Between: Chapter 1 - Runaway

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#1 of Runaway

Follow the account of one poor cats unfortunate ensalvement and introduction the world between servitude and death.

Letting out a heavy sigh, my bus pulled up to the gas station. We'd been on the road for days, and this was finally where it ended. I ran away from home at 16. Life sucked in that prim and proper fallacy my parents called their California dream. Poverty and an excuse to get high constantly was their dream. For two years I've done nothing but run. I couldn't stand living in that open wound of fake people, broken woke politics, and rich bastards running over everyone else. I didn't care where this bus was heading. I jumped on when no one was paying attention and just snuck into a seat.

Quietly I sat up grabbing the old backpack I kept with me. Sliding it over my shoulders I kept quiet. I couldn't get off at the terminal then they would know that I didn't pay for the ride. Quietly as everyone filed off, I slipped away. Disappearing around the front of the bus and into the bushes. Sighing loudly, I ran my paws over my face. It was nice to use the buses bathroom to take a napkin bath. The grey fur along my body hadn't been this clean in a few months. For a common feline like me keeping clean was a constant demand.

I took my time waiting for the bus to leave. Seeing it pull away back onto the blackness of the highway I slipped out of the bushes. It was humid here. I did not know where I was and did not care. I was far from home. The lights around the gas station hummed as I bit my lip. Making my way towards the glowing windows. Peeking in it was empty except the old hog sitting at the counter. Watching his phone screen intently.

Rolling my eyes, I slipped into the store. Getting just a casual glance from the worker who was automatically suspicious. Gulping, I walked down the tiny aisles just enjoying the AC for a moment. Glancing over the prices I clearly could not afford it. My hands shook as I reached up to grab a bag of chips. I had stolen plenty of stuff to survive. The missing bit of my ear could attest to being caught. Grabbing it I felt something behind me. Was the hog so suspicious that I was gonna steal that he followed me? Glancing back, I shivered. It wasn't him. It was a horse.

Where did he come from? He clearly wasn't in here when I came in. I didn't hear the door open since I got in here. The humming of the lights over me slowly echoed into my ears. Was he a manager or something hiding in the back? Looking up at the row of coolers built into the wall I looked at his reflection. His fur was a dense grey and his mane was shining silver. His clothes were too nice for that. A white button up shirt, grey vest, black pants, and an insignia on his left breast pocket. The insignia of a lion's head surrounded by a serpent. "Pardon me," He spoke quietly. The voice was perfectly baritone it shivered down my spine.

I clutched the bag in my hand and slid to the side. He reached past me grabbing a small bag of chips aswell. "The cashiers watching you like a hawk," he said as he turned the bag around. Reading the nutrition facts to himself. "Uh...yeah" I said. This guy knew I was gonna take the chips. Opening my paw, I dropped them onto the floor. I hadn't taken anything just yet. I could pass it off as just forgetting my wallet. "Now he's going to be even more suspicious," His eyes turned to look at me. Those deep red eyes made my fur stand on end. His free hand slid up into his breast pocket. Pulling a money clip out between his fingers. My mouth fell open a bit as I saw the hundreds tucked between the thin stick of metal. Clicking it open he let a five flutter to the ground from the collection of bills. Snapping it shut again, he just walked past me. Leaving the cash to check out.

I was just frozen in place. What just happened? My body didn't know what to do as I heard the bell chime over the front door. Snapping me back to reality I leaned down grabbing the bill and the bag. Making my way over I got a drink as well before heading to the counter. Setting my stuff up for the hog to ring up with an accusing glance. I didn't meet his eye as I held out the five. He snatched it from my fingers before he slid a quarter back to me across the counter. Not even treating me like a person as he just shoved it at me.

