Can You Help Me? - Learning

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#5 of Survival Series

Can You Help Me? - Learning

By: DarkSerpent

Since I actually killed someone in the previous story I decided to make it up in this one. This one is cute enough that I might do a second.

I smiled in the bright sun shine of the Florida coast. Everyday is perfect for a college student who moved here for school. My name is Dexter, yes there are people actually named Dexter. I'm probably the geekiest wolf in history though. Anyway like I said I moved here for school over a year ago and life is amazing.

Well one day a few guys told me about something they said was really fun; Airboats. So being the curious guy I am I decided to rent one for a day. I walked up to the man behind the counter of the old shack. "Excuse me I called earlier and rented one of your Airboat," I leaned against the counter hearing the entire shack creak. I quickly pulled back and the old frog turned to me. "Alright, can I have you name please?" He asked. "It's Dexter," I smiled and he looked down at his clipboard. "Ok we got you all set up," He smiled.

This guy was just a good old boy who probably lived down in the bad part of town. He didn't ask me if I had ever been on a boat before or if I even had a license. Which his was probably how he made his money by just letting college kids go out whenever they wanted. He led me to a large flat bottom boat. The massive silver fan on the back shimmered in the Florida sun. "Alight kiddo, now ya got three hours, here's your throttle and you're steerin," He started going over everything and explained what everything was. I barely listened to concentrated on the long swamp that stretched out before me. "Alright ya got everything?" He asked, I snapped back to attention, and I nodded not hearing a word.

"Ok climb on up," He motioned and I climbed up onto the large apparatus. I sat in the set and my brown furred hands gripped the controls. He moved up, hit a few buttons, and suddenly the huge fan started up with a loud whirring sound. "Alright you're good to go!" The bullfrog yelled over the engine. When he stepped back I nodded and made the Airboat turn. Slowly I it lurched forward until pulling away slowly.

Soon I had pulled a U turn and had pulled out onto the water. I took off like a bat out of hell zooming down the river. It was thrilling knowing I was gliding across the water at full speed. I turned around a large bend scaring a few birds out of the trees. An hour of this was fun as hell and I must have gone a few miles out. Suddenly the trees lightened up and I entered a large field of tall grass.

I knew these things could easily go over grass as such so I decided to give it a try. I let the current push me back before I speed forward onto the grass. The boat easily pushed the tall stalks forward and I picked up some more speed. This was my mistake, it never hit me that there might actually be things in the grass. I zoomed forward and slammed hard into a stump hiding in the tall grass. The sudden stop slung me forward causing me to fly off into the grass. Luckily I landed on my ass in a deep pool of water. I suddenly burst up with a big gasp.

I coughed and gasped as I moved over to the grass pushing myself up onto the mud back. My feet sunk deep into the roots and mud. "Ick! Of course I'd hit something!" I grumbled and moved through the grass. It was fine till I got a small cit on my cheek. "Damit," I wiped away the single droplet of blood that formed. The field was nothing but saw grass. For those who don't know when you walk through saw grass it cuts you.

I found my way back to the boat. It was on its side with a massive hole through the bottom. "Fuck!" I yelled and moved through the mud. Even if I could turn is back over and get it started I'd sink after a few minutes. I smacked my forehead and felt myself sinking deeper into the mud. "Ok get back to the trees and fallow the river back to the frog guy," I gulped and stared moving again.

It was tiring to have every step I made sink into the mud. Then to have to pull it out with a loud slosh. "God damnit!" I grumbled as my foot got stuck. I pulled harder and feel forward face down into the mud. I quickly pulled back up gasping and spitting out the terrible tasting gunk. My perfect brown fur stained pale grey. I spat out the mud that had gotten in my mouth and blew it out of my nose. This couldn't get much worse.

I pushed back up and made it to the trees. It was only a few inches of water here and the mud wasn't half as bad. I sat down in the mud washing off my face. I looked around at the silent cypress trees around me. I stood up and started moving again. I hoped that I could make it back before night fall. If I couldn't I'd probably have to spend the night out here.

