Possy & Squirt (Day 2)

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#2 of Possy & Squirt

Our two sharkmen continue their ill-conceived plan to woo a human who doesn't know of their existence. Possy wants love. Squirt wants... a different type of love. An entirely incompatible form of love.

6.2k words. Let's pretend this was released in a timely manner and not nine months after the first part. Cover art by Dergum. I hope you enjoy!

Minor content warning: depictions of fish descaling and cleaning (in a non-sexual context, dear god).

The crystal-blue waters of Keppel Bay sparkled as the sun rose over the horizon, welcomed by the cloudless sky. The tide rolled out as if wishing to greet it, a gentle breeze spurring small ripples in the absence of waves. Deep beneath the glimmering surface, the morning sun pierced just far enough to illuminate grains of sand on the bay's floor, dotted by rocky outcrops. The faintest glint of scales -- belonging to an enormous leopard shark -- shone in return.

Possy ran a claw through the sand, doodling two crude stick figures. The left belonged to a taller figure. Despite their body being a single line of thickness, a long, wavy tail had the privilege of being drawn with two lines to give it some much-needed girth. A shorter figure stood to the right, about half the size of the other, otherwise ordinary.

Possy thought his illustration lacked something. While he had his long tail, the human had no distinguishing features. After thinking it over, he added a horizontal line -- about half the length of the human -- to its waist. Once done, he floated up for a bird's-eye view of his drawing.

Maybe he needed to make that line longer. It had to be true to life, after all.

"Oy, Possy! There you are!"

Possy flinched and waved his hand over the drawing, scattering the sand.

"I need your help with something," Squirt said, swimming in front of Possy. The smaller sharkman carried a tangle of seaweed, twisted together like threads of a rope.

Possy forced out a smile. "H-hey Squirt, what's--"

"I need you to pull this." Squirt shoved the end of the seaweed into Possy's hands. "Try to break it."

Without questioning, Possy gripped a couple of feet down from the tip and pulled. It snapped with a slight jerk of his arm.

"Don't try that hard!" Squirt added some slack to the seaweed and held the new tip out to Possy. "Pull as hard as you think the human can, alright?"

Possy closed his eyes. How hard would the human be able to pull? He had seen how his shirt clung to his toned chest and how his beefy arms carried those gigantic boxes with ease. He was possibly -- hopefully -- strong enough to carry even Possy.

Possy opened his eyes, nodded at Squirt, then gripped the seaweed. He pulled with a tad less force, and again, the ten-foot sharkman tore it apart without even a clench of his humongous muscles.

Squirt groaned, baring his teeth. "This ain't gonna work. Need to find something stronger..."

"Why do you need..."

Possy stopped as the sun disappeared. He glanced up as the depths of the bay lost what little light it had. A slender, rectangular silhouette glided over the water's surface, blotting out the sun.

Curious, Possy swam up. He surfaced behind the mysterious shadow, letting only his eyes and dorsal fin peek from the water. His heart jumped. Bubbles spewed from his submerged mouth, popping as they rose to the surface. Thankfully, the waterline muffled his squeal. He dove, jerking out his limbs, almost forgetting how to swim as he raced back to Squirt.

Possy swerved around him at the last moment, narrowly avoiding a collision. "S-Squirt, Squirt, it's... He's right there, Squirt! He's--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Squirt raised his webbed hands. "You're doing that thing again, Possy. Remember what I said. Slow down. Deep breaths. When you've calmed down, then talk."

More bubbles burst from Possy's gills as he inhaled and exhaled. It did little to stop his body from shaking, but he soon had enough composure to form complete words.

"It's... it's... it's the human. He's right above us."

"Fuck! Why didn't you say so sooner?"

Squirt shot off like a torpedo to the shadow above. Possy trailed behind, still unable to complete full motions with his limbs.

The canoe glided forward, its leisurely pace no match for the pair's mania-induced velocity. The human had just breached the mouth of the bay and entered the ocean proper. A safe distance behind the canoe, Squirt popped his head out of the water. He then dived and returned to Possy, his eyes wide, a crazed grin on his face.

"I can't believe this, dude -- he's right there!" Squirt trembled as his tongue slipped from his maw. "So. Close. I can practically smell him, dude."

