Akward Moments (Isher(f)xKass(f) OOPS smutty rom fanfiction)

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Kass and Isher have an akward moment

Akward Moments (Blatant Smutty Fanfiction, Lesbian, Romance)(Isher(f)xKass(f)starting at the end of comic page #57 of the Out of Placers Webcomic)


All characters and settings are the creation of ValSalia



Akward Moments (Blatant Smutty Fanfiction, Lesbian, Romance)(Isher(f)xKass(f) starting at the end of comic page #57 of the Out of Placers Webcomic)

by Teether

".....uh Hi Isher"

Isher's face flushed as she quickly grabbed the lower hem of her underwear, tugging it down over the handful of exposed cheek freckles. Lopin begun gleefully giggling as Isher awkwardly shuffled over to a velvet couch on a sidewall, swiping a red throw blanket. Isher wrapped the small blanket around her massive hips, looking more like a ratty mini skirt than an actual piece of clothing. Lopin titters with glee before Kass walks over and wraps a paw around Lopin's snout, snapping it shut.

"Go get me some more oysters from ze kitchen" said Kass before letting go of the yinglet's snout

"Yes! Miss K-" said Lopin before Kass clamped the yinglet's mouth closed again

"uh uh. No more talking, I need quiet, understand?" said Kass as Lopin nodded his head up and down in her grip

"Good, now go" said Kass releasing Lopin's snout once again

Lopin stands high on his toes and gives Kass a stiff salute before skittering off down the cold stone hallway, the little pitter of his paws ringing off the thick walls. Kass turns around to see Isher still blushing as she holds the edge of the blanket around her waist.

"H-hi....everything alright Kass?" said Isher

"No, but I guess I'll manage. Elim and I just had a quick chat" said Kass before looking over the shaking Isher

"Are you okay?" said Kass with a worried look

"Yeah...oh....I am so sorry Kass. I heard you yelling and came as quick as I could."

"You heard me all ze way from ze first floor on ze far end?" said Kass in surprise

Isher nodded

"Fuck...." said Kass putting a paw on his face

"Don't worry.....I am sure nobody im-important heard you" said Isher waving both her hands at Kass as her DIY blanket skirt unfolded and fell to the floor

Kass groaned loudly in frustration as he began rubbing his face with both paws. The door behind Kass opens as Elim comes out into the hallway. He walks up behind Kass and places a hand on her tiny, bony, shoulder.

"You gonna be ok the rest of the night?" said Elim looking down at Kass

"Yeah I zink I'll be ok. zanks again for ze talk" said Kass dropping his paws back down to his sides

"No problem man. If you need to talk again just remember I am here for you brother" said Elim starting to walk down the hall.

"Oh, hey Isher" said Elim waving to the tall raptor woman as he walked by.

Isher quickly waved to Elim before covering her crotch again with her hands. She looks back over at Kass before blushing as she begins to walk down the hall after Elim.

"M-maybe its best if I just go. I-it was stupid of me to come here"



Kass walks up to the cowering giant and grabs her by the hand. He begins to lead her back towards his room. Kass opens the large wooden door and gestures for her to go inside.

"Here, go grab some blankets off of ze bed. You can use zem as a robe till you get back to your room." Said Kass as the two walked inside her bedroom

Isher looked around Kass' quarters. Everything was draped in the finest red and gold cloths, all emblazoned with the seal of Ivenmoth. The room is completely furnished with beautiful hardwoods imported from lands far outside Val Salia and polished to a glowing shine. The entire room gives her a momentary panic attack at the enormity of the space. Kass' bedroom alone was larger than her entire house, or really anywhere she had lived in her whole life.

Kass walks over to a giant king sized bed in the corner of the room adorned with mountains of red pillows at its head and a neatly folded stack of large red sheets on the end. Kass climbs up onto the bed and sits down on the edge while patting the giant pile of sheets on the end.

"Take as many as you like. Half of ze shit in zis room I can't even use" said Kass as he hung his head into his paws, staring down at the floor

Isher began to reach a comforting hand out towards Kass but then slowly withdrew it as a pressure fluttered into her chest. Instead she pulls a thin red sheet from the top of the pile of sheets and drapes it over her head like a long flowing robe. Light from the torches on the walls penetrate through the soft sheet, making it slightly see-through as it conforms to her large curves. Isher feels a sudden well of confidence rise through her body now that her skin and freckles are hidden from view.

"H-hey....hey Kass. C-check this out." Said Isher swishing the robe back and forth as she pivots her hips from side to side.

