Pokemon Domestic to Feral: Epilogue

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#8 of Pokemon story

The tied up loose ends and bits that never made it to the original story

Tavi carefully checked the road ahead of him, from here on out they would have to walk next to it instead of several feet back. It was getting to hard to sneak around the randomly placed houses and walking further back was going to take to much time, he was aiming to get to the city before the afternoon. He guessed there was three, maybe four hours, before they would reach the city proper to get to the sidewalks which he knew would be safer. "Alright everyone follow me and stay on the dirt. Duck if you see a car or a human, and cubs, you will stay next to your mom or uncle!" He admonished the two Eevee who crept out behind him, the pair followed by a Glaceon and a Leafeon.

"Your sure about this?" The ice Pokemon asked staring up and down the road.

"We have been through this. You promised to help so you could see your sister so let's just get this over with." Leafeon told her son.

"Don't worry Scabs I'll get you back home safe to Ivysaur." The two had made an odd couple to Tavi but he knew the past few months had been full of close contact and obviously private moments. It was obvious the coupling was becoming serious.

"Uncle Scar why does Dad always call you Scabs?" One of the young cubs asked the Glaceon.

"Because your father is a big meany." He answered. "And he knows my name is better than his."

"Scar that's enough pay attention." Leafeon ordered her son before giving a slight glare to her mate. Tavi ducked his head and trotted down the road keeping his ears swiveling constantly for anything that might be ahead or behind.

The Flareon had taken several short trips the previous year leaving his mate and their eggs alone for several days and once even a week getting home just in time to watch his sons hatch. He had marveled at how the young had hatched, grown, and started growing up. Even now nearly a year later in mid summer he was still left stunned at the fact that they were _his_cubs. He still felt a swell of pride when he glanced back watching both of them keeping a careful step behind him with their mother and uncle bringing up the rear.

His exploits had found two small towns near their forest one he could reach if he left at dawn and traveled to dusk. Tavi had spent a day or two each time carefully watching the Pokemon center and trainers. He knew it had been a stroke of pure luck when two trainers started arguing a few feet beyond the bushes he was hiding in. The humans were discussing which route they should take when they left the next day. The luck part was the fact they were arguing over whether to head to Lightbar gym which was closer or skip the difficult badge and take the train heading to Marilla and Shallor gym where they knew they could beat its leader.

The two trainers discussed the fact until Nurse Joy had exited the center to inform them that the trains were not stopping in Marilla because of an accident on the tracks. They were to be closed until several sections of tracks were replaced so they would have to head north to Denurt if they wanted to take the train. Realizing it would take extra days to travel the boys decided to head to Lightbar which was closer, even if the battle would be far more difficult. The Flareon had spent an entire sleepless night hiding and waiting for the boys to leave in the morning. When he followed them out of town he stayed with them for well over an hour making sure he knew the direction they were traveling before heading home. He made a much longer journey late in the winter, when he knew his family was safe, coming back with a route to the gym that included a path that navigated through the town.

That was what brought them here, Lightbar gym and its leader Ledge. Although Tavi had gotten over most of his anxiety over this past experience he was still left cold shiver whenever he thought about the human. Leafeon had been stunned and excited when he told her how he could take her to see her daughter but it took four months till the end of spring before he finally convinced her of his plans which would involve taking the cubs as well. In truth it was only because the fact that the Glaceon was coming as well that his mate finally agreed. She felt confident enough in keeping one Eevee safe while her son would keep an eye on the second one, leaving Tavi the task of keeping them all out of real danger.

At first they were easily able to hear the few cars well before they passed and had plenty of time to scramble into a ditch or hide in the bushes of a front yard. They did pass two yards with houses very close to the road and Tavi had them rush down the street to keep from being seen. So far things had gone rather nicely in the Flareon's mind, even the large front yard with the three Glameows perched on the fence and one more in a tree went with out incident as they just watched the family walk past.

With in the hour the road widened leaving much less cover at the roadside while making more room to walk, but that meant the houses were becoming closer, each with in easy visual distance of the other. This was also when the cubs saw their first human. "Keep walking right behind me and try not to look across the street." He told the boys, realizing that they would likely do just the opposite. "Don't fall behind!" He said in a gruff bark when he hear a stumble of paw steps behind him. His bark had drawn the full attention of the female who was across the street at the side of the road looking inside a small box on a post. Tavi knew she was watching them even after they passed, well before Glaceon confirmed it.

"She taking several steps after us." Scar spoke.

"Don't look back and keep moving. You need to look and act like your supposed to be doing this. I know we are going to attract attention but I don't think she is going to follow us very far." It turned out he was right she had moved out to the center of the road to watch them but when the road dipped some blocking their line of sight she was gone when the could again look back.

The first car that they weren't able to hid from was the first real problem it had slowed down creeping up behind them. Before Tavi could consider what to do a horn blared causing chaos to the family. The Flareon had turned and snatched his cub who stood wide eyed, fur fluffed, and frozen in terror while Glaceon had spun and attacked letting out an Ice Beam that froze half the windshield and part of the side. That left Leafeon who had at first been also to scared to move was quickly bolting after her son who had run into and was making his way across the street.

Luckily both mother and kit made it across the street before Scar had decided on using tackle as well hitting the side of the car hard rocking it which causing the occupant inside to panic and peel out tearing down the road. The Flareon was more than a little upset, allowing his worry and anger to show, as he shouted at his son in law cursing him as a fool for attacking the vehicle while the ice Pokemon barked back that he had driven the thing off which was better then doing nothing. Tavi took a deep breath still glaring at Scar trying to figure out whether to use words or actions when a small whimper brought both of them up short.

It took him only a few minutes to find some shelter for his family but nearly half an hour before he had calmed them enough to continue. It was decided for every car now the adults would pick up the cubs until it had passed and if there was any problems Tavi would give directions on what to do. It seemed to work, although Leafeon was snatching up her cub at odd times and was fully off the road when ever a vehicle passed slowing them down some because it took several minutes to start her moving again. The Flareon was slightly irritated with their progress now figuring that it may take an extra hour or even two to reach the town but his harsh words vanished when he saw the deep worry in his mates eyes.

"Just trust me." He told her several times getting a nod and a small look of relief each time he spoke those words to her.

Thankfully they did get a good deal further before they started to have more trouble. The road now had curbs giving the family more confidence but as they trotted along several humans had taken to following them on both sides of the street. Tavi knew he needed to act soon, he just had to find the right place to show them who he was. There was no question in the Flareon's mind that the humans would recognize who he was if he just showed his power, and he was willing to bet that would keep his family safe until they reached the city. After all there were different rules which applied once you walked on a sidewalk that much he knew, rules he hoped would keep them safe enough to reach Lightbar Gym. It was either that or flame everything that approached until the rangers showed which would cause more problems than he wanted to deal with. Tavi thought that if he could just let the humans know who he was they would surely back off enough let him get to the gym.

He got his chance when they came upon the next corner. There seemed to be several cars waiting along the side road and humans that were standing near them watching the Pokemon as they slowly walked across the side street. "Quick everyone over here." Tavi told them slipping through a broken part of a cyclone fence that closed off the corner lot. There was a large red brick building which looked abandoned and he could see a large area was also fenced off making this a good location for what he planned. The ground was dirt and rock with the occasional weed and several bits of glass and trash but the center was mostly clear, swept clean by wind that had pushed the debris against the fence.

After having Leafeon and the cubs wait against the building he had Scar follow. "Glaceon follow behind me and put out any fire." Tavi said as he worked his way across the center of the lot using a low powered Flame thrower to burn up the weeds and bits of rubbish blackening the ground as the ice Pokemon followed behind with an occasional chilled breath which put out any extra embers.

Ready the Flareon had the other male build an ice wall to hind behind ordering the rest of his family to move behind it before he moved out to the center of the lot. There were several dozen humans who were waiting outside the fence and even two that looked like they were about ready to try and squeeze through the gap the Pokemon had slipped through.

There was no need for his max power, Tavi simply gathered the energies around him allowing the air to heat up as his internal fires warmed his body and the air around him. He found it easy now to tap into his power ever since he had fought Mightyena's pack or maybe it was since Leafeon accepted him. Either way simply thinking of her or his cubs and his levels soared as high as he needed them to be.

"FLAARREE!" Tavi shouted out, erupting with a flame that twisted. In a few seconds the Fire spin was gaining height and rivaling the top of the building behind him. It was not as big as some of the ones he had created before but definitely large enough to start drawing in the air flow around him as he closed his mouth and backed away quickly slipping behind the ice wall to take a few breaths.

"It this necessary?" Scar screamed out making sure he could be herd. Tavi could only smile at the shivers the Glaceon had and the open eyed awed look from his sons.

"Yes! I need the rangers for later." He shouted back before rushing back to the attack that was winding down. Tavi leapt as high as he could entering his own attack as it began to slow down pointing his head down to the core and firing off a full powered Fire Blast. The energies exploded outwards sending waves of heat and flames towards the fence making the humans scream and cower. When they looked back up wondering what might be next all could see the undersized Flareon standing midst the heat waves where it howled out loud as if in challenge.

He watched as several humans backed off and noticed others who's hands had devices out that emitted short flashes of light while the ones that had stepped back seem to have them at their heads and talking rapidly. Yes they knew who he was now and he that meant he could act. He quickly gathered his family moving back to the opening in the fence. This time he held in his heat a little building up the temperature telling his family to hold back a few feet Tavi opened his mouth allowing a wave of heat to slap those that were standing near the fence as he squeezed through he let the heat radiate past his body making several people stumble backwards into the street for fear of being burned and made the more curious back away simply out of discomfort.

As he walked forward like a portable radiator people began making way as the Flareon called his family having them walk in a line behind him making sure it was Eevee, Leafeon, Eevee, and Glaceon. He set a quick pace as the humans moved onto the street to let him pass and he kept the pace up glancing back several times a minute to check just how many people were still following. He could figure that the foremost three who kept up at a jog several feet behind were trainers but as long as they kept their Pokemon to themselves he could handle that. The one thing he was unsure of was the line of cars that now kept pace at the street a few feet away. He could tell his mate was extremely nervous but the cubs it seemed were excited by everything that was happening often barking and squeaking.