Grabbing it and the items I rushed back outside to escape the awkwardness of the situation. Letting out another hard sigh I cracked open the bottle loudly. Taking a hard swig of the drink in the humid air. It felt so odd to buy something. I hadn't been able to pay for anything in so long that it felt foreign. I enjoyed chugging down the fizzy drink. The bubbles felt so good running down my throat. Pulling the drink away I let out a heavy gasp. Catching some air again, my eyes met with the horse. Standing at the far end of the parking lot he was filling an old 1936 Rolls Royce with gas.

He must have money coming out his ass to fill that car up. Taking a munch of a few chips I slowly made my way over. "Uh...hey thanks, you didn't have to do that" I approached carefully. Not to startle the much taller man. "Yes, I did, Theft is a crime and sin, a proper young man would never resort to such things," He spoke without even looking at me. I couldn't tell if I was being talked down to or not. "Well thanks," I took a step back about to turn. The sun would be up in a few hours. I could probably find an overpass to sleep under for now. "A young man with money never has to steal," He spoke suddenly. Holding up a hundred-dollar bill that immediately caught my attention. What was this guy asking? Was he a pimp or something? "Uh look dude I'm not gonna sleep with you or anything, I don't roll like that," I laughed a little. However, honestly my eyes never left the bill between his fingers.

"Consider it a down payment, for services yet to be rendered on behalf of the estate I work for," He didn't bat an eye at my joke.

"Services? Like a job, right?" I turned on my heels back to him.

"Of course, Unless you'd rather find some overpass to sleep under," Those red eyes turned to me. They burned like fire even in the dim light of the gas station. It was like he read my thoughts. "I's a real job, right? You're not going to kill me, eat me, or sacrifice me to something are you?" I asked knowing what kind of freaks I had met in California. He still didn't react. "If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead," he said with a purely straight face. It made my blood run cold, but I couldn't live outside forever. If I wanted to live a life, I needed cash. Swallowing my pride down to my empty stomach I reached out. Taking the bill from between his fingers and holding it tightly. It could have been a million dollars as far as I was concerned. It felt so good between my paws.

Swiftly he turned, tossing the bag he was munching from. Putting the station handle away before opening the passenger door for me. "Get in," He left the door open and walked around. Getting into the drivers across from me. I cautiously slid into the seat and with shaking hands pulled the door closed next to me. Turning the key, the car vroomed to life. The beautiful wood and leather interior made me feel so out of place. Shrinking down in my chair I felt the weight of my discission sitting on my shoulders.

Pulling away he drove off into the night. Not saying much as he focused on the road. "So, what kind of job is this?" I looked at him. Stuffing the bill into my backpack for safekeeping. "Sadly, my master's home has no openings at this time, I will leave you at a neighboring estate to be trained properly. If there's an opening at my master's estate I will retrieve you, Understood?" He did it again. Not looking at me and talking strictly. I could only nod as I had already signed my time away. It took just a couple hours till I noticed we were driving up a slight hill. A large, old, stone fence appeared next to the road. We didn't stop till we came to a slight turn. The road suddenly ended at a black iron gate. Wools Manor wrote over the gate in similar black iron.

The house beyond the gate was enormous. Looking like something out of an old fairytale. Grey stone façade with two large wings on each side of the oak door. Ending in two large towers at the end of each wing. The steep dark blue roof reminding me of those old English castles I had seen in history books. The windows all had an old cross hatch design. The gate creaked loudly and started to open letting us pull through. The pavement turned to gravel. Making the car bounce and roll from side to side a bit. The light from the house cast out over the expanse of a lawn. The gravel road circled around fountain in front of the manor's door. Coming to a stop at the imposing buildings entrance.

"Get out, she knows you're coming" he told me. I just opened the door and slid out. "Um...who is she?" I asked. Reaching over he pulled the door shut out of my hands. Then just drove off without another word. I watched the car roll back down the driveway and out the gate. Hearing it close behind him I was trapped. Turning I looked up at the nearby castle behind me. Swallowing hard I turned and started walking up the few stairs to the oak door. Knocking softly, I expected to be quickly tossed off this expensive property.

