The Incident

Story by Twist1 on SoFurry

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#3 of Office

The Incident

Felden looked down at Twist and Big Kitty, giving them both a sharp kick to make sure they were completely unconscious. They were. "Too easy!"He smirked to himself as he picked Twist up off the floor, took him upstairs to the bedroom, and put him onto the bed before going back for Big Kitty. After some struggles to get him upstairs, Felden placed him next to Twist on the bed. "Time to see what you got under those cloths!" He thought aloud as he forced open and removed both of their shirts, the buttons flew off over the bed and floor as they got forced away from the shirts. Taking a bit more care with their trousers, unbuttoning and unzipping them, after all he didn't want them hurt before he had even started anything. Felden took a moment to think as he looked at them as they laid there on the bed in just their boxers still unconscious before he left the room ,went downstairs and outside to his car he left round the corner and drove it round and parked it the front of the house. Grabbing a fairly large bag from the back seat, he headed back into the house. Rushing as much as he could, since he knew he didn't have much time till they woke up, he went into the dining room and grabbed a chair and returned back upstairs into the bedroom.

Felden placed the chair at the end of the bed facing towards it and tipped out the content of his bag onto the floor next to the chair, which contained rope and toys amongst other things. He picked up Twist from the bed and placed him onto the chair and removed his boxers. "Not a bad package on you"Felden said to Twist even though he was still unconscious and couldn't hear him. "But I've already had my fun with you, now its time to watch!"After a small grope at Twists sheath , Felden reached for some of the rope from the floor and started to tie Twist's legs and arms to the chair as fast and tight as he could. Finishing just in time, Twist was slowly coming back into consciousness. "Oh crap I best hurry!" Felden thought to himself out loud, "even with the extra dose I gave Big Pussy or whatever they call him I don't have long!". Snatching fast at two pairs of handcuffs from the pile and cuffed Big Kitty's arms to the beds head frame. "Lets see how flexible he is" Lifting up Big Kitty's legs over himself as far back as possible, which managed to go a fair way back, almost to his arms. "Perfect!" Grabbing the last bit of rope off the floor he removed Big Kitty's boxers and tied his legs up to his arms leaving him completely vulnerable to Felden. "Wow...I'm almost jealous for the mutt this guys huge!"

"Ugh..."A struggling voice came from behind Felden, it was Twist who was now awake. "What the hell is going on here! Untie me now!"

"Oh I'll untie you, after my little show I've planned. Just sit back and relax, you got a front row seat!"Grinned the fox slyly. "Had this planned for a while now, but not with you here as well. This plan has gone oh so well! Anyways enough chat, lets wake this oversized fur ball up!"

Big Kitty was starting to slowly come round. "Come on sleep times over, time for some fun!"Yelled Felden as he gave him a swift slap round the muzzle. Faint moaning noises could be heard from Big Kitty as he started to come round.

"Leave Big Kitty alone Felden!"Twist attempted to growl, but was unable to that well as he was still a bit groggy.

Felden sighed. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this!"He reached down and picked up a muzzle gag and forced it onto Twist. Despite all his struggles and moaning it was on him within a minute.

Muffled whines of discomfort came from Twist. "Well you chose the hard way didn't you Twist now sit there and shut up...wait you cant move or say anything aww poor you"Felden mocked as he tightly squeezed Twist's balls causing a couple of tears to come out of his eyes as he attempted to yelp. "That'll stop you giving me the evil eye that I could see coming my way just then."He looked round to Big Kitty. "You awake yet pussy? Stop keeping me waiting, you're so rude!"

"Wha...What's going on?"Big Kitty mumbled in discomfort, as he tried to move. "And why am I tied up to this."

