Jackob's Life Chapter 5-3: Graduation Party

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The penultimate chapter in the story. This is about Jackob and Nick having a nice evening with their classmates, as they finish school. They talk about school, what the relationship between Nick and Jackob is like and what their children would look like. You know, things you think about at that innocent age.

And I did pull a Disney here and made them sing during the story. Originally, I formatted the specific sections differently to indicate who is singing what, but SoFurry doesn't want to port it over, even when I edit the specific part here.

A lot of time had passed since then and Nick and Jackob spent at least two hours per day with learning to prepare themselves for their final exams. Although Jackob knew that he could repeat the class if he would fail, he would prefer not to do so and although he was under the impression that he had prepared himself good enough, he still was pretty nervous when the day had come. But eventually this strenuous time was over as well and with their middle school graduation in their hands, Nick and Jackob had something awesome to look for: Their graduation party. A few weeks ago, they as a class had decided that they wanted their own private party after the official prom the school was organising and after some back and forth, they have decided to throw it in a club/shisha bar, which was in a side street close to the downtown area. And now, after the boring prom was over and the pupils had time for their own fun, Jackob was here with his bracelet slung around his left wrist and his arms hanging over a railing, which seperated the entrance area of the club from the street, while he was waiting for Nick.

Although it was mid august and only 19:45pm, Jackob could already see the the first signs of the approaching night, as small stripes of bright red disrupted the otherwise blue sky and gave it a purple hue on the horizon. It was then that he suddenly heard a feminine voice calling his name." Hey Jackob."." Oh, hello Kerstin.", he replied when he looked up from the railing and saw a husky girl approaching him from the left, which brought a gentle smile on his face. Kerstin had always been that type of girl, who dressed to impress and her current outfit showed this as well. A thin, black and armless leather vest covered her upper body and gave everyone who was looking a pretty good view on her cleavage, while the straps of her bra shone through the trimmed fur on her shoulders. Her legs were confined in a dark blue, tight fitting jeans with a belt slung around the waistband, while black boots with heels adorned her feet. But what really impressed Jackob was her face. Thanks to her ice blue eyes, Kerstin always had been an eye catcher and the black, yet subtle mascara she had applied to her lids only enhanced their hypnotic view. Additionally to that, she also had dyed parts of her fur and a bright pink strand adorned her left eyebrow, while her other one was colored in black which, in combination with the red polished claws poking out from her fingerless gloves, created a nice contrast to her otherwise white and black fur.

Although he normally had not much to do with her, Jackob considered Kerstin to be one of the nicer people in their class and while she walked towards him, he couldn't help himself but say:" Wow, you look pretty good."." Thanks.", the husky girl replied and her view wandered down to the ground for a second, before she lifted her head again and said:" But you don't look bad either. Is that a new t-shirt?"." Yeah, it is.", he answered while looking down on his own body. He was wearing a bright red female's t-shirt, which had the words 'Cock Shark' printed on the front in glistening letters and showed the picture of a cartoon shark jumping out of the water to catch himself a rooster. Additionally to that, he was simply wearing black protective sleeves on his right arm to have at least some sort of contrast with his golden and silver engagement bracelet." Nick and I bought it last week when we were shopping. He wanted me to show off my assets to 'Show what I have'. but most of the stuff he had brought me just made me look like one of these combat lesbians who rip off your dick if you look at them the wrong way and eventually we have settleted down for this here.".

" Well, I think it suits you.", Kerstin answered with an amused chuckle when she heard Jackob's story, before she asked:" Speaking of Nick, where is he actually?"." Hopefully on the way here.", Jackob answered." His bus didn't seem to drive for some reason and now he had to wait ten more minutes for the next one. That's also why I'm waiting here outside and not inside like the others."." Mind if I join you then? I'm waiting for my man as well."." Ben?", Jackob asked back in a slightly surprised voice." Didn't he leave right after the prom to get himself ready?"." Yeah, but he's kind of a girl in that regard. I tell you, every time we're going out somewhere he spents hours in the bathroom before to make himself ready. I swear, he's either the perfect example that you guys can spend as long in the bath as we girls do or he's the exception that proves the rule."." Hehe, oh man.", Jackob giggled, before he said:" Guess it's good that I'm leaning more towards my male side then.".

There was a moment of silence afterwards and Jackob used that time to lift himself off from the railing and turned around, before leaning against the sturdy metal fence and looking into the club. It was already buzzing with life and dozens of voices chatting with and over each other could be heard from inside, as most of their classmates had already claimed a table or a settee for themselves and their homies, while more of them appeared with each passing minute." You know, it's kind of strange.", Jackob began to say while looking at his peers." I know that our class solidarity wasn't that big, but I still feel strange when thinking about that I won't see anyone of you again from now on."." Yeah, I know what you mean.", Kerstin replied and had crossed her arms over her chest, while she followed Jackob's example and leaned against the railing, too." Although I think it got better within the last year or two. While everyone has been divided into individual groups at the start, I think we've been looking out for each other more often now."." Yeah, I guess that's one of the perks you gain when becoming adult. Although I think our class trip also did a good job of bringing us closer together as well."." Yeah, it really did.", Kerstin agreed, before she added with a smile:" I know that it propably sounds cheesy as hell, but I for one am glad that you were my classmate Jackob."." Hmmm?", the shark murred and rose an eyebrow as he turned his head towards the female husky, before asking:" Why that?"." Because you tought me that I should be more open towards things that I'm not familiar with, especially if they fall out of the norm like you.".