After five hours of intense walking I still hadn't reached the river. "What the hell! I should have at least run into it by now," I toke deep breaths leaning against a tree. I felt something touch my hand and I looked over. A massive yellow and black spider slowly crawled onto my hand. I jerked tossing it away with a loud girly scream. I hated spider with all of my heart and soul. I ran away from it as fast as I could run deeper into the trees. I stopped gasping for air and looking around. All of these trees' looked the same covered in Spanish moss.

I couldn't even tell which way I had come from. "Come on give me a break," The sun started to lower slowly. It went from bad to worse as the mosquitoes came out. They swarmed me for a good hour of walking. I needing to swat at them and smack them away every second. Then as if god truly hated me a loud rumble of thunder came out from over head. Suddenly it began to rain and I looked like a wet mess. There was no escape from the cold rain but at least the bugs had vanished, hiding from the rain I suspected.

I shivered in the cold rain but kept walking. I turned next to a tree and my shirt caught on a branch I grumbled and pulled on it. I was stuck again and when I stepped back I fell into a deep hole. I instantly sank the water going far over my head. My shirt tore off my upper body and while I was down the wind blew it away. I breached back up gasping for air and clawing into the mud next to me. I pushed myself up covering myself in mud and old leaves.

I was now cold, wet, and shirtless. Nature was working against me and the sun was starting to set. I needed to get up out of the water in case it got cold. After a few minutes I found a low hanging branch of a large tree and I pulled myself up. Leaning back against the tree truck I sat on the branch shivering. Suddenly noise burst out around me. Frogs, bugs, and god know what started to call through out the swamp. Fire flies started to flutter around everywhere.

"Note to self...Never listen to Sarah...Airboats are fun and dangerous...and at night in a swamp it's really noisy," I grumbled. Sarah was the girl who told me about the Airboats. Right now I truly hared her. I know I got myself into this but I needed someone to blame right now. My stomach suddenly growled and I held it. There was nothing to eat out here at all. Suddenly a loud hiss erupted under me and I looked down at the black water under me. A burst of lightning illuminated a snake slithering through the water under me. It moved out into the deeper water and suddenly a massive alligator snapped. The snake vanished and I jumped shivering.

"Well there's me to eat I guess," I laughed nervously and wrapped my arms around my knees. Suddenly I heard an old fashioned radio station play very faintly making me shake. "Now that's kinda creepy," I huddled my knees closer to my body. "That's all I need some inbred hillbilly finding me, I can see it now, you got a purtty mouth!" I imitated the classic stereotype. But this was still the Deep South and I have seen a few people like that in town.

I shivered harder and pulled closer to the tree praying no lightning struck it. I don't know how but I did manage to fall asleep. I awoke to the branch shuttering slightly. Looking up I noticed a large falcon sitting on the end of the branch staring at me. "Oh sorry," I climb to the next branch over. Before I jumped down I made sure that no gators where still sitting under me.

I clung to the tree digging my claws into it. Sliding down I made deep claw marks in the trunk as my feet hit the water. I continued my journey and suddenly saw a white piece of foam floating in the water. A thin piece of string wrapped around it and a pink dot on top of it. I cocked my head to one side and made my way over to it. With a short glance I found a long stick which I used to pulled the string over to me. I pulled at what ever it was. The string stretched to the bottom and was heavy. I pulled it up till a metal mesh trap came up. I grabbed it hoping that there was some kind of food in it. With a swift yank I pulled it up seeing it was full of crawfish.

"Yes thank you god!" I yelled and the water suddenly noticed ripples in the water. My ears perked feeling a round metal ring touch the back of my head. I shivered hearing a loud click and I instantly knew what it was. "Now boy you wouldn't be stealing' that would ya?" A deep voice came from behind me. "Paw don't hurt him," A second spoke and the metal ring was pulled away.

