Forbidden Love Chapter 3

Story by Yukigo Kurosaki on SoFurry

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#3 of A Forbidden Love

Disclaimer: You know the drill, don't read this if you're under 18. I'd also recommend not reading this if you don't like incest, as this story contains a lot of it.

The house was eerily empty when the party cleared out at midnight, leaving only a few scattered paper cups and the unmistakable smell of sex permeating from everywhere.Tom admired Joey's spirit as he vacuumed the rugs and cleaned off the tables, if you hadn't been there that night, you would have sworn there was no party there. Tom helped him remove any last traces of the party from the area.

Tom thought about the situation as he worked. It made sense that Joey Marko was gay. He had plenty of opportunities to go out with women before. They adored him; he was handsome, kind and had a very tolerant sense of humor. Girls asked him occasionally to go out with him and he shyly declined, saying that though they were great friends, he didn't want to be bothered too much with a relationship. They started to respect him as the sort who was happier with a simple lifestyle and left him to be alone, only the rare straggler asked him out, and he politely declined every time.

Finally Joey stopped and put away the vacuum. "Alright Tom... we need to talk about something I've been putting off way too long."

He nodded solemnly, feeling a bit sorry for outing Joey from the closet. Joey flicked his thin tail and gestured the tall gray fox over. He too was a bit nervous, avoiding Tom's gaze and staring down at the floor. Joey cleared his throat. "Um... Tom, this is Alexander Artiglio. We've been together for about three months now."

Alex extended his paw tentatively to me, speaking in a low and gravelly, yet pleasing voice. "I'm sorry we couldn't have met on less awkward circumstances."

He took it and shook his hand softly. "It's alright, it was rude to barge in you like that."

"You would have found out about it eventually, I was just too scared to tell you directly, better now than later I suppose." Joey chimed in, sitting next to Tom. "I... Tom, do you feel... awkward in any way about this? Me being gay?"

He looked down at the ground, answering truthfully. "Of course I feel awkward, anyone would, but I don't fear that which I can't understand. If mating with men makes you happy, then do it." He thought of his sister. "I have done far worse I think."

Joey looked shocked. "Worse? What have you done that's so bad?"

Once again he avoided his relationship with his sister. "Well, I've shunned every girl that's come my way without even giving them a chance. I mean... what if one of them was different?"

Joey chuckled. "That doesn't matter, you were just being careful... besides, you've got one now, or so you claim." He smiled softly. "Come on, you know my secret, you can at least tell me yours."

"I... no Joey. I can't."

"Why not?" He asked. "Seriously, your girlfriend can't be more embarrassing than what I just went through."

Tom panicked and tried to keep his cool. "Joey... please, just leave the subject alone for now... you might find out in due time, and you will understand why I hid it."

He hesitated and then nodded. "Alright Tom, since you've been such a good friend, I won't press too far into it, just promise me that you won't tell anyone about... this." He gestured to all of them. "The whole situation here. It'd be terrible if this got out."

"I promise you Blackie, this won't ever get out."

"Appreciate it." He nodded once. "So... um... while you're here, any other questions?"

Tom thought hard for a second. "The last day of school... where you kind of lusciously described my fur, were you hitting on me?"

Joey took a hard gulp and turned away. "Uh... sorry, I was. I couldn't help it, you are attractive to me." He cleared his throat. "I know you're straight, and I'm sorry for thinking it."

Tom shrugged. "Thoughts don't hurt, start advancing on me then we'll have a problem." He grinned a little. "But I know you wouldn't do that."

He shook his head fervently. "No no! Of course not... that'd be way too awkward."

Tom nodded then sighed. "I'm sorry if I offended you when I called you gay those times... I didn't know that... um..."

"I knew you were only kidding Tom, I don't take offense to simple little things like that."

Tom shifted on the couch, now directing his gaze to Alexander. The well built fox stared directly back, no fear in his eyes. "So... Alexand-"

"Call me Alex." He intoned firmly, but then cracked a smile, his voice softening. "Please."

"Alex..." He continued. "How did you meet Joey?"