Jackob's brow rose even higher and he gave Kerstin a confused 'The hell?', expression, whereupon she quickly rose her hands and said:" Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to insult you. It's just that...", she stopped for a moment and took a deep breath, before she continued with:" You know, before I got to know you and before you got your female assets, I hated the notion that people would make out with folks of their own gender. It made me feel uncomfortable and I couldn't understand how anyone would like it. And during the following time, when you got your boops and it became much more appearant that you're a herm, I characterized you as a freak. I know that I shouldn't have done it, but back then seeing a guy who has breasts was so odd and strange for me, that I couldn't think about it in any other way. I would propably still be like this, if I wouldn't have spent so much time with you during school and got to know you better. But thanks to our groupworks, where we had worked together, I actually realised with the time that you were a normal person, just like everyone else and I actually began to feel sorry for you that Dennis and Adrian made fun of you so often, even though I didn't care about it earlier.".

Kerstin paused again to let out a regretful sigh and laid one of her paws on her muzzle, before she continued with:" In hindsight, I know that I, and we as a class as a whole, should have done more to protect you against them and I'm sorry that we didn't. It was all a stupid mix of childishness, ignorance and not caring enough.". Jackob just stood there for a few moments and didn't say anything as his brain processed the info Kerstin had given him. On one side, he was pretty surprised about what she had been thinking about him and homosexual people in general, as he had always perceived her as an open minded person. On the other side, nothing of what she told him didn't really affect or change what he had experienced so far during school and after some back and forth, he eventually said:" It's ok, I'm not mad at you. In the end, not everything was bad in school. After all, you girls allowed Nick to walk through your locker room when I was forced to change clothes alone and from what I experienced, you and the boys in our class tried to treat me like a normal male and not for what I am. So it's fine, I guess."." Thanks Jackob.", Kerstin replied and he could see the relieve forming in her face, before she added:" I don't know how much it actually helps you, but aside from mostly accepting homosexual people now, I also learned that I don't need to be scared if one of my kids becomes a herm."." So, youre planning to have children?", Jackob asked in return, which Kerstin answered with a nod." Does Ben know about this as well?", he asked again, this time with a slightly amused smile on his face.

Kerstin's mouth edges formed a similar expression, although hers was more secretive and somewhat devious, before she answered:" Well, he will find out soon enough."." Hehe, I see."." What about you? Do you have any plans on having kids in the future?"." Phew, now you're asking me one.", Jackob replied and leaned a little forward to shuffle his back, before he answered:" To be honest, I never have thought about it and I don't even know if I would be such a good father. I think I will just see how the future plays out and then decide depending on what happens."." Sounds good to me. Although I have to admit that the thought of you and Nick going for a walk with a couple of shark and snake babies is somewhat cute."." Yeah, you're right", Jackob agreed and a small chuckle left his snout when he imagined how the little critters would climb and slither all over his body." That is, if they even turn out as sharks and snakes and not as some kind of strange hybrids."." Oh yeah, tell me about it.", Jackob replied." I can't even imagine what a shark-snake hybrid would look like."." Maybe like a normal snake, but with fins on their elbows and tail and dozens of sharp teeth, which are all dripping venom. Or they look like shark's, but have scales instead of your skin and lack your webbing, but have retractable teeth.", Kerstin said as she described the various images that popped up in her mind." Yeah.", Jackob replied." Or they become naga creatures with reptilian tails and shark upper bodies."." And now imagine all of this in combination with your gender. From male to female to anything inbetween, the posibilities of what they could turn up with are endless."." Oh boy, yeah.", Jackob agreed." It would be a total mess. And poor Nick would have to manage all of it."." Speaking of the devil, look who just arrived.", Kerstin said and pointed her finger somewhere to the left of Jackob.

Turning his body to the left and peeking over his shoulder, Jackob saw his boyfriend, who had just appeared from behind the bus which was driving away and was now crossing the street, before he consorted to the shark and husky." Hey, daddy is here.", Kerstin said in playful excitement when Nick was only a few steps away, whereupon his mien changed from his happy smile to a questionable look, before he asked:" Daddy? Did I miss something?"." No, don't worry.", Jackob soothed him, before he explained:" Kerstin and me were just fooling around with the thought about what it would be like if we would have kids and what they would look like."." Hehe, don't you think it's a bit early for that?", Nick asked back with a chuckle, whereupon Jackob replied jokefully:" Who knows. Maybe the desire overwhelms you sooner than you think. Come here.". With the last two words, Jackob put his hands against railing and pushed himself away from it. Stretching his arms out, he wrapped them around his boyfriend, who happily returned the gesture and both of them let out a pleasent murr, respectively hiss while they enjoyed the warmth of their partner against their body. Their embrace only lasted a for a few moments though, before Nick gently pulled back and asked:" Shall we go inside? The party is going to start soon."." We still have to wait for Ben. He hasn't arrived yet."." Ben?", Nick repeated with an asking voice." Isn't he already here? He just has posted about how he would get drunk like never before."." What?", Kerstin asked in surprise, although it wasn't directed to anyone particular, and pulled her smartphone out of her pocket to check her messages." Really, you're right Nick. Stupid WhatsApp.", she said and glanced at the club for a moment, before putting her phone back." Ok guys, let's go in then.", she said and so Nick and Jackob pulled their arms completely away from each other, before they followed Kerstin into the club.