Isher had spent many nights sitting alone in the corner of the local brothel, observing the dancers and hoping one day she'd be able to dance like that for Kass. She painstakingly memorized all of the moves, drawing basic pictures of the techniques to memorize later. She spent most of her free time in the Undergardens slowly practicing each move as she dreamed of Kass' loving reaction to her well-coordinated displays of affection.

*"This is my chance!" Thought Isher as she begun to move her feet to the rhythm of some inaudible music.

Kass' eyes become more entranced by her motions with each lumbering movement of the curvy beast

*"Yes! He likes it!" Thought Isher as she swishes her hips and undulates her stomach faster and faster.

Isher stands up on her toes and goes for the crup de gras as she twirls around, arms above her head. Kass' eyes well up as a stream of tears begin to pour down the sides of her furry cheeks. Isher catches a glance of Kass before going off balance and falling over into a small wooden table. The table snaps like a feeble twig underneath her immense weight. Isher quickly gets up and begins fruitlessly trying to put the broken pieces of the table back together.

"Kass I am so sorry. I-I didn't see it and I j-just...O-one thing happened and....I-I just" rambled Isher as she tries to jam two snapped pieces of table leg into each other.

Kass doesn't take notice of Isher but rather starts to sob loudly into her paws. Isher drops the table legs and rushes over to the bed, sitting down with a heavy creak as the bed strains under her weight.

"D-don't cry. P-please don't cry. We'll get you another table Kass" said Isher panicking

"Ginny" whispered Kass under his breath as he ran his arm along his snout

"What?" said Isher confused

"Nozhing, I was just zinking back to when I wasn't a small furry she-rodent with a gnat's attention span" said Kass sighing, "Back when I was a man"

"Well...Uh....What do you miss about it?" Said Isher scooting closer to Kass

"Everyzhing, all ze good and ze bad. Anyzhings better than zhis" Said Kass twiddling his tiny fingers

"But...but your living in the lap of luxury. Isn't this what you always wanted? Y-you know? That counts for something....r-right?" said Isher rubbing her legs together

"I'd trade zhis place in a heartbeat for my flea-riddled cot back in ze Dinnlan bunkhouse. Anyzhing just to be a man again" said Kass rolling the skirt of his uniform through his fingers

"So...That's whats bothering you....Y-you don't want to be a female anymore?" said Isher feeling a slight knot in her throat

"It's a little more complicated zhan zhat. I don't feel like a male or a female. One minute I'll feel like my old self, ogling some cute server girl in ze hall. Ze next second Lopin will say somezhing stupid and I'll just melt like a little flower girl. I just don't know which of zhose feelings are real. Is zhis body hijacking my thoughts? Are my old zhoughts just a figment of my imagination? I feel like I am in two places at once and neizher is real. Does...does zhat make any sense at all? Am I crazy?" said Kass running a paw through her brown hair and looking over at Isher

"Kass...Your not crazy. N-nobody can grasp what your going through. All I can say is whatever form your in...Your still Kass to us....Your still Kass to me" said Isher turning her blushing face away from Kass as she began to twirl her unkempt hair around her right pointer finger.

"Zhanks...Look, Isher, I know I never really say it much but you're a good friend. You're all are good friends. I guess I just never realized zhat until I turned into a fucking walking marsh carpet" said Kass

A quiet filled the room broken by the light sound of chirping crickets and the crackling of burning lamps. Kass and Isher both readjusted themselves on the bed as a quick breeze of cold ocean air swept into the room from the windows. Isher noticeably shivered as the salty breeze blew over the nape of her neck.

"K-kass?" said Isher breaking the silence


"Is it.....Is it really that different being a woman than a man?" said Isher shifting her weight again

"Not really...ozher zhan I am missing a cock zat ozherwise would be interrupting my mind every now and again with a mighty boner. Not to say I haven't had my share zhoughts but....shit... can yinglets even beat off? Can ze females do that? I don't even know where to start let alone whezher I can let one loose. I mean....I could probably go outside right now and a legion of dirty scav dick would fly my way but do I even want zhat? Not to mention getting pregnant.....Fuck! I didn't even zhink about zat....Fuck I don't wanna get pregnant......but for some reason my mind says zhat I do and......ARGH! Do you see what I am saying? My mind is fucking wizh me!" said Kass throwing her tiny arms up in the air and falling back onto the bed in frustration as she stared at the ceiling covered in swarming moths.

Isher silently stares forward into the floor, as her face grows red and flustered. She quickly tucks her hands between her massive tan thighs as she shifts her weight again. Kass could feel the waves of heat radiating off of the gigantic woman.