The door opened by itself. Must have been automatic or controlled from somewhere. Looking in the entrance before me was beautiful. Wooden floors and freshly painted walls. A few marble columns held up the large staircase at the far side. A big gold and crystal chandelier dangling overhead. Lighting the room up nicely and showing off the portraits along the walls. Old portraits of men of varying ages and species. Above the grand stairs at the far end sat a large portrait. A beautiful middle-aged sheep. Her fur was a soft white and blue. As her thick short hair curled around her petite horns. A tiny pair of glasses at the end of her pink nose. Her plump round body wrapped in an expensive black dress. Each hand bearing expensive rings with varying sized and shaped gemstones. Both hands clasped around the golden head of a cane. Shaped to resemble a ram's head. Her large icy blue eyes seemed to follow from the painting. That had to be the "She" the horse had mentioned.

Gulping softly, I stepped a bit further in. Looking around the corners on each side of me. Both sides being a set of large sitting rooms. Graced with marble fireplaces and lavish lounge chairs. The right having a large piano at its side while the right was adorned in full bookshelves. "Well now aren't you an adorable little lost kitten," A female voice carried out from behind me. A thick eastern European accent clashed against her broken English. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I whipped around. Looking at the right lounge. The sheep from the painting stood in the archway. Smiling as she slowly made her way towards me. Wearing the same dress, she lifted her hand. Making that long cane tap loudly with each step. She was beautiful if not a little older than she seemed in the painting. Blinking softly, I just nodded. "Um yes ma'am I was dropped off by some horse and he said I could work here?" I was still a little confused and conflicted.

"Yes, Simmons works at the estate next door, such a kind young man...I told him to keep an eye out for a strapping young man who could give me a hand around my home," she smiled stopping directly in front of me.

She just looked up at me intently and smiled. Her kindness and warmth seemed genuine enough. Of course, I knew people with money acted this way at the start. Like an octopus putting on those dazzling colors before you're wrapped in their tendrils. "Uh well I'm not sure what I can do...but I need money and I'm willing to work," I looked down at her. I was barely six feet tall, and she was nearly a foot shorter. I would call her pleasantly plump, which wasn't something I was accustomed to. All the rich people out west seemed to starve themselves. Appearances never meant much to me; I was low-income trash in everyone's eyes.

"I'm sure I can whip you into a proper house boy in no time," She smiled. House boy? What the hell was a house boy? She lifted a hand from her cane and soft reached to my face. I held still as she moved a bit of hair out of my face. "Poor thing, Mama knows you must need a nice bath and a hot meal," She let her fingers trail down my cheek. I was flushed red as she touched me. "Come," She motioned and walked ahead of me. Softly walking ahead, she led towards an archway hidden behind the steps. Each step made her heavy hips wobble as she seemed to strut. It was odd to see a woman in her forties, no fifties with such confidence in her stride.

Walking through the archway she led me down a hallway. Lined on each side with old photos of the sheep. She was a looker even in her younger days. Hanging on the arms of strong men in black and white photos. Near the hall's end was a large photo of her surrounded by a large group of younger ewes. Her children? There were quite a lot of them. We entered what was a small banquet hall with a large table in the center. Stretching between rows of windows with a fireplace on each side. The room was darkened as only a few lights gleamed from the chandeliers. "Pardon the darkness darling, running them, both does run the electricity bill up quite a bit," she whispered leading me through the dim hall. We came to one of three doors at the far side. A sign on the door reading servants only which she quietly pushed open. It was a T junction hallway. "Here we are darling, down the hall you will find an empty room and the workers bathrooms, feel free to take anyone that is open," she smiled at me. I just nodded and stepped down by myself.

Jumping a bit, I heard the door shut behind me. I was alone walking down to the connection of the T junction. Turning I saw rows of doors on each side of the next hall. Most were closed except for three at the end. They were open, showing they were free to take. Making my way down I turned into one. It was simple. Just a bed with sheets and covers folded atop it, a desk and chair, a small TV atop a dresser. A decent size but heck an apartment this size in LA would still cost a thousand bucks a month. I stepped in and removed my backpack. Setting it on the bed. My clothes were ragged, just some jeans with large holes and an old torn T-shirt. Running my hand, I pushed my fingers through my hair. It had gotten long compared to what it once was.