The establishment was buzzing with life and dozens of pupils littered the dancefloor or sat on a chair or couch next to their friends and chatted with each other, while they waited for the party to begin. Although their class only consisted of 25 people, the club already appeared to be pretty full and so it took them some time, before they were able to find Ben." I guess I see him up ahead.", Kerstin said when she spotted a familiar, furry figure standing next to a table with three other guys and so she shouted" Ben. Beeen!", while approaching him further. When he finally noticed his girlfriend's voice, the brown bear turned his head towards their group and took a few steps into their direction, before he said:" Hey Kerstin. Where have you been?"." I've been outside waiting for you the whole time. For how long are you already here?"." For an hour or so. I sent you some messages, but they didn't seem to get through then."." Yeah, WhatsApp is a bit wonky right now."." I see. Anyway, I snatched a table for us, so we can sit down there."." Is there place for Nick and Jackob as well?"." Yeah, it's a four seat one, so there should be enough place."." Ok, then let's go.", Kerstin said to end their conversation and together, the group began to move.

They were making their way through the croud of their fellow pupils, when suddenly a strong shiver ran through their ears and Jackob slightly flinched, when the ear piercing sound of an acoustic feedback filled the club. Looking up to the stage that was located on the far side of the building, they saw Timothy, the polar wolf, holding a microfone in his paws, while Nicklas, the bearded dragon, was sitting next to him behind an amateur DJ desk. After he head cleared his throat, Timothy brought the microfone to his snout, before saying:" Test 1,2,3. Test 1,2,3. Ok. seems to work. Hello everybody. I'm sorry for interrupting your conversations. I know that you all are eager to party and I'll make it short. I just wanted to use this moment to say, that I had an incredible time with you during my years here at the middle school and that I'll miss you all, once we've parted from each other and go our own ways. Although I have to admit that we, as a class, didn't do everything right and that there were some things we could have done better, I think most of us will remember all these years we have spent together for quite some time. Now, as you all know, we've asked you to sent us your favourite songs you would like to hear at the party and we actually had planned to play them in alphabetical order. But, due to that Christina has asked for a pretty special song, Nicklas and me have decided to start with hers, because we think it fits pretty well to begin this party. To not drag this further out, I will only say: Drink, dance, smoke and most importantly, have fun. Or to say it with the words of the Black Eyed Peas: 'Let's get it started'!".

A cheerful scream went through the croud and even Jackob said" Aww, awesome!" and a big grin adorned his face when he heart the title of the song. Along with his peers, he began to move his body in tune of the starting music and although it only consisted of some quick up and down movements of his body along with some flipping of his fingers, he already felt how he got into party mood. At the least when the Peas began to sing" Everybody...everybody... let's getting to it... get stupid... 'Come on' Get it started...'Come on' Get it started...'Yeah' Get it started... Let's get it started 'Hah'... Let's get it started 'In here'... " and Nick grabbed his hand rose both of their arms into the air, all of Jackob's shyness broke away and he began to dance, letting his heart take over as the music filled his body and made it move in sync in rhythm to the song.

It didn't take long until the party was in full swing and most of the people expressed their happy mood on the dancefloor, while others were content enough with sitting around and taking pulls on their hookahs, while chatting with each other and watching their fellow pupils dance. Nick and Jackob were two of them and even when the first song had already finished, they stayed in the middle of the club and moved their bodies, arms and tails to the sounds of Cascada's Rhythm of the Night. Even as various tails or wings accidentally slapped against their bodies, which was inevitable with so many species in such an enclosed space, they didn't let their mood slip and danced their heart out, until this song was over as well and they returned to Ben and Kerstin.

"Wow, what a perfomance.", the bear said in visible amstonishment when the two guys sat down on the opposide side of the table, before Jackob replied with a big grin:" You only have seen the half of it. But yeah, it's pretty nice to see that I can simply let go and do my own thing without thinking about the others."." I can imagine.", Kerstin agreed." You looked pretty happy there."." And he definitively felt like it, too.", Nick added and gave his mate a joyful smile, which basically said "Hey, you did it!", while gently holding his hand and rubbing the webbing between his thump and index finder below the table." Hey, when we're already on the topic, may I ask something?", Ben suddenly asked and both lovers looked into his direction, before Nick said:" Sure."." What is it actually like to be together with a herm? I mean no offence Jackob, but don't you sometimes think that it's a bit strange to have a boyfriend who has breasts?"." No, not really.", Nick answered pretty quickly." Although I have to admit that it looked a bit weird at first, especially when I have seen him naked for the first time, I accepted it pretty quickly. Maybe it also helped that we already knew each other since we were kids and that he always was my best friend, but I didn't mind it when he started sprouting breasts. More of the opposite, I actually think that he looks really sexy. I mean, I basically have the best of both wolds in one package.".