"Sorry..sorry, got carried away zhere. I guess my speedy scav brain just needed to vent" said Kass rapping a fist against the side of her head

"I-I-I c-could h-help..." said Isher in a low, trembling voice

"What?" said Kass

"I-I could h-help you r-release.....s-s-some tension. Y-you know....f-f-feel like a man again" said Isher before quickly pulling the hood of the robe over her face and collapsing backwards onto the bed in embarrassment next to Kass

*"Stop stuttering dang it...that was supposed to sound sexy and you messed up your one chance" thought Isher as her mind swirled with a hurricane of self-inflicted insults

A small paw gently lifts Isher's red-sheeted hood back over her head as she sees Kass' tiny face peering down at her.

"Did you....did you really mean zhat?" said Kass in a soft tone as his fur ruffled over the back of his neck.

"Y-yes" said Isher as she avoided eye contact with Kass

"Well...damn....." said Kass raking an arm over her neck and plopping down next to Isher's head

Isher throws open the robe and sits up at the end of the bed now only in her tattered underwear. She leans forward, bracing her arms on her knees as she stares down at the red and gold carpet beneath her. She begins to nervously trace her pointer claws around one another as she lets out a couple low coughs.

"Kass....I've wanted t-this for a long time. I k-know t-that I am not pretty, or graceful......or c-confident. Heck, I am not even into women Kass.....I just want y-you to be happy again. I-I understand if you don't want this I-" said Isher as a small paw touches her left arm.

Isher looks over to her left to see Kass, eyes watering, before Kass wraps her thin arms around Isher's muscular shoulder in a hug.

"I need somebody Isher... Please...I just want to feel normal again....even just for a bit" said Kass through a handful of choked murmurs

Isher feels immense warmth flowing through her as a surge of confidence wells into her chest. She turns, scooping up the sobbing yinglet in her arms as she crawls back towards the head of the bed. Isher gives a loud sigh as she flops back into the mountain of silky red and gold Ivenmoth emblazed pillows. She holds the tiny, spindly, creature to her chest, gently stroking its locks of long brown hair. The yinglet's cries slowly began to die down into light sniffles and whimpers.

The two lay in each other's embrace for a couple of minutes before Isher decides to make the first hesitant move. She shakily maneuvers a large clawed hand down and under the yinglet's uniform skirt. Her questing fingers eventually find their way into a mound of downy-like crotch fluff between Kass' scrawny thighs. Kass tenses up as her tail jolts straight out from the alien sensation. No one had been so close to her since being transformed into this living nightmare. It felt completely surreal, as if she was watching someone else being intimate while inhabiting their body. It felt extremely voyeuristic to say the least.

Isher's continued to sift deeper and deeper into the field of soft crotch fluff, searching in vain for anything resembling genitals. The deeper she went though, the more Kass tensed up, raising her butt into the air to get away from the raking claws.

*"Oh no! He hates this..... I am screwing this up!" Isher thought as her mind grew more panicked every second.

"Isher" said Kass through clenched jaw


"Just hold on a sec. Your nails are kinda sharp" said Kass propping herself up off of Isher's stomach

"Oh...uhhh..oops...heh heh" said Isher dejected as she examined the horribly overgrown claws on her other hand.

Isher brings her right hand up to her mouth, quickly breaking off the long claws in her teeth before spitting them into a chamber pot beside the bed.

"T-There.....better?" said Isher showing the newly clipped claws to Kass

"Very....sexy..." said Kass sticking his tongue out in disgust

"Sorry....sometimes you gotta improvise....w-when your like me......heh heh" said Isher running her hand over the back of her neck and looking away as shame and anxiety begin wash over her

"No! I didn't mean to....." said Kass seeing how embarrassed he made Isher feel as the colossal giant grew visually more anxious with each passing second

Kass sighed as she began to unbuckle her leather belt and unbutton the doublet on her uniform. The yinglet smoothly peeled the red and gold Ivenmoth uniform away and tossed it onto the floor. Kass straddled the giantess' stomach wearing nothing but the bindings on her chest.

"Hey Isher" said Kass wrapping a small paw around Isher's left thumb

"W-what is it?" said Isher surprised by the little half-naked scav

"A little help" said Kass as she tugged up on Isher's long bladed thumb

"S-sure" said Isher not fully understanding what Kass was doing as she let the yinglet guide her hand.

