Live A Little Ch 1

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#8 of Cadi, side-stories

Caroline was doing her best to adjust to life on Tropico. The neighborhood in Nottingham had really helped her to loosen up, but she'd always had the Mother Superior in the back of her mind, knowing that she would be able to throw a wrench into her life there if she decided to. Now that Caroline was on Tropico... she didn't have to worry about that.

But she did still worry about that. One day at Briar's Cauldron, she was sitting there at the bar, talking with Alisa about what she was struggling with, and the vixen tilted her head, giving her a curious look. "Why don't you just... go see her in person... and tell her to fuck off? You could even go as a human... and then... change back to your real form right there in front of her."

Caroline couldn't help but laugh at that as she sipped on her cider, smirking and shaking her head. "I... I couldn't... could I?" She took a long drink as she thought it over. "I'd probably give the old bat a heart attack..." she said, looking into the distance as she sat there at the bar. "At least then I really wouldn't have to worry about her..."

Alisa laughed and grinned at her. "See? That's the positive thinking you need, right? Whatever else, you need to live a little. You've literally got a brand new lease on life. What's the use in continuing to worry about your old life?"

As she asked that, Cadi's son, Dean, walked by, helping carry a good-sized cask to one of the secondary bars. Caroline's eyes... couldn't help but track him as he walked, which made Alisa smirk a little, even if she didn't say anything about it. "Live a little..." the tigress muttered absentmindedly.

She knocked back the rest of her cider, taking a deep breath as she nodded her head. She set the mug on the counter and smiled at the vixen. "Thank you for the advice," she said before she turned to leave.

The Mother Superior was puttering away in her office, working through the day's paperwork and whatnot when there was a knock at her door. She sighed quietly at the interruption before she called out, "Yes. Come in, child."

When the door opened and Caroline walked in, she was very surprised. "Caroline! Where on earth have you been, child? When we got word about the disappearance of the community you were supposed to be serving, I became very worried when I didn't hear from you." Caroline knew her well enough to understand that meant that she was very frustrated with her for not reporting in immediately for reassignment.

Caroline didn't let that bother her as it would have, once. Instead, she just smiled sweetly at the old nun, lightly bowing her head to her. "My apologies, Mother Superior. Yes, the community that I was assigned to serve moved away from Nottingham, but I can assure you that I moved with them, continuing to serve the community in good faith."

The old nun scowled at her, "And you didn't think to say anything about it until now? And what do you mean... the community moved away... it was an entire neighborhood that just up and left without a trace! Are you telling me that everyone moved all at once to the same place? That is preposterous, child. That kind of thing simply doesn't happen."

Caroline didn't waiver in her calmness, which was making the Mother Superior rather uncomfortable in its own right. "I know that it is unusual. However, the circumstances of the move were also very unusual. Much as the disappearance of all of the furs from the districts was very unusual."

The Mother raised her eyebrow at Caroline, giving her a sidelong glance. "What are you implying, child?"

Caroline laughed, which really wasn't the reaction she had been expecting. "I'm not implying anything, Mother. I'm telling you what happened. The furs of the districts were taken to an island where they could live as free people... not prisoners. The people of the district had a similar dilemma to face, though they had found a way of overcoming that, to a degree. You see, we found a way to maintain our human appearances, letting our true forms out only when it was only us around. No outsiders."

That got a hard, appraising look from the older woman. "We found a way... what on earth do you mean?"

Caroline grinned from ear to ear as she let her human disguise slip. She was no longer in a habit, but rather a cream, off-the-shoulder sweater with a red tank top underneath, and a pair of shorts. She stepped forward, leaning against the Mother Superior's desk, giving a little bit too good of a view of her cleavage for her liking. "I mean we, the furs who lived in that neighborhood together," she said with a smirk.

"We, meaning that I'm included in that group. It really is quite liberating, Mother Superior. You should come give the island a visit," she said, pulling a business card out of her sweater, setting it on the desk. "There's even a really nice little resort on the mountain there. I think it would make you feel a lot better."