" And you Jackob?", Kerstin asked now, while looking at the shark." What do you think about being together with a guy? I mean you both are obviously pretty happy with each other, but from what I picked up, haven't you been into girls originally?"." Yeah, and I guess I still am.", Jackob answered now." It may sound strange, but I think that Nick is the only guy I would partner up with. Although I have to say it has it's merrits. It's much easier to please a male when you're one yourself and know what they like in general and how far you can go.", the shark explained and turned his head towards Nick with the last few words to give him a big, knowing grin, before focussing on his classmates." I guess that also explains the hickey Nick has on his shoulder, does it?", Ben asked and leaned a bit forward on the table, whereupon Nick answered:" Not really no. That's an other story.". The big grin on his face showed Kerstin and Ben that this was more intimate than they had thought and Nick kept this smile as he turned towards Jackob, before he asked:" Shall I tell them or do you want to do it?"." Go ahead, if you want to.", Jackob answered and casually waved into Kerstin's and Ben's direction, whereupon Nick focussed back on them and began to tell:" Ok, it was basically like this. Jackob and me went swimming at the Oestertalsperre a few months ago and he had the idea to push me under water Jaws style, before he began to bite me on my neck. And not only once, but over and over again and I must say, that it really turned me on. One thing lead to an other and eventually we had sex under water and he gave me the love bite of my life, when we both where reaching our climax.".

Ben and Kerstin just sat there for a moment and looked at the two, before Ben said:" Wow. I would have never expected you to be such a dominant type. You always seemed to be more the reserved one."." Well, we all have our little secrets.", Jackob replied and gave Ben a confident grin, before he leaned a bit forward and asked in a teasing voice:" Why do you say something like this though? Do you want to have a piece of the shark for yourself?"." Me?", Ben asked back in a surprised and eagerly shook his head, while saying:" Thanks, but no thanks Jackob. I like you, but not that much."." Ah come, don't be so coy.", Jackob continued despite of the bear's reaction." Just imagine it. You, and me, together in a lonely pool or in a remote lake, exploring each other's body and seeing what the other has to offer. Then, I would swim around you and gently nip into your neck, before showing you the real joys of a gay relationship. Who knows, maybe you would actually like it and miss out the night of your life."." I err...", Ben stammered when Jackob was finished while his eyes and muzzle had formed a baffled face. With how introvert and solitary Jackob was during all those years, it was hard to make out for the bear if he was joking or if he actually meant it serious.

His confusion only grew bigger, when he suddenly heard Kerstin saying:" Hmm, I would do it."." What?", he said loudly and looked at his husky girlfriend with a confused face, which she answered with a shrug of her shoulders while saying:" I don't see why not. As a girl, I imagine that having sex with Jackob is actually quite pleasent. After all, he actually can relate to what we feel like and what we want. Unlike you, who groped my bust like they were a pair of bean bags when we were in bed for the first time."." I'm sorry.", Ben replied and looked at Kerstin with a guilty face, while Nick and Jackob couldn't hold back their chuckles.

They continued like this for a while and talked about god and the world, when they were suddenly interrupted as Timothy began to pipe up again." Hey hey hey, I see that you're all enjoying yourself. It's really one hell of a party. Now our next song was requested by Nick and isn't Lady Gaga, but New Year's Day with Bad Romance."." Oh my god, yeah, finally!", Nick shouted in a mix of happiness when his song was announced and as soon as the distinctive *Rah rah ah-ah.ah! Ro mah ro-mah-mahh. Gaga oh-la-la!" began to play, Nick jumped out of his seat. Trying to get to Jackob before the first real verse began to start, he walked around his mate's chair and reached out to ask in a gentle voice:" May I ask for this dance, Milord?"." It would be my pleasure.", Jackob answered and gave Nick a warm smile, whereby he exposed some of his teeth, before rising up from his chair.

Holding his hand like a gentlemen from the old times and accompanied by the metal music between the intro and the first verse, Nick led his boyfriend through the crowd of their fellow pupils to the dancefloor. Upon reaching the dancing area, Nick turned towards his friend and laid his hands on Jackob's hips, before he asked:" Shall we sing along my dear?"." Sure.", Jackob replied and both of their smiles grew to toothy grins, while they were already shaking their bodies to the music. Due to that both of them knew the song more than enough, they mentally counted down the last three seconds, before both opened their snouts and to begin with their performance, whereby Nick was the leading guy." I want your ugly, I want your disease. I want your everything as long as it's free, I want your loveI want your ugly, I want your disease. I want your everything as long as it's free, I want your love.".

Nick let his hands slip off from Jackob's body during their following " Your love love love I want your love." and both of them shook their hips and shoulders to the rocking tunes of the song. This didn't last long though and as soon as they sang " I want your drama...", Nick grabbed Jackob's hands and moved them upwards in an arch to sync them with"... the touch of your hand." He stepped closer to Jackob and their nose tips almost rubbed against each other while singing:" I want your leather studded kiss in the sand, I want your love. Your love love love I want your love.". He lowered Jakcob's hands in the same arch pattern, but kept holding them with his hands and made an other step towards his shark.

With only a few cm left between their bodies and Nick's chest gently brushing against Jackob's bosom, both guys gave each other a happy smile and looked into each other's eyes, while they sang in tune:" Cause you know that I want you. And you know that I need you. I want it bad, your Bad Romance.".

With the following 'WeWeWewaeng' of the guitar, Nick let go off Jackob's body and took a few steps backwards, before both sang along:" I want your love and I want your reveange, you and me could write a Bad Romance." while both them performaned various dance moves which they thought to be suitable. During the following" Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!", Nick suddenly lunged forward and let himself fell down on his knees, wrapping his arms around Jackob's hips, pressing his tilted head tight against his lovers belly and rubbing his body up and down while singing:" I want your love and all your lover's reveange. You and me could write a Bad Romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Caught in a Bad Romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Caught in a Bad Romance.".

