When I Was Young...

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#21 of Poetry, both old and new

Just a small poem I wrote this morning. I had a dream of what I would call my perfect reality, and decided To share it here. I hope you like it. After all, we all have our dreams...

When I was young,

I had a dream,

Just a small house,

down by a stream,

Far away from all that mattered,

All the dreams that ended shattered,

Just a home where I could roam,

And be me....

Call it causality, maybe reality,

Call it a God, who looks

Tearfully, down at me,

Call it an arrogance,

call it ambition,

Never conformed, you can call it


Call it a fantasy, call it

My lunacy, call it

my dream...

But in my madness, and still,

In my sadness, There's something

I cling to with hope and a prayer

That one day I'll find it, or worse,

Leave behind it, but still it remains

Like the chains that bind it to me...

When I was young

I had a dream,

Just a small house,

down by a stream,

Call it a fantasy, call it

My lunacy, call it

my dream...