He breathed a small sigh of relief seeing the next corner ahead and the fact it had a crosswalk and the sidewalk that started on the opposite side. He kept pace until they had passed onto the concrete and down what were now yards and houses that started from the corner. The fourth house down had a Grotle lounging in a perfectly trimmed gleaming green lawn. "Hello. Mind if we stop here for just a moment." Tavi asked.

"Stay of the Grass." It grumped quickly standing and facing them.

"No worries well stay here, we only need a moment to rest." Tavi spoke. The moment though seemed like it wouldn't happen as soon as he allowed his cubs to sit and rest for a moment people were jumping out of cars and surrounding them. He had to try and quickly calm Leafeon who had grabbed an Eevee by the scruff looking ready to bolt while at the same time he was trying to stop Scar from growling and hoping he wouldn't attack. "Just stay calm." He spoke suddenly feeling a sense of relief hearing a siren of in the distance with a squeal of tires as it rapidly approached.

Tavi barked loudly a few times forcing Leafeon and Glaceon to sit down with the cubs between them while he waited puffing heat at any who chose to come close. Grotle had watched the exchange until several humans had wandered off the sidewalk and onto his grass yard. With a small roar the grass Pokemon launched several razor leafs causing the humans to back off while it stomped about its area huffing.

Officer Jenny arrived in seconds afterwards jumping out of her car and shouting at everyone to stand back. Tavi waited until he saw the officer in front of them before calling his family up and barking at the people who were in his way on the sidewalk. They made slow progress forward even though Officer Jenny was calling for them to halt. Tavi barked once and shot out a flame over a car making several people duck before he dashed out into the street running towards the squad car and the door she had left open aiming his head inside the open vehicle and growling with meaning.

"EVERYONE STAND BACK!!" Jenny shouted jumping in front of the car waving the other humans away. Tavi smirked walking back to his family and got them moving once again, humans were always worried about their things. By the time they had walked another dozen block and were into the city proper it had become more like a parade with several police vehicles following as the family walked down the sidewalk. There was a long line of humans following on both sides of the street kept back a good ten yards by officers who also tried to keep the side walks ahead clear as well.

When Tavi changed directions and crossed the street heading down the main boulevard he stuck to the middle of the street trotting forward to get to his destination just a few more blocks away. Sirens started blaring behind them for nearly a minute before stopping but the noise caused the Eevees to wail and everyone to hunch down from the noise. Tavi decided a quick bolt was the best plan now picking up the pace while keeping an eye back for his family as they charged down the road heading towards the Gym he had scouted out previously.

They kept charging forward following Tavi as he lept up the half dozen stairs leading to the Lightbar Gym in two bounds, turning he watched his cubs and mate work their way up while Glaceon turned watched behind them as people ran down the sidewalks trying to catch up. Once everyone was at the top he led them off the main path to one side.

Lightbar Gym was one of the largest with training arenas with both inside and outside the facility. The outdoor training area and small agility course off to one side of the main walkway and a full arena on the other side. Tavi had chose the arena side leading everyone to stand inside the trainers box to keep them safe while he took the field waiting to see if he could entice those from inside the gym to come out.

It quickly turned into a near festival like scene with people quickly gathering around the arena side eager to see some sort of match calling to each other and looking for spaces to stand or sit. In no time at all Tavi had his first challenger who wanted to battle with the flame Pokemon. Tavi on the other hand stepped away and allowed Glaceon forward when the trainer tossed out a Wartortle. Before the trainer could even complain this Pokemon was under a hail of attacks that left the water Pokemon unconscious after just a minute.

Tavi used agility when the trainer tried to toss out another poke ball crossing the space in a flash to send the ball spinning out of the arena before he stepped menacing forward towards the trainer until he left the box. By this time several officers had moved in trying to force the crowds back telling that it was for their own safety.

"It's fine officers we can handle this." A well dressed female stepped forward. "So we have three eons and two Eevee cubs. Micheal grab some poke balls we can have this sorted out in just a moment."

"Yes Sarah right away." One of the three males standing behind the female quickly backed away and darted inside the gym.

Tavi snorted out and made sure his family was back with in the trainers box. This time there would be no holding back. He could already feel the energies swirl around his body as he prepared himself. Scar quickly blasted a small ice wall for Leafeon and the cubs to hide behind as he placed his body on the other side of them using himself as a possible shield. The Flareon kept his mouth closed the fire inside compressed in on itself building in intensity as he aimed himself at the far side of the arena.

The release was a blast of both heat and air as the Flareon opened is mouth pouring out flames that wove together with air. There were more than a few screams as humans scrambled away and pushed each other out of the way to get away from the heat wave. It wasn't just the intensity that Tavi was now able to tap into but power as well. With in a few seconds more than half of the opposing field was covered in a base for his fire spin that was tripling in height to its base. Likely several of the officers would end up looking slightly sunburn as they too stumbled away as he completed his attack already allowing the power to die down since there was no need to sustain it.

Tavi jumped over the already melting ice block landing on Leafeon with a chuckle. "Think they dare mess with the guardian now?"

"Get off." She told him butting his chin with her head.

"Alright everyone quickly follow me. Scar a quick ice shard so we can stand in the middle." Tavi muzzled the cubs forward as the Glaceon leapt up onto the lump of ice left and blew a quick cool path for them to the middle of the arena. By the time the heat and flames dissipated and the humans were looking back all five were sitting at the arenas center, cubs in the middle and the three eons watching outwards.

It seemed that Sarah and her backup had vanished as people slowly stood up and many slowly moved back. Several people were quickly making exits over the short wall going back to the street but for the most part people were standing further away waiting to see what might happen next.

"Lady GO!" The call had a black shape charging out landing on the arena and skidding to a halt. Even as Tavi moved slid around to protect his family Leafeon had charged forward with a gleeful cry. She was barely able to dodge out of the way as an Iron Tail was aimed at the arena floor in front of her.

"Hello Umbreon." Tavi spoke in place of Leafeon who laid on her side to stunned from the attack that had been aimed at her to move. "Would you like to meet your brother, niece, and nephew?" He asked stepping to the side so she could see them all.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded.

"EVERYONE STOP NOW!" A human shouted. "The rangers will handle this." Tavi almost laughed as the human started forward holding his Capture stylus out as he echoed Umbreon's question. "Tavi that is you. What are you doing here?" The ranger demanded. The Flareon did nothing but flick his tail a few times in response and sat down.

"So do I get the same treatment Sis?" Scar asked slowly walking forward to the Umbreon. He continued forward slowly leaning in when he got close just touching her muzzle. She stayed still until he actually touched her before she jumped backwards looking back towards the gym leader.

"I don't know about that. After all he is on my gym's grounds and that would make it my responsibility to take care of." Richard spoke addressing the ranger. "Besides I know my sister would be quite upset if I allowed him to come to any harm although they are causing quite a scene. Lady please escort them inside and we can figure this out there."

"Come on follow me." Umbreon spoke crisply heading back to the main doors which now stood open.

"Don't worry." Tavi whispered quietly to Leafeon as he helped her get up. "CUBS this way." He called out to the Eevees as he followed behind Scar and his sister.

Inside the Umbreon lead them down the first hallway turning a corner and waiting for them at a door. "Why did you come here!? I am just fine." She spoke quietly but make it feel like there was nothing but steel in those words

"Fine? You almost knocked me flat!" Leafeon nearly shouted out at her daughter more than a little upset.

"Exactly!!" Flareon said nudging his mate back. "She is more than strong enough to defend herself, her trainer, and this gym. That is what she wanted." He turned back to Umbreon. "And you should know your mother came all this way just for you. I know you haven't forgotten all the things your family has been through or..." He let his words trail off as the bre had passed him by and rubbed her side against the Leafeon.

"Sorry. I have to follow orders and we were told you might be attacking. I wouldn't have hurt you." She told her mother. "BUT I would stop Tavi if I had too." She spoke giving the male a hard stare.

"Well grown up now haven't we?" Tavi spoke with a light laugh.

"Indeed!" Umbreon spoke standing on her hind paws walking back past Tavi and reaching up to a panel on the wall tapping out a sequence of numbers on a key pad. "Come inside and head to the right."

The door whooshed open as the family watched in amazement. Tavi walking through first followed by the tentative pups who slowly moved into the new hallway. "There is nothing to worry about." Umbreon spoke going back to her paws and giving a nod with her head to get her brother and mother to follow.

The Flareon lead the way through the archway on the right into a wide room which had several poke mats and pillows on one side with what looked like a few different kinds of poke chow dispensers on the other side with bowls. Towards the back the was a couch and cabinets along with a small table and a television attached to the wall. The cubs went right to pouncing and playing among the mats and pillows while Umbreon showed her brother and mother how to make the containers dispense food which quickly brought the cubs scrambling across the floor.

The Flareon moved further into the room laying down near the couch on the last mat. He watched as the cubs played among the food making a mess but before Leafeon could scold them Umbreon stopped her. "Let them have a little fun." Leafeon did stop them long enough to do proper introductions for her children before allowing them back to flicking pellets at each other as they tried to catch them in their mouths.

With in an hour or so both cubs had curled up and Leafeon, Glaceon, and Umbreon were laying together not far from Tavi who had stayed fairly quiet the entire meeting allowing the family to catch up and learn more about what had gone on while they had been apart. The Flareon only really offered comments to help the others understand something that Umbreon was trying to explain. Several times there had been humans who stopped at the archway looking in on them before moving on.

Suddenly Umbreon scrambled up standing on her hind legs and walking slowly towards the hall. Tavi could pick up the argument that had suddenly grown louder as several people foot falls were suddenly heard. "You still should have known better! I can't say that you actions today inspire much confidence if you plan on taking over." The voice was followed by Richard who stopped in the archway along with four others whom stopped behind him. "And you sure as heck should have known not to try and antagonize any small Flareon until you were sure who it was."