Slithering his body upwards along Jackob's belly and chest, both of them sang" Rah rah ah-ah.ah! Ro mah Ro-mah-mah. Gaga ohh-la-la! Want your Bad Romance.", until Nick was on eye level with his lover again. Laying his scaled hands on the shark's shoulder's, he let them glide down along his arms..." I want your horror. I want your design.", before grabbing both of his wrists and pulling them tight together behind his back." Cause you're a criminal as long as your mine, I want your love.".

They wriggled their bodies back and forth while Nick kept his friend's hands in a handcuff like grip." Your love love love, I want your love.". Letting go off Jackob's hands again, the snake laid one of them on the shark's shoulder" I want your psycho...", before pushing the other one into Jackob's crotch, groping a little on the shark's private area to keep it in touch with the distinctive"... your vertigo stick." He already pulled back a second later though and backed a bit away to give his mate dancing room as well." Want you in my rear window, baby you're sick, I want your love. Your love love love, I want your love.".

This time it was Jackob, who made some steps forwards and pinned his partner down when he had turned his back towards him, wrapping both of his arms over Nick's belly and rested his muzzle on the snake's shoulder while swinging their bodies to the momentarily calmer music." Cause you know that I want you. And you know that I need you I want it bad, your Bad Romance.". Letting go off Nick again to give him the chance to turn around, both guys jumped into the air and played the air guitar to the 'Wawawawaeng', before they turned back to back as soon as they touched the ground again, stretching their arms high into the air and taking each other's hand while eagerly singing:" I want your love and I want your reveange, you and me could write a Bad Romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! I want your love and all your lover's reveange, you and me could write a Bad Romance". They let go off each other and turned around again, each of them entwining one hand with the one of their partner, while the free ones were wrapped around the other's waist."Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Caught in a Bad Romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Caught in a Bad Romance.".

Just like in an old fashioned dance movie, Nick and Jackob stretched out their arms and moved forward in tandem to the sound of" Rah rah ah-ah.ah! Ro mah Ro-mah-mah. Gaga ohh-la-la! Want your Bad Romance.", before parting from each other again. With the changing sound of Ash Costillo's voice, Jackob figured that it was his time to shine now and he laid his arms on Nick's shoulders, before slowly moving them down along the snake's body.

" I want your love and I want your reveange.". His fingers slipped below the snake's arm pits and moved down the sides of his chest." I want your love, I don't wanna be friends. I want your love and I want your reveange. I want your love. I don't wanna be friends.". He was now basically at the same level as Nick was previously and his chin gently pressed against the snake's lower belly." I don't wanna be friends.". He slowly stood up again." I don't wanna be friends. I don't wanna be friends.". His eyes looked at Nick's chest now." I don't wanna be friends! Want your Bad Romance!". Which was followed by his neck and eventually his head." Want your Bad Romance!".

During the following lines, Nick and Jackob danced their hearts out." I want your love aand I want your reveaange you and me could write a Baad Romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!". Their bodies swirled and twisted around each other with each of them holding the other by one of his hands" I want your love and all your lover's reveange you and me could write a Bad Romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!", taking the other into a lovely hug from behind." Want your Bad Romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Caught in a Bad Romance", or simply swinging their hips, shoulders and tails to the sound of the music in front of their mate." Want your Bad Romance.Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Want your Bad Romance. Caught in a Bad Romance.".

For the finale, Nick positioned himself in front of his shark with his back turned towards Jackob. They both moved their bodies together in a way only a real couple could and while Jackob was stretching out his arms and moved them up into the air in addition to his on-point dancing, Nick slowly kneeled down again and had his arms stretched downwards in an 45 degree angle, while continuing to shake his body and tail.

" Rah rah ah-ah.ah! Ro mah ro-mah-mah.". He flinched them around as best as he could to keep them in touch with the song, before he suddenly jumped up again. Raising himself up to Jackob's chest level, the snake stretched out his arms and wrapped them around the shark's neck, pressing himself tightly against his lover's body." Gaga oh-la-la!", before Jackob finished their performance by moving his outstretched arms away from each other until they were roughly in the same angles as Nick's previously, before he screamed out at the top of his lungs:" Want your Bad Romance!!".

The defeaning sound of thunderous applause filled the club and excited screams and whistles filled the air after Jackob and Nick had finished their performance. They still stood in their pose in which they had finished the song and their chest were heavily rising and falling from the endeavor, before they finally relaxed their bodies and took on a normal stance again. Letting their eyes wander through the club to see who was applauding them, both guys realized that they were the only ones on the dancefloor. They were so caught up in their dance, that they hadn't noticed how their classmates had cleared the stage and formed a grape around them to make room for them and also watch their performance, which they more than obviously seemed to have enjoyed.

Looking back over his shoulders when he heard some clapping coming from behind, Jackob saw that even Timothy was cheering with the rest of their fellows. But instead of developing a dark red blush like he usually would do, a big, happy and satisfied grin appeared on his muzzle, which he also saw on Nick's face as he looked at him. They didn't need to say any words, both of them could see and feel how happy the other one was right now and without any regards for the people around them, Jackob lowered his muzzle to give his lover a deep, sensual and grateful kiss, which earned them even more cheers, before pulling back again. Holding each other by their hand, Nick and Jackob gave their classmates a few waves, before they made their way off from the dancefloor and back to Ben and Kerstin.