"May I sit?" He asked, once again with a politeness Tom did not associate with his age, which Tom guessed was somewhere around twenty-one. After an affirmative nodded by Tom, he stepped over to the couch and sat down lightly. "We met online, on MSN. I had added him because he was a friend of a friend of a friend, I tad to add those who are close to who I know, just to expand my social opportunities." Tom understood and motioned for him to continue. "We were talking online one day, and I was very upset over the loss of my boyfriend." He cleared his throat nervously. "Not having yet ousted myself from the closet, I had meant to say 'Girlfriend'. Alas my fingers had slipped and I had subconsciously typed 'Boyfriend'." He sighed. "I was outraged at myself, I thought I had reached the end of peaceful days of tolerance, without childish insults thrown my way just based on my preference of sexuality. I prepared for the onslaught at his paws... They never came." He shot a smile back to Joey who blushed nervously. "He accepted me and then told me his secret, we grew closer and closer, until one day we decided to..." He cleared his throat. "Well, bluntly, we wanted one another. That day was today."

Tom looked between them. "Today was your first time?"

Joey chuckled. "It... It was actually. For the both of us." He leaned over and kissed Alex's cheek. "And I wouldn't want it any other way."

Tom felt awful now for interrupting them. "Oh god... I'm sorry I barged in. I feel like an idiot."

Alex smiled warmly. "No harm done, you guys are obviously buddies, you probably just thought you were pulling a prank on him"

"Yeah..." He nodded. "I've never been this close to a gay relationship before." He noted with interest. "I didn't know so much love could exist between two men."

"It happens." Joey said eagerly. "Love isn't bound by gender." He wrapped his arms around Alex and murred softly. "I cherish him with all my heart."

Alex kissed him deeply, staring into his eyes. "I love you too, Joey." He released and stood up. "I should be taking my leave."

Tom nodded. "Yeah, I should be going too."He looked at the time, 1 AM.

Joey waved them both off. "Of course, bye love, see you Tom."

Tom stumbled out, the time taking a toll on him. He started up his car, popping in a Bravery CD. "An Honest Mistake" sent its additive electronic tones through the car and he tapped his paws on the steering wheel to the beat. Sam Endicott sang in a range comparable to Geddy Lee or Matt Bellamy.

"Don't look at me that wa-aaaaaay... It was an honest mist-aaaake..."

The roads were deserted, he feathered the accelerator. "It was an honest mistake. I had no idea the Black Cat was gay." He got onto the highway, thinking as he drove, still keeping an eye on the road. He wasn't in the mood for an accident. "I thought I would be disgusted... but, he's honestly in the love with the guy." The synth pad swept through the car, in combination with the beating bass and catchy clean guitar riffs. He smiled. "That Alex guy is pretty polite... not something I'd expect from a twenty something year old..." He continued this all the way home. One of his ways of dealing with shock was talking to himself, trying to sort it out. He finally pulled in his driveway, noticing his parents' car. "Folks must be home..." He mumbled to himself as he let himself in.

The mood of the house vaguely resembled "The Night Before Christmas."

"...all through the house, not a creature was stirring

not even a mouse."

In this sepulchral silence, he crept with wide, feathery strides to avoid making sound. He was just about to pass by Lucy's room and he stopped, the door cracked open a little. He had left unannounced the day before, not even a word to Lucy. His heart dropped, and, more perceptibly, his ears followed suit. Guilt overtook him and he edged into her room.

He saw a single footpaw in the glow provided by an automatic nightlight outside her door. The rest of her body was eclipsed by the door, and so he bravely decided to open it fully. It creaked softly as the rest of her body was exposed. She was sprawled out, blanketless on the sheets due to the heat. She was scantily clad in a lace bra and the matching panties. He smiled a little but then his face turned to a bit of shock when his eyes traced her right arm: shoulder, elbow, forearm... paw in panties. Upon closer inspection her panties were coated with her juices, her face twisted into just the slightest smile. When he wasn't there to please her, she resorted to herself. It seemed that after she got done doing the forbidden with herself, she had quickly drifted off to sleep.

Careful not to disturb her, he climbed onto her bed, springs letting out an exhausted wheeze.He hooked one claw into the elastic of her panties and, as gently as he could manage, peeled them away from her snatch. Her juices had soaked into the fabric, but a few rogue strands still trailed to her slit before dissipating under the force of gravity when the panties were pulled more than a couple inches away.

