Chapter 1: Old bond as everlasting as Jade

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#1 of Chronicle of Lunrba family: Wonderful nights

Back with a lot of ideas and after some experimentation

Even with old race like orcs, this is the first time they see a house... no, a palace to be correct. Even when the invitation mentioned only the chieftain but the host is understanding enough to allow the chieftain to bring some companions. The group of orcs spend their time admire the front garden before the front of the mansion open and the one that welcome them is a dwarf, a race that disappeared a long time ago. They are the first to arrive and the dwarf show his hospitality by arrange one of the rooms for them, but he also mentioned he isn't the master of the house.

"My greater, do you know the master of this house?"

"There are legends were told by my father and the father before him. He said the master of this house is cruel but fair and we never saw his true face."

"Don't worry, in my house, you will be safe, there will be no discriminate in my house so please enjoy your stay."

The young qilyn and foo dog hybrid soon leave but not before leaving them a present. Inside the large box is a blade along with a letter from his ancestor written on a piece of leather and to them that is the only purpose for them to be here. And to Lunbiv, this is one of the debts he need pay after the failure of protecting the orc tribe and forced them to move to another continent.

To change the atmosphere, Lunbiv decided to the reward he wanted from the Prophet is the complete ownership of his house and few fixing here and there to make it a true house of his dream. The house is remodeled toward a new style with a lot of bedrooms in the second floor but the first and the third floor is the main attraction. The first sight when enter from the front door is the large hallway decorated with seven paintings describe the family through different eras. In the middle of the hallway is one of Sotho's masterpieces, a group of gold statues describe the appearance of every Lunrba family member.

The living room is located on the right side of the hallway and the contract room is located on the left side of the hallway. Both the living room and the contract room have the same decoration except for the "treasure" in the living room. Every furniture is handmade by Sotho, every small detail is chiseled by the skilled dwarf, even when Lunbiv wanted things a little bit simple but Sotho considered this as a big gift for his beloved mate.

"Even in a lot of documents, orcs are described to be bloodlust and aggressive creature. We both know that is people assumption."

"Well, they are punctual and I must say, they are better than a lot of humans in the old era... I think the cookies and the pie are finished, can you prepare them dear?"

"For the next guests?"

"Yes, but not like the orcs, I feel like these people will have their ego inflated with superiority."

And right on schedule, the next guests are not invited but because they are here and it will be very rude to let a guest wait in front of the door. The guests were human and that is a strange sight, but Lunbiv have a bunch of calculation right now, he knows the true nature of human. Afterall, he is the one that mimic them, he has thousands of years to study them, knowing their greed, their desire, their false hope and their nature. United yet divided.

"And here I thought you are going to face me with preparations."

The human, a race with endless potential, buried themselves and their civilization in the nuclear ashes and arcane pollution that screwed the ecosystem and forced the Grand Observer to hard reset the entire world. And the worst part is some of them are still alive but the last time Lunbiv remembered, most of the sages and thaumaturgists are killed, only a few hermits still live but they don't really care about the world and locked themselves in libraries. But that is something Lunbiv doesn't need to pay attention to, he had matters to attent to and human in the old era were beyond saving anyway.

"I don't remember invited human guests and I believe the library doesn't want people to disturb them."

"The council decided your punishment for the crime in your past life..."

"Punishment... Well then, get out of my house and tell your elders, I will paid them a visit myself or they can get here themselves. Because you see, the person blowing yourself up here is you people beside the game of chess with the Grand Observer is better than that era."

"As we were speaking, your punishment will be the nullify of your power and the contract you signed."

The Heralds or that is what they called themselves used a type of charm, as the charm burned, Lunbiv does feel a little bit strange but the grand gate closed in front of their eyes. Lunbiv can only laugh as the Heralds can only panic when their own magic is nullified, what the sages don't know is the fact that what they created is originally what Sotho created when he was just the company's inventor. And there is no fool that tried to nullify their own power without any solution but Sotho's solution was something suggested by the Nightmare himself.

"Where is your magic, where is your thaumaturgy, you think your magic, your work and your miracle was for free? Everything comes with a price and the moment you enter my house, the price is inflated. But the spell is already casted and now, because you can't pay the price... you can guess the rest."