The woman was apoplectic with rage and shock at the sudden transformation of her former subordinate. "You... you! I'll have you excommunicated for this! This... depravity!" She was trying to catch her breath as she was fuming at the feline in front of her.

"Mmm. Sticks and stones. I honestly don't give a fuck if you excommunicate me at this point. And while, yes, it may seem depraved to an old bat like yourself, I can tell you for an honest fact that, even without bringing religion into the mix, the furs on that island live a fuck of a lot more like we're supposed to than a lot of people who call themselves Christians these days. There's no drugs, no crime, no violence, people look after one another and make sure that everyone has what they need... how does that compare to the way of the rest of the world, mmm?"

That shut her up, alright. She was just staring at Caroline as the tigress turned, walking toward the door. "Mmm. I thought so. That card is good whenever you are ready," she said as she opened the door to the office... but on the other side... it wasn't the dimly lit hallway of the convent. It was a brightly lit city street, with... scores of furs wandering about together. Everyone seemed... happy... at peace.

As the door swung shut behind Caroline, the Mother Superior looked at the card on her desk. She picked it up and turned it over in her hand, seeing that it was for "The Mountain Chalet," where "All Are Welcome."

She set it back down on her desk as she scowled at her door. When it opened again, it was one of the senior nuns coming to check on her, and on the other side of it was the normal hallway again. "Yes, Sister Agness. I'm fine," she said tiredly, rubbing the sides of her head, "I've just got... a lot on my plate."

Caroline walked out onto the street with a real bounce in her step, a great big smile on her face as she felt the wind in her flowing, red hair. Alisa was right. She'd needed that. She looked around and decided that she also... needed some time on the beach. Yes. That sounded very nice to her.

As she walked, her outfit became a swimsuit. At first, it was a rather plain one-piece, but she looked at herself in the window of one of the shops and frowned, thinking it over before changing it into a rather pleasantly elegant bikini. She nodded in approval, smiling as she made her way down to the beach.

There were plenty of furs out on the sand, enjoying the sunshine, and Caroline found a stand where she got a nice little tiki drink before she went and found a lounge chair where she could stretch out and enjoy the afternoon. She even summoned a pair of sunglasses, that she slipped on as she relaxed and sipped on her drink. It was quite delightfully fruity, with notes of a very nice, funky rum in it.

Looking at her, you would have never guessed that she had once been a nun. Nor would you have really cared. Everyone on the island understood that the others here had changed from what they had once been, and the collective consensus was that one's previous life didn't matter nearly as much as what and who they chose to be now. And right now, Caroline was just a young woman, out enjoying a nice day on the beach... while also enjoying some of the... sights.

She wasn't picky, either. There were men and women alike whose sight she enjoyed, and the stark contrast of being at the convent a few minutes earlier to being on the beach now, ogling the scantily clad furs around her while she sipped on her drink... it made her giggle with a sense of elation and freedom.

Her eyes latched onto a pair of otters, who were out playing in the shallow water, just having a good time together. She found herself licking her lips slowly as her instincts as a tiger were starting to kick in. She finished off the last of her drink before she got up and made her way down to the water, her hips swaying from side to side as she walked.

She moved down into the water and made her way across to them, and as the girl jumped to avoid one of the young man's splashes, she landed right in Caroline's arms. The otter let out a little squeak, twisting around to look up at the tigress to apologize. "Oh! Sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I jumped. I didn't mean to hit you," she said, smiling sheepishly up at her.

The otter really was quite cute. Her body lithe and toned, but she had some very nice b-cup breasts, and for as slender as her waist was, her hips had a very pleasant curve to them. Her companion was taller and more muscled than she was, and his speedo hugged his hips... very nicely in Caroline's opinion.

The tigress smiled and gave the otter a little squeeze. "Oh, you don't have to apologize. A cute little thing like yourself... I really don't mind having you run into me..." she said with a deep purr, which bordered on a growl.

The otter blushed hotly at that, feeling the predatory nature of the embrace, which made her heart race in her chest. "Oh... well... okay..." she said, clearly at a loss as the other otter walked forward and smiled at Caroline.