Umbreon gave a little huff with a slight growl before she looked back to the sleeping cubs. "Follow me." She spoke to her family before walking past the group with another little huff still walking on her hind paws down the hall. Tavi couldn't help wondering what was going on as the gym leader and the rest followed her down the hall and into a different room. The Flareon followed but rather than enter the new room which looked to be a conference room with one large table and several chairs he sat in the hall were he could still keep an eye on the entrance to the room where his cubs were.

"Tavi you don't have to worry here." Richard spoke softly pulling several chairs out one which Umbreon hopped into but both Leafeon and Glaceon sat down on the floor. "Let me first say I understand why you might have wanted to come here but it would have been far better if you had brought everyone here in the early morning." The Flareon gave a little snort with a head shake. Even with the crowds and the possible dangers he felt they were probably much safer with the crowds than possibly meeting just one or two humans who would surely try and capture his cubs. Besides he was hoping the Rangers would show up or at least be close by in case something really did happen and he was wondering why they weren't here now, surely they weren't going to just allow him to walk back out of town.

"I will let you spend the night here and have an escort for you tomorrow to take you out of town is that fine?" Tavi nodded to Richards question still refusing to enter the room realizing his question was answered he turned to the bre. "Lady do you think there is anything you need, anything they need?"

The Umbreon stood putting two paws on the table staying still for a moment before shaking her head giving a little huff for an answer. "Father I still don't understand why you treat her like you do. She is not a human, she's nothing more than a Pokemon."

Richard seem to hold in most of his sigh as he stared across the table at his daughter and her two closest followers. Even being able to win several regional champion matches and collect scores of other gym badges she still didn't fully understand the depth of the bond between a trainer and Pokemon or how far it could go or the strength of the family bond or even friendship that so many Pokemon seemed to share. "I treat her exactly as she deserves just as I treat you."

"EXACTLY!" The young woman cut in. "Her own personal passcode, making everyone step aside for her, allowing her to prance around or Walk on her hind legs. It's like your trying to make her into a human."

"Clare I Never taught her to walk on her hind legs and she has earned EVERYTHING I have given her. It's not the battles she wins nor the tricks she does that make her the Lady of this gym, it is what and who she is. You know that at times there is more to a battle than just types, moves, and tactics I taught you that long ago." It seemed to be an old lecture, one which the young woman barely paid attention to staring more at the Flareon in the hallway.

"So if he can't be caught, and you won't let me catch the others, what's wrong with having a little battle?" Clare suddenly challenged.

"Because I don't need my gym destroyed. I know you won't give up without going full out and I'm fairly sure Tavi would answer in kind. In the end it would be your Pokemon and my gym that would suffer."

Again paying little attention to her father she concentrated on the Flareon. "They can take it and I think it's about time someone proved that he can be beat."

"BREON!" With a bark the black form leapt across the table landing in between the two. With a growl and another bark she stood firm giving a quick glance back to her trainer.

"Well it seems you have a challenger, though not the one you wanted." Richard spoke almost amused.

"I don't need to battle you dad, or did you forget I beat you as well." She replied.

"Oh I didn't say I was challenging you. You seem to want to fight with Tavi who doesn't have a trainer I don't see why you can't take Lady's challenge if I don't give her orders. This way I know I won't have to do any serious remodeling when your done." He told his daughter.

The match was held inside, Leafeon insisting on staying with the cubs while Tavi and Scar went out to watch the match. The Umbreon entered the ring upright growling lightly before she stepped out of the trainers box and dropped to all fours. "Well I can't say this will be much of a challenge." Clare spoke out mockingly.

"You never did understand the true nature of a Pokemon my daughter and until you do, you will never become a true leader of this gym. Lady, Train her well."


"Fine! Cacturn GO!" The female called out releasing her first choice. "Poison Sting." The Umbreon easily dodged waiting cautiously. "Again!" Clare called. This time the black form dodged responding with quick attack closing the distance but doing little damage.

"Feint." Lady danced back but wasn't fast enough to dodge again when the trainer called for poison sting a third time. "Ha, now you see. She's going to be defeated just like all the others. Return!" Clare was nearly gloating already knowing that the poison would slowly do damage.

Perhaps she wasn't expecting Pursuit or maybe she was but the damage to Scyther was significant as it came out of it's ball. "Quick Double Team." Clare called glad that when the Umbreon charged with Tackle the attack ended up smearing a shadow. "Now Wing Attack." There wasn't much Lady could do as the other Pokemon moved up beyond her reach suddenly dive bombing her from above, a move she was only able to partially dodge.

She did counter with Assurance as soon as the opening came causing more damage and this time striking a hard blow. "Scyther use Razor Wind." With the command the Umbreon began to glow slightly body healing as she used Moonlight on herself and prepared for the second half of the others attack. She dug her claws into the arena floor as the wind roared past pushing her back nearly into the trainers box as it ripped against her body. Not missing her chance she countered with Iron Tail landing a heavy blow and sending the Scyther to one knee.

"Return!" Clare called again, "And now to finish this off, Heracross take her out."

Tavi had carefully watched the fight impressed with the growth Lady had achieved since the time she left. He was glad his mate wasn't here to see this and he kept giving small warning to Scar to keep him in place reminding him that she would be more than upset if he tried to interfere. There was still a sense he had that she was holding back, not going full force and he just wasn't quite sure why yet.

Lady squared off against the bug Pokemon knowing that this wasn't a good match up for her but that wasn't going to make her back off. "Horn Attack." The blow caught a glancing shot but enough to send her to the stone floor. "Quick Fury Attack." This time she was was quicker dodging all but one blow before attacking with Pursuit. The battle was moving quickly now and Lady was starting to feel the wear as she again barely dodge Take Down getting another glancing blow that caused her to stumble and fall flat out.

"HA! Heracross Mega Horn!!"

Lady had barely gained her feet as the other barreled towards her horn down and glowing. There was no way she was going down though this fight, no matter what her trainers daughter thought, this was not over. The blow connected sending the black form up into the air flipping over several times before it came crashing back down to the stone floor. "And that Dad, is how it's done. She doesn't need to walk on two legs or open doors, you might as well have her wear a little maids outfit and carry a feather duster."

On the sidelines Tavi had a firm grip on Scar's ear biting down hard enough to keep the growling Glaceon from charging the ring. Richard shook his head at his daughter, she watched as he slowly pointing back towards the arena. It might have been a surprise to most to see the Umbreon slowly standing back up having used Endure to survive the attack but the low growl grew in volume as the Heracross stepped forward ready for more of its trainer's commands. It wouldn't get the chance though, Lady opened her mouth and released a Hyper Beam with as much power as she could connecting with the dead center of the bug Pokemon sending it flying backwards toppling over onto it's back.

"Stay here." Tavi ordered stepping up from his seat and walking onto the arena as the drained Umbreon was forced to sit down. He had a small smile for the black eon as he sat next to her side, "Never give up, that was an excellent effort."

"It's not over." Lady panted back, "Get out of the ring."

In mirror to her statement Clare called out a foul for the Flareon entering the ring and disrupting the battle as she recalled her Heracross. "Clare... You already lost whether you know it or not. Three Pokemon you used and you still couldn't stop her. And you think she has no rights to be called the Lady of this gym." The Pokemon in question had gotten back to her feet stepping forward to stand within the center of the arena.

"BRREEEOOOOONN!!!" Her cry echoed throughout the building and in seconds a Seviper came slithering forward racing to the call. A Mankey, Azurill, Sunflora, dozens of Pokemon were charging forward collecting next to and behind the Umbreon, even Scar raced forward to push his way to his sister's side.

Tavi though pushed his way past the growing group out onto the opposing side of the arena standing between the group and Clare. "Eee eon." He stated loud enough to stop all the other Pokemon's calls and cries.

"The thing you don't understand my daughter is the simple fact you would have to kill Lady to stop her. Her whole heart is devoted to this gym and everyone in it. It shows by the Pokemon who stand at her side and would willingly fight at her command. She is the Lady of this gym because she EARNED IT! And if you ever wish to replace me as the leader here you will need to do the same, Earn It!"

Tavi could tell the female was upset by her father's words hands clenched in anger and he stoked his internal fires while compressing the heat keeping it bottled inside. Clare glared back across the arena at all the Pokemon clearly upset with how things were going, finally she settled back on the Flareon. "I still could have beat you." She stated firmly.

It was a second later that the Tavi let loose, not aimed at any one target though. The Flareon lifted his head up and exploded in heat as a white flame thrower erupted towards the ceiling. The Pokemon on the arena floor all cried out in worry ducking away from the heat and cowering backwards as Scar tried to blow out a blast of ice for a barrier to the majority of the searing air. Clare herself had to duck and roll away on the ground dropping the one foot off the arena onto the soft sandy floor.

It was over as fast as it began Tavi taking his steps slowly towards where the female had gone looking down at her and snorting in her face when she finally looked up. "Clare you should know by now which fights to run from and that is one that I would run from myself. Lady, come on." Scar quickly trotted after his sister before Tavi hopped off after the group leaving the trainer to dust herself off after she stood back up watching as the arena slowly emptied of Pokemon.

The afternoon turned to evening with Umbreon taking a nap with the kits until they woke back up. Neither male spoke about the fight to Leafeon knowing she would only be upset, it was enough for her when she was told her daughter won. Tavi and Lady went outside together and spoke a great deal on how things had gone, how she had been trained, and she told him she really appreciated the fact he helped her find a good trainer. "It hasn't been easy but I know I've made him proud." She stated.

"Compared to what I went through it was likely easy, but your path was the right way. He obviously values you and all that you do." Tavi stopped giving a little shudder. "Daniel was... Well let's just say after he lost to Ledge and I got out of the Pokemon center I went right back in from his punishment."

