enough, given how his tail was still fat and longer than anything.

"Oh, do come over..." an orc woman would say as Brimzy towered over others. There was a time even that was enough for him to latch around her, pull her inside and mutate her into a pony, for example. But Brimzy had spent a long while to reclaim his patience, having a power to decide over what happens to everyone had changed him for the worse for a while. Even a wrong look and you went in, turned into a Rito with diphallia. Brimzy likes the birdfolk, they had taught him to truly fly. Usually, Brimzy chose to change those he disliked into things he liked. It was a strange logic.

Entering an inn, in the corner sat a mage, near the counter sat a hooded man and two nords were fistfighting on the left. The noise inside made Brimzy hiss as he hated noisy places yet struggled on to push himself on a stool. The annoying, inconsiderate, drunken posse was making him lose control of his nerves...and tail. Coiling the limb around his seat, Brimzy tucked his drum ears into his hat and relaxed against the counter. A nine foot tall, green, muscled argonian was bothered by very simple things, as Brimzy wasn't good at acting like the size of his individual.

"You're the strangest egg-brother I've seen." The hooded man next to Brimzy said and took off the hood. A grayish blue argonian, an old one at that, showed his time-worn scales all over his body. The cloak hid the argonian's tail. "You know, we need to be careful. Thalmor hate us...Elves hate us, like always." the argonian said.

Brimzy searched the man's clothes for any tattering, it was always an opportunity for him to offer his services. "Beautiful, that's flax." Brimzy said as the argonian came closer and sniffed the bigger one. "You smell strange, have you come from Leyawiin? The things I'd do to sleep in those ponds... I'm Meets." Meets calmly said, leaving Brimzy confused. "Who will you meet?" The weaver dragon asked. "You!" Meets laughed while patting the bigger argonian on the back. "Heheh, great..." Brimzy said, feeling the handprint slowly fade from his back as his body reformed.

Brimzy took the argonian's hand to shake it, seeing how the argonian squeezed his fake bones with fascination.. "Eh..." Brimzy smiled awkwardly.

"You really are an interesting egg-brother..." Meets said, but Brimzy heard him not, when the nords cheered and began to sing. Brimzy lost his nerve, and resorted to his methods of dealing with annoying folk. The giant argonian braced as Brimzy launched out his tongue, pulling the loudest nord to his mouth. The man screamed as Brimzy pulled him easily in, neck stretched like spandex around the man that quickly whomped inside Brimzy's gooey stomach.

The man's clothes all but faded as Brimzy carefully maneuvered his insides to alter the nord into something less annoying. To Brimzy, the answer was a quick one. Someone he'd like to meet again.

The nord grew orange fur, a tail sprouted from his back, breasts swelled and genitals turned inwards. The man's hair turned blue, lean muscle appeared where the man's beer gut was. The change was now finishing with slim fingers, a head of a vixen and strong legs.

Carmelita Fox had given her form to the drunkard that now was squeezed out from Brimzy's tail to stand and be gawked at by the other nords. "By Ysmir..." the new Carmelita said. She caressed her breasts and ran her tail between her legs, while the band of nords whistled at her. The changed nord smiled, hearing this, and took swaying steps to a room, as the others followed behind her and locked the door.

The scene almost made Meets fall off his chair. Not only by how the nords reacted, but how Brimzy smiled as he looked at Meets. The innkeeper returned from the backroom as Meets made hasty decisions if he should warn everyone or just...calm down.

"Uh...The city guard might not approve." Meets tried to continue the conversation. "They can do little, my body stretches as you just saw, even to accommodate halberds and arrows.." Brimzy said as Meets' tail was wagging nervously now. "It seemed quite a ride to go inside, and the nord now has..." Meets said and felt his tail coiled around by that of Brimzy's, as the bigger argonian drew close. "You'll be sure not to sour my mood as they did. And you sure as hell didn't see me do nothing." Brimzy rumbled as Meets tried to wiggle his tail out. "Why would I? We were just talking, um...a-about..." Meets said and looked at how Brimzy's weird pants barely hid his junk. "What are you staring at?" Brimzy rumbled as Meets was beginning to stutter. "Y-y-you-" Meets tried to say, seeing how the innkeeper walked inside the backroom again.

"P-please don't..." Meets muttered. "Do what? You want in? Why would I...Oh, you're afraid I'd do to you what I did to the nord." Brimzy said as Meets nodded, tearing a bit even.

The sounds of Carmelita screaming in pleasure in thralls of the orgy were now causing a lot of noise as Brimzy growled. "Nothing, useless to stay here for me. Do not follow me, argonian." Brimzy said and took steps to walk into the day.

Meets panicked, he needed Brimzy to talk to him some more and ran to pull the argonians coiled tail to try to stop him. The squeeze shot out a big squirt of goo all over Meets as Brimzy looked at the argonian in panic.

