Misplaced Mates

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So, a long long time ago, artistic great Backlash91 made an incredible crossover picture featuring Bambi and Nala, and it inspired me heavily to write an adaptation story for it!

But three whole years passed, going through sickness, poverty and heavy depression. But one positive quality about me...no matter how long it takes, I always finish what I start.

So, I made this for him and it turns out he highly enjoyed it. I hope you guys do too!

Every step upon the plush, cool and uneven clumps of grass beneath her massive paw pads felt so alien to her. Refreshing, but absolutely strange nonetheless.

"Where...in the hell...how did I even end up here?"

The dense forest spread out endlessly, boasting lush plant life as far as the eye could see. Thick trees clustered across the ground towered high above, extending branches and leaves to form a lusciously thick canopy, providing a blissfully tepid atmosphere. It shielded just the right amount of sunlight to illuminate the breathtaking environment, without overbearing the denizens with sweltering heat. A clear stream gently ran nearby. It was a picturesque slice of heaven for any woodland creature...

....which made all the less sense to the fully grown lioness wandering about aimlessly.

Nala racked her brain, trying to determine exactly how she got here. She was waiting for her playful mate, Simba, to return from patrolling the Pridelands, and she must have dozed off...right? Or did she say she was going to meet up with him at a specific place? Nala couldn't help but think to herself. She wasn't slow-witted; grass certainly existed in Pride Rock, but out there it was dry, usually dead from the punishing sun, or in scarcity outside of the plains. But here...wherever she was...lush grass just spread out as far as the eye could see.

Not that she could see much to begin with! She squinted and shook her head in confusion: she didn't ever remember seeing so many trees. Now this was a clear indication of a foreign environment; she could count the number of trees in Pride Rock on one single paw...a pawtoe, even! Here, she couldn't even walk in a straight line for all of the trees growing, crisscrossing, and stretching out to the heavens. Nala hesitated to look directly upward, out of instinct, but found no searing light piercing her eyes. In fact, the trees were so plentiful and dense, they created a canopy of shade, filtering the light's nourishing and blinding heat into the most pleasant and attractive warmth. If she weren't wary of any unexpected denizens--or alternatively if she had even the smallest knowledge of where she was--the Queen would happily sprawl onto her back and spend the whole day dozing off into sunbathing bliss. As tempting as the offer still sounded, Nala had to focus. Since it was no longer even possible to trace her steps, she settled for thinking as far back in the day as she could...

It was still dawn when I woke up, because I left with the other Lionesses to go for our morning hunt...I washed myself off in the creek..._A smirk crossed the Queen's lit up face. _That's right! Simba visited and said he was able to convince Kiara to go with Kion on their patrol. He wanted to meet me at our special hill. And then I went to...

Her eyes popped open wide, and she bellowed out in frustration! She was supposed to be spending quality time with her mate, and somehow ended up lost with no explanation, and that was all she could remember!! Now he was probably searching for her high and low, likely trying to recruit that gaseous warthog and his obliviously nosy tumor while trying to duck their cubs!

Either way, the ardor was almost undoubtedly trampled, and their rare ecliptic window of passionate opportunity was closing with each passing second.

Nala closed her eyes and slumped her head bonelessly after her outburst, narrowly missing a very unfortunate 'deposit' from one of the dozens of birds spooked by her roar, unbeknownst to her. Listening to the _flap-flap-flapping_of the flocks scattering throughout the canopy, she took a breath to calm herself. Screaming her head off wasn't going to help things, and as far as she knew, neither of them were in danger...just annoyingly lost.

At this point, her attempted backtracking was only giving her a headache. She simply walked onward, looking for any recognizable landmarks. At least the area was hospitable. In fact, it was beautiful and serene. The Lion Queen was once again tempted to sprawl out over a cool patch of grass, were she not lost. Reaching the slow brook, Nala took a few gulps of water before sitting on her haunches and looking around. This forest was certainly more expansive than the oasis that she visited where she ran into Simba sucking and slurping on those gross slugs...before the three of them finished and dined on insects afterwards. Nala couldn't help but shudder before she stopped herself. Oh, I shouldn't think like that. They may be gross, but Timon and Pumbaa were good hearted, and despite being _eye-rolling_amounts of silly, the two of them were very brave, and were always happy to help around. Not only that, they seemed to have no problem breaking down her defenses and making her giggle...and they were still Simba's friends.


_Auugh! By the Great Kings, where is he?! Hell, where am I?! _

Exasperated, she dramatically plopped down on the bank of the small river and dunked her head underneath. After a few seconds, she reemerged and shook her head dry. That's when a rustling got her attention. Ears immediately perked, she shot up in attentive optimism as she stood up and glanced at the source of the sound.

