Question and answer

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#3 of Random writings

Just a bit I wrote for my partner.

You ask me why I love you.

Question why I care.

Wonder why I bother.

So let me lay it bare.

I love you because you're cute.

I love you because you're smart.

I love that you allow me,

to be the one to hold your heart.

I love the way you laugh,

and the way you smile, darling.

Your voice is calm and safe.

You can't help but be charming.

I love the fact that you protect me,

In your own special ways.

I love the fact that we always talk, through the hours and through the days.

We've been together for many years,

Through thick, and through thin.

You make me happy to the core.

You understand the person within.

So you see, my love?

Isn't it easy to see?

Soul mates or companions,

Fate or destiny.

Most of all I love you,

because you love me too.

I love being in love.

Just us. Me and you.