Kass brings Isher's thumb close to her chest before gently driving it up, under the binder between her breasts. In one swift movement Kass pushes the long nail away from her chest, snipping the bindings clean in two as they fall away from her onto the bed. Isher bites her lower lip as Kass' tiny, furry breasts; bounce free from their prison.

*"I've seen her naked before...So why is this turning me on so much?" thought Isher as a wet warmth began to spread along her crotch

"Holy shit....I zhink I left zhose puppies in zhere for way too long" said Kass sighing with immense relief while flicking back her hair with a paw.

Isher gently grabs Kass around the waist with both her hands, bringing the small yinglet's furry chest to her face. She cradles her left arm behind Kass' back as she begins to massage the tiny firm breasts before her with her right hand.

"Look at you taking ze initiative. Very sexy indeed" said Kass in a flirty tone

"heh..yeah" said Isher awkwardly as she continued to explore Kass' breasts.

Raking her fingers tenderly over the soft mounds, Isher finds two tiny pink nipples hidden underneath the furry breasts. She brings her mouth up to Kass' left nipple and begins sucking it and flicking it with her tongue. Isher tries her best to imitate all the advice she acquired from the local prostitutes of Val Salia in every movement of her mouth and tongue. Kass' body shivers as Isher continues the same sucking and flicking with the other breast.

"oh...ooooo...oh shit..." said Kass purring with pleasure as she writhed in Isher's strong arms, running his tiny paws through the giants greasy black hair

"Am I....am I doing ok?" said Isher hesitantly looking up from Kass' chest

"Yeah, Just keep going" said Kass leaning her head back with her eyes still closed

Isher continued to suckle Kass' chest for a bit longer before deciding to change things up. She leans back further into the mountain of pillows as she grabs Kass by the waist again, bringing the yinglet's fluffy crotch over her face. Kass' feet grab onto the pillows on either side of Isher's head while grasping a handful of messy black hair in her tiny paws. Isher lets go of the yinglet's waist as she brings her right hand up to Kass' underside. She gently rubs the palm of her colossal hand over Kass' crotch as the soft downy-like fluff flows through the crevasses of her fingers. Kass begins to lightly grind against the roaming hand as Isher uses her pointer and middle fingers to part away the sea of fur, revealing a small pink slit. Isher brings her head up and runs her tongue lightly from the bottom of the wet slit to the top.

"Ah! Zhat tickles" said Kass flinching


"I didn't say it was bad. It's just.... an odd feeling. Please Isher, keep going" said Kass desperately pressing her crotch closer to Isher's face as she grasps more of the giant's black hair in her paws.

Isher leans in again as she sticks out her large tongue, shoving it deep into the slick little gash. Kass flinches again but instead of withdrawing, she presses herself even closer to Isher's face. Isher feels the little yinglet's vaginal muscles squeeze around her tongue, as the warm little cavern begins to grow even wetter. The aroma of wild yinglet sex overwhelms her nose as Isher's face is completely consumed by Kass' crotch fluff. Isher slides a hand down into her underwear as she greedily rubs away at the demanding clit between her legs. She grabs the yinglet's back with her free hand and pulls Kass' crotch as flush as she can with her tongue and lips. She thrashes her tongue around in Kass' depths as her mouth eagerly explores every inch of the soft walls.

"Oooo you like zhat?" said Kass as she grinds faster against Isher's, fat, muscular tongue

"uuuhhhmmmpphh" said Isher trying to speak through a mouthful of yinglet crotch

Kass flicks back her hair, smiling, as she begins to grind even faster against Isher's eager tongue.

"Oh shit...I zhink I am gonna-" said Kass as she leaned over Isher's head and wrapped her arms around the back of the giant's head

Cascades of white goose feathers pour around Isher's head as Kass' small-clawed feet tear holes in the fancy red and gold pillows. A clear liquid lightly flows from Kass' slit into Isher's mouth as the last spasms of her orgasm fade. The flavor of the liquid tastes lightly sweet and gamey but by no means unpleasant or pungent like Isher was expecting. She gives the mouthful a quick swallow, hoping that yinglet vaginal secretions aren't poisonous.

*"If I survive I guess I'll just ask that pervert Ran later" thought Isher almost rolling her eyes at the idea

Kass let go of Isher's hair as she slides down Isher's chest and stomach with a loud sigh of relief.

"Damn zhat was amazing. Maybe I won't miss getting a blowjob from ze local dove as much as I zhought I would" said Kass beaming with afterglow

"G-glad you liked it....first time I've done anything like it...heh....oh" said Isher quickly withdrawing her hand from her underwear as her face flusters with embarrassment

"Isher?" said Kass tracing a small finger around Isher's belly button


"You don't have to be worried about how I see you, you know?"