"He beat you?" Tavi shook his head in answer. "No although he did kick me a lot, no he had the other Pokemon attack me... basically he figures its training as well as a punishment for losing. Just promise me something. If you ever see a Pokemon being abused or an abusive trainer try to tell Richard. I'm sure he'd understand what you are trying to tell him, he seems to know you well."

The two continued talking until they were interrupted by an Aipom who shouted out that he had found them. Moments later Mary showed up and Handy ran up onto her shoulder. "Well... I guess it's good to see you Tavi, I had to drive a rather long way to get her but I've been ordered to take you and your family back home tomorrow morning." She was rather surprised when the Flareon growled at her advancing while opening its mouth letting out a wave of heat towards her. After she took several steps back and asked what was wrong he stopped staring at the ranger pair until he crouched down. "Veee.... Eeveeee."

She watched for a moment and when he made the cry again her answer was, "You've got to be kidding."

That was how it went though, she had to get approval to move the family over to Skyback mountain using a pickup truck with a large padded cage. It wasn't very easy to get Leafeon or the cubs into the cage and Scar had refused outright. It was decided that he could head home with a simple escort out of the city even though Leafeon was adamant about him continuing on to help protect the cubs. Tavi assured her that they were already going to a protected area and if needed they could spend a while there until the cubs grew older or they would wait for another ranger patrol to show up to take them back home, though unhappy, she reluctantly agreed.

Even though they had left in the morning before it was truly light it still took most of the day and was already dusk when the pickup rocked to a stop on one of the higher dirt trails of the mountain. The cubs who had been cooped up all day quickly raced around forcing one of each of their parents to bolt off after them and pull them back together before Tavi could take control and get them going.

Thankfully though it wasn't more than an hours walk before his feet took him down old familiar paths to his den as darkness settled in. The Flareon called out a few times but got no response before creeping inside. In the darkness he could feel the familiarity but also a sense of vacancy, it seemed his brother wasn't here and hadn't been for a while. That didn't mean much in his mind, after all his brother could have gone back to his family's old den or even moved to an entirely new spot. Calling for his mate and cubs he moved them in and got them settled in for the night but it took a long time for anyone to fall asleep with the restless cubs who had been trapped all day.

The morning started with him quickly collecting a breakfast for everyone. He saw a few Pokemon in the dawn light but none seemed to recognize him and he didn't bother trying to find out where his brother was yet. With his family fed Tavi led them to the paths that took them back to his father's den finding that it also was abandoned. He allowed his cubs to play in the area outside the den while his mate inspected inside. "Do you like it here?" The smile she gave said more than enough as they watched their sons pounce and roll on the ground before they broke apart chasing after one another.

"Will we stay here?" She asked.

"Of course." He quickly answered. "No one seems to be using it and the last one to use it was my family so we shouldn't have any problem at all. Unless, you want to try and travel back home now." Her answer was to sit next to him rubbing against his fur as they continued to watch their cubs. Later he led his family on a quick little trip showing them the small stream and a half dozen berry and edible vegetation that was close to the den. When they had each gathered up a little something they made the trip back to the den and Tavi left them there with the intentions of finding his brother.

Trotting down the hill showed how much had changed in the time he was gone. Noise and life was heard everywhere and now with the morning passed a good deal of Pokemon could be seen. "Have you seen Eevee?" He stopped asking a few here and there but the answer was the same, none had seen or even knew of an Eevee. Slightly perplexed and even a little worried he asked the next Pokemon a little Cherub who the guardian was now, who protected them.

"Oh no one protects us, this is a special place where humans aren't allowed to harm us."

"But what if they did? What would you do?" Tavi asked earnestly.

"Oh I'd just talk with Luxray. He knows all about humans, he supposedly even meets with them sometimes." He was able to get a location on where the Pokemon stayed, it was a spot he remembered so he quickly trotted off in that direction.

"What do you want?" The question wasn't firm or harsh but it was one that commanded an answer as Tavi approached the Luxray seeing it stand up on the small rock ledge that it had been resting on.

"I am Tavi, I used to be the guardian here."

"I remember who you were... and that you left.. What do you want?" The other hopped down stepping forward and standing at twice the Flareon's height.

"I was looking for my brother, and hoping to get information on my sister." He answered. "We traveled a long way to get here."

"We?" The electric Pokemon asked, it's tail star flashed as it continued. "Who else did you come with?"

"My family. My mate and cubs. This is still my home... well was my home. Where is Eevee?!" Tavi barked gruffly not liking the way the other canine seemed to loom over him turning his body keeping the other in front of him as it stepped to the side.

"Eevee? No you mean Jolteon, and if you were paying any attention to what was around you then you would know he was right behind you." A body slammed hard into Tavi as the words were spoken knocking him into the Luxray who had stood up on its hind legs and knocked him sideways sending him to the ground. Before he could even roll back up he was hit with a Thunder Wave making most of his muscles lock up. It took a few seconds for him to shake it off only to have the Luxray repeat the attack this time paralyzing him.

"Well you certainly have gotten a lot weaker." The Jolteon spoke stepping up next to the Luxray rubbing against his side. "Hello brother."

Weaker? The Flareon thought feeling more than a little upset for the attack and ready to show his brother just how wrong he was. Even with the paralysis still gripping his body he pulled control of his fires making them grow as he waited, feeling a hind leg twitch. "Well the old Guardian it obviously old, besides how strong could he actually be. I don't ever remember him doing more than running up and down the mountain." The Luxray put in snidely.

It was only another few seconds before Tavi crawled to his feet shaking himself off and facing the pair. "Well brother you.." Jolteon stopped suddenly backing away. The Flareon had begun releasing his heat, opening his mouth to growl but it was the look remembered from when he was a cub that suddenly had the other eon shiver. Seeing Luxray answer the growl and step forward he acted pouncing on his mate and shoving him to the side. "Tavi stop please, we can't handle a fire here."

"I understand that, but what makes you think I'm somehow weaker than before?"

The Jolteon squinted his eyes trying to directly face his brother feeling the heat rolling at his body feeling like he might start baking in his fur. "I was wrong brother, please."

Tavi had already allowed his fires to settle back into his sac releasing the rest of the energy around his body instead of directing it forward. "You think it's like that?" Luxray had stood back up shoving Jolteon out of the way. He didn't even take a step before he was plowed over as Tavi used Take Down sending them both into the brush from the strength of the attack.

"Luxi STOP NOW!! I don't want you hurt nor do I want to see our home in burnt ruins. He's done more than you ever have and he IS the reason why we live in a safe place." Jolteon had pushed his way next to his mate pressing his body on top of the others. "Please, this is my brother why would you want to hurt him?"

"Why? Because I always have to listen to how he's better than me. You don't ever seem to really want me, all you really want is him!" The canine snarled.

Jolteon stood back shocked at the harsh words and near cracking voice of the Luxray. Tavi pulled himself free and decided it was time to back out. "You made you sister understand your choice but not the one you chose?" He asked. "I'm heading back home. My mate and cubs are staying at dad's place, come see us when you work this out. I would be happy to meet you both properly, when your ready." The Flareon raced off not allowing either a chance to speak before he left.

It took nearly a minute after his brother to leave for Jolteon to answer, "You can't believe that can you?" He asked quietly.

"Why because you always talk about him. You introduce me to the rangers and you said it was for me but really it was so you could go run and see your father. You stay with me but I always wonder if you even want to at all." The words were delivered harshly but the Luxray had trouble keeping his eyes free of water.

The other Pokemon shivered wondering how and what to say at first taking a slow breath the eon started, "You remember when I left what happened? You ended up mating with that Chikorita? NO DON'T LEAVE!" The growl from the other canine grew as he turned, holding just a moment as he looked back. "Please Luxi just listen. I know it's not easy sometimes. I mean, I do remember how my sister smelt and how hard it is for the two of us in spring when all the females are around and I've already told you I don't blame you because of what you said afterwards. 'It happened, I'm sorry, Please don't leave me.'" Jolteon took a slow shaky breath repeating the words a second time staring into his mates eyes. "I'm Sorry, Please don't leave me. I don't know if I've said it wrong or if you haven't heard what I've tried to tell you so let me tell you my truth. When I was an Eevee my brother gave me something special and it wasn't my first time mating. He taught me who I should love and why, it's those I think and dream about."

"Great you dreamed of me, him, and half a dozen others. The fact is I'm always fighting a memory and now he shows up and you expect me to let him take over as guardian, you want me to let him take what I worked for? Don't leave me you say, how long before you leave to be with him?" The Luxray lashed his tail back and forth in anger.

Jolteon slowly walked next to his mate rubbing against his side letting a light charge out that caused their fur to crackle. "Everything you have, everything I have, everything WE have is because of him. I was captured and he brought me home. You were brought here because he showed the humans bad thing had happened and they wanted to fix it. You saw him trotting down every day and often stumbling back later. He is stronger than both of us and you know it, but you're a fool if you think he wants to take anything from you, and you still didn't listen to what I told you." The yellow Pokemon moved all the way around slowly rubbing his head under the others chin. "When I was young I wanted my brother to love me, to be my mate. His answer was simple, he loved Leafeon, dreamed about Leafeon, and wanted his whole life to be with her. Luxi I dream of you now and no one else, just you, it never mattered to me that you mated with Chikorita because I knew you dreamed of me. My brother and I mated but we were never meant to be mates and if I were to fool around with him again, and I wouldn't unless you said I could, or, or maybe he could be with both of us."

"It's not easy always listening to you, Tavi this, Tavi that, this would be so easy if Tavi was here...."

"Shhhhh." Jolteon shushed as he moved around to the other side of the canine gently nosing under his mate. "I said I was sorry. I will try to not make you so upset in the future. It has always been you ever since we played around that first time before we evolved. And I didn't take you to the rangers so I could see my dad. I took you to them so I could always have you by my side, I didn't want you to have to hide from the humans when I went to see them. You just did way better than I thought you would, maybe better than I can, after all they never tried to use their devices on me and they always do with you."

"It makes it so they can understand me better." The Luxray explained.

