026 - Prime pt.09

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#26 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story

-VALENTINES (the next) DAY 2011-


Butters begins to wallflower again, feeling like they've been knocked back to square one. Now they've arrived at the house party, they no longer recognised anyone outside of the Monster all gathered in the balcony. Venus had said they were on there way but... God what if the music was too loud and they said "They are gone forever, go home actually" and they didn't hear? Worse still they were starting to sober up slightly and the dutch courage had started to wear off. If only there were a way of topping up, maybe they should just wait for Venus or Chloe to come back. They could always go join them but, ugh no. Staying to close with the other Monsters got them into this mess where the only two people who could stomach their company and they didn't even bother coming. They check the time: One in the morning, ooff looks like it's time to wrap up soon anyhows, typical how time slows to a crawl until you start having fun ey? They missed Rosie, where did she go? Why didn't they get her number before they left? Fuck. They heard a crowd laughing from one of the bedrooms, maybe the stumbling in strat would work again? They weren't sure, there's a lot of them this time. This went on for longer then Butters would ever admit, checking their phone another half an hour had passed. They started thinking about Rosie again, they had time to review their time with her and Sawyer. Butters remembered how Rosie was looking them during their little Monsters rant, like was Butters in there? Butters remembered how good Rosie's dress looked. ARRGHH! Why didn't they say anything!? Butters summarised that THIS is why they're alone. Oh well, they started to wonder if they should start heading off soon...

-Hey there you are.

As if the forces of the universe had heard their pleas and given them a second chance, Rosie appeared offering Butters another bottle of wine, apparently just having an abundance in supply. Butters was a wash with relief, but tried their best to hold off showing their sheer happiness by just giving a:

-Oh hey.