"Your nervous and obviously embarrassed about your body. Fuck! Here I am riding your face like a horny swamp rat and you're still worried I'll find some way to reject you"

"I-I mean......" said Isher anxiously tugging at a long side lock of her black, shiny hair

"Your banging a goddamn scav right now. Of all people, I ain't really in the place to judge you know?" said Kass with a light chuckle as he looked down at one of his tiny paws

"Kass....your not this body...regardless of what you think. Y-your still the same Kass to me." said Isher lifting the yinglet up to her chest and giving Kass a bear hug.

Isher closes her eyes as her mind fills with images of her and Kass back in his human form. Both completely relaxed under a tree surrounded by scenic flowers, the air filled with the smells of sweet grass and lavender. Golden sunlight gleams through the cracks in the canopy down onto Isher cradling Kass in her arms as birds chirp to each other among the branches.

"Is!--Ish!---Ishhhherrr!" a muffled voice squeaked as tiny fists pounded at Isher's sides.

Isher opens her eyes and looks down to see a crushed Kass struggling for air pressed between her giant breast and muscular arms.

"Oh! Dang it! Kass I am so sorry. I-I just zoned out for a bit. Sorry. I -I am sorry" said Isher releasing Kass from her grip as the little yinglet gasped for air.

"Holy shit!.....Gods!....Fuck!...." said Kass through gulps of air as she sat back up on Isher's legs

Kass looked up at Isher, his eyesight beginning to return as a blurry image of Isher took form. He could see that she was beginning to tear up as her lips began to quiver.

"I-I-I-am almost killed you. Kass.....I am j-just a monster.....a big, stupid, clumsy, no-good, hulking....." rambled Isher as she began to sob, bringing her palms to her face

Kass sat for a bit in silence as the titanic beast bellowed and bawled in front of her. She didn't know what to do. Kass had never seen Isher this upset in her life before......and it was all because of him. Kass felt sudden warmth spread across her chest and throat. Isher didn't just like Kass as a friend .....She cared for her.....All those times Isher fretted over Kass leaving to go on missions......All those times she was the first to greet him upon return......All those gifts of flowers she had given him from the undergarden.......Isher didn't just care for him.....She loved him....

"Goddammit....I am such an idiot....right in front of my face ze whole time...." said Kass quietly remembering all the times he had given Isher the cold shoulder or pushed her away to spend time in the brothel.

Kass feels a rush of emotions as she leans forward onto Isher's flat stomach pecking it with light kisses. Her shell tooth gets in the way of her bottom lip but she tries her best to ring the giant's belly button with kisses and licks. She begins to rub her paws over Isher's sides and stomach as she "shusssshh"s in the most soothing tone her yinglet throat can muster.

Isher's bawling stops as she brings her arms around her sides and begins to giggle.

"Kass!......Stop!.....That tickles!" says Isher giggling louder as Kass starts blowing raspberries as best as her yinglet mouth with let her into Isher's stomach.

Isher is thrashes on the bed as she kicks up her knees and legs, sending Kass flying back over the edge of the bed. Isher gasps as Kass plummets over the bed and onto the ground with a poofy thump. She quickly rushes over to the end of the bed to see Kass lying in the pile of sheets from earlier. Isher lets out a sigh of relief as she picks a shaken Kass off the pile of bed sheets and lies back onto the pillows once more with Kass to her chest.

"I-Iam sorry Kass. I-I am sorry that I am the way I am. I know you say you don't care but....that doesn't help me not want to be me....you know? Can you forgive me for being....well....me?" said Isher nervously

Kass' ears droop as a sad look crosses her face, "Zhere's nozhing to forgive Isher. Your too good for me, let alone some dirty scav" said Kass

Isher, startled by Kass' response, begins to open her mouth before Kass puts a tiny paw on the side of her face.

"Nozhing to apologize for and nozhing to forgive, you hear me?" said Kass staring into Isher's ruby eyes with a serious look

Isher presses a hand to Kass' paw on the side of her cheek and nods her head with a sniffle.

"Good. Now, I zhink I've got a little debt to repay for letting a dirty little scav ride your face." Said Kass grinning as her hands grip the top of Isher's tattered and dirty handmade bra.

Isher instinctively begins to cover her chest with her hands. Kass looks up at Isher as she blushes before moving her hands stiffly down to her sides.

