The Cost of True Peace 1

Story by Pyrin1701 on SoFurry

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The Cost of True Peac...

The Cost of True Peace

Chapter 1

The first end

Copyright Pyrin1701

I'm considering making this into a series, this was supposed to be a mysterious beginning to it, not sure how well I pulled it off thought. As always, comment, suggestions, questions, both welcome and encouraged. And thank you to everyone who enjoys my writing.

He stood, watching, waiting, unsure of what to do. His eyes were wide with shock, claws digging into the wooden supports as he held on for his life, ears back flat as the wind roared past him. "It's too late . . . "

He watched in horror as rocks and other debris flew by him, stopping to get in a few cheap shots as they bounced off him in the tiny hallway. His claws started to slip, the wall shaking as the pressure increased faster, the more debris the anomaly sucked in, the stronger it became. Sin clenched at the frame holding up the hallway even as a rock tore itself from the floor, bouncing down the hallway like a rubber ball and denting the blast doors behind him, still refusing to close.

Sin screamed as he lost his grip, claws leaving streaks in the wood as the bellowing wind sucked him backwards. He gritted his teeth, growling in pain as he felt his shoulders shatter against the unmoving metal, his body sliding towards the gap between the still open doors as he grabbed for anything to hold onto.

"Why are you fighting?" Sin blinked as the burning sensation in his shoulders faded, the wind seeming to slow can calm suddenly. Before him, an image appeared, or at least he thought. It was a strange sensation, the form that he thought he saw, he somehow knew was not their, just the idea, that she was their.

The feminine voice smiled somehow, purring as she spoke to him again, "You are very quick, Sin, so then, why, in this obvious no win scenario, do you fight?" Sin blinked once more. Everything had stopped, the wind, the debris flying past him, even his heartbeat. He could feel his heart standing still. "Who are you . . ." he tried to breath, suddenly realising that not only could he not, but he didnt seem to need to.

The form before him solidified a little, a face showing as it growled angrily at him, "WHY DO YOU FIGHT?" Sin frowned internally, his mind racing, thoughts telling him to get to the self destruct, shut down the power, get to the escape pods, anything. Looking around, it was a strange feeling, the entire world had seemed to just stop and wait for him to speak with this . . . he wasnt even sure what, if it was female, she was. "Because I am incapbale of giving up . . . "

She smiled at him, he form growing clearer. Her soft pink fur shimmering as if some distant star was bathing just her in its light. Her tail seemed to wander behind her as if doing it's own thing, and her face. Sin's breath would have caught in his throat, she was abolustely gorgeous. A slim, narrow muzzle, short headfur flowing around her ears and face. Sin froze as he gazed into her eyes.

Her eyes were black, and not just black, but blacker then the deepest black he had ever seen. He stared, entranced, her eyes didnt even appear to be black themselves, it was more like swallowed every bit of light to come near them. She never blinked, or seemed to look anywhere, her eyes just hung their, empty, bottomless, as she spoke, a shiver running up his back from the combination of her heavily voice, and those terrifyingly empty eyes. And yet, there was something intensly comforting about her presence, almost familiar, he couldnt place it, but deep down, he knew she would not hurt him.

"You seek death." Sin trembled as she spoke to him, seeming to know everything he was thinking. "I seek peace!" he spat at her, growling as if trying to convince himself. She nods as the rest of her form solidifies, she seemed to be sitting cross legged, just hovering in front of him, oblivious to the debris floating frozen in mid air. "You cannot lie to me Sin. You seek personal peace. You seek the silencing of your pain. You seek death." Sin growled at her, unable to say anything, unable to deny the fact that a part of him believed the only peace he would ever find would be at the end of this life. He closes his eyes, sighing deeply, "And if I do . . . "

She suddenly looks very worried, shaking her head, her face breaking into a panicked look as she reached out to him, "You cannot die yet Sin. There are those that need you, those that you must live for. They will not succeed if you do not remain."

Sin growls back at her, wanting to lunge at her, but still unable to move, "It's always about everyone else . . . isnt it?"

She nods, "The world is greater then you alone Sin. You cannot see the forest for the trees."

