The Unintended Curse ch10

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#10 of The Unintended Curse

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 10 Once the two of us had reached the waterway, did I realize that we'd come across a small problem, both the girls didn't know how to swim. 'You have got to be kidding me.' I thought as I took a long sigh and shook my current hosts head. "Well, I'm sorry mister blob, but being that we are from the forests and not the rivers like our riven folk cousins, we don't have that many large bodies of water to actually learn," She said back to me as she looked down at the water then shook her head to her sister. "You are just going to have to think of another way for us to get out of here, undetected." Quickly looking about the room did I quickly took stock of what I had to work with and sighed at the realization of how hopeless it looked. I was about to suggest something along the lines of using some kind of magic to aid in our escape when her eyes caught the sight of a barrel that'd been slightly open at one end. Quickly walking over to it, I saw that the barrel was empty within and large enough to fit her tiny frame within. 'This could work to our advantage. If you and your sister were to get within this barrel, all you'd have to do is get within and we just simply float down the water to freedom.' I said to her mind as she thought over the idea and nodded. She turned to her little sister and twitched her ears for a moment, then the sisters eyes went wide and she started to shake her head. "Do not think for a moment that you are going to get me into that small barrel and..." I didn't give her a chance to finish that sentence as we both lifted her off her feet and deposited her into the barrel. Quickly rolling the barrel on it's end over to the open grate, I posited it right on the edge and had her get inside as well. 'Do you really think that this is going to work?' She asked me as she reached on over and took up lid to the barrel and sealed us within. 'It's the simplest and easiest way to escape.' I said to her as the light was shut out from within. 'The only thing is that we need to make sure that we get into the water quickly before the guards wake up from all the noise that your sister has been making and the current will float us out to sea where my current host awaits us at a ship that's currently at anchor in the harbor.' With a bit of rocking after she'd gotten into the barrel, the barrel began to teeter on the edge of the opening, until their was a moment of weightlessness, then the thump of us splashing into the water. I don't know how long it was for us, waiting within that darkened barrel, but a short while later I felt a slight shift in the barrel. "Sister. Something is wrong. I can feel water." We reached on over to her little sister and felt down to where she had her hand and we could feel wetness. It was indeed wet where we touched and it was very slowly beginning to pool right there. 'This isn't good. There must be some kind of leak somewhere within the barrel. If we don't do something about it then their's the chance that we could drown within this barrel.' This caused her to panic slightly but I quickly stopped that. "You don't need to fret though. All I have to do is find the leak, and I'll plug it up with myself." I said in her voice. She then began to feel around the barrel for the leak and stopped when she felt a slight drip coming in from a crack in the top of the barrel. Once the leak was found, she reached up to her mouth with her hand, spat out a slight bit of myself, and deposited that amount over the crack. The goop quickly spread within the crack and sealed it up so that no more water was allowed to get within the barrel. "That should hold for quite a while, but now we need to think of what to do from here." Just then a small ball of light appeared and we saw that it was coming from the her little sister. "What do you mean? I thought that once we'd gotten out to sea that, whoever was out there, would just pick us up from the water and take us to a safe place." * * *

(Switch perspectives)