"...Simba?" She spoke in a clear and elevated, yet curious tone. Nala already knew that it wasn't him, whatever made that noise--while her husband was rife with mischief and pranks, thankfully he was poorly versed in subtlety. His father's pouncing lessons on poor Zazu went in one ear and right out the other. However, she wanted to telegraph her presence to this first creature whom happened upon her, so that hopefully they could provide some much needed insight or assistance. She scanned the surrounding areas, singling out a few thick bushes nearby. Logically, this would be the only place where a creature could hide in close proximity!

Immediately going into focus, Nala crouched low, silently and glacially stalking to the shrubbery. Her massive paws pressed lightly against the ground without a single noise. One bush started to shake again, though much slower than before. Now having an exact location, she stalled for time by calling out again, "Honey, is that you?" Nala stealthily closed the distance and crept into the gaps at the bottom, avoiding the leaves and branches.

I hope this isn't just some big stupid branch that fell off a tree or something...

Only two steps later, her big padded brown nose booped against a much smaller black one. Four eyes widened as Nala found herself face to face with...well, she didn't recognize the specific species, but she knew an ungulate when she saw one.

With a pleasant smile on his face, and a bounce in his step, the white tailed deer trotted joyfully through the familiar woods. Bambi had just left his mate Faline in their shared den to enjoy a nice morning walk. The couple were expecting their first fawn, and the timid feminine yearling was growing into a fine attractive buck--his antlers were firming into a respectable rack and his lithe body was finally filling out into a masculine shape and frame. While the growing buck sniffed the fresh air around him, his hind hoof slipped on a wet leaf, inattentive to where he was stepping. Bambi grunted and stifled a groan of pain at the agitation of his wound. While he had recovered from his bullet injury acquired during his run-in with the Hunter, his flank was still tender, and he suspected that it would be for a long time. He flexed his leg, testing it gently, before resuming his walk, a little more carefully this time. After a few more steps, Bambi's smile returned. Feeling a little bit hungry, he looked along the ground for some fresh grass to forage. The large buck found some large patches of dew moistened leaves and blades, happily munching on his breakfast. With his eyes closed, Bambi continued eating ahead of himself. The prince felt the sunlight diminish, indicating that he stepped further inside of a thicket of bushes.


The young prince froze, eyes popping open. That wasn't a voice he recognized at all. It was thick and strong, yet it still had its feminine pitch and gentleness...he didn't know whether or not the forest had a new visitor. Bambi's tail flitted cautiously. Admittedly he was curious, but his nature instinctively instructed him to run. He lifted a hind leg very slowly in preparation to turn and flee. But then--

"Honey, is that you?"

Her concerned tone told him--other than that she was mated--was that she was looking for someone and seemed lost. It stilled his instinct and paved the way for his nurturing curiosity. Lowering his leg in order to tread lightly, the teenaged deer stepped forward, sniffing excitedly. He couldn't place a scent, either. He paused in his confusion, but before Bambi could make a decision either way, the slightly elongated muzzle of a peach coloration poked forward, gently pushing his own muzzle back.

Four eyes widened as a 171 pound herbivore touched noses with a 263 pound apex predator, face to face within the miniature confines of the dark green shrubbery. Bambi's breath hitched instantly, his entire body shaking with pure terror, seeing what immediately spelled out a horrific and painful death for prey exactly like himself. Even through his fear, the stag was frozen in place, save for his trembling legs and shuddering hyperventilation. Nala's eyes were bugged out, too--she knew that in virtually any other situation, she'd consider this nothing more than dinner or breakfast for herself, her pride and her cubs. But she needed his help, and it was blatant that this deer was justifiably terrified, so the last thing she wanted was to run him off.

"Um...." Nala began awkwardly. ".....hi?"

She smiled in what she hoped was a friendly manner....

...inadvertently exposing two rows of flesh-rending, bone shattering, life ending, herbivore predating serrated white teeth.

And in an instant, Bambi's fight-or-flight mechanism launched into overdrive. Neither creature even knew how much adrenaline was pumping for the young deer spun so quickly to bolt out of the undergrowth and barrel full-tilt in the opposite direction. Only about half a second passed as Bambi might literally have indeed flown in his fight-or-flight response before Nala snapped back to attention. "... S-SHIT!!!" the lioness exclaimed, before exploding out after him in a blast of leaves and pollen.

That half-second provided a massive head start for the panicking buck, his heart thundering and furiously pumping blood to the limbs that demanded so much speed. Bambi ran with all the intensity he could manage, not giving a single thought to anything about the situation that didn't involve fleeing as quickly as possible. The frozen time that occurred during their meeting quickly caught up with him, but in his panic induced sprint, Bambi could only surmise that the predator's hesitation was only due to hungry excitement in finding a full meal for herself. But with each bounding gallop, less of his brain focused on panic and more on strategic evasion.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit, SHIT!! Nala belted after the fleeing deer, also surging on adrenaline, her streamlined body attempting to juggle between using her energy to catch up, conserving_her energy to maintain speed, and _gathering energy for her desperate shouts:

"Wait!!" pant...pant... "Stop!!!"