Some beg for mercy, other beg for forgiveness, some stand tall but most of them fall. And Lunbiv knows, he knows these so-called elders are looking through the eyes of these heralds but there are other guests and he knows, he can't be rude. And that is the moment the nightmare grin, the spikes from his shadow formed into a claw and drag every Heralds into the academy.

"But how?"

"I am not a fool, but you see, your elders considered you are nothing more than a pawn, and now, you are going to fade from this world. Don't even think about the ocean."

Some of the Heralds tried to climb the wall but the black thorn pierced their throat, some puncture their stomachs. Even Sotho joined in, with his domination over mineral and material, Sotho gave the wall a lot of sharp and jagged porcelain shards to slow down and harm the climber. The test of endurance continued as Lunbiv's shadow extended to the foot of the wall. The bloodstain can be easily cleaned but there will be needed for a deep clean to let the house remain clean and that is the hardest part.

"Lunbiv never wants to kill anyone. Because of our sepration, and understanding, we come to a conclusion."

"And that is?"

"Will you be with both of us, to live, to dance and to love in this domain?"


"My king."

"Don't, not when there just two of us."


"More like that."

"And I think we can start that plan now."


Lunbiv entered the room, his presence matched the older orc brother, in one hand is a special jade seal that he kept for nearly three hundred years. This is not just any jade seal in the previous era, this special jade seal is one of the masterpieces created by Sotho for the orc race as a way to thank them for helping him in the past. And now, the jade seal is returned to its original master but that is not everything, the seal itself carried a different aura to reveal everything hidden from their generation.

"Your father got what he wished, not a chieftain but a king, not a collection of tribes but a kingdom. That sword and this seal will open what was hidden, and that concluded our debt."

"Can we stay for a few days? A rest is very much appreciated."

"Of course. But we rarely have meat."

"We are fine with anything."

As Lunbiv leaves the room, the two brothers return to their session, passionate and aggressive kiss while the older brother who is the king remain as the dominate one. Their male musk soon filled room as the older brother show his toothy smirk, and lick his younger brother's tusk, while undid their loincloth at the same time.

"How could I forget your favourite hobby? My feet are sore after all that walking, you know what to do right, little brother."

Orc king Da'rak and his little brother De'ruk never reveal their secret to their people but they know the secret can't be hidden forever. Da'rak is going to take his brother De'ruk as his queen, even when they were young, they performed the ritual in secret with the only one person learned their secret is their father.

"Having a good time down there, dear? I know who you really are, you always enjoy my scent afterall."

De'ruk's fingers kneaded his brother's foot and used his tongue to serve the other foot, the alluring scent made his eyes nearly rolled back and his mind only had pleasure. Cleaning the foot with delication and devotion, De'ruk looked at his older brother like how he would look at a true king, and a true mate. His brother's domineering presence but at the same time, a gentle lover and a wise king, a person who worth his submission and someone who he will have the honor to carry the seed that retain their bloodline.

"I am going to breed you right here, at this moment, no more hesistation. You will carry my heir, you will be heavy with my child and you won't be able to do anything but lying all day on our bed. Maybe putting a chastity cage on your huge cock so you are so pent up that you will be ready to give our son his brother."


"You really need to speak louder little brother."

"Yes! Yes, my greater, my husband, my master! Please sir, breed me and own me. I would be my honor to belong to you and to carry our child."

"Yes, yes, you are mine, no one else but me, but that is a oath, do you truly agree?"

"Even in my prophetic dreams, I can see myself submit to you, enjoy your love. During the court, we sit together and run the country like two kings. But behind their back, I will be on my knee, lead by your leash, with my cock encased in a cage and our sons on my back."

"Your dream and our sons. You have that part of our father's power. Then that is your wish, now, it's time for the true ritual."

"And you have that part. You mate, your wife, your submissive, your prophet or even your slave, I am happy with all that titles, so, complete what our father can't, big brother."

Da'rak lifted his hand and created a violet orb in his hand and in the other hand is a purple stone, the stone that all human desire then he proceed to gently brush the violet orb on the younger orc's abdomen, and an insignia appear on De'ruk's crotch. An ancient mark, the magic that only the king can know, the mark of fertility and submission, the man in the past was used by only the orc chieftain when the lesser orc wanted to submit to him. And now, Da'rak performed it on his own brother and even during the pleasure brought by the ritual, De'ruk still reveal the future of their children and this ritual will occur again.