Possy didn't respond, too busy catching his breath.

"He's not even on a boat. A canoe!" Squirt burst forward and rolled upside down, drifting underneath the shadow. He kicked his feet and tail to keep himself steady below it. "All he's got to keep himself moving is a stick. That's it -- just a dumb stick!"

"He's so brave..." Possy rolled onto his back as he caught up to Squirt, reaching his tail towards his friend's. They twirled around each other and tightened.

"This is perfect, dude. The perfect opportunity." Squirt ran his tongue across his lips, chuckling.

"To meet him? But isn't it too soon?" Possy thought back to the events of last night, the first part of Squirt's plan. They were to provide the human many more gifts before revealing themselves, hoping to placate any terror from the sudden appearance of two bipedal sharkmen. "He still doesn't know about us, and we've only given him one present."

"Come on, dude, this is perfect. It couldn't be better." Squirt's voice got louder the further the canoe travelled into the ocean. "He's come to us -- our turf. This isn't us knocking on his door."

"Yeah, but--"

"Shut up for a sec and think about it. We can surface, show him we're polite, welcome him to our home..."

Possy nodded along.

"And then, you know, we'll ask if he wants to fuck. He's got a canoe we can probably all fit in, if not bend him over." Squirt kicked upwards, bringing the two of them -- still connected by their tails -- closer to the shadow. "And best of all, he can't refuse. Because of the implication."

Possy shot Squirt a glance. "Oh. You had me for the first part, but I'm not sure what you mean by the second."

Squirt gave Possy a knowing smirk. "Dude, think about it. He's out in the middle of nowhere and two sharks suddenly emerge. He looks around and what does he see? Nothing but open ocean." Squirt raised the pitch of his voice, as if imitating what he thought a human sounded like. "Ahhh, there's nowhere for me to run. What am I going to do? Say no?"

Possy recoiled. "Okay..." he said, laughing nervously, "that seems really dark."

"No, no, it's not dark." Squirt returned his friend's laughter. "You're misunderstanding me, dude."

"I-I think I am."

"Yeah, you are. Because if the human said no, then the answer's obviously no."

"No, r-right--"

"But the thing is, he's not gonna say no -- he would never say no." Squirt flashed his razor-sharp teeth. "Because of the implication."

Possy looked away. His stomach suddenly felt heavy. He clicked his tongue and turned back to Squirt. "You've said that word implication a couple of times now. What implication?"

"The implication that things might go wrong for him if he refuses to fuck me." Squirt snapped his jaws shut, displacing the water around his head, as if to emphasise exactly what might go wrong for the human. "Not that things will go wrong for him," added Squirt, noticing Possy's reaction, "but he's thinking that they will."

"But it sounds like he doesn't want to have sex."

Squirt's eyes narrowed. "Why aren't you understanding this?"

"I don't--"

"He obviously wants to have sex with me -- with us. That's not the issue!"

"A-are you going to hurt the--?"

"I'm not going to hurt the human! Why would I ever hurt the human!?" Squirt shut his jaws, hiding his teeth.

"I don't know, it's just, you keep bringing up--"

"I feel like you're not getting this at all!"

"You're right," said Possy, his voice suddenly terse. "I'm not getting it."

Squirt flinched. Possy tensed his glare. Squirt's maw quivered. He seemed unable to find the words to bark back at Possy.

After a moment, Squirt growled -- his typical reaction when subject to a rare scolding. He jerked his tail free from Possy's. "Damn it..."

"Look" -- Possy grabbed Squirt's arm before he could swim away -- "I know it's exciting, Squirt. But I really think we should stick to the plan. I mean, we want to get to know him first, maybe even d-date him."

"Date, right..." Squirt muttered something under his breath. "Fine. This was a bad idea."

Possy nodded. "Let's just stick to the plan -- your plan. We give the next gift tonight, okay?"

"Fine." Squirt slipped from Possy's grip and swam back towards the bay. Without looking back, he said, "See you tonight, I guess."

Possy watched his friend disappear into the murky blue. Sighing, he kicked his legs and tail to catch up with the canoe. He may as well watch over the human until he returns to shore. He was out of his element, after all, and who knew what dangers lurked in the depths?