She leapt and bounded after him, consciously keeping a fair distance. In truth, Nala was very likely to catch up with him and take him down--she had naturally done it before--but she knew that tackling the stag would make him even less trusting or coherent, and breaknecking through the forest was already a lousy start to this introduction.

But the agile Queen was starting to have trouble keeping up with him for real, as the panicked straightforward sprint evolved into calculated ducking and dodging, weaving between trees and jumping over logs. Each hairpin turn and narrow squeeze had Nala exerting more energy in an effort to keep pace. She huffed out a growl in frustration, and risked a little more effort to shout after him again:

"Hold on! I just want to talk!!"

Either Bambi still didn't hear her, or believe her, likely the latter. Both creatures were starting to feel the pain and exhaustion setting in due to so many evasive maneuvers between them. Bambi, however, was leading the lioness to what he hoped would be a choke point to lose her for good. He bounded over a large embankment, knowing that she wouldn't expect the sudden drop...

But the edge of the other side was still moist from the previous night's rain, and crumbled under his heavy weight. Scrambling to regain his footing, his hind leg turned just the wrong way to agitate his wound. The jolt of pain was enough to lock his muscles, and he slipped down the steep embankment, tumbling down into the crevice. The poor injured prince rolled to a stop at the bottom, thankfully unharmed, but faced with the fear of his incipient bloody fate.

As carefully as she could, Nala descended down the ravine, sliding toward him with her gentle approach. By this point, they were both out of breath, even if Bambi was still wired on fear. Nala lowered herself to the ground as much as possible, trying to make herself smaller as an extension of an olive branch.

"Please....listen!" She huffed to him pleadingly. "I'm...not going to hurt you! Are you alright?" She crept forward, continuing to make herself small.

He backed away, trembling more from fatigue than fear. "S-stay back!" Head whipping back and forth, he turned in a circle, searching for a last-ditch escape route.

So you do understand me, Nala couldn't suppress an eye roll behind him. "Please, I just need your help...I'm lost and I'm only looking for--"

Nala's breath suddenly hitched. And not from the pressure in her lungs.

Chasing so desperately after the stag, she obviously had more important issues at the forefront of her mind, and was focused on Bambi's center of mass to avoid losing him, but now... now that the two of them had stopped running, especially since Nala was so close to the ground, she gasped in awe at the sight of his hind legs. Hanging underneath his flat tail was the largest pair of testicles she had ever witnessed in her life. In his panicked state, Bambi was turned away, scrambling for a way back up, foolishly exposing his rear and flank to the predator. Nala still wasn't interested in hunting him...but with the view, she became less and less interested in finding help, either.

At least, not for the time being.

The Queen had always been well-satisfied with her husband's sexual prowess and endowed virility--her strikingly beautiful and handsome cubs were such proof of a good breeding--and while her share of suitors were somewhat limited in the Pridelands, she knew that Simba's thick and healthy genitals were well above average. But as the buck spun and hobbled in the corner of the embankment, Nala swallowed dryly as she was reminded of biology's cruel truth: Simba was well endowed...for a lion. His short sheath and plump chestnut balls may have stuck out among the other males, but they were nothing compared to the enormous low hanging fruit that this stranger unwittingly flaunted in front of her! Even the zebras that she occasionally spied upon could not boast such a sight! The size and shape was similar to that of the ovum of an ostrich, perhaps even larger than that. They hung so full, and heavy! Even at the bottom of the large sack, there were small tips of what looked to be extra skin and tissue, rounding out his eggs with miniature teat-shaped protrusions. In the six seconds that had passed while Bambi continued panicking, she made up her mind--curiosity won out. She had to see him. To taste him. But first, she had to calm him down.

"Hey! Hey..." she pointedly raised her voice to get his attention, then lowered it placatingly while she continued crawling in a submissive manner. As soon as he spun back around to face her, his eyes wide and darting, she shushed him over and over, soothingly. "It's okay...it's okay. Let me help...alright?"

The Great Prince paused, though he still shivered fearfully as the lioness approached while she remained shrunken down to the leafy floor. "Y...you...you are a lion...!" Bambi stuttered.

"I know, I know," Nala whispered soothingly--she decided to wait until later to correct him--"I'm not going to hurt you...I could have, by now...right?"