" Woow, guys.", Ben said in astonishment as the wide grinning couple approached the table." That was amazing."." Yeah, that was awesome.", Kerstin approved with an equally impressed and surprised face, before she asked:" Where did you learn how to dance like this?"." We didn't.", Jackob answered, while he and Nick took a seat back down on their chairs." We just listened to the music and followed the flow, right?"." Yeah, bassically.", Nick said after he was down on his four letters again." Ok.", Ben replied, before he looked over to Kerstin. Both of them didn't really sound convinced, but they didn't ask any further. Instead, Kerstin said:" Alright then. What would you say if we get ourselves something to drink? You know, to celebrate this moment and that we finally have finished school?"." Sounds good to me."." Yeah.", Nick and Jackob agreed, while Ben half heartedly answered:" If you want to.".

Of course Nick immediately noticed the not so eager answer and so he asked:" Is anything wrong Ben?"." Naww, don't worry.", Kerstin answered instead and leaned a bit against her fuzzy boyfriend." He's just grumply that he isn't sixteen yet.". Turning her face towards him, she gave him a warm smile and gently poked her elbow into his aupper arm, before saying:" Don't worry. I'll order an extra large glass for both of us. Now where's a waiter?". Asking that question, Kerstin removed herself from Ben again and leaned out of her chair to look for an employee of the club. It took a minute or two, but eventually she spotted one, a male looking tiger and waved him over." Hey, what I can bring you?", he asked after making their way through the crowd of pupils and reaching their table." I would like to have a big beer, the biggest glass you have."." Ok.", the waiter said while tipping down Kerstin's order in his PDA." I'll just take a coke.", Ben said to make Kerstin orders less suspicious and when the waiter looked into Nick's and Jackob's direction, the herm shark asked:" Do you have cockttails, too."." Yes, of course."." Good, then I'll take a Sex on the Beach."." And for me a Pina Colada, please.", Nick added afterwards.

After tipping down their orders, the tiger stopped his movements and his facial expression changed from 'not really caring' to ' Oh, there was something' when he said:" Ah damn. Sorry, I have to check your IDs. Regulations, you know."." Sure, no problem.", Kerstin replied and together with Nick and Jackob, she pulled out her ID out of her wallet and all three showed them to the waiter. After he had made sure that all three of them where over sixteen, he just nodded and was already attempting to go, when Kerstin asked:" Can I pay already now."." Err... sure. Just a second.", the tiger replied and after an other few presses on his touchscreen, he said" That would be 27,86 Euro."." Ok.", Kerstin said and opened reached into an open pouch of her still opened wallet and pulled out a 10 and 20 Euro bill." Just keep the rest.", she said when handing over the money." Thanks.", the waiter replied, before he left for good this time.

" Wow Kerstin, that's...", Nick began to say, but stopped mid sentence, like if he didn't really know what to say, before continuing with:" You didn't need to pay for us."." Ah, don't mention it. Money shouldn't be anyone's concern on such a special day."." But still. Thanks a lot."." Yeah, thanks from me, too.", Jackob said after Nick, whereupon Kerstin said with a gentle smile:" You're welcome.". She was grabbing her ID again to put it back into the wallet, when Ben suddenly said:" You know, for a rich guys kid, you look really cracked up on that photo."." What's that supposed to mean?", Kerstin replied in a somewhat snippy voice and reached for her ID, but before she could lay her paw on it, Ben's hand had jumped forward and snatched it away from her. Holding it in his claws now, he held it slightly sideways so that Kerstin was still able to lock on it, while he showed and explained:" I mean here, look at this grumpy face and all black fur. Doesn't really look like a lady to me."." Let me see it, too.".

Looking up from the green plastic card, Kerstin and Ben saw how Nick was eagerly looking into their direction and that he had slightly his arm stretched out. Their talking had awakened his curiousity and he wanted to know what the fuzz was about." If you want to. Here you go."." Noo, don't you dare!", Kerstin shouted and grabbed at Ben's arm with both of her hands to hold the bear back, but it was already too late. Reaching out a bit more as well, Nick was able to snap away Kerstin's badge before she got a hold of it and pulled it close to himself, out of her reach." Hahaha, wow. You're really right Ben.", the serpent said after he had taken a look on her picture, which encited Jackob's curiosity as well. Leaning against his mate's shoulder to take a look as well, his eyes opened a little wider and the edges of his mouth curled open into a knowing and amused smile, when he was greeted by grumpy face of a female husky. Unlike now, Kerstin's fur was dyed in pitch-black, which gave her ice blue eyes a rather creepy appearance, and three small, silver piercings lined her left ear, while her sagged shoulders and the unhappy face showed everyone the unspoken question of "Why am I doing this to me?".

" Oh yeah, I remember that.", the shark said, taking a look at the picture." You were a real punk back then, completely with a pink skirt, torn trousers and those boots."." Ok ok ok, alright.", Kerstin replied and waved her hands in the air." I'll admit that I look bad on that picture. But now I want to see your IDs, too. I bet you aren't better looking either."." Ok, fair is fair.", Jackob said and pulled his wallet out of his jeans again, before fumbling out his ID and tossing it over, together with Kerstin's. Taking both of the green cards, the husky girl took a good look on Jackob's photo and compared it to the original, before she said with a rather disappointed voice:" Hmm, not bad. I mean you look tired as fuck, but all in all it could be worse. Although you looked a bit more masculine back then compared to now."." What?", Jackob asked back in surprise and leaned a little forward." In which way?"." Well, your muzzle looks a bit more angular and overall you appear to be more rough."." Can I have a look?"." Sure."; Kerstin replied and was going to give the ID back, to Jackob, when Ben suddenly interrupted her and shouted:" Wait, wait, wait, hold on a second, please. What does the Mx mean?".

