Family Love Chapter 10 The Final Battle

Story by Umbro/Quil on SoFurry

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#1 of Family Love

Alright!!! Finally uploaded the final chapter to my story! Sorry for the wait. Hit a huge snag in my life. Anyway, here it is. Chapter 10, the last chapter.


Chapter 10: The Final Battle

"Please stop!" Sheena screamed as she was blasted with another Dark Pulse.

"She won't budge Might," Bones said with disappointment.

"Then maybe we'll just have to hurt her mind," Might said with an evil grin. His eyes glowed black. Sheena let out a bloodcurdling scream as Might used Torment on her.


"Are you going to leave your brother?" Might asked.

"Torture me all you want! I'll never leave my brother!" Sheena growled at him. Might sighed.

"If you won't leave your brother on your own, then I'll force you to."

"You wouldn't..."

"What? Use Attract? Don't toy with me! I used it on your sister and it worked like a charm! She ended up killing your brother on her own will!" Might laughed as he spoke.

"Although Kilandra is an Espeon, I am a lot stronger willed than my sister!"

"We'll see about that," Might said as his eye's glowed crystal clear. "Look into my eyes."

"No, I won't!" Sheena cried out as she closed her eyes and looked away.

"Hold her eyes open," Might told Bones. Bones went over and forced Sheena's eyes open.

"No! I won't give in! No!" Sheena cried as she felt herself start to slip under the control of Attract.

"Are you sure we can handle Might by ourselves Fierra?" Doom asked as they neared the hide out.

"Yes, I am positive," Fierra answered. "He may be big but he isn't invincible."

"Okay. I just hope Leefal and Logan can free Sheena before he has a chance to use Attract." Fierra shuddered as Doom mentioned the move. She remembered what happened to Kilandra when Might used that move on her.

"Oh god I hope he doesn't. Leefal will be devastated and hurt."

"We can only hope and pray."

"So we are to take down Bones," Azreal said to Kilandra.

"Yes. That was what we were paired up to do," Kilandra said. Kilandra was walking a little slower than Azreal. She was also a little more worn out than him. Kilandra laid down in the tall grass.

"Are you okay...what is it...Kilandra! Are you okay Kilandra?" Azreal asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to rest."

"Alright. We'll take a small break." Azreal laid down next to Kilandra.

"I'm worried about Doom," she said randomly.


"I know Might is going to come after me again. He knows that Doom and I are dating. He's going to try and hurt me to get back at Doom for leaving." Kilandra started crying.

"Don't cry. We're going to take them both down and free your sister. No one but them will get hurt." Kilandra stopped crying.

"You're right. Lets get going." The two got up and continued down the path they were told to go.

"This is all my fault," Logan said as him and Leefal snuck around, looking for the back entrance to the hide out. "If I hadn't listened to him Sheena would be okay and in your arms."

"Stop beating yourself up. You did what you had to do to survive and look out for your family. I'm sorry that you lost them."

"I do miss them. I feel so horrible. The last thing I said to them was 'Fuck off! You don't tell me what to do!' If only I could take it back."

"I know how much you love my sister. I will share her with you. She can be a mate for the both of us."

"Thank you Leefal. I never wanted to hurt her. He forced me to do it."

"I know. Now lets continue looking for the back entrance Doom was talking about."

After awhile of walking, Doom and Fierra met up with Kilandra and Azreal.

"Hey baby," Kilandra said as she nuzzled Doom.

"Hello my love," Doom said as he nuzzled her back.

"Lets get going. I can't wait to take out Bones!" Azreal exclaimed.

"Okay. Calm" Doom started.

"Azreal is my name," Azreal said.

"Oh, okay. Calm down Azreal. We'll get there soon."

"Fine," Azreal said with a frown. They were almost at the hide out. Doom had signaled for them to wait. He banged on the door.

"Open up now Might!" Doom yelled. The door opened and the group of four entered.

"Wow! This place is big!" Azreal exclaimed.

"Hello Doom. Come to join my group again?" Might asked with an evil grin as he stepped into the light.

"Where is she?!" Doom yelled.

"Where is who Doom?" Might asked, playing dumb.

"Don't play stupid Might! Where is my daughter?!" Fierra yelled.

"Oh, you mean Sheena? She's right here with me. Come out Sheena." It was then that the Glaceon came out from behind Might.

"Sheena! Are you okay?" Doom asked.

"Yes. Why would I not be? I'm with the man I love."

"What are you talking about Sheena? You love Leefal and Logan, not Might," Fierra said.

"Mother he used Attract on her. I can sense it," Kilandra said. "Sis listen to me. You can fight it. You must fight it! I don't want you to lose your love like I did."

"Sis, how could I lose my love? He's right next to me."

"No. That's not your love. He's tricking you. He's trying to turn you against your true love. Leefal."

"Stop it! You had your chance with him! Don't try taking him away just cause you can't have him!" Sheena yelled.

"Sis is that you?" Leefal asked.

"Yes brother. It's me," Sheena responded.