The buck slowly regulated his breathing as he realized her point. Upon retrospect, he realized the sheer foolishness that he turned his back on her, and for extended periods of time! It dawned upon him that she was absolutely right. She could've torn into him at any time. "You're...you don't...want to eat me?" Nala slowly raised herself into a more natural position, and continued stepping forward.

She shook her head and whispered again, "No. I'm friendly...just a lion...well, a lioness...and I don't wanna hurt you." She prowled lightly, now only inches away from the Prince, who stared at her with fear-laced curiosity. "I just wanna...I just....want..."

Looking straight into his eyes, she ignored his frozen hesitation, and slowly...gently...ducked her large head directly under his.

The whitetail's heart was thundering. It sounded like his own sprinting hoofbeats not mere moments ago. The huge cream-colored huntress had said over and over that she wouldn't hurt him...but it was somewhat_difficult to fight eons of natural selection. Though he resigned to himself that he wouldn't get out of here alive, he felt intrigued as to what the deadly, yet alluring predator was attempting. When she lowered her head under his, he gasped raggedly and shut his eyes tight, still convinced it was to tear out his throat...only to feel an unexpected, pleasant softness drag across his jaw. He snapped his eyes open to witness the grown lioness..._nuzzling him! Like Faline would upon his greeting! As the lioness' warm head and soft fur gently and carefully rubbed against his own, Bambi shook once more, this time in relief. He let out a large gust of breath he had been holding, as he shakily composed himself against the stroking creature. There, it finally connected--she was telling the truth. His rapid heartbeat slowed against her ear as the cervine slowly calmed down. He huffed through his nose while the giant cat smoothed herself under him, slowly covering her head, neck and shoulders with his touch. The warmth of her large body rubbing against his...it soothed him, relaxed him...made his knees weak?

"See? Is that better?" a husky whisper graced his ears.

Bambi opened his eyes, then belatedly realized that they were closed in the first place. He looked down at her, eyes of stunning turquoise, lidded with content, and a large flat pink tongue that slowly wrapped around her powerful lips. She drifted toward him again, those shimmering pools closing. No...contentment doesn't look like that. Why else...?

It didn't matter; her head playfully nudged under his own again. No one was more surprised than Bambi himself when he let out a soft, sighing pleasurable moan at her comforting nuzzles. Judging by the slowness of the breezy fur gliding across his skin, he could easily surmise that she was going for an even slower pass this time around, making an effort to ensure that every inch of her back touched his chest and chin. Bambi closed his eyes, knowingly this time, and blissfully sighed again. He even nuzzled back against her, reveling in the relaxing warmth of such an intimate act. He whimpered quietly against the fur of her upper back, her lower back, her hindquarters, and then...


The cervine Prince popped his eyes open in surprise as a tuft of roughness bopped him, right on the nose! His nose wiggled, and he let out another huffing breath. Crossing his eyes, he spotted the culprit--a tuft of black fur at the end of her tail. Helplessly, his eyes followed up the long muscle, before it led up to her narrow hindquarters--and right next to it, her coyly grinning smirk. Going bug-eyed at the revelation of being caught staring, he straightened up and stammered awkwardly. She let out a mirthful titter and turned back to pass him again. This time however, she faced him with that same 'sleepy' grin on her visage...one that Bambi finally recognized. The one that _Faline_gave him whenever she turned and lifted her heavenly flap-tail.

It was lust!

Although it was with the speed of a sloth, the lioness still lunged. Her wide, flat tongue made contact with the side of his jaw, pulling the fine fur hairs of his lips out of their natural position. He gasped, the points all coming together. She ignored him and continued licking, up across the bridge of his nose, and once against his nostrils. Her tongue was more than large enough to pull up the front of his top lip, essentially making it a kiss!

"Do you like this?"

She whispered it so quietly it's a wonder either of them could hear it, Nala's lips nearly pressed against Bambi's. He seemed frozen at first, but then looked down to her and whispered back, "...Yes."

She let out a soft, mostly theatrical moan under his chin, then gently lathered his neck with that same loving tongue she used to bathe the cubs of the Pridelands, no matter who they belonged to. Before he could even fathom it, the Forest Prince willingly lifted his head out of the way, blindingly offering his neck to a fearsome predator. He gasped and panted softly while she fell into the cleaning instinct that all felines were blessed, or cursed, with.

"Does it feel good..."

He answered immediately, this time.

"Ohh, yes..."

Snaking her head up to his ear, she whispered again.

"I can make you feel even better..."

He pulled back in shock, and their noses bumped again. She smirked.

"Just think of it as an olive branch...and an apology..."

One of those cerulean pools closed lightly, before she slid her body against his. Just as he was about to enjoy her touch once more, a deep rumbling shook him all the way down to his bones. For the briefest instant, he thought that the tree behind him was being uprooted. But as he turned his head to look behind him, Bambi saw the lioness' eyes closed, with her own genuinely content look of peace upon her face. With the fur and skin vibrating upon his own, his eyes widened--the noise was coming from_her_!