Pulling the green card back to see what Ben meant, Kerstin recognised that Jackob really had an Mx on his badge, which also caused her to give the shark a questioning look." It's the gender neutral form of Mr or Mrs.", Jackob answered Ben's question." It's a pretty new thing and designed for people like me, who can't relate to either being male or female."." I see.", Ben replied." And how do you pronounce this?"." Err... I never have thought about that."; Jackob admitted and looked at Nick with a clueless face, but his mate also couldn't help him any more than giving him a shrug with his shoulders." But given that it's Mister and Misses, I would guess that it's pronounced Mix."." Hmm, would make sense.", Ben agreed, whereupon Kerstin asked:" And did you have any problems at the Citizens Registration Office. I could imagine that officials can be pretty stubborn in this regard."." I thought so, too.", Jackob began to answer." But surprisingly, they were pretty cooperative. I just had to show them my birth certificate and that was it."." Lucky you.", Kerstin said and gave Jackob his ID back, before her focus turned to Nick.

" Ok, your turn now Nick.", she said and stretched out her hand to receive the badge Nick was handing to her. Taking a look at his photo, her eyes switched beween the plastic card and the original on the other side of the desk, before she asked:" When did you make this picture?"." Three or four years ago. Why?"." Because you look exactly the same like you are now. No scratches, no wrinkles, no sign of aging at all."." Hehe.", Nick began to chuckle and his mouth formed into a big, knowing grin when he uncovered the mystery:" The secret is called molting. It's like a rejuvenating cure every couple of years."." You lucky guy.", Kerstin replied with a tone of envy in her voice when she returned the identity card." I wish I would be a reptile. Ok Ben, you're the last one."." Fine.", the bear grumbled and followed Jackob's and Nick's example.

When he handed over his own badge though, Kerstin couldn't hold back a loud giggle. She even tried to hide it by pressing her free paw against her muzzle, but it was to no avail." Hihihi, oh boy. You like a Shokheaded Peter."." Hey, no, I'm not a Shockheaded Peter.", Ben complained." I was a rebel back then."." Yeah, a rebel against taking a shower by the looks of it.", Kerstin chuckled and her view switched to Nick and Jackob, before she asked:" Do you want to see it, too?"." Sure.", the snake answered and after handing the card over, the male and herm couldn't hold back a chuckle themselves and Jackob said " Oh wow, you really look messed up.", when they saw Ben's picture. The brown bear looked like he was standing in a wind tunnel with his fur stretching out in every possible direction with a red and white striped sweatband adorning his temples, while his snout and eyes showed the same dead eyed expression they all had during that age.

After giving the ID back, the four classmates talked a bit with each other, until the tiger waiter returned with their drinks a minute or two later." Ok, guys.", Kerstin said in an eager and content voice." Let's toast on us. For that we have brought that annoying chapter of school finally behind us and for the all the friends and partners we've found during this time and who we will hopefully share our life with for a long time. On us!"." On us!", the guys joined in and the 'ding' of glasses getting pushed against each other filled the air, as they said cheers to each other before attending to their drinks.

The following hours were as relaxed as the rest of the party and everyone talked, listened and laughed to and with each other, while the music kept up the overall happy atmosphere. An other small highlight was, when Jackob's requested song, Dead Again by Elena Siegman from Call of Duty's zombie mode, was played. Although they were still too exhausted for a second round of dancing, Nick and Jackob performed their own little party at the table and moved their bodies to the sounds of the music, while singing along. Ben and Kerstin joined them during the middle of the first verse and although they missed most of the lyrics, they still had a great time. But like everything good in life, their party came to a sudden stop. The music was turned off and the lights got a bit brighter, when the group heard a male voice talking over the speakers:" Hello. Hello. Excuse me, can I have your attention for a moment? Thank you.".

Looking up to the stage, the four classmates saw a male dolphin wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of black trousers which seemed to be more fitted for a businnes suit, giving them the impression that the aquatic mammal was propably the owner of the club." I know that you all are pretty happy and enjoying the evening, but I'm afraid that I have to shut your party down.". A disappointed moaning went through the crowd and the dolphin waited until most people had calmed down again, before he continued with:" Yeah, I know that it suck, but unfortunately the law says that everyone below the age of 18 mustn't stay longer at bars or clubs than midnight. And given that it's already 23:47pm, I wanted to wrap it up for you so that you don't have to leave in a hurry. I hope that you had a good stay and enjoy the rest of the night. Thank you.". And with this words, the manager put back the microphone and walked off the stage.

The following minutes were a bit chaotic as the pupils packed their stuff together and a long queue began to form in front of the register as most of them still needed to pay for their drinks and hookas. Although they really didn't like the situation either, Jackob, Nick, Ben and Kerstin wrapped their stuff up, too and moved through the crowd of their fellow classmates, before they stepped out of the club into the cooler night air." Oh man, that's what I call getting the boot.", Ben complained while they gathered on the pavement close to the metal fence." Yeah, but there's nothing we can really do against it.", Kerstin replied and looked around their small group, before she said:" Anyway, I think that it was a nice evening. I really enjoyed it."." Yeah, me too."." Same here.", the males agreed, before Nick asked:" And what are you up to now?"." Well, I'm going to call my mom to pick us up at the central bus station. And you two?"." Hmm, I don't know.", Nick answered as his temples wrinkled with furrows." We didn't really think about this. Maybe we should call one of our parents as well to see if they can pick us up.", the snake said and looked at his mate now, who answered." Or we walk. I mean, it's such a pleasent night with the full moon and all, why not use it?"." If you want to, sure.".

