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Autumn Blaze has left the kirin behind, unable to bear the crushing silence any longer. In her quest to find a cure, she stumbles upon a shape-shifting spirit who's intentions are hard to guess.

Wrote this pretty quickly. A little bizarre, perhaps, but then again we are talking about magical horses. Originally published on FiMFiction.

Autumn Blaze had left her village behind. After the elder tricked them all into surrendering their voices, she could no longer live happily among the kirin, their songs and laughter now silent and gone.

She wandered the fringes of the land, clinging to a fading hope of finding a cure for the infernal quiet. Her wanderings took her further from home than she had ever been before, to a place where a perpetual mist hung in the air and the plants grew sparse.

A soft sound, far-off sound beat at her hears, arresting her attention. It lead her to a clearing of mossy cobbles where what seemed like a tanuki sat, ringed by small statues, hammering away at a pair of drums.

Autumn approached the uncanny thing, and as she drew near she realized that what she had mistaken for drums were in fact its own bloated testicles.

Clearly this was no ordinary tanuki, but a spirit of some kind.

As upsetting as it was to watch it beat away at its own balls, she wondered if it might be able to help her. She opened her mouth but only her breath came out. By the way it fogged she realized how cold it had become, and once noticed the chill was hard to ignore, a bit like those unwieldy testicles before her.

The tanuki ceased its drumming and caught her eye, prompting her to try again. To communicate that she could not speak, she opened her mouth and gestured to it was her hoof, then she shook her head and shrugged.

She had no idea if the thing understood her, but suddenly it hopped to its hind-legs, its balls shrinking a bit, remaining large enough to help it maintain balance. Hanging over the top was a rather sizable penis.

She was about to try again when suddenly the creature grabbed its scrotum in a rather uncomfortable looking manner and slung his balls over his shoulder like a travel sack. Behind him the mist had cleared and a path she had not noticed before lay out ahead.

The tanuki spirit turned and scurried down the paths on his stubby legs, and she kept pace with him as best she could.

More statues appeared on either side of the path, and Autumn noticed that they were actually carvings of other tanuki, standing with their malleable bollocks in various positions, though most often they were simply resting before them.

When she caught up with the spirit he was stopped at the apex of an arched bridge spanning a stream that vanished in the fog at both ends. She stepped cautiously onto the wooden planks, which seemed sturdy enough, and noticed the spirit shrug off his ballsack backpack, letting them shrink down a bit so that his massive cock was once again slung overtop.

After a while in which nothing occurred, Autumn had grown impatient. She was beginning to think that the creepy thing may be leading her on a snipe hunt.

She let out a sigh that misted in the air, unaware of the small leaf that had fallen atop the tanuki's head.

In that moment he leaped, engorging his balls to propel himself forward, and as he flew he began to change. It began around the tip of the penis, spreading outward until the whole creature had become a bottle, plugging up her mouth before she could close it again.

She was shocked, even more so when it discharged a salty, viscous liquid into her oral cavity, filling up her cheeks and slipping down her tongue and throat. She swallowed out of reflex, and was immediately disgusted, but the liquid just kept coming.

She guzzled it down for fear of choking, growing angry and desperate for air. The bottle had begun to change shape again, forming back into the well-endowed tenuki which clung to her head and humped her face. She felt its balls swinging against her neck, felt the ticklish sensation as it grabbed her horn for purchase.

With a climactic thrust that touched the back of Autumn's throat, the tanuki-spirit dumped the contents of his magic nut-sack down her esophagus, cum spraying out around his cock like water from the seal of a faulty garden hose.

For a brief moment Autumn thought she would drown, then the tanuki pressed off with his hind paws on her shoulders and ripped his dick from her throat, scraping it along her teeth, then gently floated to the ground on the other side of the bridge by using his now somewhat-shriveled testicles as a makeshift balloon.

Autumn felt dizzy and full, her belly brimming with tanuki cum. She fell forward, coughing up an enormous amount of liquid. Her nose and throat burned and her limbs were shaky.

She weakly pushed herself to her hooves and wiped her mouth, expecting her arm to come away covered in stringy semen. Instead--to her surprise--it was wet with warm and fragrant sake. Her mouth also tasted of alcohol, and the liquid in her belly felt somehow lighter than she had originally thought.

"What in the hell is going on?" she shouted, pissed up until the moment she realized what she had just done.

"I can speak?" she said, her tone almost chipper. "But how?"

She looked over at the tanuki-spirit on the other side of the bridge. "You did this?" she asked, incredulous. "Was all that just now...?"

The tanuki nodded, then picked up his balls and trotted off down the road. Autumn supposed she was grateful, but was nonetheless cross with him on account of savagely fucking her face, sake or no sake.

She wasn't much used to drink and was beginning to feel the effects. She fell face forward again, hitting the soft wood with a hiccup, idly wondering how she was going to cure the rest of her village.

She flicked her tail and snorted. Behind her, leaves had begun to fall over the tanuki statues, and soon they were mere statues no more.