"W-" was all Meets could say as Brimzy opened his mouth and stretched the smaller argonian quickly down into his belly, where Brimzy simply shrunk Meets to not make such a mound on his mass. "Didn't intend that to happen, stick in there a bit." Brimzy said, the words echoed inside his goo like it was an extension of him.

Meets felt warm, taken care of, seeing through Brimzy's scales was remarkable, as was the fact how Meets' gills could still draw breath inside, it's as if being surrounded by Brimzy's insides was keeping him as a being of pure energy. It was nothing like Meets had imagined.

Walking back to the alley, Brimzy squeezed out Meets that had been shrunk to a foot long little weasel. The argonian screamed as the giant one picked him up. "There we are. Can't let anyone who's been embraced by my goo to get away with it." Brimzy grumbled.

"Ah, why did you become hostile towards me suddenly?! Why am I small?!" Meets asked as Brimzy scratched his flat ear again. "I...I might've lost my nerve. It happens." Brimzy said as Meets crossed his arms. "Well, I'd politely ask for an apology and for you to turn me back, so we can continue our conversation." Meets calmly said.

"Ah, sure, wait a sec." Brimzy said and tossed the tiny argonian in. Inside Brimzy's goo the argonian swelled profusely, muscle on muscle, organs ballooned and scales healed as Meets was rejuvenated three inches taller and thicker in muscle than before.

The very robust argonian slid out from Brimzy's tail, a bit saddened that the experience was once more over, but amazed at how his body had healed the years of sea air chewing his scales. "My goodness, it's as if I freshly hatched..." Meets pondered as Brimzy smiled. "Hope it's a good apology."

Meets stood as Brimzy lifted his hat. "I am Brimzalabim, a traveler from your perspective and...trying to heal my god complex away slowly...Through meek, honest trades, hopefully." Brimzy admitted.

Meets stood next to a biomancer, a shapeshifter and an artisan clothier, years trapped in hopping from one world to the next. A green weaver dragon.

"I'm Meets-The-Maker, I don't like the whole name since it was given by my former owner." Meets said as Brimzy frowned. "Still at it in the Fourth Era, huh..." Brimzy said as Meets tried to shift away the conversation. "You uhm, noticed my clothes to be flax linen. I don't know how." Meets said.

"Ah, an eye for it, regardless of graphics." Brimzy said and suddenly put his paws to his mouth, breaking walls to characters tended to not be good. "Graph-graphics? Well the patterns are a bit rough." Meets admitted as Brimzy exhaled. "Yeah, right."

"So...I think it's safe to say that you're not an argonian behemoth that has learned to talk, so...What are you, actually?" Meets asked, as Brimzy uncoiled his tail and stuck the tip to his mouth. Relaxing his mind and letting cool serene vibes flow over his form, not dwelling what to be, the end result was a potato sack shaped, smooth being with stretchy anatomy, floppy ears and large eyes. Under six feet tall and much rounder, Brimzy lifted off as his wings became those of a vibrant purple morpho butterfly.

"Just a round, floaty balloon." Brimzy commented as Meets looked at the hovering being with fascination. "You float like a mage..." Meets muttered as Brimzy smiled. "You should know I am a mage, but instead of spells it's all absorbed into my goo, hence why we're biomancers in that regard...Though I can do a bit. Like..." Brimzy demonstrated his pulling by gesturing an apple from the nearby tree, as it flew into Brimzy's mouth down his throat. Meets could see a pale shade slide down. "Your skin is...murky." Meets pondered as Brimzy wondered. "Did I make myself a bit too putty-like? Sometimes I forget to give myself any skin at all." Brimzy joked, as Meets took it literally.

"So...What were we supposed to talk about? Why did you try to stop me?" Brimzy wondered as Meets was a bit worried to reveal the truth. Brimzy had been...a bit of a hunk when he was nine feet tall. "I kind of thought that we got along. I realize you have trouble with trying to redeem or...be a better...something. Are you a person? You're not really a dragon but...a fairy." Meets pondered as Brimzy landed.

Flashes of smiles and beaches and ice cream, sounds of seagulls suddenly flashed and faded; A childhood in a world beyond Placaria Brimzy definitely had.

"I might be a fairy. I think so. All I remember is how I was, for a few seconds before I became this." Brimzy showcased his web that extended from his belly button. "Want to taste?" He offered Meets.

"What? Why would I?" Meets asked as Brimzy stuck the long strand of silk into his mouth and slurped his mouth full like spaghetti. His belly button spinneret then squeezed around the web, cutting it as Brimzy swallowed a huge ball of goo back inside himself. His body absorbed a few dormant traits, as Brimzy jokingly mimicked Meets' feathers by giving some behind his neck.

"Funny. So your goo mutates you, but...does it mutate me?" Meets asked as Brimzy shook his head. "What does it...taste like then?" Meets asked.

Brimzy sneakily wormed the tip of his tail around Meets and offered the tip to the argonian. "Care to try this way?" He slyly asked, not believing Meets to actually-

Meets fished the tip with his tongue as Brimzy yelped, settling to the ground. The argonian was gently pressing his tongue to squeeze around the two bits to cause Brimzy to push bursts of goo. "Mh..." Meets muttered and drank as Brimzy had forgotten how it felt when someone toyed with his tail.