I turned my head seeing a large gator standing in a flat bottom boat. His belly pushing up against his overalls. A double barrel shotgun resting in his hands. Next to him sat a small younger possum. He wore jeans and a torn shirt. A large gap between his right front tooth and the one next to it. He smiled and I gulped at the large alligator sitting back down. "Can...can you help me? I'm lost and cold and wet and..." The gator cut me off with a small huff. He reached to my hand and grabbed the trap pulling it over into the boat pouring all the craw fish into a massive cooler.

My heart sank thinking they were just going to pull away without another word. "Toss that back out," He handed me the trap. I tossed the trap back out and the gator moved back to the motor. "Come on if ya comin," He grumbled and I excitedly moved to the boat. The possum took my hand and pulled me into the boat. "Oh thank you so much!" I nearly broke into tears and he huffed again. "Um isn't town the other way?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Doesn't mean that's where I'm headin," He grabbed a mason jar out of his cooler. "But I need to head back to town," He twisted off the lid and toke a nice big swig of the clear liquid. He handed it to his son who toke a small sip before coughing and gasping. He handed it to me and I smelled it. The scent made my whiskers curl and my eyes started to water. "Hell what is this?" I asked covering my nose. "Its shine, put's a little hair on your chest," The gator spoke and I gulped. I knew what moonshine was and that it was really powerful. But to at least be polite I sipped it and when it hit my tongue I instantly gagged. But I forced it down and shivered feeling it burn all the way to my gullet.

I handed it back and he laughed. "You don't know there's a big storm on its way do ya," The possum looked at me. "Storm?" I looked at him. "It's a hurricane William, your maw didn't home teach ya for nothin, us your words," The gator peered at his son. "Yeah there's a hurricane on its way, we go to town now and we'll never make it back, your kinda lucky we found ya, one good lightnin bolt and you'd gator chow," He smiled and my heart sank again. "But..." I was speechless, they couldn't get me home and with a hurricane on its way no one would come looking.

"Don't worry you can stay with us," William suddenly smiled widely at me. This kid was only sixteen or seventeen and had a really optimistic outcome. "He'll have to stay with us paw we can't just leave him out here all by himself," The possum looked at his father and he smirked. "Alright, he'll stay with us," He spoke and I sighed. I really didn't want to but I guess it's a place that's dry. The possum kept trying to talk to me about different things. "Where do you go to school? Do you have a girlfriend? Are there any hot girls at my school? What do you do in your spare time?" He chimed on and on. I just nodded and said yes as he tried to talk to me. I had no interest in this dumb ass redneck. However, at least his enthusiasm was uplifting.

We rounded another bend I saw their house. It was a large shack built in the meeting point of three enormous cypress trees that had grown together. A staircase leading down to dock which stretched out in the water. The tree's roots sticking up from the water stretching from tiny pen heads to thick baseball bats. We pulled up to the dock and the two tied ropes around the poles. The gator pulled himself up and out of the boat and the possum crawled up onto the dock. He held his hand out to me and I shrugged it off grabbing the pole to pull myself up.

His ears sunk momentarily before his father handed him the cooler full of crawfish. He carried it up the stairs as it started to drizzle. I followed as the gator gathered the other things. William pushed open the door and we entered the near black shack. He vanished into the dark and soon an oil lamp lit up as William turned the knob on the side slowly. More of the wick moved up and ignited illuminating the actually well kept room. It was all polished hardwood and very clean. The kitchen was right next to the living room and a small table in the middle of the room. An old fashioned radio and black and white TV sitting in front of a recliner chair and couch.

"Um you have a place I can wash up?" I asked and the possum nodded. "Right through here," He smiled and led me through down a small hallway. Only two doors where on the left equal distance apart. He led me back to a third door on the right and pushed to door open. Inside sat a clean toilet, sink, and another door to the left. I pushed the door to the right open showing possibly the most redneck thing I'd ever seen. It was outside and a shower head hung overhead. A fence wrapped around it making it private at least. A series of pipes with a funnel sat just above ear level. A chain hung from the pipes to act like a foucet. Basically you filled the cone with hot water and pulled the chain to get a shower.