"Ah nice of you to join us, its been just me and Twist here having fun for the last five or ten minutes waiting for you to wake up, and now I can finally say what's going on here."Felden rubbed his paws together excitedly. "It's a fairly long story, but here's the short version. First thing is my name isn't Felden, that's the name of your temp who was meant to be with you this week, who by the way will be at the company tomorrow, after tonight I'll be long gone. Its amazing how gullible some people are all I needed to do was tell him not to come into Wednesday whilst saying I worked for your company and he didn't even question it. Anyways secondly, this was all planned to get at you for what you did to a couple of my friends that used to work with you, I wont name them but you really offended them with your flirty and sexual actions, now this is my turn. It was quite a bonus to get your friend here, you see I'm not completely innocent myself , though for different reasons and this guy here's been after me for some time too, quite shocked he hasn't recognised me."

"So let me get things straight here. You're here to get some kind of revenge on me? And what is your name if it isn't Felden? And why would Twist be after you?"Queried Big Kitty angrily, yet curiously.

The fox looked round at Twist. "Don't you recognise me? You spent two years chasing me down and you don't even know who I am? Don't they train you undercover types anymore? The name 'Stef'ring a bell?"Twists ears pricked up. "Ah good seems you do recognise me! Surprised you haven't taken down this fur ball based on his track record."He grabbed a medium sized dildo off the ground and the small lube bottle and started rubbing the toy with a light covering of lube. "Anyways enough chat from me lets get this started."

"You wont get away with MEEOOOOOOW!"The seven inched firm red toy started to enter Big Kitty's tight hole slowly as painful meow's and screeches came from him.

"Hurts doesn't it? Good! Just be thankful I'm doing this before I get inside of ya! Specially considering how tight you are!"Stef grinned, enjoyed seeing him in pain , he started to thrust it in and out faster.

As he trusted the blue toy into him faster and harder, it rubbed roughly inside of Big Kitty as it only had a thin coating of lube on it which dried fast. "Please stop! MEWWWW! It hurts!"Begged Big Kitty, in between bursts of agony.

"You know what? I think I will stop you do look like you've had enough of this toy don't you agree Twist"He pulled the toy out of the slightly stretched hole, chucked it by the bag, and looked round at Twist. "Oh I think he wanted you to have more, he seemed to be enjoying himself there."Twist had a rock solid boner, even though he didn't enjoy watching it one bit. He attempted to growl and threaten Stef but again it all came out as just muffled noise. "What was that you say? I should shove my cock into him? Well that is indeed a good idea!"Twist was so frustrated right now, he wriggled and strained so hard trying to escape, he ended up knocking his chair and himself onto the floor with a loud thud. Stef sighed, looking down at him. "Silly mutt! If you wanted a better view you only had to ..."Pausing after he realised he couldn't actually say anything. "Silly me you couldn't ask!"He picked Twist up from the floor and moved him next to the back right corner of the bed looking at an angle. "You'll have a better view there don't worry, if you're good I might have time to finish you off after!"Twist was still mad, but there was nothing he could do but hope that he didn't hurt Big Kitty and that he could one day get revenge.

Stef quickly undressed himself, grabbed the bottle of lube from the floor and got on top of the bed in front of Big Kitty. "As you can see you're not the only big one here"Grinned Stef and he rubbed plenty of lube onto his big fox shaft, placing the lube bottle next to him in case he needed it again and got ready to enter deep inside the kitty's hole. "Been looking forward to this for a while now, this will hurt but heh I'm going to enjoy every second, every tear of pain that comes out of your eyes. This is for everyone you pretty much raped in the past!"

"Please cant you see things have changed? I'm..."It was too late, Stef had already pushed his cock inside the pink ,loosened kitty hole and trusted himself all the way inside of him up to his knot. A good nine inches or so taken all in one go. The sheer pain caused a pain shocked silence as tears started to build up in Big Kitty's eyes followed by a massive pain filled roar that most of the street probably heard. Stef looked at Big Kitty and let out a small evil laugh, enjoying the expression on his face, the unexpected pain. Exactly what he wanted to see. "Hurt a little I guess? Not enjoy the feeling as I forced your insides open in one single push?"