He finally managed to get them off and he leaned close to her womanhood, taking a deep breath. His head got fuzzy and he stifled a moan, wiping a bit of drool off of his mouth. By god, she smells wonderful... His member erected near instantly. It's like a natural aphrodisiac. He peeled her paw away from her slit and took a good close look. She still looked in pretty good shape, near that of a virgin, her walls a healthy shade of pink, clit safely tucked away in its hood, her lips unstretched and even. She took good care of herself. She smelled like a good clean woman, a scent that made your head spin when you took a whiff, somewhere between baby powder and another underlying scent, nearly imperceptible. His muzzle closed the gap between him and her womanhood and he stopped. Wait... should I be doing this? She isn't even conscious, and Mom and Dad are home. He shot an eye to her panties, lying at her side. _Too late now._His tongue darted to her lips and he ran the tip up and down her folds, being sure to be as careful as he could be, if she suddenly woke up screaming, it would be terrible for him.

"Uhhhh...mmm..." She moaned as softly as she could manage in her sleep. Now would be about the point where her dreams started getting strange.

This is insane... His tongue wormed a bit deeper into her. Her juices dripped into his maw, sweet and sticky like caramel. "D-daddy? We're in public..." She mumbled in a sort of waking dream. An innocent dream was being turned into something far more sinister, and it wouldn't be long before her mind recognized something was off and she woke up. He moved to her clit, sucking softly on the little pleasure button. "A-ah! S-stop!" She cracked an eye open and suddenly coughed in surprise. "Brother!" She whispered acrimoniously to avoid waking her parents, who resided right next door. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?"

"Making it up to you..." Tom replied back, once again flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue.

She covered her mouth, arching her back, a muffled moan just barely drifting out. "Brutha..." She let out in a garbled call of pleasure. "Careful... can't hold that back well..." He slid the muscle deep into her passage, as deep as he could reach, slowly sliding the slimy appendage against her walls in a circle. She once again bucked up and bit her lip. "You fucking bastard..." She nearly hissed, though she didn't mean it. "How dare you..." Her pants were deep, chest heaving. She had the presence of mind to take off her bra, throwing it aside. Her eyes bored through his soul when she met his gaze. "Don't stop..."

His muzzle was flush against the surface of her most intimate areas. The only sound the soft squishes when his tongue retreated and prepared for another assault. Her fluffy chest rose a couple more inches than normal, her breaths taking on a bit of a sigh, her eyes slowly closing again, paws twitching and occasionally grabbing at the sheets. He became more and more vigorous with his tongue, the lewd noises permeating the room as a thin stream of the product of her pleasure dripped continuously on the sheet. "Nnnnmm... brotheeeer!" She panted. "Oh it's so warm..."

Tom couldn't take it anymore... her words of bliss, her smell. His member strained against its confines rebelliously. He tore off his pants and got behind her, one arm sneaking under her, the other draping over her as he teased her perfectly shaped breasts. His shaft ground against her nethers as his thumbs and forefingers squeezed her nipples. Lucy started to panic. "No! Don't you da... Tom! I'll fucking kill you! Underst... aa... ahh..." The aching for release soon returned for her and she whimpered softly. "Okay... just please be gentle... we can't wake up Mom and Dad."

He nodded and she spread her legs as best she could, lying on her side. He pierced her folds as softly as he could manage, closing his eyes and sighing softly as her walls invited him in, engulfing him in her heat, caressing his organ in a velvety sheath. He slid his meat in and out with the gentlest strokes of his hips as he could muster. The squishes resulting only came to incite their fiery passions for each other, as Tom grabbed her breasts, kneading them with his pads. Lucy lolled out her tongue and trailed her paws along his hips, encouraging him on, treating him with the trust and intimacy reserved for very few.

As it turns out, this slow pace was a sort of intimacy in of itself. Normally, a mating is an explosion of lust, an uncontrollable urge to bury your penis in the nearest hole shaped object. This was something much more special, something reserved for those who shared their hearts with each other, who felt each others' pain. Each thrust would be felt by both, not just a blur of rubbing and stretching, but a clean, concise thrust. You could draw the most pleasure out of each entry, and it felt more intimate this way. And the orgasms, they are beyond recognition. Sure, a furious mating leads to one hell of a cumming, but burning a candle with a fat wick doesn't last long. A short wick makes it last for hours, and still makes enough light. Just replace light with pleasure in this case.

Tom placed his paws atop hers. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here in your time of need." He breathed almost silently in her ear.

Lucy shuddered. "No matter..." She replied just as softly. "I need you now, and you're here."