Nala and Simba were always destined to be together. Thick as thieves, two peas in a pod, to no one's surprise. She's always loved him as much as he loved her, from the moment they met. From their shared embarrassment in getting torturously bathed by their mothers, to their unforgettable first time together when the two lions discovered each other's bodies in the midst of a downpour storm, they knew that they were the only ones for each other. That wasn't to say that they remained exclusively attached to one another, either...as King of the Pridelands, not only did Simba feel the desire to continue to sleep with other females--he had to, in order to cement the future of the pride! Not that he would dream of complaining about his 'obligations' to spread his seed. He didn't think that was entirely fair of the Circle of Life, so he offered a compromise of his own. Nala was allowed to sleep with incompatible males--as long as she wasn't impregnated by a rival lion, he was happy to see his Queen happy...sometimes, even in a literal sense! Of course, Nala always held Simba highest in her heart. But with the combination of her amorous morning proposal and the adrenaline wearing off from chasing this low-hanging buck, her arousal was running high and her inhibitions were waning quickly! Purring as deeply and seductively as she could, the Queen vibrated against him, ducking her head purposefully. The lioness was fighting instincts of her own. True, she had never wanted to hurt this deer...but running so fiercely after him, and especially for so long, triggered her own natural predilections. After getting the blood boiling running after a target like this, her brain usually narrowed down to two settings--feast, or fuck. And since she couldn't eat_him, well...she might as well _feed from him. Almost as if it were her first time seeing it, Nala inched toward that heavy oblong sack, and the rapidly thickening sheath twitching ahead of it. The Queen smiled eagerly at his emerging arousal. Not raring to go like Simba's usually was, but getting there and seeking to come out and play. She opted to tease him first, licking firmly against the inside of his thigh. She felt him shudder above her as she teased him just a little with her rough tongue, as she alternated thighs with each strong lick. "This....doesn't make sense..." He panted, warring feelings clashing as his sheath started to breach.

You're telling me, she hummed into his fur.

"Why are you doing this...with...with me?! You're...a killer!"

With a low purr, she turned her head slightly, so that she could make eye contact with the deer while remaining firmly planted under his barrel.

"We can be that, yes. But that's not all there is to a lion...let me show you what else a predator can do."

And with that, as gently as she could, even attempting to flatten the barbs on her taste buds, she gathered as much saliva as she could...and sllloooowwwllly licked right up against the center weight of those huge balls.

Bambi released a keening gasp, which ended in a rough cough as Nala slowly and carefully lifted his masculinity onto her palate, supporting the heavy oblong sack's weight. He bellowed out into the forest, eyes closing in rapture as her initial slow lift quickly delved into more focused laps, as she pressed harder into his groin. The Prince's four hooves tingled excitedly at this alien feeling. While she did occasionally nuzzle into him and nurse like a fawn, Faline never once considered providing oral attention to this area--hell, neither did he! The young buck never even knew that pleasure could come from an act like thi--wait.


His eyes popped open. What if she saw him like this? Moaning under affections from someone else? Or, someone else in the forest could happen upon them and tell her...but upon the feeling of the lioness turning her head this way and that, nuzzling so deep into him that his hind legs started to slide off the ground, he bit his lip with his flat teeth and grunted in euphoria. As soon as his back hooves touched the ground again, he lost control of his body and gently bucked against the Queen's forehead. No one would believe that The Great Prince of the forest was down in a hole, having his balls slathered in spit by an animal twice his weight, and his own natural predator at that; not even himself. With that influx of information running through his brain, Bambi's arousal spiked, and he just decided to roll with it, gently and slowly rolling his hips, trying to get away from, and feel more of that fearsome lioness' velvet jaw all at once.

Nala could feel a narrow searing heat running across the back of her skull, and she knew full well what it was, but she didn't care. The feeling that was coursing through the Queen's body was pure insatiable need. The taste of this deer's balls was surprisingly muted, but still pleasantly foreign and addictively musky. The vast difference in weight sent shivers of excitement through her powerful frame. And the small, hanging tips underneath the very bottom of his weighty sack were...a curious feeling. A little spongy to the touch, no doubt sensitive if they were this pronounced. A different, but no less titillating experience. She sped up her eager laps, swaying her head this way and that to encourage his sonorous moans. Nala attacked Bambi's sack, ensuring that her palatable spines combed through the fur on his balls, moistening them with her spit. She opened her eyes, about to playfully tease him with another bout of fear, but she paused in surprised shock at what she was focusing on for the first time.