Big Kitty shock his head as the tears started to clear from his eyes. Trying to speak but the shock from the pain stopped any words coming out, only groans. A sigh of relief filled Big Kitty as Stef pulled out from inside of him only to be pounded right back into him. Not hurting as much, but still caused Big Kitty to screech out in pain. "P.. Please...No...More..."Big Kitty struggled to say as Stef was pulling out ready to pound him again."

"You really thought id only do it once or twice? Not even started yet, anyways enough chat, I want my enjoyment, from both giving you a hard fucking and watching you moan in pain."He started to pump constantly sinking his cock in and out, making Stef yip in pleasure as the tight pink hole rubbed against his hard cock. Roars of pain kept coming from Big Kitty as Stef started to thrust harder and deeper inside of him. Over time the roars started to become purrs as his insides started to become sensitive and almost felt pleasurable.

Admiring the boner Big Kitty had started to get, Stef couldn't help but to have a little play. Still pounding the kitty's tail hole he started to gently rub his long penis. The fox had nice soft paws that made Big Kitty purr loudly in pleasure as they ran over his shaft and sensitive balls.

"Damn your tight hole and sexy cock, they're going to make me cum pretty soon! And stop enjoying it this isn't meant to be fun for you!"He grabbed the lube bottle again next to him and started to rub it around his knot. "Time to put on that face again like you did at the start."He started pawing Big Kitty off as he hilted fast and hard, ripping his hole open as Stef's swollen knot penetrated into him. The mix of agony and pleasure flowed through Big Kitty as he started to shoot big bursts of warm, thick creamy cum over his own face. The sheer intensity caused him to almost blackout as he moaned, whimpered and cried begging for him to stop pounding his sore broken hole. "Fuck! Keep moaning like that...such a turn on!"Stef said in between heavy panting as he grabbed hold of Big Kitty's legs and made one large, hard hilt with a massive yip like moan, he blew his full load inside of him.

"Fuck! That felt good!"Said Stef out of breath as he pulled out of the cum-filled tail hole, making Big Kitty fill one last burst of pain as he pulled his knot right out of him and laid up beside him. Looking into his tear filled eyes he roughly stroked the tigers head, which was still a bit damp from the cum load he fired over himself. "Now you know how it feels to be fucked-over...literally. Perhaps you'll think twice before abusing someone again."Big Kitty nodded, with whimpering like meows as Stef got off the bed and started to go through his clothes looking for something, pulling a mobile phone out of his pocket. "Smile for the camera, got a fair few people who will look forward to seeing this!"He took multiple pictures of the cum filled tied up tiger and mailed them to a few people.

Stef walked over to Twist and took a couple of photos for his own use before removing his muzzle gag. His stared at Stef evilly and as soon as it was removed, he instantly growled "I'm going to fucking kill you as soon as you untie me cant even think of a word for you!"

"You wont even get the chance"Replied Stef as he aggressively grabbed hold of Twists jaw and glared menacingly into his tear misted eyes where he had been crying from seeing Big Kitty in so much pain. "Which is unfortunate cause would like to see you try. You see, I have a little something to knock you out before I untie you. Be thankful I'm not leaving you as you are!"

Stef's eyes drifted down to the wolfs cock which was still erect from the show and ran his paw firmly over it once. As mad as Twist was right now he couldn't help but enjoy Stef's soft paw run over him, it had become sensitive from being hard for so long and let out a small pleasure woof. "I'll keep my promise, time to finish you off now, after all would be wrong now to paw a nice hard cock like yours. See, I'm not all bad."He reached round and scoped up some cum that was still oozing out of Big Kitty's hole and started to rub it onto Twist's shaft, using it as lube.

"Your good"Twist moaned and whimpered as the fox started to rub him off faster. "I still...want you dead though!"The pleasure taking over the anger inside of him, getting louder and louder and he came closer and closer to climaxing and Stef rubbing harder and faster. After only a couple of minutes Twist was going to cum. He leant his head back, eyes closed letting off a loud howl like moan , shooting out a thick stream of warm white liquid over himself.

