Zaphod and Marcus have a conversation

Story by Mericus on SoFurry

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Zaphod_strife: greetings

Marcus: hi zaphod

Zaphod_strife: how's it going?

Marcus: I'm feeling some pain right now so don't expect too much. I am rather depressed and all. It is emotional nothing at you or anyone. I had forgotten why I left California it all came back and I cannot face it any more than twenty years ago

Zaphod_strife: ?

Marcus: i'm not going to kill myself or anything, but it would put me out of my misery

Zaphod_strife: oh dear

Marcus: I um don't have anyone and am feeling alone again. I'm cold like when Beni never answered cold

Marcus: pizza is cold too, despite having rushed home. I love my truck least

Zaphod_strife: : \

Zaphod_strife: I know how you feel man

Marcus: I bought an all cheese pizza and then got a sale on chicken to put on top. Three leg quarters for 3 bucks

Marcus: but it as cold as my heart.

Zaphod_strife: not bad

Zaphod_strife: doh

Marcus: I wanted things to be different I put out the effort and tried hard to keep what I had found despite problems, ...but still I am only good at making friends, I can't seem to find anyone to love back. Just people to like me as a friend.

Zaphod_strife: yeah

zaphod_strife: I have the same problem

Marcus: I wonder if it is over, love is only for younger people and if your are not thin and perfect not that either

Marcus: I was always overweight, always fat never perfect, never thin after 7th grade

Zaphod_strife: I don't think so. Seeing as how the ugliest girl I've ever seen is now hooked up with one of my friends, and I have no idea why the hell he likes her.

Marcus: must be the heart likes what it found. The outside means nothing what with plastic surgery and liposuction

Zaphod_strife: yeah, I guess

zaphod_strife: : \ it makes me gag thinking about them...

Zaphod_strife: *Shudders*

zaphod_strife: but anyway

Zaphod_strife: yeah I'm a total flop with the ladies

Marcus: maybe I'm looking ion the wrong side of the fence?

zaphod_strife: maybe

zaphod_strife: I've recently had a lot of bad experiences with women recently

Marcus: yeah, maybe you should get over the fence too?

Zaphod_strife: this one really cute girl that I was seeing kept telling me that she had just gotten out of a bad relationship and really didn't want to get into another relationship just yet

Zaphod_strife: so I, of course, gave her space

Zaphod_strife: and she'd pretty much say this every time we were together

Zaphod_strife: and about 3 days later she hooks up with another one of my friends : \

Marcus: maybe she wanted you to console her and she wanted you to come after her so she could push you away and make a total stranger feel worse. Women seem evil that way

Zaphod_strife: well the thing was that I never consoled her, I just said, "Ok, I won't force you." basically

Zaphod_strife: I guess

Zaphod_strife: I dunno

Zaphod_strife: but I'm pissed lol

Marcus: I have a friend named something; he is a mit chemist and scientist that guy in Nevada. You can't pass his name around he must be kept a little secret okay? Anyway he did say women would make you their sweetheart if you are well off or have a lot of money or wealth. He is right I know. I don't have much but a caring soul and need to be intimate. But I suppose I'm supposed to be successfully an asshole dickhead that has all the money like Kennedy or other billionaires

Zaphod_strife: yeah

Zaphod_strife: so far that's pretty much how my experience has been, haha

Marcus: bill gates is probably very happy even without kids

Zaphod_strife: ah, but bill gates has a kid

Zaphod_strife: but yeah lol

Marcus: oh I was wondering who if anyone would inherit

Zaphod_strife: lol

Zaphod_strife: lawyers: "now that gates has passed on... what will we do with all this money?"

Zaphod_strife: Marcus: "I could use some!"

Zaphod_strife: he has a 10-year-old daughter or something

Marcus: Maybe you should go court them regardless of gender. It is not like they will need any wealth you could provide. They are probably extremely lonely.

Zaphod_strife: haha

Marcus: some millionaires and often billionaires turn to hurting people because they cannot find love

Marcus: sort of like "Everyone should suffer my pain too!"