That's how Possy justified gliding underneath his precious human. That's how he justified remaining there for hours.

A school of silver herring swirled in the shallows, the sun glinting off thousands of scales. They twirled and twirled, a whirlpool of light. And then they suddenly broke apart. Their twinkling bodies shot out in random directions, fleeing from an enormous leopard shark that lurched through the centre of them, arms outstretched.


As the school cleared, Possy had four fish flailing in his hands. A small cloud of red shimmered with underwater current as he poked each of them with his index claw. As their blood filtered through his nose, his eyes rolled back. He shook his head, trying to stop himself from trembling. He couldn't get distracted; this was all for the human.

Once the crimson dispersed into the blue and the fish in his hands went still, Possy swam back to a white coral cup resting on the bay's floor. He added his latest catch to the makeshift bucket and counted his total.

Twenty. That should be enough.

He grabbed the coral cup and rose to the surface. The water had already shifted to blinding orange when he emerged to greet the late-afternoon sun.

"Squirt? Where are you?"

He spun his body, squinting against the orange glare. He eventually caught sight of a black fin breaching the water's surface near the cliffside's shore. Possy shot off towards it, holding the bucket of fish in front of him.

Squirt didn't seem to notice Possy's approach; he was gazing out to sea. Possy stopped behind him and said, "I was worried--"

"Argh!" Squirt recoiled and thrashed around to face Possy, his maw curled into a scowl. "W-what the hell, dude! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Possy stopped himself from jumping back in equal surprise. "S-sorry, Squirt... But I haven't seen you all day. What have you been doing?"

"I've just been... swimming around, dude. Thinking about things."

"Oh, same! I've been thinking about the human. I just can't get the idea of h-holding his tiny hand out of my head."

"Yeah, holding his hand... I've been thinking about something similar."

"That's great! He has two of them, you know?" Possy flicked his tail above the water's surface. "So we could both h-hold his hand at the same time. I mean, if you wanted to..."

"Oh, sure dude." Squirt looked away. "Let's see what happens."

Squirt seemed distracted. The easterly breeze from the morning had left, leaving the late afternoon in near silence. Bubbles filtered from their gills, and beyond the bay, distant waves crashed into the sea.

Squirt eventually spoke up. "Did you get the fish?"

"Yep." Possy held out the coral cup. "Twenty of them."

"Good. It's still early, though. Let's see if we can spot what he's up to."

They gazed towards the cabin. Possy almost leapt out of the water; the human was right there -- on the shore -- completely in the open. How did he miss him on the swim over? The human had his back turned to the sharkmen, facing a near-invisible webbing of wires connected to a pole stuck in the ground. A blue bucket lay beside him.

Possy glanced at Squirt. "What's he doing?"

Squirt didn't respond, nor did he break his gaze from the human. His eyes only narrowed. In contemplation? Anger? Possy hated how hard it was to read Squirt -- especially in one of his strange moods.

The human crept along the length of wires, his sea slug pace adding to Possy's confusion. After some time, he took a larger step to the side, revealing various items of clothing hanging from a wire frame.

"Squirt, is that--"

"Holy fuck, Possy!" Squirt lurched towards Possy, grasping his shoulders. "I totally forgot humans do that!"

"I-is everything okay?"

"It's better than okay, dude." Squirt clenched his claws into Possy's shoulders. "Humans hang their clothes up... AFTER they've been wearing them!" A maddened grin creased his snout. "That's all been on his SKIN, dude. It probably smells like him -- tastes like him!"

Possy grunted as those claws dug into his hide. "W-where on his skin?"

"Everywhere, dude." Squirt leaned closer, laying his body on the water's surface, bumping his nose against Possy's. "Everywhere..."

Possy suddenly found himself aware of just how cold the sea breeze was. His body flushed with sudden heat.

Squirt snickered. "Maybe we can pay those a visit after we... give the human his dinner. Yeah, dude?"

"S-sounds good..." Possy just kept nodding; he didn't know what else to say.

With a parting squeeze and a wink, Squirt let go of Possy's shoulders. There they waited in silence, wading in place, watching the human pace around the wires. The air chilled as the sun sank behind the cabin, and the bay darkened to a passionate red.