"You've got to be kidding me," I sighed and the possum just smiled again. "Nope, I can start you some water if you'd like," He jumped at the chance his long rat like tail curling up. "Alright go ahead," I muttered and moved back into the house. I smacked my forehead and stepped back into the hall. The father put two big pots up onto the wood fired stove. I raised an eyebrow as he turned on the sink. At least the water was clean as he filled the pots. "Paw could you put on another so we can get baths before it starts to rain?" William asked his father and he proceeded to put on another.

I toke this moment to look into the other rooms. The first must have been the fathers due to the massive bed and lots of photos around the room. I stepped in and picked up a picture looking it over. It had the gator with his arm around a very pretty possum woman. She showed her very large hips as she kissed the large man. I looked across the room seeing an urn sitting on a shelf with pictures of the lady around it. I made the assumption and nodded slightly before stepping out.

William was busy stirring the six galleon pots of water as I slipped into his room. It was like any normal teenagers without all of the stuff. These two had the bare minimum with no luxuries. He had seventy books on his shelves. Ten of them were advanced learning books for classes that not even I would have until I was in my last year of college. The others where thousand page novels like Moby Dick, The Odyssey, The Complete Works of Shakespeare, etc. On his walls hung his own drawing many of them where very good landscapes and sketches of his father. I moved over pulling a book labeled advanced physics off the shelf and opened it. It was a seventy dollar book and almost brand new. A bookmark was tucked halfway through it with pieces of paper with examples of problems written on them. Most of this was stuff I was barely getting C's on in college.

"Lookin for somthin?" I turned quickly seeing the smiling possum staring at me. "Oh uh no...just exploring, um...are all of these yours?" I motioned to them. "Uh huh I've read almost all of them, I'm only on act three Julius Caesar," He blushed and looked down. "How do you know all this stuff?" I asked and he looked up suddenly. "Oh I have a photographic memory, and my mother was a teacher so she made me want to learn, and I usually don't have anything else to do with ma spare time," He continued sinking back into his southern drawl. "So you just do all of this for fun?" I raised an eyebrow and he nodded.

"Oh I never got your name," He cocked his head to one side. "Um it's Dexter, just call me Dex," I gulped and put his book back. "Will! Your letting you water get to hot!" His father yelled and he quickly ducked out of the room. I followed and watched as he pulled the pot off the stove. "You'll have to make your shower quick or all the water will run out," He told me walked back towards me with the huge pot. "Oh...ok," He carried it outside and I heard him pouring it into the cone.

I stepped out as he climbed back down. He started to pull his shirt off and I stopped him. "Um I like to shower alone alright?" I gulped and he nodded. He looked a little sad and walked back inside. I slid my shorts and boxers off as he handed me a towel from the door. I took it making sure he couldn't see me. I sat it aside and pulled the chain making the water turn on and pour over me. It felt amazing to have warm water run over my body. The mud washed away and I soon figured out why William wanted to take a shower with me. Six gallons goes really quick when you're trying to relax. I grabbed the towel and dried off before stepping inside.

"Oh uh sorry Will I kinda used all the hot water," I looked down and his smile lessened. "Oh...its ok I guess, I set you some cloths out if you want to use them," He shrugged and I nodded moving to his room. He moved back out and filled the pot with cold water and moved back outside. I felt bad he didn't know when it would start raining so he had to take a cold shower. I looked at the cloths he sat out for me. It was some sweat pants, clean boxers, and a white short sleeve shirt. I quickly put them on and enjoyed the warmth of the dry cloths. I moved back out and noticed William left the shower door open.

I peeked out at him. He was a very pretty possum compared to the others I had seen. He kept his fur nice and clean and kept his teeth buried hidden. All other possum's I'd seen would let their teeth hand over their bottom lip. He had deep brown eyes and a nice sheath on him. He turned around and bent down picking up the shampoo and I saw his nice taught butt. I gulped slightly trying not to get hard.