Zaphod_strife: Heh

Marcus: look at the Saudi family they are rich beyond rich, and must live in a system that makes them all hate everybody so bad that they want the whole world to die horrible deaths

Zaphod_strife: figure I'll focus on school and then find a girl when I'm filthy rich lol

Marcus: yeah you can do that, men are supposed to be strong. ...most of the time yes, ...but not inside, men need others to help them, or at least I do.

Zaphod_strife: It's a lonely road

Marcus: yes I guess I should go write this all down it makes good fiction to read someone that is hurt worse that you

Marcus: some people enjoy pain as pleasure, thinking it has to be that way. But it makes them crazy too, a lot like being in this situation of never having anyone.

Marcus: I am crazy right now. I was thinking looking at the ocean earlier if it were a little warmer I could strip down and see if I could swim to Japan

Marcus: get some fresh sushi

Zaphod_strife: that'd be a long swim

Marcus: yes I would be eaten by sharks or killer whales along the way. Or a Russian trawler would haul me into their nets. Plus immigration would never believe me and shoot me as a terrorist coming out of the water in southern Okinawa

Zaphod_strife: haha

Marcus: I sat down to draw something but since I have been here it has been one frustration after another. I think it might time to lie and say I was in jail for 16 years on a trumped up charge and only DNA evidence and constantly bugging my public defender saved me.

Zaphod_strife: time to lie to who?

Marcus: because saying I worked for Rite Aid at all is making it impossible to get any work. My transfer evaporated because my old boss decided to sabotage me after I left. Get me fired or something because I could not stand to one: tell him I refuse to work for an asshole like him, and Two: I am going nowhere being passed over for promotion because of my hairline

Marcus: all eight of the manager trainees quit or were fired one after the other that he trained and passed me over for promotion.

Zaphod_strife: wow sounds like an ass hole

Marcus: I wanted to move up in the company make a career out of it. Do good for the company. But he is destroying me because I did not want to keep up the charade anymore

Marcus: I find out he gave me a bad biography before I left there. To make it impossible to get placed in California because he was mad I left all, regardless of why. I will call on friends or others to get him back I could but the karma would be bad. But I could also tell my assistant manager what he did, but he did not have to give me a bad bio, he could have stated I was pushed into kicking out one awful customer and in calling the police on him to keep from having it escalate into my being fired because I fought and beat him up in the parking lot. He (my manager) decided to take out his ire on me after I left. There was a customer that baited me into getting really angry then even though the customer chose me out so to speak I still threw him out of the store without violence.

Marcus: I used acceleration and belled him out the door with a walk

Marcus: mostly since he got directly into my face like inches away kind of thing

Marcus: he bounced off like a car and a dog. The dog bounces off the car. I was the car he was the dog

Zaphod_strife: lol

Marcus: my manager decided it was all my fault and that he would not have had that problem. He will the customer the irate drunk homeless asshole still lives there. And he will meet my manager one day and do the same thing. Then he will understand. But because I left, he hates me. I made him find someone new to take my position that he thought I was pigeonholed very well into.

Marcus: I was both security and a manager and an everything guy that took care of everything in the store at night, I took care of protecting his store at night from all the people he no longer had to deal with. Now he has the same old problem again. Who to get that can fill three positions at the same time?

Marcus: I was a manager and a security undercover trained professional and a cashier. I never had a short drawer, I always dropped money when he wanted it, I always handled diversity and any problems myself as his GUARD, I never told him a lie, I always followed orders exactly, I never refused a job or did one badly but I could never get there on time, but that was because I wanted him to ask me why, it was because I never got the raise to go with the job I was doing, and I could not live without it. It was a good thing I decided to go one this diet. It is cheaper than trying to buy food like normal people or go out to a movie or rent a video because I never had any money and was always late with my rent so I had to pay all these late fees. He did not care I was being evicted, he thought it was

Marcus: was funny

Zaphod_strife: : |

Marcus: so he laughed at me. Thinking I was a poor liar

Marcus: if I was out in the snow right now homeless he would fire me for coming to work smelling bad. He wanted to have me pay something like this and be nothing so he could gloat. He is sabotaging me even now

Marcus: I should lie and say I am an ex-convict for a murder I did not do and am exonerated after 16 years in prison. That sounds better than the truth

Marcus: people would believe that and be afraid more when I get angry and they would want to calm me down instead of egg me on. It would make sense my violent outbursts.