In the veil of night, two shadows emerged from the bay. Possy cradled the coral cup filled with fish against his chest and wobbled towards the cabin's patio, unsteady on solid ground.

"Hold up."

Possy spun, nearly stumbling over.

Squirt, squatting at the water's edge, scratched the underside of his chin. "Dude, do humans... eat bones? Or scales?"

Possy stared down at his catch. Their scales gleamed no brighter than a distant star as he held the cup to face the waxing moon. "I don't think so," he said. "The old man didn't have claws. And his teeth were pretty dull."

"Fuck, dude. What if the human can't eat these?"

"He must be able to!" Possy gave Squirt a desperate stare. This hadn't all been a waste of time, had it? "I mean, don't you remember how the old man fished all the time? He wouldn't do that for nothing, right?"

Squirt closed his eyes, continuing to rub his chin.

"S-Squirt, just... maybe we could--"

"Of course!" Squirt jumped -- almost frightening Possy into dropping the cup. "The old man always cut out the scales and bones!" He hobbled over and ripped the coral from Possy's hands. "So it'd be super rude to give this to the human as is."

"What do you--"

A wet squelch rang out. Squirt lifted a herring from the cup, his claws skewering one side through to the other. "Help me rip the stuff out of these, will ya?"

With a jerk of his arm, Squirt tore out the fish's spine and flung it towards the bay. It plopped into the water as the former fish collapsed into red paste. He picked through the mess, tearing out leftover bones and scales, splattering giblets and blood into the white coral cup. Once done, he let the near-unrecognisable scraps -- including two beady black eyes -- ooze off his reddened fingers and back into the cup.

Squirt sucked his index finger clean before reaching in for another fish. Red splattered against his wrist as he leered at Possy. Blood dribbled from his lips.

"Little help, dude?"

Possy dropped the remains of the last fish -- no longer identifiable as a herring -- into the cup of blood and entrails. A sticky coating of red rippled along the inside walls, staining the once-white coral crimson. Squirt and Possy had shuffled the cup in their hands while they worked, smearing the outer rim with webbed handprints.

"That ought to do it," Squirt said, brimming with pride as he flicked off the viscera left on his wrist. "Leave this" -- he shoved the cup into Possy's hands -- "outside his door, then meet me at his clothes, alright?"

Possy bucked his knees, almost dropping the slippery coral. "Okay. See you soon."

"And be careful, dude. Don't mess this up."

Once Possy ascended the small flight of stairs leading to the patio, Squirt dove into the bay. The blood coating his hands washed away as he glided towards the adjacent shore. He pulled himself from the water and dangled a herring in front of his face.

Nineteen's good enough.

He pierced its side and brought it to his snout. As its blood spread over his nostrils, Squirt breathed deep. His eyes rolled back. His whole body erupted into tremors.

"Fuuuuuck yes..."

A few minutes later, Possy emerged from the bay. Squirt had already started shuffling around the clothesline, running his slimy hand across each item he passed.

"How'd it go?" Squirt asked, not bothering to turn his head as he leaned in to sniff a pair of underwear.

"It's in place," said Possy. "Exactly where you wanted it."

"Nice job, dude. Now, take your pick."

Despite the array of choices, Possy's eyes were drawn to a light grey tube sock; it looked snug and strangely appealing, though he didn't know why. His wet hand darkened the cotton as he brought it to his face. "What's this?" he asked.

"It's a sock, dude."

"A sock?" That kinda sounds like cock...

"Yeah," said Squirt. "Humans wear them on their feet."

"F-feet, you say?" Possy squeezed his hand around the thicker base of the sock. Feet are sort of like hands, right? So this is almost like holding his hand.

"That's really what you're going with?" Squirt flashed him a grin. "Suit yourself, but this" -- he pulled a pair of white briefs off the clothesline -- "is where the good smells are, dude."

Without another word, Squirt sat himself down at the base of the clothesline. He wiggled his snout into the waistline of the briefs, giggling as he pulled the cup to his nostrils. To Possy's surprise, Squirt's cock already stood at full mast; was he really that excited?