The feelers at the tip of his tail were almost directly comparable to the glans of a cock. Both were extremely sensitive. Meets suckled, pulled and bit the tiny feelers as Brimzy's foggy breath and gooey racing heart were the only signals the weaver dragon wanted to give to his friend about how Meets was currently sucking him off.

Squeezing tighter around Meets as Brimzy's tail swelled with goo, Meets continued slurping what he could milk with his tongue. A large bulging tide of goo was nearing the tip as a weaver dragon climax was nearing for Brimzy. "Mmeehh.." Brimzy tried to warn as the argonian's maw was flooded with potent goo full of magic. The argonian's cheeks rounded. Meets felt serene as Brimzy's climax offered Meets a quick taste of true power.

Brimzy rolled to lay on his back, revealing how his body had almost glued to the ground with how much web Brimzy had sweated. The dragon looked at Meets, who was...drooling more of his goo. "NOPE!" Brimzy quickly got up and stuffed Meets inside him.

Brimzy knew that there was a slim chance, that highly charged goo from his body could retain its full mutating potential in discharges, but so long since the last time had made Brimzy forget that the mutations could also be into a fellow fae.

He could mutate parts of Meets that were not...fae. He had to do something to hide from Meets his emerging goo glands. Brimzy read life like one would read books. Meets had developed saliva glands which secreted weaver dragon magimutagen; The goo.

Not good. Meets would notice his change soon. The more he swallows down his own goo the more it takes over. Brimzy was sure.

Once out from Brimzy, Meets pondered the sweet taste not disappearing from his mouth. "Had to hug...you properly. Few are as good with their th-tongues as you were." Brimzy explained his devourment as Meets smiled. "Think of it as an apology." Meets said. "Apology for what?" Brimzy pondered. "For pulling your tail!" Meets laughed, Brimzy laughing too, unsure.


Part 2.

The hut was small and outside city walls. Brimzy needed no hammock as he stretched his tail around girders to swing and lounge on. Meets was napping, as Brimzy too wanted to pass time until the market was open. He'd open a makeshift stall, weave some cursed socks and move on.

Meets got up as he felt his mouth full of something sweet as he woke up. A tiny desk mirror told the truth. Meets' saliva was green and sticky. "By the Hist..." Meets whispered and extended his reptilian tongue to compel his mouth to moisten, goo was filling his mouth, mutating his tongue thicker by the second. Swallowing down a glob, Meets calmly exhaled and told himself that he was dreaming still.

As Brimzy stretched and fished his tail to suck and shift to resemble an argonian again, Meets was hesitant to speak. His swelling tongue proved hard to speak with.

"So...Tomorrow the stalls open and I'll open my own. Care to join my effort to sell socks?" Brimzy asked as Meets nodded, humming too. "What's wrong? Someth-Something in your mouth?" Brimzy tried to pretend unaware. Meets' mouth ballooned in goo as saliva suddenly surged out from his mouth as a projectile. Meets' tongue had grown to reflect the dimensions and stretchiness of that of a weaver dragon as Meets looked at the sickly green bile he had just secreted. "How am I making so much of it? What am I becoming? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!!" Meats yelled with his large tongue easily tucking back in as Meets' throat swelled like spandex.

"You've been infected by a mutation I cannot change, because I cannot alter goo." Brimzy worried as the truth was out. Meets felt sick, his saliva had become thick and sweet green mush. "You'll eventually be like me. Filled to the Brim with healing goo and able to shift and swell, digest what you want, stretch and heal in seconds. I fear I...I didn't want to change you. My climax caused me to lose control, I really meant it about how you caressed these." Brimzy showed his two glands.

Meets was finally connecting what he had done. "Weird. Weird and ...kinky." Meets said as Brimzy frowned. "I am...sorry. I'm trying to be better. Inexcusable from me to take advantage of you." Brimzy said as Meets got up, walked to the floating dragon and hugged the small clothier. "You little weird thing...I adored every drop of your goo." Meets said as Brimzy was surprised by the hug, insecurely embracing back the argonian.


At the market, Brimzy's stall was a log on a quilt, socks in green with a sign 'TWO GOLD'

Meets had mutated even further. His head resembled an argonian one, sure, but monarch butterfly wings were itchy against a jacket he could no longer button, as his gut had swollen full of his saliva. At times, he tested the flexy tongue of his against his stretchy neck and kept pushing out saliva as he pondered food stalls. His belly spinneret was completing its transformation. Meets was 65% a weaver dragon, yet quite unsure what being one meant.

"Care to join me at the inn so we can spend our earnings to buy delicacies?" Meets asked as Brimzy looked at the argonian. "I...I have to move on. You're turning into another biomancer, if you continue changing folk it could have dire consequences to Tamriel!" Brimzy warned as Meets pondered. "I get to change nords into foxy ladies?" He asked as Brimzy looked at the argonian with a look of disapproval. "I was angry. You're in control of what you want. I couldn't stop you if you'd choose the worst path weaver dragons could take, the path...The path Mezre took." Brimzy said.