"Sorry...I-Its just...I've never...I mean....nobodies e-ever..." said Isher stuttering as she began to blush even harder.

"Stop apologizing Isher...remember what I said" said Kass as she pulls down on Isher's top. The pressure against the cloth bra is almost too much for Kass too pull down with her scrawny arms but dammed if she was going to admit defeat in the middle of this.

Kass tugs the cloth down as Isher lets out a startled "Oh!", her ginormous heaving breasts bouncing free from their restraint. Her breasts were perfect, large but firm. Each large mound centered with a supple, hard, dark brown nipple contrasted against the sand colored tan-hide skin surrounding it. Kass was stunned, He had seen many breasts before in the brothel and the one or two girlfriends he managed to get but Isher's were by far the largest and prettiest of the bunch.

The yinglet brought up both of her tiny paws, cradling Isher's right breast as she maneuvered the giant stiff nipple into the side of her maw. She tried her best to avoid piercing Isher with her teeth, instead opting to suckle her through the side of her lips. Isher shivered and gave out a light moan as Kass flicked her pointy tongue over the massive brown nipple. She glanced up at Isher who was covering her mouth with both hands as she gasped with pleasure again. She massaged the heavy breast as much as she could with her little paws before bringing the tit out of her mouth and lightly blowing on the sensitive flesh. Isher shivered as Kass moved over to the other nipple, giving it equal attention as she gently rolled Isher's large right nipple through her tiny fingers.

Isher moaned again as she leaned back, lowering her arms and gripping her hands into the bed. Kass continued to assail the left nipple with her flickering tongue before finishing with another light breath across its slippery surface. Kass continued to flick her tongue and peck Isher's skin as she worked to the center of Isher's cleavage. Isher giggled and kicked slighty before halfway apologizing again for being so ticklish. Kass gave her a warm rebuking smile before continuing to lick away at her chest. The area tasted salty, covered in dried sweat from earlier. Kass licked her maw, savoring the flavor before continuing down across Isher's stomach to her underwear.

"Kass....? W-what are you doing?" said Isher confused

Kass brings her head back, looking over the tattered grey underwear that lay before her. The hem is in absolute shreds and any color had long been drained from the worn garb from thousands of hours of repeated stone washing. Something about the whole garment feels so familiar and real, reminding her of the same worn out clothes she wore as a human peon.

In the dead center of the underwear, Kass can make out Isher's large, wet, vulva pushing out against the feeble stitches barely holding the whole thing together. Kass leans forward and flicks her tongue over the wet patch as Isher lurches forward and gasps.

"Kass!" said Isher embarrassed

"What?" said Kass impatiently

"Your really...going to... you know?" said Isher twirling her hair

"Isher? Is zhis like your first time or somezhing?" said Kass looking up at her


Kass gave Isher a level glare as Isher's poker face began to break apart.

"Yes..." said Isher as she put her hands in her face, "I thought if I played it off like I knew I was doing then you wouldn't be so....you know....repulsed by me"


"I-I know.....nothing to forgive....." said Isher as she took one of Kass' little paws in her hand, rolling a thumb slowly over the back of the yinglet's tiny paw.

Isher smiles, letting go of Kass' paw before rolling backwards and bringing her knees to her chest. In one quick movement, Isher brings her underwear down her freckled butt, over her feet and tail. She drops the underwear to the floor before placing her legs down on either side of Kass with her crotch a couple inches from his snout.

The smell of dried sweat and a slightly reptilian musk fill Kass' snout as she looks over Isher's completely slick, tan, puffy vulva before her.

Kass chuckles as she lightly caresses Isher's clit causing her to shiver, "hah, you really went all the way didn't you?"

"D-did what?" said Isher swooning from the soft paw rubbing her

"You know? Shave. Your as smooth as leather down here" said Kass before inserting his other paw's fingers into her large wet slit

"S-shave? S-shave what? Is that weird?" said Isher in a panicky tone before leaning her head back again in pleasure as Kass' fingers worked away inside her, "Oh!.....ahhhhh....."

Kass looks over Isher's body and realizes that she's never seen hair anywhere else on her besides her head. Nothing anywhere. Kass leans forward and brings her fluffy slit down over her penetrating hand as she begins to grind away at Isher's slippery mound.

"It's nozhing Isher. Nozhing at all" said Kass as she gives a couple loving licks to Isher's stomach.