"Yes... But do you understand me now?" Jolteon had moved around behind the other and suddenly hoped up placing a paw on the others rear.

Turning his head to look back at his mate the Luxray smiled. "Suddenly getting _that_urge today?"

Jolteon gave a few gentle licks to the others haunch before dropping down. "Maybe, but what I'd really like to do is go see my brother and this Leafeon that HE always talked about, but I'm not going without you."

With a large faked sigh the Luxray turned, "I guess I can come and force myself to listen to more stuff about your brother."

Jolteon made him pause pushing into his shoulder and leaning heavily on him. "I want to say this and I hope you can understand. My brother does many things well but there is one thing you do better, I know you love me more than he does. I would enjoy mating with my brother again. He has, well he can make me squirm in a way no one else can but I'd like you to be with us. "

"Please tell me this isn't another one of your weird ideas."

Jolteon giggled slightly, "You know you've enjoyed some of them, but no. Tavi is far better at some of this stuff than me no matter how hard I try. I'm sure Leafeon could tell us stories for days but I just want you to think about it."

"I'll think about it." He answered.

"Hmm. I wonder if we should ask Leafeon to join too? I think you would have more fun then."

"... Are you, I mean did you just?"

Jolteon gave another little giggle walking away as he looked back at his slightly stunned mate. "I know you like females too you can't completely hide that. I don't care. I don't mind if you ended up mating with Chikorita again either. All I wanted, all I've ever wanted is to be with you, it's you I dream about." Luxray was left standing there for several seconds before he shook his head and moved to catch up with his Jolteon.

It was two days later and Jolteon was introducing his brother's family to many of the local Pokemon, especially those that had cubs. It had been an interesting morning for Tavi finding out who still remembered him and who seemed to have no clue who he was. They had just left the Linoone family which had a new Zigzagoon cub and one of their Zigzagoon who was fully grown living with them when they were nearly run down by a Nuzleaf who demanded help and Luxray babbling about how he had stumbled across several nets. "No no no. Why now? The rangers haven't come yet!" The yellow canine whined looking to his older brother.

"Jolteon what's wrong? Besides the rangers dropped us off." Tavi informed him.

"What! Why didn't you tell us! Come on we have to find Lux." Jolteon told the Nuzleaf before both vanished tearing off into the forest.

Leafeon had already pushed her two cubs together sensing both the fear and worry from those that had left staring at her mate. "Can you make it home alright?" He asked nuzzling her muzzle.

"I'm fine, go." She told him.

He took his time tracking down his brother who seemed to be racing at top speeds, his senses told him he had found Luxray and the trio had moved on picking up a few more along the way. He slowed down creeping closer to the edge of the bushes peeking out over a slightly sloped clearing watching the agitated group. They had been inspecting what look like netting on the lower side of the clearing slowly walking back towards Tavi.

"So no one's gotten taken yet?" Luxray nearly demanded trying to get answers.

"No, they weren't here yesterday, heck they weren't here this morning I don't know how they got put up." The Nuzleaf answered.

"Damn we were supposed to be fine until after the rangers left, that's what they did before."

"Umm." Jolteon interrupted. "Tavi says they were brought here by rangers." Luxray glared at his mate for several seconds and then the Flareon when he decided to join in.

"Yes." He stated walking out of the brush. "It seems like somethings happening care to tell me what?"

"None of your concern. I WILL handle this." The canine snarled.

"Luxi!" Jolteon barked at his mate, "You'd be stupid not to have him help if he can. The humans have come here with these nets. They drive Pokemon towards them, then capture them. Then they vanish with everything. Its happened only a few times now and we now know it always happens a few days after the rangers come." Tavi's nose caught a light flowery scent as his brother spoke. Testing his nose he followed it along seeing a shadowed area along the edge of the clearing. Not making it obvious he walked away heading the other direction and noticed a second spot on the opposite side.

"If you want my help I'll happily give it but all of you need to slowly follow me out of the clearing now, we are not safe."

It took several moments for Jolteon to get his bristling mate to cooperate and once they were far enough away Tavi stopped and explained. "That scent, it blocks the humans scent, covers it. They are hiding in two spots maybe more. We need to stay out of the clearing."

"WHERE!" Luxray demanded. The two males stared at each other for nearly a minute before Jolteon spoke.

"Luxi, promise me you will listen. Tavi promise me you will follow Luxray's lead." Tavi quickly sat down nodding his head to his brother before looking at the other canine.

"You're in charge. This is your mountain, if you want to be guardian than that's fine with me I left that life long ago to be with my mate. Just realize that running out into the clearing is going to get several hurt, maybe even caught. I don't want to use to much fire so I'll follow your lead."

"Tell me where they are." Luxray spoke softer this time but still hadn't lost his intensity. Tavi pointed to the general direction of the first one.

"What do you plan on doing?" Tavi asked as Luxray looked at several of the Pokemon around them nodding to each before they ran off.

"We are going to defend our mountain, you can help."

Tavi took a slow breath and let it out. "Can I make a suggestion and give a simple statement. The first thing is that this is as much my mountain as it is yours. My mate likes it here and so do my cubs, it's not official yet but we plan on staying here, this will be our home." He paused staring hard at the canine, "And my suggestion is attack from the forest but be ready for anything, quick and fast."

"Do you really think I can't do this on my own? We didn't even know what happened the first two times just a dozen or so missing, last time we caught them just after but some had hidden and watched. This time they are going to find us ready! Your brother has told us all about you, and what you taught him. I have been meeting with the rangers and doing your job since you left." Luxray stated with several growls.

"You think you know it all but you have a lot to learn. I know humans far better than you and you obviously didn't pick up that scent... Sorry Jolteon, I'll try." He quickly stated trying to stop his growl as his brother glared and him, giving a light sigh. "I had no wish for anyone to be guardian after I left, I had hoped things would be peaceful."

"It has been peaceful. We kept meeting with the rangers and always told them things were going well. There were a few humans here and there, and even a few trainers but usually we can gather up enough Pokemon and they quickly run off. We would appreciate all the help you can give." Jolteon spoke pressing against his mate to make him take a few steps back.

"Good then the first thing I can tell you is that I've smelt that smell before. Some human use it to hid themselves. I saw shadowed areas, I don't know what they are but the clearings edge shouldn't be so dark. Keep your nose down in case they spray you, it stinks if they get it on you." Tavi explained a few more things while trying to point out the second spot. While they had spoken well over a dozen other Pokemon had shown up several who looked rather formidable.

With in moments Luxray had ordered a charge through the forest coming from an opposite direction. Several Pokemon hit the screen at the same time tumbling in together as they pulled the blind down with their weight, while their struggling only ended up entangling them more. Others jumped over the mess only to land into the other side where a thicker screen hid the clearing. It took several minutes and careful slash and claw attacks before everyone was free finding only two small collapsible chairs in the sectioned of area. They were far more careful tearing down the second human hiding spot before Luxray ordered them to begin digging out the nets.

"Wait, just wait." Tavi called walking out into the center of the clearing looking things over. He tried to take in everything thinking hard on those that had attacked the mountain in the past. These humans seemed to be something different but yet the same.

"Tavi?" Jolteon asked.

"So they set those up and chase Pokemon into them?" Getting an affirmative the Flareon could see it happening. They would wait in the hidden area then run out scaring Pokemon towards the nets popping out from the blinds hoping to trapping or tangling the Pokemon. "Morning!" He suddenly realized looking over the other Pokemon before stopping on Luxray. "They set this up for tomorrow. That's why they aren't here, it seemed weird to find this because they won't have much time if they started now."

Staring carefully at Tavi Luxray finally asked, "Alright what should we do?"

One canine grinned at the other. "We stop them when they come back, before they can start."

The next morning Luxray had a special team of Pokemon to help him out as they followed the Flareon down the mountain well before dawn listening to him explain. "They will drive up, this is the closest road, they will hide the car and be ready to capture Pokemon early in the morning. We should hurry up." He set a quick pace slowing down as they finally came across the small road. "We should stop them here." He told them standing in a spot where the road had widened out to allow two cars to move past each other before the track narrowed again.

"Everyone hide." Luxray ordered before rounding on Tavi. "You stay out of the way. We can't have a fire here and you've been gone a long time, they have probably all forgotten who you are anyways." He gave a the Flareon a hard shove towards the bushes before running across the road to find cover on the other side.

Tavi stumbled slightly as he turned heading back away from the road turning on his brother when he noticed him following. "Going to watch to make sure I stay put?" He spat out.

Jolteon just stared for a moment before shaking his head. "If you don't want me to wait here with you I'll find somewhere else, Luxi hates when I get involved with conflicts." He gave another stronger head shake that had his ears smacking against the side of his head before letting out a sigh. "It's fine when were alone together but when he's organizing or fighting he wants me back, says I distract him."

"You probably do. It's not easy keeping those you love safe." He moved towards his brother and sat down next to him letting the electric type lean on his body, well nearly over his body. Tavi could finally see now how large his brother had become since evolving and was once again reminded of how small he was compared to his siblings and other eons.

"I haven't had a chance to ask if you're willing to have some fun with me later. I'm pretty sure Lux will agree but I was wondering what Leafeon might think." Tavi looked away knowing this was going to have come up but he hadn't really found a way of bringing it up with his mate.

"It's not that we can't, or I won't, I'm just not sure I really want to." Tavi stated a bit flustered

"You know you're a horrible lair. When was the last time you thought about us being together?" He waited keeping a careful eye on his brother while the other still refused to look at him. "Well I guess I'll have to ask her then, but you know Luxi is probably going to want to have a little fun too. I think he would really enjoy being with Leafeon for a little while." The Flareon's head whipped back around staring at his brother, just as he was about to speak the other flopped down head nosing it's way between his legs giving a few licks. "You know it would likely be a lot of fun for all of us. We could drop the kits off with Linoone and I'm sure they'll have a blast while we enjoy an afternoon, maybe even an evening or all night, and from what I remember you said she showed you how to please yourself at first. It would be fun learning what she knows."