"Who is Mezre?" Meets asked.

Brimzy took off his hat. "My partner. We were to challenge a lord of lava, instead Mezre changed him like I changed her. We cannot alter other fae. Soon, this lava lord converted his kingdom to reflect his new powers. Mezre and I were cursed into other worlds by these hats, but...I saw her become corrupted by eating. She wanted to be filled with so much food that she abandoned her saggy form to eat more. She became quadruped, continued sucking her goo to change into things she had digested before. I fear she would've dethroned Placaria if given the chance, but these hats took her away, thankfully." Brimzy told.

Meets poked his belly, it jostled as the argonian's goo-filled body was slowly spreading to fill the tail too. "So eating is a bad thing?" Meets wondered as Brimzy sighed. "We need to eat like any other animal. We're fae, though, not dragons." Brimzy told Meets who examined the gooey strand of web his belly spinneret had secreted."I wanna make clothes too, maybe something to fit me! My pants are tearing as my legs change." Meets wondered as Brimzy saw his friend adopting every new trait goo gave his body. "Just hang on a bit until your tail gets its feelers so you can learn to shapeshift yourself!" Brimzy said as Meets pulled out a bowlful of string to mold around.

Few saw the changing argonian molding green goo and licking it to keep it from hardening as Brimzy sustained his illusion around Meets, who was eagerly learning what he could make. The green tee was cozy as Meets put it on, the shirt stretched to the Brim and then some, infinitely.

"Looks great." Brimzy was impressed as Meets wagged his sagging tail.


Meets' tail wasn't allowing his linen pants any comfort so Brimzy made his friend some shorts too. The socks sold well, but Brimzy knew no shoe would fit to the feet of their buyers soon.

At the inn, Brimzy dropped the two coins into the hat, as the coins continued falling...falling...falling.

"Where would it take you if you didn't put two coins in?" Meets asked. Brimzy frowned. "I get sent to where Mezre is and vice versa." She and I agreed that we cannot exist in the same world, she wants to consume while I want to change." Brimzy worried.

Meets' mutations gently finished, as the floaty new weaver dragon examined the tip of his tail pushing out a droplet of goo on the floor. "It tickles nicely." Meets said as Brimzy took him to an empty open room in the inn to teach his friend to change back to how he looked. Brimzy's bubble of illusion dissipated around Meets as now everyone saw how swollen and soft the argonian's body had become.

"You coexist with the goo that is inside you. It digests and absorbs and you are its immediate clay. So take your tail, suck in and let the aromas flow over you. Feel your belly sort through what you are." Brimzy instructed.

Meets carefully guided his tail into his mouth and squeezed out the first bit of goo. A library opened as he tasted it, and Meets got eager to try it all, as Meets' lower body quickly squeezed around into a guar, his upper body into a naga, his lower body into a boa, his upper body into a crocodile, his lower body-

"Stoop! Stop!" Brimzy pulled out his tail from his mouth as Meets smacked lips. He examined his pudgy naga crocodile form with great pride. "I can be so many things from home!" Meets said as Brimzy took calm breaths. "Just be you for now, so we can go eat, okay?" Brimzy suggested and gave the tip of Meets' tail back to him.

Meets morphed to be eight feet of argonian, with his tail coiled behind him, his package was swollen even beyond that of Brimzy's. "I get to make mine as big as I want..." Meets finished the transformation as the two argonians shared their bony bodies in a strange silence. Meets looked at Brimzy with a strange look as Brimzy looked away. Meets mimicked the telekinetic gesture at the door as a gentle tug closed it quietly and Meets pressed against Brimzy's body. "We're...pretty." Meets tried his luck. "I...I guess."

The door was locked. The bed was there. Brimzy tried to look elsewhere. "You worry about others so much, Brimzy. Let me help you relax." Meets offered as Brimzy took to the approach, making eye contact and blushing. "I haven't had this in months." Brimzy excused as Meets pushed the slightly larger argonian to the bed, as Meets let his stretchy pants unsheathe a very robust humanoid penis sitting on swollen testes. "It's best I remind you, then." Meets offered and coiled his gooey tongue around the member.

The sensation was slightly less exciting as someone sucking his tail, but still delightful. Meets pulled down his own shorts with his tail, to test how penetration with the sensitive tail would feel into his butt. The feelers squeezed through easily as Meets got extremely into his sucking, swallowing inch after inch of his tail deeper still, into his mush.

Weaver dragons don't need an anus, but to Meets, sticking his own tail so deep down there was incredible. Not to mention when goo emerged from his tail tip, Meets realized something Brimzy didn't know.

Brimzy's ejaculate flowed as goo, like from his tail and belly, as Brimzy's body leaked in ecstacy. Meets was busy in feeling his tail so inside him that Brimzy got worried when Meets kept panting against his gooey cock. "Meets? Buddy?" Brimzy whispered but saw nothing.