The view from above would show the love in their actions, two jackals, alike in color, side by side, paws joined together as Tom rocked his hips with the care like a mother would rock her infant. His length breached her and retreated with only squishes in the silence. Pleasure came in the form of warmth for them both. It coursed through their bodies before returning to their loins, and yet this form of carnal encouragement could not get them to move faster. Lucy closed her eyes and the deep sighs that emitted from her as well as the look upon her place plainly showed that there was nowhere she'd rather be.

From above, one could not picture a sight more romantic, two lovers side by side in bed, paws joined together atop his hips while he rocked in and out of her with more care than a mother would rock her child. Each time he filled her up to where she could take no more, she'd let out the slightest of gasps and twitch an ear, her paw squeezing Tom's. He returned the squeeze as if to say. "I'm here, don't worry." Each time he entered her walls, he'd spread her in just the right spot, his tip contacting that magic cluster of nerves upon her top wall. Only about a centimeter wide, two inches in, between the urethral wall and vaginal canal are the nerves that made up the g-spot. He slipped against her soft ridges, grinding that cluster over and over, his shaft glossy and dripping with her juices. She held back luscious moans, gritting her teeth. The pace was slow, but she had never felt better. "Oh my GOD!" She ground her head against the pillow then stuffed her face in it, letting out a long, drawn out moan that was muffled by the fluffy layers. "We need to do this more often..." She breathed softly to him.

The warmth boiled within him and he breathed heavily. He felt like he was on fire, the heat going to his length, the pleasure unimaginable. His tail found its way to hers and they corkscrewed around one another. "I'm... not gonna last much longer sis..."

She didn't say anything, just squeezed his paw for dear life. After a few deep pants, she whispered. "I'll... cum when you do."

Bliss overtook him and suddenly an electric current hit every corner of his body, his pupils getting their largest. He took his right paw and shoved it in his mouth, just in time as he nearly screamed to the heavens. The velvety embrace of her walls got tighter and tighter around him as his meat let down the floodwalls and sent rich, milky seed deep inside of her, coating every surface in his baby batter.

The final impact of his cream against her cervix sent shivers up her spine. Every fur stood up on end and her eyes stared into the black nothingness, not moving. She tried to draw breath, but only succeeded in short, panicked gasps. Tears streamed down her cheeks, biting her lower lip. She grabbed his paw in a vice like grip. She knew her parents were right next door and a sudden urge to scream to the heavens washed across her. She had the presence of mind to bite down on her pillow and she opened her throat, ready to let all of her combined bliss out. Nothing came out. Her mind fogged over, she felt lack of oxygen take its toll on her, everything distorted and not as it should be. Stars flashed across her vision. I'm gonna die... I regret nothing. Just as she was about to pass out, her vision going black, the pleasure broke and she took a loud, full lunged gasp for air, like she had been held underwater. She hyperventilated, still cumming, unable to stop as she felt Tom's cock pumping his seed deep into her, the actual motions able to be felt, the subtle stretching when his cock sent another load down, becoming just a tad wider with the muscle motion.

Tom finally stopped, but she still kept going, sobbing quietly. She had never felt so good in her life, she knew that if they were caught, she'd remember this day forever. Finally, some three minutes later, the orgasm faded into soporific afterglow and she sighed, almost drooling. "What the fuck was that..."

"Don't... know sis..." His eyes drooped and he laid against her other pillow, struggling to stay awake. "So... awesome."

"We can talk about it tomorrow brother... you've gotta leave, you can't fall asleep with me... Bro? Tom! Get off me... get out! Now!" She whispered harshly. He closed his eyes and sighed softly, his leg twitching. She pulled him out quickly, turning around, her own fatigue starting to hang on her. She gave him a hard slap and he woke up.

"Ow! What the fuck..."

"You me naked, mom dad next door, covered in cum!" She said as simply as she could.

He blinked a couple of times and then understood. "Oh fuck..." He groaned as he went out of her room, closing the door and trudging to his room, almost collapsing from such exhaustion. He made it to his room, flopping face first onto the bed after he weakly shut his door.

With Tom gone, Lucy lied there, spread legged, a mixture of both their juices drooling from her sex. She covered herself with the blanket weakly, even though she was now even hotter from the orgasm, but she wanted to hide the evidence of their joining and she would fall asleep right now no matter how hot she was. Her eyes went blank and she drifted deep into sleep's welcoming arms.