To avoid the embarrassing situation I moved back down the hall to the kitchen. I looked in the two pots on the stove. On was full of nice red crawfish and potatoes. The second had nice bright yellow corn on the cob. I looked back seeing his father fast asleep in front of the TV. I sat the lid back on the pot softly and the large alligator woke. "Will!" he jumped and I gulped. "No it's me sir," I shook as he looked back at me. "Oh...well stir that pot of crawfish," He ordered me and I quickly did as he told. He stretched and yawned before standing up. His heavy footsteps made the wood floor creak as he moved over looking down into the pot. "They should be done in ten minutes," He looked at a small clock on the wall.

Will walked into the room in a pair of tattered shorts his fur nice and dry already. "Oh Paw go back at your nap I'll wake ya when dinner is done," William told his father and he nodded. The gator sat back in his chair as the rain started and the wind roughly blew. "You shouldn't have woke him," William's smiled faded for the first time. "Why? He looks like he could use the exercise," I joked and Will's stare made me step back. "My paw is...he has a mental disability, he's dyslexic and his parent's couldn't give him the help he needed, So he makes his living from catching crawfish and selling them, he works a lot harder than you every day so he deserves a nap," he grumbled and my smile faded. I felt like a total jackass for the way I was acting.

I assumed these two were just two hick hillbilly red necks living deep in the swamp. But it turns out the son is a genius and extremely kind. While the dad can't read or write and works his ass off for his son. Not to mention that they lost the only women in their life. Then I came in and was acting like a complete and total jerk. I ignored someone who very cute and simply wanted to talk. I ignored his help getting out of the boat. Then on top of that I made him take a cold shower then woke his dad from probably the only sleep he gets.

I sighed as he stirred the massive pot of invertebrates. I looked around the room and wanted to make things better. Noticing a chess board that sat on the coffee table, the pieces put away. "Do you like Chess?" I asked and will nodded his smile quickly returning. "Yeah my dad likes to play when he has free time," He explained and I moved over picking up the board and box of pieces. I brought them to the dinning table and set it up. By the time I had done that he had moved everything off the stove and was shaking his dad. "Paw time to get up, get some dinner then go ahead and go to bed," He smiled and his father patted his shoulder.

As we ate a very nice dinner we played a few games of chess while his dad watched us. It was actually kind of fun even without all of the big things like cell phones, computers, and yes microwaves. After dinner the wind was blowing harder luckily the tree's toke most of the force. "Well boys I think it's time for bed," the gator clicked off the TV and moved back to his bed room. I sat our dishes in the sink as William made sure the door was locked. He picked up the oil lamp as his father's door shut and the light under his door went dim. He led us back to his room and shut the door. The whole house creaked as the wind blew against it and the rain pounded it from above.

"You can have the bed Dex," William tossed a large cover out on the floor. He grabbed one of his pillows and I sat on the bed. "You know I feel bad about the shower there's no reason we can't share the bed," I smiled and he smiled back up at me. I laid on the far side up on the wall the bed was pressed up against. Will laid next to me and dimmed the lamp. I turned to the wall and just lay there. After maybe a half hour I heard what sounded like a magazine open. The bed started shaking slightly and I peeked over my shoulder. William looked at something and his hand was moving. I turned over slowly as not to be noticed. Peeking over his shoulder I saw the Playgirl in his hand with a picture of a very sexy puma on the page he was turned to. He was jerking off to it and I blushed deeply.

"Need some help?" I whispered to him, he gulped, and instantly stopped. "Shh, just leave it to me baby," I nibbled his ear softly and reached around grabbing his member. It was nice and fat probably from his father's side of the family. My hand couldn't wrap around the entire girth of his meat. "Mmmm...," He bit his lip and I started to stroke his member slowly. His hips started to move naturally fucking my moving fist slowly.