The new weaver dragon finished inside himself, as Meets digested potent goo from his own tail while messing his pants full from his cock. Meets was leaking too, as the pants now held the argonian's cock at the precipice of a mutation. The swollen limb had pushed out so much goo...and now, Meets gasped as his phallus became a straw, connected to his inner workings, as Meets sucked back in his own secretions with his urethra. The most marvelous sensation, given how his flaccid limb became a limb like a tail. "Mwrrrmmhhh..." Meets only rumbled as his new prehensile limb emerged maw-like, with its own tongue.

Brimzy was unaware that Meets had evolved himself a snake cock, as the two argonians licked away the webs and rejoined the rest of the inn.

Carmelita Fox-looking Nord was pointing at the argonian, talking with the others while dressing his assets liberally. One of the drunkards came to the two. "Youss a real mage n make me one of them sugartits friend. Give me niiice juicy ones, hm..." the Nord came to Brimzy, hand on shoulder as Meets said an "uh oh"

The nord disappeared into Brimzy, as the others saw him moan against the belly. Out came a khajiit, yellow in fur, as the others whistled while their friend came too to Brimzy. "Change me!" The nord pleaded as Brimzy groaned. "Don't bother us with this..." Brimzy rumbled. "I'll pay two hundred gold!" the Nord said as Brimzy's ears shot up, flipping his hat off his head.


Carmelita Fox, Katia Managan, Krystal Fox and a Renamon were chatting their boob sizes as Meets got to experience the newly discovered delight of his body.


It was erogeny, how his neck was so sensitive, how each bite stretched it, how every taste was beyond vibrant. Things Meets expected not to taste, tasted beyond. And inside his belly, he felt it. He could nibble this and that, but not that. A conscious, magic digestion that was swelling him up so much. But Meets had already experinced something ever more amazing, as he dropped an apple into his pants and wiggled his cock around the thing. He had to hold to the table as the bulge disappeared inside, it was so sensitive it sent Meets to the Brim of an instant ejaculation as the former argonian calmed down.

"You okay? It's not that delightful." Brimzy said as Meets moaned against a licked clean plate. His cock required more mass and width to digest even bigger things for even more pleasure. He needed to...He needed to see to things.


Out walked two fat argonians with tails smooching each other as the two headed for the shack outside the city. Brimzy wished for cuddles, Meets wished for a quiet stroll in the night. Just to see how much he could eat.

Weighing barely anything, steps bounced him like on the surface of the moon. "I'm so floaty..." Meets wondered. Brimzy took off his shirt and gestured Meets to do the same. In the dark, Anvil had calmed as Brimzy lifted himself into the air. "Try it!" Brimzy pleaded as Meets tested his wings.

The lizard butterfly found pushing air back to be exquisitely easy. Meets followed Brimzy as they flew over the wall, above the trees. "Wanna go really high?" Brimzy asked as Meets hesitated, the winds were ruthless. "N-no, t-this is good enough!" Meets pleaded.

The two landed at the shack at 1AM, Brimzy already took his tail to let his mass sag and flow as he returned to his usual self. Meets wished to follow suit, taking his tail to his mouth and relaxing away to clear his mutations. Though, he found out his hungry cock wasn't going away. Brimzy noticed none of it as Meets entered and went to lay on his bed, feeling how he was hungrily nibbling his shorts.

As Brimzy let out tiny wheezes and had his hat on his eyes, Meets got out.

He wasn't sure what to make of it, as his cock was an eyeless maw with a tongue of its own. Gesturing a branch, Meets catched it with the limb, amazed how the tongue of the thing digested it into goo for easier drinking already. Meets drank, as his cock received jolts of growth.

Curiously, he let the dick maw's tongue slither along the bark of a tree. Goo became of it as Meets now hungrily tapped into the new source of not-so-tasty growth. Soon, the tongue was thick enough to wrap and flatten into a digesting blanket as the trees basically sunk into Meets widening shaft that had grown him past fifteen feet by now. Every gulp was amazing to feel and at times, Meets sweated web to cover the forests he was digesting away, soon blanketing entire trees at forty feet of height, with his giant phallus now at thirty feet. Meets was finding his hide to stretch and stretch, as soon the guards were alerted to attend to the growing beast. The few that got close got trapped in the webs and felt their armor to tighten around their swelling bodies, as their muscles expanded.

Meets could feed no more, gasping and sweating as his cock maw he instead now pushed through the tip of his tail, drinking and absorbing what he wished, and grew his argonian appearance the best he could to suit his new body. He made his tongue drooly, long limb, as he returned to see the soldiers making a ruckus in his web.

Swallowing them, he melted away their armor, leaving the soldiers naked and floating inside, as Meets took to experimenting with the men who had no escape out. They began to shift to resemble the creatures that argonians shared their genes with.


Meets heard a cannon go out. The castle was on full alert. Screams.

"Knew it." Brimzy said, as Meets was gone.