Sighing, I took a seat on the bed and my body felt the weight of the past two years flush away. It wasn't the softest, but it was a place I could sit. Comfortable and the room was cool enough to relax. I had to control my urge to flop back. Getting back up I moved back down the wall to the door at the T junction's end. Labeled with a restroom symbol I pushed it open. Yep, it is just a bathroom. More like four bathrooms mashed into one. A few bathroom stalls next to some shower stalls. Across from a large glass mirror with three sinks. Fresh towel sitting across next to a hamper for the dirty ones. Stepping over I couldn't help but use a stall to relieve myself.

Then more than anything else, I needed it. Pulling off my clothes I stepped into a shower and let the hot water pour over me. The hiss of the water spraying down across my worn thin body. I put my hands on the wall and let it course over my head. Tears streamed down my face. They stung me horribly as they flushed out my eyes. How long had it been since I could just take a shower? Since I didn't have to worry about someone stealing my clothes, some crackhead taking my stuff, or the police officers throwing me in some cell or back with them. It hurt how hot I made the water. I just needed to wash off that filth. To burn it away somehow. I did things I regretted and would never tell a soul. My claws extended and scratched at the tiles. Washing myself felt better than sex.

My ears twitched suddenly just as I finished rinsing myself off. Hearing the door open slowly nearby. "Hello?" A new voice spoke softly. It was a guy's voice. Pulling the curtain open a little, I peeked out. Wiping my face as I did. "Whose there?" I asked peeking out. Seeing a canine standing in the doorway. "Oh, hey dude, thought I heard someone takin a shower this late," He laughed a bit as he looked at me. "I'm Devon, you must be a new guy," He sauntered in. Just wearing a pair of boxers over his hips. He must be around my age but clearly a mutt. Making his way towards the hamper beneath all the towels. "Oh, uh yeah I'm...Mike," I answered. He was the first person I've told my real name to in a few months. I hadn't told the horse or the sheep my name. "Cool dude, here you're gonna need this," he tossed me a towel.

I wrapped it around myself and stepped out quietly. "Uh what are you doin?" I asked cocking my head. He reached down and grabbed my clothes, tossing them into the dirty hamper. Pulling up a new pair of clothes from the clean one. "Hey! Those are mine" I tried to stop him. He just turned shoving the clean cloths up in my face. Clothes, shoes, a clip-on bow tie, some PJ's. "Dude relax, we're just gonna wash em tomorrow and you can toss em in your dresser," He smirked back at me. Smiling through that golden brown fur. "I think this should be your size, if you need some bigger ones, you can get em out of the hamper," he told me. Walking past me I held onto the new clothes tightly. He was too nice to be real. "Oh, and make sure to get up by six. The old gal will be up by seven and expects us ready by then," He just sauntered out. Then he was just gone. Back down the hall and into his room without another word. It was so weird how so many people just talked to me suddenly. I'd been ignored for so long.

Looking down I sat the clothes on the sink. Drying off; I examined them a little and pulled a pair of boxers from them. Taking a second to slide them up my slender hips before making my way back to that bedroom. Setting things in my dresser before I looked at what was now my bed. I laid out the blankets and pillows. Then I barely remember laying down. Sleep just hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt safe and warm for the first time in so long. My body just didn't know what to do with this sensation of relaxing. I felt my body go limp in my sleep.

Resting was so nice for once. I feared when I woke, I would be back on that bus. Or worse, back in that alley I called home. But a few hours later I heard the soft beeping of an alarm. It came from the rooms around me. The sounds of their residents getting up and preparing themselves for the day. I hated peeling out of that bed, but I knew this comfort was only coming from what I promised. Getting up I took my time putting on my cloths. Glancing down at myself my tail swished a bit. It was nice to look like this. To have anything other than jeans on was great. I looked like I should be dealing cards at a casino.