Tom woke up at quarter to one in the afternoon and he rubbed his eyes confused. He got up with a sound of separating Velcro; his seed had stuck to the sheets. Looking down at the stiff mess around his crotch, he wrapped a towel that was lying on his floor around him and went to the shower. He was a zombie, wincing as he separated clusters of fur and the water turned white as it dripped off of his crotch area. "Reminds me of why I don't paw before bed anymore..." He quickly lathered down his fur, rinsed, and then dried himself off. His sister would be gone, she had work at eleven o'clock. He groaned and held his head, unsure of how she could have even got up that early, let alone work.

He made his way down to the kitchen after getting dressed and he blinked several times at the two forms standing there. He tilted his head before he remembered. "Oh... hey Mom... hey Dad."

A bespectacled male jackal head looked up from his paper, folding it neatly and setting it on the table. He removed his reading glasses and stood at his full height, six foot six. "Good afternoon Tom." He said in a soft, controlled voice, his tone deep and unemotional.

"Afternoon? Christ... is it that time already?" Tom looked at the clock in disbelief. "Guess that's what happens when you go to a party and..." He stopped himself, his eyes widening as he realized he just nearly gave away what happened with his sister in front of his parents.

"...and?" His father said curiously with uplift.

"And drive home at one AM! Man I was so out of it."

"Didn't drink, did you?" His father said firmly. He was the erudite type who loved to harp the common stereotypical 'concerned father' act, no drugs, no drinking, no fun. He wore a white button down shirt, even though it was a Sunday and he had no work and black slacks. Tom found it hard to believe that he used to be wild and fun loving himself, according to his mother.

"No Dad."

"You sure? I wouldn't be mad so much if you drank, it's just driving home when you're tired and drunk is so..."

"James... leave the poor kid alone, you know he's never had a drink in his life." His mother turned with a smile on her face. She was wearing a bright blue backless and strapless dress that went tastefully down to her knees. She was tossing a salad, humming to herself.

"Sorry Felicia, I just want them to grow up like good people."

"Leave them alone then... don't be so strict." She set some salad onto his plate and kissed his cheek. She set the bowl down and then hugged Tom tightly, which he eagerly returned. "I missed you Tom."

"I missed you too Mom." He smiled.

His mother was sort of the antithesis of his father, despite being in her forties, she was still beautiful, her fur glistening in the light. She was open to new suggestions and nowhere near as strict. Once, she had stumbled upon a porn magazine, right in front of his eyes, and she just giggled and said "Hide this better from your father." She felt bad for having to leave for so many trips and often bought them gifts to compensate, even though Tom assured her she really didn't need to.

"Need salad?" She asked.

He snuck a look at the time and remembered his rendezvous with Colleen. "Um, actually I'm taking a girlfriend out to lunch, thanks though."

She giggled. "Ooh... if you need suggestions on how to impress her... I'm here."

"Mom!" He said embarrassed." It's not like that... it's just a lunch date, nothing's gonna happen."

"It better not..." His dad said, chewing on a bit of salad. "Don't want any kids running around already, I can wait until I'm in my fifties for that."

"Honey..." Felicia Logan said, rolling her eyes. "He knows to use protection."

"Exa-- Wait, what?! No! I'm not doing that!"

"You're eighteen, you'll be getting into that soon."

Tom facepawed. "I'm not going to right now! It's first date... it's not even really a date, it's a cup of coffee and polite conversation." He sighed. "I'm leaving, be back soon."

He boldly stepped to his car, unlocking the door and swinging in. He popped in the Bravery CD again and whistled along to Tyrant. He stopped at the Tim Hortons on Main Street. He spied his sister's car as well and he took a gulp, pushing apart the doors and walking in quickly. He searched for a couple seconds and saw the ruby haired Colleen Fitzpatrick. She wore a black tanktop with a low neck and a denim vest and jeans so faded they looked periwinkle and with so many gashes it looked like she had been on a losing end with a fight with Wolverine, and, though he pretended not to see it, some of her panties were visible through the holes. She spied him out of the corner of her eye, and a smile snuck to the corners of her lips while she was taking a gulp of her stout coffee cup. Setting it down, her tail flicked up and she giggled. "Over here."