My pace quickened making his balls slap against my palm. I turned him onto his back and I vanished under the covers. "What are you doing?" He asked and I giggled under the covers. I slid between his legs and kissed the thick member before me. His cute little gasps and whimpers were so cute as I licked his cock. I slid it into my muzzled and started to bob my head slowly. It grew longer in my muzzle to a full six inches. I could feel it throb on my tongue as I sucked.

My tail wagged and I got an idea of how to repay the kindness I'd received. I pulled the covers back and smiled up at him. "Are you a virgin, cutie?" I asked and he nodded. "Have you ever read about how to fuck?" I teased and he nodded again. "Wanna give it a try?" He blushed deeply before sitting up. I sat up and moved up to him on my knees. "Don't be shy now sugar," I pretended to be southern before leaning in slowly and giving him his first kiss. He tail and arms wrapped around us slowly. He quickly picked up on it and started to kiss me roughly.

"Mmm, there ya go," We broke apart before reconnecting again. His hand slowly pulled my shirt up off. "Wow you pick up fast," I laughed as he started kissing my chest. "Got any slippery things?" I asked and he thought for a second. He vanished down the hall and into the bathroom. I pulled my boxers and sweatpants off tossing them aside. He quickly returned with some KY jelly and I smiled. "Perfect," I whispered and got onto all fours facing the wall. I could feel his eyes as they stared at my bubble butt. "You need to make me nice and slippery ok," I whispered and he nodded.

His hand met my ass feeling it up roughly. He spread my cheek apart slowly and I felt a glob of the cold jelly touch my pucker. I jumped as he pushed his fingers inside and moved around slowly. "Damn!" I gasped as his finger ran against my special spot. I looked back once his hand moved away. He started rubbing the jelly along his member knowing exactly where to put it.

"Come on boy, fuck me," I whispered and he grabbed my dark brown hips. He pressed his member against my entrance and easily slipped in without any work. "Shit!" We both yelled. He held in me feeling the warmth surrounding him while I adjusted to the girth. He slowly pulled back and slammed back in at full speed. I let out a small yelp and gripped the sheets. My own cock slid out from my sheath and throbbed under me.

"Keep going," I suggested to the marsupial and he started moving. He was soon fucking me like a pro. His cock was by the fattest member I've ever had buried into my ass. I gasped and pushed back into him as he started building up a rhythm. His tail slid up under us and wrapped around my member starting to stroke me. With the sudden attention I started fucking his tail.

The thick member in my ass throbbed as I got fucked faster. He slammed against my ass as hard as he could. Suddenly he hit my spot and I let out a small howl. He covered my mouth to prevent me from waking his father. "Hush babe," He gasped as he pounded harder. I smiled and stared slamming back into him roughly. Suddenly my tail went rigid and I shot onto the floor.

"Dexter I have to cum!" He gasped into my ear. I reached back holding onto him tightly as he fucked me faster. His hips soon entered the jackhammer mode. He was pounding me like a fucking machine. "Cum into my ass!" I tried to keep quite but he let out a loud moan. Suddenly I was the first feel his cum inside them. The warm thick cum filled me and he slowly pulled out. With a small pop his cum started to leak out of me. He smiled and leaned over me kissing my back gently.

"There that's for saving me,' I smiled and lay on his bed. We cuddled up together under the covers kissing each other softly. Snuggling together I leaned up into the warmth. The next day his father toke me back to town. I felt bad for leaving him and wished he could come with me. "Oh, boy William wanted you to have this," His father handed me a piece of paper. I toke it as he started up the motor.

Dear Dexter,

I really wanted to come with you. But my place is here with my dad. You should know that every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday me and my dad come to town and sell crawfish right here by the docks. If you wanted we could bring you back with us and I could "Tutor" you some more.

Love: William

"Wait!" I yelled and the gator turned back around. "My college is gonna be closed until they clean up what the hurricane did, would you mind if I spent a few more nights with you?" I asked and he smiled. He reached into his cooler and sipped from the jar again. He handed it to me and I toke a nice big swig. The liquid burned in my nose and all the way down again. "Well come one boy, before you get left behind," He smiled and I jumped back into his boat.

The End.