Peeking out into the hallway I watched the few men and woman walk out. They were all around my age. Different species and sizes, surely, they weren't all runaways though. Stepping out I joined the lines as they made their way out of the servants' quarters. Turning to enter the large manor's kitchen. Then it hit me. The scent of food being cooked. My mouth couldn't help but water as I didn't seem to be noticed by anyone in the group. Looking over I saw two big humans cooking on the stoves. The sounds of sizzling food was music to my starved ears. "Hey man!" I was snapped back to reality. "Oh uh...hey Devon, right?" I turned my head seeing the mutt scoot up next to me. He smiled at me, and I raised an eyebrow. "You ready to chow down? Make sure you get plenty because we don't get any more till lunch," He spoke so loudly over everyone else. The others seemed too polite as they stepped to a table set up at the far end of the kitchen. Everyone grabbing a plate at the head of a glorious sight. A small buffet of food just for the servants.

Muffins, Eggs, waffles, pancakes, sausage, croissants, deli meats, fruit, and all free. If heaven existed this, was it. Grabbing a plate, I took a second to make sure everyone was welcome to grab some. Then I immediately loaded up my plate. Piling it high with everything that was offered. Getting a few snickers from the girl in line. I could only blush and take a seat at the table provided. Munching away and stuffing my face I noticed Devon taking a seat next to me. "Hey careful dude, you're gonna get a stomachache," He chuckled. Eating the mild portion on his plate he took his time compared to me.

"So, uh Devon...what kind of work is this? I mean this is like a gold mine, right? It can't be this good all the time," I slowed myself. Coming to a stop to look at him. He blinked a few times then shrugged his shoulders a bit. "It's not bad, it just gets complicated when company comes over," He assured me. Just as I finished my food the warning bell dinged over us. Looking around I followed the crowd. Everyone gets up and puts their plates in the washer before heading out. Following Devon, we all took line at the base of the stairs. Lining up at one side as the mistress of the house made her way down. I stood at the end glancing up at the sheep as she descended. Her dainty steps betrayed her form as she soon reached the hall. Stepping out along the lines she smiled at each of us.

"Good morning my darlings," she spoke clearly, and everyone bowed. Of course, I bowed out of time as I watched to see what everyone did. "You all look so clean and proper! Mama is so proud," She walked down the line. Stopping in front of one girl for just a moment to adjust her sleeve. Tapping the females nose the sheep snickered a little. "Now I would like all the young ladies to focus on cleaning the entertaining room please, we will be having guests at the end of the week, and I would very much like to impress," She ordered politely. Without arguing the woman filed out of the room to gather their cleaning supplies. "As for such handsome young men, I would like half of you to assist in the garden and the other half to assist in the kitchen, we must have all the silverware polished to a shine," She looked at the six of us standing. "Madam?" Devon spoke up suddenly. "Yes, little one?" she turned.

"Me and Mike would gladly assist in the garden ma'am we and help with anything you need," He spoke up suddenly. I raised an eyebrow as he volunteered me with him suddenly. Why was this guy I just met volunteering me? "If you feel you can do it with just the two of you, then I would enjoy seeing you succeed," She cocked her head a little and warmly nodded. Devon took my arm, turning me to the front door and led me to the door. It was so weird. He was gripping my arm so hard as he led me. "Oh, and Devon," the sheep said quietly. We stopped dead and the grip of Devons hand instantly faded. "Yes ma'am" he turned and smiled. She was right behind us suddenly. When did she get there? How did she get there so fast? He didn't break a sweat as he smiled down at her. "Do be a good boy while you're outside my little puppy," she smiled. Leaning up and giving his cheek a soft little kiss. I watched a little surprised as she did. Once she moved back Devon opened the door and nearly pushed me outside.