He flicked one eye to the counter, manned by his sister in her modest uniform. She darted one eye to Colleen and then to Tom and her tail jerked once angrily. Tom winced slightly and went over to Colleen, his tail drooping slightly. "This is just a lunch, nothing more." He said, somewhat loudly so his sister could hear.

"Of course..." She closed her eyes softly, black eyelashes batting once. "You know that I'm not like that anyway."

"I know." He replied. "Just don't want you to get the wrong idea."

"Likewise." She took another sip, gesturing to the cup and the bagel on the table. "You're a tad late, you can go get what you want, I've already gotten plenty to satiate me."

Finding nothing to do but nod, he went up to the counter. Only his sister's line was open, so he attentively stepped forward. The two Jackals stood face to face, Lucy giving a murderous gaze to him. Tom shifted his stare to her name tag, blazoning the name "Lucy" in crisp, serif letters. Neat, orderly, clean, much unlike the situation.

She then turned to a professional smile. "What can I get you today?" The buzz of workers and customers arose quickly and, seeing nobody watching, her stare became vitriolic, her voice knifing. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

"It's just a friend I met last night... nothing's going to happen." He glanced behind him, no more customers waiting, the conversation could last awhile. He spoke up. "Um, I'll have a medium vanilla roast and two cinnamon raisin bagels."

"That all?" She once again said cordially, turning a bit, ready to go to fetch his order. Her personality changed again when attention shifted, eyes narrowing. "It had better... we had a deal, we're mates!"

"Yep, that's all." He waited a second. "I know that... but it's going to fall apart eventually... we need backups, I never said you couldn't have a boyfriend."

"I don't WANT a boyfriend... I want you Tom." She came back with a cup of coffee and his bagels, handing him the bag. "Here you go, have a nice day." Still nobody else was in line. "Tom..." She whispered, "I love you so much, please, please don't let this go this early!" She grabbed his paw. "If I wasn't at work right now, I would kiss you." She let him go and waved him away.

"She's a lesbian..." Tom whispered to her as he walked away. He went back to the table with Colleen and she still appeared to be unaware of what happened at the counter.

"Welcome back Tom." She said, leaning back on the chair, balanced precariously on two legs.

"Heya Colleen." He slid into his seat, setting down the cup and the bag filled with his baked goods. "So, how are things since yesterday?"

"You honestly expect them to change much?" She let the chair fall gently back to its stable position, letting her elbows and breasts rest upon the laminated plastic surface. Tom tried not to look down the perfect position for seeing her breasts. "Well, to be honest..." She waved her straw as if composing the symphony of her life. "Some stuff did happen while you were MIA at the party. Mainly that pantheress you saw, ooh, what a chick." She purred, leaning even more over the table, even it seemed closer to him, her voice low, luscious, batting her eyelashes as she licked her lips. "She was a girl I could spend some REAL time with, rack to die for, and, despite her behavior... heh... she was a virgin... was being the key word." She pushed off the table, once again starting a delicate balancing act on two legs of the chair. "I took her back to my place, rewarded her with a few toys." She chuckled smugly "...but first, I had to have my own pleasure. I did a little tribadism, ooh god, that's another thing I loved about her, that fur. She had such soft fur, every time it caressed my labia....ohhhh!" She looked like she was going to go into another orgasm on the spot just thinking about it. Tom blinked several times, blushing. This girl had no shame, but she seemed to be so proud of it. He couldn't help but like her just a little. She noticed his bovine stare and grinned devilishly, once again leaning against the table with a good view of her chest. "Got a boner yet?"

"Everybody can hear you..." He gulped.

"So what? Arrest me, free speech motherfucker." She flashed another grin. Scratch that, he REALLY liked her.

He couldn't help but crack a smile. "Well, I see. So, why exactly are you..."

"Lesbian?" She shrugged. "Dunno, just don't like guys. I've got the internet, I've seen plenty of pictures of guys doing girls, but it just doesn't excite me like that. Picture after picture after picture, I don't think about being that girl who's being fucked, I just think about feeling that girls pussy against mine, wondering how it tastes, how it feels, how she'll react." She closed her eyes. "Girls are beautiful, fragile beings, guys are just dildos with brains... no offense."

"None taken... I think."

She finished off her coffee, taking a hunk out of her bagel. "You know Tom, of all the guys I've met, you're the shyest."