"A-are you sure?.....Noth-" said Isher before Kass thrusted her paw deeper into her warm depths as her fluffy slit began to gyrate over Isher's clit

Isher moans, leaning her head back and shuttering with renewed arousal. Kass wraps her right hand around the right side of Isher's waist as she tries to get a better angle. Once in a better position, Kass quickenes her pace thrusting her left paw faster in and out of the soaking cavern. As Kass' paw dives in and out of Isher, a wet slopping noise emanates through the otherwise quiet room. Kass can feel Isher's wetness rapidly soak through her crotch feathers and over her increasingly sensitive slit as she strokes up and down on the giant's clit in a sweeping rhythm. Isher begins to return Kass' strokes with her own as she grinds back against the yinglet, both releasing quivering moans into the warm night air.

Suddenly, the large wooden door to Kass' quarters creaks open as a small blonde yinglet with a metal pail leans into the room.

"Uhh...Lady Kass?...I got ze oysters you-" said Lopin before seeing the two lovers on the king-sized bed in the corner, completely unaware of the little yinglet's intrusion.

Lopin quickly puts the pail down by the door entrance and covers his eyes with both of his paws before quietly backing out of the room.

"Lopin saw nozhing. He swears. Lopin saw nozhing" said Lopin before quietly closing the door behind him.

The two were lost in their own lusts as they continued their dance, rhythmically rubbing against one another. Isher grasps the yinglet's tiny sides in her enormous hands, bringing Kass closer in to her as she grinds back against the yinglet's own thrusts. Kass' soaked fur caresses over Isher's aroused clit like a million soft tongues all vying for her satisfaction as the soft slit presses against her own.

Kass feels her orgasm getting closer as she closes her eyes, focusing solely on her thrusting. The thrusting paw and grinding crotch suddenly mesh in her mind to form into his former human penis. In a flash of his mind's eye, Kass is transformed back into a human once more. He looks around, noticing that he's back in his old Dinnlan barracks as a teenager. On his bunk bed before him lays his first lover, a young prostitute from the brothel in the center of town, her name long since lost but her body forever in his mind. She calls out his name as he thrusts amateurishly into her warmth. He knew she was faking it but to him it still meant the world.

"Kass!Kass!Kass!....Oh....Oh fuck!" said Isher startling herself by cursing as she covered her mouth.

Isher looked down at the small yinglet lost in her own world as she brushed the yinglets hair over its ear before replacing her hand and joining back in the rythmn. Isher could feel herself getting close as she closed her eyes and fell into the comfort of her own thoughts as well. Her mind did not stray far as she imagined being in the same room with the same smells and sounds. The only difference was that the creature thrusting into her was not some female yinglet, but rather Kass, fully human and male. She looks into his eyes, her dream finally come true. He stares back with that familiar grin that she fell in love with the first time she set eyes on him. He leans forward, kissing her chest before leaning into her and saying her name.

"Isher! Oh shit! Isher! Isher! Ahh!....I am gonna cum!" said Kass as her movements became wild, pressing herself as close as she could get to the hulking woman.

"D-do it! Cum in me! C-c-cum in me Kass!" said Isher, those words she had echoed in her head so many times while masturbating, finally a reality

Kass shutters and shakes, spastically grinding against Isher's fluxing cavern followed by a whispery sigh of relief ending with a series of quick thrusts. Isher follows soon after as her walls contract. She lets out a loud moan of "Kassssss" with a shiver of pleasure coursing through her body, the feeling of pinpricks flow like electricity over her skin.

The two lay panting in each other's embrace as they slowly come back to reality. Both clinging to each other, hoping for the moment to last a bit longer as quiet retakes the room. Finally, the two fully catch their breath as they begin to sense the smell of sex and sweat in the air they created together.

Kass' mind slowly settles back into the body of a female yinglet as she feels a small spike of existential dread creep back into her mind. The anxiety and running thoughts begin to fill her yinglet brain once more, bouncing off the walls with erratic fear. She feels a hand run through her hair as she looks up at Isher.

"D-did I do ok?" said Isher smiling but with an obvious twinge of anxiety in the corners of her mouth

Kass slowly climbs up the mountainous woman until she is face to face with her. All of Kass' anxieties and thoughts flow back into the corners of his mind as he looks into her beautiful red eyes often filled with caution and fear but now replaced with love and infatuation.

"You did more zhan ok Isher. For a moment, I really felt like my old self again." Said Kass coming closer to Isher's face

Isher felt a knot grow in her throat as she leaned forward to meet the yinglet's face with her own. Between Kass' shell tooth and Isher's large canines, the two awkwardly kissed. Embracing each other whole-heartedly in the moment as they explored each other's mouth. Kass' wiry tongue coursed around Isher's big fat one. Two oddballs completely uncomfortably in their own bodies, but in this moment, feeling as natural and loved as anyone can be, both lost in their want for the other. A fleeting thought once again enters Isher's mind about yinglet saliva possibly being poisonous but realized again, that she didn't care. It was all worth it just to see Kass happy and to feel happy herself for once.