"Jesus what was that all about? I would have preferred to clean the dishes or something," I looked at him. All the color faded from his face as he collapsed to his knees. Shaking I watched the sweat run down his head. "Are you ok?" I dropped down grabbing his shoulder. "You need to leave.... you need to leave right now," He spoke as she looked up at me. The pure fear in his eyes shook me to my core. The mutt I had met who was so friendly was suddenly gone. This was a man who had seen some stuff in his day. He was clearly only a few years older than me but looked broken. "Just to the gate and squeeze between the down the road and don't stop," He pushed up onto his feet slowly. Looking like the weight of the world was sitting on his shoulders.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as the spot on his cheek looked weird. The spot she kissed was suddenly bright red and looked like it was getting worse. "We can't.... I....," He stopped talking and his body suddenly relaxed. He went right back to how he was before. Shivering he cocked his head and smiled again. "Heh let's get some tools," He turned walking onto the lawn. Casually heading around the manor. I admittedly was a little freaked out as he was acting like such a freak. To the far left of the manor was a small storage shed we made our way to. Devon opened it and handed me some trimming sheers. "We're going to trim the bushes..." He told me and just walked back past me. What was wrong with him? He walked up to the hedges around the building.

Cautiously I started to trim and clip the tiny sprigs of hedge that were out of line. Devon worked just down the path from me. It wasn't challenging work, but I was a little freaked out. This place had been fine so far. What was he talking about running? " what's going on?" I asked, trimming a bush. "We're not allowed to talk about that dude," He looked over at me. His eye twitched a little as he did his job. "Ok?" I turned my head back and kept myself busy. The sun was hot as it shined down. The humidity didn't help. Sweat quickly formed on my forehead and arms. Turning my sleeves up we worked away for hours. I kept trying to bring up what happened, but he just kept working away at his task.

"Well, it's just about lunch time dude, ready to go inside for a bit?" He suddenly chimed up after a few hours. Nodding, I stood up and he went to the back entrance of the manor. Opening a door, he walked in quietly and left the door open for me. We made our way through a few doors to the kitchen. Finding another spread had been put out for us. My stomach was still a bit full, but I did take notice of something odd. Someone wasn't at the table. Cocking my head, I ran through the numbers in my head as everyone took a seat. I was right. There was one empty seat. One of the girls who had been there earlier was missing.

Nobody mentioned it or even took notice. I grabbed a few pieces of fruit and took a seat. Glancing down at the empty spot. "Um did anyone else notice..." I spoke up. Then everyone just stopped in their tracks. Their eyes glared down at me as if I had just cursed every person at the table. Sinking down I just ate my food in silence. Once we were done, we returned to our task, and I looked over at Devon. Gritting my teeth, I tossed the sheers down and growled. "Hey! Look if there's some fucked up shit going on here, I need to know!" I nearly shouted. Devon froze in place and just looked at me. Blinking he gulped a little and took a deep slow breath. "Why don't you do me a favor...trim the bushes over by the windows," He shook a little. Motioning to a row of bushes sitting along a far wall.

Rolling my eyes, I leaned down and grabbed the sheers. Huffing as I trudged over to the bushes. I grabbed a branch to trim it but soon noticed the curtains were slightly open. Looking back at Devon who just smiled and nodded at the bushes. I leaned in and narrowed my eyes. Peeking between the curtains at what would be inside. The sight I caught shook me to my core. The room was tiny and round. With just one chair which was filled with the mistress of the house. Sipping on a cup of tea she stared down at the maid who was missing. The same girl who this morning had her sleeve fixed by the mistress. She was on her hands and knees in tears. The cervine female cowering and sobbing. Her nails digging into the wood below her. Looking up she looked at the mistress in pure horror. "Please.... Please give me one more chance! I'll do it right I promise! Please! Mercy!" She screamed. The sound barely made it through the thick glass. "Darling this was your sixth offense...I can't have my children being so disobedient, it sets a bad example for my associates," The mistress put her cup down softly.