Bambi's maleness spasmed in front of Nala's crossed eyes--a twig thin, but devastatingly long, bright pink limb that stretched, all the way past his stomach, stopping around the chest, but spanning most of his undercarriage. Units of measurement were well beyond the animals huffing against each other in this ravine, but she could easily guess that this whitetail's length was longer than Simba's at least five, maybe even six times over. In terms of thickness, Simba still had the deer beat, but only barely. For the first time since they met, Nala hesitated.

I can do this...can I do this? Nala thought to herself. Of course, the deer's cock being so thin made it an advantage...but she never had something this deep down her throat. I'll just have to take it slow, and be careful. But first...


She turned her head to see the whitetail deer's curious, admittedly adorable upside-down stare. Apparently, she had paused long enough for him to notice that she'd stopped matting down his most sensitive parts.

She smiled warmly, with a seductive flair, at his face. "It's Nala. And it's very nice to meet you...still think these jaws can only kill?"

Bambi's eyes bulged, now worried that this blessed stranger would stop her loving ministrations altogether. "N-no!"

Her eyes narrowed to thrilled slits. Simba would have loved to see this next part... "Good. Then watch this..."

Making sure their eyes were locked, Nala touched her large brown nose to his drying balls once again, then slowly and deliberately opened her mouth...exposing two rows of flesh-rending, bone shattering, life ending, herbivore predating serrated white teeth.

Thirty teeth, to be precise--full grown, inches long, dripping with saliva, muted off-white...and sharp to a deadly point.

Bambi's eyes could have fallen out of his head. And considering that he was upside-down right now, it wouldn't be very difficult! Deciding to test his resolve further, Nala mirthfully milked the remainder of his fear as deeply as she could, by opening her jaw even further in an exaggerated fashion, to show every single one of those fatal chompers, so close to his most sacred body part...of any male, for that matter.

Bambi held in his residual terror, but at this he couldn't help but shudder one more time, and squeezed his eyes shut as tightly as he could, whispering: "Please be careful..."

Nothing happened.

He paused awkwardly, eyes still squinched tightly shut.

"You're not lookiiing..." came a taunting, playful voice.

He opened his eyes once more to see her grinning at him, teeth hidden. Once she established that his eyes were no longer wandering, she opened her mouth once again, teeth on display. Smiling wide, she torturously, glacially unfurled her carpet of a tongue until it once again cradled the nervous deer's weight, then with the care of handling a newborn cub, lifted his sack over the bottom row of razors, and carried them into a cavernous, wet warm chuckling maw.

All at once, she closed her jaw shut over his ovum and _sucked_with all her might.

The yearling Prince wailed in euphoria; a screaming, sustained_bleat_ that he had never voiced before, not even during the night he and Faline conceived. It was so loud and infused with pleasure, Nala expected a light showering across her back, but to her relief, his ecstatic shout wasn't from an orgasm. Let's change that.

Lips still wrapped tightly around his contracting balls, the lioness put her tongue into overdrive--lashing his Epididymal tail at the bottom. Spanking the sides from every single angle. Swirling and spinning_around the spermatic cords that were defensively retracting by the second. Nala relished in his shouting, almost _gloating bleats and moans. Simba was used to similar treatment, having long cemented the idea in his mind that she wouldn't hurt him, and with his balls already tucked so firmly into his posterior, she couldn't even attempt to perform what she was doing here, having no choice but to lick them (although happily). But with a total stranger--one that feared her, no less--put her entirely in control, and it had her drooling...from both_ends. _F-fuck....oh, fuck this is turning me on so bad... Purring wildly, and now moaning herself, Nala cautiously turned herself over, doing her utmost to keep his balls within range of her mouth, as The Queen's legs were simply failing her.

Bambi's hollers had simmered down to moans, but they were still pleasurably loud and saturated with overstimulation. His cock twitched violently, leaking precum against the lioness' back, and now sides. Sweet Mother Earth, what was her name again? It didn't matter, as long as that mouth was starvingly slurping the color off his skin. If he hadn't bore witness to that fearsome jaw of heaven three times in sixteen minutes, he could swear that she suffered from anodontia. His legs started to bend and fold in classical awkward cervine fashion as he bit his lip and squirted more clear pre-seed onto her stomach. Upon feeling his chest touch her stomach, however, he paused in his vocal praises and looked down at the new sight upon him. Nestled between smooth, warmly cream-colored thighs, seeping with arousal, was the Queen's tender vagina--the first one he intentionally gazed upon that wasn't Faline's. He stared down thoughtfully. This stranger is showing me things I never knew existed...I think she wants me to return the favor! I...I don't know if I can... He had orally pleasured his mate on multiple occasions, usually before a passionate rut, but with a mound this unfamiliar, it might as well be his first time all over again. But he had to try. She was doing the same for him, to demonstrate the capable tenderness of a carnivore...even though his scrotal skin was surely reddened and swollen from all of her voracious sucking and slurping. Closing his eyes to get back to that immeasurable feeling, he lowered his head and panted hungrily.