"Heh... yeah, she is pretty cute, isn't she... and you're quite beautiful yourself."

Caroline bowed her head lightly in acknowledgment of the compliment. "So, I don't know about you two, but I could go for a bit of a snack. Care to join me?"

The girl looked at her companion with wide eyes, and he smiled and nodded his head. "Sure. I think that sounds very nice."

Soon after, they had made it back up onto the shore and toweled off, making their way over to one of the beach-side food stands to grab something to eat. They found a nice spot to sit in the covered area behind the stand, where Caroline sat with her back to the water, and the other two facing her. "So, how do you know each other," she asked as she started nibbling on her food.

He smiled, ducking his head a little. "Back before we turned, we worked at the same restaurant. Since then, though, it's been a bit of a roller-coaster," he said with a sigh, shaking his head. "These days, we both like to spear-fish and dive for shellfish."

Caroline smiled brightly at that. "Oh, lovely! That sounds like a lot of fun. You two seem to get along together really well. Are you... together?"

The smaller otter made a sound at that, hiding her face in the wrapper of the burger she was eating. He laughed softly and shook his head. "No... not exactly... I mean... a little bit here and there... but we're not like... mated," he said, smiling as he rubbed her shoulders, which helped her relax.

"Aww, but you two are so cute together," Caroline said.

"I know... but we're..." he said, taking a deep breath as he looked at his friend, "We're both too submissive," he continued with a sheepish smile.

Caroline had learned quite a bit about those kinds of relationships. "Ahh... so you both need a dominant."

He nodded his head, looking very sheepish. "Yeah... unfortunately... and, don't get me wrong... we like each other, it's just... kind of tough for us."

Caroline nodded her head confidently, looking between the two otters. "Alright. It's settled, then. After we're done eating, you'll both come with me back to my place, and that's that. Do I make myself clear?"

The male otter's eyes went wide, and he started blushing every bit as much as his friend. "B...both of us?" He swallowed, nodding his head as he struggled to breathe. "Yes, ma'am," he said, though, which made Caroline smile warmly at the two of them.

They were a little intimidated that she was leading them to the castle, but they really didn't fuss as she took them back to her rooms. As much as the place was styled after a medieval castle, the part of the structure that housed the members of Robin's crew was laid out far more along the lines of a modern apartment complex, giving each person a few rooms to work with, with their own little kitchenette and living room. They were all quite close... but not everything needed to be out and about in common spaces. Especially with little ones about, like Jenny and Hugo's puppy.

She took them into the living room area at first, leaning against the mantle of the fireplace as she looked them over appraisingly. She was visibly satisfied with her choices, especially as they blushed and fidgeted under her gaze. They'd just followed an apex predator into her lair. What had they been thinking?

Along the way, she'd learned their names. Justin was quite handsome, but for some reason, she was the most eager to get hold of the cute, shy littleAmy. She'd made sure to ask questions along the way here, wanting to know about what kinds of things they particularly enjoyed, so she'd at least taken the time to get to know them, and what would be... acceptable to focus her attention on.

It was a very good thing that she had learned that both of them were bi, which had given her a wicked little idea as they walked. Ever since she'd learned about Tammy and Cadi, and how they were... additionally endowed, she had been completely unable to get the thought out of her mind.

She stepped away from the fireplace, making her way over to the petite otter, trailing her fingers along Amy's muzzle before her hand twisted, lightly cupping her chin as she tilted her head up to kiss her full on the lips. The kiss was a hungry one, which drew a soft moan from Amy, who parted her lips, welcoming the tigress' tongue into her mouth. Caroline was delighted at how Amy's mouth tasted, sweetly spiced as her tongue roamed around inside.

As she took possession of her with that kiss, her free hand moved to cup Amy's breast, massaging it slowly through her bikini top, which made the sweet little thing press her chest forward, offering it up to her dominant. This pleased Caroline greatly, and when she finally broke the kiss, she looked deep into Amy's eyes while her lips were still right there against Amy's. "Good girl," she whispered to her, enjoying the way that Amy quivered as her lips brushed against the otter's.