Tavi could barely even swallow as his brother pinned him with a gaze that had a smirk he had grown to know from their fun mornings together. He had to shake himself to break contact suddenly trying for a distraction, "Do you hear something?"

"Not yet, how about we all talk about this tonight after the cubs go to sleep. Lux and I can spend the night outside the den." The Jolteon's ears suddenly perked up and they could both pick out the faint roar of an engine that got louder as the seconds passed.

"He'll probably have Excadrill our first, block up part of the road and hopefully make them stop. Then he will likely hit them with thunder, or he'll have several others attack in small groups to get the humans out." Jolteon told him.

"Hurt or kill?"

"We haven't killed anyone, although he's been getting more and more upset. Things were easier for you because the humans knew you were here, later on some saw me and fled, even before I evolved, Guardian's brother and all. Really we haven't had to do much until recently. Everyone's was extremely upset when we found out what happened, I don't think he's going to kill anyone but I also don't think just hurting them is going to be enough."

"Do you want me to show myself?" Tavi asked and he actually expected his brother to jump at the chance. He knew it was the easiest solution, and he knew his brother knew this too.

"You need to stay here. Whatever happens Luxi really needs to do this."

Tavi moved over and put his head over his brother's shoulder. "I made a promise and it still stands I Will protect this mountain from humans and keep everyone who lives on it safe. I've been gone a long time, found my mate, and had cubs, but don't think for a moment I'm going to allow any humans to take any more Pokemon no matter what you or Luxray says. I AM a guardian and right now I think you all need one again." Jolteon gave a shiver feeling the strength of power that throbbed with those words.

"Just let him try first."

Tavi sat back down giving a little lick to his brother's cheek while giving a little smile, "Of course."

It started out just as Jolteon had predicted Excadrill stomped out several feet onto the dirt track roaring as it tossed several large rocks, even one that looked like a small boulder, towards the van as it came closer one even bounced off the vehicle rocking it. As it rolled to a halt Luxray let loose a heavily charged thunder attack which left it's taste in the air. Everyone waited, expecting the humans to pile out, but as the seconds ticked away most became restless. Jolteon pressed against Tavi almost as if asking him to continue to stay seated as they watched from just a little ways into the trees. Just as the electric type pulled away and took several steps towards the road, an ear splitting noise blasted through the air. The Excadrill being closest tried to cover it's ears hiding its head stumbling away and fainting before it was able to get off the road. Everywhere Pokemon were either trying to cover their ears or scramble away, running from the sound. Even the dozen or so yards didn't protect Tavi or his brother but as one dropped to the ground trying to bury his head into the soil the other went still feeling the vibrations of the air beat against him and pound into his head.

The Flareon let out a scream as he launched forward ignoring the pain and throbbing of his body as he pushed himself against the noise that vibrated the entire world around him. He couldn't hear but yet it seemed all he could do was listen to the noise that pulsed around and through him. He skidded to a stop seeing a human had already exited the side door with some kind of helmet over its head. Without thinking or caring about the consequences Tavi released his maximum power aiming a pure white flame across the front of the van and up over its windshield. It was truly a lucky move for the Flareon, his flames blasted over the glass glazing it to a near glistening melt while the heat continued upwards onto the roof where the two speakers were mounted. They quickly melted to flaming plastic goo ending the noise and leaving the flame Pokemon quivering with after shocks as the vibrations stopped.

He took a few seconds to gather him self up nearly stumbling as he stepped to the side of the van before charging forward and plowing into the human with as much force as he could with the short distance connecting with the humans upper legs sending him stumbling back and onto the ground. Tavi turned his attention to the inside of the van, he wanted to, he definitely felt the need to, but when he released his flames into the vehicle it was at a much lower power, he could only imagine the cries of pain they might be giving out since he couldn't hear them, a that problem left him stopping far sooner that he probably should. It was more than just that though, he knew he shouldn't be killing humans, even those that were clearly here to hunt Pokemon.

The heavy jolt that pushed his body quickly had him turn growling at the attack before he realized Jolteon was there trying to tell him something. Tavi shook his head trying to clear it but when he looked back he realized he there was nothing beyond the throbbing in his head. The agitated look his brother wore made him huff in frustration trying to understand what the other was saying to him. It wasn't until his brother stepped closer, yanking on his mane once he got a hold of it, did the fire Pokemon understand and start to follow. He looked back for only a second as he got to the front of the van and stopped dead seeing another similar vehicle rolling to a stop behind the first one. Just a second before he could charged back in, Jolteon again grabbed his mane this time physically dragging him along not stopping until they were well off the road.

He yanked hard one last time tossing Tavi forward and watching as he stumbled to the ground from the force. It only took a few seconds of looking around at the dazed Pokemon for the Flareon to realize his brother was trying to get everyone away from the humans. He slowly stood up, closed his eyes, and took a moment to truly feel the pounding that still throbbed in his skull, but what worried him was the fact his hearing was gone, even his own heartbeat and breathing were muted, he could only feel what was traveling through his body feeling like the rest of the world was somehow cut off from him. The canine startled at the brush of fur against his body whipping his head around and taking a step to the side before realizing it was only his brother. It was a look of worry, relief, and fear that Tavi saw through his brother's face, a feeling that was creeping into him as well. Jolteon leaned forward and licked him several times before using his head to nudge his brother's shoulder. Once again looking around Tavi could see most of the Pokemon slowly leaving the spot, even the Excadrill stumbled forward, and into a bush as another Pokemon moved next to it to help out.

A few dozen yard later Luxray stepped up next to his mate, "Tavi I'm sorry. I didn't even think they could do that. If you hadn't acted things would have been much worse."

They traveled for several second before Jolteon spoke, "Don't." He stated stopping and moving in front of the Luxray to hold him back. Seeing the Flareon continue on without even acknowledging him caused a small growl as he glared at his mate. "He can't hear you."

Seeing the hurt look in the Jolteon's expression caused the canine's jaw to drop slightly. "Did he..."

"Let's just help him get back home, he promised me he would never allow another Pokemon to be captured on this mountain and that you wouldn't stop him if he was needed. He is the Guardian, not because of how strong he is, or how much he knows humans, but because he will never break that promise, even if it kills him." Jolteon finished softly as he turned to try and catch up with his brother without startling him.

Tavi struggled all the way back up the mountain, not with his body but with his mind and the growing worry over what had happened and what he feared was going to happen. What would Leafeon think, how was he supposed to talk with his cubs, several times he stopped to look for his brother glad that each time he did the other was no more than a few steps away. It wasn't until they were more than half way back that he realized Luxray was there as well following on his other side just a few paces behind. The only other constant on the way home was the pounding in his head which he kept pushing aside as they walked.

When he got close to the den he stopped and sat down, "Can you hear me?" He asked curious feeling the words come out, even feeling them through his body but his ears pickup nothing. Jolteon sat down as well, Luxray standing behind him. One short nod was all he gave as an answer to his brother. Tavi couldn't figure out what to say next, how could he possibly turn into words all that he was feeling. In a dark moment he thought out and spoke, "Should I go home? Would it be better if I just left? What can I possibly do now for Leafeon or my cubs?"

Jolteon tried not to flinch as his brother spoke loudly just barely short of yelling at times and the questions left him at a loss at what to do or even try to say. Luxray though didn't have that problem stepping forward growling as he went. There was no doubt the canine could be very fierce when he wanted to be and he stalked forward with serious menace stopping barely a paws space before the Flareon's nose. Tavi could see and even feel the grumbling Luxray made as he moved that close. With a single paw Luxray forcefully bat the Flareon's forehead before pushing the others body around and pointing with a paw towards Tavi's den. Luxray took several steps forward before looking back waiting. Jolteon moved in as well pushing against his brother's side until he finally stood up and started walking, the electric eon make sure to stay at his side step by step until the reached the dens entrance holding back till Tavi walked inside.

Inside both the cubs charged out into the little clearing followed by Leafeon who stopped short of greeting her mate seeing him head down nuzzling his cubs but not answering their curious questions. The fact Jolteon and Luxray came in behind him nearly filling half of their little space made her worry just a bit, especially from their expressions.

"He's hurt." Jolteon started, asking the cubs to step back for a few moments so he could explain. When he finished Leafeon walked to her mate and placed her head over his shoulder allowing him to draw comfort from her. "We'll work it out somehow, I promise." The electric Pokemon stated before nodding to Luxray to leave.

The rest of the day and night were very difficult for Tavi. Laying down was easy, even the playfulness of his cubs who couldn't be convinced or ordered to leave their father alone, didn't cause him much concern since he was far used to the inevitable playful bites and hits. No his problem was with his mind and the continuing pain that rang in his ears and head. It had gotten easy to ignore the constant noise that seemed to echo yet difficult to not dwell on the fact it was there. It well into the darkness of the next morning before he finally found some sleep even though he had spent his entire time since that afternoon in the den trying to rest.

Leafeon woke the cubs early taking them out to a neighbor thanking them heartily when they agreed to watch both the Eevees for the day. By the time she got back to the den Jolteon was already there having woken Tavi and watched him eat the few berries he had brought. "We need to get him down the mountain." He stated simply when she returned.


"Well were going to pull a trick that worked once before only, Leafeon you have to understand only the humans can help him. We're going to get the rangers to help."

"Good!" She stated getting her mates attention she stepped towards the entrance and waved her tail getting Tavi's immediate response which was to stand up and follow. Jolteon gave a little sigh of relief glad that he didn't have to try and argue with the female. He had been thinking all night on how to convince her once he realized what they needed to do.

Although there was no way to verbally communicate with the Flareon he seemed to have no problem understanding that Leafeon wanted him to follow and Jolteon was able to guide the pair down the hill towards the small gap where Tavi had once summoned the help of humans for his father. Closer to the spot it seemed the Flareon even caught onto the plan trotting a little faster to stand next to Leafeon and press their sides together as they went.