"Are you okay sis?" Leefal asked.

"Why is everyone asking if I'm okay? Of course I'm okay. I'm with my love."

"But...I'm," Leefal said.

"Ha ha, the fool doesn't get it," Bones said with a laugh.

"What...what are you talking about?" Leefal asked.

"She's talking about me Leefal. Not you," Might said with an evil grin. Leefal stopped breathing for a couple seconds.

"No! Y-you're lying! Sis you love me!"

"Leefal, no I don't. I love Might." Sheena turned her back on Leefal and kissed Might. "Lets leave so we can continue uninterrupted." The two started to leave, but then Logan jumped in front of them.

"Listen to me Sheena! You love Leefal! Might used Attract on you, just like your sister!" Logan yelled. "Fight it! I know you're stronger than it!"

"Remember your promise sis. You said you loved me and only me," Leefal said with tears in his eyes. Sheena closed her eyes tight. When she opened them they were normal.

"Brother help me! Please! Help me," Sheena begged. Her eyes went back to that glazed look. "Might lets go. This Leafeon is making me uncomfortable," Sheena pleaded with Might.

"No one is going anywhere until Sheena is returned to normal!" Doom howled.

"Take them out Bones," Might commanded.

"With pleasure," Bones replied. He charged Fierra and went to use Headbutt. Azreal unleashed Razor Leaf, dealing twice the damage because Bones was weak against Grass type moves. Bones let out a roar but didn't stop. Fierra let out a scream as she went flying several feet backward.

"Mother!" Kilandra and Leefal yelled. Sheena didn't move or flinch. She didn't even care that her mother got injured. Leefal noticed this.

"Your supposed boyfriend just hurt our mother!" Leefal yelled at Sheena. She ignored him. Leefal gave a quick growl and ran over to help Fierra. "Mother you okay?"

"She didn't even care. Sheena didn't care that he hurt me." Fierra started crying.

"Mother please stop crying," Kilandra said, trying to calm her mother. The more Sheena saw her mother cry the more it opened her to the truth.

"Mother you're bleeding!" Leefal cried out as he saw a blood trail from Fierra's side. That drove Sheena over the edge.

"MOTHER!" Sheena yelled as she ran over to her mother. "Mother where are you bleeding?"

"I don't know. Who do you love?" Fierra asked her daughter.

"My brother and friend. Leefal and Logan," Sheena responded.

"Good girl. I'll be fine, just take out Might and Bones."

"Are you sure mother?"

"Yes." Sheena got up and faced Might.

"I'll destroy you for hurting my mother!"

"On the contrary. You hurt your mother. Had you been aware of your surroundings, you could've prevented her pain," Might said.

"You're right. It's all my fault. I should've fought harder to free myself. It's all my fault!" Sheena burst into tears. Leefal and Logan both ran over to her.

"Shhhh, it's not your fault sis," Leefal said, trying to comfort his sister.

"It was not you who attacked Fierra. It was Bones. Concentrate on destroying Bones," Logan said. Sheena stopped crying and turned to face Bones.

"I'll kill you for hurting my mother!" she screamed as she shot an Ice Beam at Bones. Bones countered it by using Flamethrower.

"You're so predictable Sheena," Bones said with an evil smile. He then unleashed a huge Fire Blast on her. Sheena easily dodged it.

"Looks like you're too slow!" Sheena said as she stuck her tongue out at him. Leefal started to charge up a Solarbeam. Sheena and Logan distracted Bones, throwing insults and weak attacks at him. Might quietly snuck over to Kilandra while she and Fierra were distracted. Doom however, kept a close eye on Might, but did it secretly.

"Why do you unleash these weak attacks on me?" Bones asked.

"You're too dumb to understand it even if we explained bone head!" Sheena yelled out as she shot a small and weak Ice Beam at him. He caught up to Sheena and grabbed her by the tail. She let out a yelp as he squeezed hard.

"Now I'll kill you just like I killed your grandfather!" Bones yelled in Sheena's face. Logan tackled right into Bones, causing him to drop Sheena on her head. She lay on the ground unconscious. Logan ran away from Bones and dragged Sheena away. Bones started to chase them when he noticed Leefal.

"Take this you fucker!" Leefal shouted as he unleashed a huge Solarbeam at Bones. His eyes went wide as the beam engulfed him. He didn't even have time to scream. Once the beam was gone, Bones lay on the ground dead.

"I finally laid your ass to rest," Leefal said right before fainting.

"Leefal!" Logan yelled as he brought Sheena over to her brother. He laid her next to him. Might was almost at Kilandra when a wall of fire got in his way.

"What the hell!" Might yelled.

"You didn't honestly think I would take my eye off you, did you?" Doom asked.

"I actually did," Might replied. "However, with my newest power, none of you will be able to stop me!" Might started glowing black. He unleashed Secret Power at Doom and Kilandra when something black zoomed in and absorbed the attack. Once the darkness was gone, an Umbreon stood between Might and Kilandra.

"Don't you even think about hurting my daughter!" screamed the Umbreon.