She straightened up, turning her attention to Justin, walking slowly over to him. "Mmm... and I haven't forgotten you..." she said as her hand moved around behind his head, grabbing hold of his hair as she kissed him fiercely, not waiting for him to open his mouth before she forced her tongue into it. Her hand moved down to the front of his speedo, roughly grabbing hold of his rock-hard cock. She'd been paying attention to his growing bulge on the way here... and her kiss with Amy had certainly finished the job. She stroked him slowly through the stretchy fabric for a long moment as she kissed him, tasting the wild ocean on his lips.

When she finally broke the kiss, she gave them a parting lick as she said, "Good boy." Oh, but how the otters were responding to her attentions... it was... divine. To think that she'd been holding herself celibate for so long. Well, that part of her life was done now. She chuckled deeply as she turned her eyes back to Amy, unable to stop herself from licking her lips as she strode over and easily picked the otter up. It wasn't that Amy was exactly... a feather, but Caroline had been much stronger since her transformation and connection to Robin's Nothing fragment. She easily carried her over to the couch, setting her down on it before she knelt down and grabbed hold of the waist of her bikini bottoms with her teeth, pulling it down off of her body.

Once she got it down to her knees, she finished removing them with her hands before they moved to spread Amy's legs apart. She couldn't help but beam at the sight of her cute little, wet pussy... but she was a patient tiger. She took her time, nuzzling and licking along Amy's inner thighs, and when she got up near the top of them, she opened her mouth and gave her a nice, firm bite, gripping her and shaking her head a little as she licked at the fur between her teeth.

Amy gasped sharply and shuddered, squirting a little as her paws gripped the couch cushions. Mmm... she really was into that kind of thing... this would be a lovely relationship... After holding her there for a long moment, she released her jaws, feeling the otter just quivering away there under her as she turned her head and ran her tongue tenderly along Amy's slit, drinking in her juices for the first time. Anyone's juices for the first time. She may have... had a few partners before her move to the convent, but never a female before. She hadn't known what she was missing.

She purred deeply as she lapped at Amy's pussy, just savoring the taste and feel of her puffy lips under her broad, feline tongue. She happily probed at Amy's folds, savoring the wonderful new experience while her purring made her mouth vibrate against the girl's mound, making her body shudder and shake. Justin came around behind her, holding her steady as she was clearly getting very close to cumming.

When she felt that the otter could not hold on any longer, she opened her mouth and clamped it down on her pussy, gripping around her mound with her powerful jaws. That was more than Amy could take, and she started to jerk as she cried out, clinging to Justin as she came hard into her mistress' mouth, doing her best to manage her jerking around until she finally slumped back onto the couch, gasping for air.

Caroline purred deeply, and licked her pet clean, smiling up at her as she said, "Such a good girl for your mistress... I have a special reward for you..." she said, starting to stand up. The two otters saw something odd about her bikini bottoms. They were the wrong shape for what they expected. But, soon enough, it became clear what it was.

Caroline hooked her fingers in the sides of her swimsuit, pulling it down, revealing a lovely, heavy sheath, with an emerging cock. The two of them gasped in surprise, but the looks on their faces were of delight, not horror. Amy clearly wanted to reach out and touch it, but she hadn't been told to.

The tigress grinned at the two of them, chuckling as she enjoyed their reactions. She brought her hips in toward Amy's, rocking herself against her pet's eager pussy. The otter was making such adorable squealing sounds... she was beyond excited to be fucked like this. That worked well for Caroline, because she was very excited as well.

She needed a moment to get her brain properly together before she drew her cock down along Amy's pussy, making sure that she was well coated in her pet's juices (and Amy certainly was a wet one...) as she brought the tip to the girl's entrance. She paused there for a moment before she thrust her hips forward roughly, driving deep into the otter's tight passage, stretching her so wonderfully. Even if Amy was far from a virgin, she was still very tight, and Caroline was quickly falling in love with her.

