Bowser's Counterattack (Part 2) - Thursday Prompt Story [#14, 06/4/23]

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#14 of The Thursday Prompt

"By the way, I knew about you long before our fateful meeting. Kirby, the happy-go-lucky hero with the bottomless stomach! I even know somebody who knows you quite well... Even on this world, you're incredibly popular!"

Thursday Prompt Story: This week's prompt is... permanent

welcome back to me screaming (i am so tired from writing all this yesterday)

As stated in my last submission, I had made this whole story specifically for today, but then I split it up just to keep my Thursday Prompt submission as tame as I could. I kinda reached this decision midway while writing once I finally figured out where I was taking this thing, only to realize that I was just writing weird smut that a (mostly) SFW group was going to unknowingly stumble upon.

This is Part 2 of a total 2-part story. Part 1 can be found HERE, though be advised that this is a much more explicit story to read, and is not required to understand what happens in this part.The Thursday Prompt is provided by the user Thursday_Prompt on FurAffinity. Read every new entry of The Thursday Prompt a day early on our FA!

"...and over here is the throne room, where we'll meet the quote-on-quote enemy of this specific universe, a different kind of Koopa named Bowser," a voice from just beyond the long corridor of the throne room announced. Bowser woke up from his little daydream and motioned the two guards beside him to step aside, as he now stood up and walked down the corridor slowly, ready to welcome in these new guests. He had been expecting their company for some time, though he had to admit it was still a rather strange sight. First he was invaded by random beings he'd never seen before, and now a faction of those same aliens reached out to him to apologize for those unsolicited visits, offering to keep his kingdom protected from their own intruders if Bowser agreed to have his castle available once every six months for some sort of field trip. If it meant only having to deal with these pests once in a while instead of every other week, the Koopa thought, then he may as well take up the offer. Besides, they seem powerful enough to harness some way to mess up the Mushroom Kingdom... though he would worry about that later.

Speaking of, apparently this whole mess was caused because someone from their side got ahold of a device that allowed one to jump from place to place, and they used that to sneak as many intruders as possible into the castle for the sole purpose of harassing the leader of the Koopa Kingdom. In any other situation he would be flattered that he has such avid and loyal fans from places he's never been to or heard of, but Bowser was so irritated of the constant assaults on himself that now he really didn't want to hear a single peep about how good he plows or what his apparent "kinks" are.

"...which leads us to the true reason we are here, today," the voice from before continued, gaining a much stricter tone as it now approached the large, red, closed doors. Bowser just reached these doors, ready to open them at a moment's notice, while the voice continued to lecture to a supposed group. "Many of you seem to think that these characters we see are completely one sided, and you begin building this image in your head of an idealized version of that character, which you then believe is the real deal. Bowser here, being a... popular choice amongst certain groups... has dealt with the direct consequences of this line of thinking, so I ask that you remain quiet and collected. We're here to listen to his story, not ours, for this one time."

A few knocks could be heard immediately afterwards, and Bowser snorted in melancholy. His large, scaled hands reached for the doors and slowly pulled them open.

As the doors effortlessly swung open, two Koopa guards scurried along with the doors to push them further outwards for the large mass of creatures in front: an entire assortment of anthropomorphic animals and beings not native to this world -- or perhaps this universe -- stood around, moving their heads wildly before they all eventually focused on the large Koopa King in front of them. Most stared in amusement, while others shifted around their heads to whisper amongst themselves, exchanging some clearly flushed expressions.

And in front of them all stood a tall bird, dressed quite differently than the rest. Whereas his supposed students had some loose fitting or casual clothing on, Bowser could see that the Conkdor-like being wore abnormally colorful garments, complemented by some sort of cape thing that draped over his shoulders. He had met this man before, as he was part of the faction that had visited him. Hakan, he believed he called himself. Bowser was just rather amused at the seemingly festive attire and almost smirked in amusement.

Of course, he could only entertain himself for so long. "...Well, hello everyone." The Koopa finally opened his mouth, a small sigh escaping him before his greeting, and the creatures fell silent. "I suppose I need no introduction with this crowd, just how I like it. Come, I'd like to tell you about what I've been through..." With this, he turned around, motioning the crowd to walk forward alongside him. His large and imposing footsteps shook the floor slightly, soliciting a few murmurs from his audience, but he paid no attention this time. Hakan motioned the group to move, and so they did, as Bowser continued his speech.