  • * * Using my fishing hooks, I threw out my line and quickly snagged the floating barrel and began to recoil the line. 'Now that is just plain weird,' I thought as I pulled the barrel towards my small boat. 'Usually those barrels only float down here during the early hours of the day, but his one...maybe it just got hooked by a stray branch or this could be the one...' I stopped in my thoughts as the barrel was close enough to grab and I attempted to pull it out of the water and into my small boat. "Damn, this things...heavy." With an almighty pull, I was finally able to get the barrel into the boat and safely out of the water. "Dang that's heavy. Their's no way that theirs that much liquid in there and is still able to remain afloat." So with a few knocks to the barrel, I was shocked to hear a reply from within. "I guess the other part of me did it. Those two elves must be inside of this barrel. 'Don't worry in there. I'm going to take you back to my ship and get you to safety." There was a weak reply from within, then nothing else. It didn't take me all that long before I was back aboard the ship and the boat safely stored away under it's canvas in the middle of the deck until it would be used for another day. Once that was done I quickly popped open the barrel and looked within. Both the elfish girls were shielding themselves with their arms and had frightened looks upon their faces. "There is no more reason to fear. I am the other half of the blob and in control of my current host." Reaching down into the barrel I took the offered hand of the elder elf girl and helped her out of the barrel. "Speak not a word though. If anyone were to know that I've brought you two aboard this ship, it could cause many problems." I said in a whisper. I didn't waist a moment as I quickly brought them back to their feet and then down into the ships hold. Even though the littler of the two continued to voice out her discontentment of the situation of being treated in such a foul manner as well as being stuffed into that cramped barrel, I just ignored her and continued to usher the two deeper and deeper into the hold. "I fear that if the two of you are discovered by any of the crew that you might be thrown off the ship before we reach a safe haven. Until such time as we reach such a place, I request that the two of you remain below and out of sight." I could see the little one was about to protest, but a nod from the older one to me quickly ended up with her quickly covering over her little sisters mouth and applying a thick layer of goo over it. The little one's eyes shot wide with fright as she quickly tried to look down at her mouth to see if what'd just happened was real, only to try and tear that goo away from her face right after. She would constantly mumble through the goop until her eyes went even wider as the stuff oozed it's way into her mouth and down her throat. The little one started to retch for a few moments, in an almost desperate attempt to dislodge/heave up the goop, only to find that she couldn't. Once she realized that that was impossible, she started to look between us with question eyes and opened her mouth to shout at us. The only problem was that when she opened her mouth to scream her rage at what we'd just done to her, nothing but a huff came out, which seemed to really surprise her. She tried again and again to try and produce a sound louder than squeak, but none came. "You seem to favor loud noises little miss,...but, if you wish to remain hidden and reach the safety of a new land, you must learn the importance of silence. So, until you do, a part of me will remain with you to help you learn." The little elf scowled at me and mouthed several very unpleasant words to me. "Then think of as this. If you don't learn to silence that tongue of yours, the first thing to happen will be that all my shipmates will find you, ravage you, and have their merry pleasures with you as their...pleasure slave." Her mouth quickly dropped open and her eyes went wide as she must've realized the extent of the lesson that I was trying to teach her. "How long will it take us to reach safe harbor?" The elder of the two asked in a quiet voice as she turned and looked up to me as I turned and started looking amongst the supplies to see me produce a few large pieces of leather shortly after. "I trust that you can make yourselves some makeshift clothing out of this," I said as I handed the elder elf the leather. "As to your question...a few months at best till the snow melts back home and I can safely get the two of your home. We still have many more ports to visit along this voyage to sell our fish that is stored in a lower hold of the ship (the fish was stored there to keep it cooler and not spoil as quickly as it was much colder the further you stored your supplies under the waters surface). Until such time, I'll do my best to make your voyage as easy as possible." She took the leather, turned it over a few times, then accepted a small blade that I'd handed to her. "I can make some simple things out of this, but there isn't much to work with." She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. "Though this is a small yet modest gift, I...I mean we, we greatly appreciate it." "I'll see what I can gather up from the market tomorrow to allow you to make something better for yourselves. I can't promise anything, but I'll see what I can do." I said to her as she smiled up to me and gave me a nod. With that done, I turned and headed up the ladder to the upper deck and into the nights air again. The whole rest of the night was spent with me up on the crows nest or upon the deck, constantly watching out at sea for anyone/anything that might want to come aboard our ship and raid us, but this night I was extra vigilant to the task as I watched the town for any clues to indicate that some of the prisoners had escaped. A few times during the night I would see a few lanterns pass between a few buildings, and realized that a silent alarm had been sounded and that the guards were searching silently for something/someone. 'Some of the prisoners must have escaped the prison and in order to prevent the town from knowing this, the guards are silently searching through the night to find all that'd escaped.' I thought as I continued to watch the town and a few other places. A few times in the night, I would see a few of the lanterns condense upon a certain area, only to be scattered a few moments more. This happened several times during the night and a few times my hearing caught the sound of yells over the slapping of the waves against the ships hull. 'They'll probably search throughout the night for the girls as well, but thankfully they aren't on land any longer.' I smirked at that thought and awaited the first light of day and the end of my watch. It was just as the light started to show it's coming over the horizon that I was relieved from the watch and allowed to return to the hold to catch a few restful bits of sleep. Though in truth, I never really slept, but my host's body did require at least some rest, and while his body rested, I would make my way down the hold and gorge myself upon a fish or two. I was shortly joined a little while later by some of my other bits and conjoined with them to learn of what they had learned from my new two hosts/vessels. It was amazed at the things that they'd learned in their absence from me, but I reveled in the knowledge of what they'd learned and the fact that they'd also returned to me. Once the knowledge of the things that they'd learned from the elfish girls had been passed to me, did I allow myself to continue my fishy meal. I gorged myself on several fish that were spoiling (since they would be unhealthy to anything other than myself), but when those fish had been devoured, did I start to think of what to do from this point onward. 'I need to make sure that those two elves stay below the decks of the ship, though I should also make sure to let them up to the deck from time to time to allow them some fresh air and stretch out their tired muscles.' With that thought, I thought that it would be alright to allow them up on the deck while I was on watch and the rest of the crew slept below. Splitting myself into three parts again, I allowed my other two selves to return to their hosts and tell them of what I'd planned.