Dream - 2023

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#5 of Personal

Another story for my bf and I.

Characters belong to their respective owners.

Dream - 02-2023-03-20

There was an odd feeling to it, falling asleep with someone in your arms. That someone being your beloved, Fddhty. Naked under the sheets as gentle snow fell outside their home. The streets were blanketed in a gentle cold white, while in Ren's slumber he was surrounded by the warmth of Fddhty's white fur. To have fallen asleep and wake up in it for what normally seemed like moments. There was never something in between.

It wasn't the first time he dreamt, and this certainly wouldn't be the last. In fact, the first was arriving in Golden Horizon several months ago. A car, a cliffside, appreciating the foggy banks, himself with the mouse as lovers. Tonight, he was lost. No car, no cliffside, no snow, or any sort of landscape for that matter. It was white, and only he filled such a void.

"What the hell?" Ren said to himself, in the confusion that he adorned body armor that was far more fantasy than modern. Though he had no knowledge of it, the dream gave him the feeling that he perceived himself in the future. Metal plates on his forearms and legs, something rock-like and sturdy, yet lightweight around his chest. His helmet was present, without feeling it as there was a space between his face and his hand trying to touch his own forehead. There were gaps in his armor tiny enough for his stripes to slither through, and it felt more invigorating; an armor made for him, or his kind?

"The tiger." A familiar voice spoke from behind, languished with guttural and demonic sounds.

Instinct had his stripes come out, assuming a defensive stance that surrounded his form. He turned around to see a silhouette of a wolf, standing upright like himself. It had gray eyes, and a dark red sphere in the center. Ren could assume that would be its heart, so he lashed all of his stripes at it.

"You know nothing happens in dreams, right?" The Wolf said. "Just mere premonitions." He walked along the curve of the stripes, leaving a trail of gray on it. "This will not be how it goes down, Ren."

He doubled down by folding his stripes inward and extending to pierce itself through the sphere again, but the wolf did not stop until he was a foot away from the tiger. Not knowing how well the armor would protect him, but it felt prestigious enough to withstand whatever this monster would hit at him.

"Christ you don't talk, do you?" He exhaled, crossed his arms. "If you want to kill me in your dreams countless times, go for it I guess."

"Stay away from Fddhty and I, then we'll talk!" Ren stepped back, simultaneously extending his stripes and coiling it around him. "Stop all this killing, and then we'll talk." He reiterated. An unpleasant feeling built up within him and it's nothing the armor could protect against; uncertainty that whoever this creature was could manipulate dreams, or possibly their reality itself. Acting on sentiment alone was futile, but he'd rather let him know how loud he would defy him.

"Alright, well, if you see me on the news again then we'll see each other in person." The Wolf started to de-pixel. "That is not a premonition."

"We will all be ready for you. Golden Horizon will stand guard against you!" Ren curled his stripes over and over as it repetitively impaled the disappearing Wolf. And when he was truly gone, he shouted loud that the world darkened.

Fear of the pain, yet defiant of the Wolf's cause, Ren shouted from the top of his lungs. "Stay away!"

A shade of blue appeared itself, as did the ceiling, the window, and the sensation of warmth on his body. Blankets draped over his legs with himself sitting up. Fddhty's arm wrapped around his waist as he rested on his stomach, but his body arched upwards, startled by him screaming.

"Is everything okay hun?!" His mouse looked straight into his eyes, those gentle blue specks.

Ren didn't realize he woke up panicked after noticing himself relaxing upon seeing him. "I.. yeah. I had a dream."

"Again?" Fddhty turned and sat beside him, both arms hugging around. "You wanna talk about it?"

The tiger let out a long warm exhale, hugging him tightly while nuzzling the top of his head. The fur, the scent, and the comfort shared between them made him think clearer of what he saw. "Yeah." His eyes looked around the shadows, which the subtle lamplight from outside did not cover.

Fddhty felt him tense up, looking around as well. "He's far from Golden Hor-." And it struck him. "Oh shit, okay, we can go to Little Stewart, go call Mack and Pen." He started to shift out of his bed, letting go of the tiger who didn't want to.

"He's not gonna come yet. Told me that he will come when I see him on the news." Ren teared up, laying his muzzle on Fddhty's shoulder who hugged him back with cooes.

It went on for a moment of just caressing and assuring, but Fddhty started to wonder, "I don't trust him. And you shouldn't either."

"He gave me my dreams back, and told me that it's mostly lies, except for that last thing he said."

"Which is incorrect. You should think of it as a lie too." Fddhty patted his chest, getting his attention. Their eyes met, "Hun, we're all going to fight him. He's just some murd-" his voice trailed off as the string of thought went on. "Who gave you back the ability to dream..."

And they were both truly awake then. Senses sharpened, looking around frantically. No eyes, no peep, no scent but themselves. Ren got off his bed, stripes up and arc'd in a defensive stance. He looked out the window and searched for anything red, but there was nothing amidst the white. And the skies only had stars. He then saw his reflection covered in light as Fddhty had turned on the one in their room.

The mouse started putting on clothing, already buttoning his thick winter pants while tossing a pair of Ren's boxers at him. Fddhty said, "C'mon, get your friends on and we'll talk about it in the Stewart."

Ren paced his way into his clothes, using his stripes to scour about the nearby closets for clothing befitting of the moment; thick jackets, gloves, scarves, beanies, knives, and a gun. Gathering his phone from the bedside drawer, he used his own hands to call Julian first.

Julian definitely picked up but there were sounds of muffled grunts, shuffling pillows, and snoring. A moment passed before he could feel the shift closer to a grunting mouth, "Hello?" It was him for sure, but not as peppy. If he hadn't familiarized himself with his cheerful tones, this would've been a different person entirely.

"Hey Julian, it's Ren, we need to stay at your place, please." Emphasized 'need' and 'please'.

It awoke him, his tone of voice had more kick to it, "Did something happen? Is he here?"

"Came to me in a dream." Ren said. Fddhty tapped his shoulder and handed him a pistol.

"What's a dream?" Julian questioned. "Is that something bad?"

"It's a sort of vision. I'll tell you when I'm there. Will contact Mackenzie and Pen. So, can we please stay at your place?" They were already out of the bedroom and dressed for the quick walk.

"Sure, let them know. We'll prep this place up." He turned to Dael, sounding distant when he said, "Sweetie, we have guests coming. It's the gang."

"Thanks," he said and hung up immediately. Hoping that his big ears caught that. Nonetheless, they trailed down the stairwell and were at the apartment's foyer. Their neighbors were still unaware, fast asleep. But they could count on them when the time came. For now, they needed to organize.

"I'll call the authorities too, okay?" Fddhty said, holding the knob as they were about to step out.

"Yeah, they'd listen to you more." Ren started dialing Mackenzie's number.

"Hun," Fddhty twisted the knob open. "You're one of us now. They'll take you as seriously as they would, me." A cold breeze entered, but they held each other's paw upon taking the steps out.

"Thanks," Ren pressed the call button. And when they had gotten onto the sidewalk, he kissed Fddhty's lips and held it for a moment. Closed eyes, tails wagged, and his stripes extended from his sleeves in volatile defensive stances. Leaning back, he said, "I love you, so so much."

"I love you too." Fddhty smiled.