"Well... I'm just not pursuing you since you're a lesbian and I have a girlfriend."

"Oh right... the girlfriend." She smirked. "Still, even mated guys still try and flirt with me, you trying to use reverse psychology or something?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm not, I just wanna be friends, that's all. I've never really had a girl I can relate to like this, I mean, my girlfriend's nice, but I enjoy your companionship too, I just prefer yours with clothes is all."

"Secretly, you'd want my clothes off, but that's all guys, so I'm not offended." She was about half done with her bagel, Tom's, whilst he was listening intently, was untouched. Mouth full, she waved her straw about some more. "mmm... well I gotta go... sho... dunno, whan my numbah?"

"Uh, sure, I guess."

She deftly pulled a pen out of her pocket and wrote her name and number in a flowery sweet script, dotting the I's with hearts before getting up, taking the rest of her bagel and coffee with her."There you go, I hope to meet you again Tom." She smiled sincerely, the paper flicked between her index and middle finger. Tom took it, staring a bit dumbfounded. He didn't even glance in his sister's direction, he knew this looked bad and a whole lot of explanation would be needed, including everything that happened at the party. He felt sort of bad for Lucy, she was so scarred by boys that she was relying on her own brother for the evanescent thrill of mateship. He decided maybe to look for guys that would be suitable for her. Sure, he loved her, but he knew it would have to end sometime. He sighed and slowly trudged back to his car with his food.

Tucking the cup on his dashboard cupholder, and the bag with baked goods in the center console between the seats, he started up his car and prepared to go back to the house. Every part of him ached, and right now, he decided that maybe a couple more hours of sleep wouldn't kill him, damn his parents' say. The trip back flew by as his mind focused only on the promise of sleep. After parking the car, waving to his parents, and trying to convince his mom that nothing shocking had happened, he dragged himself to his room, rubbing his eyes.

The post that had been broken off during an earlier lovemaking session was still separated. He wondered when his parents would interrogate him for what happened, and he already had his excuse ready. While his eyes drifted to the broken post, he saw a crumpled up paper on the ground beside it.He picked it up, confused, noting the sweat stains on it, had someone put it in his paw while he was sleeping? There was a message written on it. "Schaut dich in deine Garderobe." He was the only one in the house who spoke German, Lucy took Spanish. He tilted his head at the strange message. "Look... in my dresser?" He turned his head to the wardrobe, suddenly interested in what it held.

He quickly opened several drawers and then saw a flash drive adorned with a red ribbon. He held up the storage device questioningly before shrugging and sticking it into one of his laptop's USB ports. The device held a single folder, titled "For my favorite brother."

Now he had to see this, he double clicked almost instantly and nearly fell off his chair.

"Oh my GOD! I didn't know she had it in her!"

There were 23 pictures on the drive, his sister, naked and with a lusty look on her face was shown countless positions, showing off her womanhood, occasionally pawing, and altogether putting on a show. He clicked through them quickly, some she was on all fours, others spread eagle, even gravity defying stunts that perfectly showed off the jewel between her thighs. He gasped when he even saw a picture of her fingers deep in her ass and he couldn't help but laugh at her expression, a cross between bewilderment and intense bliss. It was clear that she had spent quite some time on this collection.

But the last picture was what got him. It was the only clean picture on the entire drive. Lucy, wearing a light blue flowered sundress that was fluttering in the breeze, her hair wild as it travelled with the wind. The day was clear and he recognized the scene, it was the park where Tom and Lucy had played as a child. It was digitally signed in the corner. "To Tom, from Lucy, for being the best brother a girl could ask for." She had drawn a little heart after the message and he smiled a little. He closed out of the pictures after he read that, and was about to shut down, but he saw a video. Stealing a glance back to the door to make sure nobody was watching, he opened it. Lucy was knuckle deep inside her pussy and she moaned out loudly and rapidly. She writhed and kicked, her breasts bouncing with her body. It took her a couple minutes to reach orgasm and she SCREAMED, falling over onto her bed. "Yes!!! TOMMMM!!!" Her leg twitched a bit and then she crawled over to the camera with a weak giggle. "Mmm, hope you enjoyed the show... I love you so much Tom." She then shut off the camera and the video ended.

Tom chuckled and tucked the drive into a safe place. "I love you too Lucy..." He lied down upon his bed, closing his eyes before drifting off to sleep again.