Kass and Isher slowly break the embrace as the yinglet lays her head down on Isher's chest with a sigh of relief.

"Zhis was amazing...I can't believe we didn't do zhis sooner. I am sorry Isher. Sorry for being so zhick in ze head." Said Kass

Isher leisurely runs a hand up and down the yinglet's back as Kass ruffles her fur.

"There's nothing to apologize for Kass" said Isher soothingly as she continues to stroke Kass' back

"Heh....yeah...nozhing to apologize for" said Kass as she began to close her eyes

Isher looked down at the peaceful yinglet before her own eyes became heavy as well. Once again, only the crackling of the familiar oil lamps and chirping crickets sound through the room as a cold ocean gust flows in through the window.

The ocean gust blows faster and faster as papers tornado around the room in the icy breeze. Isher opens her eyes, as the gust grows even stronger, blowing around her hair while simultaneously snuffing out all the torches in the room. The dark room's temperature plunges as the two's breath become visible in the air. An immense feeling of dread rushes through Isher as she watches the room be torn apart in front of her eyes.

"W-what's happening? Kass! Kass! Wake up!" yelled Isher she tries to shake the unconscious yinglet awake.

Kass' eyes spring open as her body begins to spasm and writhe in pain. Kass falls out of Isher's grasp and onto the carpeted floor as the little yinglet's body is wracked with the sound of snapping bones. Kass tries to crawl further into the middle of the room as if to get away from some torturous presence as bits of fur begin to disintegrate off of the yinglet's flesh

"I DON'T WANT ZHIS! ZHIS IS TOO MUCH! I AM SCARED!!!WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME?!?! IAM PAZHETIC!!! I CAN"T HANDLE ZHIS!!!HELP ME!!!! I JUST WANT TO HIDE!!! HELP ME!!!!HELP ME!!!" screamed Kass as smoke begins to pour from her eyes and mouth.

Isher tries to scream out to Kass but her voice is immediately consumed by the rushing wind now completely enveloping the room. Isher tries to get up off the bed to help but is slammed back down by a heavy force pushing her back down onto the mattress as all the strength is drained from her body.

Kass continues to struggle on the floor as a tornado of papers and clothes swirl over top of her in a tight funnel. The funnel bursts into flames as Kass looks up into the inferno right above her. She screams as the fire crashes down on top of her, engulfing her body in flames. Isher can hear Kass' screams, as the wall of fire expands outward before imploding back in on Kass in a billow of black smoke. As the smoke dissipates, so do the gust and evil presence, leaving the room in complete silence.

Where the yinglet was a second ago now kneels a naked, smoldering, human Kass with his eyes closed, arms crossed over his chest and his head down. Isher climbs off the bed and carefully walks over to the shivering human surrounded by a burnt ring of ash.

"K-kass? Kass?" said Isher as she kneels down in front of him, grabbing his shoulders, "A-are you ok?"

Kass collapses over into her arms as the little human continues to shiver.

"Kass?" said Isher again trying to rock the human awake

Kass' eyes shoot open as his pupils dart frantically around.

"Kass, everythings going to be ok. I-I don't understand what just happened but your back to yourself. Right? Kass?" said Isher cradling Kass

The human's pupils bead and lock towards the ceiling as he begins to yell "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NNNNOOOO! NNOO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

Isher tries her best to sooth the human but Kass' yells just grow louder and louder until they echo through every part of her mind. She lays Kass on the ground as she tries to plug her ears to get away from the increasingly loud shouts. Its no use, with each shout, a jolt of pain burns through her mind.


Isher sits up in bed as her head reels in aching pain. Looking around the room nervously, she realizes that she is back in her small guest quarters of Ivenmoth tower. It takes her a while for reality to set in as she runs her hand over her sweat-covered brow.

*"It was only a dream?............" thought Isher confused as she rubbed the palms of her hands against her weary eyes.


The sounds of Kass' yinglet voice ring through the halls and into Isher's quarters. A shot of electricity goes up Isher's spine as she leaps out of bed and tackles the door to her quarters open, running out into the hall with nothing but her underwear on. She quickly bolts down the cold stone hallway and past a confused guard.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no. Kassie... Please be okay.... Please be okay"