Sin frowns, closing his eyes, "Regardless, any one tree is as worthless as it's desires . . . "

She stopped for a moment, almost seeming to think about what he said. "You do not care about the whole?"

Sin looked up at her, his face cold and motionless as he spoke, his own eyes going blank as he spit out the words as if the taste of their truth disgusted him, "As much as the whole cares about the most insignificant tree . . . "

Sins gasps as he's bombarded with a wave of emotions. Fear, pity, despair, sadness, anger, they overflowed in his mind, making his scream out in fury at his inability to process it all. He felt as if his very soul was being crushed within him, the weight of countless sad stories, the guilt of countless crimes. He could swear his spirit itself doubled over and collapsed into seizures as it felt like the coldest wind in the universe was blowing all around him, chilling him past the bone and down to the very core of his being.

She frowned as he completely lost control, his body beginning to move more and more as he struggled. She grimaced, trying to hold it all back, his comment had broke her heart, she whimpered as she felt the suffering of a trillion people. "I see we have . . . already lost you . . . I am too late."

Sin couldnt even respond as his mind and spirit were crushed under the feelings of every life in existance, the suffering and pain, the despair, he's never felt anything like it. It was as if his very soul had become a singularity strong enough to suck in all the suffering in existance.

He froze suddenly as she reached out and touched him, her paw on his shoulder so warm, and soft. He knew it wasnt really there, but somehow, it felt incredibly good just to think she had touched him. The cold seemed to withdraw from inside him, the despair fading, the pain, the fear, all of it, melting away slowly. She closed her eyes, speaking directly into his mind, "What you just felt, was the suffering that would come of your death. Does it not please you to know your so important?"

Sin trembled, shaking his head, "I just want the pain to go away!" She smiled as she moved her paw over his forhead, shaking hed head softly as she leaned in, whispering to his lips, "You will suffer great pain, but in it's wake, you will find great wisdom, and with it, peace. It is too soon, you need more time . . . "

Sin growls as he struggled, invisible forces keeping him pinned to the wall as he yelled back at her, "NO! It's been too long already!"

She shakes her head again, her lips moving to his ear as she whispers softly, "I'm sorry, but there is no other that can endure what must be done . . . forgive me, my love . . . "

Sin opened his eyes wide, blinking at this. Just as he starts to say something the world exploded around him. She vanished before him as he suddenly felt himself being again dragged between the open doors. The world spun around him as he lost his grip, slipping from the doors and spiraling towards the small black mass spinning in the center of the room, the lab whirling around him dizzyingly as the vacuum pulled him toward the event horizon.

"I'm sorry, my love . . . " Those words echoed thru his mind as the world vanished around him, darkness taking over.

Despite the labs cameras recording everything, his friends had no idea what had happened. They sat in horror, watching, as Sin tumbled between a set of blast doors, every alarm in the facility screaming danger, others panicking and running to the pods, thinking that would have a chance of saving them from the black holes crushing gravity well. No, it was growing too fast, it was too late; so they watched, they watched Sin fall into the doors and try to hold on, they prayed and feared and yelled, as he slipped between the doors, falling towards the black hole, his image jumping from monitor to monitor as he passed by the various cameras, towards the black hole, on which many a camera was focused. Then, there was a flash; the black hole, along with Sin, vanished completely. Nobody had any idea what exactly had happened; the black hole should have crushed him to the size of a particle, nearly instantly, without showing the slightest sign of slowing down, and it didnt; but they knew one thing. Somehow, it seemed, Sin, had saved them all

* * *

She frowned as she wiped the frost off the lid, looking inside. Some sort of wolf or catlike hybrid with black fur, apparently sleeping quite peacefully, lay inside. She frowned at the display, the data obviously corrupted. She shook her head as she called over the radio, "Alex, have you seen the display on this pod?"

"Yeah, I saw it, I just assumed it's a display error." She frowned, wiping the display window off a little more and looking closer, "That's what I thought too, but I've never seen a pod with an error like that."

She heard him laughing on the other end of the headset, obviously making fun of her, she frowned, growling a little. He laughed softly as he spoke, finally getting his giggle fit under control, "Hahaha, so what then, you think he's actually minus 400 years old? How would that even be possible? It's just a display error . . . "