"Yes, better preserve this tradition from this moment. But I want to be honest, I love you with all my heart, I will never abuse you unless that is your wish."

"I know. But this is interesting right?"

"Well, you are not wrong."

"Then breed me, because I am eager to carry our child."

Da'rak and De'ruk kissed each other again but not before Da'rak used his first three fingers to perform a prostate massage for his little brother. De'ruk's eyes look with longing for something and he didn't need to say anything before Da'rak's whole palm entered his hole. De'ruk can only squeal with pleasure from his brother's treatment, Da'rak's hand massage the prostate but also enlarge De'ruk and prepare for the eventually breeding.

"Now, you will bear our child. I won't go slow, so you should prepare for that."

"I never ask you to go slow, this insignia will just turn all pain into pleasure."

"That's my little brother, my adorable submissive beloved slut. Now, I only want to hear your pleasure, so moan and squeal for me."

Da'rak withdrawed his hand but he replaced it with his 15-inches erected cock, De'ruk felt empty at first but he soon felt like he was whole once again. And Da'rak immediately began his hard and passionate fucking session, and that caused De'ruk to moan in pleasure as the insignia glowed to ensure that all pain is erased from him and only pleasure remain. The pleasure driven De'ruk with a desire to cum but Da'rak can't simply allow that, with a simple command, Da'rak sent his brother to the edge of pleasure without cumming. Da'rak with his deep voice snarled into his brother his command, remind him of his own oath to become a slave wholeheartedly and now, Da'rak commanded him as his master and forbade him to cum at least not before they finish.

De'ruk can only hear the sound of his brother's jewels slapped his ass, the insignia glowed with dim light as a reminder for De'ruk about his current position but he enjoys it. Being his big brother's cumdump is a fate that even when he can choose again, he would do the same thing over and over again. The large cock pressed on his prostate even harder than the fist and the long cock feel like it is in his guts making De'ruk squeal in delight.

And the insignia even glowed even brighter when Da'rak came for the first time in the night, and Da'rak wanted to make sure that De'ruk knows how virile can his brother be. Da'rak inflated his brother guts with his cum until his former abs turned into a round guts. As Da'rak ejaculated, with a finger snap, finally De'ruk can ejaculate and he came as hard as his brother, even painted half of himself in his own cum. Da'rak withdraw his cock and searched in his belonging for a plug and replace it for his cock to prevent the cum from dripping out of his brother's hole. As they returned to their kiss and both of them grinning at the same time like how De'ruk know what his brother is going to ask.

"So, how about a second round."

"You don't even need to ask."

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, leaders and collectors to our house. My name is Lunbiv Lunrba and I will be your host for tonight special event. The auction will be held for ten days featuring countless items from the previous era. And let's begin tonight's session."

The third floor of the new house is a theater but it is more than that because in the next five hours, this will be the colosseum where creatures from every race throwing and calling prices for these valuable antiques. Even when these old things don't worth anything to the Lunrba family, just by the fact that they are called antiques can cause a certain reaction.

"And today's category will be jade seals. As a symbol for authority of an old kingdom in the previous era, the seals can only be used by kings and queens."

<Imperial jade seal of Emperor Qianlong from Qing Dysnasty.>

<The 18th century jade seal was carved from pink jade and decorated with stylized dragons. The seal belonged to Emperor Qianlong, who is the longest reigning emperor in China's history, and still held supreme power long after his retirement. Under his 60 years' reign, China's fortune and national strength reached a peak. The nine dragons that decorate the seal symbolize the emperor's ultimate power and imperial authority.>

"And like every nation in the previous era, witnessing its end. The seal is excavated and then auctioned many times in the past and now, it is presented in this miraculous night. The starting price will be ten million Ornis."

Orne as the neutral side in this cold war and using their currency will be a good idea since their currency is the most valuable and at the same time, the most stable. Even for an old seal, the price ramping up quickly and the porcelain mask still remain perfectly but deep inside, Lunbiv never thought an old seal from nearly two thousand years ago can worth this much. But there was one that made no move at all, the warchief of Harr, Dok'erte. He is waiting for that device is the only guess that Lunbiv can think about, maybe they are trying to steal it and he is here as a dummy. There are countless possibility and counter measure, even going as far as setting a self-destruct button in that device.