Possy sat down beside the smaller sharkman, scooching closer until their legs rubbed together. He tried to imitate Squirt by squeezing the sock onto his broad nose, but despite how much he pulled and stretched, he only kept ramming his face against it.

"How do you--"

"You're an idiot, Possy." Squirt took a deep huff. The underwear pressed taut against his nostrils. "Why do you want to smell his feet, anyway? Just put your cock in his sock or something."

"Oh." Possy stared down at his flaccid cock. As he spread the sock around it, Squirt grabbed his arm.

"Dude, are you stupid? You gotta get hard first." Squirt rolled his slick fingers down Possy's arm, then glided his claws across his thigh. He reached for Possy's cock and circled his index finger around the head.

Possy tensed as his friend worked, but kept his arms idle by his sides. That elicited a tut from Squirt, who then grabbed Possy's wrist and directed it to his own hardened cock. Possy didn't need further orders, and with a squeeze, he rolled his hand down the length of Squirt's dick. Squirt grunted as Possy dragged his foreskin down, exposing his glans -- wet with precum -- to the chill evening air.

"Attaboy. Keep pumping that." Squirt, chuckling, stretched his fingers down to fondle Possy's weighty sac. He leaned his underwear-covered snout closer to Possy's ear and, with a sultry huff, whispered, "Need some encouragement, big guy?"

Possy nodded, watching his cock steadily rise.

"Okay, imagine this. The human is on his hands and knees, ass spread. You're running your fat tongue all over his cheeks, slicking it up. Then you squeeze it into his tight hole, lubing his insides."

"Lubing? Is he gonna...?"

"Yeah," said Squirt. "He's gonna get fucked. Hard."

But Possy had spent the day imagining a different scenario. "I-I think I'd prefer the human on top."

Squirt scoffed. "I'm gonna be fucking the human, dude."

"Oh, right... Then I'm--"

"Yep. You're prepping him for me."

Possy quivered. With a sudden pulse from his half-chub, a drizzle of cream oozed over Squirt's fingers.

Squirt snickered, still pumping his slimy fingers around Possy's cock. "So, after he's ready, you hold his cheeks open. I take my rightful place on that little human's back. I pin him down, rub my scales over his back until he's squirming. Then, the best part -- teasing my cock around his tight entrance. Maybe run its leaking tip right against his hole, enjoy those twitches as I add a little more force."

"But..." Possy clenched his eyes as Squirt tightened his grip around his cock. "What... what am I doing?"

"Probably licking my dick. It needs to get lubed up as well. So just glide your tongue along its underside as I hump the human. Oh, and plant some kisses on it -- that's always fun."

"A-and the human?"

"He's moaning, dude. There's a fat shark cock prodding his hole, and he doesn't know when it's going in. All he can do is moan." Squirt leaned closer, letting his humid breath wash over Possy's ear. "I'll give him some fake thrusts. Maybe miss a few times on purpose, bully him by grinding my cock against his nuts."

As the scenario played out in Possy's head, his hands became livelier. What was once playful rubbing against Squirt's cock grew to frantic pumping. A squelch accompanied each jerk as Possy's wet palm rolled down his friend's precum-covered shaft.

"And the best part," said Squirt, panting heavily, "is that he can't escape. I can keep teasing him, and there's nothing he can do about it. I can lick and nibble his ear, bite his neck -- and he's powerless to stop it. What if I keep missing his hole, keep telling him the next one's going in? He'll be squirming and groaning, aching in suspense for as long as I want."


"That's the plan." A muffled scoff came from the wrinkled underwear covering Squirt's snout. "Know when I'm finally going in?"


"When you push me in."


"Yeah. You're gonna line my cock up with his hole and shove, slamming my hips against his ass."

Possy's cock throbbed, spurting pre across his belly.

Squirt's eager fingers continued to stroke and pump, spreading the oozing mess all along Possy's length. He cackled, likely amused by Possy's lack of response, and with a rumbling growl from his throat, upped the speed of his jerks. "It's a team effort, Possy. You're gonna help me claim that human."