"Daddy!" Kilandra cried out. A thunderstorm started to roll in.

"Mother, get everyone outside now!" Dusik yelled to Fierra. She nodded and got everyone outside, leaving Might and Dusik in the hide out.

"Father came to protect us!" Kilandra exclaimed.

"Yes, he did. I've stopped bleeding. I can help again," Fierra said as she attempted to get up. She yelped when she applied pressure on her hind leg.

"You are still injured Fierra. Please lay down," Doom explained with a little bit of worry. Fierra sighed and laid down. Just then Dusik and Might came flying through the wall.

"Dusik!" Fierra cried out. Both Pokemon got up. Dusik still stood between his family and Might. Just then bolts of lightning came crashing down in the area of the fight. One bolt hit Dusik. Fierra, Kilandra, Sheena and Leefal (who had just woken up) all screamed as they saw the lightning surround Dusik. A blinding light flashed the area, causing everyone to lose sight for a few seconds. When the light faded Dusik was gone. In his place stood a Jolteon.

"Who are you?" Might asked, enraged that Dusik wasn't around for him to kill.

There's something familiar about this Jolteon. Fierra thought in her head.

"I asked you a question!" Might yelled.

"You should already know who I am," spoke the Jolteon.

It can't be! Fierra thought.

"'s not possible!" Might said with fear.

"That's right! It's me! Zapper!" Everyone was shocked. "You took everything away from me Might! Now I'm going to take the one thing you value most away. YOUR LIFE!" Zapper bolted with lightning speed to Might and shot several Pin Missiles that were embedded with lightning at Might. Might, however, was able to dodge the Pin Missiles. He could not dodge the electric tackle that Zapper had used. Might bit down into Zapper's shoulder when he tackled him though. Both of them let out a scream as they endured the attack from the other. Sheena and Leefal had run over to their mother.

"Mom, is that Jolteon our grandfather?" Leefal asked.

"Yes....but how is he alive?" Fierra asked, mostly to herself. Zapper and Might continued to battle, both leaving huge damage on each other. Might managed to gain the upper hand. He had Zapper pinned down.

"Now you die a second time!" Might yelled. Out of nowhere, Doom unleashed a Hyper Beam, making a huge crater in the ground. Might lay inside the crater, barely alive. Zapper got up and faced Doom.

"Why are you helping me? I thought you were on his side."

"I never wanted to do what I did. I regret every night the horrible things I was forced to do."

"You were forced to do those things?"

"Yes Zapper. I'm sorry for the part I played in your death. How is it that you're alive though? I saw you die." Zapper smiled.

"All will be explained. Lets finish the job first." Doom nodded. Zapper unleashed a massive storm of Pin Missiles into the pit while Doom used a huge Fire Blast. Might didn't have any energy to get out in time. He was stabbed and burned to death. Once Might was dead, Zapper walked over to Fierra.

"Brother...are you really....alive?" Fierra asked.

" It is good to see you again though sis," Zapper said as he kissed Fierra.

"I've missed you so much brother. Please don't leave me again."

"I have to go sis. I'm sorry." Zapper started glowing yellow. A yellow light was inside Zapper's mouth. The Jolteon began to change into an Umbreon. The Umbreon opened his mouth and a yellow ball of light exited. It flew towards the sky and disappeared.

"Hello mother," Dusik said. "I allowed father to use my body to help get his revenge on Might."

"That explains why you disappeared and why he came back," Fierra said. Kilandra looked over at Doom, who was really close to the edge of the crater filled with Pin Missiles and fire.

"Doom, baby, please get away before you fall in," Kilandra said with a bit of worry.

"I'm sorry Kilandra. Believe me when I say that I love you, but I must do this. I do not deserve to live after all I've done."

"No Doom! Please don't! You don't deserve to die!"

"I do. I helped kill a lot of innocent Pokemon. I cannot and do not deserve to live." Doom took another step toward the pit.

"Doom please don't do this to me! You need to live!"

"Why must I live?"

"Because I'm pregnant!" This was shocking news to all.

" are?" Kilandra nodded, tears dripping from her eyes.

"Please don't jump in." Kilandra laid down and started to cry. Doom walked over to her and hugged Kilandra.

"Are you really pregnant?" Doom whispered into Kilandra's ear.

"Yes, I am. Please don't die. I don't want our children to have to here about why they don't have their dad." Kilandra continued to cry. Doom started rubbing her back.

"You won't have to. I will stay with you and help you raise them."

"Thank you Doom. I love you baby."

"I love you too Kilandra." The two nuzzled each other.

Everything was made right. Zapper and Aquenus were avenged, as well as all the other Pokemon killed by Might and his gang. Doom was free and with the girl he loved. Kilandra gave birth to six Eevees, four females and two males. Fierra and Dusik were closer than ever. Logan and Leefal were both mates of Sheena. An unfortunate accident disabled Sheena from having kids. Thanks to her sister, though, Sheena was able to adopt some. A happy ending for a group of good Pokemon.