Stepping out at o' six hundred, Brimzy saw the dry webs of goo, the missing trees and the missing forest where the shack was, it all was completely eaten. There was a telekinetic pull-sized hole in the city wall, no doubt because Meets had imprisoned soldiers into himself.

Though one thing Brimzy had no idea how Meets was doing, as a cart drawn by horses suddenly lost its gravity and was pulled in an indirect line towards the 100 feet tall Meets.

Brimzy took off, seeing how Anvil was full of nagas, kagouti, argonians and behemoths, all still their former selves as they struggled to escape with their transformed bodies. Brimzy floated next to Meets, who let out a few female argonians out next.

"Change of guard, huh." Brimzy joked as he looked at the fat argonian sitting in ruins, cross-legged, tongue out and cock eagerly gulping and digesting the horses, crates, the cart and its contents. Meets gestured with his fingers a trajectory as another cart was lifted the moment Meets saw it. Advanced telekinesis gestures that Brimzy had never known existed, which Meets accidentally found.

"So...what next? You're going to destroy the Thalmor?" Brimzy asked as Meets gestured for him to sit at the tip of his approaching cock instead of flapping buoyantly. Brimzy hesitated, of course.

"Why do you...Why does it have a tongue? What is that snake-shaped head?" Brimzy asked.

"That It is called The Maker, my good friend. Pleased to Meets!" The dick talked as Brimzy recoiled. "Come sit on my head, Meets is occupied by my presence." The Maker said.

Brimzy gently landed on the eyeless snake's head as it slithered him close to Meets' belly, struggles of dozens of people visible through the belly.

"Isn't this exciting? An extension of me as a sensitive limb. A belly full of my kin!" The Maker said as Brimzy pondered. "Are you Meets, then?" Brimzy asked as The Maker smiled. "Of course! I am embracing myself through this new way to exist. I will migrate to the tip of my tail soon, but being a cock has been quite pleasant and eye-opening...though I still see through Meets." The Maker said.

The trapped soldiers inside were becoming nothing but hyper-endowed equine freaks as Meets wished to torment the Thalmor. "They'll be nothing but the most beautiful creatures once I've found more genetic material. I am missing your dormant library to shapeshift with, but I'm catching up!" The Maker said.

"But...promise me you'll make no fae? Do not give them the Goo." Brimzy said as The Maker smiled. "Why would I? I need this advantage for myself. My potato sack skin sinks in as it is shot with cannon fire, not even ships withstand such things. Speaking of..." The Maker said as Meets saw the Thalmor ship arriving at Anvil's port.

The ship had barrels of gunpowder loaded with them. The mages were lined on the deck. Brimzy probably knew what was about to happen. It was quite obvious what they would try to do.

"Whatever you do, do not digest those barrels." Brimzy said. "Why's that? They look like nothing I can't handle." Meets said.

The mages lifted the first barrel with a group telekinesis spell to fly towards Meets. The giant argonian hungrily opened his mouth around the lit gunpowder barrel, swallowing it to digest. "See nothing b-" The Maker managed to say as the barrel blew up, Meets ballooned full of smoke.

The explosion almost instantly caused Meets to bloat, maldigestion and the smoke was a lethal combination as the smoke cloud squeezed out of Meets' mouth as a toxic green cloud, with a roaring belch.

The belch that Meets let out was a roar of delight as green smoke clouded the city. Wherever this green smoke touched, it sizzled. Not mutated, not digested, sizzled. The panicking mutated citizens of Anvil all ran from the green plume that caused random fires everywhere, as a chicken forgot to run and found its feathers on fire.

The fires grew as the cloud faded, Anvil was about to be burned down. "Whoops." Meets said and gestured at the sea with a motion of a wave. The telekinetic gesture instantly caused a wall of water to explode over the city, extinguishing much of the fires as mist trickled down on all. Brimzy fixed his hat, he had no aptitude for such kind of telekinesis but didn't want to ask how Meets mastered the gestures.

Meets looked at the ship that was in panic as the gunpowder barrel had done little. Meets struggled as he pushed against something invisible, as the ship in the distance slowly rose up from the sea. Brimzy was about to beg Meets to stop what he was trying as instead he dropped the ship from fifteen feet causing many injuries and damage to all aboard it. "Hopefully they'll get the message then." Meets laughed as the talking dick once more remained quiet. Meets looked at Brimzy with orange, maddened eyes, the ninety feet tall fat dragon with butterfly had no problems reclining against the ruins of castle.

"So...What's next for Brimzalabim? I'll assume you must go and let me continue my slow victory over the elves?" Meets asked as Brimzy felt The Maker prod his butt with a slimy tongue. Even if Brimzy has nothing for the tongue to go in, the feeling was still quite pleasant. "Eh, I've got places. My hat is waiting for me to crawl in." Brimzy muttered as Meets let his cocktongue violently squeeze around Brimzy. Suddenly, Brimzy was pulled in. "Stay a bit longer, argonian." He said as Brimzy screamed inside a rollercoaster as the cock sucked him inside. "No....No!" Brimzy said as Meets got up and stomped on the inn. A gentle gesture caused the posse of nords, the innkeeper and stores of food to levitate to Meets' cockmaw, as Meets let it all in.