A part of Possy's mind recoiled at the thought. It tried to tell him that the human was someone to be cherished -- not reduced to a perverted fantasy. Unfortunately, Squirt's words and strokes had more sway over the submissive sharkman than his own thoughts. A sudden lurch of his cock and a thick glob of precum -- striking the grass between his thighs -- proved that lust had trumped emotion.

Lost in that lust, Possy said, "That sounds so fucking hot."

"Damn right it does." Squirt's underwear-covered snout rubbed over Possy's cheek. "In under a second, my cock goes from swirling around his rim, his asshole quaking and clenching as it begs for me to enter, to bottoming out in a single thrust."

"W-what does he--"

"And just like that, he's claimed." Squirt narrowed his eyes. "Mine."

Possy's cock pulsed. Precum arched through the air. He groaned as Squirt tightened his grip. The smaller sharkman sounded equally breathless, taking a hoarse huff of his soon-to-be cocksleeve's underwear. They had both forgotten the stretched tube sock lying unloved on Possy's thigh.

With a wheezy exhale, Squirt asked, "Know what you'll be doing while he's getting pounded?"

"Um... licking your ass?"

"Good boy." Squirt clicked his tongue and pressed more of his weight against Possy. "Think about it -- your snout tucked under my tail, your tongue lapping away at my ass, eventually squeezing into my tight hole. You can worship my balls while you work -- rub and grope them as they swing between my thighs."

Both their cocks quivered in unison, dribbling precum down their lengths. The mess oozed over and between their fingers as they pumped each other's cocks, coating them both in a sticky glaze.

Squirt took another huff, his snout now pressed against Possy's ear. "I'm conquering that human, dude. Each time my hips slam against his ass, I'm gonna remind him... we own him. He's just a dumb little land mammal who got bred on his own bed by a water-dwelling shark. And now we own not only him, but everything of his."

Possy couldn't find any words of his own. He simply shivered and growled, on the verge of release. His throbbing cock coated Squirt's hand in cream.

Squirt bucked his hips upwards, getting into the rhythm of fucking his friend's hand. The underwear covering his face grew wider, stretched by the grin hidden just behind it. "Best of all," he said, "the human can't stop his hole from clenching around my cock, milking me, begging me to erupt inside him. It's pleading to make it official, dude. Make it official that he's mine and only mine."


"I'm gonna make that human my fucking cum dump."

Possy's cock lurched in Squirt's grip, a series of pulses working their way from base to head. His balls churned as they prepared to unload.

"Whoa!" Squirt clamped his finger around the head of Possy's cock. "Not yet, dude." Squirt squeezed harder, dragging Possy's foreskin over his cocktip. With the hood pinched shut, a thin spurt of precum slowly drooled out, trailing down Possy's twitching shaft.

Possy whined and reached for his cock, but Squirt smacked his hand away. "I didn't say you could finish, did I? Besides..." He grabbed Possy's thigh. "You haven't even put on the sock yet."

"W-why do I need to put it on?"

"Because I want to try something." Squirt let go of Possy's cock -- now aching for release -- to pull the underwear off his snout. "This was disappointing -- doesn't even smell like him, dude, like he's never worn it."

"So why--"

"Shut up and lie on your back."

The submissive Possy complied, albeit with a frustrated whimper. The second his head hit the dirt under the clothesline, Squirt leapt onto his pelvis, rocking his hips to adjust his position. Once straddled comfortably atop Possy, Squirt smacked his smaller cock down on top of Possy's monster. Squirt's length glistened in the moonlight, drooling precum onto Possy's dick and belly.

"Oh, we're frotting?" asked Possy.

"Yeah," said Squirt. "We're frotting in his sock."

"C-can we both fit in that?"

"Probably not." Squirt snatched the sock off Possy's thigh. His arms trembled as he stretched its entrance. "But that's the fun part; it'll be nice and tight like his hole, and we're even claiming something of his. The first of many."

"We're claiming his sock? How?"

"Do I have to spell everything out for you?" Squirt wrapped his hand around the pair's cocks, squishing them tighter together. They both pulsed at his touch, their tips dribbling over the other, as an impish smirk spread across Squirt's maw. "We're unloading our fat fucking cumshots into it."