"Enjoyed that didn't you? Well sorry to have to do this but I got to dash, a lot to do and not enough time to do it!"Stef picked up a small box off the floor which came out of his bag. Inside was two small syringes filled with clear liquid, one filled slightly more than the other one for Big Kitty. "Take one last look at me, will be the last time you'll see me. Oh and this might hurt a bit, I dunno, or really care to be honest. "He gave each syringe a small flick before injecting one into both Big Kitty and Twist. A small moan of pain and a few seconds later they were both out cold. Stef quickly got dressed and untied both of them, and put everything back into his bag. Taking one last look before he left he couldn't help but smile and feel happy about what he just did before he walked downstairs, outside and to his car which he got in and drove off out of town.

About an hour had passed, and Twist started to wake up. He rubbed his eyes, feeling a bit disoriented and trying to remember what happened. As soon as he looked up and saw Big Kitty lying on the bed he remembered everything, he stood up fast, almost collapsing as his legs almost gave way and went over to try and wake Big Kitty but he was still out cold. Thinking he could use the rest, he got dressed and walked downstairs carefully and laid down on the sofa. It was late and dark but his head was pounding so he left the lights off and he didn't want to chance any painkillers with whatever drug Stef used. His mind was all over the place, thinking of all the things he would do to Stef if he ever saw him again. Then he realised that his cover was blown, Big Kitty knew his secret! Grabbing his mobile hastily from his pocket, he realised he got a message from his boss, "Call me ASAP! Urgent!" Wasting no time he phoned him up to see what was up.

"Hey boss, just got your message. What's the problem?" Twist said to him, with his paw shacking slightly, and a small stutter in his voice.

"Turn the news on, I think you'll like what you see." His confident tone, change to a slightly worried one as he asked. "Are you ok?"

"Just about, it's a long story." Twist got up and turned the TV onto the news channel. The headline, "Rapist and long time criminal finally caught!" came up. It was Stef. Twists ears pricked up , putting on a smile as he thought to himself, _the bastard is finally getting what he deserves! "_Excellent, you got the bastard! When did you catch him?"

"About half hour after he left where you are. Which brings me to what I needed to talk to you about. You must convince him that you're not undercover and that Stef was making all that up, or something that would work to that effect."

"What?!"Twist shouted with a shocked but slightly croaky tone in his voice, still not fully recovered from the knock out drug. "How do you know all this? Why didn't you do anything before he left?"

"Calm down, we have had that place bugged for a while now. Don't worry everything you have both done is top secret, no one will ever find out about it. We couldn't do anything before hand as it would have blown your cover. Anyways we got a result getting Stef, we need a bit more time with Big Kitty."

"You still want to bring him down? After what he's just been through? He's been fine recently cant you just drop the charges?"

"Afraid not, although they might shorten his sentence for it but I cannot say. Anyways, looks like I have some stuff to take care of. Make sure you do whatever you have to, to make sure your cover isn't blown."

"I'll be fine, good work again with Stef."

Twist hung up, let out a big sigh, and went upstairs to check on Big Kitty. He lied next to him, stroking his head as he started to regain consciousness. "Hey, how's my big brave tiggy?"

"What...happened?"Big Kitty mumbled quietly followed by a moan as pain shot up from his sore hole. "Meoowwww! Now I remember, that damn fox thought it would be fun to tie me up and fuck me...ugh...headache as well as hole ache."

"Well some good news, seems he's been wanted for a while now and they caught him a bit ago. He'll be behind bars for a long time! Anyways probably best we get some rest, you look exhausted. We can chat tomorrow."

With a nod, Big Kitty snuggled under the covers and fell asleep. The same couldn't be said with Twist. With so much on his mind at the moment, including the thought that he will eventually lose Big Kitty it took him a couple of hours to finally get to sleep.

The next morning, Big Kitty woke up early and was sitting downstairs, cleaned up and ready for work. Twist slept in till the alarm went. He got up and had a long shower, still unsure what he was going to say or do with Big Kitty. It couldn't be put off any longer, he dried off before heading downstairs, putting on a brave face, hoping Big Kitty will buy his lies.