"You might think that this is all new to me, this... attraction people have for me. In reality, though, I've seen it amongst my men. I've seen how wild they can get, but they never acted upon it out of the immense respect they have for me. This isn't some foreign concept -- we all get the platonic hots for someone at least once in our lives, and I found it cute that I just happened to be the biggest object of affection around here. Gweheheh..." His chuckle, rooted in a sort of evil playfulness, got a few people behind him gulping. Even if he didn't want to think much of it right now, Bowser still found it fun to emotionally jab others like this, almost as if he was mocking them for being attracted to a monster like him.

That smile of his eventually faded away, though, as he advanced his speech, slowing down the pace of his walk. "However, I was told that some of you took this a little too far. Well, not like I have to be told that -- I've seen firsthand how awfully handsy you lot get when it's just one of you. I never understood that... for how fragile your species is, it truly is astonishing how invincible you seem to think you are." Bowser then proceeded to raise his voice in ire, and it boomed across the whole corridor. "And there were so many of you, too! Didn't matter who dared step foot inside this fortress -- all of you had focused on me as some sort of god, and you would stop at nothing to simply have me acknowledge your presence."

The large turtle finally reached his throne, stopping in his tracks for just a moment before turning around, his lengthy, spiky tail sweeping around gently. He would once again face the crowd of visitors, all very attentive and listening to his voice. "So, like any sane being would, I got angry! I didn't know how to stop any of these idiots from breaking into my home, I was asked increasingly sensitive questions, and all I could really do was just kick them out because something inside told me not to outright crush you. And I held on quite well... until I couldn't." Bowser's voice eventually hushed to a deep growl, a hint of resentment in this new tone making itself more and more apparent. "I've seen many people come up to me during this time. People who just wanted to see me, those who were happy to see me, those who were, ahem, 'happy' to see me, too... People with children, pets, whatever! I kept my word for all of them."

Bowser then hunched over to the crowd, holding up a single finger, the claw attached to said finger glistening as he lightly moved it around. The Koopa King could feel the individual shudders of each member of the crowd. "But it took just one persistent little runt to finally make me snap."

He now stood up straight as he was about to reveal to everyone what he did just weeks prior. "I may still not understand this whole other worlds and composers crap, and I was supposed to comment on that today -- sorry about that in advance -- but I can at least tell you why you shouldn't cross me." With this, Bowser snapped his fingers... and the metallic clinking of a chain began sounding.

From above, a large cage descended, hoisted by a long chain. As the cage got lower, everyone in the room looked up to it, trying to see what was inside. It would only take a few seconds before they got their answer: inside the cage was a stone statue, but not just any stone statue. It was of a naked border collie, sheath exposed and completely frozen in time with one hand holding a collar around his throat and another extending out to his front. He laid atop a small rocky formation, legs crossing, and his face showed deep pleasure mixed with horrifying regret. Upon being shown this, murmurs began to form from the crowd, with various panicked whispers asking the inevitable. No, impossible, that's just a statue, there's no way that's a real being! He wasn't actually--

"If you must know," Bowser continued, still looking forward with a serious face, "this spell is quite permanent, and I wager there's... a less than ideal chance of him continuing to exist in this form." The crowd fell silent, and he could even hear a small gasp as he snorted once again. "Take a hard, long look at him and consider this your one and only warning..."

"May I, Lord Koopa?" Hakan quipped from below, asking to speak to his students once more. Bowser scoffed and nodded, muttering to himself some regrets about showing that... thing.

Hakan was quick to act and stepped in front of the Koopa King, again with that stern look. "There are two things we can take away from this exchange, everyone. First, and this is probably the most important right now, you are NOT immortal here." The crowd looked on a bit confused as the bird continued his speech. "Unlike the comfort and safety of our dimensional watchtower, if you happen to die anywhere outside of there... you're dead for real. There is no respawning, no circle of life, no reincarnation -- you make a grave mistake outside of our boundaries, and you pay the ultimate price for it."

