023 - Prime pt.06

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#23 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story



-Okay we're off to party number Undos, says Sawyer who absolutely was about to say Uno but tried to save it in time and failed.

-Oh I didn't hear anything about a second party? Asks Butters.

-I mean there wasn't but someone saw our little fire and called the cops.

Everyone does the... The grit your teeth and suck in air thing. You know the one. It doesn't have a name alright!

-Are you gonna walk up there with us? Rosie asks looking at Butters.

As much as Butters wanted to march out of this place happily with their new posse, they couldn't Irish goodbye their friends like that.

-Eerrrm you lot go on ahead, I gotta find the muppets I came here with. They seemed to have vanished somewhere.

-Cool cool, I've texted Venus where the other place is, so we'll see you then. Explains Sawyer.

As they all walk out the door Rosie turns back for a brief moment to Butters:

-Hope to see you there.

After melting into the floor over that last remark, Butters recovers quickly and their scavenging instincts started to kick in, okay! If Sawyer texted Venus, then that would leave them both to find Chloe. So where would she likely be? Last time they remembered they were hanging out at the back wall near the Hu-

Oooop. Hang on, what's that? Ohhh this is an absolute tune this, in fact this is Butters and Chloe's song! A weekly cause for busted vocal chords comes from belting this one out in bar. Aaahh, Butters recalled there was a crowd who had made a make shift settee out of broken chairs and junk and was blasting out tunes on a speaker. Awwwh man, once again: Absolute tune. One of the first times Butters had ever heard a song by a Monster played in their local.

They still remember that night, a little spark of hope of a cultural truce of between Monster and Human. Butters pushed through a crowd of several Humans twice their age to find Chloe. They interlocked The Cat's paws with their own and they serenaded her, which that many beers in could not of sounded as pleasant as they thought. But the blood curdling screeching cosplaying as singing wasn't enough to deter Chloe. She pulled Butters by the paws, wrapper her tail around theirs and made out on the dance floor (which of course, had the added bonus of stopping the screeching). Butters can recall the senses now, the taste of spirits on her breath, the strobes glistening in the corner of their eye, feeling their tongue brush past her fangs. A moment Butters genuinely cherishes. So it was a shame a bouncer had seen Butters pushing past everyone and dragged both of them out and barred them. Oh but not before a lovely little "Shouldn't let Monsters in, I told them" under the breath. Arm in arm after given the bouncer a good "Fuck oofffff 'Sapian CUNT" they wondered home together (not before a quick detour to get chips for the walk back).

Weird they didn't think any Human here would request this song... Wait does that me-


Butters, with the fear god in their very soul, freezes as they feel a paw grip their arm. There's no one else it could be.

-Even in some busted factory in the middle of nowhere, them first few notes play and she shall appear.

-Oh my god shut up! The moment a drop of our first drink touches our lips we're obligated to dance to this. Get your butt on the dance, floor, place, area. Come on!

Chloe drags Butters to an approximation of the centre of the room (they are, I must stress, still in a massive fuck off warehouse), paw in paw the two waltz in the centre stage, as elegantly as you possibly can while several tinnies in. Butters could feel all the anxiety they held fade away, as paw in paw, they and Chloe, what could only be described as 'Drunkenly plodding about', escape into their own world. Butters could feel Chloe's grip on their paws tighten up as she got up in their face. They could feel her breath against their cheek. All the humans around them were glancing, but somehow they felt invisible. Bulletproof from perceptions of the humans that surrounded them. Chloe has that effect on you, was it unabashed pride in her monsterhood? Or general lack of awareness of her surroundings? Either way Butters started enjoying themselves, putting their vocal chords through the ringer, letting themselves go.


After a while, mid-quickstep mind you like in an actual movie, Chloe looks up at Butters.

-Hey where have you been this whole time Nutters? I missed yyoouuu.

-What do you mean? I've been here this whole time.

-Have you!? Then why didn't you come seee meeeeeee?

Chloe pushes her entire body weight on a struggling Butters ask she speaks. Butters could feel a slight virbation of purring as Chloe presses their head on Butters chest.

-Come on man, I didn't wanna disturb you in the middle of macking on them humans, I mean that's why we're here right? Singles night init?

Chloe suddenly stands upright, pouty face on and all

-No! We're here to pull some sapian's together! I wanted to do that with you, like where have you been?

-Oh you know... Just about.

Chloe then freezes and squints in Butters direction. Silently. Judging. Until Butters continues:

-....So I mean. Butters says defeatedly. I've mostly been mostly up there.

They point towards the remains of the 2nd floor where the smoke from the put out fire was currently coming from.

-Oooohhhhh, we was wondering where that were coming from. What were you doing? Chatting up 'sapians up there I'm guessin'?

-I mean, yeah actually

Chloe face drops and immediately starts dragging Butters aside.

-Oh my god, give me the deets, what did you do?

-I mean y'know I was talking with Sawyer and um this lass, her name was Rosie?

Chloe raises an eyebrow.

-Wasn't that the human that was giving you shit earlier?

-Giving me shit?

-Yeah for going near her friend

-Oh.... I guess, but nah nah she's dead sound. Sawyer like had a word after that.

-Oh okay, so we're reduced to Specists we need to convince another 'Sapian to 'have a word with' are we?

Butters pauses for a second, before shaking off whatever it was they were feeling.

-Like yeah, alright. But you gotta take a bit of that sass with these Humans y'know? I mean we got talking and she's well alright actually, talking about monster stuff she really seemed invested. I think she's well alright, I think i'm in too.

Chloe rolls her eyes

-Okay if you say so Nutters, she was a snack to be fair.

-Yeah and I'll never see her if we don't book it out of here to the next party!

-OH! Okay I just gotta say goodbye and we'll be off.

-Wait, where are you going? Say bye to who?

But before they could get an answer Chloe was already gone from sight. Somehow in a huge open space. 'That cat I swear to Gaia' Butters thought to themselves, looks like it's back to searching for them again.