What surprised Tavi was the fact that dozens of Pokemon were already waiting at the spot including Politoad, who touched his shoulder when he got close giving him a pat when he stopped to look at her. They had already cleared a large area out of the ground giving him more than enough room to work as Luxray stepped aside at the edge of the cleared area motioning to him.

The Flareon ended up looking around at all the gathered Pokemon before checking the spaces between them. Sure he could make a signal flame that was easy to see from the road but one thing he remembered from the first time was what had really attracted the attention of the passing cars was the smoke. It took several moments to make the Pokemon understand that he was trying to drag back the large clumps of brush and ground cover they had ripped out before he finally had a few small piles that he ignited one at a time.

Almost immediately he could see cars on the road stopping and humans getting out to look. Rather than create a massive fire tornado Tavi aimed his head skyward and let out several long blasts of a flame thrower getting even more attention than the previous time. Just to be sure he drug another larger pile of ripped up vegetation and set that ablaze too since it seemed several of the first cars had already left only to have others take their place.

The response was way faster this time, it hadn't even come close to midday and Tavi was already looking over two rangers and their partners watching as Jolteon and Luxray trying talking with them. "Take them to the van, if its still there." Tavi spoke out getting all the Pokemon to suddenly stop and look at him. As he glanced back around at the group as a Liepard slipped around the side of him stepping in close. He did jump back in surprise feeling a light gust of wind almost on his face. The ranger's Pokemon looked back at his partner and the pair of humans together understood.

What Tavi hadn't noticed was the Liepard call out twice before it had gotten close to him screaming out only to have the Flareon finally react. When Tavi looked back to the rangers one of the humans had crouched down and was trying to wave him forward. The Flareon stopped after a few steps and looked back at Leafeon wondering how to explain that he was going to leave but he suddenly realized she already understood. She walked forward laying her head over his shoulder for a moment before stepping away and standing next to Jolteon and Luxray.

Tavi had wondered what was going to happen but it turned out he had no need to worry as much as he did. In no time at all the rangers had split up, one pair following Luxray while he walked up the steep tiers with the other pair to a waiting vehicle which drove him to a Pokemon center.

He spent the first two days in the Pokemon center mostly listless as Nurse Joy cared for him, even to the point of grooming him completely with a healthy bath. The headache had faded on the first day but he was still unable to hear much until he woke on the third day. The was a high pitched ringing that irritated his ears but he quickly noticed he could hear other sounds as well that were muted by the tone. Nurse Joy noted his increased activity in the pen he was in when she checked on him and quickly left coming back and kneeling down waving him forward. Tavi watched as her hand went to the side but jerked his head to stare at her hand when it popped. A similar sound had his head whip around to her other hand realizing she was holding something that again popped while he continued staring. Realizing he could hear some drew him back to his new problem of the ringing in his ears that wouldn't stop. Irritated he pulled back and shook his head vigorously trying to shake the sound out. Nurse Joy caught his head and gently pet him carefully rubbing the base of his ears which actually felt good to Tavi.

Joy was able to make a report a short while later ordering him moved to the Pokemon lab for a week before he was to be sent back home. She was unsure on how much permanent damage had been done but he was certainly recovering some of his hearing. Her orders were simple, watch the Flareon to make sure his head shaking didn't become a problem, check his ears daily for discomfort, and watch for any possible discharge from his ears.

That left Tavi the next day laying beside his father, outside on a soft cousin, on a nice breezy but sunny day. They didn't talk much, mainly because Tavi kept having to have his father repeat himself or pretend he could understand. He was glad that he could hear some but irritated by how much he seemed to miss even when standing right next to his father.

It was four days of easy living and comfort, slowly getting better and relieved that the high pitched tones and rings were only happening sporadically. He had been able to follow simple directions that were given to him by the lab staff and was even able to start picking up most conversations if he tried to pay attention which is why it was a serious shock when he was lead inside just before the evening meal and pushed into a small room, the door shutting behind him.

He ended up spending the entire night with out food or interaction. He had been upset several times but no amount of yelling nor slamming into the door seemed to bring any reaction from the outside. The Flareon finally decided the best option for the moment was to wait since his sense of hearing was so limited he couldn't hear was was going on outside the room. At one time during the night he knew he felt and perhaps even heard a thump which caused him to jump up howling and slamming into the door, not enough to truly damage it but it didn't open. Tavi knew if he really wanted out he could break through but he didn't understand why they hadn't told him why he had to stay here in the first place.

The morning brought moe confusion for him at first with two different Pokemon who barged into the room catching him fully asleep. The first was an Arcanine whom rushed in and rolled the still half sleeping Flareon over and pinned him with a heavy paw, the second was a Grotle who kept shouting to stop. Meanwhile there were raised voices in the hallways including shouting from several humans.

"Don't Move." The Arcanine stated pressing a heavy paw into Tavi's chest when he squirmed.

His father was next slipping past the humans making the room which hadn't been all that large in the first place to start seeming crowded with Pokemon. Tavi could barely tell the Leafeon was growling but his call of "let him up" came through. The one thing he could feel was the growl of the large fire type as it ordered his father out or else. The Flareon suddenly realized this was a female and not just that but possibly the one he had met before hearing the raised voice of Officer Jenny "This is a police matter and we will be taking appropriate actions."

Now finally fully awake Tavi wondered about the police dog and how it would react. "Take your paw off me." Since that got nothing more than a glare he upped the stakes. "Do you wish to see dozen of people hurt? My flame will reach into the hallway and you are not strong enough to stop me from flaming them." Seeing the eyes of the other animal harden he continued. "I am perfectly willing to talk things out, but outside where no one gets hurt if we have to have a fight."

The paw on his chest pressed just a little harder. "You are being taken into custody for the murder of a human." The Arcanine stated flatly, "If you attempt to run or attack it will go very badly for you."

"That's not what's going to happen. The rangers are already investigating this matter and they will decide how thing are going to go. The Guardian is the responsibility of the rangers." The Grotle stated loudly stepping closer making the canine's attention shift.

It was a simple thing for Tavi, a slash upwards along the Arcanine's leg while twisting his head to bite hard into her paw earning a slight yip as he struggled free. He had already raised his internal fires to a high level and opened his mouth issuing several waves of heat as he rolled away and stood up. "I AM A GUARDIAN! And if you really want me to fight indoors where multiple people and Pokemon will be injured then step up and and fight!" Tavi barked out suddenly getting the entire hallway to drop to silence. "However, I am also a Guardian," he stated simply, "I will ask you again if we can please go outside. I promise I will listen and talk, I haven't killed any human." After several seconds of standoff he spoke again. "I won't run and I will do what ever you ask, I only ask that we walk outside first."

"You are not to use your techniques at all." The Arcanine stated, "You will walk slowly and no sudden moves and no fire."

"Very well, can you agree to tell me what's going on and stop acting like you're going to pounce the moment I turn away."

"Arcanine pin him down so we can cage him." Officer Jenny ordered. The large dog looked from her owner and back to Tavi.

"Cage? You know if you do as she says all bets are off, besides what's going to stop my fire from exiting the cage even if you got me into one. We should go outside and talk." With that he put action towards his words hoping the police dog wouldn't attack as he stepped past. When he stepped into the hallway it seemed everyone jumped to the side several seeming truly scared as he walked down the hall and towards the nearest exit.

"That's far enough!" Arcanine stated once Tavi got about twenty feet from the building following close behind him when the Flareon pushed open the door, followed by nearly a dozen others who had begun talking loudly again. It was a howl from the large police canine that silenced the humans this time. "Guardian you are under arrest, you will be caged and placed into custody until a suitable spot can be found where you will no longer be able to harm humans."

"Why? What did I do, you said I killed someone but I haven't."

"I do not know. I was only told that you had, and that I would have to help capture you." The Arcanine stated.

Tavi had been thinking hard wondering what could have happened and why they were trying to blame him. "Where is this cage?" He asked suddenly.

"Follow me." Tavi was lead around to the side of the building and the large parking lot where a large metal cage sat behind a pickup truck. He was already trying to stop a slight laugh as he looked over the design. It had 3 mostly solid metal sides which had small wire grating which you could look into with a similar solid metal top and a heavier metal bottom. The door though was a much thinner metal with a wide grated area which stood open.

"You know that can't even come close to holding me right?" Tavi asked. "Please don't worry, I know I promised no fire but I should show you how stupid this is, if you don't mind." He added on.

Not seeing the female answer Tavi heated up his internal fires then pushed beyond that just by thinking that someone was willing to try and keep him from his mate and family. White hot flame roared over the cage focusing on the door mainly. In just a few seconds the metal was glowing bright and cherry already sagging on its hinges from its own weight. Tavi kept the attack going for more than ten seconds leaving the entire metal structure lopsided because one side was beginning to buckle and the metal paint that had been covering it smoking and smoldering. He walked back passing the Arcanine and stopping sitting in front of Officer Jenny shaking his head.

"I really believe its best if you leave this matter to the rangers." Tavi could easily recognize the man dressed in the ranger's uniform who spoke. "The Guardian is extremely powerful as you can see and he has been here days and hasn't hurt anyone."

"Four people in the hospital, one in the morgue, and dozens of television and media outlets calling for him to be contained. We can not allow him to just wander around as he chooses. How long before he kills someone else?" Officer Jenny demanded.

Seeing the Grotle Tavi addressed it. "Which humans?"

"The ones that were on the mountain in the van. The Luxray pointed out a van, one human was inside dead. There were four others in the hospital with serious burns." It stated quietly.

Tavi shook his head feeling upset. "I didn't try to hurt them much, I didn't even use much power. They were there to capture more Pokemon and had injured several including me with their noise."

"So you admit to killing a human and harming others."

Tavi rounded on the Arcanine growling. "NO! I was doing my duty to protect the mountain! They were harming and trying to capture Pokemon. I did exactly as I was supposed to do. They should have only been burned not killed!"

"Really, how am I supposed to believe that after what you just did to that cage." Arcanine demanded. She had waited several seconds before speaking trying to ignore the humans that were starting to argue again including officer Jenny who was stating that she knew her Pokemon could handle the Guardian.