Squirt shoved the sock's hole -- now double its original size -- over their dicks. He fit it around his Possy's girthier cock first, hugging it snugly. With a grunt, Squirt yanked at the fabric again, trying to slip his cock in alongside Possy's. Hoping to help, Possy reached up with two giant fingers and pinched their lengths together. With both their dicks soaked in precum, Squirt's cock glided into the sock, across Possy's, with little resistance.

Squirt flashed a teeth-filled grin as they pulled the sock deeper, bit by bit. "Let's hope he wasn't too fond of this one."

With one last grunt from the two of them, the sock's rim rubbed against Squirt's crotch; Possy's dick only made it halfway inside.

"Guess that'll do it," Squirt said, snickering. The deformed tube -- crammed full of needy shark cock -- no longer resembled a sock; it took after a cotton pufferfish. Squirt let go of the sock, and -- with nothing to support them -- their smothered dicks fell and bounced on Possy's brawny stomach. Squirt then wrapped both hands around the two-cock portion of the sock. Possy clenched one huge hand over the top.

"Dude," said Squirt, grinding both their hands down the bulging length of the sock, "I can totally feel yours throbbing against mine."

Possy's mind was awash with pleasure. He arched his back and bucked his hips, though that left Squirt to do most of the actual work in pumping their cocks. How did his sprightly friend always have so much more vigour?

"You're with me on this, right?" asked Squirt.

"With you... in the sock?"

"I'm talking about claiming the human, dude."

"Oh, right..." Possy couldn't think straight. He wanted the human, but claiming him? Before he could process his distaste with the idea, Squirt sped up his jerks, causing the larger sharkman to stutter a response. "I-I guess so!"

Drool leaked from the edge of Squirt's mouth. "Good boy. Let's hope his asshole is as stretchy as his sock."


Squirt squished their dicks tighter together. Possy trembled. The now-soaked sock squelched in time with their pumps, warming with the rising heat of their cocks.

"If he's not stretchy," said Squirt, "how are we both gonna fuck him at once?"

Squirt's suggestion tightened Possy's chest. His mind opposed the idea, but his body couldn't deny how good it felt frotting against Squirt's cock. Their sticky precum filled the sock as their cocks throbbed harder and the fabric squeezed tighter. Possy's nuts clenched as Squirt's tail stroked their sensitive hide. The larger sharkman humped upwards in a frenzy, growling, his back thrashing against the dirt as ecstasy wracked his body.

"That's it -- keep thrusting." Squirt clenched his eyes. "We'll shape his insides around our cocks."

"But Squirt," mumbled Possy, "what about his h-hand?"

Squirt made an odd noise -- something between a moan and grunt of annoyance. He brought his hand to Possy's, which twitched on the grass, clenching at the air. As their palms met, Possy squeezed tightly, holding his friend close.

"There, dude." Squirt huffed. "Now imagine my hand is the human's hand and fucking cum already!"

That was what Possy needed to hear. His body trembled at the fantasy of him and the human joined by the hand. And with a raspy snarl that echoed through the bay, a powerful pulse trembled up his cock.

Squirt must have felt it. "That's it, cum your fucking brains out!"

A torrent of hot cum splattered within the sock as Possy climaxed, drenching both their lengths. Those rapid shots, growing in heat and volume, pushed Squirt over the edge. He tightened his grip on Possy's hand and roared out, spurting his pent-up lust into the quickly swelling sock.

As Possy unloaded, he threw back his head. Stars of the sky blurred with stars of his own. His vision focused enough to look down at Squirt. His friend's tongue flopped from his maw, and his tail -- raised high above his head -- swung back and forth, thumping the soil. Possy lifted his thicker tail and coiled it around Squirt's. Once entwined, they tensed together and wagged as one, now battering the ground with fervour.

The sock bulged on Possy's belly, their joint cumshots swelling its puffy tip. With each pump of semen, the tip filled like a condom moments away from bursting. Each buck of Possy's hips flicked the expanding fabric off his stomach, only for it to hurtle back down and bounce off his muscles with a wet patter.

"P-Possy." Squirt crawled his body over Possy's chest. His hand -- trembling against the larger sharkman's palm -- clenched harder. "Kiss me, you idiot!"