There was a short moment of silence, although it wasn't completely silent, due to the background murmuring of their classmates leaving the club, before Kerstin said:" Well, now that this is reasoned out, guess it's time to say good bye."." Yeah, good bye Kerstin.", Jackob started and gave the husky a friendly hug." It was nice to know you."." Yeah, same here.", she replied, before Jackob pulled back and did the same to Ben. Nick followed suit and soon after, the two couples waved each other as they parted ways with Kertsin and Ben going to the left to the bus station, while Nick and Jackob walked to the right in the direction of Jackob's home." Do you think Chris and Jennifer will be fine with me staying over night at your place?", Nick asked after a couple of metres, whereupon Jackob answered:" Sure. You're basically part of the family by now."." Hehe, well, given that I just called them by there forenames, I guess you have a point.", the snake chuckled, although he couldn't hide the small blush that began to appear on his ebony colored cheeks.

Their walk was quite and pleasent and despite of the one or other group consiting of one to three hooded young men, they were on their own for most of the time as they walked towards Jackob's home. They had already left half of the way behind themselves and where now inside one of the various parks the city had to offer, when Nick suddenly asked:" Hey Jackob, may I ask you something."." Sure.", the shark replied with a gentle smile and turned his head a little so that he was able to see Nick's head at the edge of his view, due to that he head rested his head on the fish's shoulder and his hands wrapped around his arm.

" It may sound silly after all this time we've already spent together, but I wanted to know: Why did you chose me as your boyfriend?". Jackob let out a loud "Err..." in response and his face showed an expression of confusion and not understanding, as he didn't really expect such a question." What do you mean?"." Well, since I know, you've always told me that you prefer girls over boys and that you really couldn't imagine yourself doing anything with one, be it sex or simple stuff like cuddling. And yet you have decided to become my boyfriend when I asked and I would like to know why. What made you change your mind?"." Hmm...", Jackob made when he thought about what to answer and he needed a few moments to come up with an explanation on his own why he had decided to get in a relationship with Nick, before he eventually said:" I think it's because I like you for who you are. Every time I see you, I just feel happy and the problems of life don't seem to be such an issue anymore. Yes, I have to admit that I still prefer girls over other boys, even though you showed me how much fun you can have with other guys in the bed, but I don't care about this when I'm with you. Whenever we cuddle, whenever I play with your dicks, whenever we have sex and whenever we make out together, I don't care about that you're a male. Your gender doesn't bother me in the slightest and all I want in these moments is you to feel happy and satisfied. For any other guy, I wouldn't do any of this and I would be propably be as straight as you can get. But you, you're something special for me Nick.".

Jackob made a short pause between his sentences and used this time to stop their movements. Turning his body towards his mate, he laid his free hand on Nick's hip and made a step forward, gently looking down at his face with a warm and happy smile, before he said:" You're my little snake and if it takes me to give you a blowjob to make you happy, then I'm more than happy to serve."." Ah Jackob. That's...", Nick began to say, but stopped midsentence as he felt the warmth of his blood rushing back into his cheeks, before he continued:" That's really cute of you."." Hehe, my pleasure.", the shark said happily back and tilted his muzzle a little, while moving his head slowly downwards. Understanding the message, Nick did the same and tilted his head as well, while moving his head upwards and letting a loud, joyfull hiss as his snout interlocked with the one of his mate in an emotional kiss. They didn't do much, they even kept their tongues for themselves, but it was more than enough to make their hearts fluster with joy and pleasure as they felt the body of their loved one pressing against their own and sharing their warmth, while their lips gently pressed and rubbed against each other from their pleasurable moans.

It didn't even last more than a minute before Jackob pulled back again, but none the less he and Nick gave each other a warm, joyful smile and without any words spoken, they nodded with their heads and Jackob let go of the serpent's hip again, before they wrapped ther arms around each other's waist and continued with their walk. They only walked for a few meters and had crossed a wooden bridge connecting the two shores of a river, when Jackob asked:" And what about you Nick? What did make you choose me over a normal boy?"." Guess the same as you.", the ebony colored snake answered." I like you for who you are, although having a herm as mate does have it's merrits. I'm just afraight that I might be exploiting you sometimes."." Exploiting me?", Jackob asked in a surprised voice." In which way?"." In the way that I can play either with your dicks, balls, boobs or pussy, while the only thing I can offer you are my own tesicles and penises. Like you said, I know how much you would like to do something with a girl and with all this times I've taken you into your vagina, I often feel sorry that I can't give you the same experience you are giving me."." It's ok Nick, don't worry about it. I wouldn't do it if I wouldn't like it and to be honest, I enjoy how you're tickling both my male and female side. Like this one time, where you've frotted our cocks together while suckling on my breasts."." Yeah, that was great.", Nick replied with a big smile as he remembered how he was lapping his forgued tongue tips against Jackob's rock hard nippel, while his hands and all four of their cocks where wet and glistening from their combined pre." Thank you Jackob."." You're welcome honey."." But still, if you ever have the chance to do something with a girl or an other herm, take it. You have my blessing."." Thanks Nick. I really appreciate that.", Jackob replied and the two shared an other warm smile with each other, before they finished their way home.