"Mama Gretta! Please! Save me! Please don't let your child get hurt!" The doe screamed as the blue faded from the sheep's eyes. Turning to a fiery orange and bleeding up till her pupils narrowed to predatory slits. Standing slowly, she reached down. When the sheep's soft hand touched her shoulder claw marks tore across the does back. Deep gashes formed and tore the uniform clinging to her back. Screaming out the doe finally broke her cowering stance. Kicking off and pushing away she tried to crawl away. Crying hard blood scathed across the wall from the unseen claws that tore into her. "My my...that should have torn you apart, you're a bit stronger than you look my dear," She reached over grabbing her cane quietly. Walking towards the doe as she reached up to windowceil. Clawing at it as she tried to pull herself to her feet. Moving towards the light trying to escape the monster behind her.

Lifting her hoof Gretta pressed her hoof down on the back of the deer's thigh. Then by the same unseen force her entire leg was flattened. Like an invisible steam roller crashed down it. Blood surged out in all directions as the doe froze. Her breath stolen from shock as she glanced back. Lifting the tip of her cane she placed the end against the back of the does head. "Tell me your name child...tell me everything," Gretta's voice grew dark. I wanted to scream, I wanted to run, every part of me said move. Though my feet seemed welded in place as I watched in terror. Every inch of me felt like I had been shot. My senses that demanded to flee raged against my senses to know what was happening.

"My" The doe tried to choke out through the shock. The pain had yet to hit her brain as she didn't know what to do just yet. "Your name is Sarah...a whore fromup north. Raised by a mother who taught you that men loved your body when you were 12, sold by a father every Saturday for a bottle of whiskey. Lover of a worthless little thug from the wrong side of the tracks...ran away when your daddy unloaded 2 barrels of buckshot into the poor boys back then into his own head, Mama Gretta took you in, feed you, clothed you, gave you a chance to better're a horrible child and mama cannot fix you, so I send you where you belong," Gretta voice grew cold, distant, and harsh as she spoke. Sliding her fingers back a bit. she placed her thumb onto the center of the golden ram's head. The cane hissed as its true purpose became known. "Perhaps when you come will have learned to be a proper young woman for Mama," she pressed the button. The cane let out a loud hiss as compressed air fumed from the golden ram's nose. The tip of the cane opened instantly. Letting a long metallic grey spike eject out. Spearing through the poor skull. Piercing her thoughts and mind ending her pain in one smooth motion. Instantly the spike sprung back into her cane and closed with a loud click. A space beneath the ram's head popped open. A small canister of compressed CO2 ejected out.

Covering my mouth, I couldn't hold it back any longer. I didn't scream but just let out a loud heavy hurl. Losing all that food I had eaten into the bushes. Tears came to my eyes immediately as I scrambled. Backing up till someone's hand came up and cover my mouth. I screamed hard into that hand and looked back. Expecting the worst, but Devon just pulled me out of sight of the window. Holding me firmly he kept my screams to a minimum. Looking up he tried to keep a straight face. "See nothing's wrong at all..." he looked down giving me a look to run immediately. It made sense suddenly what he told me earlier. I tried to bolt but before I could even get a step the mistress of the house stepped around the corner. I froze in my place as she walked up quietly. Cocking her head to the side quietly as she looked at us both. "Ma'am?" I tried not to look terrified. Just trying to act like I didn't just see her murder someone.

We just stared at her. How did she get there so fast? She was just inside. Neither of us moved as she put both of her hands onto her cane. My eyes moved down to it till having fresh red droplets at its base. "Now what are you two naughty boys doing?" she asked politely. Betraying the image of the monster he had just seen. "I....I" My mouth lost track of the thousands of things racing through my mind. "Shh shh now now its ok darling, Mama knows what you saw. Mama knows it's scary," She stepped closer. Raising a hand and softly feeling my cheek. Just her touch caused my eyes to tear up. Surprisingly not in fear. I was crying. Crying from pure comfort her touch imbedded into my body.