Marcus: I will try that, I got the job at rite aid at all because I lied and said I did not pass high school

Zaphod_strife: lol, whatever works

Marcus: maybe I can get a good job with that lie. And people will be nicer treating me with respect too. Yeah thanks that is a good idea. Now I Can become a bartender

Zaphod_strife: haha

Marcus: I can go study how to make drinks and say yeah, I can't drink anymore because that is how they cops found me, I was arrested for drunk driving then I was put in prison for fifteen murders they could not solve and have me confess while I was still drunk and would say anything on tape

Marcus: sounds so outlandish and so like the powerful pushing around the little guy I can get on Ophra maybe and be just like that guy that wrote a fiction and was on her show too, until they found out he made it all up

Zaphod_strife: hm

Marcus: he still sold a lot of books and now they are going to make a movie about him anyway even though he lied and said all that awful stuff happened to him. People are pretty stupid and want to see someone worse off than them quite a lot these days. Then their own troubles pale in comparison and the person that is the liar becomes their flag to wave at the cruel world

Zaphod_strife: yeah

Marcus: so I guess i'll try that say I am an ex con and have to tell them that I am over parole and don't have to report anymore because it was all a mistake and the State of Michigan is sorry too bad, sorry for all the years you will never get back for all the shit you had to endure knowing you were innocent.

Zaphod_strife: Heh

Zaphod_strife: maybe they will hire you just because they feel sorry for you

Marcus: probably get me a good job finally after I get enough money I can change jobs and just leave out the lie that got me the first one. Then I can live like other people maybe scare some girl into loving an ex convict

Zaphod_strife: haha

Marcus: sounds better than the truth the fact that I have been guilty of being honest and a nice guy and good friend is not the best thing. I should lie to cover up why I am not in a bad marriage and my son just told me he is gay and my daughter married and ex con and is pregnant and moving back home because her boyfriend has gotten her pregnant and she can't tell her husband because he will kill her and the boyfriend kind of things

Marcus: soap opera stuff like a bio out of my game.

Zaphod_strife: Heh

Marcus: number 100 on the biography list. Your parents are dead, and evil guardians stole away in the middle of the night with all the money and the house is in foreclosure and left you with only the one weapon and one stitch of clothing, plus the gang you have pissing off all these years knows about you situation and is going to 'get even' with you come sundown.

Marcus: 01 is actually worse, because you are the first born son you are not allowed to go out into the world because you have to carry one the family name and get everything after your parents die. So re-roll the entire character

Marcus: I don't think I included the bio list on the site that is more of the game that I did not include

Marcus: so that even stealing what I have there will not make a complete version of the game

Marcus: I was being clever again, I can do stuff like that. Now to fabricate a past that does not exist. Especially when some goes and tries to look it up on an FBI list and finds I was arrested for a registration ticket once in Michigan and another time in California as my only REAL offenses

Marcus: one day each time in a holding cell, until the court that I got the tickets for said it was not sufficient enough of a crime to have me extradited to the county I got the ticket from. That is let me go and forget it until I come in and pay the ticket off

Marcus: just that I will be arrested again and spend another day in jail just to be let go and have to wait to get my car out of the impound yard again until I pay them their twenty pieces of silver

Marcus: I'm going to post this whole thing on my next journal at Yiffstar make it a nice story I hope you won't mind too much no one will know who you are anyway

Zaphod_strife: lol ok

Marcus: that will be the end I will stop at your agreement

Zaphod_strife: you're posting the whole conversation?

Marcus: now I will copy and paste this to a word for windows file

Zaphod_strife: lol

Marcus: yeah i'll edit the misspellings and everything

Zaphod_strife: ok

Marcus: I'm hmm I shudder to reveal my mascara ding side to you and let you know who I am on another site. My alter ego is bi-confused

Marcus: mostly because I am too

Zaphod_strife: yeah, I think you told me about that site

Zaphod_strife: don't you pose as a girl?

Marcus: you are safe, though I don't have any persuasions that way, ...yet but you never know, I can beat you in a fair fight, you'd need your sword to win

Zaphod_strife: lol

Zaphod_strife: you think so?