She didn't ignore Justin, though, and as she kissed Amy on the lips, she looked up at him over the back of the couch, licking her lips slowly as one hand reached out and pulled his speedo down, freeing his cock from its confines. She wrapped her fingers around the base of it, stroking it slowly as she leaned in over Amy's shoulder and started to suck him off, all while her other hand was unfastening the otter's bikini top, tossing it off to one side.

Justin was moaning just so sweetly for Caroline, it was... intoxicating. For the two of them to be claimed like this... together... clearly meant a lot to them. They did truly love one another, even if they weren't suited to be exclusive mates with one another... co-pets, though... that could work for them.

Caroline moaned around his cock, savoring the taste of it as her fingers moved back behind his balls, finding his tight little asshole. Oh, she would have so much fun playing with this... but for right now, she used her magic to coat her finger in lubricant nice and generously as she rubbed at his back entrance.

She heard his surprised gasp, followed by a cry of delight as his cock jumped in her mouth when he realized what she was doing. She could feel his tight little hole flexing under her finger as she massaged at it, making sure to spread the lubricant over it quite nicely before she started pressing her digit up into his ass... an act which seemed to make his sound of pleasure go up in octave, sounding much more like Amy's cries.

Caroline just grinned around his cock as she pressed her finger deep inside of his ass, finding his prostate as she started massaging it slowly, working at the sensitive spot inside of him.

It wouldn't take long at all for him to cum, and as Amy registered what was being done to her sweetheart, her breath quickened, and her walls started to really milk Caroline's cock, begging for her mistress' cum inside of herself.

The tigress had been doing a remarkable job with her stamina for her first time experiencing this much "depraved" pleasure... the very transgressiveness in the eyes of her former home making it all the more thrilling for her. But she could feel her own limit rapidly approaching as she breathed heavily through her nostrils as she suckled on Justin.

It would be hard to know exactly who came first, but to Caroline, it seemed as though Justin's orgasm in her mouth was the last straw for her as well, her cock buried deep inside Amy's hungry pussy as she pumped... such a large load of her seed deep into the otter's body that she just couldn't hold back for a second longer, and came right there on the spot.

Perhaps that's how it played out, perhaps it wasn't. What could be certain was that all three of them collapsed not long after, Justin slumping over the back of the couch as his pleasure coursed through his senses, his cock slipping free of Caroline's mouth to leave the last few spurts of cum to splash over the two women, while Caroline lay heavily against Amy for a long moment before she managed to pull out of the otter and roll to sit on the couch between the two.

They all three lay there for a long moment before Caroline managed to catch her breath. She looked at each of them in turn, even as Justin was laying mostly upside-down over the back of the couch. "Mmm... I'm keeping you... both of you..." she murmured.

The two of them blushed hotly, but rather than protest the assertion, they simply snuggled in closer against their mistress.

The next morning, they were introduced to the crew at breakfast, who were informed that they would be living with Caroline from now on. Nothing was openly said about the glow about Caroline that morning, or how sweetly demure the two otters were as they sat on either side of her. The crew simply understood what mattered. That their former nun had found a pair of sweethearts who made her happy, and who she made happy, and as far as they were all concerned, that was all that mattered.

The two were immediately welcomed in as members of the family without a moment's hesitation. Even Helen made sure to greet them and make them feel welcome.

The trio set out into the city that day, with plans to visit some of the adult shops to see what things they could find that could be enjoyable for the three of them together. As they were walking along, they crossed paths with a hare, whose poised demeanor struck Caroline by surprise.

When the hare saw Caroline, she too reacted with shock, though there was a look of... not exactly frustration... close to it, but not quite. She was... flustered? It took Caroline a moment, but she blinked as she stared at the hare and said, "Mother Superior?"

The hare finally had a flash of proper frustration as she hushed Caroline. "I'm not that here," she said with a familiar scowl, which made the tigress smile a little. The hare huffed and took a breath. "I'm not happy with you right now. But. Thank you for that card."