Nala gasped, and nearly bit down, at the feeling of a thin firm tongue drawing a solid line right down the center of her labia. She had only rolled over to ease the tension off her wobbling legs, but didn't expect the buck to reciprocate! With this new tongue contrasting so widely from her husband's, her objections were quickly silenced. He missed her shyly peeking clit on the first two passes, but his firm muscle painting a brushstroke of heat along her loins was a different, yet welcome change to her husband's equally massive blanket in his mouth. Nala moaned encouragingly, and finally released her hold on his twitching testicles. "Mmm, don't stop, big buck!!" The Lion Queen spread her legs wider for his probing muscle, and suddenly he felt two enormous paws slam onto his hindquarters, one at a time. Her claws were out, but the pointed pinpricks digging into his pelt no longer terrified him. If anything, her clear message turned Bambi on further and he lowered his entire body--chest to abdomen, hindquarters within range, and lips to the pussy's pussy. Laying a farewell smek on Bambi's balls, she teasingly and rapidly lapped her way up from the base of the dry, leaking shaft, to his firm bony tip. Seeing the whitetail straightening his legs, Nala barely had enough time to align her mouth before he shuddered and thrust, jabbing his thin long shaft straight into her esophagus. Nala couldn't help but gag, but fought as hard as she could not to introduce teeth into the matter. With every desperate hump, his trust in her exponentially grew, and she did not want to ruin the experience for either of them. But of course, never taking a dick that big(at least not in her mouth), Nala still struggled at first. She swallowed to try and keep her gag reflex in check, but was delighted to hear the deer above her sigh erotically within his increasing panting. Connecting the dots, the Queen closed her eyes and focused on gulping rhythmically, establishing a pattern they were both comfortable with.

Bambi felt like he was sweating as he huffed, grunted and groaned inside Nala's spread lips. This lioness' tunnels were sweltering! The difference in erogenous zones between her and Faline were seemingly polar! Her taste was something else entirely, as well--the heat of her lips seemed to deeply accentuate a powerful, musky flavor. While the taste wasn't as thirst-inducing as his mate's flower, it was still pleasantly delicious, and more than suitable for his questing tongue. Hiding a smirk within her tasty lips, he felt like a predator himself. It was time to show her a trick of his own. The Prince abandoned his method of licking altogether, and tightened the muscles on his tongue before he thrust it deeper into the lioness' folds, simulating a cock splitting her apart!

That got her going, as her hips rose to hump against his adventurous muzzle again and again, she moved her humongous paws to his midsection for a gentler hold. They quickly rounded the final stretch together. What a sight this made: two complete strangers, belonging to two genus entirely--one of whom didn't even belong here--natural enemies, prey and predator, big cat and vulnerable whitetail deer...in the middle of a grassy ravine, both of them whimpering needfully like their respective infants, and both of them humping each other's mouth senseless.

Finally, the moment came! Either partner would have likely warned the other of their impending orgasms, but they were deep into their own tasks of sending the other there. Therefore, it came as no surprise when Bambi adjusted the stance of his awkwardly bent hind legs, and slammed down powerfully, hilting the lucky lioness' throat and bodily shuddering as he expended his overnight pent-up seed.

The act of his thin enormous length pulsing along her tongue and throat, in the process of sending his life-giving essence into her stomach sent her careening off the edge as well, and in the last moment of lucidity she had, her thighs flew up around his head and locked her hind paws against his antlers as she thrust with the same rapid pistoning speed as the Prince trembling above her.


The Prince withdrew his muzzle out of the lioness' pussy and moaned triumphantly, the two of them squirming against each other in awkwardly entangled bliss. Nala's orgasm was the perfect distraction for her to lose focus on swallowing steadily. So when Bambi's cock shot off like a cannon, she was completely unprepared for the deluge that the yearling could produce! Simba's loads were plentiful, but they were thin, watery and bitter--understandable with a diet of only fattening meat and salty bone marrow. She'd gotten used to his lively taste; even come to enjoy it. But this!? It was so much, so sweet and earthy, so....god...damn... THICK! There was no way for her to even describe it--not that she COULD at the moment, with all of her senses overwhelmed at once! Blessedly, the deer pulled away, allowing her to ride out the rest of her scalding waves of pleasure and salvage what she could of the packed cum splashing around her face. Closing her eyes against his squeezing balls, she refocused on gulping down her new treat, flicking her tongue along Bambi's tip to coax out a few more squirts. Bambi gasped out a sigh with each punishing lash, before he slowly pulled back, stumbling over her prone heated body as if he were a newborn taking his first steps once more. Nala looked upside down at him, giggling quietly as his twiggy legs tumbled all over each other comically. She maintained her smile as she rolled over to her haunches while licking her lips, trying to scoop up as much gelatinous seed as she could, and faced him. "So...do you believe me now?" She smiled this time--a full-toothed grin--knowing the answer.