The nords weren't lucky. Their bodies had too many valuable traits as the fox girls and khajiit all digested away. The innkeeper then became an amalgamation, earning the body of a Renamon, tail of Katia, face of Carmelita and breasts of Krystal. "Ahah! AHHAHA-" Meets only laughed as he understood what to do next.


Meets ventured towards the recovering city of Kvatch, this time no daedra could stop the amount of damage Meets could do on his way he had unearthed caves by lifting them open to the sky and devouring goblins, minotaurs, wolves, spriggans.

Kvatch became a warground, no non-player wss safe. Meets's tail squeezed out multi-limbed monsters with features which were all mixed into strange combinations.

Brimzy needed out. He'd seen enough, especially when suddenly the monsters stopped coming and Meets digested everyone slowly as he growled feeling them trying to escape. Meets was beyond gone in power lust. There was nothing else to see as around Brimzy non-players were melting away. He knew the moment he entered his hat...

It was all just a campaign for him. Meets he had hoped would have avoided the madness. Non-players cannot handle the power. Brimzy had poorly handled it. The power to decide what others could be is too much power. It is why Brimzy was falling inside his hat, as the hat faded from Meets stomach, like everything that was entering it. Soon, Meets was turning all into weaver dragons like him, but this Brimzy never got to see. It doesn't matter.

A campaign is only a campaign without continuity, you can only play again.

There were times he found the same time, the same place. People he remembered recognized him not, disasters he had caused had never occurred. But for the first time...


To the city of New Placaria opened a tarp, like a flower that deepened into the ground, from which crawled a green fairy. Though when it comes to fairies this one was weeeeird. It wasn't even resembling a humanoid. It resembled a chameleon with weight problems, but its head had a strange iguana look, goat ears too. The size of the thing's gut left many boulders in jealousy and it had a satchel and a hat.

"Fuck...Why is this always so tight..." Brimzy muttered and froze. He stared at the giant towers of web, the lakes of goo, all coexisting with nature perfectly. Weaver dragons flew from tower to tower, ad signs burned bright to promote foods, foods and foods. All was written in the text Brimzy had almost forgotten how to read.

Brimzy attempted to crawl back inside the hat, finding that the trinket was now but a hat. That mean that...

Mezre was coming where he was. He was stuck and so would Mezre be.


Bonus: Horses to Worse

Mezre: Making Matter Worse

A blue hat stretched into a hole in the ground as a lilac weaver dragon slithered out, barely fitting through even as a long noodle spooling into the next world. Once fully through with her ninety feet of plump snake body, Mezrezzherazu opened her jaws and let out a raspy sigh. Such delicious feasts she had squeezed around while forcing her subjects to continue pleasing her. It was never about digesting food but letting it all slowly increase her mushy insides until she had swollen enough and robbed the nearest two coins before disappearing inside her blue hat. She was laaaazy.

She barely bothered to chase small game, occasionally she picked off small ponies to float inside her while twisting them into nagas. The best way to subjugate kings and queens was to take their subjects, their guards, show them that they could do little stop Mezre. She had it all planned, as always. Go to where the king, queen, emperor, tzar, president would be and appeal to them like a hungry beast, with a belching growl for food. Should they not comply, Mezre would turn into an ouroboros and mutate her dormant traits by digesting them from his own goo to take her most feared form.

She was, by now, so lazy to chase after prey, so lazy to fight the guards and so bothered by having to slither towards the castle. "Huh..." Mezre said, as pegasus ponies flew towards her with halberds and sank them in. Her skin gave in as some of the ponies stretched inwards enough to break it for a fraction of a second, before the goo regenerated the wound, as the pony guards ended inside her. "Hmh..." She smiled as they tried out, as they began to change. A quick idea had been to turn them into black, anthropomorphic clydesdales with giant feathered wings and balls so big they'd never find peace in having them, along with cocks that would never not drool pre.

As the changes were done, the artificially horny beasts struggled out from the tip of her tail, reborn as twelve feet tall beasts, gods standing tall over Ponyville. "Good boys..." Mezre muttered as they examined their fetishized forms.

Entering the castle, queen Twilight Sparkle did not budge as Spike ran to stop the giant gooey beast. "Ah, same color too..." Mezre pondered to herself and let the dragon struggle as Mezre's sweat pushed out web suddenly. "Let him go!" Twilight yelled and already tried to teleport the three of them somewhere else. Pony magic Mezre had absorbed before, but this tasted like candy. Twisting the spell, Mezre teleported herself full of delicacies as she consumed the spell and provided herself.