All of the students looked to each other in some fear, with one girl from the back even deciding to speak up about what was just lectured: "So you're saying we could be in danger... right now?"

"If I was not with you all providing my divine protection in this moment... then yes." Hakan made the gravity of this situation chillingly clear, and his voice reflected the cruel reality, one that Bowser was only starting to piece together and understand after so long. No wonder they felt invincible, the king thought, it's because they really believed it...

"We will not entertain this idea any further, but just know that this is exactly why the common Dreamwalker is forbidden from ever crossing into other dimensions, and if they are allowed to do so, it's only to spectate." Hakan sighed, feeling a small weight on his shoulders seemingly vanishing. "And as for the other thing we can learn from this... it's about the Composers."

Oh, them, the giant Koopa thought, I'll finally learn something about whoever these bastards are...

Hakan wasted no time in explaining this new point. "Every Composer is unique in their way of weaving together a universe, and as such, every dimension will have varying degrees of detail put into it. Take reproduction, for example. Some Composers think of how a species creates life and weaves it into the story directly. Some others only have passing thoughts about it, and as such this can be woven into later should they so choose. But typically, Composers don't think about this sort of stuff at all, and some even go as far as to outright forbid its existence in their threads... and that's exactly what's happening here."

...come to think of it, Bowser never even gave it any thought. The concept of pushing a meat flesh from between his legs inside someone else's rear to create a new Koopa was so strange to the King. He didn't even know he had what would be considered a penis until well after the intruders began their assault, as if it suddenly became very important to understanding how to stop this invasion. So, whoever this "Composer" was... he made this world and everyone in it, including himself, but never bothered to even explain how they all ended up here in the first place, instead opting to neglect the thought. What a lousy creator, Bowser thought.

"The Koopa King didn't know what was happening when people he's never seen before asked him about his sexual role because his Composer never wanted people asking that. Do you understand it now?" Hakan queried, keeping his serious tone. "The Composer of this dimension never established it--"

"--because that would never be the point of the stories they wanted to tell?" another student, a male voice, chimed in, completing the sentence for Hakan, who nodded in approval.

"Correct," the bird retaliated, "though it's much more than that. Certain Composers view their creations as sacred. They do not want you to mess up what they had going for their characters, their world, as they regard it like their child. Just as there's a very good reason why Bowser is so popular in certain communities of erotic fiction, there is also a very good reason why his Composer wanted the whole library of it shut down." A few giggles escaped the students as they remembered that incident, and Bowser himself sort of snorted at the thought. An entire library dedicated to him... that's exactly what he would want! That so-called "Composer" was a wuss, trying to shut it down...

"The main takeaway here is that, as you see here, the characters that Composers present are more than just a paper doll for you to project your desires onto. They, too, exist like us, and can develop to be as incredibly defined as us, and as such, it is absolutely important that we treat them like we would treat each other." Most of the crowd looked around now, their curiosity growing as Hakan kept explaining his point. "You'd be surprised at the amount of depth just one character can have if you take the time to listen, and at the end of the day, that can be simply all that we do with a universe."

With Hakan finally done speaking, most of the group started murmuring to themselves again. Bowser looked on at the crowd once more, feeling a slight sense of relief. This would be over soon, and he hopefully won't see another one of these creatures again for another few months... but the King would be lying if he said he wasn't also curious about them now after this proper first contact. Perhaps that Hakan fellow's got more insight...

"So, any questions before we move on?" Hakan chimed in, and the students looked to each other quietly. A small band to the left of the crowd quietly argued for a bit before one of them, a male Waddlewing-esque being, raised his hand. Hakan pointed to him with one of his fingers, and the student finally got the chance to speak up to Bowser:

"Uh, yeah, Koopa King, how big is that whopper?"

Almost immediately, everyone in the crowd of students turned to the offending student with both surprise and disgust, some even going as far as yelling at this student. Bowser simply scoffed and looked away, crossing his arms in disappointment. "Seems like you're all the same after all..."