"You're up early."Twist said to Big Kitty, giving him a kiss as he next to him on the couch. "How you feeling this morning?"

"A bit better, still aches round the tail hole but I'll live. Probably take me a while to get over what happened too, but I'm not going to let it get me down or sit in the corner and cry about it. Least that bastard got caught, but something he said didn't make sense. Something about you being undercover and was after him or something? And possibly even me? Its been playing on my mind the last couple of hours."A disappointed, worried look filled Big Kitty's face as he asked the questions Twist hoped that he wouldn't ask.

Twist shook his head/ "Oh no, its nothing. I knew him from school"His tone trying to sound as sincere as possible. "I used to chase and bully him a lot, think that's what he meant. Seemed like he was a bit loopy to be honest, probably why he exaggerated it."

"Yeah, he did seem a bit of a nut job."Big Kitty breathed a sigh of relief. "Well its good that's sorted out anyways."

"Best to try and forget and move on I guess."Twist was also relieved, but only for a moment. The main problem was still there, even if he did believe the lies. Putting on a fake smile it was time to head off to work.

As they arrived at the reception, they noticed that the proper temp, the real Felden. He was like the complete opposite to Stef. Skinny, short and nerdish fox which seemed quite shy when they tried to introduce themselves to him. The day went on as normal, no one knew what happened. Couple of people questioned why Big Kitty was limping slightly, which he just said he slept on it funny.

A couple of hours before finishing time, Twist had disappeared. A note was found by Big Kitty's desk which read. "You need to trust me, we need to leave here as soon as you finish work. I'll explain everything please just trust me. Ill wait for you outside, I'm not coming back in. Signed Twist."Big Kitty didn't know what to think, the last twenty-four hours were one big mess to him and now this on top of it.

The end of the day came, upon exiting Big Kitty noticed Twist driving an extremely flash and expensive red Ferrari in the car park, hailing him over. He walked over and got in, still unsure.

"Right!"Twist took a big breath, ready to give Big Kitty the situation. "I'm not very good at these kind of things so please let me get all of this out before you ask questions. First of all , my real name is Detective Wren Twist, and yes I was undercover to try and put you away, BUT I never wanted it to happen. You see, funny story, this job was meant to pay for an engagement ring for my girlfriend who by the way got me this nice car. But anyways the pay was really good, only downside which put off a lot of people was the possibility of gay stuff going on, which at the time didn't exactly sound brilliant, but I wanted to make her happy. I never had a gay or Bi thought in my life. Until I met you. I don't know the connection just felt right, and I'm pretty sure you felt it too, something that wasn't quite there with my, well ex girlfriend. You could call it a spark I guess. Well anyways, I'm meant to take you in to be questioned and put behind bars, but I'm not which makes me as much as a criminal as you are. I just want to be with you, whatever it takes. Which is why we need to get out of here right away, your place has been bugged I found out last night. That's how they managed to capture Stef so fast. As for money, I've drained all my accounts and took all the money from your place, we should be able to get new identities and settle down somewhere easily. So, you with me?"

Big Kitty looked at him, stunned. "So I guess its go with you or to prison then? Not exactly a tough choice. Just answer me one thing. Do you love me?"

Twist leant over, giving Big Kitty a big long kiss. "That would be a yes, of course I love you! Why do you think I#m giving up everything for you?"

"Well in that case, I trust you. Lets head off to whoever you had in mind."

"Actually, I'm not exactly sure where to go, but we need to get out of this town right now for starters and go from there, decide new identities and such. Curiously though what is your proper name?"

"Ha, not many people actually bother to ask that and its quite funny really. Its Bygg."

Twist laughed. "Yes that is funny, well lets wave goodbye to this town and see where the road takes us!"

Had this ready for about a month but had a few rl problems which took my mind off writing and such. Still here it is. hope you enjoy it. Also removed the "?" it seem to have randomly added when i pasted it here, just noticed them.