Marcus: no I pose and a Bi sexual or completely Gay person

Zaphod_strife: I guess I'm not as strong as I use to be

Zaphod_strife: lol

Zaphod_strife: I see

Marcus: yeah remember Russian martial; arts George?

Zaphod_strife: yep

Marcus: maybe THAT could be one reason George is not as fast as I am either!

Marcus: not with using one anyway

Marcus: 'one'

Zaphod_strife: huh>

Marcus: there is no karate on earth not even systema that is as fast as 'one' is.

Marcus: fast

Zaphod_strife: what is one?

Marcus: 'one' is the only name I could use the discoverer is a guy named another persons last name and he perfected the same art Kenjutsu is deigned to ascribe to, but though old Miatomo never could pass on his method except only the philosophy, (book of the five rings) Greg another persons last name rediscovered it and I know it too, but different from the eight people in his class I did not have to unlearn 20 years of karate I was just me no experience at all just a fast learner and the walk I figured out totally on my own. I'm working on steps now

Marcus: err stairs

Marcus: climbing with acceleration techniques in using 'one'

Zaphod_strife: hm

Marcus: one action instead of like twelve like when you throw a karate punch you draw up and quick punch out then hard snap back faster than you punched to cause the sting effect of the karate punch.

Marcus: one is one fluid action it is just moving not a series of separate actions

Marcus: Ooooh I just felt an earthquake did you feel it?

Zaphod_strife: nope

Zaphod_strife: it'll probably take a little while if it was strong enough

Zaphod_strife: to reach me

Marcus: so instead of snapping back at all you are actually following you fist with the rest of your body

Marcus: like stand up and do this throw out a punch then 'feel' it make you get pulled across the room, but when you punch think of the same thing you do when you reach for a doorknob or tie your shoes. You just do it you don't think

Marcus: nope just a little hiccup really

Zaphod_strife: ah

Zaphod_strife: yeah, I know the feeling when you reach out for a doorknob and it isn't there

Marcus: I would have to show you until you could 'get the feel of it' so to speak

Marcus: it has a feel to it, not unlike what I do when I paint or do scrollwork of pin stripping. Everything flows into one action hence I call it one

Marcus: it took me three years to learn the push. Now I can stop and push back people fatter and heavier than me

Marcus: 3 years

Marcus: you know karate, so it will take you longer you have to forget all you know now!

Marcus: in a karate match you would win, in a first punch situation you don't know this so I would win and you would be dead, because I strike to the Adams apple and it would crush your throat and snap your neck

Zaphod_strife: lol

Marcus: unless I could teach you this then you would never lose not to anyone in the world

Marcus: except Greg another persons last name and those eight other people they are in his class back in Michigan

Marcus: they are a few years ahead of you

Marcus: most of them are worse off than me though they are 4th degree at least as black belts in multiple forms. Greg himself is tenth tai chi master!

Marcus: so he is roughly GOD

Marcus: it is so much of a boost that only crazy people decide to try me out then they all say what my friend that taught this to me said they would say, "what the hell was that!" it was exactly what that drunk said when I walked right through him and he was the dog off my chest as a car hood!

Marcus: if I taught this too you could laugh at the biggest bouncers saying" I don't think this is going to work out for you!" they usually deflate their pumped up body and get to say softer stuff like, would you please leave I have to make it look good okay? Come on be a pal okay?

Zaphod_strife: lol

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Marcus: then you will pat them on the shoulder and say sure, no problem just don't touch okay, then he will be your best friend the next time in the bar

Marcus: I did thats with a bartender bouncer and he did the same thing he deflated and asked nicely knowing he was not going to win and the lesson he would take would be extremely painful. They become good friends with you after that. Respect at the point of a sword sort of thing. Myself with a sword I cannot get to do the one thing with a katana yet, but give me some time with a boken and I could do the cut your head off thing with one draw of the sword like Musashi did

Marcus: if I taught you this kill bill would be real but you would be her

Zaphod_strife: haha

Marcus: like mik jagger I'm a bleedin vol-ca-nooo!

Marcus: well this is getting long and other people will want to know I am still alive, thanks for being there again zap.