Andross - A Villain Study

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This is my attempt at trying to figure out what makes a villain tick. This time I chose Andross of Star Fox fame. This is a character study, and is not intended to be a full story.

Please let me know if you think I came close or not. Also, if you'd like me to do one of these of another character, just let me know. Thanks!

Ah, Lylat. Such an innocent system. They have no knowledge of the true dangers out there beyond the reach of their small system. I do. I've glimpsed worlds within worlds from the sub-atomic level to the galactic. I've witnessed events you could only dream of and have accomplished far more than you will ever achieve. Why, in my short few decades of existence I bet I've accomplished five, no fifty times more than you have in your pathetic life.

Some are content to live small, meaningless lives. They run about worrying about their bills, their kids, their homes. They only care about how much pride and esteem they can gather from their peers. Like small woodland creatures storing food for the winter, they pull this esteem around themselves while they grow old, feeble. They feed on it like food, feeding their weak pride while they wither and die. They are why I do what I do. Part of why I do what I do.

To rule this galaxy you need will power, brains, and strength. Not only physical strength but true strength. I've developed ways to control beings with a single thought. I've turned asteroids, living creatures, and even an entire planet into a single weapon system all controlled with my will. That is true strength. That is the true definition of power.

Keep your esteem. Keep your clout amongst your peers. Scurry, little ants, like the bugs you are. Fight for your dirt kingdom in your dirt hill. While I, with the clenching of one iron boot, crush it for you. Just so you can see, for a brief moment, how pathetic and small your existence really is. For one small glimpse, you get to see true might. To experience it. To relish it as your tiny life is snuffed out. In that, I almost envy you. For I can only imagine the joy and rapture you feel once you finally get to experience real power.

The only thing that has dared to stand in my way is McCloud and his weak friends. Pah. Tiny creatures in tiny metal flying boxes think that they can actually defeat me? Pathetic. Perhaps I'll give them a small taste of what true power is. Right before I crush the life out of them. Then for the briefest of minutes, they'll get to experience the pleasure of what it means to be under my rule.

Yes, if I'm completely honest, they have defeated me before. Minor setbacks. That is also the difference between true power and those pretenders on the throne. I have learned from these defeats. Failure is a bitter, angry, and harsh teacher. But she is an instructor that you need if you are to gain true success. And what I have coming next will give me true success. Soon, you too will experience true power. Once I destroy Star Fox, I'm coming for you next.

See you soon.