Research Log [#003]

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== LOG #003 ==

We have finished working on 372. Whether or not that's a good thing is currently debatable.

When we powered him on for the first time, he just sat up and stared at us. I thought that he may just be confused, but he didn't ever shift his glance. He just watched every move we made. It was pretty creepy to be honest.

Given that we have installed this cybernetic organism with higher privileges in our security systems, this is a bit of a troublesome start. I mean, you wouldn't want the driver of a bus to be staring at you menacingly as he pulled out of the bus stop. Technically, there wasn't anything menacing about the behaviour, but for some reason it just felt that way.

Aside from the initial concerns I have, 372 seems to be making good progress communicating with his fellow hybrids. Despite his lack of desire to speak with his 'creators', he seems to be incredibly sociable.

There is another thing I noticed that makes me feel a little uneasy, however.

Every now and again, 372 will gather a few hybrids into an out-of-sight location. I don't know what he's is doing this for, or what he does in these gatherings, but it can't be anything good. The reason I say this is because whenever a member of staff approaches the group, they scatter and resume normal interaction. This whole behaviour makes me a bit suspicious about 372.

On a different note, the company finally decided on a name for the hybrids. I mentioned in my first log that the process of enhancement was through something called 'prototype-genetics'. Well, apparently it was decided upon to shorten the name of this process. And so the term 'Proto-Gen' was coined. Apparently the correct spelling is with the hyphen, but I have mostly seen people referring to them as just 'Protogens' in emails and such.

So, that is what we'll be calling the hybrids from now on. The name is kinda catchy actually.

I'm not sure exactly when we will be sending out these guys for government use. Some of the 'Protogens' actually have pretty nice personalities, and some even seem to want nothing more than just to live a happy life. It's kinda nice hearing them talk so positively.

However, some of the things that these 'Protogens' ask I kinda feel guilty about. An increasingly common question is 'when can we leave?'. If I could, I would let them out into the real world then and there. I feel bad giving them indefinite answers. But what better can I give? At the end of the day, I just have to wait and see what I'm told to do.

I want to work with these 'Protogens' more. Whilst I still can.