Flustered, Hakan quickly flipped his head to the Koopa King and apologized. "I am so sorry about that, Bowser, I made sure this wouldn't happen..." And about as quickly as he had asked for forgiveness, he turned his head back around to the student with a crude glare. "As for YOU, that is inappropriate behavior, and I will make sure to--"

"But if you simply must know," the Koopa King immediately interjected, still looking away but now with a small smirk on his face, "it's about as big as your friend in there and as thick as the cage he's in."

Everyone in the room -- even the various Koopa guards who mostly remained silent until now -- gulped and gagged just trying to imagine this thought. Most students began blushing quite heavily, including Hakan, who was the most surprised at both the answer given and the fact that he actually answered.

"L-Lord Bowser... are you..." Hakan tried to talk, his breath somewhat being taken away from merely putting this impressive girth into memory. His face grew redder as his eyes darted between the King's face and between his legs. "You are truly comfortable sharing this?"

This created a much larger smirk from Bowser, who got exactly the reaction he wanted out of this. "So what if I flaunt it now, hm? At least that little runt had the decency to ask first this time."

Hakan looked back up for a moment at the Koopa King, who was clearly enjoying this torment he was subjecting everyone to. He could have sworn Bowser even winked at him...

"Uh-- Kamek!" The flustered bird quickly shuffled away, cutting past the crowd of his students with one hand suspiciously holding up his trousers to reach for the Magikoopa nearby. "I think we've wasted a little too much time here, we should get going to our next stop, I reckon?"

The blue-robed mage nodded, quickly moving towards the door. "Yes, yes, but you're just in time for lunch! We've prepared a special course just for your students before you head off to your next destination!"

Hakan groaned, somewhat displeased at these news while clawing his stomach. "Oh, did you now... That's very thoughtful of you..."

"I understand these may not be... ideal conditions, to say the least," Kamek continued, well aware of why Hakan was complaining about this. "But please do think of it as a mental break for all your worries! ...even if you do feel uncomfortably filled to the brim with--"

"We will be going to lunch, thank you!" Hakan desperately stopped the spectacled mage from talking any further and quietly motioned his students to head out. "Everyone, this way! Please lead the way, Kamek..."

The crowd of students eventually shuffled away from the throne room, following the Magikoopa's instructions on where to go for lunch. They began talking to each other about whatever, but their collective voices got quieter as they proceeded to retire from the room they were in. The last thing Bowser could hear from his position was a girl very jokingly asking, "So is that going to be on the test next week?", to which Hakan cursed her out in a foreign language.

And just like that... His part of the tour was finished. Bowser gave a sigh of relief as he trawled back to his throne and sat back down on it, all of the nerves he once had running off of his body. "Grahhh... finally..." As quickly as he had settle down, he leaned back up, lowering his head to one of his side guards. "Hey, everyone, can you leave me alone for a bit? I need a bit of... personal space after all that. And close the door on your wait out, if ya will..."

The Koopa guards all nodded, their little bodies quickly marching away from their King. The two guards that had helped with the door before stood still while they waited for all of the other Koopas to exit the room, but during this time Kamek appeared once again, scurrying inside the room briefly to retrieve his magic broom he had left here. Along the way, though, he spotted the large cage still above Bowser, and asked him about it.

"Ah, Bowser... do you want me to get rid of that thing above you? Surely you no longer need it now, right?" Kamek was about to retrieve his magic staff from inside his robes to deal with it, but Bowser stopped him before he could do anything else.

"Nah... I think I'll keep it. It makes for a nice display piece, I feel." Bowser smirked once more, snapping his fingers again to lower the cage down to ground level while he stood up again to get a closer look. Kamek simply looked at him in confusion, but eventually got over it and hopped on his broom, which began to hover above the air.

"Eh... suit yourself, my King." With that, the Magikoopa flew away from the room, and the two guards at the door quickly pulled the two sides inwards, shutting the door with an audible thud, leaving the King all alone and in private at long last.

"...besides..." Bowser continued, talking to seemingly no one as he opened the cage doors from one side. The King then carefully removed the stone statue of the once-living intruder and placed it to one side of his throne, a crude and dastardly smile now adorning his face as he adjusted the statue to his liking.

"...I want him to see what he can no longer have."