Possy lifted his head to meet Squirt's lips. As their snouts touched, their tongues, much like their tails, curled together, exploring each other's maws. With their lips locked, their pants and moans softened to rumbling hums. There, they rode out the last moments of their shared climax, locked together by tongue, tail, and hand. Their fingers clenched ever tighter, even as their thrusts began to wane.

With a long sigh into each other's mouths, their orgasms came to an end. Just in time, for the sock was dangerously close to bursting. Still, they stayed embraced, coupling their tongues in the afterglow, neither wanting to pull apart.

Sadly, it had to end; their hides were drying in the evening wind. The land was no place for them.

Squirt, realising the same, broke the kiss with a sloppy mwah. "Fuck," he said, breathless, "I love you, dude."

"I l-love you too, Squirt." Possy squeezed his hand tighter around the smaller shark's.

"We're in this plan together, yeah? It's a team effort with the human."

Possy, drained and unable to think in the afterglow of their lovemaking, gave a lazy nod. "Yeah... a team effort."

The two sharkmen lay together for a while longer, panting as they recovered. Squirt's smaller frame rose and fell in time with Possy's deep breaths, his face nuzzled into his lover's toned chest.

Eventually, Squirt pulled away and inched backwards across Possy's chest, reaching for the stuffed sock smooshed between their bellies. "Sorry, I gotta grab this before it falls off." Squirt tugged his hands and tail free from Possy's, who whined as their embrace ended. With their dicks softening, the ravaged sock slid off with little resistance. Their cocks popped free, both glazed in a thick layer of cream.

"This is actually heavy," said Squirt. He wiggled the sock, and the leaking bulge teetered through the air. "Who came most? Probably you, hey? Good boy."

With a playful set of pats against the larger sharkman's thigh, Squirt wiggled his hips up Possy's waist, towards his chest. Possy groaned as Squirt's taint rubbed over his spent and oversensitive shaft.

"What's wrong?" Squirt gave a sly smirk. "A bit sore?" He advanced, humming to himself as his sac glided across Possy's cock. As his nuts slipped off and plapped against Possy's belly, Possy's now-freed cock sprang up, lodging itself between Squirt's ass cheeks.

"Oh, fuck." Squirt leaned back, pressing his hole against Possy's semi-hard cock. "I forgot how nice it feels having your monster tease my backdoor."

Possy groaned, too exhausted to oblige his friend's shenanigans. "Please, Squirt, let's just get back in the water."

Squirt tsked and gyrated his hips, grinding Possy's length against his entrance. "You can take me right now, dude."

"How do you always have so much energy? Another time..."

"Another time, he says... What have I gotta do to get my hole sledgehammered around here?"

"Come on, Squirt." Possy tried to sound as serious as he could. "Focus on the human."

"Fine. Probably for the best. I could barely swim for a week last time, so imagine me trying to run on land." Squirt chuckled as he held the cum-filled sock above his head. It swayed in the wind like a droopy water balloon. "What are we gonna do with this?"

"I guess we should get rid of it." Some cream oozed down the outside of the sock, dripping onto Possy's belly. "He can't wear that anymore."

Squirt rolled his eyes. He swung the distended sock left and right, the bulging base rippling outwards. "That's boring. I'd pour this into your mouth, but I've got a better idea."

"This better not take long."

The corners of Squirt's maw curled up -- much more than usual, enough to make Possy uneasy. "I think we should leave it for the human to find. It sends a nice, romantic message, you know?"

That loose, oozing sock didn't really say romance to Possy.

Squirt must have seen his scepticism. "It does, dude! It's something simple like, 'We're gonna do this to you real soon.' He'll be swooning."

Before Possy could challenge that, Squirt jumped off his chest. His small legs shook as he stumbled towards a group of spare pegs on the clothesline. He giggled as he reattached the wobbling sock, needing six pegs to support its extra weight. He then returned to Possy, grabbed his arm, and helped the exhausted sharkman to his feet. "Let's get outta here."

Without another word, the pair dove into the dark waters. They left behind two not-so-subtle clues of their existence. The first, a gunk-filled sock, leaking cum onto the grass below. The second, a coral cup filled to bursting with fish entrails. Flies had already swarmed it, drawn by the nauseating stench that pervaded the back patio of the cabin.