Cat and Mouse

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#1 of A Cat and Mouse

so...Ive been wanting to start writing for a loooong time, and what better time to start then on a sleepless night! this is an idea I've had for a while, and I'm wanting to flesh it out a bit more. but for now I figured id just make something quick and small to see if I liked it. so if anyone likes this little story, there's a chance you may get to see more of Willow and Hazel - if their names stay that - and their relationship.

I know im not good, so any and all feedback is more than welcome!


Her tongue, cradling my small form, her warm breath softly rustling my fur, damp with her saliva. Her cavernous throat, gently pulsing, eager for my descent. Her lips ever so slightly parted to allow the dim light of the room outside to filter through and illuminate my surroundings. I loved it all, each and every little bit of it. But, most of all, I loved her. The way she would laugh at the little things we shared together, the goofy moments between us. How she would hug me tight against her when the stress of living in this hellish reality got to me. How she would offer her belly as a bed when the night became too fierce for my feeble heart...A soft smile graced my muzzle as I relaxed on her tongue, reminiscing on happy memories. Only snapped out of my trance by a soft, gentle, "...ready sweetheart?". My smile grows wider as I reach with a small paw to rub at her pallet, mumbling a soft, "for this, for you? Always, my love...but yes, i'm ready" I chuckle, relaxing back on the warm muscle as she tilts her head back. An echoing gulp filling my ears, as gentle and soft as she is, pulling my miniature form into her throat, watching as my thighs disappear down into her. Her purrs gently vibrate my bones as she swallows again, my hips joining my thighs, soon followed by my stomach. Closing my eyes, nuzzling against her flesh as with one last, powerful swallow, I disappear from her maw.


I smile softly, a delicate paw tracing the gentle bulge my mate makes in my throat, her soft squirms drawing a quiet murr. Tail lazily swishing as I fight the urge to gulp her down, letting my body take its time squeezing and pressing her down my gullet, the way I know she enjoys it. A soft sight slipping from my lips as her form disappears into my chest, my paw losing her form. "...night love...sleep well" I coo, a soft giggle slipping from my lips as the little mouse shifts in my gut, getting comfortable deep within my body..."speaking of sleep" - I yawn, stretching out a little, gazing longingly at the bed in the corner of the room, "I think I'll joining you, my sweet little treat~". Gently rubbing over my belly, willing my voice to carry through the folds of my flesh, urged on by the faint traces of magic I emit. Clambering into the soft bed, pulling the covers over myself and snuggling under the sheets, somewhat jealous of my girlfriend. Whiskers twitching and ears flicking as I reach over to turn off the lamp on the nightstand, before letting my mind wander, and the storm outside lull me to sleep.


It's a weird sensation, being in the belly of a predator - a natural one at that - and feeling completely safe, comfortable even. Her flesh conformed to my body, her heartbeat filling my delicate ears, stilling the previously frantic beating of my heart. Sleep tugging at the edges of my mind. Gently chittering as I let it in, let my eyes droop closed, let the gentle gurgles and groans of her body lull my to did things get here, a cat and mouse, predator prey, slave and master...above all else, lovers.