Tavi sat down and closed his eyes needing to truly think for a moment. It seemed the past few days noises were simple and easy to ignore but at the moment it felt like the sounds were coming at him in waves. He suddenly jumped sideways growling at what he realized were paw steps off to the side of him. Leafeon looked surprised at his son before sitting down, "What's the matter."

"I don't know. No one should have died, I made sure to keep my fires low." The grass Pokemon stood up again looking around and beyond the parking lot.

"Show me." He stated. Seeing his son didn't quite understand he spoke again, "Show me how much power you used, and how much you could have used."

"You are NOT going anywhere." Arcanine growled out.

"Listen." Tavi stated simply. "You are not strong enough, not by a long shot, and I don't think the humans here understand either. I had to use full power on the outside of the van but didn't even use a powered attack on the inside. Dad's right, if I can get them to understand the amount of power I used then maybe they can figure out why the human died."

As Tavi took several steps forward the female flame Pokemon acted. One jump and a huge leap and she landed on the Flareon biting into his shoulder trying to pin him down. "Still not strong enough." Tavi almost taunted. "You have to understand I can still turn my head to the side and burn most of your body." He acted on his words but rather than truly harm the other Pokemon he simply blew out a small puff of flame against the Arcanine's side.

"Officer Jenny control your pokemon! This is not the place for a battle and you don't have anyplace to keep the Guardian!" The ranger demanded!

"No she is obviously trying to protect us from harm."

"Is that what you're doing?" Tavi asked softly. "Am I endangering someone? Do you truly think you're protecting anything here? Or are you making that human lie for you?"

The Arcanine let go of his shoulder but stood up slightly on her hind paws before bringing her weight to bear against the Flareon's rear trying to make him sit. "You are dangerous, you have killed a human, and you must be contained!"

"You are wrong. I am powerful, very powerful but I am not dangerous. I only lost control once and ended up killing a Pokemon. I swore to myself that I would never allow that to happen again. But the police do not have the right to contain or take a Pokemon into custody just for being powerful otherwise you might need to be contained. I was protecting the mountain that I am sworn to defend. Those humans came to hunt and capture Pokemon. The rangers told me I was not to try and kill anyone and I DIDN'T! I do not know why that human died but it wasn't because I killed him."

"That's just a criminals excuse." The Arcanine countered.

"Dad, step back." Tavi ordered not taking his eyes off the other flame Pokemon. "If you wish to be burnt to a crisp then fine. Maybe after finding out how truly powerful I am you'll back off but if you wish to protect the humans you better make sure they move back." Tavi pumped out a great deal of heat compressing it all inside as the Arcanine jumped back growling and facing off against the Flareon. He hoped it wouldn't be a true fight knowing that if he really hurt a police Pokemon than the humans were really going to get angry. "I wonder are you supposed to capture me, or protect the humans? Do you understand they are standing to close?"

Tavi released nothing more than a blast of heat, sort of opening his mouth and expelling a belch of confined power getting a shout from several of the humans and had several of them scrambling back. "Arcanine Heel!" Officer Jenny shouted at the same time Tavi lifted his head skyward and let out a short blast of white flamethrower.

He squared off against the female flame Pokemon again as she turned back toward him standing next to Officer Jenny. "You don't understand, they don't understand, no one understands. I AM a guardian. It is my duty to protect everyone who lives at Skyback Mountain whether they want me to or not, and to protect them with all the power I have!" With that he trotted away moving towards a field that had held a herd of Taros for several weeks leaving behind nothing but broken dusty packed clay. With nearly everyone following including Officer Jenny and her Arcanine, who were the closest, he slipped through the fencing and out onto the barren ground. "Eee, vee." Tavi spoke quietly hunching down blowing out a flamethrower with such week power it broke up in places as it moved across the ground. Tavi took several steps further into the field, "Flare," with that he let out a normal type of flamethrower blowing our hard. "Flareon!" this time he called out with strength, after taking several more steps out into the field, letting out a fire blast aimed towards the ground but left no doubt the amount power that had been put behind the attack. Again the fire Pokemon walked several steps adding in a few extra before screaming out, "FLARE!" He took in a quick breath having already pushed up his internal flame letting out a massive fire spin that he sent tearing out over the broken ground watching as the flames pulled in chunks of dirt spitting them back out smoking and smoldering.

"Arcanine!" Tavi called out over the distance and fence that now stood between them. "If you're able to match that then Officer Jenny has the right to put her confidence in you, but you are no guardian." This time Tavi stepped nearly double the space from his previous spots all the while compressing the heat inside as tight as possible pressing more and more power into a confined space. He wasn't able to speak holding with everything he could, for just a second he closed his eyes remembering Leafeon on top of the fallen tree looking ashamed and broken, he even heard phantom voices of canines from his past. His mate, his cubs, his family, and everything he wanted to protect poured into his flames, with his eyes still closed he raised his head skyward and released. Pure white flames roared out the the Flareon's mouth rocketing skyward and for a moment Tavi worried for himself as both heat and flames washed back down towards him. This was it, this was his true max and he held it for a full ten seconds expelling every bit out before it left him. Quickly closing his mouth he made several stumbling steps before taking several leaping jumps away from the heat that seemed to have cocooned him.

Feeling a light breeze of cooler air Tavi took a light pull of air sampling its temperature before taking a slow breath. His walk back was slow but gave those watching time to try and comprehend what they had witnessed. While the fire spin used heat, air currents, and rising winds to make up its attack the Flareon had pushed out pure flames straight up nearly thirty feet with just power alone. The Flamethrower attack was meant for a ten to fifteen foot range pushing twenty tops but here this pint sized canine had topped that going against a stronger force of gravity as well.

He stopped before the Arcanine staring at her a moment before speaking. "I used the white flame on the outside of the van, when I breathed inside it was at the second level, I wasn't trying to kill a human, I don't know why he died. Yes they should have been burned and injured, I don't understand why one died." The final attack had left most of the humans stunned and many, including the officer, were more than a little worried.

It was a second ranger who who was only able to watch the last two of Tavi's attacks that addressed the group with a loud voice. "It seems the rangers have found out more info from the van and will be contacting the police to inform them. I was asked to relay a message to you personally Officer Jenny. Tavi is not to be taken into custody and you are not to provoke him. I think that is a rather mute point to make now that he has revealed what he truly is. He is a guardian, under the guidance and rules of the Rangers and they will be dealing with this. From what I was told the driver of the vehicle was the one who perished, the driver's side door had to be pried open because of several heavy dents on the outside. It seems the driver didn't die because of the flames but instead due to the toxic smoke he was breathing while trapped inside the vehicle. There is a great deal of toxic residue in the van along with multiple melted and burned boxes that held unknown chemicals. The four that escaped the van had several different burns but it seems they left the driver and his body burned with the vehicle. Tavi is to be returned to Skyback Mountain tomorrow and his return will be made public along with the cause of the driver's death."

There was silence for several minutes during which Officer Jenny stopped to study the Flareon. "Arcanine were leaving."

"How are you feeling?" His mate asked the next day. Tavi had spent that afternoon trying to answer his sons questions and then spent the evening being piled on and loved by his kits. Finally they had drifted off to sleep in the den so the pair stepped to the clearing outside to talk.

"Better, I still hear ringing sometimes, and it seems like things are either to noisy or to quiet." He stated letting out a long slow breath as he sat down.

Leafeon moved over slightly pressing herself against the Flareon as she sat next to him, "Your brother believed you would return as good as new and that everything would be right again. I, I still had a hard time fully believing. I knew you would come back but I was still worried that you wouldn't be able to hear." Tavi leaned into her supporting his mate as she rested more on him.

"I will always return, I promise you. What ever it takes I will come home to you." Leafeon let out a little sigh hearing her mates promise as she stood back up.

"You know Jolteon has a great impression of you I get the sense that he believes you can do things that no one else can. I see it in the way he talks about you and the others who remember you have spoken to that as well. They all think that you are greater than any other Pokemon, a legendary spirit in a Guardian that will always protect them." She spoke while gently rubbing her head over his and snuffling in his mane. "There also was another matter he spoke to me about as well."

Tavi stiffened as she pulled away scooting over to face him slightly and rub his muzzle. "He wants us to be together, including Luxray." He spoke quietly.

"Yes and I think he wants it soon. I was able to pacify him enough by showing him what I did to you our first time, Luxray watched but I think he would have been happier if he had been the one to enjoy it."

Tavi sat stunned, "He, You, WHAT?" Leafeon giggled as she suddenly slammed into her mate hard toppling him over as she pounced on top landing so her head was at his crotch. She gave a few licks feeling him immediately shift on to his back more while he spoke. "Did you really?"

She laughed at his shock before turning her body to again nuzzle him this time under his chin as she moved to sit back up. "I made him squirm and wiggle before getting him to release. He seemed to be extremely curious as to what exactly I had done for your first time, especially since you had related the experience so fondly. His exact response afterwards was, That was better than any other female I've been with. Which has evidently been three according to him. Seems he might be willing to try something with me later. Tavi," She stared at him suddenly getting serious. "He loves you, and I think it upsets Luxray, but it seems he is willing to accept the fact your brother seems to want to be with you. I know I love you and I always will, I don't see any reason why the two of you can't be together and if your alright with it the four of us can be included but if your not sure, or have any problems I want you to tell me now."

"I uh," Was about all the Flareon could get out until his mate started laughing, "HEY!"

"Sorry, you never could keep your feelings in check, I can see the idea makes you excited, very excited." She finished rubbing a paw over his now thickened and peaking member. "Don't worry. We can try a few things together, have a little fun, and see what happens. I don't see any way this could be bad for any of us as long as we all agree to this together."

"Um, ya to, together." Tavi tried repeating.

"I don't think we will wake up the kids if we step over towards the stream. And I know they're safe because there is a guardian who protects everyone who lives on this mountain." Leafeon let her tail trail along his body as she stood up and stepped towards the entrance to their home causing Tavi to scramble up and quickly follow.