"Sold! For gentleman with number 37."

A Gvtre collector, some may say he is a passionate one on top of that, even going as far as a constant duel with a lot of other collectors and even bid more than the Prophet. He even the first to bid on the next item which is the seal of empress Dowager Cixi, even when the detail and the texture on the seal is not that delicate like the seal belong to emperor Qianlong. Maybe something about reincarnation and cycle of life and death that a certain religion like to mention. Lunbiv just doesn't and he will never have enough patience to listen to all of them.

And at least three seals later, it is all that collector, everytime, he is the one who win the bid. But that just mean more Ornis for Lunbiv and those seals really need to go because they are clogging up the storage. The auction only has eight seals and this is the last one, as the rule of a story, to open with the best one and end with a bang.

"Here we reached the end of the auction for today. I present to you the last seal also belonged to Emperor Qianlong."

The seal carved from white jade, every detail is smooth and seal has some kind of light, it is a beautiful seal but compare to what Sotho created, Lunbiv can only think it is nothing. There is no need for any introduction, the white seal and its light capture every eyes, and that is the moment they almost see something else. And that caused the bidder to ramping the price even faster than the pink jade seal. Even the passionate Gvtre collector can't keeping up with bid and even the Harr's warchief joined the bid.

"(This is the profile of that collector.)"

"(Thank you, Operator... Someone trying to be who they are not.)"

On the paper is a fake name or maybe this is also another person that survived the sea of torment, but there is only one person capable of making hollowed husk. So maybe a human from previous era, reincarnated into a Gvtre form and he is collecting the legacy of his ancestor. A pathetic existance doesn't even why the seal is here and the endless greed of human in old era, even Lunbiv have to ask the possibility of this man filled his head with too much fairy tales.

"That concluded the session for today, the auction still going for the next six days, please come back tomorrow and may lady luck bless you with what you seek."

"We caught a Harr agent in the storage."

"They are really curious creatures aren't they. They really think what they sought won't be sold and they tried to steal it... But that give me some idea. But I guess we should check up on them, our guest of honor."

"I will get the breakfast for them."

"Maybe something for pregnant people, nutrious but don't be too bland, maybe some porridge is good for them."

"You predicted?"

"It is my intuition and get me something exciting too, love you dear."

Lunbiv in his normal white robe and soon follow behind him is Sotho in a stylized chef uniform with his beard tied and his white hat to prevent getting his hair on the food. Lunbiv entered the room and the first thing he smell is an earthy musk and the scent like how the room would smell at the end of his session with Sotho. His first action is opening the window to bring in some fresh air and Lunbiv also smile when he saw the older orc tending to his pregnant brother.

"I see my intuition was correct, I used to help your father with these problems so don't worry."

"Then I guess we owned another favour from you."

"Don't worry, this is enough for me, nothing can be much more miraculous than watching a new life growing and prepare to meet the new world."

After a small discussion, Da'rak reluctantly agree to leave his brother in Lunbiv's care and he ensured the two orcs that after a one year gestation preriod, they will welcome a healthy boy to their family. And he even whisper into the older brother's ears to use the seal and the blade to discover the present from their ancestor and made any preparation for his little brother and their new home. Even managed to talk about their fantasy about owning and even mentioned that Sotho will make them the object they wanted.

"Isn't that too much? What is your true plan?"

"I simply just want an ally and even when we were allies, I want to strengthen that bond, but don't see this as an act of pity. Because when a friend of mine or their children need something, I will try to provide it."

With a simple finger snap, Sotho knows what Lunbiv mentioned and bring him the item, it is not just a simple chastity cage. Sotho never got a strange commission like this one, but the cage was prepared for their fantasy, it was created a long time ago by some strange pervert but Sotho, being the talented man he is, with a few simple changes and it can even do more than what it was created for. The cage not only contain and restrict the need to cum but also detected when the victim is erected and automatically lower the temperature in it to sooth any erection. The cage is also made from gold, a lasting material and decorated with a few gemstones for the previous commissioner desire. After witnessing the smile from both brothers, Lunbiv take cue and leave the room for their guests.