"Haah...haah...whoo..." He caught his breath as he also smiled, warmly but exhaustedly, down at the lioness in front of him. "Heh heh, I don't know...you still seem... insatiably dangerous...I don't suppose you could convince me further?"

Any tension remaining in that clearing, sexual or otherwise, was ripped to shreds as the lioness exploded into laughter, reeling her head backwards and opening her jaw wide. Bambi couldn't help but laugh along himself, though not as boisterously as the lioness. Without the excitement of galloping for his life away from her...or the other excitement of bucking his balls and shaft against her carnivorous tongue...he rather did find her quite friendly...truly. He hardly noticed himself stepping forward unguardedly. He no longer found himself afraid of Nala's open jaw--even noting a sheen of moisture on the inside that was clearly not just saliva. As the deer and lioness' shared laughter died down, she suddenly averted her eyes shyly. "Thank you...by the way." She returned her head upward to make lidded eye contact with him. "You didn't have to do that, but it felt...amazing."

Nala almost squealed at the Prince's reddening cheeks. "Heh, O-of course I did! It wouldn't have been fair to you, um....uh....gosh, I'm so sorry...what was your name again?"

The female couldn't conceal the predatory grin of pride off her face if her life depended on it. Ha! Damn right, I made you forget my name! She had noticed that he was inching closer as he spoke, and raised her head slightly to maintain eye contact with his approaching face. _ He's just too cute and sweet. Aw, what the hell._

Slowly leaning in, she started licking his neck again, tasting some of the sweat that accumulated from their heated 'truce'. The deer moaned lightly, closing his eyes and exposing his throat immediately. She licked leisurely, grooming him and matting down his fur. That rough but soothing tongue drifted upwards once again, catching on his muzzle and nose. He opened his eyes again to see hers, an inch away, sitting above a nurturing smile. Both their eyes closed, and the lips of a thin narrow muzzle met the ones of a massive rounded jaw. Every single kiss was feather-gentle, deathly silent, and lovingly tender. Their smecks and smacks were so quiet, they were inaudible against the backdrop of the forest. Nala knew that her tongue, easily two or three times his size, would overpower this kiss unfairly, so she moved to teach the inexperienced deer, softly licking against the front of his lips. The result was just what she wanted; it coaxed his shy tongue out of his mouth to seek hers with a distracted grunt. Allowing him easy access, she opened up and let his pointed licker explore at his own whim. Bambi himself was over the moon. He was kissing a lion this morning, only seconds after letting her suck his soul out of him. As it grazed over a few razor sharp teeth, the deer moaned lightly, and shuddered heavily, with renewed arousal. She rewarded him by sampling his tongue with hers, and moaning encouragingly in response, before starting to purr once more. Her vibrations rumbling into his mouth made him bolder, and though they still kept a glacial, intimate pace, Bambi pushed forward hungrily, now actively seeking out every corner of the Queen's jaw for this never -in-a-lifetime experience. Because he couldn't do it properly himself, she slowly raised a massive paw behind his rack and rested it comfortably against the back of his head. There were no pinpricks of claws, this time. Instead, Nala held her paw against his head, deepened their extended kiss, and moved a rough pawtoe to start rubbing and massaging behind Bambi's ear.

It flicked instinctively, and he continued to whimper gratefully into the lioness' mouth. She leaned upward to meet his insistent push, and licked along his own tongue, purring in seductive contentment. Without the permission of his own brain, Bambi's hips and back slowly curved into an arch, his shining moist spire once again throbbing under his fur. Gently, she pulled back from their drooling embrace, just enough to keep their noses touching. His eyes popped open as he returned from nirvana. She spoke breathily, once again horny as fuck.

"My name is Nala. And yours?"

"...Bambi. I'm the Prince of this forest."

"Mmmm...prince, you say? Funny...I happen to be the Queen of my little home." She helplessly returned to nuzzling under his jaw. "I need a little help finding my way back home to my husband..."

Nala rubbed against him one more time, before trotting over to the giant tree that broke Bambi's fall, and raising on her hindpaws to assume a standing position. She glared over her shoulder at him hungrily while her tail whipped around like a snake.

"....but I'm certainly not in any rush."

Bambi spread a salacious grin across his face, exposing two rows of thirty-two plant chewing, branch tugging, acorn munching, teat nursing, flat white teeth and a dental pad. He closed the distance confidently, slurping against Nala's folds once more while tensing the muscles in his hindlegs in preparation.

Who's the predator now?