"What the..." Twilight could only mutter. Spike's error was to push inwards, the skin gave up and Spike ended up inside. Mezre once more dwelled in how to twist the dragon to be the most awkward thing to be around. Simply, Spike changed into a perfect replica of what Mezre was seeing, as out of her emerged a clone of Twilight Sparkle. Mezre's jesty transformation were pushed aside as she let the food inside her finally melt into more mass for her. Once she was done, she simply gasped out for Foooood.

"You shall have none!" Twilight refused as Mezre smiled, she had waited for her refusal.

Taking the tip of her tail in, Mezre drank and digested, absorbed and mutated. Four limbs of reptilian features twisted out, a belly sagged between them, her snakehead squared to be crowned by a crown of horns, yet much else remained unchanged, excepting the wings that bloomed into black and green sails.

Dragon Mezre sat up, her weightless form was lifted by her fairy wings as she sat her quadruped body on her tail and gestured her front paw twice. This instantly pulled a twisted telekinetic blast that tore Twilight into Mezre's mouth and halfway to her neck, where she kept the small pony in a squeeze, before she was to enter her stomach to mutate into something funny.

"Let me go!" Twilight struggled against the walls of the neck as Mezre huffed, smiling to comply as Twilight was let go deeper inside her.

The alicorn twisted to resemble the previous dragon she had changed into an alicorn. Though this dragon was about to have a growth spurt. Being lazy, she swelled "Spike" just a bit, before she let her out as "Twilight" struggled to not have the queen's new genitalia bother her.

"Change us back!" Twilight as Spike demanded as Mezre coiled her tail around the two to bring them to her mouth and once more demand for Foooooood.

"F-fine! Food then!" Twilight promised as the two were let go. The giant gooey dragon with the blue hat still felt a valiant knight push a halberd through her. Mezre's gooey belly was somewhat merciful before, but the pony guard melted into mush as the two gasped. "No more tricks." Mezre said, not referring to the sneaky halberd but to her transformations, she just wants to devour now.


It is the third day, the courtroom is full of coils. Mezre gestured cart after cart of produce from the door inside her as she digested the cart too. The world of tastes was without comparison. She usually pulled the carts in if they took too long, occasionaly ponies would end in too.

She has her mouth open as occasionally she belches goo out, she was nearing her maximum size of three hundred feet in length, sixty feet in diameter. She needs to stretch her hide to swell, so she eats and melts all. Eventually, after another quick outgush of goo, Mezre sealed her mouth and retreated into the palace to play with her form using all her fresh mass to do so.

Drinking from her tail, she grew two heads from her shoulders as she had eaten a hydra, she grew four more legs from a crocodile and nimbled her front legs into dexterous digits since she was a weaver dragon. Her taurific form sagged and sweated gooey webs everywhere as Mezre took calming breaths. She has always gotten stuck at this size. She thinks this is as big as her kind could be.

She knocked towards the roof as the roof exploded outwards in a telekinetic blast, she flapped a few times to steer her weightless body through to observe. Regardless of three heads, she only fixated to one direction at a time. She was a bit bored so she ventured down to see ponies with their offerings lining to the castle doors. Casually, she quickly gulped down three and biomanced them into even more alicorns.

"Who next?" She quietly asked as the ponies looked at the goo-filled dragon. An elderly pony stepped forth, as Mezre gobbled her up and made her into a weaver dragon. A kind act it was not, she was making gods and war, allowing power to get those who deserved it not.

She let herself slowly drain as she shaped her mushy insides around the tiny ponies that now lined to become alicorns and hungry dragons.


Equestria is slowly becoming a name that does not reflect what is seen. Green webs cover the city, trees have been digested. An earth pony turned into an alicorn tries to use his magic to teleport but cannot before the weaver dragon finds something to digest and absorb. Weaver dragons, who had been but ponies a month ago, still hunted for power and traits to shapeshift with.

Mezre contently watched on, she enjoyed campaigns where she destroyed it all. "Ugh." Mezre groaned. It was all so basic. Nothing was surprising. She needed to see her friend, say hello.

The hat was not large enough for her to be twenty feet in diameter. A disappointment, to be three hundred feet long yet too thick. She shed herself slimmer and poured herself inside.


As the kingdom covered in webs opened to her, she smiled as Brimzy screamed, for reasons unknown her hat placed them next to each other. Without any opportunities for her brother to escape, Mezre swallowed Brimzy inside her. "Hi, B.Just here to see what you're doin'. Though...I guess your hat broke." Mezre.wondered as Brimzy squirmed inside her. She flowed herself entirely through to see the city full of weaver dragons even bigger than her. The blue hat also lost its charge.

"Guess we're home...whenever home is." Mezre said as Brimzy felt squeezed within, tormented by giggling Mezre as Brimzy struggled when she caressed the feelers on his tail. "Been too long since I got you in me. Didn't we make a lovely team like this? You inside me to help me relax while I tackled our problems? I even grow big for you, so...drink up in there~" Mezre smilingly said as Brimzy sulked. "You hate me, I know. I'm too clingy and weird for you. Just...stick in there while I sort us out." Mezrezzherazu said and slithered towards the city.